Business Management & Entrepreneurship Booklet

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Company Overview
Having played a profound part in the history of South Africa Companies can therefore request in-house training with tailor-
for more than 100 years, the University of Pretoria (UP) boasts a made content, individuals can keep abreast of new developments
rich history and lasting legacy – a legacy that endures through in their industries through our CPD courses, or training can be
the commitment that we at Continuing Education at University completed online, at your leisure, in the comfort of your own home.
of Pretoria Trust (CE at UP) invest in equipping delegates with
the requisite skills that add significant and lasting value to their Scheduled courses
respective organisations and fields of expertise.
Scheduled courses are specifically designed to meet the educational
As such, 2015 marks 15 years since CE at UP’s inception, and needs of our broader communities and we are open to all potential
we have already equipped over 260 000 delegates with these delegates. These courses are presented continuously throughout
indispensable skills. We have truly made a difference in the lives of the year. In fact, at any given time we schedule in excess of 100
individuals and to institutions during this time, and today we can courses during a three month period. This affords any new delegate
take our commitment to life-long learning even further – not only the ability to peruse the variety of courses on offer and plan in
locally, but also internationally. advance which courses they would like to attend.

We are serious about learning Corporate solutions

At CE at UP, “continuing education” is not simply a popular phrase Corporate solutions are custom designed for in-house training
– we aim to offer the best possible training and development within organisations. These are client-specific courses which are
solutions to companies and their staff through career-focused geared towards companies who need to up-skill their staff. They
courses that are presented by leading academics of the University. are strategically developed to address the specific training needs
We strive to be the leading continued learning and career expressed by a particular company or industry. We can design a
development partner of the commercial and government sectors basic course to introduce your newly appointed staff members to
in Africa. a specific topic, or can provide thought-leading training to your
executive committee members. Such courses can be presented on
Our courses present pro-active and relevant responses to the skills one of the various university campuses, on-site at your premises or
development needs that are articulated in the skills plans of the at any other chosen venue.
various sectors and places of work in our communities, country
and within the region. Hereby, opportunities are also created to e-Learning courses 8
make a contribution to the development of society.
e-Learning courses are interactive online learning programmes. We
We further aim to assist in the training needs of every organisation recognise that many professionals would like to continue honing
and individual by presenting courses that range from introductory their knowledge and skills, but often struggle to find the time to
through to advanced levels, increasing the expertise and level of attend formal lectures. Our e-Learning courses offer interactive
efficiency with each course. media elements, message boards, forums and online assessments.

Accreditation, certification and CPD points CPD courses a

CE at UP is wholly owned by the University of Pretoria. The We offer CPD courses and seminars that are presented by thought-
University of Pretoria is a multi-purpose public training provider leading academics from the University for professionals who need
in the higher education and training band. All delegates who to continuously update their knowledge and acquire CPD points
successfully complete a short learning programme and comply in adherence with the regulations of their respective professional
with the related assessment criteria, receive certificates of bodies.
successful completion from the University. We also offer specific
courses through which professionals gain continued professional Our local and international footprints
development (CDP) points.
We take our courses right to delegates’ doorsteps with training
CE at UP is a level-2 contributor to broad-based black economic that occurs either on one of the University’s seven local campuses,
empowerment (B-BBEE). or alternatively anywhere across South Africa.

Training options Today, however, our footprint also reaches well beyond the African
continent. Choosing South Africa as their preferred destination
We offer more than 500 short courses across 20 industry fields of of study and the University as their preferred education provider,
study, and we have four training options available: delegates from more than 61 countries have been attending our
• Scheduled courses short courses – some coming from as far as Australia and Denmark.
• Corporate solutions
• e-Learning courses By attracting such a vast number of international organisations and
• Continued professional development (CPD) courses delegates, we are able to pull a wide pool of international talent,
expertise and resources to South Africa.

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CE at UP has a wide variety of Business Management and

Entrepreneurship short courses compiled by our academic

experts that will furnish you as aspiring and successful

entrepreneur with the practical knowledge and tools to propel

your businesses and brilliant new ideas.

Entrepreneurs are making a difference not only to their

immediate families and communities, but as the business leaders

and employers of the future, they also contribute significantly to

economic growth.

