ADS 2nd Sem Final Exam G.10

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American Digital School Student’s Name:

English Final Assessment
Grade: 10 (A & B)
Second Semester 2023/2024
Teacher’s Name: Mariam Baker
For Examiner’s Use Only.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Writing Total Mark Date:

20 20 20 20 80

Duration: 60 minutes

Part One: Reading & Comprehension( /20)

* Read the following texts and answer the questions that follow.
Text One:
In many countries in the latter half of the 20th century, the general consensus in the agriculture community
was that food should be easy to buy and as inexpensive as possible. In order to achieve this, farmland needed
to produce more crops and food shopping needed to be more convenient. This attitude did not focus on the
well being of people or the environment. Fortunately, a number of successful pioneering projects shows that
it's possible to have a balance between food demands and caring for the environment.

Back in the 1980s, the UK's Prince of Wales recognised that the long term future of our environment
and farmland was extremely important and should not be sacrificed . In 1986 he arranged for part of one of his
country farms. To be converted into organic farmland. Pleased with the results. He commissioned some
research into whether there was a market for the organic food produced from all natural ingredients and
sustainable farming techniques designed to preserve the health of the land. The results of the market research
were positive and in 1992 a biscuit made from organic oats was marketed to the British public under the name
Duchy Originals. In 1999, Duchy originals began to make a profit, and the Prince donated all of it to various
charities. Dutchy originals now markets over 200 products throughout the United Kingdom, ranging from
bakery goods to meet and over £6 million has been donated to the Princess Charity Foundation.

Q.1. What did many people in the agriculture community think about food in the later part of the 20th
century? (2pts.)
Q.2. Why did some people want farmland to produce more crops? (2 pts.)
Q.3. When did Duchy Originals start making a profit? (2pts.)
Q.4. Quote the sentence that shows what the prince did with the money that Duchy Originals made.
Q.5. In your opinion, do you think wanting food to be cheap and easy to buy might affect the
quality of food and the environment? How? (2 pts.)
Text Two:
One of the most important heart medications is made from a common flower called foxglove.
Many people grow foxglove in their gardens, but it also grows in the wild- along roadsides,
and in wooded areas. In 1775, an English doctor named William Withering heard that a
peasant woman was curing the swelling associated with heart problems using the foxglove
flower. Withering wanted to learn more, so he visited her. The woman had no idea why
foxglove worked, but it was clear that it relieved the swelling.
Withering began studying foxglove. Through trial and error, he learned that an
effective medicine could be made from crushing the plant's dried leaves which were picked
just before the plant produced flowers. He also discovered that foxglove could be lethal if the
patient was given too much. In spite of his warnings about beginning with a low dose, many
doctors prescribed the medicine in amounts that were too large and many people died. Today,
the medicine, known as digitalis, as been researched very carefully and doctors are
knowledgeable about the correct doses.
Q.1. Decide whether the following sentences are true or false according to the text. (4 pts.)

a. Foxglove is a common flower used in heart medication. ( True / False )

b. William Withering was an English doctor who discovered the medicinal properties of foxglove. ( True / False )

c. The peasant woman whom Withering visited had a deep understanding of why foxglove worked for heart

problems. ( True / False )

d. Withering found that the most effective part of the foxglove plant for medicine was its flowers. ( True / False)
Q.2. Find out from the passage: (4 pts.)

a. a phrase that means ‘A way of solving a problem using different methods until successful’:

b. a word that means ‘deadly or fatal’: ………………………

Q.3. The underlined pronoun "he" refers to ……………………… (2 pts.)

Part Two: Vocabulary ( /20)

Q.1. Complete the following sentences with words from the bank. One word is extra.(10 pts.)

manipulative siblings mission donate sustainable differ

a. I plan to ……………… to people in Gaza.

b. She realized too late that her friend had been ……………….

c. The school's ………………is to build an independent generation.

d. The opinions of the ………………often vary.

e. Their personalities ………………greatly, yet they make a perfect team.

Q.2. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. (8 pts.)
1. Which of the following idioms means ‘completely different from each other’?
a. a wet blanket b. a very short fuse c. thick skinned d. like chalk and cheese
2. Which of the following adjectives describes ‘damp clothing’?
a. aromatic b. bitter c. clammy d. mouth-watering
3. A ………………. is used for chopping, slicing, and mixing.

a. wok b. whisk c. peeling d. serving liquid food

4. One of the following is considered a ‘vegetable’.

a. okra b. ginger c. parsley d. pomegranates

Q.3. Replace the underlined words with a suitable idiom of food. (1 pt.)
Hamza spent the whole week studying for the English exam and he didn’t even go to the school trip. He
spent more time studying than is necessary.


Q.4. Write the definition of the following adjective. (1 pt.)

conceited: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Part Three: Grammar ( /20)

Q.1. Choose the correct option for each of the following statements. (18 pts.)

1. The heat made the journey unpleasant.

The correct cleft sentence that emphasizes the information in bold is ------

A) It was the heat which made the journey unpleasant

B) It is the heat that made the journey unpleasant

C) It was the heat which makes the journey unpleasant

D) It is the heat which made the journey unpleasant

2. Saleem borrowed a book from the library last week.

The correct cleft sentence that emphasizes the information in bold is ------

A) It was a book that Saleem borrowed from the library last week.

B) It was Saleem that borrowed a book from the library last week.

C) It was last week that Saleem borrowed a book from the library.

D) It was from the library that Saleem borrowed a book last week.

3. I finished typing the report at 9 p.m.

The correct cleft sentence that emphasizes the information in bold is ------

A) It is 9 p.m. when I finished typing the report.

B) It was 9 p.m. when I finish typing the report.

C) It is 9 p.m. when I finish typing the report.

D) It was 9 p.m. when I finished typing the report

4. In my city, there is a national park..........people meet and enjoy the nature.

A) who B) where C) that D) when

5. ‘I have completed the project.’

He said that he .......................... the project.

A) completes B) has completed C) had completed D) was completing

6. ‘She speaks three languages fluently.’

He said that she .......................... three languages fluently.

A) speaks B) spoke C) was speaking D) had spoken

7. They are going to the concert, ..........................?

A) are they B) isn’t he C) aren’t they D) is she

8. We can solve this problem, ..........................?

A) can’t we B) can’t I C) can they D) won’t we

9. I got my phone ...........................

A) fixed B) fixes C) fixing D) to fix

Q.3. Rewrite the following sentences emphasizing the bolded information. (2 pts.)

1. Mennah studied agricultural engineering in Baghdad.

It was .....................................................................................................................................................................

3. Aun received an award last year in Canada.

The person ...........................................................................................................................................................

The End

“Nothing worth having comes easy” J

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