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Internationales Holzbau-Forum 10
Wooden house construction in Scandinavia – a model for Europe | T. Schauerte 1

Wooden house construction in

Scandinavia – a model for Europe
Holzhausbau in Skandinavien – Vorbild für Europa
Construction de maisons en bois en Scandinavie –
un exemple pour l’Europe
Costruzione di case in legno in Scandinavia –
modello per l’Europa

Tobias Schauerte
Associate Professor Industrial Engineering, ek. Dr.
Linnaeus University, School of Engineering
Växjö, Sweden
16. Internationales Holzbau-Forum 10
2 Wooden house construction in Scandinavia – a model for europe | T. Schauerte
16. Internationales Holzbau-Forum 10
Wooden house construction in Scandinavia – a model for Europe | T. Schauerte 3

Wooden house construction in

Scandinavia – a model for Europe
This paper is aiming at describing selected areas of wooden house construction in
Scandinavia, in order to show, whether or not these areas might be of referent power for
other parts of Europe.
The term Scandinavia might be misleading to the attentive reader, since the countries of
interest for the present paper are not limited to the countries in the particular geographi-
cal meaning of the Scandinavian peninsula, i.e. Norway and Sweden. Here and as often
associated in a broader habitual linguistic meaning, Denmark and Finland are included as
To give an overview of wooden house constructions in these countries, it is distinguished
between the markets for single family houses on the one hand and multistory houses on
the other hand. In the chapter on multistory houses, strategies and concepts aiming at
triggering wood in construction are presented as well, as these to a large extent, and
some of them almost exclusively, are designated for multistory houses in wood.

1. Single family houses

Looking at the market for singe family houses in Scandinavia, it becomes obvious that
wooden houses have least market share in Denmark. Even though building starts of
wooden houses are increasing in Denmark, their market share just exceeded 10%
(USDA, 2006; Lavoie, 2008). In Norway, Sweden and Finland, the market share of
wooden houses accounts for approximately 90% (Thelandersson et al., 2004, Paper and
Wood Insights, 2010).
These numbers show that the choice of building material in Norway, Sweden and Finland
literally seen is a natural one, since the raw material wood is highly accessible in these
countries, compared to Denmark. Ready availability of wood contributed to cost effective
usages, which can explain the long tradition of high utilization of wood in the construction
sector. Prefabrication efforts can e.g. be traced back to the 1780s in Sweden (Waern,
2008) and the late 1800s in Norway (Schmidt, 2009), and were continuously developed
further on. Yet, the information that wood is the dominating building material in Norway,
Sweden and Finland is not primarily interesting in and of itself. Notably is the fact that
these cultures were able to perfect production methods for prefabricated wooden houses
(Smith, 2009).
In Sweden, indefensible housing conditions triggered the exploitation of the suitability of
wood for prefabrication in the 1920s. In cooperation with the sawmilling and furniture
industries, standard houses were developed to serve the needs of the Swedish population
after World War 1 (Niemeier and Dederich, 2009). During this time, huge technical ad-
vances were achieved and by 1930, prefabricated wooden catalog houses were offered
by more than 20 Scandinavian companies (Smith, 2009).
In the postwar period after World War 2, standard houses were developed in Finland.
Construction manuals and standard drawings of a wooden single house were made ac-
cessible and buyers could purchase the necessary building material as an assembly set to
build their own house. Parallel to that, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish companies were
the main suppliers especially for the raising demands of single family houses in Germany
from 1957 onwards. They offered houses based on the catalog principle, which was a
novelty for the German market (Rug, 2006). Here, Swedish companies might have been
leading the field, since common speech called these kinds of houses “Schwedenhäuser”
as well; an expression that still is being used.
Prefabrication developed from load carrying structures to various assembly extensions
and in 1980, wooden single family houses had a market share of 85% to 90% in Scandi-
navia (Smith, 2009). Today, the degree of prefabrication seems to reach its limit. Parti-
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4 Wooden house construction in Scandinavia – a model for europe | T. Schauerte

tion-wall prefabrication includes almost all interior installations and fittings and particular
in ready-module houses, integrated interior systems can be and often are mainly manufac-
tured off-site, including e.g. completed electrical and plumbing systems or wallpaper hang-
ing, parquet laying and tiling, see as well picture 1. Consequently, working time on-site is
being reduced and action limited to the assembling of modules, see pictures 2 and 3.

Picture 1: Prefabricated module for single family house with already installed heating and ventilation system and
other interior fittings. Arrival on-site.

Picture 2: Prefabricated modules for single family house are assembled on-site.

Picture 3: Prefabricated dormer window is assembled on-site.

