12 Legal Term II

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Time- 3 Hours. M.M.:80
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains 4 sections – A, B, C and D.
1.1 Section A contains 19 Multiple Choice Questions for 20 marks.
1.2 Section B contains 8 short answer type questions for 2 marks each.
1.3 Section C contains 8 questions for 3 marks each.
1.4 Section D contains 4 long answer type questions for 5 marks each.
2. Internal Choice is given in the Paper. There is no overall choice.
1. Identify the correct arrangement of the following in the ascending order of their hierarchy in civil jurisdiction;
a) Principal Junior Civil Judge Court b) Senior Civil Judge Courts c) Munsiff Courts d) Junior Civil Judge Court
a) D-A-B-C b) A-B-C-D c) B-C-D-A d) d. C-D-A-B
2. Assertion (A): Justice Soumitra Sen resigned from his office before he reached the age of 62. Reasoning (R):
Justice Soumitra Sen was impeached from his office.
a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A)
c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false
d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true
3. A sells his garden as well as his house through one instrument to B. Whereas, B wants to retain only the house and
wants to cancel the transfer regarding the garden. Is it possible in law?
a) Yes, as it is A’s property, he can decide how he wants to transfer it
b) Yes, B can do it as he is the buyer and A has to adjust to his requirements
c) No, as B cannot accept one property and reject another in the same document
d) No, as there is it will be difficult for A to decide the price of the house alone.
4. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for setting aside the arbitral award?
a) Arbitrator is biased b) Improper appointment of arbitrator
c) The arbitrator has jurisdiction d) Award against public policy
5.If the conviction can be based on the statement alone, it is__, and where some supplementary evidence is needed
to authorize a conviction, then it is__
a) confession, confession b) admission , testimony c) confession, admission d) testimony, admission
6. Ricasso was a painter who never sold even one of his paintings in his life. But after he died, his work became
known as a new style of painting and was very sought after. Can Ricasso’s son
and only heir claim copyright benefits for his father’s work?
a. Yes because he has inherited the rights of ownership from the original creator, his father
b. No, the rights belonged to Ricasso and ceased to exist after his death
c. Only the rightful legal representative of Ricasso can claim the rights
d. No, the rights devolve upon the state upon the death of the original artist
7. X enters into an agreement with Y to share the profits by giving false assurance to public to get them a job in
Singapore. The agreement is:
a) Not enforceable as the agreement involves the fraudulent act of cheating.
b) Enforceable as an agreement to share profit is separate from the act of false assurance.
c) Enforceable as the parties are competent to contract.
d) Not enforceable as the agreement to share profit is separate from the act of false Assurance
8 Assertion (A) : The Attorney General is the first legal officer of the country.
Reasoning (R): The first Attorney General of India was M. C. Setalvad.
a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of
Assertion (A)
b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is not the correct
9. Match the decided cases with their judgments:
Decided Cases Judgements
1. Sukry Kurdepa v.Goondakull. A. Whether trees can be regarded as movable or
immovable depends upon the circumstances of the case.
2. Shantabai v. State of Bombay. B. A sale of trees where they were cut and taken away
was not that of immovable property.
3. Fatimabibi v. Arrfana Begum. C. If a thing can change its place without any injury it .

is movable, otherwise immovable

4. Marshall v. Green D. The fruit-bearing trees like Mango, Jackfruit, Jamun,
etc., are not standing timber, and they are immovable
a. 1- A ; 2- C; 3- B; 4- D b. 1-B ; 2- D; 3- C; 4- A c. 1-C ; 2- A; 3- D; 4- B d. 1-D ; 2- B; 3- A; 4- C
10. Choose one reason you would use to convince a private limited company trying to expand its business to convert
to a public limited company.
a) It is easier for the company to raise capital through the sale of shares to the public. b) It becomes more well known
c) It gets regulated by the Government d) It becomes part of the Public Limited Companies Association of India
11. Consuming a product in line with the directions of the offer is a case of:
a) Counter offer to claim reward b) Cross offer that substitutes the original offer
c) Acceptance by performing conditions of the offer d) Acceptance by performing conditions of one’s own choice
12. A company wants to launch a new juice and distinguish itself from its competitors selling similar items. What kind of
Intellectual Property right should it invoke to create a unique image for itself and distinguish itself from its competitors?
a. Patent b. Copyright c. Trademark d. Trade secret
14. Identify the type of mediation where a mediators act as guardian of the process, not content or the outcome. The
parties in dispute control both what will be discussed and how their issues will be resolved. The mediator further
provides a structure and agenda for the discussion.
a) Evaluative Mediation b) Facilitative Mediation c) Transformative Mediation d) Mediation with Arbitration
15. Under the recommendations of which committee was the Central Vigilance Commission set up?
a) Venkatachaliah Committee b) Santhanam Committee c) Chandra Shekhar Committee d) Hanumant Rao
committee .
