Operators Manual
Operators Manual
Operators Manual
2.2 cu. in./36cc 2-Cycle
Model No.
358.352162 - 16 in. Bar
For answers
Call to your
7 am-7 pm, questionsor about
Mon.-Sat., this pm,
10 am-7 product:
[] 1-800"235"5878 _.o_.,_°do,o_°_,_m°)
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffrnan Estates, IL 60179 USA
530087304 01/13/98
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Warranty 2 Storage 16
SafetyRules 2 TroubleShootingChart 17
Assembly 5 PartsList 19
Operation 6 Spanish 22
Maintenance 11 Parts& Ordering Back
Serviceand Adjustments 14
Large Radius {
Tip Guide Bar
EJbow • Low-KickbackChain: has met kickback
locked performancerequirementswhentested
Neverreverse handpositions, on a representativesampleof chain
, A good,firm grip on the saw withboth saws below3.8 cubicinch
han_ willhelp you maintaincontrol, displacement specifiedinANSI B175.1.
Dont let go. Grip the rear handlewith Low-K_ckback Chain
yourrighthand whetheryou are dght Contoured DepthGauge
or left handed. Wrapthe fingers of ,,-,_ _'J J ElongatedGuardLink
your left hand over and aroundthe p"'="._"-"- DeftsctsKickback
front handlebar,and your leftthumb _ _._ ForceAndAllows
underthe front handlebar.Keepyour _ _,,_ Wood.ToGra_uaJly
leftarm straightwith the elbowlocked. _ RioeIntoCuttar
Position yourleft hand on the front SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to
handlebar so it is in a straight line with vibrations throughprolonged use of
yourfight hand on the rear handle gasoline powered hand tools could
when making bucking cuts. Stand cause blood vessel or nerve damage in
slightlyto the left aide of the saw to the fingers,hands_and joints of people
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prone to circulation disorders or muffler and spark arresting screen
abnormal swelling. Prolonged use in which meets the requirements of
• cold weather has been linked to blood California Codes 4442 and 4443. All
vessel damage in otherwise healthy U.S. forest land and the states of
people. If symptoms occur such as Califomia, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota,
numbness, pare, loss of strength, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington
change in skin color or texture, or loss
require by law that many internal
of feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints.
discontinue the use of this tool and combustion engines be equipped with a
seek medical attention. An spark arrestor screen. If you operate a
chain saw in a state or locale where
anti-vibration system does not
guarantee the avoidance of these such regulations exLst,you are legally
problems. Users who operate power responsible for maintaining the
tools on a continual and regular basis operating condition of these parts.
must closely monitor their physical Failure to do so is a violation of the law.
condition and the condition of this tool. Refer to Customer Responsibilities
CHAIN BRAKE If this saw is to be used chart in the MAINTENANCE section.
for commercial logging, you must order STANDARDS: This chain saw is listed
and install a chain brake to comply with by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. in
Federal OSHA Regulations for Com- accordance with American National
mercial Logging. Contact your Sears Standards for Gasoline-Powered Chain
Service Center or call 1-800235-5878. Saws Safety Requirements (ANSi
SPARK ARRESTOR: Your saw is B175.1-1991).
equipped with a temperature limiting
BarTool FrontHandle
Bar OilFill
Cap Housing Fuel Mix Fill Cap
Cylinder Cover
Fast Jdle
Adjus,ng Chain
Screw Direction
Throttle Choke
Trigger Knob Bar Clamp Chain Bar Clamp Nuts Guide Bar
chain saw bar oil. If Craftsman bar oil is
not available, you may use a good six times.
grade SAE 30 oil until you are able to ° Move On/Stop switch to ON.
obtain Craftsman brand. The oil output PdmerBulb
is automatically metered during opera-
tion. Your saw will use approximately
one tank of bar oil for every tank of fuel
mix. Always fill the bar oil tank when
you fill the fuel tank.
the log while cutting and never hold
I stCut
Fil! in dates as you complete
l Before! After Even! Every IYearly Service
regular service
Use _ Use ..5h_. 25 hrs, , ,, Dates _I
iord magedtwom
pans p,,
Check for loose fasteners/parts /I
Check chain tension ,,
Check chain sharpness p,,
Check guide bar p,,
Clean unit & labels p,,
clean air filter p,,
Clean/inspect spark arrestor
screen & inspect muffler ....
