Unwind - Knitwear - Cellarium - Hat - Pattern (1) - 1

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© Rachel Illsley 2021


Cellarium is a cabled hat design inspired by the Cellarium at Fountains Abbey. The hat features overlapping,
arching cables that converge at the crown to form a beautiful, star-like pattern.


Sample 1 (above left) has been worked in Size 3. The wearer has a 21” / 52.5cm head circumference, giving 3”
/ 7.5cm of negative ease at the headband. Sample 1 has been worked in colourway Nougat.

Sample 2 (above right) has been worked in Size 4. The wearer has a 23.5” / 59cm head circumference, giving
3.5” / 9cm of negative ease at the headband. Sample 2 has been worked in colourway Blush.

SIZING GUIDE Measurement Unit
1 2 3 4
This accessory is graded into sizes Headband Inches 14 16 18 20
1 (2, 3, 4). Recommended Circumference Cm 35 40 45 50
negative ease is 2-5” / 5-12.5cm
at the headband. Cabled Pattern Inches 18.75 21.25 24 26.75
Circumference Cm 46.5 53.5 60 66.5
All of the measurements are for
the finished hat after wet Inches 7 7.75 8.25 9
Hat Height
blocking. Cm 17.5 19 21 22.5
Inches 1 1.75 2.25 3
Headband Height
Cm 2.5 4 6 7.5

Cabled Section Inches 6 6 6 6

Height Cm 15 15 15 15


There are two recommended gauges here: one for BOR Beginning of round
the headband and one for the cabled pattern. I C Cable
recommend swatching for the cabled pattern gauge Cable 2 Back: 1st st on LN crosses
then using a needle 1-2 sizes smaller for the behind 2nd st; work sts as K1 tbl, P1.
headband. Cable 2 Front: 1st st on LN crosses in
front of 2nd st; work sts as P1, K1 tbl.
CABLED PATTERN GAUGE Cable 3 Centred: 1st and 3rd sts on LN
C3C cross behind 2nd st; work sts as
Using 3mm / US size 2.5 needles, or needle size indicated in brackets that follow.
required to meet gauge, 30 stitches over 36 rounds Cable 3 Back: 1st and 2nd sts on LN
in the cable pattern (I suggest using Cable Chart 2 for C3B cross behind 3rd st; work sts as K1 tbl,
this), blocked, creates a 4x4”/10x10cm square.
Cable 3 Back with decrease: 1st and 2nd
HEADBAND GAUGE C3Bdec sts on LN cross behind 3rd st; work sts
as K1 tbl, P2tog.
Using 2.5mm / US size 1.5 needles, or needle size Cable 3 Front: 1st st on LN crosses in
required to meet gauge, 32 stitches over 48 rounds C3F front of 2nd and 3rd sts; work sts as P2,
K1 tbl.
in half-twisted rib stitch (i.e.: K1 tbl, P1), blocked,
Cable 3 Front with decrease: 1st st on
creates a 4x4”/10x10cm square. C3Fdec LN crosses in front of 2nd and 3rd sts;
work sts as P2tog, K1 tbl.
CO Cast on
YARN dec Decrease
LLD Left-leaning decrease: K2tog tbl.
The sample has been worked using West Green Loft Right-leaning decrease: 1st and 2nd sts
Yarn’s Cashmere Lux fingering-weight base (80% switch places as if to C2B; K2tog tbl.
Superwash Merino / 10% Cashmere / 10% Nylon; Centred double decrease: sl 1st on LN
350m / 383yds per 100g) using the colourways purlwise, sl next st on LN as if to P tbl;
sl both sts from RN back to LN
Nougat (beige; Sample 1 on p.1) and Blush (pale CDD
purlwise. Sl 2 sts together knitwise
pink; Sample 2 on p.1). from LN to RN, K1, pass the 2 slipped
sts over.
K Knit
YARDAGE (includes ~10% excess) K2tog Knit 2 together
LN Left needle
One Colour: 123 (155, 191, 229) metres / 134 (170, Make 1 Left purl: LN moves from front
209, 250) yards / 35 (44, 55, 65) grams. m1L purl to back to lift strand between sts; purl
lifted strand tbl.
Make 1 Right purl: LN moves from
m1R purl back to front to lift strand between sts;
TOOLS & NOTIONS purl lifted strand tfl.
P Purl
2.5mm / US size 1.5 circular needles (to work p. Page
headband) or needle size required to meet gauge pm Place marker
Psso / p2sso Pass the (two) slipped stitch(es) over
3mm / US size 2.5 circular needles (to work cable
P2tog Purl 2 together
pattern) or needle size required to meet gauge
R Row / Round
1 marker (removable marker is helpful, but not rep Repeat
essential) rm Remove marker
RN Right needle
tapestry needle to weave in ends Rnd/rnds Round / rounds
Slip stitch purlwise (with yarn at back
Optional: sl
unless specified otherwise)
St/sts Stitch / stitches
3mm / US size 2.5 cable needle (for working cables tog Together
if preferred; slipping sts from needles and tbl Through the back loop
reordering them also works) tfl Through the front loop
wyif With yarn in front
You may find 3mm / US size 2.5 double pointed
Work bracketed instructions as
needles helpful to work the narrow circumference at () or []
the crown.