16. Raju wants to murder Ratna. He buys 20 tablets of a sleeping pill and keeps it in his drawer. He plans on
administering it to Ratna the next day.Has Raju committed an offence ?
a) Yes, the intention of killing someone is terrible and is punishable.
b) Yes, buying 20 tablets of sleeping pills constitutes an attempt to kill.
c) No, intention and preparation alone do not give rise to any criminal liability.
d) No, Ratna is evil and deserves to be killed.
17. There was a dispute between Miss Shreya and Miss Priyabli regarding the title and possession of a plot of land.
The parties to the dispute appointed a neutral third party Miss Liam who suggested potential solutions identify the role
of Miss Liam in the situation.
A. Arbitrator. B. Negotiator. C. Mediator. D. Conciliator
18. Sudhir, a college student, follows Kirti, his classmate. He send sir unwanted messages and friend request on
different social media portals. Although there is no violence or threat of violence, is Sudhir still guilty of any wrong?
A. Yes, because he is invading Kirti’s privacy
B. Yes, because he is unlawfully Harassing Kirti.
C. No, because he is not causing any physical harm or injury to Kirti.
D. Yes, because he is being negligent towards his duties as a good student.
19. A security guard at a museum shoots an armed intruder who tries to breach the security barrier. Which of the
following is true in this situation?
A. Using force to prevent a crime as part of ones duty is not a criminal act.
B. Causing injury to an assailant in self defense is not a crime.
C. The injury is caused with the intent to take revenge and thus the act is criminal.
D. Both the elements of’ actus reus’ and ‘ mens rea’ I present so the security guard is criminally liable.
20. With regard to a senior advocate in India, pick the odd one out
A. Argues cases in court upon instructions from another advocate.
B. Officially designated as such by the Supreme Court or High Court.
C. Wear gowns that have flaps on the shoulder.
D. Can directly accept an engagement to appear in a case or draft pleadings.
Section- B
21. Mr. Smith is a judge. During the court proceedings, he decides the manner in which evidence must be presented
before the court and evaluates them. Identify the justice delivery mechanism to which Mr. Smith belongs. State two
advantages of this system.
22. Explain the role of the Supreme Court as an activist in the Indian judicial system.
23. Veer has a big farm house. He has tied up with Narula Tent House for hosting grand marriage and other functions.
They give the rights to use the property to interested parties to hold their functions and parties. Identify the type of
transfer. State any two features of such transfer.
24. A client has come to you alleging that his competing confectioner has stolen his jalebi recipe. As a legal advisor ,
advise whether the secret recipe of the jalebi can be classified as a trade secret?
25. Besides being an adjudicator and an interpreter, the Supreme Court performs another function under Article 143 of
the Indian Constitution. Identify and explain this function of the Supreme Court of India.
26. Mr Hari and his friend, Mr Suresh entered into a partnership deed to carry on the business of creative designing.
After a year of starting a successful partnership firm, creative differences arose between Mr Hari and Mr Suresh, which
created a rift between them. To help resolve the dispute, Mr Sharma, the secretary of a reputed firm, is facilitating them
to help them achieve an acceptable agreement. Which dispute resolution method is Mr Sharma resorting to? Explain.
27. ‘D’ , a minor borrowed a sum of money from M by executing a mortgage of his property in favour of M.
Subsequently, D sued for cancellation of mortgage. Is the contract of mortgage valid? Can M recover the sum
advanced to D?
28. Explain the term unliquidated damages.
29. Mr. A is an ambassador from Gosgoland who enters into an agreement with Mr. B in Delhi for the supply of 500
meters of silk cloth. The consignment is to be delivered by the first week of December. Mr. B fails to deliver the
consignment. Mr. A initiates proceedings in Delhi for Breach of Contract against Mr. B. Decide if Mr. A will succeed.
