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Barricane Socks

The tide laps over the warm sands and when it recedes, across the shore blossoms the gleaming
faces of shells carried across the North Atlantic to this wistful cove in Devon. No edge is cracked or
beauty shattered, nor is a single pale ridge stained. Her toes sink into the soft sand with a hush, but
the shells remain clear and smooth, polished with each wash of the sea. She reaches down and picks
one up, a hollow left behind where it had settled before the ocean removes all trace. Her thumb
dances over the pink ridges, up and down, up and down, up and down, and she continues along the
line to the cliff, on empty Barricane Beach.

Barricane socks by Debbie Ford page 1

Yarn Notions
1 skein/100grams/365m (399yds) of fingering Stitch markers and a tapestry needle.
weight yarn.
Sample was knit using Beehive Yarns Bardot
sock in ‘Sandpiper’ for the body of the sock Small, (Medium and Large) recommended to
and ‘Jockey Full of Bourbon’ for the contrast fit foot circumference of 18 (20.5, 23) cm/ 7(8,
heels and toes. 9) inches. Leg length worked in sample is
16.5cm /6.5 inches (leg and foot length are
Needles fully adjustable)

2.25mm (US 1) circular needle 80cm (32inch) Model is wearing a medium size and has a
for magic loop or 2.25mm (US 1) set of DPN’s 22cm (8.5 inch) foot circumference.
or size needed to get gauge.
36sts and 48 rows per 10cm (4 inches) in
stocking stitch.

Round 2: k 2 (4, 6), work row 2 of pattern, k 2
CUFF (4, 6), k to end.
Knit both socks the same. Round 3: k 2 (4, 6), work row 3 of pattern, k 2
Cast on 56 (64, 72) sts. Join in the round, (4, 6), k to end.
being careful not to twist your stitches and Round 4: k 2 (4, 6), work row 4 of pattern, k 2
place a BOR marker. (4, 6), k to end.
Round 1: [k1tbl, p1] repeat to end of round. Repeat Rounds 1- 4 15 more times, 16 times
Repeat Round 1 14 more times, 15 rounds in in total.
LEG (If you are using a contrast for the heel, start
Set up Round 1: Purl to the end of round. knitting your heel in contrast yarn now. Do
not cut your main coloured yarn.)
Set up Round 2: k 2 (4, 6), [p1, k1tbl], x2, p1,
k14, p1, [k1tbl, p1] x2, k2 (4, 6), k to end of Turn your work so the WS is facing you. We
round. are now going to be working back and forth
on the next 28 (32, 36) sts. The remaining 28
The pattern is worked on the front of the sock (32, 36) sts, are the front of the sock and will
only, the back of the sock is worked in plain be left unworked for now.
stockinette. Charted and written instructions
are on pg 4. Row 1(WS): sl1, p27 (31,35)

Round 1: k 2 (4, 6), work row 1 of pattern k 2 Row 2 (RS): [sl1, k1] repeat across 28(32, 36)
(4, 6), k to end. sts.

Barricane socks by Debbie Ford page 2

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 13 (15, 17) more times K to m, sm, this is now your BOR and you can
14 (16, 18) in total, remove the other st markers as you work the
next round.
Then work Row 1 once more

Continue working in established pattern until
Row 1 (RS): k 16 (18, 20) ssk, k1, turn.
the foot measures 5cm / 2 inches less than
Row 2 (WS): s1, p5, p2tog, p1, turn. desired foot length. I recommend ending on a
row 4 of the pattern, on your last round place
Row 3 (RS): s1, k to 1 sts before your last turn, a sm after the first 28 (32, 36) sts
ssk (using 1 sts from each side of the gap.) k1,
Row 4 (WS): s1, p to 1 st before your last turn, (if you are using a contrast yarn for the toe,
p2tog (using 1 sts from each side of the gap.) start here and cut your main colour)
p1, turn.
Round 1: k1, ssk, k to 2 sts before marker
Repeats Rows 3-4 until all stitches have been k2tog, k1, ssk, k to 2 sts before end of round
worked. k2tog,
You will have 16 (18, 20) sts on your needle Round 2: k to end of round
and the RS should be facing you.
Repeat rounds 1 and 2 until you have 20(28,
36) sts left.
Now you are going to start working in the Cut your working yarn leaving a tail of
round again. approximately 38cm (15 inches) Now you can
Kitchener stitch your toe closed.
Set up round: (This will be your BOR place a
marker if you wish). K 16 (18, 20) pick up and
k 14 (16, 18) sts along your heel flap. (if your
using contrast yarn break here and start
working again with your main colour) pick up
1 extra st in the ladder from the row below,
pm, k2 (4, 6), work row 1 of pattern, k 2 (4, 6)
pm, pick up 1 extra st in the ladder from the
row below, pick up and k 14 (16, 18 ) sts along
your heel flap.
Round 1: k to 2 sts before marker k2tog, k 2
(4, 6), work next row in pattern across the
front of sock, k 2 (4, 6), sm, ssk, k to end of
Round 2: k to m, sm, k 2 (4, 6), work next row
in pattern across the front of sock, k2 (4, 6),
sm, k to end.

Repeat Rounds 1, and 2 until you have

decreased down to your original stitch count
56 (64, 72) sts.

Barricane socks by Debbie Ford page 3


K - knit k2tog - knit 2 sts together

P - purl p3tog - purl 3 sts together.

St/s - stitch/s ssk - sl 1, sl 1 place back on left needle and

Co - cast on
yo - yarn over
Pm - place marker
BOR - Beginning of round
Sm - slip marker
Ktbl - K 1 st through the back loop
Sl - slip 1 st purlwise


Written instructions
Round 1: [p1, k1tbl], x2, p1, k14, p1, [k1tbl,
p1] x2, k 2 (4,6).

Round 2: Repeat Round 1

Round 3: [p1, k1tbl] x2, p1, [k1, yo, p1, p3tog,

p1, yo, k1] x2, p1 [k1tbl, p1] x2, k 2 (4, 6).

Round 4: Repeat round 1

Thanks to Polly Thomas for the copy

I would love to see your finished socks please share on Instagram or Ravelry

@daisystitches #barricanesocks

Barricane socks by Debbie Ford page 4

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