The Cellarium hat is worked from the bottom up. It starts with a tubular cast on, then half-twisted ribbing is
worked until the required height of the headband is achieved. Twisted, arching cables are then worked
throughout the main section of the hat, with decreases worked into the final third of the hat to shape the crown.


With 2.5mm / US size 1.5 needles (or needle size required to meet headband gauge) and your yarn choice, start
by creating a slip knot and place on RN. This slipknot is your first st. Then use the long-tail tubular cast on method
(tutorial here) to CO 112 (128, 144, 160) sts (including the slipknot first st), starting with a purl CO st after the
slipknot. Once complete, twist yarn tails together to secure final CO st, then turn work and prepare to work first
set-up row.

Set-Up Row 1: Work (K1 tbl, sl 1 wyif) to the end of the row. Turn work and prepare to work the second set-up

Set-Up Row 2: Work (K1 tbl, sl 1 wyif) to end of the row. (Note that for a standard long-tail tubular CO, you would
expect to work K1, not K1 tbl, for the second set-up row, but here we are establishing the half-twisted rib pattern
that will continue through the headband, so K1 tbl is used again.) Once complete, do not turn work, but instead
prepare to join in the rnd and pm to indicate BOR.


R1-12 (1-20, 1-28, 1-35): Work half-twisted rib (i.e.: K1 tbl, P1) for 12 (20, 28, 35) rnds (i.e.: for 1 (1.75, 2.25, 3)” /
2.5 (4, 6, 7.5) cm. If you would like to increase or decrease hat height, adjust the number of rnds worked here
(see Sizing Guide for standard hat heights by size). Based on headband gauge, ~12 rnds is equal to 1” / 2.5cm
of height. Please note that the recommended headband height assumes you are working a flat headband; for
a folded headband, I would recommend ~20 (32, 46, 50) rnds.

At the end of the final rnd of the headband, when you reach BOR, rm, K1tbl, pm. (i.e.: BOR marker is moved 1
place to the left.)



There are a range of “Cable 3 Centred” (C3C) cables to work in this pattern. These require you to cross the
1st and 3rd sts on the LN behind the 2nd st and then work the sts as directed in the bracketed instructions that

Please see this tutorial for support in working these cables with and without a cable needle.


When designing Cellarium, I ran into a problem with the vertical columns of twisted knit sts because they
were being pulled outwards by the neighbouring cable work, giving a bowed appearance instead of
running in a neatly vertical direction. To address this problem, you will see that there are some C3C cables
that are worked into these vertical columns which are almost completely invisible on the front of your work
(for example, see Cable Chart 1, Round 6, last 3 sts of each rep); these cables serve no aesthetic purpose
whatsoever but instead are placed to reinforce the structural integrity of the vertical columns of twisted knit
sts. This is the first time I have used cables in this way and I found it deeply interesting to consider that cables
could be used for a structural purpose, not just as an aesthetically pleasing design element.


