Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
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Code: EE23AES101 R 23
(Compulsory Question)
9. a) Explain the characteristics of Common Emitter configuration. 5M
b) Illustrate V-I characteristics of Zener diode. 5M
10. a) Explain the Evolution of electronics. 5M
b) In Common Base connection, the emitter current is 6.28mA and the collector 5M
Current is 6.20mA. Determine common base current gain.
11. a) Illustrate the Block diagram of Public Address system. 8M
b) Define: 2M
i) Form factor
ii) Regulation.
12. a) Explain the working of a half wave rectifier with neat diagram. 7M
b) Explain the working of common emitter amplifier. 3M
13. a) Explain the truth tables of NAND and NOR logic gates. 5M
b) Explain the J-K flip flop with help of truth table. 5M
14. a) Explain the operation of Full adder. 5M
b) List any five properties of Boolean Algebra. 5M
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