Due to the high degree of prefabrication, ready-module houses are the most cost effec-
tive alternative on the market for wooden single family houses. This attribute bears how-
ever the risk of being associated with low budget houses and less good quality. Yet,
prefabrication was and still is not only being further developed due to its price advantag-
es. In Scandinavia, it is seen as a different and most of all better method to manufacture
16. Internationales Holzbau-Forum 10
Wooden house construction in Scandinavia – a model for Europe | T. Schauerte 5

wooden houses (Waern, 2008). A socially accepted technology: prefabricated wooden

houses are less expensive. Not cheap!
Prefabrication is regarded as improving the quality of the final product, since production
settings are protected from weather impact and assembling is easier to control. Yet, as
the prefabricated module shape sets architectural boundaries and limits interior ar-
rangements, which might limit the individual self-realization of customers, ready-module
houses are mainly marked towards young families who have a tight budget but still want
to buy a real estate. Higher income segments, on the other hand, potentially revert to
wooden houses produced with more flexible, less standardized and thus more expensive
prefabrication techniques than ready-modules, like e.g. partition wall elements. There are
prefabricated house alternatives for all market segments. Prefabrication prevails, since
market, industry and people accepted, supported and developed it. It is culturally rooted
for hundreds of years and the markets are accustomed in a way that makes prefabri-
cated houses more affordable (Smith, 2009).
Considering especially the Swedish wood construction and prefabrication processes as
globally being at the forefront (Schauerte, 2009b), the question occurs, why these kind
of single family houses are not dominating international markets, like e.g. the German
one? Niemeier and Dederich (2009) expressed a possible answer to this question in the
following terms. Swedish companies and the construction industry in general are no
match for e.g. the German demand of perfection in details. In other words: different
nationally rooted quality aspects do often not allow for a 1-to-1 application from one
market to another. Product characteristics and details like e.g. doorsteps or insulation of
inner walls, to name but a few, are accepted by customers in one but not the other coun-
try. This was as well one reason for many Scandinavian companies to backtrack their
activities from the European continent in the 1990s, regardless their technological ad-
vance in manufacturing.

2. Multistory houses
2.1. Regulations, strategies and projects
As in most other countries, national building regulations prohibited the construction of
wooden houses with more than two stories in Scandinavia; except Norway, where three
stories were allowed. In the mid and late 1990s, however, these regulations changed and
were adjusted towards functional requirements (Schauerte, 2010), compare figure 1.

Up to
1994 1997 1999 2004 2010
Sweden 2 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
Norway 3 3 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
: with sprinkler, two stories
without sprinkler
Finland 2 2 41 41 41 41,2 2
: under investigation
Denmark 1-2 1-2 1-2 4 ∞ ∞
Figure 1: Number of stories allowed with wood as bearing material in Scandinavia (Östman, 2010)

Sweden was the first of the Scandinavian countries to change regulations in 1994, allow-
ing the infinite use of wood in bearing structures, as long as the functional requirements
are fulfilled. Nevertheless, practical concerns limited constructions higher than 8 stories.
In 1997, Norway introduced regulation changes, requiring that constructions in high rise
buildings have to outlast fire. Apart from that, they are relatively similar to the Swedish
regulations. The same year, Finland changed their regulations; yet, only four-story
wooden residential houses were approved and restrained to have sprinkler installations.
An expansion of the Finnish regulations is currently being investigated. Lastly, Denmark
followed in 1999 by implementing changes allowing for four-story houses to be built in
wood (Östman, 2003; Tykää et al., 2010) and from 2004 without limitations in stories
(Östman, 2010).
16. Internationales Holzbau-Forum 10
6 Wooden house construction in Scandinavia – a model for europe | T. Schauerte

These changes in building regulations enhance the competition on the construction

