General Paper - Paper 1 Notes (First Edition 2021)
General Paper - Paper 1 Notes (First Edition 2021)
General Paper - Paper 1 Notes (First Edition 2021)
JULY 2 0 2 1
Hey there.
These study notes are meant to guide your revision as you prepare for the
General Paper examination. In this package, you will !nd a collection of
essay planning and writing tips and strategies that can be applied to
whichever essay question you choose to attempt.
Keep in mind, however, that each school has a slightly di"erent approach
to the essay paper. Thus, it is important to follow what your teachers have
taught you in class closely and use these notes to plug in any gaps that may
Wishing you the best of luck with your upcoming assessments. Always
remember, though, that you are more than the sum of your grades. Keep
on keeping on.
The General Paper essay requires you to write a 500 to 800 word response in 1.5
hours to one of twelve options o"ered. You will need to present a clear stand for
any question that you attempt. You are also expected to provide supporting
ideas and evidence to back up your stand. To this end, General Paper
candidates should keep abreast of contemporary developments in order to
demonstrate their grasp and knowledge of current a"airs as well as their ability to
craft coherent, cogent arguments.
You will be assessed based on the quality of your arguments and supporting
evidence (content) and the e!ectiveness of your use of language. 30 marks
are allocated for content and 20 marks are allocated for language use. The band
descriptors forthe General Paper essay are as follows:
Band 1 26-30
Band 2 19-25
The response is original and insightful. The ideas presented are profound, perceptive, or thought-
provoking. The discussion is well-balanced according to the question requirements and demonstrates an
in-depth evaluation of the issues contained in the question.
The use of illustrations and examples is wide-ranging and fully appropriate. The examples are also
clearly linked to the point or idea being expressed. The illustrations enhance the overall quality of the
argument, and some of the examples may be original and not used by most people. The examples are
also likely to cover very recent events.
The response is fully relevant and answers the question in its entirety. The use of content shows
personal insight and possibly originality of thought.
The response is thoughtful and consistently argued. The discussion is balanced according to the
question requirements and demonstrates a clear (but not su#ciently thorough) evaluation and
awareness of the issues raised by the question.
The use of illustrations and examples may lack originality, but clearly supports the argument. Most of
the examples are clearly linked to the point or idea being expressed.
Band 4 The response is limited: there is some awareness of the issues being
7-12 raised, but there may be a lack of a coherent argument in addressing
these issues. The ideas presented may be fragmentary or vague, and
there is weak balance.
The precision of language use determines the mark within the Band,
but the errors are relatively minor and do not signi!cantly a"ect the
meaning of the ideas. The response shows some con!dence, but lacks
quality and assurance.
Keep in mind that you need not purchase the content packages to do well
for GP! There are a plethora of free resources out there. However, if
you prize convenience and if you have found some value in these notes,
please do consider supporting me if you are willing and able to do so.
Before you even start to brainstorm ideas for your essay response, it is
important that you perform at least some element of question analysis.In
performing question analysis, you: ● Identify the requirements of the
question so that you are less likely to go o"-topic, ● Clarify the main issue
posed by the question,
● Start the process of identifying any contentious or questionable
underlying or implicit assumptions in the question, and
● Begin formulating your balanced stand in response to the question.
There are a few steps involved in question analysis. The mnemonic, “AFK
SIA”, may help you to recall the question analysis process with more ease.
Step 3: Identify the key terms that you need to de!ne in your
introduction ● It is important to de!ne key words in the essay
question so the examiner knows exactly what you are talking about.
● Words you HAVE to de!ne:
○ Subjective words
■ Words that mean di"erent things to di"erent people
○ Words with hidden meanings
■ Metaphors, !gurative words or phrases, words with
positive or negative connotations. E.g. “Reality TV
is pure garbage”.
○ Topic words that are open to interpretation
■ E.g. the media, globalisation, technology…
● Words you CAN de!ne (but don’t have to):
○ Topic words that only have one standard meaning
■ E.g. physical newspapers, the law, marriage, education
● Words you SHOULD NOT de!ne:
○ Words like “a, the, it”, absolute and relative terms, words like
“agree, extent, how far”, 5W1H…
Now that you have completed question analysis for the essay question that
you have chosen to respond to, you need to start brainstorming ideas
and plan how you are going to organise them in a coherent manner.
1. Perspectives
● When we consider di"erent perspectives to an issue, we are
essentially considering the di"erent stakeholders who are
● A stakeholder in a particular issue refers to someone who
has reasons to care about that particular issue.
● E.g. “The process is more important than the product in
education.” Do you agree?
○ Stakeholders include: students, parents, teachers,
school principals, schools, universities and institutes
of higher learning, the Ministry of
Education, the labour market, future generations…
● We consider di"erent perspectives of an issue so that we can
generate more points and ideas for our essay. Some
questions you can ask yourself when you are brainstorming
○ Which stakeholders would agree with the claim in the
essay question and which ones would fervently
○ Whose opinions should we give more weight to, and why?
○ Is there a way to appease all the stakeholders in order
for us to attempt to come at a consensus?
Organising Ideas
After brainstorming and coming up with as many ideas as possible, you
need to transform them into REASONS that directly answer the essay
● Individual→Society→World→Analysis
● World→Society→Individual→Analysis
● Past→Present→Future→Analysis
● Present → Short Term → Long Term → Analysis
● Pros→Cons→Analysis
● Bene!ts→Costs→Analysis
● There may be others too…
● It is impossible to prevent doping in sports because advancing
technologies make it di#cult to detect and catch dopers. In fact,
many individual athletes have admitted to doping.
