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Spreader 150T - PL100 A36

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125 M.TON SWL, 5000 mm LENGTH

General Data

Total Vessel Weight = 0.00 Tons = 0 lbs

Total Structural Weight = 150.00 Tons = 330693 lbs
Total Empty Weight = 150.00 Tons = 330693 lbs
Rigging + Spreader Beam Weight = 2.00 Tons = 4409 lbs
Total Lifting Weight = 152.00 Tons = 335103 lbs
Weight Contingency, 10% = 0.00 Tons = 0 lbs
Total Weight = 152.00 Tons = 335103 lbs
Total Weight for Design, W = 152.00 Tons = 335103 lbs
Safety Factor, SF(1) = 1.50
WSWL = 1.5 * W = 228.00 Tons = 502654 lbs
WSF = W SF = 228.00 Tons = 502654 lbs
Total Length, L t
= 5000 mm = 196.85 in
Length to CoG, Lcg = 2500 mm = 98.43 in
Height to Center, HC = 292 mm = 11.50 in
Angle 1, 1 = 60.0 deg = 1.05 rad
Angle 2, 2 = 60.0 deg = 1.05 rad

Sketch :


Hc Fh1 Fh2

W1 W2




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Pipe Data ( 16 NB Sch 80 )

Outside Diameter, OD = 406.40 mm = 16.000 in

Inside Diameter, ID = 368.30 mm = 14.500 in
Nominal Thickness, tnom = 19.05 mm = 0.750 in
Minimum Thickness, tmin = 16.95 mm = 0.668 in
Calculated Inside Diameter, CID = 372.49 mm = 14.665 in
Section Area, A = 20743.5 mm2 = 32.15 in2
Moment of Inertia x-x, Ix = 39401 cm4 = 946.61 in4
Section Modulus x-x, Sx = 1939 cm3 = 118.33 in3
Radius of Gyration x-x, rx = 138 mm = 5.43 in

Material Data (A106B)

Elastic Modulus, E = 199947.95 MPa = 29000000 psi

Yield Stress, Sy = 241.32 MPa = 35000 psi
Allowable stress based on AISC Code 9th Ed. :
Allow. Tensile Stress, Sta = 0.6 Sy = 144.79 MPa = 21000 psi
Allow. Comp. Stress, Sca = SCa (refer below) = 107.14 MPa = 15540 psi
Allow. Bending Stress, Sba = 0.66 Sy = 159.27 MPa = 23100 psi
Allow. Shear Stress, Ssa = 0.4 Sy = 96.53 MPa = 14000 psi
Allow. Bearing Stress, Sbra = 0.9 Sy = 217.18 MPa = 31500 psi

Allow. Comp. Stress Based on AISC Code 9th Ed

Effective Length Factor, K = 1.00

Ratio of Effective Profile Area, Qa = 1.00
Axial Stress Reduction Factor, Qs = 1.00

' 2 E
Slenderness Ratio, C c= = 127.89
Qs Qa S
K . Lt = 36.28
K . Lt /r x
= 0.284
C 'c
Coefficient of Compressive Stress, Ca = 0.444 from table 4 AISC Specification
Allow. Comp. Stress, SCa = Sa Qa Qs Ca = 107.14 MPa = 15540 psi

Force & Moment Calculation

W1 = [ (Lt - Lcg) / Lt ] WSF = 114.00 Tons = 251327 lbs

W2 = ( Lcg / Lt ) WSF = 114.00 Tons = 251327 lbs
Fh1 = W1 / tan (1) = 65.82 Tons = 145104 lbs
Fh2 = W2 / tan (2) = 65.82 Tons = 145104 lbs

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Moment x-x on Point 1, Mx1 = Fh1 HC = 188472 N.m = 1668122 lbs.in
Moment x-x on Point 2, Mx2 = Fh2 HC = 188472 N.m = 1668122 lbs.in

Stress Calculation

Compressive Stress, Sc = Fh / A = 31.12 MPa = 4513 psi

Bending Stress, Sb = Mx / Sx = 97.20 MPa = 14098 psi

Calc'n Check

Compressive Stress y-axis, Sc/Sca = SAFE Ratio = 29.0%

Bending Stress x-axis, Sb/Sba = SAFE Ratio = 61.0%
Unity Check:
Coefficient Applied to Bending, Cmx = 1
12 2 E
F ' ex= 2
Euler Stress, KLt = 113458
23 ( rx )
Sc Cm x Sb
Formula 1.6-1a, + = OK Ratio = 92.6%
Sc a Sc
( 1
F ' ex
Sb a
Formula 1.6-1b, Sc Sb = OK Ratio = 90.1%
Sc a Sb a
1. SF including DAF(1.1), SKL (1.0), CF (1.35)
2. Lt is total length taken between padeyes

