Q 1.
The enthalpy for the following reaction (Ho) at 25oC are given below:
(i) 1/2 H2(g) + 1/2 O2(g) OH(g) 10.06 kcal
(ii) H2(g) 2H(g)
104.18 kcal
(iii) O2(g) 2O(g)
118.32 kcal
Calculate the O-H bond energy in the hydroxyl radical.
(IIT JEE 1981 2 Marks)
Q 2.
The standard heats of formation at 298 K for CCI4(g), H2O(g), CO2(g) and HCI(g) are -25.5, 57.8, -94.1 and -22.1 kcal/mol respectively. Calculate
for the reaction
CCI4(g) + 2H2O CO2(g) + 4HCI(g)
(IIT JEE 1982 2 Marks)
Q 3.
The molar heats of combustion of C2H2(g), C(graphite) and H2(g) are 310.62 kcal, 94.05
kcal and 68.32 kcal, respectively. Calculate the standard heat of formation of C2H2(g).
(IIT JEE 1983 2 Marks)
Q 4. The heat energy, q, absorbed by a gas H, is true at what condition(s).
(IIT JEE 1983 2 Marks)
Q 5.
Give the following standard heats of reaction :
(i) heat of formation of water = -68.3 kcal;
(ii) heat of combustion of acetylene = - 310.6 kcal;
(iii) heat of combustion of ethylene = -337.2 kcal;
Calculate the heat of reaction for the hydrogenation of acetylene at constant volume (25oC).
(IIT JEE 1984 4 Marks)
Q 6.
The bond dissociation energies of gaseous H2, CI2 and HCI are 104, 58 and 103 kcal/mole
respectively. Calculate the enthyalpy of formation of HCI gas.
(IIT JEE 1985 2 Marks)
Q 7.
The standard molar heats of formation of ethane, carbon dioxide and liquid water are -21.1,
-94.1 and -68.3 kcal respectively. Calculate the standard molar heat of combustion of
(IIT JEE 1986 2 Marks)
Q 8.
An intimate mixture of ferric oxide, Fe2O3, and aluminium, Al, is used in solid fuel rockets.
Calculate the fuel value per gram and fuel value per cc of the mixture. Heats of formation
and densities are as slow :
(IIT JEE 1988 2 Marks)
Hf (AI2O3) = 399 kcal/mole;
Q 9.
An athlete is given 100 gm of glucose (C6H12O6) of energy equivalent to 1560 kJ. He utilizes
50 percent fo this gained energy in the event. In order to avoids storage of energy in the
body, calculate the weight of water he would need to perspire. The enthalpy of evaporation
of water is 44 kJ/mole.
(IIT JEE 1989 2 Marks)
Q 10.
The standard enthalpy of combustion at 25oC of hydrogen, cyclohexene (C6H10) and
cyclohexane (C6H12) are -241 -3800 and -3920 kJ/mole respectively. Calculate the heat of
hydrogenation of cyclohexene.
(IIT JEE 1989 2 Marks)
Q 11.
Using the data (all values are in kcal mol-1 at 25oC) given below, calculate the bond energy
of C-C and C-H bonds.
(IIT JEE 1990 5 Marks)
H combustion (ethane)
H combustion (propane)
H C(s) C(g)
Bond energy of H-H
H f of H2O(l)
H f of CO2(g)
Q 12.
A gas mixture of 3.67 litres of ethylene and methane on complete combustion at 25oC
produces 6.11 litres of CO2. Find out the amount of heat evolved on burning one litre of the
gas mixture. The heats of combustion of ethylene and methane are -1423 and -891 kJ mol-1
at 25oC.
(IIT JEE 1991 5 Marks)
Q 13.
Determine the enthalpy change of the reaction.
C3H8(g) + H2(g) C2H6(g) + CH4(g), at 25o, using the given heat of combustion values
under standard conditions
Compound H2(g)
H (kJ/mol) -285.8
The standard heat of formation of C3H8(g) is -103.8 kJ/mol.
(IIT JEE 1992 3 Marks)
Q 14.
In order to get maximum calorific output, a burner should have an optimum fuel to oxygen
ratio which corresponds to 3 times as much oxygen as is required theoretically for
complete combustion of the fuel. A burner which has been adjusted for methane as fuel
(with x litre/hour of CH4 and 6x litre/hour of O2) is to be readjusted for butane, C4H10. In
order to get the same calorific output, what should be the rate of supply of butane and oxygen?
Assume that losses due to incomplete combustion, etc, are the same for both the fuels and the
gases behave ideally.
(IIT JEE 1993 3 Marks)
Heats of combustion :
CH4 = 809 kJ/mol; C4H10 = 2878 kJ/mol
Q 15.
The polymerization of ethylene to linear polyethylene is represent by the reaction
(IIT JEE 1994 2 Marks)
nCH2 = CH2 [CH2 CH2]
where n has a large integral value. Given that the average enthalpies of bond dissociation for C
= C and C-C at 298 K are + 590 and + 331 kJ mol-1, respectively, calculate the enthalpy of
polymerisation per mole of ethylene at 298 K.
Q 16.
The standard molar enthalpies of formation of cyclohexane(l)and benzene(l) at 25C are- 156
and+ 49 kJ mol-1 respectively. The standard enthalpy of hydrogenation of cyclohexene(l) at 25oC
is -1 19 kJ mol-1. Use these data to estimate the magnitude of the resonance energy of benzene
(IIT JEE 1996 2 Marks)
Q 17.