markets and are even perceived as indirectly supporting the use of wood in multistory
buildings (Visscher and Meijer, 2007). This, however, seems to leave a false impression.
In contrast to that perception, it may be asked why and how regulation changes indirect-
ly support a construction material, if no material restrictions are given, i.e. neither steel,
concrete or other materials are banned. Instead, the growing usage of wood in construc-
tion can rather be ascribed to its suitability or problem solving ability in various aspects,
e.g. prefabrication or environmental friendliness. Further, it can be argued that the dis-
placement or ousting of wood in construction finally has been stopped. In opposition to
the perceived indirect support for wood, it could be stated that all other construction
materials have been supported earlier, since wood was ruled-out from multistory con-
structions by placing material-related constraints instead of functional requirements in
building regulations.
Referring back to an enhanced competition on the construction markets, it has however
to be stated that the markets for wooden multistory houses are developing relatively
slowly. One explanation for this might be that markets mostly still are equipped for
conventional materials like concrete, steel, brick or stone (Schauerte, 2007) and that the
industry, including architects, has to learn how to deal with wood in multistory applica-
tions. Here, efforts can be seen and activities have been, and are about to be, per-
formed, in order to accentuate and improve the position of wooden multistory houses,
even though these activities differ in their magnitude from country to country. Different
national initiatives, as well as programs comprising all Scandinavian countries, have been
realized, and some are even ongoing, to trigger the usage of wood in multistory con-
structions. Below, some projects are briefly described. The ones presented are subjec-
tively selected by the author, who is not aiming for completeness.
In Norway, the project “Norwegian Wood” was intending at putting “…Norway and the
Stavanger region on the European architectural map, to ensure that the region in 2008 is
in the forefront in Europe as regards modern, environmentally-conscious wooden archi-
tecture.” (Stavanger municipality, 2008) Here, a series of projects have been completed
in 2008 with several prominent architects and engineers working with wood having been
invited to participate and compete, to make Norwegian Wood an international exhibition
for the building industry. Innovation, high architectural quality, good building practice,
high environmental ambitions and a further development of the value-chain as well as
research & development activities have been included in the code of practice for all rea-
lized building projects (Norske arkitekters landsförbund, 2007; Stavanger municipality,
In Finland, the “Modern Wooden Town“ project was launched in 1999 and will at least
last until 2010. The major goal of this initiative is to apply wood constructions to create
pleasant new housing areas in different parts of Finland that serve as an example for the
future. The Modern Wooden Town concept considers as well current aims of Finnish na-
tional housing policy where the development of wooden constructions and the compres-
sion of town centers with small apartment buildings should achieve cost-effectiveness
and a sustainable development. (Karjalainen and Koisu-Kanttila, 2005)
In Sweden, a national strategy for “more wood in construction” was implemented in
2004, striving at further developing industrialized production processes (Serrano, 2008).
This strategy had the vision that wood should be a self-evident material alternative in all
constructions in Sweden within 10 to 15 years, and at a somewhat later date even in
Europe. To reach this, operationalized objectives were formulated as follows:
- Increased competition in terms of construction materials and techniques. More choice
alternatives will increase the competition on the market, which can lead to decreasing
costs and better products.
- Provide new jobs by increasing the extent of further processing wood as a raw ma-
- Decrease of construction defects due to increased degree of industrialized pre-
fabrication. This has the advantage that construction elements can be built indoor,
16. Internationales Holzbau-Forum 10
Wooden house construction in Scandinavia – a model for Europe | T. Schauerte 7

which leads to improved construction conditions for the product and a better working
environment for the employees, which will improve quality controls.
- Environmental protection by sustainable construction. Substituting steel and concrete
with wood will reduce CO2 emissions considerably.
- Giving wood the chance to catch up to other construction materials that were treated
preferentially, due to the prohibition of wood in certain constructions. (Näringsdepar-
tementet, 2004)
The three above-described national projects or strategies have several similarities, and
the probably most notable fact they have in common is that the national governments
either were part of the projects or even took the initiative to start them.
In this regard, the project “Nordic Wooden Cities” has to be mentioned as well. This
project comprises Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland in a cooperation aim-
ing at developing modern wooden cities. Wood should play a more central role in urban
development in all kinds of buildings. A close collaboration on the political and adminis-
trative level, information sharing, sharing of “best-practice” experiences in the whole
range of the building process, innovation promoting and supporting cooperation between
public and private sector are of utmost importance for the Nordic delegates involved in
this project. Today, 17 members are engaged in “Nordic Wooden Cities”, whilst new
members are welcome to join (Nordic Wooden Cities, 2010).
One condition, that cannot be dismissed when looking for strengths that trigger wood in
multistory constructions, is the involvement of the public sector in the Scandinavian
countries. Clear stated strategies and goals and, even more important, their implementa-
tion give a stronger authenticity to governmental statements on, e.g. how CO2 emissions
should or could be diminished. Here, Scandinavian countries might be an example for
other European countries. In various discussions with European politicians it is concluded
that wood, as a building material, cannot be advocated as such, since this would be a
distortion of competition. This argument is rather absurd for several reasons, yet, since
the present paper is not focusing on industry-political discussions nor lobbying, only the
most obvious reason is stated here. When setting up, or objectively operationalizing, cli-
mate goals, a thorough investigation of facts shows that there are materials that are
more suitable to apply e.g. in certain construction than others. In the majority of cases,
wood is beneficial. When tendering building projects, many municipalities aim at testing
whether or not wood might be an alternative construction material for that very project.
Yielding to logic and reason it should however probably be the other way around: If no
other material can offer more beneficial features, wood should be used. This precludes at
the same time an exaggeration of the usage of wood, since other materials definitively
can and should be used in case they are more beneficial.
A similar approach is e.g. practiced in the “Välle broar” project by the municipality of
Växjö, Sweden1. In addition to that, project coordinator Hans Andrén emphasizes the
importance of a functioning cooperation between the public sector, the industry and
academics. All three parts have a common denominator in triggering the use of wood in
construction and the understanding, that each part cannot do everything on its own but
benefit a lot if working together. In that manner, wood construction can be lifted to a
higher level.
2.2. Markets for wooden multistory houses
Concerning markets and the market share of wooden multistory houses, difficulties occur
to gather data since national statistical agencies often do not collect information about
material use in construction. In Norway, e.g., different statistics have to be combined in
order to estimate the share of buildings with more than four housing units build in wood 2.
In 2006 and 2007, the corresponding market share was 56% and 52%. With comparable
quantities, the market share decreased by 22% to 30% in 2008. In 2009, a downturn of

