Clustering With Improved Ant Colony Optimization Based Routing Algorithm For Improving The WSN Energy Efficiency

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© DEC 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 7 Issue 6 | ISSN: 2456-8880

Clustering With Improved Ant Colony Optimization

Based Routing Algorithm for Improving the WSN Energy
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, KgiSL Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Study World College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Cyper Security), Karpagapam College of

Abstract- Nowadays IoT usages were increases and sensor nodes. Which will conserve the energy of
some of the forest areas need to monitoring these nodes? Formed Cluster with selected nodes and
thinks were uses the WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) elected the Head of the cluster, it will be responsible
, Which will be works with the energy of Battery so for the data transmission and other nodes power usage
need to use the energy with efficient manner, in this will be reduced automatically. After clustering we
paper we have to go with the Clustering After that have to go with the routing, for routing here Improved
Improved Ant Colony Algorithm implemented to ant colony algorithm are implemented, In IACA were
improve the life time of the battery, In cluster local Pheromone Updates and Local Searching which
formation by using the distance around the Cluster includes the Ant Colony Algorithm (ACO) With local
Head (CH) and Fuzzification is used to select the Search Heuristics will helps to improve the utilization
Cluster Head, After Clustering we have to go for the of energy with efficient manner.
Routing with help of Improved Ant Colony
Algorithm(IACA). In IACA is optimizing the II. CLUSTERING WITH FUZZY
searching time and Pheromone Updating.
Clustering to any times at short interval employed to
Indexed Terms- Clustering, Improved Ant Colony efficiently organize and manage the Network. In
Algorithm, Fuzzyfication, WSN. Cluster having two parts, there are Cluster Head and
Cluster Node.

In recent days IOT takes important role which will be

works with the WSN. WSN are carry with sensors and
they are operates with the limited battery power. These
sensors are placed in specific region to collect and
transmit data of particular place. WSN operates from Before cluster formation we have to go for the Head
the remote area which is not accessible areas. WSN’s node selection the cluster. With that head node going
key components Sensor nodes, Wireless to construct the cluster. CN will be elected with the
Communication, Network topology, Data Processing, help of fuzzy.
Energy, Data Fusion and Localization and Security.
Here WSN supports tree, star, mesh and hybrid 2.1 Cluster Head Selection
topologies, in our project we are implement the star
topology which will be adopt by Cluster Head (CH) Algorithm for cluster creation and head selection.
and Cluster Nodes (CN) and tree topology used for the
connecting CH with one another. Clustering is
implementing in our project for saving energy of


© DEC 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 7 Issue 6 | ISSN: 2456-8880

B1 . Er
i =
( B2 . Pr * B3 . Ql )
Where B1, B2, B3 - Residual Energy

The value of SNR and load will between 0 to 1

2.2 Cluster Node Selection

For cluster formation select the node by using the
Cluster Node Selection
fuzzy logic Distance and ten SNR from CH are the
Rule Selecting the CN by Fuzzification Method
important input for fuzzy logic Fuzzy rules it will be
If ((Er==High && R==High && D== Low)
desired the selection probability
The node will be take it into the given
2.3 Fuzzification
Er , D, SNR(Pr) are the input to the fuzzy system. Early
system having the High and Low are the two
possibility but in this Fuzzification they have to
consider Energy and SNR are need to maintain the
high value and the distance have to be in low because
of consumption of energy will minimize the
Source to destination path or route finding is taking
much more energy and spend much more time
(1) In the region of observation deployed nodes where
no more position change
(2) Nodes were having similar appearance but
genetically different
(3) Links were balanced the Rest is used to calculate
the approximate distance of senders
(4) Transmit power will be adjusted based the distance
of receiver

 Ee *TB + Ea *TB * d r , d r  d0

ET (TB , d r ) = 
 Ee *TB + E f *TB * d r , d r  d0

ET (TB ) = Ee *TB


© DEC 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 7 Issue 6 | ISSN: 2456-8880

- Pheromone coefficient
Eavg  Em
f nJ =

3.2 The Heuristic Information

Here we can calculate the distance of the cluster which
will come more efficient transformation. Consider the
transfer distance of the cluster head to the adjacent
head of the cluster they did not consider the sink.
Because the sink may be located away from head.

Heuristic calculate distance the next cluster head and


Here w0 which means parameter of the contact weight

In ant colony optimization, ants can select the path of of dab and lbs
probabilities decision rule.
 Djs distance of beat cluster head and to the sink.
 [ Pab (t )]x [ H ab (t )] y
Pab = 
, b  allowed n
  [ Pac (t )] x
[ H ac (t )] y

  allowedn

Pab(t)- pheromone information on edge(a,b)

Hab(t)- Heuristic information on edge (a,b)
X,y – impact factors
x( j ) =  (1 + e− j ), 0 jJ
Here, we have to reduce the searching time. If the
searching time is reduces and then the consumption of 3.3 Ant Searching range
energy is reduced. There was more important distance between the
adjacent cluster heads. If the transmission is small
3.1 Pheromone Update Strategy them the energy consumption also gets reducer. After
Large pheromone concentrate makes the difficulties so the distance calculation between clusters heads one
need to avoid in each another. We have to go for the path sink. This will be
going of transmission from source node to the sink.
It gives the faster local convergence
Threshold for limiting the pheromone
Tr , Pab (t + 1)  Tr

Pab (t H ) =  r

(1 −  ) Pab (t ) +  Pab , else


 n =1

 th
 P L , if n ant utilize the node (a, b)
Pabn =  s p

0, otherwise
Tr - Threshold value
Ps – Pheromone Strength
r – No of ants
Lp – Path length of nth ant


© DEC 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 7 Issue 6 | ISSN: 2456-8880

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