Fish Dec 2023 EMag

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V.21.05 | 2023
Living in
Small Acts of Love Gratitude Is a Superpower
Create a Big Impact

the Design
of the
By Bo Sanchez

t’s easy to give once in a while.

Even a selfish man can do that.

But for happiness, life, blessings, and abundance

to flow into your life, you need to give faithfully.

In one of my financial books, The Abundance Formula,

I wrote about my visit to three bodies of water in
Israel. All three are connected to each other. The first
is the Sea of Galilee; the second is the Jordan River;
and the third is the Dead Sea.

Both the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River are filled
with fish. But the Dead Sea is called dead because
there’s no living thing in it. No fish. No shrimp. No
plants. Even some bacteria have a hard time living in The only way for blessings to flow into your life is when
it. Because it’s 8.6 times saltier than any ocean in the you give.
This is the law of God’s universe. This is how nature
Let me give you the difference between these three works.
bodies of water. The Sea of Galilee gives water to the
Jordan River. The Jordan River gives water to the Dead The universe is designed for you to inhale and exhale,
Sea. The Dead Sea gives water to . . . nothing. to earn and give away.

All the water it receives gets trapped—and the only Especially this Christmas season, I encourage you to
way the water escapes is through evaporation. That give more from the kindness of your hearts. God gave
leaves all the chemicals and salt in the Dead Sea. His only Son Jesus to us. Let’s also share Jesus and
be Jesus in this struggling world. Let’s make way for
Here’s the lesson: if you don’t give, you die. So, what more love, more healing, and more peace.
kind of sea are you?
Let’s give.
Friend, you can be the Sea of Galilee or the Sea of
Death. It’s your choice. Have a Merry Christmas!
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 CONTENTS 2

Follow the Design of the Universe

Daily Finance Management Made Easy!
V. 2 1 . 0 5 | 2023


Hobbies for Health and Wellbeing

To Reccive Is to Give Supervising Editor, Traditional Publishing
Dina Pecaña

Small Acts of Love Create a Big Impact
Managing Editor:
Elle Z. Silvestre

Production Coordinator:

10 REVIEW CORNER Angie Espuerta

A Movie Review on A Dog’s Purpose
Layout Artist:
Pio Mallari

Gratitude Is a Superpower
Publisher: Bo Sanchez
Chairman of the Board: Hermie Morelos
President: Randy Borromeo
12 STILL TIME WITH POPE FRANCIS Vice President, Corporate Services: Rowena Cequeña
OIC, Production: Kring Talladen
Central Marketing Director: Ruby Albino
Sales Managers: Cecille Saldaña and Elmer Mendoza

14 SUNDAY FEAST Production Consultant: Tess V. Atienza

Fish: Young Heart, Bold Faith

Be the Light
is a product of Shepherd’s Voice Publications, Inc.
located at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City.

Serve in Abundance
To subscribe, look for Sarah Discutido
Tel. no. 8725-9999, 3470-4091
E-mail: [email protected]


Open Your Gifts!
No part of this magazine can be reproduced
without permission.

St. Mariam Baouardy (Part 2) ISSN 2719-115X
Philippine copyright
Shepherd’s Voice Publications, Inc. 2023
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 TECH GEN 4

Daily Finance
Made Easy!
By Anthony Valenzuela

ave you ever received a cash gift from your in calendar with a green dot for your income and a
relatives or parents and you weren't sure red dot for your expenses for the day. There is also
whether to save it up for a rainy day or splurge a balance page where you can see how much funds
it on a new pair of sneakers, clothes, or a you received, how much you spent, and how much you
gadget that you've been wanting for the longest time? have left at the end of the day.

It is not a question of spending or not, but how well You can also categorize your sources of income
you manage your funds, especially those given to you and for what purpose you spent it such as food,
as a gift. With the many applications out there, I found entertainment, health, gifts, clothes, and others.
My Wallet to be the most helpful when it comes to
managing my finances and tracking my expenses and In the settings menu, you can edit and customize the
spending habits. categories to suit your needs. You can choose the
currency you are using, change the language settings,
Created by app developer Larisa Maria Berce, My and set a daily reminder to update your expense
Wallet is easy to use. Download it for free on Apple tracking. Another awesome feature is the security
Store or Google Play. With a minimum data size of settings. You can back up and restore all your data
15.3 MB on initial download, you will enjoy using this via e-mail. Remember to set a four-digit password to
tool daily. With a tap of your finger, you can track your protect your data.
allowance or income and how much you spend every
day. The app does all the recording for you through With the Christmas season just around the corner,
visual charts too. Using My Wallet is a good opportunity to put our
financial management skills into practice. May you use
The app’s interface is simple. As you input your this mobile phone app not just for the holidays but
income and expenses, it will be marked on a built- even for ordinary spending days.
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 HEALTH & WELLNESS 5

How can we tell if our hobbies are helpful in supporting our

overall health and well-being?

Recreation and/or relaxation. Our hobbies should help us

recreate life and relax our whole being. It should rekindle our
inner life—both in body and spirit.

Intention and involvement. These elements differentiate

our hobbies from our interests. Active leisure has the intention
to make us well and engage our total being while recharging
ourselves and maybe even share the activity with our loved
ones. Some of these are gardening, baking, crocheting, and

Hobbies for myself—creating artisanal soaps, balms, and candles. They

are different from passive leisure, like K-drama marathons,
because the latter gives us a sense of distraction and

for Health and detachment from reality. They may be our feel-good means to
relax, and that’s OK. But there is no involvement of the entire

being since you are passively going through it.