With topics that range from start-ups, small businesses and

the use of communication technologies to financial skills,

advanced business management and mentorship programmes,

our courses will empower you to envisage, plan and initiate

business proposals and processes that could not only stimulate

local economies, but also address poverty and unemployment

through entrepreneur-focused initiatives in South Africa and the



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Course Catalogue Sub-Category: Computer and Information Literacy Course Number: P001423

Course Title: Event Management

Course Number: P002460 Contact Days: 3
Course Title: ICT for Entrepreneurship Course Leader Name: Dr Felicite Fairer-Wessels
Contact Days: 11 Brief Description:
Course Leader Name: Dr Hossana Twinomurinzi Designed to provide people who are interested in event coordinating with an overview of the event management process, this course
Brief Description: covers events management in a variety of industries with relevant case studies and practical guidelines forming an integral part of the
This course stimulates ordinary people to harness the power of computing and the South African power of Ubuntu in starting and course.
seeing through entrepreneurial ventures. It takes advantage of the national drive to instigate an entrepreneurial culture in South Africa
and the opportunities available to anyone willing to venture out. The course utilises collaborative computing techniques to apprentice Course Number: P001424
individuals and groups in the fundamental aspects to successfully start a business. Course Title: Advanced Event Management
Contact Days: 18
Course Catalogue Sub-Category: General Management Course Leader Name: Dr Felicite Fairer-Wessels
Brief Description:
Course Number: P000148 Event management is a fast growing profession and the industry trends are continually evolving. The scope of work required by
Course Title: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management corporate clients has greatly expanded; from year-end functions to product launches. Gain the skills and knowledge required to bring
Contact Days: 5 a concept to life and execute seamless, memorable events. The programme will not only provide delegates with a competitive edge,
Course Leader Name: Prof Johannes van Vuuren but will also teach them about the creative and business aspects of events management.
Brief Description:
This short course empowers delegates with the skills required to start a venture. Specific skills covered include: motivation, creativity, Course Number: P001810
opportunity identification, and risk-taking. Furthermore, role-models and case studies, as well as marketing, financial and human Course Title: Business Management
resources management, are discussed. Delegates develop and write their own business plans, using their own unique ideas, as the Contact Days: 5
course progresses. Course Leader Name: Dr Chuks Eresia-Eke
Brief Description:
Course Number: P000160 The course introduces first-time or aspiring managers to the fundamentals of business management, techniques for motivating staff
Course Title: Business Rescue Decision-Making and how to develop marketing material. Delegates will also gain theoretical and practical knowledge of basic managerial competencies,
Contact Days: 3 and will gain knowledge and skills that will form the foundation for more effective and efficient workplace performance as well as
Course Leader Name: Prof Marius Pretorius enhanced organisational productivity.
Brief Description:
This experiential workshop aims at exposing participants to 'rescue situations' and decision-making to drive the turnaround process. Course Number: P003388
Extensive coverage is given to operations, marketing, sales, HR, strategy and management during a 'rescue'. The focus is on decision- Course Title: Advanced Co-operative and Mentorship Programme
making and reflecting on the results of the decisions made. Through simulation and group work, two to three facilitators support and Contact Days: 9
enable experiential learning. Course Leader Name: Prof Johannes van Vuuren
Brief Description:
Course Number: P000741 The Advanced Co-operative Training and Mentorship programme focuses on establishing basic entrepreneurial and management skills
Course Title: Corporate Venturing that facilitate the start-up of the co-operative. Delegates are offered an introduction to entrepreneurship, the need for achievement
Contact Days: 5 (performance motivation); identification of opportunities; how to calculate prices and do quotations; basic business English; basic
Course Leader Name: Prof Johannes van Vuuren IT skills; how to successfully acquire and complete a tender; and many more useful skills required for the dynamic modern SME
Brief Description: environment.
This programme introduces delegates to the corporate venturing process, resulting in new venture plans. These plans serve as a basis
for new venture creation and consequently lead to corporate entrepreneurship in established firms. The following will be taught in the Course Number: P003405
course: creativity and opportunity identification; corporate venturing; and corporate entrepreneurial marketing, finance and human Course Title: Financial Skills for Small Business Entrepreneurs
resource management. Course Leader Name: Dr Alex Antoinites
E-Learning: 8
Course Number: P001282 Brief Description:
Course Title: Business Process Management (BPM) Lack of financial literacy and/or business skills is often identified as the primary challenge in entrepreneurship. This online course helps
Contact Days: 6 delegates make sense of financial terms and concepts. In addition to this, delegates learn how to identify and manage the common
Course Leader Name: Mr Wesley Niemann challenges in business and are taught about the key measures and influencers of business performance.
Brief Description:
Businesses experience constant pressure from competitors and this forces them to continually evolve by redesigning, implementing and Course Number: P003123
managing innovative business processes. This course in business process management provides an overview of the art and science of Course Title: Retail Pharmacy Development
managing a business. Delegates are exposed to the basic concepts, tools and skills required as well as the difficulties experienced when Contact Days: 1
introducing business process management into an organisation. Course Leader Name: Dr Chris Lombard
Brief Description:
This programme will enable merchandisers and in-store sales consultants to build brands through effective merchandising and brand
representation, increase sell-out and to contribute to the overall store performance. Among other things, delegates will be taught
practical sales and merchandising skills such as how to conduct a floor-walk or 'eye-ball check'; determining out-of-stocks; verifying and
correcting shelf health standards and identify opportunities for cross merchandising.

