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PURPOSE OF THE SPECIFICATION The purpose of this Specification is to define the minimum technical requirements on land and subsea pipelines for cleaning, gauging, flooding and hydrostatic pressure testing.
DEFINITIONS Specific definitions applicable to the project are listed below: COMPANY CONTRACTOR : : BOTAS Means the EPC Contractor, their Suppliers and their Subcontractors.
3 3.1 3.2
CODES, STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS The list of Codes, Standards and Regulations applicable is given in Appendix 1 of this document. Unless otherwise stated, the CONTRACTOR shall take account of the most recent version of the Codes, Standards and Regulations applicable as well as of all the amendments and addenda published. PROJECT REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION In addition to the documentation specified in Section 3 above, the following documents must be read jointly with this Specification: Specifications: - RC426.SP.000.C090.0010 Field of Application and List of Specifications - RC426.SP.000.C090.0011 CONTRACTOR Quality Requirements - RC426.SP.000.C090.0012 CONTRACTOR Health, Safety and Environment Requirements. The specific documents which apply to the project are the following: - The General Route Map - The Typical Drawing for the Project: None - The Project Layout Drawings - Etc.
4 4.1
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The CONTRACTOR shall inform the COMPANY of any conflict between the reference documents above. In the event of a conflict, the order of priority will be however as follows: National and / or local regulations Related Data Sheets Typical and Standard Drawings.
DIFFERENCES WITH REGARD TO THE SPECIFICATION / DEROGATION Any technical differences with regard to the reference documentation shall be obtained by the CONTRACTOR by means of derogation request. Requests for derogation require to be reviewed and approved by the COMPANY before the proposed changes can be implemented. The technical modifications carried out before receiving the approval from the COMPANY will be rejected. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL The quality system of the CONTRACTOR shall meet the requirements of the Specification No. RC426.SP.000.C090.0011, which will serve as the reference for the entire duration of the works. The Quality Control of the services carried out by the CONTRACTOR shall strictly comply with the approved quality plan. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONNEMENT The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) system of the CONTRACTOR shall meet the requirements of the Specification No. RC426.SP.000.C090.0012, which will serve as the reference for the entire duration of the works. The HSE Control of the construction activities carried out by the CONTRACTOR shall strictly comply with the approved HSE plan. SUPPLY OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for the supply of all materials, tools, equipment, supervisory personnel and all that is required for carrying out the services related to this Specification.
6 6.1
7 7.1
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SCOPE OF SPECIFICATION The scope of this specification covers the following items: Cleaning and gauging Flooding, hydrostatic testing. The requirements relevant to items listed above are detailed hereafter in following sections.
10 10.1.1
CLEANING AND GAUGING Upon construction completion, CONTRACTOR shall prepare a comprehensive engineering study to define the various test sections all along the route to take into account the various elevations of the pipeline. The pipeline will be filled with water that has been treated with sufficient quantities of chemicals Requirements for physical and chemical treatments to be performed on water are given in appendix 4. All water used for the test shall be filtered through 100 mesh screen, removing all debris in excess of 250 microns. Suitable means of launching and receiving the cleaning pig shall be provided. Means for containing dirt an debris generated by the cleaning operation shall be provided. When the line is considered as cleaned, a pig equipped with an aluminium gauging plate of 10 mm thickness having an edge of 45 - 3mm, shall be passed through the pipeline. The diameter of the plate shall be 95% if minimum internal pipeline diameter. An electronic calliper pig can also be used. The calliper pig shall be removed from the pig receiver in the presence of the Project representative. Recovered pigs shall be carefully examined in order to ascertain the degree and regularity of the gauging plate. The checking will be acceptable when the calliper pig shall pass through the pipeline without any incident. A system to locate the pigs in case of obstruction shall be provided. If any incident occurred during the gauging, all searching and reparation will be in charge of the CONTRACTOR. The equipment used will be thoroughly checked in conformity with the procedure submitted by the CONTRACTOR to the COMPANY for approval. As an option, COMPANY may require to pass an electronic calliper pig into the line in order to check the geometry of the pipeline, and locate diameter reductions such as dents, buckles, flat spots, construction debris, etc.
