Sabri Suby's 17-Step Secret

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Sabri Suby’s 17-Step Secret

Selling System
Assembled into my exclusive Secret Selling System are the
17 fastest sales-producing secrets known to man! These
powerful solutions can be used to sell just about anything
to anybody, under almost any circumstances.

My 17-Step Secret Selling System can be used to create

sales messages of any kind, whether it’s for landing pages,
sales videos, blog posts, webinars, or sales presentations.

It’s every element you should include in any sales message.

I have used my 17-Step Secret Selling System to generate
over $400 million in sales for my clients and me. Follow
this exact process and I’m confident it will help you smash
your offers out of the park, every time.

Ready? Let’s get started!

1. Call out to your audience

Address your audience at the start of your ads, at the top

of your landing page or sales letter.

2. Demand their attention

Use a big promise headline, like the National Enquirer

(Example: ‘How to lose 10 Kgs in 6 Weeks Without Exercise
Or Dieting…Guaranteed!’)
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3. Back up your big promise

After your big promise headline, back it up with a

straightforward explanation in the subheadline.

4. Create irresistible intrigue

After you’ve crafted a headline that demands attention

and a subheadline which positions your big promise, it’s
now time to dial up the intrigue with some bullet points.
Write out 10 to 20 additional headlines and trim down to
your best six. Each bullet should call out the difference
pains, fears, hopes, and dreams of your target market and
add an element of intrigue – such as, ‘The Little-Known
Secret to _____ that ________ Don’t Want You to Know’.

5. Shine a floodlight on the problem

Identify the audience (who they are, how they feel) or tell
a story about a problem, a struggle, or a challenge. Explain
vividly how it feels to experience the specific problem your
target market has. They should feel as if you’re reading
their mind and be left saying, ‘Yeah, that’s exactly how
I feel’. Agitate the problem so they really feel pain and
agony and become motivated to take action. Remember,
people are much more motivated by moving away from
pain than moving towards pleasure.

Talk about and describe in vivid detail what they’ve tried

before to fix the problem and why it hasn’t worked.

6. Provide the solution

Reveal a solution to their problem with your products

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or services and then prove this solution is the best viable

option that exists. Demonstrate clearly how it’s different
from all the other solutions they have tried which failed.

7. Show your credentials

Prove to them you can be trusted, establish your credibility,

and demonstrate your expertise.

At this stage, your reader’s scepticism is high and must

be quietened. They’re telling themselves, ‘Sure he says he
can fix my problem. That’s what they all say. I’ve been
told this a hundred times’. So, prove to them you can be
trusted by showing them your credentials. For example:

• Results you’ve achieved.

• Successful case studies.

• Prestigious companies (or people) you’ve done

business with.

• The number of customers you’ve served.

• Press mentions you’ve received (any and all).

• Important awards or recognitions.

Your reader must feel ‘you’ve been there and done that’
with great success and that they can expect the same.

8. Detail the benefits

People don’t care about you or your product or service,

they only care about what it will do for them. Features tell
and benefits sell, so talk only in benefits. Use bullet points
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to call them out. Make a two-column list; in one column

have all the features and in the second column have the
corresponding benefit.

9. Social proof

You must build credibility and believability in your

business and your offer. Use third-party validation to
build authority, such as research statistics or quotes from
credible or authoritative sources.

10. Make your godfather offer

In order to convert, your offer must be:

Clear and easy to understand: There should be no question

as to what your audience is getting in return for their

Value-based: Your offer copy should be focused on how it

will fill a need or solve a problem.

Concise: Keeping it short and to the point will drive more


Persuasive: If there ever was a place to bust out your

salesperson chops, your offer is it.

Irresistible: It must be such a good offer that it’s a no-

brainer for your prospect and even leaves them asking
themselves, ‘How can they possibly offer so much value?’
Make it so compelling that only a lunatic would refuse!

11. Add bonuses

Add relevant bonuses or sweeteners to the offer. These

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should be highly desirable but not essential to reaching the

desired outcome – prospects simply need to want them.

12. Stack the value

Use the value stack to do just that… stack up the total

value and benefits of everything in your offer. Tell them
how much everything is worth then paint a vivid picture
with benefit explanations to raise your offer’s perceived

13. Reveal your price

Add prices together to calculate value, then reveal a price
that’s much cheaper. Explain why the price is what it is and
why it’s such great value. If your goal is lead generation
and you’re pitching a free consult, it’s important that you
put a dollar value on what the consult is worth. This is
not to be confused with the price of your services; you can
cover that on the call.
14. Inject scarcity
Offers without scarcity don’t sell as well, but it needs to be
genuine or you’ll destroy your reputation. Think about it:
If you don’t need to take action now, when will you take
it? Never.
Examples of scarcity include:
• Putting an expiration date on your offer
• Countdown clocks
• ‘Doors are closing’
• ‘Only X left at this price’

• ‘Buy before X to avoid a price hike’

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Scarcity has been shown time and time again to skyrocket

conversion rates. The best marketers use it because it

15. Give a powerful guarantee

Remove, eliminate, reverse, and take out perceived risks.

Longer guarantee = less returns. A guarantee transfers the
risk from the buyer to the seller. And it shows the buyer
that if the product doesn’t deliver, they won’t be at a loss
of time or money, thus eliminating the pain of buying.
Whether it’s a no-risk money-back guarantee or a promise
to not share their information, guarantees remove the risk
associated with your offer.

16. Call to action (CTA)

The call to action is a command. Be specific and tell them

exactly what to do. Keep it clear and direct – your audience
shouldn’t have to play 21 Questions to figure out what you
want them to do. Ask them to do just one thing, because
the more hoops you ask them to jump through, the more
likely they’ll be to say ‘screw this’ and leave.

17. Close with a P.S. that includes a warning and a


Always include a closing point or P.S. It’s the third most

read element of your letter. Remind them of your irresistible
Godfather Offer. Warn them against the consequence of
what will happen if they don’t buy. Include your call to
action and remind them of the limited time or quantity.
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Action Points
• Write down the most irresistible and absolute best offer
you can come up with. Even if it scares you – then you
know you have a great offer.

• Create an irresistible landing page, video sales letter, or

whatever delivery mechanism will work best for you
and your prospect, using my exclusive 17-Part Secret
Selling System and example templates provided.

• Pitch the phone call and not the sale. While you
ultimately want to convert your prospects into paying
clients, in order for that to happen you’ll need to speak
with them. With that in mind, make your Godfather
Offer centred around a free phone consultation,
analysis, strategy session, or roadmap.

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