Let me stress that hobbies are ways to support our overall

health—yes, including our mental and emotional health, which
By Dr. Michele Alignay have been greatly compromised the past two years. Hobbies
help pull together our cognitive, physical, and emotional
engagement to enhance mood, creativity, and well-being.
f you grew up in the nineties, you remember those
nice slam books that you pass around to friends and
If by now you haven’t yet found a hobby or two, I encourage you
classmates. One of the items usually listed are hobbies.
to explore again. This will support you as you brace through
May I ask you to think of the three hobbies you’ve been
unknowns, recover from loss, and even navigate stressful
doing the past two years?
situations. Reflect on what you liked to do as a child. What
hobbies were you interested in but had to put off because
As a tweener, I would spend lots of time to craft or tinker in our
became too busy? Look into activities that give you a sense of:
family’s small garment factory or tahian. I would cut fabrics,
sew, help the workers, or play there. In grade school and high
1. Making and creating. You become a creator or maker of
school days, the minor subjects were Music, Arts, P. E., and
something, such that it gives you both joy and a sense of
Home Economics. But if you think about it, they’re the very
things that are helpful to our daily lives and well-being today.

2. Slowing and sensing. Work and school has challenged

Many of us fill our calendars with tasks and too many
us to be quick about our tasks and go, go, go. We have to
academic matters. Go ahead and plot your schedule, but
counteract it with activities that slow us down, use the gifts
check: What really fills your day? Do you allot time for hobbies
of our senses, and make us breathe and recharge.
within your week? In all the difficulties, drama, and disruptions
you’ve encountered, how do you cope and breathe new life to
3. Being and doing. The most important aspect of having
your being?
deep play is rekindling both the human being and the
human “doing.” Our days are packed with many tasks, so
We can refer to hobbies as active leisure, deep play, and
we have to carve time to let our hair and defenses down,
intentional recreation. Through our hobbies, we use our skills
and connect with our being.
and various faculties without any pressure. It gives our “free
time” more direction, structure, and more importantly, meaning.
Despite life’s demands and difficulties, I hope that hobbies will
help you heal and harmonize your inner self, so you will be well
What about binging on social media and Netflix? Well, we
and whole. Let hobbies be your means of being your own self-
can’t consider them hobbies for well-being. They’re passive
care maker!
recreation or special interests.
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 CAMPUS PULSE 6

C amp u s Pulse

To Receive
Is to Give
By Gina Verdolaga

n elderly aunt would send a balikbayan box presence, it makes a lot of difference to their set
to us every now and then. Inside the box of values.
would be an assortment of things—from
clothes to notepads. When I was a teen, I’d 2. Politeness. When you’re young, it’s difficult to
turn up my nose at some of the stuff in the fake a smile of thanks when someone hands you
box. Admittedly, some of the pasalubong (tokens) were a half-naked troll doll with long and wispy orange
weird, out of fashion, or practically junk. hair. But that’s what politeness is—wearing a civil
expression to make others feel better, even if you
When I was older, I realized that this ordinary box of don’t really feel good about the situation.
goodies represented my aunt’s magnanimous spirit. In
nit-picking whether the item was cool or useless, I was What if someone gives you something you already
missing the bigger picture. My aunt wasn’t wealthy— have, like a particular book or coffee mug? Don’t
she just wanted to share what she had around the say, “I already have this!” then return the gift.
house that she thought would make us happy. Proverbs 17:8 says, “Receiving a gift is like getting
a rare gemstone; any way you look at it, you see
Over time, however, one learns the art of receiving. beauty refracted.” Even if you already have that
Here are some points to consider: book or mug, receive it in the spirit with which it
was given.
1. Entitlement. One downside of growing up with
the concept of Santa Claus is that kids are asked In Japan, custom dictates that one doesn’t open
what they want for Christmas. If they are fixated a gift in front of the receiver. This avoids loss of
on a particular toy or gadget, a substitute is not face for anyone if the gift is not wanted. If you're
acceptable. I saw a little boy throw a tantrum in a not Japanese and you’re going to open a gift
store when his mom wouldn’t buy the toy he said immediately, be prepared to make an enthusiastic
he “needed.” acknowledgment. It’s only fair.

A friend makes sure her kids don’t grow up with a 3. Recognition. We may not immediately recognize
sense of entitlement. Every Christmas, they visit that gifts are not only material things. Someone
an orphanage. This makes her children aware of may already be giving us a gift of their time
their blessings and participation in a world beyond and attention. Someone may be giving us a
commercialization. When they see that they bring compliment. Unfortunately, we don’t always
happiness to disadvantaged children just by their respond in a nice way.
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 CAMPUS PULSE 7

• What a beautiful dress you’re wearing! They want to go out of their way because they love
I snort, “Oh, this oldie?” us. We can counterargue that we don’t want them
to bother because we love them. But let them.
(I inadvertently insult you by implying your Allow them to give you their love.
praise doesn’t equate to good fashion sense.)
5. Appreciation. A friend of mine is a great receiver.
• You look pretty tonight! If you give her something, she makes sure to wear
I reply, “It’s not me, it’s the dress.” or use the object the next time you meet.