10.1.8 10.1.9
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FLOODING, HYDROSTATIC TESTING AND DEPRESSURISATION After the acceptance of cleaning and gauging tests, the pipeline shall be flooded, pressurised, hydrostatically tested and depressurised.
SECTION TESTED AND FLUID USED FOR THE TESTING All sections shall be tested, by considering the following conditions: Buried sections if trench is backfilled under a minimum of 0.4 m of soil cover to top of the pipe. Supported sections if the sections are definitively fixed on the supports or anchored. The pipe is filled and tested with water. If necessary, the water shall be settled, filtered and the following chemical additives shall be injected: Oxygen scavenger Corrosion inhibitors Biocide. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that sufficient quantities of chemicals, etc, are available at all times.
11.2 11.2.1
FLOODING A batching pig is inserted in the temporary launcher and pulsed by the water injected from the main pumps. Extreme care in filling the pipelines shall be taken to ensure that all air is removed and that no air is introduced during filling. It shall be noted that a pig is essential to eliminate the air from the higher elevations of the pipe section. It is important to control the pig movement during the water filling. This can be usually achieved by measuring the water volume injected in the line. In addition, a regulating air vent valve may also be installed at the pig receiver to enable the pig movement to be controlled by the operator located at the receiving end. In case of blocking during the operation, the blocked pig shall be located, recovered, and causes for blockage shall be ascertained and carry out work performed to restore the line to the testing condition. PRESSURISATION AND LEAK TEST Following the flooding of the line with water and purging the section of air, the pipeline shall be pressurised at a constant rates not exceeding 1 bar/min ending to 0.5 bar/min from 70% to 80% of the test pressure. When approximately 80% of the specified test pressure is attained, this pressure shall be maintained for a period of time sufficient to stabilise properly. After the stabilisation period accepted by the COMPANY representative, the pressure shall be gradually raised at 0.12 bar/min to prevent surging of the water in the pipeline.
Date 25/11/03 Date
11.3 11.3.1
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While bringing the pipeline up to pressure, the hand-plot of the pressure volume curve shall be started and continued until the specified test pressure is reached. The pressure and volume recordings will be taken, such that an adequate plot is obtained allowing to appreciate 0.2% of air entrapment. The collected data will be used and correlated to estimate the quantity of air remaining in the pipeline and to check the amplitude of any leaks. During the 24 hours tests, the tests heads, as well as any instruments used in connection with the tests, must be properly protected against sun radiation, rain and wind. Care is to be taken that the fixed maximum test pressure is not exceeding 0.5%. If it is necessary to drain off water for this purpose, the pressure drop and the amount of water are to be measured accurately. If, during the tests a leakage is found in an element which does not belong directly to the pipeline, the test is to be resumed after the leakage has been repaired. Observations must be recorded on the appropriate forms, stating clearly on the corresponding documents, such as pressure and temperature cards, to which pipeline these documents refer. The test will be terminated after definite approval of the COMPANY representative has been given. Pressure will then be carefully released. The lines will be left full of treated water. TEST RECORD During testing operation, the CONTRACTOR shall record dead weight tested readings every half hour. The pressure charts, temperature charts and dead weight tester reading shall be signed by the COMPANY and the CONTRACTOR. Each recording gauge chart shall show: The date and time of the test The minimum test pressure The test medium A description of the facility tested An explanation of any pressure discontinuities that appear on any chart.
11.3.4 11.3.5
11.4.4 11.4.5
Some examples of charts are given in Appendix 3. The official testing report records, including charts and statements shall be adequately bound in complete sets, certified by the Authorities Expert representative and shall be delivered to the COMPANY.