Replace spark plug
Sprocket Hole
after 15 tanks of fuel or 5 hours of op- operation or annuaFly,whiohever_comes I_l
eration, whichever comes first. Clean first. - ,. : • .! _: ,:: :
more frequently in dusty conditions, A • Loosen and removethe 2 muffler cov-
used air filter can never be completely er screws.
cleaned. It is advisable to replace your • Remove the muffler cover (cover
air filter with a new oneafter every 50 snaps off muffler body).
hours of operation, or annually, which- • Remove muffler diffuser and spark
ever comes firsL To clean filter:. arrestor screen assembly. Notice the
• Loosen 3 screws on cylinder cover. orientation of these parts for reassem-
° Remove cylinder cover. bling.
• Remove air filter. • Clean the spark arrestor screen with a
• Clean the air filter using hot soapy wire brush. Replace screen if breaks
water. Rinse with clean cool water. are found.
Air dry completely before reinstalling, • Replace any broken or cracked muf-
• Lightly oiJair filter before installing to fler parts.
improve the efficiency of air filter. Use • Reinstall diffuser and spark arrestor
2-cycle engine oil or motor oil (SAE screen assembly with round holes
30). Squeeze excess oil from filter. facing up.
• Reinstall air filtero • Reinstall muffler cover and 2 screws
• Reinstall cylinder cover and 3 screws (7-8 ft-Jbs).
( 15-20 in-lbs,}.
AirF3iter Screws The spark plug should be replaced
each year to ensure the engine starts
easier and runs better. Ignition timing is
fixed and nonadjustable.
Cylinder • Loosen 3 screws on:cylinder cover.
Cover • Remove the cylhlde_-cover.
Pull off the spark plug boot..
Remove spark plugfrorn _linder and
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• Replace with Champion RCJTY spark
plug and tighten with a 3/4 inc_hsocket
wrench (i0-12 ft4bs). Spark plug gap PlugBoot
should be .025 in.
• Reinstall the spark plug boot.
• Reinstall the cylinder cover and 3 Spark
screws (15-20 in-lbs). Plug
• Turnadjustingscrewby handcoun-
ter¢loctcwieeuntiladjustingpin just
touchesthe stop.
• Slideguide bar behindclutchdrum
untilguidebar stepsagainst clutch Bar Ciamp Nuts
• Carefullyremovenew chainfrom CHAIN ADJUSTMENT
package.Hold chainwiththe drive See "Chain Tension" in Maintenance
linksas shown. section,
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CLEAN FUEL FILTER Start motor, let it run for 3 minutes, and
Tocteanfuel filter, drainyourunitby proceedto the adjustmentsection, if
runningdryof fuel, removefuel cap/re- engine does not start, refer to trouble-
tainerassemblyfrom tank, Pullfilter shooting chart or call 1-800-235-5878.
from tank and removefrom line.Clean if engine performance is acceptable at
with milddetergentand dnse. Dry thor- the preset positions and there is no
oughly,reeasserebfe. chain movement at idle, no further ad-
justment is necessary.
WARNING: The chain will be moving
during most of this procedure. Wear idle Speed-T
your protective equipment and observe Allow engine to idle. Adjust speed until
all safety precautions. During the low engine runs without chain movement or
speed mixture adjustment recheck idle stalling.
speed after each turn of the screw. The • Turn clockwise to increase engine
chain must not move at idle speed. speed if engine stalls or dies.
