Sample ACT - Uniforms
Sample ACT - Uniforms
Sample ACT - Uniforms
Papers at each level exhibit all or most of the characteristics described at each score point.
Score = 6 Score = 3
Essays within this score range demonstrate effective Essays within this score range demonstrate some
skill in responding to the task. developing skill in responding to the task.
The essay shows a clear understanding of the task. The essay shows some understanding of the task.
The essay takes a position on the issue and may offer a The essay takes a position on the issue but does not offer
critical context for discussion. The essay addresses com- a context for discussion. The essay may acknowledge a
plexity by examining different perspectives on the issue, counterargument to the writer’s position, but its develop-
or by evaluating the implications and/or complications of ment is brief or unclear. Development of ideas is limited
the issue, or by fully responding to counterarguments to and may be repetitious, with little, if any, movement
the writer’s position. Development of ideas is ample, spe- between general statements and specific reasons, exam-
cific, and logical. Most ideas are fully elaborated. A clear ples, and details. Focus on the general topic is main-
focus on the specific issue in the prompt is maintained. tained, but focus on the specific issue in the prompt may
The organization of the essay is clear: the organization not be maintained. The organization of the essay is sim-
may be somewhat predictable or it may grow from the ple. Ideas are logically grouped within parts of the essay,
writer’s purpose. Ideas are logically sequenced. Most but there is little or no evidence of logical sequencing of
transitions reflect the writer’s logic and are usually inte- ideas. Transitions, if used, are simple and obvious. An
grated into the essay. The introduction and conclusion introduction and conclusion are clearly discernible but
are effective, clear, and well developed. The essay shows underdeveloped. Language shows a basic control. Sen-
a good command of language. Sentences are varied and tences show a little variety and word choice is appropri-
word choice is varied and precise. There are few, if any, ate. Errors may be distracting and may occasionally
errors to distract the reader. impede understanding.
Score = 5 Score = 2
Essays within this score range demonstrate compe- Essays within this score range demonstrate inconsis-
tent skill in responding to the task. tent or weak skill in responding to the task.
The essay shows a clear understanding of the task. The essay shows a weak understanding of the task.
The essay takes a position on the issue and may offer a The essay may not take a position on the issue, or the
broad context for discussion. The essay shows recogni- essay may take a position but fail to convey reasons to
tion of complexity by partially evaluating the implications support that position, or the essay may take a position but
and/or complications of the issue, or by responding to fail to maintain a stance. There is little or no recognition of
counterarguments to the writer’s position. Development of a counterargument to the writer’s position. The essay is
ideas is specific and logical. Most ideas are elaborated, thinly developed. If examples are given, they are general
with clear movement between general statements and and may not be clearly relevant. The essay may include
specific reasons, examples, and details. Focus on the extensive repetition of the writer’s ideas or of ideas in the
specific issue in the prompt is maintained. The organiza- prompt. Focus on the general topic is maintained, but
tion of the essay is clear, although it may be predictable. focus on the specific issue in the prompt may not be
Ideas are logically sequenced, although simple and obvi- maintained. There is some indication of an organizational
ous transitions may be used. The introduction and con- structure, and some logical grouping of ideas within parts
clusion are clear and generally well developed. Language of the essay is apparent. Transitions, if used, are simple
is competent. Sentences are somewhat varied and word and obvious, and they may be inappropriate or mislead-
choice is sometimes varied and precise. There may be a ing. An introduction and conclusion are discernible but
few errors, but they are rarely distracting. minimal. Sentence structure and word choice are usually
simple. Errors may be frequently distracting and may
Score = 4 sometimes impede understanding.
Essays within this score range demonstrate ade-
quate skill in responding to the task. Score = 1
Essays within this score range show little or no skill
The essay shows an understanding of the task. The in responding to the task.
essay takes a position on the issue and may offer some
context for discussion. The essay may show some recog- The essay shows little or no understanding of the
nition of complexity by providing some response to coun- task. If the essay takes a position, it fails to convey rea-
terarguments to the writer’s position. Development of sons to support that position. The essay is minimally
ideas is adequate, with some movement between general developed. The essay may include excessive repetition of
statements and specific reasons, examples, and details. the writer’s ideas or of ideas in the prompt. Focus on the
Focus on the specific issue in the prompt is maintained general topic is usually maintained, but focus on the spe-
throughout most of the essay. The organization of the cific issue in the prompt may not be maintained. There is
essay is apparent but predictable. Some evidence of logi- little or no evidence of an organizational structure or of
cal sequencing of ideas is apparent, although most transi- the logical grouping of ideas. Transitions are rarely used.
tions are simple and obvious. The introduction and If present, an introduction and conclusion are minimal.
conclusion are clear and somewhat developed. Language Sentence structure and word choice are simple. Errors
is adequate, with some sentence variety and appropriate may be frequently distracting and may significantly
word choice. There may be some distracting errors, but impede understanding.
they do not impede understanding. No Score
Blank, Off-Topic, or Illegible
writing. The scores given by the two readers are added
How to Score the Writing Test together, yielding the score range 2–12 shown in Table 4 on
page 72.