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CALCULATIONS AND MEASUREMENTS During the various test phases, calculations and measurements shall be carried out according to the following criteria.
QUANTITY OF WATER The quantity of water let into the section to be tested during pressurisation shall be measured with an appropriate meter.
PRESSURE MEASUREMENT The pressure shall be measured with pressure indicators with a 0.05 bar accuracy.
TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS The temperature of water shall be measured: During filling operations During stabilisation operations During hydrostatic testing. All details, formula and tables of those calculations are given in Appendix 2.
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LIST OF CODES AND STANDARDS The below mentioned codes and standards shall form part of this document where relevant. Unless otherwise stated the latest edition shall be applied. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ASME B31.8 Version 1999 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
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HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TESTING The quantity of theoretical water required to fill the lines to be tested shall be obtained from the geometrical volume of the section examined, taking into consideration the pipe allowance. The quantity of theoretical water necessary to pressurise the section to be tested shall be calculated on the basis of the following formula:
For various wall thickness replace: where: sx sy rix riy lx ly lt : : : : : : : wall thickness (mm) wall thickness (mm)
ri S
r l riy l y by ix x + S l Sy l t x t
internal pipe radius of pipe length with wall thickness sx (mm) internal pipe radius of pipe length with wall thickness sy (mm) segment line length with wall thickness sx (m) segment line length with wall thickness sy (m) total line length (m).
Note: the factor of 0.884 in the above equation has the units of cm/kgf. Pressure may vary due to temperature variation ( in offshore sections temperature changes can be induced by currents, tides, etc). These changes may be calculated with the following formula:
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r DV = 0.884 i + A DP - (B Dt ) Vri 10 -6 S
(2) where: DV DP B Dt 2 : : : : volume change (litres) line pressure change (kgf/cm) volume temperature factor (Table 2) testing water temperature change (C).
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47,35 47,2 47,1 47 46,8 46,7 46,6 46,5 46,3 46,2 46 45,9 45,7 45,6 45,5 45,4 45,2 45,1 45 44,8 44,7 44,6 44,5 44,3 44,2 44 43,9 43,8 43,7 43,6 43,4 43,3 43,2
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Mean pressure kgf/cm 5,5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255 265 275 285 295 305 315 325 22
44,3 44,2 44,1 44 43,8 43,7 43,6 43,4 43,3 43,2 43,1 43 42,9 42,8 42,7 42,6 42,4 42,3 42,1 42 41,9 41,8 41,7 41,6 41,5 41,3 41,2 41,1 41 40,9 40,7 40,6 40,5
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43,3 43,2 43,1 43 42,9 42,7 42,6 42,4 42,3 42,2 42 41,9 41,7 41,6 41,5 41,4 41,3 41,2 41,1 41 40,8 40,7 40,6 40,4 40,2 40,1 40 39,9 39,7 39,6 39,5 39,4 39,3
43 42,9 42,8 42,7 42,6 42,4 42,3 42,1 42 41,9 41,8 41,7 41,6 41,4 41,2 41,1 41 40,9 40,8 40,7 40,6 40,5 40,4 40,3 40,2 40 39,9 39,7 39,6 39,5 39,4 39,3 39,1
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Pressure kgf/cm 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 21,5 194 196 197 198 199 201 202 205 206 208 209 211 212 214 215 216 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 227 228 229 231 232 233 234 236 237 23,5 215 217 218 219 220 221 222 224 225 227 228 229 231 232 233 234 235 237 238 239 240 242 243 244 245 246 248 249 250 251 252 254 255 25,5 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 256 257 258 259 261 262 263 264 266 267 268 269 271 272 273
Average testing water temperature 27,5 254 256 257 258 259 260 261 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 291 29,5 271 273 274 275 276 277 278 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 308 31,5 287 289 290 291 292 293 294 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 324 33,5 302 304 305 306 307 308 309 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 339 37,5 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 33/8 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 39,5 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 351 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 367 368 369 370 371 372 373
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Pressure Recorder Dead weight Tester
DEAD WEIGHT TESTER MAKE AND SERIAL NUMBER _____________________ INJECTION AND WITHDRAWAL DATA Fluid Injection, Litres Time Fluid Withdrawn, Litres Time
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CONTRACTOR ________________________________________ DATE _________________________________
OWNER _______________________________________________________________________________________ JOB LOCATION________________________________________ PIPE SIZE _____________ PIPE WALL THICKNESS __________ ESTIMATED TOTAL VOLUME OF THE LINE (Litres) __________ Volume per km _______________ Volume per metre __________ FIELD _________________________________ LENGTH ______________________________ TEST PRESSURE (bar) __________________ WEATHER ____________________________
Observed LPM
Atmosph. Temp
Barometric Press.