○ According to an anonymous survey conducted by the IAAF
in 2011, 44% of athletes admitted to doping, but only 1-2%
of themare ever caught.
Point 2: SOCIETY
● It is impossible to prevent doping because most countries have
both the ability and incentive to cheat in sports.
○ Russia’s elaborate doping scheme in the 2014 Sochi Winter
Olympics; this got them banned in the 2016 Rio Olympics
○ They got caught cheating again in 2021 and they even faked a
car accident for Russian high jumper, Lysenko, so that he could
avoid going for a drug test.
● Across all levels, current attempts to prevent doping in sports face
irremediable challenges. It is di#cult to catch individual athletes
who cheat, powerful countries can cover up their elaborate doping
schemes, and the institutions set up to prevent doping experience
deep con$icts of interest. So, the upshot of my discussion is
that it is impossible to prevent doping in sports unless
international sports authorities like IOC and WADA
undergo f undamental reforms.
Analysis refers to your !nal assessment of the issue based on the di"erent
considerations that you have a"orded to the issue. It is an overall evaluation
of what you are supposed to judge for the essay question based on all the
ideas that you have considered in your essay.
Elements of an Introduction
1. Background (Set the context).
2. De!ne the key terms in the essay question (Refer
again to Chapter 2). 3. Explain the central tension of
the essay question.
4. Thesis statement (i.e. your stand) and include a preview of
your main points. The rest of this chapter will detail each of the
1. Background
● The purpose of beginning your essay with a background is to
set the context. ● In other words, talk a bit about the issue
raised in the essay question. How is it signi!cant in the
contemporary world?
● Q: Can the background in an introduction be a hook?
○ A: Yes, it can, but the main point of writing a hook
(e.g. interesting stories, personal anecdotes, quotes,
statistics, etc.) is still to set the
■ Caveat: Be sure to avoid cliche or overused quotes.
Furthermore, if you use a hook, remember to show how the
hook directly answers the essay question.
Question: Social media does more harm than good. Do you agree?
P - Point
● The !rst sentence in your body paragraph, also known as the topic
sentence. ● This is where you state your main idea. More precisely,
you should state a reason (refer again to Chapter 4) why your reader
should agree with your stand.
● You should only discuss one idea per paragraph.
E - Elaboration
● Sometimes, you can’t express your reason fully or convincingly in
one sentence. Use the second sentence to explain your reason a little
bit more.
E - Evidence/Example
● Support the main idea in your topic sentence with relevant, real-
world, concrete examples. You need to keep abreast of current
a"airs in order to provide these kinds of evidence.
● However, be caref ul not to provide too much detail in your
examples! Your main task is still to argue for a position in a
controversial debate, not simply to regurgitate everything you know
about the news.
● You are trying to persuade someone of your position; you’re not
writing a story. ● The example you use to support your main idea
should be between 20% to 40% of your total paragraph length.
○ This is an arbitrary restriction, but it’s a good heuristic to
keep in mind so that your essay does not become overly
○ If you spend the bulk of your essay describing current a"airs
rather than arguing for a well-balanced stand based on
your knowledge of current a"airs, then something is wrong!
On Topic Sentences
You should begin each of your paragraphs with your topic sentence. They
introduce the main idea for that particular paragraph to make sure that
your examiner understands exactly what you are going to argue for. Thus,
your topic sentences should be incisive and clear. You should only
discuss one key idea in each of your body paragraphs.
In the next chapter, we’ll discuss the role of balance paragraphs (sometimes
called counter-paragraphs) in argumentative writing.
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Chapter 7
Writing Balance Paragraphs
You should have at least one balance paragraph in any GP essay that
you write. Balance paragraphs are where you talk about some of the views
and ideas that you don’t agree with. By considering these counter-
arguments, you show that you are aware of the potential objections to your
argument and are mature enough to engage with them.
Link: Why your view should be preferred over the opponent’s view
To recap, having balance in your essay is to ensure that your essay has
considered alternative points of view and how these objections may be
The rest of this chapter will detail each of the elementsof the essay conclusion.
1. Discourse marker
● Including a proper discourse marker will signal to your
examiner that you are concluding your essay.
● Examples of discourse markers for the conclusion: In
conclusion / in sum / to conclude / in the !nal analysis / all
in all…
If you had spent about 20 minutes planning your essay and about 60
minutes writing your response in full prose, you should have about 10
minutesleft for proofreading and editing.
Here are the things you should do in this last stretch of time:
1. Re-read your essay and !x any spelling, punctuation, and
grammar errors. 2. Go through your essay and !x any clumsy
expressions or change any words that you are not 100% con!dent
about. It’s better to use simple and accurate English than complicated
but erroneous expressions.
3. If you have time, include more accurate but sophisticated
vocabulary wherever possible.
Make sure to perform these steps if you have time left. The correction of a
few major technical errors in the !nal minutes may result in a di"erence of
a few crucial marks for language use!
However, don’t worry if you do not have any time left to perform
the proofreading editing process. Just try your best to be careful not to
make any serious technical errors (spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.) as
you are writing your essay. You will get better with more practice.
Here are a few more parting tips and strategies to maximise your score for
the General Paper essay:
1. Have a few key vocabulary prepared so that you can $aunt your
linguistic prowess. It is a good idea to have a few words that can be
used regardless of the essay topic. Some examples include:
“ubiquitous”, “ameliorate”, “ineluctable”, etc.
5. One of the simplest tweaks you can make to your writing to elevate
your language use score is to vary your sentence structures. Follow
longer sentences with shorter ones. This helps with the cadence of
your essay and can keep your examiners engaged.
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