Monorail Beam As Per Is 800-2007

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Monorail Size:
Select: ISMB 450
Design Parameters:
Beam Fy = 250 Mpa
Beam Simple-Span, L = 5.0000 m
Unbraced Length, Lb = 5.0000 m
Overhang Length, Lo = 0.0000 m
Unbraced Length, Lbo = 5.0000 m
Bending Coef., Cbo = 1.00
Lifted Load, P = 50.000 kN
Trolley Weight, Wt = 1.800 kN Nomenclat
Hoist Weight, Wh = 0.500 kN
Vert. Impact Factor, Vi = 15 % 0 Membe
Horz. Load Factor, HLF = 10 % A = 92.20
Total No. Wheels, Nw = 4 d = 450.00
Wheel Spacing, S = 0.2286 m tw = 9.40
Distance on Flange, a = 0.1143 m bf = 150.00
tf = 17.40
Ix= 30400.00
Iy = 834.00
E= 200000.00
G= 76923.08
Support Reactions:
Results: RR(max) =
RL(min) =
Parameters and Coefficients:
Pv = 59.800 kN 0
Pw = 14.950 kN/wheel 0
Ph = 5.000 kN 0
ta = 17.400 mm 0
l = 1.626 l = 2*a/(bf-tw)

Cxo = -1.972 Cxo = -2.110+1.977*l+0.0076*e^(6.53*l)

Cx1 = 0.371 Cx1 = 10.108-7.408*l-10.108*e^(-1.364*l)
Czo = 0.192 Czo = 0.050-0.580*l+0.148*e^(3.015*l)
Cz1 = 2.565 Cz1 = 2.230-1.490*l+1.390*e^(-18.33*l)

Classification of Section
ε 1
b/tf 4.310345 Plastic
d/tw 44.17021 Plastic
Bending Moments for Simple-Span:
x = 2.443 m x = 1/2*(L-S/2) (location of max. moments from left end of simple-span)
Mx = 71.37 kNm Mx = (Pv/2)/(2*L)*(L-S/2)^2+w/1000*x/2*(L-x)
My = 5.97 kNm My = (Ph/2)/(2*L)*(L-S/2)^2

Lateral Flange Bending Moment from Torsion for Simple-Span: (per USS Steel Design Manual, 1981)
e = 225.000 mm e = d/2 (assume horiz. load taken at bot. flange)
at = 1307.879 z
Mt = 1.63 kNm Mt = Ph*e*at/(2*(d-tf))*TANH(L*1000/(2*at))/10^6

X-axis Moment for Simple-Span:

Mcr= 356.61 kNm Mcr=√(π^2*E*Iy/(K*L)^2)*(G*It+(π^2E*Iw/(K*L)^2))
fbd= 142.21 Mpa fbd=χLT*Fy/ϒmo, for Fy=250MPa,ϒmo=1.1
Mdx= 226.65 kNm Mdx=βb*Zpx*fbd

Y-axis Moment for Simple-Span:

Mcr = 2153.01 kNm Mcr=√(π^2*E*Ix/(K*L)^2)*(G*It+(π^2E*Iw/(K*L)^2))
Mt = 1.63 kNm
fbd = 227.27 Mpa fbd=χLT*Fy/ϒmo, for Fy=250MPa,ϒmo=1.1
Mdy= 42.21 kNm Mdy=βb*Zpy*fbd

Shear Capacity for Simple Span for both the axes

V= 58.61 kN
Vdx= 555.04 kN Vdx=Fy*h*tw/sqrt(3)*ϒmo
Vdy 684.95 kN Vdy=Fy*2*bf*tf/sqrt(3)*ϒmo

V < 0.6Vd ,O.K.

Combined Stress Ratio for Simple-Span:

S.R. = 0.495 S.R=Mx/Mdx+My/Mdy S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.

Vertical Deflection for Simple-Span:

Pv = 59.800 kN
D(max) = 0.097 mm D(max) = 0
D(ratio) = L/51596 D(ratio) = L*12/D(max)
D(allow) = 11.111 in. D(allow) = L*12/450 Defl.(max) <= Defl.(allow), O.K.
Bending Moments for Overhang:
Mx = 0.00 ft-kips 0
My = 0.00 ft-kips 0

Lateral Flange Bending Moment from Torsion for Overhang: (per USS Steel Design Manual, 1981)
e = 0.000 in. 0
at = 0.000 0
Mt = 0.00 ft-kips 0

X-axis Stresses for Overhang:

fbx = 0.00 ksi 0
Lbo/rt = 0.00 0
Fbx = 0.00 ksi #N/A fbx <= Fbx, O.K.