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PURPOSE This section defines the minimum requirements for the physical and chemical treatments to be performed on water to be used for hydrostatic testing of pipelines. It is limited to the treatments required to prevent: Corrosion of materials during the pressure test, or after resumption of operations, due to the presence of this water Massive contamination of the tested circuits by bacteria, which are likely to remain in the circuits after dewatering.
2 2.1
TREATMENTS REQUIRED WATER QUALITIES The following water qualities shall be considered as possible fluids for pressure testing: Potable water is fresh drinking water, taken directly from the water mains and fit for human consumption. Additional compositional requirements is a chloride content lower than 100 mg/l. Utility water includes: - Waters usually designated as such, also called raw water - Waters taken directly from rivers, lagoons or wells, and not considered drinkable. In addition to true seawater, waters containing chlorides (salinity over 3000 mg/l) taken from estuaries or salt water wells are included.
PHYSICAL TREATMENT Unless otherwise specified, all the water used shall be filtered to a maximum particle size of 200 mm before injection.
2.3 2.3.1
CHEMICAL TREATMENT Choice of treatment method The applicable treatment methods are described in Section 3. The chemicals required for each treatment method are described in Section 5. The chemicals proposed by The CONTRACTOR shall perform the functions required and also meet any further safety and environmental protection requirements.
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Treatment application The treatment application conditions shall ensure that the products injected are uniformly distributed at the recommended concentration throughout the volume of test water. Several acceptable methods for obtaining this uniform distribution are provided in Section 4. The CONTRACTOR shall apply one of these methods, or propose a method with an equivalent result.
Draining, rinsing and cleaning after test The conditions of these operations, if required, are described in Section 5. Further treatment, such as decontamination, oil circulation or drying, shall be examined on a case-by-case basis.
Discharge of test fluids Test fluids shall be discharged in full compliance with current regulations.
MONITORING Monitoring is intended to check that the results of the treatment meets the specifications. The types of monitoring and acceptance criteria are defined for each treatment in Section 5.
SELECTION OF TREATMENT METHODS The following table presents for each case which treatment method shall be selected:
Type of water Equipment Material
Carbon steel
Potable water
Utility water
1 or 2 or 3
Stainless steel
Plastic or composite
No chemical treatment required Not Applicable. This water shall not be used, because it is too corrosive for the materials
NA concerned.
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Continuous injection of the product before the water enters the equipment, using a positive displacement pump with delivery adjusted to the water injection rate to obtain the required concentration. Batch injection of the product at the inlet of the surge tank (to guarantee effective mixing). This addition must be made at a frequency corresponding to the drainage time of half of the effective volume of the surge tank. Introduction of the product into the tank before it is filled.
SPECIFICATION OF TREATMENT METHODS The two following tables present the four treatments methods mentioned above in the selection of treatment method.