Two trained readers will score each essay on the actual
Scoring Guidelines (see page 66)
Writing Test. These readers are trained by reading examples
of papers at each score point and by scoring many practice These are the guidelines that should be used to score
papers. They are given detailed feedback on the correctness your essay. These guidelines are also called a “rubric.” Many
of their scores during practice. During actual scoring, score papers do not fit the exact description at each score point.
differences of more than one point will be evaluated by a You should note that the rubric says: “Papers at each level
third trained reader to resolve discrepancies. This method is exhibit all or most of the characteristics in the descriptors.”
designed to be as objective and impartial as possible. So— To score your paper, you should read it and try to determine
how can you rate your own practice Writing Test? which paragraph in the rubric best describes most of the
It is difficult to be objective about one’s own work, and characteristics of your essay.
you have not had the extensive training provided to actual Then (because your Writing Test subscore is the sum of
readers of the ACT Writing Test. However, it is to your two readers’ ratings of your essay), you should multiply your
advantage to read your own writing critically. Becoming your 1–6 score by 2 when you use Table 4, on page 72, to find
own editor helps you grow as a writer and as a reader. So it your Combined English/Writing score. Or, if both you and
makes sense for you to evaluate your own practice essay. someone else read and score your practice essay, you could
That having been said, it may also make sense for you to add those scores together.
give your practice essay to another reader or two to get oth- Percents At or Below
ers’ perspectives: perhaps that of a classmate, a parent, or Norms (cumulative percents) were not yet available for
an English teacher, for example. Thinking and talking with the Practice Writing Test at the time this booklet was printed.
others about writing is good preparation for the Writing Test. However, if you register for and take the ACT Plus Writing, a
To rate your essay, you and your reader(s) should read the cumulative percent for your Writing Test scores will be
scoring guidelines and examples, which begin below and included on your Student Report and will be available on our
continue through page 71, and then assign your practice website at
essay a score of 1 through 6.
In an actual test, each essay will be scored on a scale
from 1 (low) through 6 (high). The score is based on the
overall impression that is created by all the elements of the
Readers for the ACT Writing Test practice by scoring many essays before they score “live” essays.
Although we cannot provide you with the same extensive training these readers receive, reading the
example essays that follow will help you better understand some of the characteristics of essays at
each score point. You will also be able to read a brief explanation of how each essay was scored. The
example essays are in response to the practice prompt given on page 58.
Well I don’t think they should have a dress code Essays that earn a score of 1 generally demonstrate lit-
because, it takes away from the kids. We shouldn’t be tle understanding of the purpose of the writing task, and this
mindless drones. I thought this is America were you essay is a good example of that. The writer of this essay
can express yourself. The government should stay out takes a position on the issue in the prompt (I don’t think they
of it. Next they will be telling us what we should eat should have a dress code) and maintains focus on the gen-
and think. I think if they look good they should be able
eral topic, but does not support his position. Although one
to wear what they want to. If they start to control how
we dress. Next, they will control everything. I for one reason is expressed for taking his position (it takes away
want to think and dress for myself. If we let them tell from the kids), most of the essay seems to be discussing a
us what to do slowly our freedoms will reduced to different reason for taking that position (If they start to con-
nothing. trol how we dress. Next, they will control everything.) A lack
of organization—or even of basic groupings of similar
ideas—prevents either idea from being adequately devel-
oped. A few transitions appear, but they do not effectively
link ideas. For the most part, word choice and sentence
structure are very simple and the essay is riddled with dis-
tracting errors.