(In my mind, I’m thinking, “Just tonight? What If you really can’t use a gift, there’s regifting. Like
about yesterday? Wait, maybe I’m not really the infamous fruit cake that keeps getting passed
pretty at all. Are you blind or something?”) around during the holidays. But beware! Someone
regifted a pen, not knowing her name had been
• A friend arrives at our meeting place on time, inscribed on the side by the thoughtful original
giving me the gift of his punctuality. I arrive forty giver. Awkward!
minutes late and casually say, “I got caught up
in a sale. Were you waiting long?” Giving and receiving is a cycle.

(I pretend I don’t have a wristwatch, a phone, A good response from the receiver creates a warm
and a laptop all telling the right time. There was glow in the giver. In thanking someone sincerely,
a sale!) we say, “I value you. I appreciate that you’re
thinking of me.” The happier the giver is with my
• “Can you give me some advice?” response, the more he/she is encouraged to give,
A friend gives me the gift of her trust. But I’m and the cycle continues.
busy taking the perfect selfie and my nonverbal
behavior says, “Why me? Ask someone else.” When God flows with His abundance, let’s accept and
share it because we will surely receive more. When we
(Then I wonder why she doesn’t call anymore, pray to Him and ask for guidance, signs, and miracles,
even after I send her my perfect selfie.) let’s be assured that we will receive answers. We may
not get what we ask for, but that is also His gift to us.
• “I like you. Can we go out sometime?” For there is always a blessing behind His gifts, and we
Because you’re not my type, I blurt a knee-jerk must know how to respond with true faith and grace.
response to the gift of your feelings, “What?!
You and me? Why?” So, this holiday season (and every day, of course),
remember to be a kind and excited receiver. If a
(I am questioning your sanity, taste, and nerve blessing comes, don’t duck your head or stop it with
in choosing me.) an invisible shield. Receive it with arms open wide and
a big smile.
4. Allowing and Accepting. The hostess of a family
reunion wants to give you food to bring home and
you exclaim, “Oh no, you don’t have to! Huwag
na kayong mag-abala. (Don’t bother.) Besides, I
don’t want to carry all that.” And you don’t notice
her face crumble and her joy disappear at having
cooked for you.

At one time or another, we did not accept

someone’s gift. Not to be mean, but just in
thoughtlessness. We just don’t want them to
bother and fuss over us. But they want to bother!
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 TEACHING SPACE 8

Aboy Lubaton is the older brother of one of my friends,

Small Acts Dr. Didoy Lubaton, a Feast Builder and holistic care
doctor. Fantastic, right?

of Love Create In our social media age, we sometimes forget that

we can create an impact on others. I’ve seen people

a Big Impact
go through life alone because their friends are too
busy with their own lives too. Some people become
apathetic because they don’t think they can help
others when they’re also going through a bad time.
By JPaul Hernandez
Be part of the solution that the world needs. We need
to start a caring revolution. We need to do good things
hen I was fifteen years old, I served in the for others without expecting anything in return. And
youth ministry but had the wrong motives. we do it because that’s who we are. We need more
I served because I wanted to belong and people to be kind, loving, good, and caring to others
meet pretty girls. because that’s how people experience Jesus—through
the love of different people. You can start by asking
During our youth retreat that year, I was tasked to fix a friend, “How are you?” Or inviting a friend to go out
the conference room, which I carelessly did because I and share to each other your personal stories. Go out
thought, “I don’t even clean our house, so why should of your way to make people feel loved and that will go
I do it here?” a long way. This may even change someone’s life for
the better.
I did a sloppy job because I was disinterested and not
in the spotlight. Your kindness, compassion, mercy, and love can
bless someone mightily. God is using you to be an
My leader, Aboy, saw what I did. Instead of getting instrument of love to someone every day.
mad at me, he told me, “Brother, you can do better
than that. You see, when we serve God, there’s no As you help someone in their struggle, you’ll become a
such thing as a small task. When we serve, we should better person.
always give our best because this honors Him. He
deserves the best because we love Him and we want Be God’s blessing to others now.
to serve Him.” That was the last day I served God
haphazardly and lazily.

Through Aboy’s correction and teaching, I learned that

we should serve with love because we love the God
we serve. The conversation we had was a discipleship
moment that changed my life and made me think
about giving my life to God.

Most people at The Feast don’t know Aboy, and they

don’t know the impact he has on my life and the
person I am today. I’m grateful for the friendship,
leadership, and mentorship that remained with me
until today—twenty years after that youth retreat.
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 REVIEW CORNER 10

or play with them. I just love it when their tails

wag, and they rain kisses or lick me all over my

The main song of the movie soundtrack is “Home

We’ll Go” by Walk Off the Earth. The song tells us
that we're not alone as we journey in this life. We
have each other, as the refrain exhorts us:

It’s a long road but we’re not alone

Together we stand and we’re coming home
It’s a long road but we're not alone
Together we stand and we’re coming home

If there’s one thing that amazes me about dogs,

it’s their love for their owners. Dogs are devoted
to humans. For them, that’s their purpose, pure
and simple. I believe that if God created dogs to
love, God also created us humans to love. Most
people get stuck in discovering who they are
meant to be but only fail to realize that they were
created out of love so they could also love.