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Type of water
Treatment purposes
Chemical composition Glutaraldhehyde Quaternary ammonium THPS
Minimum dose
Treatment chemical
No comment
No chemical treatment is applied during pipe filling and pressure testing. A batch of biocide placed between two pigs is sent during dewatering. The batch volume is to be calculated assuming that a water film of 200 microns will be left on the pipe surface. This treatment applies for short term exposure (less than one week) of the pipe to the non treated water.
Unnecessary from the corrosion standpoint. If the equipment is purged and then placed on hold, all the low points shall be opened, the equipment shall be rinsed with fresh or potable Dewatering of the pipe after one week is necessary. water, then dried or placed under nitrogen atmosphere. All the inlets shall be sealed off.
Discharge of fluids
The fluid discharge procedure shall be submitted to the COMPANY for approval before the The fluid discharge procedure shall be submitted to the COMPANY for approval. operation. The possible environmental impact shall be documented.
Monitoring required
Water samples shall be collected after equipment or line filling for biocide analysis in order to monitor the compliance with the specified dosage. The acceptable level is 90% of the No monitoring is required required dosage (minimum).
Oxygen scavenging treatment is not specified, because any corrosion (by loss of metal) resulting from this oxygen will remain moderate. However, corrosion can generate rustAfter dewatering the line should be either put coloured ferric oxide deposit. If this deposit is unwanted, or if the fluid is presumed to remain in the equipment for more than one week, this treatment shall be replaced by treatment No. 2
*: These concentrations are specified for new equipment, not subject to massive biofilm growth prior to the pressure test. Higher concentrations (250 ppm active component) to be specified for equipment previously in service or previously filled with untreated water.
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Type of water
Oxygen removal and biocide
Treatment purposes
This treatment is specific for stainless steels in case the chloride content is between 25 and 100 mg/l. The purpose is the prevention of stainless steel from pitting corrosion during and also after pressure test in case some residual water remains at low spots or other areas that can not be properly drained. Minimum dose 100 ppm of active component* 400 to 500 ppm depending on product* Pitting prevention pH increase Function Chemical composition Sodium hydroxide Sodium nitrate Minimum dose Increase the pH to 8-9 3 mg per mg of chloride
Chemical composition
Treatment chemical
The oxygen scavenger shall be mixed with the fluid at the last minute to avoid re-aeration of the water. The dissolved oxygen content (test described in Section Monitoring required below) shall be less than 50 ppb. The volume of water to be injected shall be 110% of the total volume of the pipe , to allow for tests at the pipe inlet. When glutaraldhehyde/sulphite chemicals are used, injection points must be separated. A minimum reaction time of 30 seconds for the O2 scavenger chemical shall be allowed prior to glutaraldhehyde injection.
For the pH increase, a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide should be first prepared (necessary safety precautions should be taken, see the technical and safety data sheets of the product). This concentrated solution should be used for the pH increase.
The equipment or piping or line should be either left full until production start up or completely drained, dried and inerted. The fluid discharge procedure shall be submitted to the COMPANY for approval.
Discharge of fluids
The fluid discharge procedure shall be submitted to the COMPANY for approval.
Monitoring required
At the injection point, during filling with test water : oxygen concentration of the water entering the pipe downstream of the treatment point, after the injection of 10% and 90% of the volume to be injected. A reaction time of at least 30 seconds is necessary between injection and sampling.
At pipe outlet, during filling with test water : oxygen and biocide concentrations of the test, on samples taken after injection between 102 and 108% of the volume of the pipe. The acceptable levels are 90% of the required biocide dosage (minimum) and 50 ppb residual oxygen.
No monitoring is required
This treatment allows the water to remain for prolonged periods (from a few weeks to a few months) in the equipment without any significant risk of corrosion. It also helps to avoid the formation of iron oxide deposits.
After dewatering the line should be either put in service or dried and inerted with nitrogen.
*: These concentrations are specified for new equipment, not subject to massive biofilm growth prior to the pressure test. Higher concentrations (250 ppm active component) to be specified for equipment previously in service or previously filled with untreated water.
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