Essay Example (Score = 2): Scoring Explanation (Score = 2)
I agree with parents and teachers who say dress Essays that earn a score of 2 demonstrate either weak
codes is needed. Dress codes sets guidelines for what or inconsistent skill in responding to the task. The writer of
students wear and helps the learning environment. this essay takes a clear position on the issue (I agree with
Uniforms encourage equality. They sets guidelines parents and teachers who say dress codes is needed) and
for what students wear so everyone looks the same. supplies a specific explanation for taking that position (Dress
Uniforms encourage people to be equal by setting what
all students wear at school. codes sets guidelines for what students wear and helps the
Uniforms helps stop rivalry between groups and learning environment ). However, discussion focuses on an
“clicks.” Uniforms put an end to groups at school assumption (dress code = school uniform) that is not
because everyone looks the same. If everyone looks the explained or made clear. The writer does not recognize any
same than groups won’t divide people by how they look counterargument. Development of ideas is minimal and rep-
because uniforms makes everyone equal. All students etitious: the second and third paragraphs repeat the same
would be the same if they wear uniforms. idea. There is a skeletal organizational structure in place as
These is just a few of the many benefits to wearing well as a discernible introduction and conclusion, but there
a uniform. A dress code is only one way of creating a are no transitions. Word choice and sentence structure are
good school environment, but it is a good one. simple. Some errors are distracting.
In my opinion, teenagers should not have to have a Essays that earn a score of 3 show developing skill in
dress code, because it restricts them and takes away a responding to the task. That is very true of this essay, as it
freedom they should have. I’m not talking about clothes demonstrates much more awareness of writing choices than
that are tight or reveal a student’s body, that kind of do the essays which are scored lower than a 3.
clothes should be restricted. But to enforce a code that
tells them they can’t wear kahkies or jeans, T-shirts or
The writer takes a position on the issue in the prompt
dress shirts, would clearly infringe upon their rights.
One of our rights is the right to express ourselves. (teenagers should not have to have a dress code), gives rea-
Teenagers wear hats and T-shirts with sayings on them, soning for that position (because it restricts them and takes
and they wear clothes that show what group they away a freedom they should have), and clarifies the terms of
belong to at school or to show they know whats trendy. his discussion (I’m not talking about clothes that are tight or
If we are restricted in what clothes we can wear, it reveal a student’s body, that’s understandable.). However,
is a clear violation of the basic rights America was built although the writer recognizes and acknowledges that there
upon. If these rights are removed, who knows where it may be circumstances in which a dress code is appropriate,
could lead next. Will schools start telling students what he offers no context for his discussion and does not clarify
music they can listen to or what they have to eat for the apparent distinction between a dress code and school
uniforms. There is no recognition of a counterargument.
Dress codes are unfair because some families can’t
afford uniforms or proper clothes. If we had a dress
code, some kids would need a whole new wardrobe— The writer presents some relevant ideas in the second
you would need regular clothes for outside of school, and third paragraphs, sequencing the main ideas appropri-
plus your uniform or better clothes for school. This is ately. The fourth paragraph offers an additional idea (Dress
unfair to poorer students. codes are unfair because some families can’t afford uniforms
A dress code is a poor idea because it infringes on or proper cloths) which does not fit the essay’s focus but
our right of freedom of expression and it can be a which demonstrates the writer is trying to generate support
financial burden put upon students. It would be better if for his position. Ultimately, all paragraphs contain thoughts
there was no dress code. that are underdeveloped and examples that are too general
to adequately support the writer’s claims.
Essay Example (Score = 4): Scoring Explanation (Score = 4)
I believe that it would be beneficial for our Essays that earn a score of 4 demonstrate adequate
schools to adopt dress codes. Although some may argue skill in responding to the task. This essay takes a position on
that this action would restrict the individual student’s the issue in the prompt (I believe that it would be beneficial
freedom of expression, I do not agree. Our right to for our schools to adopt dress codes) and also acknowl-
express ourselves is important, but in our society none edges the counterargument (Although some may argue that
of us has unrestricted freedom to do as we like at all
times. We must all learn discipline, respect the feelings this action would restrict the individual student’s freedom of
of others, and learn how to operate in the real world to expression).
be successful. Dress codes would not only create a
better learning environment, but would also help Essays in the 4 score range tend to be fairly consistent
prepare students for their futures. and balanced, if predictable, responses. Most ideas in this
Perhaps the most important benefit of adopting essay are adequately developed, with the fourth paragraph
dress codes would be creating a better learning being the least so. The writer expands on her claims by
environment. Inappropriate clothing can be distracting developing each paragraph, and by supporting her ideas by
to fellow students who are trying to concentrate. Short using movement between general ideas (Inappropriate
skirts, skimpy tops, and low pants are fine for after clothing can be distracting to fellow students who are trying
school, but not for the classroom. T- shirts with risky
images or profanity may be offensive to certain groups. to concentrate) and specific ideas (Short skirts, skimpy tops,
Students should espress themselves through art or and low pants are fine for after school, but not for the class-
creative writing, not clothing. With fewer distractions, room). Focus is maintained on the specific issue of dress
students can concentrate on getting a good education codes in high schools throughout the essay.
which can help them later on.