R13-19 (21-27, 29-35, 36-42): Switch to 3mm / US size 2.5 END OF CHART R6
needles (or needles required to achieve Cable Pattern gauge)
and work the cabled pattern as detailed in Cable Chart 1 On the final rep of the rnd of Chart R6, the
(below) or the Cable Chart 1 Written Instructions (p.5) for 7 last cable is worked across the BOR to
rnds. include the first st of the next rnd. You may
find it helpful to remove BOR marker when
St Count end of Chart R1: 140 (160, 180, 200) sts. working the final cable but take care to
Please note: if you are finding it difficult to distinguish return marker to the same position as
between the different cable symbols used in the chart, please previously (i.e.: between 2nd and 3rd sts of
see the additional .pdf, where colour-coded versions of these final cable).
charts can be found.

Cable Chart 1 Written Instructions:

Chart R1: [P1, K1 tbl, m1R purl, P1, m1L purl, (K1 tbl, P1) work 4 times, K1 tbl, m1R purl, P1, m1L purl, K1 tbl, P1,
K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

St Count end of Chart R1: 140 (160, 180, 200) sts.

Chart R2: [P1, K1 tbl, P3, (K1 tbl, P1) work 5 times, P2, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R3: [P1, K1 tbl, P2, C2B twice, P1, K1 tbl, P1, C2F twice, P2, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R4: [P1, K1tbl, C3B, P1, (K1 tbl, P2) twice, K1 tbl, P1, C3F, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R5: [C3C (work sts as K2 tbl, P1), P2, C2B, P1, C3C (work sts as K3 tbl), P1, C2F, P2, C3C (work sts as P1,
K2 tbl), K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R6: Sl 1st st of rnd purlwise, then [K1 tbl, P2, C2B, P2, K3 tbl, P2, C2F, P2, K1 tbl, C3C (work sts as P1, K1
tbl, P1)] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last cable is worked across the BOR to include the first
st of the next rnd. You may find it helpful to remove BOR marker when working the final cable but take care to
return marker to the same position as previously (i.e.: between 2nd and 3rd sts of final cable).

Chart R7: (Note that 1st st of the rnd has already been worked in the final cable of the previous rnd.) [K1 tbl, C3B,
P2, C2B, K1 tbl, C2F, P2, C3F, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, P1] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last P1 is
not required as end of rnd has already been reached.

R20-42 (28-50, 36-58, 43-65): Continue to work the cable pattern following Cable Chart 2 (below) or the Cable
Chart 2 Written Instructions (p.7) for 23 rnds.

Cable Chart 2 Written Instructions:

Chart R1: [C3C (sts are worked as K2 tbl, P1), P3, C2B, C3C (sts are worked as K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl), C2F, P3, C3C (sts are
worked as P1, K2 tbl), K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R2: Sl 1st st of rnd purlwise, then [K1 tbl, P2, C3B, (P1, K1 tbl) twice, P1, C3F, P2, K1 tbl, C3C (sts are worked as
P1, K1 tbl, P1)] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last cable is worked across the BOR to include the
first st of the next rnd. You may find it helpful to remove BOR marker when working the final cable but take care to
return marker to the same position as previously (i.e.: between 2 nd and 3rd sts of final cable).

Chart R3: (Note that 1st st of the rnd has already been worked in the final cable of the previous rnd.) [K1 tbl, C3B, P2,
C2B, P1, C2F, P2, C3F, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, P1] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last P1 is not required
as end of rnd has already been reached.

Chart R4: [C3C (sts are worked as K2 tbl, P1), P3, C2B, P3, C2F, P3, C3C (sts are worked as P1, K2 tbl), K1 tbl] rep to
end of rnd.

Chart R5: Sl 1st st of rnd purlwise, then [K1 tbl, P2, C3B, P5, C3F, P2, K1 tbl, C3C (sts are worked as P1, K1 tbl, P1)] rep
to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last cable is worked across the BOR to include the first st of the next rnd
as previously.

Chart R6: (1st st has already been worked as previously.) [K1 tbl, C3B, P4, K1 tbl, P4, C3F, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, P1] rep to
end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last P1 is not required as end of rnd has already been reached.

Chart R7: [C3C (sts are worked as K2 tbl, P1), P6, K1 tbl, P6, C3C (sts are worked as P1, K2 tbl), K1 tbl] rep to end of

Chart R8: Sl 1st st of rnd purlwise, then [K1 tbl, P7, K1 tbl, P7, K1 tbl, C3C (sts are worked as P1, K1 tbl, P1)] rep to end
of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last cable is worked across the BOR to include the first st of the next rnd as

Chart R9: (1st st has already been worked as previously.) [K1 tbl, P7, K1 tbl, P7, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice] rep to end of
rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last P1 is not required as end of rnd has already been reached.

