Hsiao 1974
Hsiao 1974
Hsiao 1974
-c*0o0 or the correlation time ti - becomes infinite, the is a periodic function when f is an integer. Furthermore, it
off-diagonal elements in matrix element A approach zero can be shown that this power transfer function is
[see (13)]. In this case, symmetrical within each period [8]. Therefore, it is evident
that for a working MTI system, a must be limited to a very
X1 = X = - = X = small value (much smaller than 0.5). Otherwise, the clutter
spectrum spreads so far into the filter passband that no
and any normalized vector can satisfy the eigen equations. effective filtering can be achieved. Thus, the value of a
On the other hand, if ac or the correlation time ti-t plays an important role in an MTI filter design.
approaches zero, then every element of matrix A With this assumption, we shall show several interesting
approaches unity. In this case, the determinant A is zero. properties of the minimum clutter output Xmin of a
According to (21), the smallest eigenvalue is zero. Under constant-PRF MTI system.
this condition, the eigen equations are identical and have
the following form: Monotonic Property
x + x +2 -+ X =0. Assume that, for a given ao, the corresponding optimal
filter weights xi' are inserted into (30) and a new function
There are an infinite number of solutions. One solution is defined:
is to set these x, according to the binominal distribution.
This is well known. One sees that the binominal weighting
MTI minimizes the clutter output only when the standard
Xm (o a) = [2I(iof2aa)1 f exp [2f2 /(2a2)I
deviation of the clutter spectrum is zero. *Xi (aO. (uoa) cos 2fri-j). (32)
We thus conclude that the clutter output of an MTI i J
system always lies in a range from 0 to 1. As the clutter
spectrum standard deviation ac or the correlation time ti - The derivative of the filter power transfer function
t1 increases, the clutter output increases.
(6/61) F(f) 12 =27rrE(i -j)x (ao)x '(ao)
IV. Constant-PRF MTI Filter sin 27rf(i -j) (33)
If the PRF is constant, elements of matrix A, as pointed is zero when f= 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, , no matter how the xi are
out earlier, can be represented as chosen. Since the clutter power density function is a
bell-shaped function and heavily concentrated at the
a. =exp [-2 r2 ac2 (-)2r2] (27) neighborhood of f = 0, it is evident that the optimal
weights xi must be so chosen that a minimum occurs at f =
One introduces a new variable 0. Furthermore, the x, are constrained such that the average
frequency response of the filter is constant; that is, cIx2
a=as c T = 1. Therefore, the envelope of the power transfer function
must increase monotonically from f = 0 to f = 0.5. The
and sets area under the curve of the function (1 /a) exp [-
f /(2a2)] is a constant. However, as a decreases, more area
t = exp (- 2ir2a2 (28) will be concentrated at the neighborhood f = 0. Therefore,
it is not difficult to see that
X(o, a) < a(ao, ao ) when a < ao. (34)
aaiJ ~(i_ )2-
= (29)
This may be interpreted as follows. The improvement
With this normalized a, the Xm in (or clutter output) can factor for an MTI filter designed for a certain a0 will not be
be represented as degraded if the actual spectrum standard deviation a is less
than ao.
Xmin =
f exp [2/(2a2)]
- Furthermore, it is evident that
* S2x I.xI. cos 2irf(i -i) df
ii (30) Xmin(a, a) S Xmin(ao, a) < X(afo, a0)
where the xi are the optimal filter weights for a givean a. if a < ao (35)
Notice that in this equation the independent variablcef is
normalized, so that the filter power transfer function due to the nature of the optimization.
7M10 N=2
Li- 30
CD 20 l 0
iCD 50
z:- 140
70 ........
0. 00 0.05 0. 10 0. 15 0. 20 0. 25
Fig. 2. Improvement factor versus normalized clutter-spectrum
standard deviation for a number of cancelling pulses from 2 to 20.
Hence, one may also conclude that Xmin(U) is a
monotonic function and its value increases from 0 to 1 as a
-a,,I< a.i, j*i. (38)
increases from 0 to infinity. From (36), we see that as N, the number of MTI canceling
pulses, increases, the off-diagonal element aiN approaches
Improving Property zero. Thus, the quantities X- aii approach a limit as N
increases. Since aff = 1, the ai, are positive, and Xm. is
Consider matrixes AN as a sequence of matrixes; that is, always less than unity, one may write
Xi >1 Yaii , i *j.
A2=[ :] (36a)
From (37), one may conclude that although the
improvement factor (/Xm in) improves as N increases, it
I t ,4 reaches a limit as N becomes sufficiently large.
Closely related to this result is the clutter spectrum
1 to (36b) deviation a. One may see that as a increases, all high-order
A3 =
M 10
CC)uL 30
LU 40-
CD 50
70 - II1I1I1 p
0. 00 0.05 0. 10 0. 15 0. 20 0. 25
Fig. 3. Staggered-PRF MTI filter with a 3-pulse canceller and 10
percent interpulse variation.
each point for a given a, a different eigenvector or filter In a previous section it was shown that the optimal
weight is used. Thus, each of these curves represents the improvement factor of a constant-PRF MTI filter is a
maximum improvement factor one can expect. It clearly monotonic function of a (a = uT). Increasing the
demonstrates the properties discussed in Section IV. The interpulse correlation time, in general, increases the clutter
curves are monotonic. For a given a, the improvement output Xm in. Since the covariance matrix of a
factor approaches a limit as the number of MTI cancelling staggered-PRF MTI system has properties similar to those
pulses increases. Furthermore, as a increases, all these of a constant-PRF MTI system, we would anticipate that
curves converge closely to a single curve, and the this similar monotonic property would be maintained.
improvement factor approaches 0 dB. Therefore, we conjecture that the minimum clutter output
These curves have significant value in the MTI design. of a staggered-PRF MTI system is bounded by the
For example, if the normalized-clutter spectrum standard performance of two equivalent constant PRF MTI systems.
deviation has a frequency of about 1/10 of the PRF for a One of them has a PRF equal to the lowest PRF of the
10-pulse MTI, one would expect an improvement factor of staggered PRF system, while the other has a PRF equal to
34 dB. A further increase in the number of MTI pulses does the highest PRF of the staggered system. That is,
not appreciably improve this situation. The improvement X (T) = Xj(T ) < X (T2). (41)
factors shown on these curves represent an upper bound.