Another benefit of having a dress code is that it The essay is clearly, though predictably, organized. No
will prepare students to dress properly for different credit is earned or lost specifically for using a familiar writing
places. When you go to a party you do not wear the formula such as this one; in this case the basic structure
same clothes you wear to church. Likewise, when you worked adequately to help this writer develop her ideas logi-
dress for work you do not wear the same clothes you cally. The introduction and conclusion are clear and some-
wear at the beach. Many professions even require
what developed, adding to the balance and consistency of
uniforms. Having a dress code in high school will help
students adjust to the real world. the essay.
Lastly, with all the peer pressure in school, many
students worry about fitting in. If a dress code (or even The writer demonstrates awareness of good writing
uniforms) were required, there would be less emphasis choices through some logical sequencing of ideas and using
on how you look, and more emphasis on learning. clear transitions to link paragraphs. Language control is ade-
In conclusion, there are many important reasons quate in this essay, with some sentence variety and appro-
our schools should adopt dress codes. Getting an priate word choice. There are few distracting errors.
education is hard enough without being distracted by
inappropriate t-shirts or tight pants. Learning to dress
for particular occasions prepares us for the real world.
And teens have enough pressure already without having
to worry about what they are wearing.
Essay Example (Score = 5): Scoring Explanation (Score = 5)
Many teachers and parents are now debating Essays that earn a score of 5 are clearly competent,
whether or not a dress code should be adopted. They and this essay is a good example. This writer has planned
think that it will improve the learning environment in his essay well. The writer presents a clear position on the
our schools, and I agree. I think that if we had a dress issue (I think that if we had a dress code, it would substan-
code, it would substantially improve the quality of our tially improve the quality of our education); provides a con-
education. First, it would allow students to focus on
text for the discussion (Many teachers and parents are now
academics rather than the social aspect of school.
Second, it would improve the appearance of school, and debating whether or not a dress code should be adopted),
third, it will prepare students for the working world. and supports his ideas (First, it would allow students to focus
First, and most importantly, implementing a dress on academics . . . . Second, it would improve the appear-
code will substantially reduce distractions in the ance of school, and third, it will prepare students for the
classroom. It is important for our future success to be working world). In addition to supporting his own position, the
able to concentrate on what we are being taught, but it writer addresses the complexity of the issue by responding
is difficult to do this when some students are to a counterargument in the fifth paragraph.
whispering about what others are wearing, and others
are admiring someone’s Air Jordans. Too many young Development of ideas in the essay is specific and logi-
people today are more interested in style than
cal: the writer uses specific examples to illustrate each point
substance. Plus, lots of kids think of school as a social
club instead of a place to get an education. (Air Jordans and long pants . . . and a collared shirt). The
Secondly, I believe that when students and faculty writer also maintains a clear focus on the specific issue of
are well groomed, it improves the school esthetically. It dress codes in high school throughout the essay.
is not necessary to dress formally to accomplish this.
Requiring long pants (and an option of skirts for girls) The essay is clearly organized. There is evidence of a
and a collared shirt would be enough. Not only would logical progression of ideas throughout the essay, although
the school and it’s student body look more professional, the transitions are predictable. The introduction and conclu-
I believe it would change the tone of the school. If a sion are well developed and successfully focus the essay.
person is required to hold themselves to a certain
standard, they will. Having to dress more maturely can
The writer has good language control (Therefore I think
make students act more maturely as well.
My final reason for supporting a standard of dress that it is important to prepare students not only academically
in high school is that it would prepare the youth of but also in conduct and grooming.). There are only a few dis-
today for the workforce of tomorrow. The vast majority tracting errors in this writer’s response.
of jobs require some type of dress code or standard.
Therefore I think that it is important to prepare students
not only academically but also in conduct and
grooming. Someone might have impressive
qualifications, but if they look like a bum off the street,
it is highly doubtful that they would be hired. Letting
students dress anyway they want might actually be
hurting them in the long run.
Even though some teachers and parents think that
establishing a dress code would restrict the individual
student’s freedom of expression, I still think having one
is a good idea. Students aren’t really trying to exercise
their rights when they wear skimpy clothing, they just
want to show off and be trendy. We have to look at
what is most important. When students wear t-shirts
with political slogans that might offend others or dress
in skimpy outfits it can distract other students and
detract from our learning environment. At this time in
our lives the most important thing we have to do is get
a good education so we can succeed in college and later
In conclusion, I am highly in favor of a dress
code. Not only will it improve our learning
environment by keeping classroom distractions to a
minimum, it will also improve the tone of the school
and prepare students to be successful in their future
Essay Example (Score = 6): achievement rather than one that is distracting,
descriminating, and dangerous.