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150T SWL,5000 m Length

Generals Data:
Max vertical load = 114.0 Ton = 251324 lbs
Uncertainty factor for CG, 5% = 5.7 Ton = 12566 lbs
Total weight, W = 119.7 Ton = 263891 lbs
Number of lug, NL = 2.0
Angle, = 60.0 deg = 1.05 rad
Max vertical force, Fz = W = 119.7 Ton = 263891 lbs
Max horizontal force (in-plane), Fy = W / tan () = 69.1 Ton = 152357 lbs
Max lateral force (out-of-plane), Fx = 0.05 Fz (1) = 6.0 Ton = 13195 lbs
Max tension force in sling, Fsl = (Fz2 + Fy2 + Fx2)0.5 = 138.2 Ton = 304715 lbs

Shackles Data: (Shackle Crosby G-2130 85T WLL)

Shackle working load limit, WLLs = 85.0 Ton = 187391 lbs
Safety factor of shackle, SFs = 2.0
Shackle max. proof load, MPLs = 170.0 Ton = 374782 lbs
Pin diameter, DP = 83 mm = 3.25 in
Jaws width, WJ = 127 mm = 5.00 in
Jaws height, HJ = 330 mm = 12.99 in

Sling Data: (12T WLL)

Diameter of sling, Ds = 80 mm = 3.15 in
Working Load Limit = 80.0 Ton = 176368 lbs
Safety factor of sling, SFsl = 4.0
Sling ultimate load, Usl = 320.0 Ton = 705472 lbs

FZ Fsl





CL of Pipe - spreader bar

Lug Dimensions:
Total Height of lift lug, HT = 513 mm = 20.20 in
Height of hole centreline, HH = 130 mm = 5.12 in
Height of slot in, Hw = 203 mm = 8.00 in
Width of lug, WL = 360 mm = 14.17 in
Radius of lug, R = 180 mm = 7.09 in
Diameter of hole, DH = 90 mm = 3.54 in

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Thickness of lug, tL = 100 mm = 3.94 in
Radius of cheek, r = 0 mm = 0.00 in
Thickness of cheek, tC = 0 mm = 0.00 in
Check shackle strength, Fsl / MPLs = Safe Ratio = 81.30%
Check sling strength, Fsl / Usl = Safe Ratio = 43.19%
Check space of hole and pin, Dp / DH = Clear Ratio = 91.67%
Dp - DH = 7.50 mm = 0.30 in
Check space of jaws and lug thickness, tL+2tC / WJ = Clear Ratio = 78.74%
(WJ - tL - 2 tC)/2 = 13.50 mm = 0.53 in
Check space of jaws, lug height and dia. of sling = Clear Ratio = 77.27%
HJ - R - 1.5Ds + DH/2 = 75.00 mm = 2.95 in

Material, Stress and Properties Data:

Lug material = A-36
Yield stress, Sy = 248.21 MPa = 36000 psi
Allowable stress based on AISC Code 9th Ed. :
Allow. Tensile Stress, Sta = 0.6 Sy = 148.93 MPa = 21600 psi
Allow. Bending Stress, Sba = 0.66 Sy = 163.82 MPa = 23760 psi
Allow. Shear Stress, Ssa = 0.4 Sy = 99.28 MPa = 14400 psi
Allow. Bearing Stress, Sbra = 0.9 Sy = 223.39 MPa = 32400 psi
DH/2R = 0.25
Stress-Concentration factor (near hole), K (2) = 2.50
(for flat plate with centrally located circular hole in tension based on D H/2R value)
Section modulus of lugs, SLy = tL2 WL / 6 = 600.00 cm3 = 36.61 in3
Section modulus of lugs, SLx = tL WL2 / 6 = 2160.00 cm3 = 131.81 in3

Stresses at Lug:
Tension stress z-axis, Stz = Fz /(WL tL) = 32.61 MPa = 4729 psi
Bending stress z-axis, Sbz = HH(Fy/SLx+Fx/SLy) = 53.51 MPa = 7760 psi
Shear stress y-axis, Ssy = Fy / (WL tL) = 18.83 MPa = 2730 psi
Shear stress x-axis, Ssx = Fx / (WL tL) = 1.63 MPa = 236 psi
Total stress, ST = Sqrt( (Stz+Sbz)2+ Ssy2+ Ssx2) = 88.16 MPa = 12787 psi
Check tension stress z-axis, Stz/Sta = Safe Ratio = 21.89%
Check bending stress z-axis, Sbz/Sba = Safe Ratio = 32.66%
Check shear stress y-axis, Ssy/Ssa = Safe Ratio = 18.96%
Check shear stress x-axis, Ssx/Ssa = Safe Ratio = 1.64%
Check total stress, ST/Sy = Safe Ratio = 35.52%
Unity Check, Stz/Sy + Sbz/Sy + Ssy/Sy + Ssx/Sy = Safe Ratio = 42.93%