That’s our main purpose in life: To love. And

letting ourselves be loved feels like being
embraced by the sunlight.

The sun it glows like gold

A Movie Review on Feel it warm as a burning coal
Let your soul shine bright like diamonds in the sky

A Dog’s Purpose
So take my hand and home we’ll go

People tend to miss out on this because they

think purpose is something found in the future.
But we find purpose at the root of our identity as
By Pael Bustamante God’s children. In 1 John 4:19, it says, “We love
because He first loved us.” And that simple verse
explains our purpose here on earth.

s you read the title, maybe you God created us because of love, for love, and to
remember the movie. Yes, you are love. In our personal relationship with Him, we will
correct. Dogs have a very special realize that we are born for love. From this, we get
place in my heart, so special that I the courage to love each day.
actually have seven of them. I’m always
fascinated by the fact that they just stay home all Let’s live our days with the saying, “Be the love
day, and they get excited when I'm about to feed the world needs.”
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 YOUTH HOME 11

Gratitude Is a Superpower
By Aikel Fortaleza

ratitude is one of the values that was praising. This allows us to recall or remember
deeply ingrained in me when I was who He is and who we are.
growing up. Whenever I get a gift, my
mom or lola would immediately say to Praise draws our attention to what’s good in
me, “Oh, what will you say?” I would then look the world. It also allows us to retell the story
up to the person who gave the gift, say, “Thank of what good or great things God did and thank
you po!” with a big grin on my face and rush to a Him for them, because embedded deep in the
corner to open the gift. word gratitude is the Latin word gratis or gratia,
which means “grace”—gifts or favors freely
Bro. Bo Sanchez would always remind us that given without regard to one’s worth or status and
gratitude is his superpower. It’s one of the without any sense of obligation.
reasons why he’s happy and positive. I personally
believe in this power as well. My perception of Upon realizing this, I recalled the story of David
gratitude then was a kind of filter that helps me when he went off to face Goliath. He had the
to see both the bad and good things happening courage to fight the giant not because he was
in my life, but I focus on the good. skilled, but because he recalled God’s grace and
faithfulness when he faced lions and bears in the
This mindset brought me far in life even before I past. David’s gratitude empowered him.
joined The Feast family. It helped me build good
friendships, persevere through difficulties, and I pray that God continues to pour His grace upon
pursue my dreams. As I grew in my relationship your life, my friend. You are showered with His
and faith in God while discipling the youth, He abundant gifts of grace—freely given without
deepened my knowledge and understanding of regard to your worth or status and without any
gratitude. He reminded me that gratitude is about sense of obligation. Why? Because you are loved.

1 2
“Being poor of heart, “Life fully makes sense
reacting with meekness only when it is given
and humility . . . seeing and as a gift.”
acting with mercy—that is

3 4
“Service toward our “Charity is the most
brothers and sisters springs effective form of witness,
from the heart that loves.” because in it people see
the love of God.”

5 6
“Mary, mother of “Holiness is the most
tenderness who is always attractive face of the
near, teach us how to live Church.”
and have faith.”

7 8
“Love of God and love of “Your response to Jesus
neighbor should be the two cannot be conditioned by
cornerstones of our lives.” momentary calculations
and convenience. It must
be a lifelong yes.”

9 10
“Love can recognize “[God] asks us to open our
Take a moment of silence and good things even in bad
hearts and to welcome Him
and the most vulnerable of
reflect on God's message for our brothers and sisters.”
you through the words of Pope
Francis. Allow yourself to grow
in faith every day of the month. 11 12
“There is no freedom “A Christian’s life should be
greater than letting yourself invested in Jesus and spent
be guided by the Holy for others.”

13 14 15 16
“The holiness to which “There is no love without “What lasts? What “When we are full of self-
the Lord calls you grows works of charity.” has value in life? What importance, we leave no
through small gestures in treasures don’t disappear? space for God.”
everyday life.” Definitely two—God and
our neighbor.”

17 18 19 20
“Never forget this golden “Love keeps a tiny flame “Remember the more you “It takes effort to always do
rule: ‘Do to others what alight even in the darkest give yourselves to others, good. The road to holiness
you would have them do to night.” the more you will receive is not for the lazy.”
you’ (Matthew 7:12).” and be happy!”

21 22 23 24
“Keeping a heart free of all “God loves us in a way that “Love overcomes all “Convert our hearts, Lord,
that tarnishes love, sowing crushes all loneliness and difficulties. Love gives us so that love may spread
peace all around us—that is isolation.” the strength to carry on.” here on earth.”

25 26 27 28
“Prayer is never in vain. “There is no holiness “Whatever we do, let us “Anyone who follows Jesus,
It always brings forth without prayer.” sustain the voice of the loves the poor and the
something new that, Holy Spirit through practical lowly.”
sooner or later, bears fruit.” good deeds and actions.”