• Turn counterclockwise to decrease
Carburetor adjustment is critical and if
done improperly can permanently dam- speed.
age the engine as well as the carbure- No further adjustments are necessary if
tor. If you require further assistance or chain does not move at idle speed and
are unsure about performing this proce- if performance is satisfactory.
dure, call our customer assistance help Low Speed Mixture-L
line at 1-800-235-5878. Allow engine to idle. Then accelerate
Old fuel, a dirty air filter, dirty fuel filter, the engine and note performance. If en-
or flooding may give the impression of gine hesitates, bogs down, or smokes
an improperly adjusted carburetor. during acceleration, turn mixture screw
Check these conditions before adjust- clockwise in t/16-tum increments until
ing the carburetor. performance is satisfactory. Repeat this
The carburetor has been carefully set at procedure as necessary for proper ad-
the factory. Adjustments may be neces- justment. After completing adjustments,
sary if you notice any of the following check for acceleration and chain move-
conditions: ment at idle. Reset if necessary.
• Chain moves at idle. See "idle Speed" High Speed Mix_ture-H
under adjusting procedure. DO NOT operate engine at ful! _hrettle
* Saw will not idle. See "Idle Speed" for prolongedpedods while making ad-
and "Low Speed Mixture"under ad- justments. Damage to the engine can
• justing procedure. occur. Make a test cut. Based on per-
, Engine dies or hesitates when it formance of the saw while cutting, ad-
should accelerate. See "Acceleration just the high speed mixture setting in
Check" under adjusting procedure. l/t 6-turn increments as foliows:
* Loss of cutting power. See "High • Clockwiseuntilsaw has good power in
Speed Mixture H" under adjusting the cut wi_ no hesitation.Do notadjust
procedure. by sound or speed, but judge by how
_There are three adjustment screws on well the saw performs in the cut.
the carburetor. They are labeled H, L, • Countemlockwise if the saw has
and T. They are located in the area just speed, but dies in the cut or lacks
above the primer bulb. power in the cut.
CARBURETOR PRESETS After completing adjustments, check for
acceleration and chain movement at
When making adjustments, do not force
idle. Reset if necessary.
the plastic limiter caps beyond the
stops or damage will occur. Acceleration Check
If carburetor presets are not needed, If the engine dies or hesitates instead of
proceed to "idle Speed-T." acselerating, turn the low speed mixture
Turn both m xture screws counter- adjuslment counterclockwiseuntil you
clockwise until they stop. have smooth acceleration with no chain
-Tum the idle speed screw clockwise movement at idle. Recheck and adjust as
until it stops. Now turn counterclock- necessary for acceptable pedormance.
wise 4-1/2 full turns.
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Prepareyour unitforstorageat the end tive in minimizingtheformation offuel
ofthe season or if it willnotbe used for gum depositsduringstorage.Addstabi-
30 daysor more. lizer tothe gasolinein thefuel tankor
WARNING: fuel storagecontainer.Fellowthe mix
• Allowthe engineto cool,and secure instructions foundon stabilizercontain-
the unitbeforestoringortransporting_ers. Run engine at least5 minutes after
• Store chainsaw and fuel in a well addingstabilizer.
ventilatedarea wherefuel vapors CRAFTSMAN 40:1, 2-cycleengineoil
cannotreach sparksor openflames (air cooled)is especiallyblended.with
from water heaters,electricmotorsor fuel stabilizer.If you do not use this
switches,furnaces,etc. Sears oil,you can add a fuel stabilizer
• Storechain saw withall guardsin to your fuel tank.
placeand positionchainsaw so that ENGINE
anysharpobjectcannotaccidentally • Removespark p_ugand pour I tea-
causeinjury. spoonof 40:1, 2-cycleengineoil(air
• Storechainsaw wellout of the reach cooled)throughthe sparkplug open-
of children. ing. Slowlypull the starterrope8 to
10 timesto distribute oil.