Elaborate on the reasons for the decision. Or
A company brings out an orange cola in the market that is packaged in a bottle identical to the Cip-Kola bottle. a)
Which form of Intellectual Property would protect Cip-Kola’s interests? b) What is the law governing the said protection
in India? c) What are the characteristics of this type of Intellectual Property?
30. Ram Babu attempted suicide with his wife and two daughters by consuming poisoned food that was administered
to the family by him. Unfortunately, he survived. Ram Babu is charged with an attempt at suicide and the murder of his
wife and children. He is presented before the sessions court for trial. He does not have the resources to represent
himself. a) According to the provision of Sections 11 and 12 of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, who all are
eligible to get legal aid? Does Ram Babu qualify for legal aid under the provisions? b) What alternate remedy is
available with Ram Babu?
31. With respect to India, answer the following questions: a) Identify the Anti-corruption Ombudsman in India and in
the Indian States. b) State the composition and function of the Anti-corruption Ombudsman in India. c) Identify the
Banking and Insurance Ombudsman in India and state its role. Or T
wo companies manufacturing health drinks had a dispute over manufacturing techniques. They want to resort to
alternate dispute resolution to solve their dispute rather than going for traditional litigation. a) Suggest the most suited
mechanism. b) Explain the procedure and compare the decision rendered under the suggested ADR mechanism and
court order.
32. Aman was convicted under section 302 of IPC for having committed the murder of his wife Ritu. The judgment of
the trial court is based on the dying declarations made by Ritu to the police officer and Metropolitan Magistrate who
visited the hospital later on. Can the accused Aman be convicted solely on the basis of the dying declaration given by
his wife Ritu? Explain with the help of relevant case law.
33. A has litigation in determining the title of the property with X, though the possession of the property is with A.
During this period, A initiates a sale of the same property in favour of B. a) Can X challenge this transfer? Give reason.
b) What will be the status of B in this transaction? Explain with the help of a decided Case.
34. A has a matter pertaining to the title of immovable property situated at Bangalore with B. the matter is subjudice in
the court of Civil Judge at Bangalore. During the period of pendency of suit, A’s mother was to be operated for open
heart surgery and to accommodate the financial need, he sold this property situated at Bangalore to C. Decide the
validity of the transfer made by A to C. Explain the requisites of principle of law involved.
35. You are an author who has written a novel in Hindi. The novel has become immensely popular and now
podcasters, serial producers and Youtubers are trying to adapt the story to be telecast on various forms of media.
There are some authors who also want to translate your novel into English. Discuss how you will negotiate in this
situation given that you have certain economic right as a copyright owner.
36. A, an alleged offender of rape, while in police remand felt pain in his chest. He was admitted in a hospital, where a
police constable was kept on the gate to keep a watch on him. A, confessed his guilt before another patient X, who
was also in the same room. The statement was overheard by police man also. Prosecution wants to make this
statement of A as “confession”.
Section D
37. Explain the key differences between Admission and Confession.
Or “A common misconception is that motive and intention are the same concepts when it comes to crime.” Consider
the statement given above and explain the concept of ‘Intent’ and ‘Motive’ in terms of criminal law with the help of case
38. Maurya, a tribal youth, is tortured and beaten for participating in an athletics competition in the district. He alleges
that although police personnel were present at the venue, they offered no protection against the perpetraitors. Name
the autonomous body which can initiate action against the police. Explain its powers and functions.
39. Given below are two situations. Read them and answer the questions that follow:
A) Sunil was sentenced to death on charges of murder and robbery. He was held in a solitary confinement by the jail
authorities since the date of his conviction by the session court. Appeal against the decision is pending in the High
B) Kharak Singh , and accused in dacoity case was let off due to the lack of evidence by the court. Uttar Pradesh
police regulations allowed domiciliary visits at night, secret picketing of Kharak Singh’s house, tracking/ very fine his
movement and periodic inquiries by officers.
I. Identify the fundamental rights violated in the above two situations.
II. Explain the provisions of the article that is alleged to be violated.
III. On what grounds can Sunil and Kharak Singh challenge the actions of the authorities.
40. The two broad models of legal systems differ in their techniques of adjudication and Justice delivery mechanism.
Elaborate or
Gravit is arrested on the apprehension that he will end in acts of writing leading to public disorder near a community
centre during the festival season.
A. Identify and explain the legal provisions under which Gravit arrested.
B. Are the safeguards provided under article 22 of the Indian Constitution available to Gravit.

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