Course Outline Weekly PDF

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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

COMSATS Road, Off G.T Road, Sahiwal

Tel: 040-4305001

Course Outline:
Fall 2015
Course Title: Islamic Studies
B.S (ME) , BS (EE) , B.S (SE) Course Instructor: Mrs. Shagufta Perveen
Credit Hours: 3
Email: [email protected]

Course Description:
This course outline has been developed for undergraduate students of CIIT Sahiwal to inculcate
in them true spirit of Islamic teachings. . The curriculum has been updated to most recent
guidelines given by Higher Education Commission & detailed course contents have been kept
relevant with problems of modern life, encompassing every social and individual matter of a
future professional studying at CIIT Sahiwal. Learning Outcome based approach is also
applied which has kept the lecture contents & class activities strictly focused towards achieving
the core objective given by HEC.

Course Objectives (As per HEC Guidelines)

1. To provide Basic information about Islamic Studies
2. To enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization
3. To improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships
4. To enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related to faith and
religious life.

Course Learning Outcomes

1. Students will be able to understand and demonstrate in written and in oral the meaning
and significance of Islam as a Universal , Practical and Perpetual religion.
2. Through better knowledge of Islamic creed and ideology, students will be able
understand and act for their duties towards Allah with belief of success in this and the
later world.
3. Better awareness on performing major Islamic worships along with deliverance of rich
knowledge that can help perform worships in their true essence.
4. Students will have increased awareness for daily recitation & understanding of Holy
Quran. Exercises in class lecture & assignment will enable students to interpret Quran
using authentic resources.
5. Through the knowledge and discussions on Seerat e Nabawi , students will be able to
develop the spirit for understanding and obeying the message of Holy Prophet
Muhammad PBUH.
6. Through practice on selected Hadith, Students will be able to search, read, write,
interpret and relate to practical life the Hadith e Nabawi PBUH.
7. Students will be able to demonstrate major events in Islamic History from Khilafat e
Rashida to 21st century.
8. Increased awareness of students with Islamic principles in financial, social,
administrative and political matters of state and individual.

Course Literature:
Suggested Book:

Islamic Education (M.D Zafar)

Reference Books:

Tafhim-ul-Quran Syed Abul Aala Maududi.

Explanation of Holy Quran AbudUllah Yousaf Ali
Hadith Books: Sahi Bukhari, Sahi Muslim,
History of Arabs : P.K Hatti
Towards Understanding Islam- Abul Aala Maududi
Asul e Fiqh - Habibur Rehman Siddique
Islamic Beliefs and Teachings Ghulam Sarwar.
Some aspects of Islamic Economy. NajatUIlah Siddique
The Bible, The Quran & Science Maurice Buckaille
Other Material (Online & Handouts) Would be given as needed.

Marks Break-Up (Out of 100)

Class Participation, Attendance, Behavior, Dressing (Weightage = 5%)

Four Quizzes = 10%

Three Assignments & One Project

(Weightage = 2+2+2+4 = 10% )

Sessional 1 = (Weightage: 15%)

Sessional 2 = (Weightage: 15%)

Final Exam = 50%

Course Requirements and Expectations:

For final exam, 80% attendance is compulsory. Interest in subject is a basic requirement as this
course is directly related to your way of life, your ideology and your psychological behavior.
So the lessons cannot be learned without intense involvement of students in this course.
For assignments, use valid, non-controversial reference material. A plagiarized or copied
assignment from fellow is not appreciated. All assignments, quizzes, presentations and project
are intended to increase the knowledge and train students to stand by Islamic principles
throughout their life. Assignments topics will be given well before deadline so that you can
have a chance to do your best. Quiz can be surprise as well as announced.
Note: If for any reason, a class is not held as planned, make up class will be scheduled.

Order of Topics Covered in Course Outline:

An important update in course breakdown is how various topics have been covered throughout
the semester. Starting from core concepts of Islamic Studies and heading towards the details of
subject, the order of topics covered in course outline has been given below:
Fundametal Islamic Concepts & Worship
Topics related to Holy Quran, Hadith & Sunnah
History of Religions and Life of Holy Prophet
Deen & Shariah, Human Rights & Social Ethics
Islamic Hisotry & Principles of Islamic State.
Modern Life, Science & Islam

