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Plants and Animals Live


Chapter 4, we saw lots of plants. Have
you noticed that where there are plants, there are animals
too? Look carefully and you will find that there are
lots of animals living on, around and even underneath the
plants that you see!
Plants and Animals Live Together

Here are some pictures of animals living together with

plants. Which of these animals do you recognise from the
pictures? Which of them have you seen before? Which of
these animals live under the ground?

Elephants feeding A moth A caterpillar Earthworms on

on grass resting on a chewing a leaf leaves and soil

A tailorbird singing A woodpecker Ants building their A colourful stink

on a tree trunk nest using leaves bug on a leaf

A frog resting on a A butterfly Squirrels using A barbet using a

leaf perched on a tree hollows to tree hollow for

leaf hide and rest nesting

Our Wondrous World | Class 3

Which of the animals shown on page 63, have you seen before?
Describe where and how you saw them. Use your fingers, hands
and arms to show how small or big these animals are!

Why do these animals choose to live near plants?

Life in the Soil

Stand on the soil next to a plant. If you are
comfortable, remove your footwear.
What colour is the soil under your feet?

Pick up a little soil near your plant friend with your hands.
• How does it look and feel?
• Is it dry, damp, rough, smooth, hard or grainy?
• Did you find any leaves or insects in the soil?
• Now smell this soil and remember it.

My soil felt Rough Smooth Hard Grainy

My soil had Nothing Leaves Small stones Insects

Plants and Animals Live Together

Repeat the above

activity a day after it rains.
Remember to pick up the soil
from the same place. Did
you find any differences in
the look, feel and smell of
the soil?
Pick up a little soil from
another place, far away from
any plants. Is
it different from the soil that you collected earlier? In what
Examine the soil more carefully. What small things do
you notice in it?
Soil is the topmost layer of the Earth’s surface. Soil is
made from rocks that have broken up into tiny pieces, as
well as old leaves, roots, stems and living and dead animals

like insects.
Soil has many insects and other creatures living in it!
Some you can see, and some are too small to see. On the
top layer of soil and moving around between the grass and
leaves you might findsmall
insects like and
beetles ants,grasshoppers.

Our Wondrous World | Class 3

When it rains and the soil is wet, other creatures like

earthworms and millipedes may appear too. You may also
find more grasses and other plants growing in the soil.

In the monsoons, you may find many more plants and

animals around. Where did these new plants and animals come from?
Why could you not see them earlier?

Stand near your plant friend and look around. How many different
animals can you spot? Describe them in words and fill in the
table. You may use the given pictures if needed.

I saw ... (Describe) It was on ... What was it doing?

A small hopping insect The grass Jumping aound

A thin plant that curls Another plant nearby Nothing

A black bird

Red bugs on a Blue flying Ants on Butterfly Lizard on a

rotting fruit insect leaves on Lantana rock

Note to the Teacher

Some insects wait for the rains to emerge from the soil. Seeds of plants may
remain in the soil for long periods and sprout when it rains or they are

Plants and Animals Live Together

Animals, birds and insects use different parts of plants for food,
shelter and resting.

Camels eat leaves Birds like owls use hollows in the

of plants trees to bring up their young ones

Monkeys love eating the fruits of

Squirrels and crows use twigs from plants
plants to build their nests and to
bring up their young ones

Sunbirds and butterflies drink Tailorbirds stitch leaves of plants to

nectar from different flowers
build their nests

Our Wondrous World | Class 3

Bats and leopards use the branches of Caterpillars munch on different leaves
trees to rest and for shelter of plants for food

How many of these animals have you seen? Watch out for them!

Sounds of Birds
• Close your eyes and try to listen to the sounds of birds. Do you
hear any bird sounds?
Can you see which birds are making these sounds?
• Cup your ears with your hands as shown in the picture and point
your face towards the direction of the bird sound. Can you hear
the sound more clearly?

Plants and Animals Live Together

Different birds, different sounds

• Recall the bird sounds you have listened to. Try to produce
the sounds that different birds make.
• Now try to write down in the following table the sound of any
birds you have heard.

Name of the bird Sound made

Pigeon Gutru Gu

• If you do not hear any sounds of birds, what do you think is the
• Do you hear more bird sounds— In the
early morning?
In the afternoon? In
the evening?

Our Wondrous World | Class 3

Let us reflect
A. Discuss
1. What was the colour and texture of the two soil specimens
that you collected during the previous activity? In which
month did you pick them up? Did they smell different and
can you describe the smells?
2. During which month did fresh new leaves appear on the
plant that you were observing?
3. Which animals, birds and insects did you notice around
4. Recall and write about how animals, birds and insects rely
on plants. Which one was your favourite example?
5. What is soil made up of?
B. Write

Names of two animals that

you observed near or on

Describe the shape, size

and colours of these

Guess why these animals

were staying near these

What other interesting

things did you notice
about these animals?

Plants and Animals Live Together

C. Draw
Remember you wrote about your plant friend. Now try and
draw your plant friend. Use different coloured small dots in your
drawing to show the places where you spotted animals, birds or

D. Put in order
One day Suma found a caterpillar on a tagar plant. She found it
interesting. She observed it for about 10 minutes. It was eating
tender leaves continuously. Her mother came close to her. She
guided her to observe the caterpillar each day. Suma became
more curious. Consult an elder person and organise the following
changes in order.
Now it was a butterfly.

The caterpillar formed a cocoon.

It flew away gently.

One day it stopped eating. It

came out of the cocoon.


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