Y-axis Stresses for Overhang:

fby = 0.00 ksi 0
fwns = 0.00 ksi 0
fby(total) = 0.00 ksi 0
Fby = 0.00 ksi 0.00 fby <= Fby, O.K.

Combined Stress Ratio for Overhang:

S.R. = 0.000 0.00 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.

Vertical Deflection for Overhang: 0

Pv = 0.000 kips 0
D(max) = 0.0000 in. D(max) = 0
D(ratio) = 0 D(ratio) = Lo*12/D(max)
D(allow) = 0.0000 in. D(allow) = Lo*12/450 Defl.(max) <= Defl.(allow), O.K.

Bottom Flange Bending (simplified):

be = 0.000 in. 0.00
am = 0.000 in. 0.00
Mf = 0.000 in.-kips 0.00
Sf = 0.000 in.^3 0.00
fb = 0.00 ksi 0.00
Fb = 0.00 ksi 0.00 fb <= Fb, O.K.

Bottom Flange Bending per CMAA Specification No. 74 (2004): (Note: torsion is neglected)

Local Flange Bending Stress @ Point 0: (Sign convention: + = tension, - = compression)

sxo = -14.12 ksi sxo = Cxo*Pw/ta^2
szo = 1.38 ksi szo = Czo*Pw/ta^2

Local Flange Bending Stress @ Point 1:

sx1 = 0.89 ksi sx1 = Cx1*Pw/ta^2
sz1 = 18.37 ksi sz1 = Cz1*Pw/ta^2

Local Flange Bending Stress @ Point 2:

sx2 = 14.12 ksi sx2 = -sxo
sz2 = -1.38 ksi sz2 = -szo

Resultant Biaxial Stress @ Point 0:

sz = 16.48 ksi sz = fbx+fby+0.75*szo
sx = -10.59 ksi sx = 0.75*sxo
txz = 0.00 ksi txz = 0 (assumed negligible)
sto = 23.63 ksi sto = SQRT(sx^2+sz^2-sx*sz+3*txz^2) <= Fb = 0.66*Fy = 23.93 ksi, O.K.

Resultant Biaxial Stress @ Point 1:

sz = 29.22 ksi sy = fbx+fby+0.75*sz1
sx = 0.67 ksi sx = 0.75*sx1
txz = 0.00 ksi txz = 0 (assumed negligible)
st1 = 28.90 ksi st1 = SQRT(sx^2+sz^2-sx*sz+3*txz^2) > Fb = 0.66*Fy = 23.93 ksi

Resultant Biaxial Stress @ Point 2:

sz = 14.41 ksi sz = fbx+fby+0.75*sz2
sx = 10.59 ksi sx = 0.75*sx2
txz = 0.00 ksi txz = 0 (assumed negligible)
st2 = 12.93 ksi st2 = SQRT(sx^2+sz^2-sx*sz+3*txz^2) <= Fb = 0.66*Fy = 23.93 ksi, O.K.

Pw Pw

Point 2

Point 0

Point 1
L=5 L=0




0 Member Properties:
cm2 Zx= 1350.70 cm3
mm Zy= 111.20 cm3
mm Zpx = 1593.83 cm3
mm Zpy = 185.70 cm3
mm It 641755.23 mm3
cm4 Iw 422212500000.00 mm3
Support Reactions: (no overhang)
of simple-span)

n Manual, 1981)
Shear Capacity


S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.

x) <= Defl.(allow), O.K.

Is Lbo<=Lc?
Is d/tw<=allow?
Is b/t<=65/SQRT(Fy)?
Is b/t>95/SQRT(Fy)?
n Manual, 1981) Use: Fbx =

fby(total) =

fbx <= Fbx, O.K.

fby <= Fby, O.K.

S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.

x) <= Defl.(allow), O.K.

fb <= Fb, O.K.


tension, - = compression)
0.66*Fy = 23.93 ksi, O.K.

Fb = 0.66*Fy = 23.93 ksi

0.66*Fy = 23.93 ksi, O.K.