• Replacespark plugwithnew one of
If yourchainsaw is to be storedfor a recommendedtype and heatrange.
periodoftime, clean it thoroughly be- • Cleanair filter.
fore storage.Store in a clean dry area. • Check entireunitfor loosescrews,
• Lightlyoil external metal surfacesand nuts,and bolts. Replace any dam-
guidebar. aged, broken,or wornpads.
• Oil the chainand wrap it in heavypa- • At the beginning of thenext season,
per or cloth. use onlyfresh fuel havingthe proper
FUEL SYSTEM gasolineto oil ratio.
UnderFuelingEnginein the Operating OTHER
Sectionof this manual,see message • Do not storegasoline fromone sea-
labeled IMPORTANTregardingthe use son to another.
of gasohelin yourchainsaw. • Replace your gasoline can if it starts
Fuelstabilizeris an acceptableaitema- to rust.
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If situations occur which are not covered in this manual, use care and good
iudgement. If you need assistance, contact Sears Service or the CUSTOMER
ASSISTANCE HELPUNE at 1-800-235-5878.
. ,i ,i i r ,11 i r iii
Part NO. I_scdptlor_ Ref, Part No. Description Rof. Pert No. Oes=dpt/on
1. 530089723 Trigger & Lookout Kit 24. 530069957 Oil Pump _ 48. I 530038224 I H_ndguerd
(Includes Pin) {Inct, 28&31) 49, i 530015940 Screw
2, 53002611g Check V=fue 26. 53O01O846 Off Cap Ass'y. 50. 530037485 Staner Handl_
3. 530037809 Wire- Throffie 28. 530016080 Screw 51. 530069232 Rope t0t
4, 530037803 Clutch Cover 29. 530O1_64 Screw 52. 530015_ Screw "
5, 530015917 Nut-Bt, rMounting 30. 53001920O Seal 8rock 53. 5300493,_S Fan Hous_g
6. 530047_9 ChoiCe Lever 31, 53_049477 Elbow-Oil Pickup 54. 530027531 Recoil Sprig
7. 530038406 Gtommet-Ch_e Knob 32_ 530038373 pick-Up Oiler ! 55 530037817
8. 530069803 ChaSsis Kit 33. 530037821 Oft Fitter 56. 530039209 Rywheel ASS'y:
9, 530094188 Clutch Sp_g 34, 530030189 Rug- Oil REar 157. _._o40o8_ Washer
10, 530047061 Clutch Dnmt Ass'y- 35, 530015775 Screw 58, 530001717 Locker
w/1Brg_ 36. _47 Fuel Une I_ 59. 530016134 Nut-Flywheel
11. 530015611 _Vesher - C_utch (Large Ola,) 60. 530015920 Scmw
12. 530014949 3{utch ASe¥ 38, 530047192 Fuel Cap Ass'y. 61. 71-3629 Chad - 16"
13, 530038227 3w_ch Lever w/Re_ainer 62. 71-36366 Bar - 16_
t4. 530016149 ISw_ch Spring 40, 530016133 Boll - Bar
15. 530038264 Plug-Bronze Vent 4`/. 53O047663 Oi_Pic_p Ass'y, Nol Shown
t6. 530015922 NUt (Incr, 32. 33 & 34)
17, 530029850 Chain Catcher 42. 530O1802O Suew 530087304 OperatorManuel
18, 530015814 Screw 43. 53_016`/32 Bolt 53OO52362 D_hein
19, 530O159O7 Washer - Thrust A4, 539015814 Screw Ftea_ust
20, 530015826 Pin -Eier Acfjusfing 45, 530037820 Worm Gear Spring 530038486 Decal.-Stop
22, 530OSg611 Bar Adjust_g Screw Ki 46. 5300'/9231 DUSt ,,Real 530038891 Dec,_-CtutchCover
23. 5300_38238 Bar Mounting Plate 47, 5300,37799 FrOnt Handle 530047568 Oeca_Fan Hag.
530049246 Decat-_tartingInsL
• 19
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