29 30 31
“God needs people who “Let us ask our Lord to help “No one is so poor they
bring His forgiveness and us understand that love is cannot give what they have,
His mercy into the world.” service, love means taking but first and foremost, who
care of others.” they are.”
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 SUNDAY FEAST 14

DECEMBER 3, 2023

First Reading: Isaiah 63:16-17, 19, 64:2-7 for a while and places his servants in charge of everything.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 He tells each of them what to do, and he orders the guard
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 to keep alert. So be alert! You don’t know when the master
of the house will come back. It could be in the evening or at
Gospel Reading: Mark 13:33-37 midnight or before dawn or in the morning. But if he comes
suddenly, don’t let him find you asleep. I tell everyone just
So watch out and be ready! You don’t know when the time what I have told you. Be alert!
will come. It is like what happens when a man goes away

What is a good student? How can an ordinary pupil be goes the extra mile to understand it better. A good student
a good student? In an English forum, a writer shared his is also a good person. When given the chance, a good
essay about the qualities of a good student. According to student also helps a classmate to cope with and learn the
him, the most evident trait of a good student is someone lessons. (But no cheating please!)
who has high academic skills, actively participates in
classroom discussions, and gets excellent grades in Be alert! In today’s Gospel, Mark reminds us to keep
assignments, quizzes, and recitations. The student watch and to always be ready because we do not know
correctly perceives the lessons taught in class, arrives when the Master will come. So, like a good student, be on
at the right conclusion, and properly applies these guard, study hard, and learn your subjects well because
lessons. Another obvious measure is the A marks and you do not know when the teacher will come for a surprise
“Outstanding” marks given by the teacher. graded recitation or perhaps say, “Get 1/4 sheet of paper.
Question #1.”
But the qualities of a good student go beyond the grades
earned. A good student possesses the right attitude, even
without the grades and the presence of a teacher. He is
willing to learn, whether he finds the subject interesting or
not. He has the self-discipline to diligently do assignments, How can you be a good student?
submit projects on time, and review books and notes for How do you heed the warning in the
better understanding. He does homework in advance to Gospel in your life as a student?
avoid cramming and skips a gimmick or two with friends
to study. He not only memorizes what is taught in class; he
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 SUNDAY FEAST 15

DECEMBER 10, 2023

First Reading: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 “Turn back to God and be baptized! Then your sins will be
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14 forgiven.”
Second Reading: 2 Peter 3:8-14
From all Judea and Jerusalem crowds of people went to
Gospel Reading: Mark 1:1-8 John. They told how sorry they were for their sins, and he
baptized them in the Jordan River. John wore clothes made
This is the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It of camel’s hair. He had a leather strap around his waist and
began just as God had said in the book written by Isaiah ate grasshoppers and wild honey. John also told the people,
the prophet, “I am sending my messenger to get the way “Someone more powerful is going to come. And I am not
ready for you. In the desert someone is shouting, ‘Get the good enough even to stoop down and untie his sandals. I
road ready for the Lord! Make a straight path for him.’” So baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy
John the Baptist showed up in the desert and told everyone, Spirit!”

Have you ever been a “bridge” to a guy friend who wants proclaiming the message to “Get the road ready for the
to pursue a girl? Your friend writes sweet notes for the Lord! Make a straight path for Him. Turn back to God and
girl, and you—the bridge—hands over the message to her. be baptized!”
Your friend finds the girl pretty and you tell her so. Your
friend buys flowers for the girl and you deliver them to her. As God’s bridge, His messenger, John the Baptist was
Sweet! admired and respected by the people. He could have fallen
for the trap of wanting Jesus’ role instead. But John the
But do you realize that each time you play your part Baptist is a bridge with a firm and strong foundation. He
as the bridge, there is a risk of unplanned feelings and understands his responsibility as a bridge for the Messiah.
unexpected relationships that may cause complications? If He knows in his heart that the credit is not his, but the
the bridge is a boy, the girl sees his sincerity and goodness, Lord’s.
but not that of her admirer. She may end up falling for the
bridge instead. And what’s worse is if the bridge also feels
the same admiration and falls for the girl. Ouch! Poor guy!
Now, if the bridge is a girl, she sees the good qualities of Reflect:
the guy and puts herself at risk of falling for the guy. She
may end up with a broken heart because the guy only likes
her as a friend. Ouch again! Have you ever been a “bridge”
for a friend? What is your purpose as a
In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist is the bridge between bridge? How did you play your role?
Jesus and the people. He went ahead of the Lord,
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 FAMBAM 17

couple of days. Every day, I saw their barong-

barong (shanty) in darkness. It broke my

For years, I was showered by my dad’s

generosity. Every day, I would pray the “Prayer
for Generosity” together with my classmates.
We would have outreach programs for our
less fortunate brothers and sisters. Without
telling my parents, I got my four hundred
pesos savings and went straight to my
neighbor. I did not know what to say. All I did
was give the money to the father and said,
“Para po magkailaw na po kayo. (So you can

Be the Light already have electricity.)” Then he looked at

me, smiled, and said, “Maraming, maraming
salamat. (Thank you very much.)”
By Aio Barcelona
Well, my birthday that year came without
my savings and I was still happy because
I gave light to a family. God has a way of
rowing up, my dad taught me the telling us that He sees our heart and we can
importance of giving to the people never outdo Him in generosity. Guess what
around us. He also showed me how happened? My dad surprised me with a brand-
it can be done on a regular basis. new PSP!
I learned well because Dad practices his
“giving” to me (Thanks, Dad!). Plus, my school To this day, I could still see my neighbor
was very particular about generosity. I grew up smiling. He no longer lives in the shanty
knowing the importance of giving but I never nearby, but I hope he and his family continue
really acted on it until I turned ten. to have “light” in their life.