Course Outline & Schedule

Week No.
Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Introduction to Islamic Studies and Fundamental Beliefs
Introduction by course instructor and student. Review of course program and literature.
Importance of Islamic Studies Course. Objective of Islamic Studies course. Course
Breakdown (Discussion)Methodology of teaching. Subject Activities & Assignments,
Quizzes, Behavior/Class Participation/Attendance/Dress Code. Reference Material
Grading Criteria. Achieving Learning Outcomes.
Fundamental Doctrine of Islam & Tauheed. Literal and Literary definition of Islam.
Concept of Islam: As a Religion and As a code of life. Types of religions: No Religion
(Atheists), Monotheistic, Polytheistic
Worship in Islam and Basic Pillars
Purpose of worship in Islam. (Raza & Sabar), Impact of worship on Individual & on
Culture. 5 Pillars: Iman, Salat, Saoum (Fasting) , Zakat, Hajj
Jihad & its Types, Literal & Literary meaning of Jihad in Islam, Jihad Bin Nafas, Jihad
Bil Maal, Jihad with Qital
Introduction to Quran, Reciting Holy Quran & its importance, Miracles of Holy Quran
& Islamic Beliefs, Introduction to Quranic Tafseer & its Types
Assignment: Selected Verses of Holy Quran
Verses of Surah Al-Furqan (Verse No. 63-67)
Selected Versus of Holy Quran
Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith (Verse No. 284-286)
Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of faithful (Verse No-1-11)
Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No-1-18)
Assignment 2 : Selected verses from Holy Quran
Sura e Al-Furqan Ayah 68-73

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Hadith e Nabawi & Sunnah

Introduction to Hadith & Sunnah, Importance of Hadith & its types, Legal Position of
Hadith, Obedience of Holy Prophet PBUH, Uloom ul Hadith, Famous Books of Hadith e
Nabwi, Compilation of Hadith Books and Authenticity. |
10 Selected Hadith
Comparison of Religions in the light of History
Major Religions of World and Their Concepts, Islam and Pre-Islam Religions, The land of
Arabia as cradle of Islam.
Impact of various religions and creeds on social and economic life of nations.
(Christianity, Jewism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Bud-mat)
Life of Holy Prophet PBUH . (Seerat e Nabawi Saw)
Advent of Holy Prophet, Life of Muhammad PBUH before Prophet Hood. Life of
Muhammad after Prophet Hood, Life in Makkah.
Hijrat of Holy Prophet PBUH, Life in Madina, Important Lessons from Life of
Muhammad PBUH
Special Topics from Life of Muhammad PBUH. (Seerat e Nabawi Saw)
Madinah-The 1st Islamic State, Treaty of Madinah.
Discussion on Holy Wars especially, Badar, Uhad, Ahzab & Conquest of Makkah. Hajjah
Tul Widah. Departure of Holy Prohpet PBUH.
Special Topics from Life of Muhammad PBUH. (Seerat e Nabawi Saw)
Last address of Holy Prophet, Detailed Discussion on Address of Hajjatul Wida. (Fair
Well Address)
Influence of Islamic civilization on Sub-Continent.
History of World and Human Civilizations, Dynasties of the world and their impact on
human races.
Present Situation of Islamic World, Influence of Islamic civilization on SubContinent considering Social , Economical , moral , political changes in SubContinent before and after Islam.
Fundamental Human Rights in Islam
Right to live, Property, Honor, Faith, Equality & Justice, Rights of Parents, Rights of
Rights of Women & Rights of Non-Muslims Islam
Deen & Shariah
Concept of Deen & Shariah
Detailed discussion on sources of Shariah (Quran & Hadith)
Detailed discussion on sources of Sharia ( Ijma & Qiyas)
Social Ethics In Islam
Social duties and responsibilities as a Muslim, Honesty, Trustworthiness, Keeping of
Truth, Respect for Law, Self Sacrifice
Islamic History
Khilafat, Khulfa e Rashideen, Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique R.A, Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A
Hazrat Usman Ghani R.A, Hazrat Ali R.A, Transfer of Power after Khilafat e Rashida.
The Period of Ummayads, The Period of Abbasis, Reasons of Decline of Muslims State
from Middle ages to Modern Age.
Principles of Islamic State
Concept of Islamic Welfare State, Role of Rulers in Islam, Justice & Equality &
Facilitation to Citizens, Responsibility of Citizens.
Role of media and Freedom of Speech in Islamic State, Prohibition of Sectarianism and
Hate-Speech in Islam

Week 14

Week 15
Week 16

Principles of Economic System in Islam

Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System, Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic
Islamic Concept of Riba, Trade & Commerce in Islam
Project Presentations Multi-Media Presentations on Current Issues and problems of
Islamic World
Islam, Science & Modern Life
Concept of learning and knowledge in Islam, Quran and Science, Perpetual Teachings of
Islam, balanced Way of Life.
Contribution of Muslims to Scientific Thought, Historical Muslim Scientists, Important
discoveries and inventions by Muslims Scholars (Including Fields like Algebra,
Geometry, Astronomy, Physics , Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine.
Modern Life and Islam, Contribution of Muslims Scientists in Modern Age.
Class Discussion: What would be your role as future professional or technologist to serve
Islam and Pakistan?

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