The enthalpy change involved in the oxidation of glucose is 72880 kJ mol-1, Twenty five percent
of this energy is available for muscular work. If 100 kJ of muscular work is needed to walk one
kilometer, what is the maximum distance that a person will be able to walk after eating 120 g of
(IIT JEE 1997C 2 Marks)
Q 18.
Compute the heat of formation of liquid methyl alcohol in kilojoules per mole, using the
following data. Heat of vaporization of liquid methyl alcohol = 38 kJ/mol. Heat of formation of
gaseous atoms from the elements in their standard states; H, 218 kJ1mol; C, 715 kJ1mol;
0,249kJ 1mol. Average bond energies :
C-H = 415kJ/mol, C-O =365 kJ/mol, O-H=463 kJ/mol
(IIT JEE 1997- 5 Marks)
Q 19.
Anhydrous AlCI3 is covalent. From the data given below, predict whether it would remain
covalent or become ionic in aqueous solution. (Ionisation energy for Al = 5137 kJ mol-1;
Hhydration for Al3+ = 4665 kJ mol-1; Hhydration for CI = -381 kJ mol-1.)
(IIT JEE 1997- 2 Marks)
Q 20.
From the following data, 'calculate the enthalpy change for the combustion of cyclopropane at
298 K. The enthalpy of formation of CO2(g), H2O(1) and propene(g) are - 393.5, - 285.8 and
20.42 kJ mol-I respectively. The enthalpy of isomerisation ofcyclopropane to propene is - 33.0kJ
(IIT JEE 1998 - 5 Marks)
Q 21.
Estimate the average S-F bond energy in SF6. The values of standard enthalpy of formation of
SF6(g), S(g)and F(g) are : - 1100,275 and 80 kJ mol-1 respectively.
(IIT JEE 1999 - 3 Marks)
Q 22.
A sample of argon gas at 1 am pressure and 27oC expands reversibly and adiabatically from 1.25
dm3 to 2.50 dm3. Calculate the enthalpy change in this process.CV m for argon is 12.48 JK-1 mol-1.
(IIT JEE 2000 - 4 Marks)
Q 23.
Show that the reaction CO(g) + 1/2 O2(g) CO2 (g) at 300 K, is spontaneous and exothermic,
when the standard entropy change is4.094 kJ mol-l K-l. The standard Gibbs free energies of
formation for CO2 and CO are -394.4 and, -137.2kJ mol-I, respectively.
(IIT JEE 2000 - 3 Marks)
Q 24.
Diborane is a potential rocket fuel which undergoes combustion according to the reaction.
(IIT JEE 2000 - 2 Marks)
B2H6 (g) +3 O2 (g) B2O3 (s) + 3.H2O (g)
From the following data, calculate the enthalpy change for the combustion of diborane.
2B(s) + 3/2 O2 (g) B2O3(s) H = - 1273 kJ mol-1
H2(g) + 1/2 O2(g) H2O() H = 44kJ mol-1
2B(s) + 3H2 (g) B2H6(g)
H = 36 kJ mol-1
Q 25.
When 1-pentyne (A) is treated with 4 N alcoholic KOH at 17SC, it is converted slowly into an
equilibrium mixture of 1.3% I-pentyne (A), 95.2% 2-pentyne (B) and 3.5% of 1,2- pentadiene (C).
The equilibrium was maintained at 175C. Calculate AGO for the following equilibria :
B A =? B C =?
From the calculated value of and indicate the order of stability of (A), (B) and (C). Write
a reasonable reaction mechanism showing all intermediates leading to (A), (B) and (C).
(IIT JEE 2001 - 10 Marks)
Q 26.
Two moles of a perfect gas undergo the following processes
(IIT JEE 2002 -5 Marks)
(a) a reversible isobaric expansion from (1.0 am, 20.0L) to (l.0 atm40.0 L);
(b) a reversible isochoric change of state from (1.0 atm, 40.0 L) to (0.5 atm, 40.0 L);
(c) a reversible isothermal compression from (0.5 am, 40.0 L) to (1.0 atm, 20.0 L).
(i) Sketch with labels each. of the processes on the same P-V diagram.
(ii) Calculate the total work (w) and the total heat change (q) involved in the above processes.
(iii) What will be the values of AU, AH and AS for the overall process?
Q 27.
Cv value of He is always 3R/2 but Cv value-of H2 is 3R/2 at low temperature and 5R/2 at
moderate temperature and more than 5R/2 at higher temperature explain in two to three lines.
(IIT JEE 2003 - 2 Marks)
Q 28.
An insulated container contains 1 mol of a liquid, molar volume 100 ml, at 1 bar. When liquid is
steeply pressed to 100 bar, volume decreases to 99 ml. Find. H and U for the process.
(IIT JEE 2004 - 2 Marks)
Q 30.
For the reaction, 2CO + o2 2CO2; H = -560kJ. Two moles of CO and one mole of 0, are taken
in a container of volume 1 L. They completely form two moles of CO2, the gases, deviate
appreciably from ideal behaviour. If the pressure in the vessel changes from 70 to 40 atm, find
the magnitude (absolute value) of U at 500K. (1 L atm = 0.l kJ)
(IIT JEE 2006 - 6Marks)