Parameters and Coefficients:

w= 72.4 kg/m unit weight/foot of beam
Pv = 59.800 kN Pv = P*(1+Vi/100)+Wt+Wh (vertical load)
Pw = 14.950 kN/wheel Pw = Pv/Nw (load per trolley wheel)
Ph = 5.000 kN Ph = HLF*P (horizontal load)
ta = 17.400 mm ta = tf (for W-shape)
l= 1.626 in l = 2*a/(bf-tw)
Cxo = -1.972 Cxo = -2.110+1.977*l+0.0076*e^(6.53*l)
Cx1 = 0.371 Cx1 = 10.108-7.408*l-10.108*e^(-1.364*l)
Czo = 0.192 Czo = 0.050-0.580*l+0.148*e^(3.015*l)
Cz1 = 2.565 Cz1 = 2.230-1.490*l+1.390*e^(-18.33*l)
Section Ratios and Parameters:
bf/(2*tf) = #DIV/0!
d/tw = #DIV/0!
Qs = 1.000
Support Reactions:
For Lo = 0 (no overhang):
RR(max) = 58.614 kN RR(max) = Pv*(L-S/2)/L+w/1000*L/2
RL(min) = 1.548 kN RL(min) = Pv*(S/2)/L+w/1000*L/2
For Lo > 0 (with overhang):
RR(max) = N.A. kN RR(max) = N.A.
RL(min) = N.A. kN RL(min) = N.A.
Bending Moments for Simple-Span:
x= 2.443 m x = 1/2*(L-S/2) (location of max. moments from left end of simple-span)
Mx = 71.37 kNm Mx = (Pv/2)/(2*L)*(L-S/2)^2+w/1000*x/2*(L-x)
My = 5.97 kNm My = (Ph/2)/(2*L)*(L-S/2)^2
Lateral Flange Bending Moment from Torsion for Simple-Span: (per USS Steel Design Manual, 1981)
e= 225.000 mm e = d/2 (assume horiz. load taken at bot. flange)
at = 1307.879 at = SQRT(E*Cw/(J*G)) , E=200000 MPa and G=7923.08 Mpa for Fy=250MPa
Mt = 1.63 kNm Mt = Ph*e*at/(2*(d-tf))*TANH(L*1000/(2*at))/10^6
X-axis Stresses for Simple-Span:

Mcr= 356.61 kN Mcr= √(π^2*E*Iy/(K*L)^2)*(G*It+(π^2E*Iw/(K*L)^2))

λLT= 1.06 λLT=√((βbZpxFy)/Mcr) <=√((1.2*ZexFy)/Mcr)
αLT= 0.21 αLT= 0.21 for rolled section
φLT= 1.15 φLT= 0.5*(1+αLT(λLT-0.2)λLT^2)
χLT= 0.626 χLT= 1/(φLT+(φLT^2-λLT^2)^0.5 <=1
βb= 1.000 βb= 1 forplastic and Compact Section ,Zex/Zpx for Semicompact section
fbd= 142.205744927035 Mpa fbd=χLT*Fy/ϒmo, for Fy=250MPa,ϒmo=1.1
Mdx= 226.651213614077 kNm Mdx=βb*Zpx*fbd
Y-axis Stresses for Simple-Span:

Mcr= 2153.01401930989 kNm Mcr= √(π^2*E*Ix/(K*L)^2)*(G*It+(π^2E*Iw/(K*L)^2))

λLT= 0.12 λLT=√((βbZpyFy)/Mcr) <=√((1.2*ZeyFy)/Mcr)
αLT= 0.21 αLT= 0.21 for rolled section
φLT= 0.50 φLT= 0.5*(1+αLT(λLT-0.2)λLT^2)
χLT= 1.000 χLT= 1/(φLT+(φLT^2-λLT^2)^0.5 <=1
β= 1.000 βb= 1 forplastic and Compact Section ,Zey/Zpy for Semicompact section
fbd= 227.272727272727 MPa fbd=χLT*Fy/ϒmo, for Fy=250MPa,ϒmo=1.1
Md= 42.2054545454545 kNm Mdy=βb*Zpy*fbd
Shear Capacity
V= 58.613972 kN V=Max(Rrmax and RL min)
Vdx= 555.043554243663 kN Vdx=Fy*h*tw/sqrt(3)*ϒmo
Vdy= 684.947364811329 kN Vdy=Fy*2*bf*tf/sqrt(3)*ϒmo
0.6*Vdx= 333.026132546198 kN
0.6*Vdy= 410.968418886797 kN