When I was ten years old, I set aside money Friend, give. God sees your heart!
from my allowance to buy the then-new PSP
come my birthday (which is also Christmas Rock on! Peace!
day, by the way). For five months I was doing
good. Well, for a ten-year-old, saving four
hundred pesos was a big deal! But as for
buying a PSP? Nah, goodbye, PSP. I was not Question to Ponder
frustrated at all and just continued to save
up. To whom can you give this
Christmas season? Go out and be
Then the rainy season came. We had a roof
over our heads, but we had a neighbor who generous to someone today.
only lived in a shanty. The rain badly affected
them and left them without electricity for a
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 SUNDAY FEAST 18

DECEMBER 17, 2023

First Reading: Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-11 “No, I am not!” And when they asked if he were the Prophet,
Responsorial Psalm: Luke 1:46-48, 49-50, 53-54 he also said “No!” Finally, they said, “Who are you then? We
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 have to give an answer to the ones who sent us. Tell us who
you are!” John answered in the words of the prophet Isaiah, “I
Gospel Reading: John 1:6-8, 19-28 am only someone shouting in the desert, ‘Get the road ready
for the Lord!’” Some Pharisees had also been sent to John.
God sent a man named John, who came to tell about the light They asked him, “Why are you baptizing people, if you are
and to lead all people to have faith. John wasn’t that light. He not the Messiah or Elijah or the Prophet?” John told them, “I
came only to tell about the light. use water to baptize people. But here with you is someone you
don’t know. Even though I came first, I am not good enough to
The Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and temple helpers untie his sandals.” John said this as he was baptizing east of the
to ask John who he was. He told them plainly, “I am not the Jordan River in Bethany.
Messiah.” Then when they asked him if he were Elijah, he said,

Science tells us that the moon gets its light from the sun. that He gave us all our talents and gifts. We block God’s
As a matter of fact, around three to twelve percent of the rays, thinking that we can do everything on our own. The
sun’s rays are reflected by the moon’s surface to the Earth. result? Darkness. Complete darkness.
Moonlight dispels the darkness of the night.
In the Gospel, the sun is Jesus and the moon is John the
In August 2017, the United States witnessed the Great Baptist. But unlike an eclipse, John does his role as the
American Eclipse. Especially those in Illinois, people were messenger, paving the way for the Lord. John must have
fortunate to witness the alignment of the Earth and been tempted to take the credit—people already looked
the sun with the moon in between for two minutes and up to him and highly regarded him. It is truly remarkable
40.2 seconds. It was such a rare event that Americans for John the Baptist to humbly accept his role as the
witnessed a total eclipse across the country after ninety- moon that reflects the brightness of Jesus’ sun: “I am only
nine years. someone shouting in the desert. Get the road ready for
the Lord! Even though I came first, I am not good enough
Just like these heavenly bodies, the Lord Jesus Christ is to untie his sandals.”
the sun and we are the moon. Without the sun, the moon
will just be a dark astronomical body orbiting the Earth.
Without Jesus, we are nothing. Gina sings beautifully
because the Lord blessed her with the gift of music. Ryan is
poetic because the Lord blessed him with the gift of words.
Mary is a math genius because she is blessed with the gift
What is a total eclipse in a man’s life?
of numbers. However, there are times when we experience Describe an eclipse you experienced. What
an eclipse in our lives. We forget that God is our light and inspires you the most about John the Baptist?
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 SUNDAY FEAST 19

DECEMBER 24, 2023

First Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 and you will have a son. His name will be Jesus. He will be
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29 great and will be called the Son of God Most High. The
Second Reading: Romans 16:25-27 Lord God will make him king, as his ancestor David was. He
will rule the people of Israel forever, and his kingdom will
Gospel Reading: Luke 1:26-38 never end.” Mary asked the angel, “How can this happen? I
am not married!” The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will
One month later God sent the angel Gabriel to the town come down to you, and God’s power will come over you. So
of Nazareth in Galilee with a message for a virgin named your child will be called the holy Son of God. Your relative
Mary. She was engaged to Joseph from the family of King Elizabeth is also going to have a son, even though she is old.
David. The angel greeted Mary and said, “You are truly No one thought she could ever have a baby, but in three
blessed! The Lord is with you.” Mary was confused by the months she will have a son. Nothing is impossible for God!”
angel’s words and wondered what they meant. Then the Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as you have
angel told Mary, “Don’t be afraid! God is pleased with you, said.” And the angel left her.

Are you ready for Christmas? hours left before midnight, let's go to confession. There
were challenges that irked us, moments that made us
“Oh, yes!” Joy said. “I already have a new pair of shoes to impatient and lose control, and trying times that brought
match the new dress I bought for the holidays.” “Yes, I am out the worst in us. Let's go and confess our sins to a
ready for Christmas,” JC exclaimed. “My gifts are ready priest. Recall and reflect on all those situations. Say sorry
for Mom, Dad, and Melanie. I’m sure they’ll love it.” “Oh to those we hurt and pray for those who hurt us.
boy! I’m excited for Christmas! My schedule is fixed for all
the Christmas gimmicks and family reunions this season,” Make the best of the season and be the most beautiful
Paula remarked. that we can be. Purify our hearts to make room for the
birth of baby Jesus.
Who wouldn’t be excited about Christmas? As soon as
the calendar hits the “–ber” months, Christmas carols are
already being played in malls and over the radio. The cold
days bring a nostalgic feeling that makes you look forward Reflect:
to family reunions and get-togethers. Warm and happy
thoughts make you excited in preparing Christmas gifts
and writing cards. The festive mood of the season makes Are you ready for Christmas?
you aglow with good tidings and cheers. What have you done to prepare for the
season? How did you prepare your heart?
May we remember the real reason why we celebrate
Christmas—the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. With a few
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 SUNDAY FEAST 20