Parents and educators are increasingly concerned So, in conclusion, I strongly support not just a
about the trend toward inappropriate dress in our dress code, which would be difficult to enforce, but a
schools. They feel that clothing that is too tight or too resolution to adopt school uniforms for our entire
revealing may distract students and interfere with district. Uniforms would not only solve the problems
learning. They believe that a dress code should be associated with inappropriate dress and create a better
adopted which would set guidelines for what students learning environment, but could also serve to end
should wear in the school building. Others feel that a inequality, help curb gang violence, and make our
dress code should not be enacted because it would mornings a little less hectic.
restrict individual students’ freedom of expression.
Freedom of expression is important, but when
inappropriate attire begins to interfere with the
educational process, something needs to be done. Scoring Explanation (Score = 6)
Allowing students to wear whatever they want is
clearly not working. Too many teens today seek to Essays that earn a score of 6 are ample, effective
emulate rock stars and pick up fashion tips from MTV. essays that represent strong responses to the task.
In a culture that is inundated with sexual inuendo or
worse, it is not surprising that kids show up at school in This essay is very strong and effective. It recognizes
suggestive clothing. The educators are right. Short
skirts and spandex tops can be extremely distracting to and addresses the complexity of the issue by recognizing
a population group driven largely by hormones. several perspectives on the issue (parents and educators
Establishing a dress code could help improve the who are concerned about inappropriate dress, others who
learning environment in the school; unfortunately, dress are protective of freedom of expression, the financial implica-
codes can be extremely arbritrary and difficult to tions, the author’s personal perspective), by exploring some
enforce. What is the solution? I think the answer is cultural dimensions of the issue (popular culture and gang
school uniforms. This option would be far easier to violence), and by anticipating and responding to counter-
enforce and has several advantages. arguments (Freedom of expression is important, but when
From a financial perspective, school uniforms inappropriate attire begins to interfere with the educational
could help even the playing field between poor and rich process, something needs to be done. While uniforms in
students. We live in a materialistic world and, for
some, it is all about the label. They think that if its not high schools promise many benefits, we should not expect
Tommy, Levi, Gap, etc. that it is not good enough. that they are a cure-all.) Development of most ideas is thor-
Students can be cruel, and make fun of those who do ough and logical, and the writer includes specific reasons
not dress the same as they do. Wearing jeans with holes and details for each of her arguments.
may be one student’s form of expression but another’s
necessity. Mandating uniforms would dispense with Organization is clear and ideas are logically sequenced
this kind of descrimination. Purchasing a uniform both within and between paragraphs. Most transitions reflect
would be far less expensive than a complete school the writer’s logic and are integrated into the essay. (Transi-
wardrobe, and if there were some families that couldn’t tions between the first three paragraphs are particularly
afford it, perhaps the school could provide one for effective.) The introduction offers a full context for the issue
them, or at least help defray the expense.
Another benefit of school uniforms is that they and segues into the writer’s statement of position in the sec-
could help curb some of the gang-related violence in ond paragraph very effectively. The conclusion is clear and
our schools. Gangs are associated with certain colors adequately developed as well.
and members often hassle students who wear an
opposing gang’s color. Sporting the innocent-looking This writer’s language is effective (Sporting the inno-
sweater Aunt Rose gave you for your birthday could be cent-looking sweater Aunt Rose gave you for your birthday
like waving a red flag in front of an angry bull. With could be like waving a red flag in front of an angry bull ) and
uniforms, this problem would disappear. shows good command: sentences are varied and word
From a personal perspective, I would enjoy the choice is varied and precise (Mandating uniforms would dis-
sheer effortlessness of not having to rummage through pense with this kind of discrimination).
my closet each morning trying to decide what to wear.
Some may enjoy selecting their outfit for the day, but
not me! Having a school uniform would make my Overall, this is a thoughtful, eloquent and thorough
morning routine go much faster, and maybe even leave response. The few errors present to do not distract the
a little extra time to finish up yesterday’s homework. reader.
While uniforms in high schools promise many
benefits, we should not expect that they are a cure-all.
Uniforms alone will not raise student grades, confer
equality, or make schools entirely safe for all students.
Uniforms cannot learn math or earn high scores on state
tests. Students must do these things for themselves.
However, I do believe that uniforms in high schools
can go a long way toward helping students succeed by
providing a learning environment that supports