Chart R10: [P1, K1 tbl, P5, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice, K1 tbl, P5, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R11: [P1, C2F, P4, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice, K1 tbl, P4, C2B, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R12: [P2, K1 tbl, P4, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice, K1 tbl, P4, K1 tbl, P2, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R13: Sl 1st st of rnd purlwise, then [P1, C2F, P3, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice, K1 tbl, P3, C2B, P1, C3C (work sts as K3
tbl)] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last cable is worked across the BOR to include the first st of the
next rnd as previously.

Chart R14: (1st st has already been worked as previously.) [P2, C2F, P2, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice, K1 tbl, P2, C2B, P2, K3
tbl)] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last K1 tbl is not required as end of rnd has already been reached.

Chart R15: [C2F, P2, C3F, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice, K1 tbl, C3B, P2, C2B, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R16: Sl 1st st of rnd purlwise, then [C2F, P3, C3C (work sts as P1, K2 tbl), K1 tbl, C3C (work sts as K2 tbl, P1), P3,
C2B, C3C (work sts as K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl) rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last cable is worked across
the BOR to include the first st of the next rnd as previously.

Chart R17: (1st st has already been worked as previously.) [P1, C3F, P2, K1 tbl, C3C (work sts as P1, K1 tbl, P1), K1 tbl,
P2, C3B, (P1, K1 tbl) work twice] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last K1 tbl is not required as end of
rnd has already been reached.

Chart R18: [C2F, P2, C3F, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice, K1 tbl, C3B, P2, C2B, P1] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R19: [P1, C2F, P3, C3C (work sts as P1, K2 tbl), K1 tbl, C3C (work sts as K2 tbl, P1), P3, C2B, P2] rep to end of

Chart R20: [P2, C3F, P2, K1 tbl, C3C (work sts as P1, K1 tbl, P1), K1 tbl, P2, C3B, P3] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R21: [P4, C3F, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice, K1 tbl, C3B, P4, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R22: [P6, C3C (work sts as P1, K2 tbl), K1 tbl, C3C (work sts as K2 tbl, P1), P6, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R23: [P7, K1 tbl, C3C (work sts as P1, K1 tbl, P1), K1 tbl, P7, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

R43-58 (51-66, 59-74, 66-81): Continue to work the cable pattern following Cable Chart 3 (below) or the Cable
Chart 3 Written Instructions (p.9) for 16 rnds.

St Count end of Chart R10: 126 (144, 162, 180) sts.

St Count end of Chart R12: 112 (128, 144, 160) sts.

St Count end of Chart R13: 98 (112, 126, 140) sts.

Cable Chart 3 Written Instructions:

Chart R1: [P7, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice, K1 tbl, P7, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R2: [P1, K1 tbl, P5, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice, K1 tbl, P5, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R3: [P1, K1 tbl, P4, C2B, P1, K1 tbl, P1, C2F, P4, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R4: [P1, K1 tbl, P4, (K1 tbl, P2) work twice, K1 tbl, P4, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R5: [P1, K1 tbl, P3, C2B, P1, C3C (work sts as K3 tbl), P1, C2F, P3, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R6: [P1, K1 tbl, P2, C2B, P2, K3 tbl, P2, C2F, P2, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R7: [P1, K1 tbl, C3B, P2, C2B, K1 tbl, C2F, P2, C3F, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R8: [C3C (work sts as K2 tbl, P1), P3, C2B, C3C (work sts as K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl), C2F, P3, C3C (work sts as
P1, K2 tbl), K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R9: Sl 1st st of rnd purlwise, then [K1 tbl, P2, C3B, P1, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, P1, C3F, P2, K1 tbl, C3C (work sts
as P1, K1 tbl, P1)] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last cable is worked across the BOR to include
the first st of the next rnd as previously.

Chart R10: (Note that 1st st has already been worked in the final cable of the previous rnd.) [K1 tbl, C3B, P2, RLD,
P1, LLD, P2, C3F, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last P1 is not required
as end of rnd has already been reached.

St Count end of Chart R10: 126 (144, 162, 180) sts.

