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Manajemen Bisnis

Vol. 13 No. 02 October 2023 Page 80 – 88 DOI: 10.22219/mb.v13i02.28023

P-ISSN: 2089-0176 E-ISSN: 2655-2523 http://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/jmb

The Influence of Perceived Quality to

Purchase Decision: Study in Serum Implora
Cosmetics Product in Kabupaten Bandung
Ayu Puspita Dewi1, Ivon Sandya Sari Putri2

Politeknik Negeri Bandung, [email protected],

Politeknik negeri Bandung, [email protected], Indonesia2

Received: 20-07-2023 | Revision: 19-09-2023 | Accepted:07-10-2023

To cite this document:
Dewi, A. P. & Putri, I. S. S. (2023) “The Influence of Perceived Quality to Purchase Decision: Study in
Serum Implora Cosmetics Product in Kabupaten Bandung Barat” Manajemen Bisnis, Vol. 13, No. 02,
pp.80-88, arhttps://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/jmb/article/view/28023/13600

Along with the habits of the Indonesian people to perform skin care, local products for beauty
and body care products are emerging on the market. Implora is a local product brand which in
2021 launched their first skincare product, serum. In March 2022, Implora was named the best-
selling serum product in e-commerce, but a few months later the product sales volume decreased
due to negative reviews regarding the Implora serum. This study aims to determine how the
influence of perceived quality on purchasing decisions. This research uses a quantitative
approach, with an explanatory survey method. The sample was determined using the non-
probability sampling method, with the acquisition cost using purposive sampling, namely
respondents who know and have used Implora serum with a total sample of 155 respondents. This
research uses a simple linear regression method. The results of this study indicate that there is a
positive and significant influence of the perceived quality variable on the purchasing decision
variable. It was also found that the effect of the quality perception variable was 36% on
purchasing decisions. The results of this study can be used by industry players to increase sales
volume again. For further research, other independent variables can be added because there are
other factors that influence purchasing decisions besides perceived quality.

Keywords: Perceived Quality, Purchase Decision, Implora Serum

The development of beauty and body care products industry is on the rise.
According to Antaranews.com (2022) many individuals finally realize that the skin has
begun to undergo a transition as a person age. A survey conducted by the Inventure and
Alvara Research Center of 78.2% of respondents from the study revealed that they
became more likely to buy skin care products than makeup products. In addition, 54.9%
of respondents chose to use skin care products for the health of the face and body.
Along with the custom of Indonesian people to do skin care, local products for
beauty and body care products are emerging on the market. According to BPOM, the
number of beauty industries has grown by 20.6% in 2021 to 2022, from 819 to 913. This
face care product competition makes consumers face products with different brands and

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The Influence of Perceived Quality to Purchase Decision: Study in Serum Implora Cosmetics Product in
Kabupaten Bandung Barat

qualities. This makes consumers confronted with products that according to their
perception have an ideal quality. According to Porral (2017), perceived quality is the
result of comparing consumer expectations with the actual performance of a particular
brand or product.
The body care products industry especially on facial care in Indonesia is currently
growing rapidly. The variety of facial care products today offers consumers the choice to
choose which product from which brand is more suitable in terms of the needs and desires
of consumers. Of the various brands that dominate facial care products, one of them will
be the choice for consumers to use it. In 2021, implora unveiled its first skin care product,
a face-to-face product. The face serum has four variants: Midnight Serum Luminous
Brightening Serum, Acne Serum and Peeling Serum.
With the emergence of Implora serum products, the enthusiasm of the public also
increased. From Compas.co.id, Implora became the best-selling serum product in e-
commerce Shopee and Tokopedia in the period 1-15 March 2022 with a volume of
colume sales of 8.1%. Trade competition is also experienced by skincare products.
Although Implora has earned the top ranking for the best-selling serum product in e-
commerce, it has experienced a significant decline. According to Compas.co.id, a few
months after Implora was named as the product with the largest sales volume, the ranking
of Implura serum decreased along with the rise of other products. In addition, there is also
an opinion about the content of one type of Implora serum that has citric acid content.
The website masrhabeauty (2021) revealed that on the Implora serum type luminous
brightening has a citric acid content that can irritate the skin that makes the skin more
sensitive to UV exposure, so consumers are advised to do a patch test experiment to know
the side effects on their skin before applying to the face skin. However, citric acid also
has benefits for the skin. Alodokter (2020) citric acid is useful for lightening the skin,
reducing fine lines and minimizing black spots on the face.
Purchasing decisions have several factors that influence them, among them is the
perception of quality or perceived quality. Perceived quality is the perception of the
consumer for the quality of the product in a comprehensive way towards the product that
has the meaning of their expectations, which is related to the alternative. (Putri, et al,
2018). There is a phenomenon of the growth of the beauty industry in Indonesia, causing
the entrepreneurs to compete to seize the beauty market share.
Based on observations and phenomena observed, the decline in sales of Implora
facial serum skin care products and also the responses of Improra product users
complaining about the effects of the use of this serum became an attractive phenomenon
for safety. As for the decrease in the volume of sales of Implora serum, it is influenced
by the perceived quality that consumers have so that it affects the purchase decision of
the product. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to (1) know the perceived quality of
the Implora serum, (2) know the purchase decision of the Serum, (3) know the impact of
the perceived quality on the Purchase decision.