DECEMBER 31, 2023

First Reading: Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3 and now I can die in peace, because you have kept your promise to
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 me. With my own eyes I have seen what you have done to save your
Second Reading: Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 people, and foreign nations will also see this. Your mighty power is
a light for all nations, and it will bring honor to your people Israel.”
Gospel Reading: Luke 2:22-40 Jesus’ parents were surprised at what Simeon had said. Then he
blessed them and told Mary, “This child of yours will cause many
The time came for Mary and Joseph to do what the Law of Moses people in Israel to fall and others to stand. The child will be like
says a mother is supposed to do after her baby is born. They took a warning sign. Many people will reject him, and you, Mary, will
Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem and presented him to the Lord, just suffer as though you had been stabbed by a dagger. But all this
as the Law of the Lord says, “Each first-born baby boy belongs to will show what people are really thinking.” The prophet Anna was
the Lord.” The Law of the Lord also says that parents have to offer also there in the temple. She was the daughter of Phanuel from
a sacrifice, giving at least a pair of doves or two young pigeons. the tribe of Asher, and she was very old. In her youth she had been
So that is what Mary and Joseph did. At this time a man named married for seven years, but her husband died. And now she was
Simeon was living in Jerusalem. Simeon was a good man. He loved eighty-four years old. Night and day she served God in the temple
God and was waiting for God to save the people of Israel. God’s by praying and often going without eating. At that time Anna came
Spirit came to him and told him that he would not die until he had in and praised God. She spoke about the child Jesus to everyone
seen Christ the Lord. When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the who hoped for Jerusalem to be set free. After Joseph and Mary had
temple to do what the Law of Moses says should be done for a new done everything that the Law of the Lord commands, they returned
baby, the Spirit told Simeon to go into the temple. Simeon took the home to Nazareth in Galilee. The child Jesus grew. He became
baby Jesus in his arms and praised God, “Lord, I am your servant, strong and wise, and God blessed him.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. In a few hours, we will bid Simeon was a good man. But he found peace only when
2023 goodbye and welcome 2024. Do you already have he held the baby Jesus in his arms. Anna was a prophetess
your list of resolutions for the New Year? “I will study who served God in the temple day and night. And it gave
my lessons when I get home.” “I will help Mom with the her more joy, praising God, upon seeing the child Jesus
chores at home.” “I will exercise more and live healthily. in the temple. Your goodness will shine through if you let
No soft drinks. No junk food. No chocolate.” Yes, this is a Jesus in your life this new year and beyond.
list of the things we want to do and avoid this coming year.
As a matter of fact, New Year’s resolutions serve as a guide May God bless you this 2024, and may He bless the
on how we want to live each day of the year. goodness of your heart. Happy New Year!

Tip: Remember to place God first in your New Year’s

resolutions list. No good intention, kindness, and altruism
are enough without the Lord in the midst of each deed. Reflect:
You will get tired, exasperated, and even frustrated.
Temptations and challenges will test your determination to What is your New Year’s resolution?
do good and to be better. Doing this on your own, relying How will you make your resolution
only on yourself, and going at it alone will drain you. You
need God in your life. happen? Where is God in your plans?

Serve in
By Migs Ramirez
woke up at 5:30 a.m. on a Sunday to go to our community
prayer gathering called The Feast. I wore my best clothes,
drove down from Mandaluyong to Pasay, and led thousands
of people in singing, shouting, and dancing for God. In the
middle of everything were the occasional photo-ops, hugs, and
greets from dozens of awesome friends.

Wow! Just thinking about it leaves me exhausted—but my heart

is bursting with joy. Have you ever felt this way? That’s what
service does to you.

Serve from the Heart

We equate service to giving alms, visiting the sick, donating to
charity, and many more. These are awesome ways of serving. But
service is more than outward sharing. It’s more than the donation
box to the victims of the typhoon; more than the voluntary work
you do for your classmates and teachers; and ultimately more
than just giving the excess talent, treasure, and time you have in
your hands.

Service has to come from a loving heart. The Bible teaches,

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not
reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”
(2 Corinthians 9:7). Let us serve with joy. How? Here are the ways.

Serve with All Your Talent

I stay happy after a long day of singing and dancing for God
because I believe that He has filled me with so much talent, and
this leaves me wanting to share more as the days, months, and
years pass by. When somebody asks you what your talent is,
what do you tell them? Do you run down a long list of what you
can do, or do you simply look down and say, “I don’t have one”?