Better improvement can not be expected. In the next To investigate this effect, many numerical examples
section we will show that the use of a staggered-PRF system were computed. In each of these examples, a lower
does not improve this situation. interpulse time T1 and an upper interpulse time T2 are set.
The interpulse times of the staggered-PRF system are then
VI. Staggered-PRF MTI System generated randomly (with a uniform distribution).
However, they are kept within these bounds. The optimal
To avoid blind velocities, staggered-PRF MTI sytems are improvement factors are then computed as a function of a.
generally used. In these systems, the interpulse durations These improvement factors were then compared with
vary from pulse-to-pulse. The choices of this variation are constant-PRF MTI systems having interpulse times T1 and
numerous. It thus makes the analysis of such a problem T2 . Many samples have been computed with the number of
extremely difficult. However, in a practical radar system cancelling pulses ranging from 2 to 20 pulses and with a
this variation is somewhat bounded by the need for variation of interpulse time from 10 to 40 percent. So far
efficient usage of radar time. One may therefore assume we have not found a single case which violates this
that the interpulse durations are varying between a lower conjecture. Fig. 3 shows a typical example. The lower
and upper bound: bound of these curves, which is represented by crosses, is
the improvement factor of a constant-PRF MTI filter
T1 <Ts<T2 having an interpulse time T1, while the upper bound,
represented by squares, is the corresponding improvement
T2 =T1 (1 + a) (40) factor with an interpulse time T2. In this particular
example, T2 = 1.1 T,. Curves (almost a solid line in Fig. 3)
where represents
a the fractional variation of the interpulse which lie within these two bounds are those of
duration. staggered-PRF MTI systems.
1 0
z i.
081o 3
0n 0. 6 11 1111
~~~~LTE DEV1111 I RT I ON 1111
In Fig. 4 we show the statistical property of the sharply. This means that the majority of the mass of the
improvement factor of a staggered-PRF MTI system. The probability density function lies within a narrrow region of
interpulse duration is again generated randomly according the clutter output. For example, curve 1 shows the samples
to a constraint shown in (40), which is repeated as follows: of a 10 percent variation of interpulse duration. It shows
that a randomly chosen interpulse sample has a probability
T T.<
T1 AS T2 T2 of 0.99 that its clutter output lies in the middle of the
upper and lower bound, while the probability of a sample
T= T1(1 +a) having a clutter output about 10 percent higher than the
lower bound is no more than 0.1.
where T1 and T2 are, respectively, the lower and upper
bound of the interpulse duration, while T. is the interpulse Vil. Conclusion
duration of the staggered-PRF MTI filter. The clutter power
density function is assumed to be Gaussian. In this In this paper, we have formulated the problem of
example, its normalized values of standard deviation for the optimization of the improvement factor of a nonrecursive
lower and upper bounds are, respectively, MTI filter by minimization of a quadratic form. It was
shown that the minimum normalized clutter output (a
aLB acTl 0.05 reciprocal of the improvement factor) is the minimum
eigenvalue of this quadratic form, and that the
OUB = aJT2 0-05(1 a). + corresponding eigenvector is the optimal weight to be used
in this filter. It was also shown that the improvement factor
There are four curves plotted in this figure. The curves of a nonrecursive MTI filter has the following properties:
correspond to maximum interpulse variations of 10, 20, 30,
and 40 percent. In each of these cases the optimal clutter 1) The normalized clutter output is always greater than
output of a constant-PRF MTI having an interpulse zero and less than unity.
duration of the lower bound is computed. Subsequently, a 2) The improvement factor is a monotonic function of
set of interpulse durations of the staggered-PRF MTI is the normalized standard deviation of the clutter spectrum.
generated randomly within the specified bounds, and its As the clutter spectrum increases or the PRF decreases, the
minimum clutter output is computed and then normalized improvement factor is reduced.
with respect to the clutter output of the lower bound. The 3) An increase in the number of cancellers in an MTI
clutter output of the upper bound (constant-PRF with system imploves its performance; however, as this number
interpulse time T2) is also computed and normalized. This increases to a point (say 8 to 10 cancellers), this
is shown by dotted lines in Fig. 4. It is also assumed that at improvement reaches a limit. Furthermore, the normalized
least one of the interpulse durations of the staggered-PRF clutter spectrum standard deviation also limits the
system is equal to the lower bound T1. performance of an MTI system. At a value of
A large number of samples are computed. The approximately 0.25, the improvement factor that an MTI
cumulative probability of these samples is then plotted can achieve is independent of the number of cancelling
against the normalized clutter output. These curves rise pulses used.
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James K. Hsiao received the B.E.E. degree from Hunan University, China, the M.S. degree
in electrical engineering in 1957 from Montana State College, and the Ph.D. degree in
1962 from Iowa State University.
He was with the Chinese Nationalist Air Force for 10 years, and he taught electrical
engineering at Taipli Institute, China. From 1962 to 1967 he was with Bell Telephone
Laboratories in the Digital System Department, working on research and application of
super-conductor devices. Since 1967 he has been with the Radar Division of the Naval
Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., specializing in array antennas. His current
interests are in the areas of phased arrays and radar signal processing.