Chart R11: [C3C (work sts as K2 tbl, P1), P3, C2B, P1, C2F, P3, C3C (work sts as P1, K2 tbl), K1 tbl] rep to end of

Chart R12: Sl 1st st of rnd purlwise, then [K1 tbl, P2, C3Bdec, P3, C3Fdec, P2, K1 tbl, C3C (work sts as P1, K1 tbl,
P1)] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last cable is worked across the BOR to include the first st
of the next rnd as previously.

St Count end of Chart R12: 112 (128, 144, 160) sts.

Chart R13: (1st st has already been worked as previously.) [K1 tbl, C3Bdec, P2, K1 tbl, P2, C3Fdec, (K1 tbl, P1)
work twice] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last P1 is not required as end of rnd has already
been reached.

St Count end of Chart R13: 98 (112, 126, 140) sts.

Chart R14: [C3C (work sts as K2 tbl, P1), P3, K1 tbl, P3, C3C (work sts as P1, K2 tbl), K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R15: Sl 1st st of rnd purlwise, then [(K1 tbl, P4) work twice, K1 tbl, C3C (work sts as P1, K1 tbl, P1)] rep to
end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last cable is worked across the BOR to include the first st of the next
rnd as previously.

Chart R16: (1st st has already been worked as previously.) [(K1 tbl, P4) work twice, (K1 tbl, P1) work twice] rep to
end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last P1 is not required as end of rnd has already been reached.

R59-66 (67-74, 75-82, 82-89): Continue to work the cable pattern following Cable Chart 4 (below) or the Cable
Chart 4 Written Instructions (p.11) for 8 rnds.

St Count end of Chart R1: 84 (96, 108, 120) sts.

St Count end of Chart R3: 70 (80, 90, 100) sts.

St Count end of Chart R4: 56 (64, 72, 80) sts.

St Count end of Chart R5: 42 (48, 54, 60) sts.

St Count end of Chart R7: 28 (32, 36, 40) sts.

St Count end of Chart R8: 14 (16, 18, 20) sts.

Cable Chart 4 Written Instructions

Chart R1: [P1, LLD, P3, K1 tbl, P3, RLD, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

St Count end of Chart R1: 84 (96, 108, 120) sts.

Chart R2: [P1, C2F, P2, K1 tbl, P2, C2B, P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R3: Sl 1st st of rnd purlwise, then [P1, C3Fdec, K1 tbl, C3Bdec, P1, C3C (work sts as K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl)] rep
to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last cable is worked across the BOR to include the first st of the
next rnd as previously.

St Count end of Chart R3: 70 (80, 90, 100) sts.

Chart R4: (Note that 1st st has already been worked in the final cable of the previous rnd.) [P2, CDD, P2, K1 tbl,
P1, K1 tbl] rep to end of rnd. On the final rep of the rnd, the last K1 tbl is not required as end of rnd has already
been reached.

St Count end of Chart R4: 56 (64, 72, 80) sts.

Chart R5: [LLD, P1, K1 tbl, P1, RLD, P1] rep to end of rnd.

St Count end of Chart R5: 42 (48, 54, 60) sts.

Chart R6: [C2F, K1 tbl, C2B, P1] rep to end of rnd.

Chart R7: [P1, CDD, P2] rep to end of rnd.

St Count end of Chart R7: 28 (32, 36, 40) sts.

Chart R8: [CDD, P1] rep to end of rnd.

St Count end of Chart R8: 14 (16, 18, 20) sts.


R67 (75, 83, 90): K2tog tbl to end of rnd.

St Count: 7 (8, 9, 10) sts.

Cut yarn, leaving a tail of up to 6” / 15cm. Rm. Thread tail onto SHARING YOUR FINISHED OBJECT
tapestry needle and thread tapestry needle through live sts,
slipping sts from LN once they have been threaded. Thread It would be lovely to see your Cellarium hat
tail through live sts a second time to secure and pull tail to once it’s finished.
tighten. Push needle and tail through to the wrong side and
Please do create a project page on Ravelry
weave in the end.
and share your knits on Instagram using the
Weave in cast on tail, then wet block to desired tags #unwindknitwear or #unwindcellarium


Do you have a question or comment about this pattern? Please get in contact at [email protected]

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