When you think that way, you put yourself into places that leave you tired and wasted? What
a trap, leading you to believe that you don’t you do with your time is your choice, so why
have anything to share. Here’s the truth: We not choose to spend it by serving the people
all have talents! And our talents increase as closest to your heart? Say this over and over
we discover and share them. It’s OK to fail. again: “My time is my treasure.” Imagine how
Even the best people do. So instead of being you will spend your time: to love your family,
afraid of letting the world know what you can to be excellent in your schoolwork, and to be
do, empower yourself and say, “I can do it!” happy that every second is another chance to
share what you have with the world.
Serve with All Your Treasure
Before, I was selfish to share my treasure. Service is about putting others’ needs before
Then I realized that I had a “scarcity your own. It is sharing what you have—your
mindset”—something common in most of us. time, talent, and treasure—to make the world
Sometimes, we don’t want to share because a better place.
we feel that if we give, it won’t come back to
us. Is this true? When your classmate asks My prayer for you is that you get the real
you for some baon or when your younger essence of service—tired yet joyful. Just
brother begs for money so he can buy a toy, like how Jesus served us—broken, bruised,
what’s the first thing that comes to your and bloodied. But because His heart was
mind? “Why would I share this with you? Get overflowing with love, He rose again so we can
your own.” have life in abundance. That’s the ultimate
We can turn this around by believing that
money just goes around. What you lose, you
can always gain back! No one “owns” money
—we are just “stewards” of the material
things God has given us. When you give a gift
to someone or drop your offering at church,
always remember that what you give will
always come back to you bigger and better!

Serve with All Your Time

Time is the most expensive thing on earth
untouched by human hands. When time is
lost, it is lost forever. That’s why many people
think twice before serving in school or church
because it will eat up their precious time.

If you were to make a graph of what occupies

your time, what would have the biggest
portion? Is it spending quality time with your
family? Studying? Learning a new skill? Or
is it spent online playing games or going to
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 VOCATION & PURPOSE 24

Open 4. The Gift of Mercy

“Where God is born, mercy flourishes. Mercy is the

Your Gifts!
most precious gift which God gives us, especially
during this Jubilee year in which we are called to
discover that tender love of our heavenly Father for
each of us.”

By Rinabelle Papalid “This Child, whose face radiates the goodness,

mercy, and love of God the Father, trains us, His
disciples, as Saint Paul says, ‘to reject godless
re you excited for Christmas? ways’ and the richness of the world, in order to live
‘temperately, justly, and devoutly.’”
I know you are. Because it is the season
that changes the world. People are a little 5. Jesus Himself
kinder, a little happier, and a little more “Let us open our hearts to receive the grace of
generous. this day, which is Christ Himself. Jesus is the
radiant ‘day’ which has dawned on the horizon of
The world seems to be a better place to live in. humanity.”

But hey, more than all the gifts that you’ll receive this
Christmas, there are gifts that are far more special Now that you’ve opened your gifts, it’s time to pay it
than you could ever imagine. That’s according to Pope forward!
May you bring joy wherever you go.
Here are five special gifts that Pope Francis wants to
share with you: May you bring hope to the poor and the
1. The Gift of Joy
“Joy and gladness are a sure sign that the May you go and bring peace to the people who have
message contained in the mystery of this night done you wrong.
is truly from God. . . . There is no room for the
indifference which reigns in the hearts of those May you be the face of mercy in a world that is full
unable to love for fear of losing something. All of violence. May you be Jesus to the people you
sadness has been banished, for the Child Jesus encounter.
brings true comfort to every heart.”
You can do it, friend! Baby Jesus is rooting for you!
2. The Gift of Hope
“Where God is born, hope is born; and where
hope is born, persons regain their dignity. . . .
May our closeness today be felt by those who are
most vulnerable, especially child soldiers, women
who suffer violence, and the victims of human
trafficking and the drug trade.”

3. The Gift of Peace

“Let us take His words to heart in rapt
contemplation of His face. If we take Him [Jesus]
in our arms and let ourselves be embraced by
Him, He will bring us unending peace of heart.”

“Where God is born, peace is born. And where

peace is born, there is no longer room for hatred
and for war."
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 A SAINT'S STORY 26


Story by Gina J. Verdolaga Art by Mike Cortes

How far does

one defend his
or her faith? Well, Mariam
Baouardy almost Young Mariam
died for hers. lay in the
street after
a man slashed
her throat. A
mysterious lady
appeared and
brought her to
a small grotto.

Drink this
soup, it’s good
for you.
Who are you,
my lady? The lady
neck wound
and took
care of her.

I am here to
help you.

Mariam knew
in her heart My Father is
that the lady offended!
was Mother
Mary. At At eighteen,
fifteen, she joined the
Mariam Sisters of St.
took a vow Joseph of the Holy Jesus, have
of chastity. Apparition mercy on us sinners.
Meanwhile, as a novice in Give me Your
she earned Marseilles, sufferings!
her way as France. While
a servant. praying one
night, she had
a vision.
FISH V.21.05 | 2023 A SAINT'S STORY 27

Why is there blood

From then on Sister Mariam’s
on, Mariam The bleeding left hand?
experienced frequently
pains in her increased. It
body. Blood became so
flowed from intense and
her hands, greatly affected
feet, and Mariam.

It looks like a

So Mariam didn’t
know what a
Mariam stigmata was?
believed she
had a disease.
She prayed
that God would
cure her until
the bleeding
She was a simple
finally stopped.
girl who couldn‛t
read or write. She
thought she was
just sick.
Mariam’s stigmata
disturbed some of the
sisters, so they turned
down Mariam’s application What will become
for permanency. Don’t worry, we
of me now,
shall try the
Reverend Mother?


To be continued . . .

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