Combined Interaction ratio for Simple-Span:

S.R. = 0.495 S.R=Mx/Mdx+My/Mdy

Vertical Deflection for Simple-Span:

Pv = 59.800 kN Pv = P+Wh+Wt (without vertical impact)
D(max) = 0.0969 mm D(max) = 0
D(ratio) = L/51596 D(ratio) = L*12/D(max)
D(allow) = 11.1111 mm D(allow) = L*12/450
Bending Moments for Overhang: Notes: Values of "L", "Lo", & "S" in equation above for D(max) are multiplied by 100
Mx = 0.00 ft-kips 0
My = 0.00 ft-kips 0
Lateral Flange Bending Moment from Torsion for Overhang: (per USS Steel Design Manual, 1981)
e= 0.000 in. e = d/2 (assume horiz. load taken at bot. flange)
at = #VALUE! at = SQRT(E*Cw/(J*G)) , E=29000 ksi and G=11200 ksi
Mt = #DIV/0! ft-kips Mt = Ph*e*at/(d-tf)*TANH(Lo*12/at)/12
X-axis Stresses for Overhang:
fbx = 0.00 ksi fbx = Mx/Sx
Lc = 0.00 ft. Lc = Min. of: (76*bf/SQRT(Fy))/12 or (20000/(d/Af*Fy))/12
Lu = 0.22 ft. Lu = Max. of: (20000/(d/Af*Fy))/12 or (SQRT(102000/Fy)*rt)/12
Lbo/rt = #DIV/0! Lbo/rt = Lbo*12/rt
fa/Fy = 0.000 fa/Fy = 0, as P(axial) is assumed = 0
Is Lbo<=Lc? No
Is d/tw<=allow? Yes
Is b/t<=65/SQRT(Fy)? Yes
Is b/t>95/SQRT(Fy)? No
Fbx = N.A. Eqn. F1-1 Fbx = 0.66*Fy
Fbx = N.A. Eqn. F1-3 Fbx = Fy*(0.79-0.002*bf/(2*tf)*SQRT(Fy))
Fbx = N.A. Eqn. F1-5 Fbx = 0.60*Fy
Fbx = N.A. Eqn. F1-6 Fbx = (2/3-Fy*(Lbo*12/rt)^2/(1530000*Cbo)*Fy <= 0.60*Fy
Fbx = N.A. Eqn. F1-7 Fbx = 170000*Cbo/(Lbo*12/rt)^2 <= 0.60*Fy
Fbx = N.A. Eqn. F1-8 Fbx = 12000*Cbo/(Lbo*12/(d/Af)) <= 0.60*Fy
Fbx = 0.00 Select from F1-6, F1-7, & F1-8
Use: Fbx = 0.00 ksi
Y-axis Stresses for Overhang:
fby = 0.00 ksi fby = My/Sy
fwns = 0.00 ksi fwns = Mt*12/(Sy/2) (warping normal stress)
fby(total) = 0.00 ksi fby(total) = fby+fwns
Fby = 37.50 ksi Fby = 0.75*Fy
Combined Stress Ratio for Overhang:
S.R. = #DIV/0! S.R. = fbx/Fbx+fby(total)/Fby
Vertical Deflection for Overhang: (assuming full design load, Pv without impact, at end of overhang)
Pv = 0.114 kips Pv = P+Wh+Wt (without vertical impact)
D(max) = 0.0000 in. D(max) = 0
D(ratio) = #DIV/0! D(ratio) = Lo*12/D(max)
D(allow) = 0.2667 in. D(allow) = Lo*12/450
Notes: Values of "L", "Lo", & "S" in equation above for D(max) are multiplied by 12.
Bottom Flange Local Bending (simplified):
be = 0.000 in. 0 (effective flange bending length)
tf2 = 0.000 in. tf2 = tf (for W-shape)
am = 0.000 in. am = (bf/2-tw/2)-(k-tf) (where: k-tf = radius of fillet)
Mf = 0.000 in.-kips Mf = Pw*am
Sf = 0.000 in.^3 Sf = be*tf^2/6
fb = #DIV/0! ksi fb = Mf/Sf
Fb = 37.50 ksi Fb = 0.75*Fy
Bottom Flange Bending per CMAA Specification No. 74 (2004): (Note: torsion is neglected)
Stresses due to Bending on both the axes
fbx = 7.6638621280572 ksi
fby= 7.78342269222262 ksi