Stresses near the Hole:

Tension stress, Stz = K Fz / [(WL - DH) tL] = 108.69 MPa = 15764 psi
Tension stress, Sty = K Fy / [(HH + R - DH) tL] = 77.01 MPa = 11170 psi
Shear stress, Ssx = K Fx / [(WL - DH) tL] = 5.43 MPa = 788 psi
Total stress, ST = Sqrt( Stz2+ Sty2+ Ssx2) = 133.32 MPa = 19336 psi
Bearing stress, Sbr = Fsl / [Dp (tL + 2tc)] = 164.30 MPa = 23829 psi
Pull-out shear, Ssp = Fsl / [tL(R - DH) + 2tc(r - DH)] = 100.40 MPa = 14562 psi
Check tension stress z-axis, Stz/Sta = Safe Ratio = 72.98%
Check tension stress y-axis, Sty/Sta = Safe Ratio = 51.71%
Check shear stress x-axis, Ssx/Ssa = Safe Ratio = 5.47%
Check total stress, ST/Sy = Safe Ratio = 53.71%
Check bearing stress, Sbr/Sba = Safe Ratio = 73.55%
Check pull-out shear stress, Ssp/Ssa = Fail Ratio = 101.13%
Unity Check, Stz/Sy + Sty/Sy + Ssx/Sy = Safe Ratio = 77.01%


Page 5
1. Lateral force is calculated based on 5% vertical force
2. Taken from Roy Craig Jr., "Mechanic of Materials", page : 619, Figure: 12.3

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150T SWL,5000 m Length

General Data:
Max vertical load = 114.0 Ton = 251324 lbs
Uncertainty factor for CG, 10% = 5.7 Ton = 12566 lbs
Total weight, W = 119.7 Ton = 263891 lbs
Number of lug, NL = 2.0
Angle, = 60 deg = 1.05 rad
Vertical force z-axis, Fz = 119.7 Ton = 263893 lbs
Horizontal force y-axis, Fy = 69.1 Ton = 152359 lbs
Lateral force x-axis, Fx = 6.0 Ton = 13195 lbs
Sling force, Fsl = 138.2 Ton = 304717 lbs

FZ Fsl







Weld length (assume only top and bottom side welded -conservative method)
Weld length around on lug, Aw = 4WL = 1440 mm = 56.69 in
Length of weld around on each cheek, A c = 2r = 0 mm = 0.00 in
Fillet weld dimension on lug, w = 40 mm = 1.57 in
Fillet weld dimension on cheek, wc = 0 mm = 0.00 in
Allowable weld stress, Sw = 66.19 MPa = 9600 psi

Load on fillet weld per linear inch of weld:

Tension stress of weld, St = Fz / Aw = 32.09 MPa = 4655 lbs/in
Shear stress of weld, Ss = Fy / Aw = 18.53 MPa = 2687 lbs/in
Lateral stress of weld, Sl = Fx / Aw = 1.60 MPa = 233 lbs/in
Cheek plate stress of weld, Scp = Fsl tc / [Ac (tL + 2tc)] = 0.00 MPa = 0 lbs/in

Load on weld:
Tension stress of weld, ft = St / (0.707w) = 28.83 MPa = 4181 psi
Shear stress of weld, fs = Ss / (0.707w) = 16.64 MPa = 2414 psi
Lateral stress of weld, fl = Sl / (0.707w) = 1.44 MPa = 209 psi
Total stress of weld, fT = Sqrt( ft2 + fs2 + fl2 ) = 33.32 MPa = 4832 psi
Each cheek pl. stress of weld, fc = Scp / (0.707wc) = 0.00 MPa = 0 psi

Check tension stress, ft/Sw = OK Ratio = 43.55%

Check shear stress, fs/Sw = OK Ratio = 25.14%
Check lateral stress, fl/Sw = OK Ratio = 2.18%
Check total stress, fT/Sw = OK Ratio = 50.33%
Unity Check, ft/Sw + fs/Sw +fl/Sw = OK Ratio = 70.87%
Check cheek plate stress = OK Ratio = 0.00%

Book Reference : Eugene F.Megyesy, "Pressure Vessel Handbook-Eleventh Edition", page : 459.

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