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Course Number: P002999 Course Number: P003346


Course Title: Effective Enterprise Risk Management Course Title: Growing MY Business
Contact Days: 5 Contact Days: 5
Course Leader Name: Dr Chuks Eresia-Eke Course Leader Name: Dr Alex Antoinites
Brief Description: Brief Description:
Delegates will be equiped with the relevant knowledge of principles, tools and techniques that would engender overall improved This course focuses on the growth phase of a business and will encapsulate innovation as a core driver of growth. This will assist
performance in enterprise risk management. The generic content of the course will enable ease of contextual application across a entrepreneurs in establishing newness and high flying business entities that will make a significant difference in the market environment.
wide variety of industries. Upon completion, delegates will be able to drive improved organisational performance through better risk This course is presented on an advanced level of thinking and application, but caters for all branches of industry in reshaping a business
management processes that are in line with global best-practices. towards profitable growth.

Course Catalogue Sub-Category: Entrepreneurship Course Catalogue Sub-Category: Professional Development

Course Number: P000230 Course Number: P001794

Course Title: Women Entrepreneurship Course Title: Office Management and Secretarial Development
Contact Days: 6 Contact Days: 18
Course Leader Name: Dr Melodi Botha Course Leader Name: Mrs Neeltjie du Plessis
Brief Description: Brief Description:
This programme empowers women who run businesses on their own to become financially independent. It is intended for women A secretarial role requires an extremely organised individual with the ability to work well under pressure, multi-task and effectively
who have their own businesses and need to improve their management skills or for those in large organisations to improve their co-ordinate tasks in a fast-paced environment. Gain the skills and the knowledge required for becoming an efficient office assistant by
entrepreneurial abilities. The course covers topics such as creativity and innovation, empowerment and enrichment programmes and learning office strategies that include flexibility in prioritising daily tasks, keeping and organised work environment and completing
how to overcome the barriers women face in a business environment. tasks within a shorter period of time.

Course Number: P003081

Course Title: Starting a Business
Contact Days: 5
Course Leader Name: Prof Johannes van Vuuren
Brief Description:
This business start-up training will focus specifically on introducing the concepts and principles of entrepreneurship and small business
management to the delegate that will equip him/her to start a business. Skills critical to long-term viability, such as the content, strategies
and processes of entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation and opportunity recognition as well an introduction to basic business skills are
included in this programme.

Course Number: P003209

Course Title: Starting MY Business Online and in My Own Time
Course Leader Name: Dr Alex Antoinites
E-Learning: 8
Brief Description:
This online course equips delegates with the necessary skills to start their own business, in their own time, customised to their own
needs and aligned with their passion. It’s not an 'off-the-shelf' offering, but customised to serve every delegate's personal needs. The
approach is practical, opportunity driven and flexible (no textbooks, no boring cases). An online coaching service is offered to assist
delegates to turn their unique business idea into reality.

Course Number: P003344

Course Title: Starting MY Business
Contact Days: 5
Course Leader Name: Dr Alex Antoinites
Brief Description:
This course intends to equip delegates with the necessary skills required to start a business that is aligned with their passion. Our approach
is practical, opportunity-driven and flexible. Although this programme is presented in a formal class environment, our methodology
is practical, visual and encourages participation and engagement by exposing the prospective entrepreneur to different methods of
learning. The course is presented by highly skilled, equipped and internationally exposed lecturers in the field of entrepreneurship.

Course Number: P003345

Course Title: Managing MY Business
Contact Days: 5
Course Leader Name: Dr Alex Antoinites
Brief Description:
Owning and running a business can be a daunting and difficult task. Entrepreneurs battle with cash flow, keeping employees and
retaining customers. This course intends to address the management component which keeps a business afloat. Live case studies will
be presented everyday to enhance the learning experience.

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Notes Notes

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