Local Flange Bending Stress @ Point 0: (Sign convention: + = tension, - = compression)

sxo = -14.12 ksi sxo = Cxo*Pw/ta^2
szo = 1.38 ksi szo = Czo*Pw/ta^2
Local Flange Bending Stress @ Point 1:
sx1 = 0.89 ksi sx1 = Cx1*Pw/ta^2
sz1 = 18.37 ksi sz1 = Cz1*Pw/ta^2
Local Flange Bending Stress @ Point 2:
sx2 = 14.12 ksi sx2 = -sxo
sz2 = -1.38 ksi sz2 = -szo
Resultant Biaxial Stress @ Point 0:
sz = 16.48 ksi sz = fbx+fby+0.75*szo
sx = -10.59 ksi sx = 0.75*sxo
txz = 0.00 ksi txz = 0 (assumed negligible)
sto = 23.63 ksi sto = SQRT(sx^2+sz^2-sx*sz+3*txz^2)
Resultant Biaxial Stress @ Point 1:
sz = 29.22 ksi sy = fbx+fby+0.75*sz1
sx = 0.67 ksi sx = 0.75*sx1
txz = 0.00 ksi txz = 0 (assumed negligible)
st1 = 28.90 ksi st1 = SQRT(sx^2+sz^2-sx*sz+3*txz^2)
Resultant Biaxial Stress @ Point 2:
sz = 14.41 ksi sz = fbx+fby+0.75*sz2
sx = 10.59 ksi sx = 0.75*sx2
txz = 0.00 ksi txz = 0 (assumed negligible)
st2 = 12.93 ksi st2 = SQRT(sx^2+sz^2-sx*sz+3*txz^2)
Section d-mm w -kg/m a -cm2 b-mm tw-mm tf-mm ix-cm4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ISMB 100 100 11.5 14.7 70 4.5 7.5 252
ISMB 125 125 13.3 17 70 5 8 445
ISMB 150 150 15 19.1 75 5 8 718
ISMB 175 175 19.6 25 85 5.8 9 1260
ISMB 200 200 25.4 32.3 100 5.7 10.8 2235
ISMB 225 225 31.2 39.7 110 6.5 11.8 3441.8
ISMB 250 250 37.3 47.55 125 6.9 12.5 5131.6
ISMB 300 300 46 58.6 140 7.7 13.1 8990
ISMB 350 350 52.4 66.7 140 8.1 14.2 13600
ISMB 400 400 61.5 78.4 140 8.9 16 20500
ISMB 450 450 72.4 92.2 150 9.4 17.4 30400
ISMB 500 500 86.9 111 180 10.2 17.2 45200
ISWB 600 600 148 185 250 11.8 23.6 115626.6
ISMB 600-T&B 320 x 1 620 172.9 220.21 320 11.8 23.6 151354.3
ISMB 600-T&B 320 x 1 624 186.4 233.01 320 11.8 23.6 163734.7
ISMB 600 600 123 156 210 12 20.3 91800

of simple-span)

n Manual, 1981)

3.08 Mpa for Fy=250MPa

micompact section
micompact section

D(max) are multiplied by 1000

n Manual, 1981)
D(max) are multiplied by 12.

tension, - = compression)
iy-cm4 zx-cm3 zy-cm3 zpx Zpy
9 10 11 12 13
35.4 51.5 10.9 60.77 18.203
38.5 71.8 11.7 84.724 19.539
46.8 96.9 13.1 114.342 21.877
76.7 145.4 18.9 171.572 31.563
150 223.5 30 263.73 50.1
218.2 305.9 39.7 360.962 66.299
334.5 410.5 53.5 484.39 89.345
486 573.6 64.8 676.848 108.216
538 778.9 76.8 919.102 128.256
622 1022.9 88.9 1207.022 148.463
834 1350.7 111.2 1593.826 185.704
1370 1808.7 152.2 2134.266 254.174

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