A Study To Effect of Reminiscence Therapy On Psychological Well-Being Among Elderly Residing in Selected Old Age Home
A Study To Effect of Reminiscence Therapy On Psychological Well-Being Among Elderly Residing in Selected Old Age Home
A Study To Effect of Reminiscence Therapy On Psychological Well-Being Among Elderly Residing in Selected Old Age Home
Y. Shajin Gijo3
Dhanvantri College of Nursing, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu
Reminiscence remedy is defined as a type of own became worse for individuals who felt lonely than for
psychotherapy that involves recalling beyond occasions. by individuals who did not feel lonely. for this reason the
way of returning to those beyond incidents, human beings psychological properly-being is reduced when the loneliness
sense delight. often employed with older humans, this kind of become taken into consideration
lifestyles overview therapy improves someone’s sense of
well-being. (Dr. Robert Butler, 1960). Ernst Bohlmeijeret.al.,2007, carried out a meta-
evaluation examine to assess the effectiveness of memory on
Benefits of memory therapy consists of progressed mental properly-being across unique intention businesses and
6ba8f6984f70c7ac4038c462a50eeca3 discount of unwanted remedy modalities. Fifteen controlled look at results were
behaviors, decreased strain, high grew to become feel of well- protected. An usual impact length of zero.54 become
being, feeling of joy, growth the deeper intergenerational found,betoken a slight affect of reminiscence on life-
bonds among family and increase the pleasant of life by way contentment and passion well-being than easy memory.
of locating the which means of their lives (O’Leary E,2008). further, reminiscence had considerably more impact on
community-dwelling adults than adults residing in nursing
Objectives homes or residential care.
To assess the level of psychological wellbeing among Weber J D (2016) carried out a look at at the outcomes
elderly before and after administration of reminiscence of memory remedy and memory on dementia among 985
therapy. hospitalised customers. a total of 392men (38.8%) and
To determine the effectiveness of reminiscence therapy women (60%). The results were assessed with the aid of pre
among elderly. and publish- check. The researcher wrapped up that the
To find out the association between pre test scores on clients progressed within the stage of despair.
level of Psychological wellbeing among elderly and their
selected demographic variables. III. METHODOLOGY
Hypothesis Design:
The studies layout selected for the existing examine
H1 - There is significant level of psychological wellbeing changed into a Pre-experimental layout in which one group
among elderly before and after administration of pre and put up check became decided on to evaluate the
reminiscence therapy. effectiveness of memory on mental nicely-being among aged
H2 - There is a significant difference in the effectiveness citizens.
of reminiscence therapy among elderly
H3 - There is a significant association between pre test Setting:
scores on level of Psychological wellbeing among elderly Selected old age homes at Erode.
and their selected demographic variables.
Sample Size:
II. LITERATURE REVIEW The total sample size 50 elderly residents in selected old
homes at Erode.
Pandey R, et.al., 2015, organized a move sectional
study on first-rate of life among aged human beings residing Sampling Technique:
in vintage age domestic and inside circle of relatives setup. Consecutive sampling technique.
The observe turned into performed at vintage age houses and
two regions of Ranchi. overall pattern size became 80 elderly Development of Tool:
human beings wherein four hundred of them from antique age Section A demographic variables of the elderly
home and 40 of them dwelling with their own family. residents, Section B Standardized mini mental status
Findings of this take a look at suggest that satisfactory of Examination Scale (MMSE), Section C Modified Ryffs
existence become better of these aged folks that have been psychological Well being Scale.
residing in old age home in comparisons of these aged people
who have been living inside circle of relatives setup. Data Collection Procedure:
Prior to series of facts, consent became received from
Lena L, et.al., 2011, conducted a have a look at to look the president of selected Old age homes at erode. the pretest,
at the independent and interactive results of living on my own this Mini mental examination was used in screening cognitive
and loneliness on depressive signs and exceptional of function .it consist of 6 components like orientation,
lifestyles in a prospective 2year observe-up cohort examine registration, attention, and calculation, recall ,language
of2808 network-living older adults in Singapore. In go- ,construction.by using modified ryff’s psychological well
sectional analysis, loneliness become a better predictor of being scale to assess the level of psychological well-being
geriatric despair scale rating than of dwelling arrangements. among elderly residents. The time of period was 40-50
Geriatric melancholy rating associated with dwelling on my minutes ,2times per day for 15days.the post test was
conducted at 16th days by using ryff’s.
Fig 1 Bar Diagram shows the Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Elderly According to their Age in years
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Pre and Post Check Rankings of Mental Health among Aged Residents.
Table 2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Pre and Post Check Rankings of Mental Health among Aged Residents
S. No Level of psychological well being Pre test Post test
(N) (%) (N) (%)
1. Poor psychological well being 10 20 0 0
2. Average psychological well being 40 80 9 18
3. Good psychological well being 0 0 41 82
Paired “t” values of Pre and Post Test Scores take a look at Rankings of Mental wellness among Elderly Citizens.
Table 3 Paired “t” values of Pre and Post Test Scores take a look at Rankings of Mental wellness among Elderly Citizens
S No Areas of psychological well being Paired ‘t’ test value Level of significance
1. Autonomy 16.30 P< 0.05 S
2. Environmental mastery 14.82 P< 0.05 S
3. Personal growth 13.05 P< 0.05 S
4. Positive relations with others 15.01 P< 0.05 S
5. Purpose in life 13.26 P< 0.05 S
6. Self-acceptance 15.01 P< 0.05 S
Total 18.02 P< 0.05 S
Comparison of mean, SD and Percentage of Pre and Publish Test Mental wellbeing amonst Aged Residents.
Table 4 Comparison of mean, SD and Percentage of Pre and Publish Test Mental wellbeing amonst Aged Residents
S No Areas of psychological Max. Pre test Post test Difference in
well being scores Mean SD Mean % Mean SD Mean % mean
1 Autonomy 15 7.0 1.61 46 12.4 1.52 83 37
2 Environmental mastery 15 6.8 1.36 45 11.2 1.06 75 30
3 Personal growth 15 7.2 0.80 48 12.3 0.94 82 34
4 Positive relations with 15 7.3 1.20 49 10.4 1.08 69 20
5 Purpose in life 15 7.8 0.88 52 11.5 1.61 77 25
6 Self-acceptance 15 7.5 1.23 50 12.2 1.01 81 31
Total 90 44.56 1.85 50 76.22 1.24 85 35
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