Read more about this project in Schauerte (2007).
I would like to thank sen. reseacher Anders Q. Nyrud, Treteknisk, Oslo, for providing me with the requested
information for the Norwegian market.
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8 Wooden house construction in Scandinavia – a model for europe | T. Schauerte

32% in quantities occurred; however, the market share of wooden multistory houses
remained at a level of around 33% (Treteknisk, 2010).
As mentioned above, the Norwegian statistics comprise buildings with more than four
housing units. In addition to that it has to be noted that it was allowed to construct
wooden buildings up to three stories even before the 1990s. Thus, a conclusion might lie
at hand that the rather high market share of wooden multistory buildings in Norway
mainly has to be ascribed to two or three story houses and that only a smaller part of the
share attributes to higher buildings. However, that part of the market share is not known
down to the present day, the author could at least not be provided with corresponding
numbers on request.
In Finland, statistics capture the market share of wooden multistory houses in two differ-
ent ways. First, according to m2 build in total and second, according to the number of
finished buildings. The market share of wooden multistory houses up to four stories is
2.5% when it comes to m2, and 10.6% when calculated in relation to the number of
finished houses3. This means that housing units in wooden houses are rather small, com-
pared to housing units in houses with other materials. These numbers include housing
units in two-story houses as well.
In Sweden, the market share of wooden multistory houses has been growing since the
implementation of the above described strategy for more wood in construction. Reaching
about 10% in 2005 (Stehn et al., 2008), it exceeded 15% in the 2009 and is continuing
upwards (Svensson, 2009; Schauerte, 2009a). However, in contrast to Norway and
Finland, Swedish data only displays buildings with more than three stories. This is due to
the fact that it already was allowed to build two-story houses in wood before 1994 and
that the difference from then on is of particular interest. According to Jan Lagerström,
Swedish Forest Industry Federation, it is currently being worked on developing a statis-
tical database comprising all wooden multistory houses with two or more stories.
Concerning the Danish market, no data could be presented to the author on request.
Nevertheless it might be probable and fair to conclude that wood in multistory construc-
tions only plays a minor role in Denmark. The market for single family homes is still on a
relatively low level, as described before, and differentiates itself from the other Scandi-
navian countries. Shortage of raw material on the domestic market might serve as one
possible, yet nonetheless unsatisfactory explanation to the author that should be further
investigated in the future.
The above shows, that numbers on market share hardly can be compared between the
Scandinavian countries, since different national intents determine how „market share“ is
being operationalized and thus measured. Consistent data, like e.g. wooden houses with
more than two stories and two housing units, would simplify such a comparison.

3. Concluding remarks
All in all it can be said that wooden house construction has a long and well-routed tradi-
tion in Scandinavia. The development of industrialized production processes for single-
family houses seems to reach its limit while the development for multistory applications
has just begun. The latter can hopefully lead to a change on the construction markets
towards a higher degree of utilization of wood. One aspect that is of referent power for
other European countries is the culturally accepted way of building. Prefabrication is
regarded and accepted as a high-qualitative and less expensive production method.
Further, the official involvement of governmental instances, like e.g. ministries of the
environment or economics, is a beneficial aspect for projects aiming at triggering the
usage of wood especially in multistory constructions.
However, industry should not just wait for the public sector to act. A concentration of
activities is often required to reach considerable success. Small one-shot projects do not
have enough power in itself compared to a series of linked projects. Involved actors

“Thank you“ to prof. Matti Kairi, Aalto University, and Pekka Pajakkala, vice president at the Technical Re-
search Centre of Finland, VTT, for helping me with the data for the Finnish market.
16. Internationales Holzbau-Forum 10
Wooden house construction in Scandinavia – a model for Europe | T. Schauerte 9

should merge towards project groups in order to centre their activities and pull into the
same direction. What somehow sounds like a cliché and reminds of a managerial text-
book image is successfully implemented in the “Välle broar” project in Växjö in Sweden4.
There, public sector, industry and academics have a common denominator, i.e. lifting
wooden construction to the next level. However, each actor would spend too much energy
if “fighting for itself”. By concentrating energies towards a common goal, synergy effect
emerge which makes the three involved parts to a modern triumvirate of wood construc-
tion. This constellation should be applied elsewhere as well!

4. References
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16. Internationales Holzbau-Forum 10
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