Quality is not an easy thing to determine its size, but quality can be perceived on
the basis of considerations made by consumers on the product or service based on the
characteristics of the physical products or services. (Sijabat, 2022). According to Nguyen
& Gizaw (2014) perception refers to the condition of what is seen and understood by a
person in his or her environment or objects he or she is observing so that perception is
formed due to the presence of selection, formation, and view that a person carries in

Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 13 No. 02 October 2023

thinking of several factors such as quality, risk, and value. According to Severi & Ling
(2013) perceived quality is seen from consumer opinions, memory, and knowledge about
a particular brand.
According to Ikhwati (2017), perceived quality is the perception of the consumer
to the overall quality or advantage of a good or service that is connected together with a
thing that is expected by consumers. According to Atulkar (2020), consumers will
consistently buy products from certain brands that have high quality, because perceived
quality is considered important against determinants of attraction of feelings that give
consumers an incentive to make purchasing decisions, buy goods or choose to change
brands. According to Asshidin (2016) Perceived quality distributes value to customers by
providing a reason for consumers to buy also by giving a brand difference from
competitor brands.
According to Kotler and Keller (2015), the impact of quality has six dimensions,
one of which is (1) performance, that is, a dimension that has a relationship with the
primary use of the product used. (2) Reliability is the assumption that the viability of a
product will not fail or fail within a specified period of time. (3) A privilege is a
personality or attribute of a product that will complement the main function of the
product. (4) Resistance, that is, the strength to survive from a product indicates a measure
of the period of the product. the amount of life expected to be used by the product in
normal conditions, both in terms of performance and time. (5) Conformance quality is to
show how much a product can be equal to the standard or the specification of a product
already possessed or intuited. Style explains that the product provides an emotional aspect
in affecting consumer satisfaction.
According to Nata and Suidarwanto (2022) the decision is to take a choice of the
various alternatives offered that on one side, it can not be classified as a decision making
when there is no decision taken. The purchase decision is an act carried out by the
consumer to use a product proposed by the uisaha to make a choice in making a purchase
for a particular product. (Weingan & mandeiy, 2014). Purchase decision-making is a
thinking process that gives directions to consumers to understand and know their needs,
make choices, and then choose specific products and brands. According to Fitriana and
Aurinawati (2020) that decision-making by individuals can be said to be something to
solve problems. In the decision-making process, consumers have a goal or attitude that
will be achieved or satisfied. Consumers make decisions about what attitude they want to
realize to those goals.
Based on the results of previous research conducted by Harjati and Sabui (2014)
entitled “The Effect of Product Perception on Purchase Results” The Body Shop explains
that quality perception has a significant positive impact on purchase decisions.
Furthermore, the results of a study by Putri, Marwan, and Rahmidani (2018) entitled “The
Impact of Brand Image and Perceived Quality on La Tuilipe Cosmetic Product Purchase
Decisions in the City of Padang” explain that the perceived quality variable has a
significant positive impact on the purchase decision. Perceived quiality of women in the
city of Padang to the product La Tulipe has been good so that the purchase decision of
the cosmetic products La tulipe is also high. The concepual framework in this research
design as a basis for formulating hypotheses and further analysis processes as seen in the
Figure 1.

The Influence of Perceived Quality to Purchase Decision: Study in Serum Implora Cosmetics Product in
Kabupaten Bandung Barat

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

H0: There is a not significant influence between perceived quality and purchase
H1: There is a significant influence between perceived quality and purchase decision.

This research was conducted at Kabupaten Bandung Barat. This area was chosen
because of the limitations of the researchers, especially on the issue of research costs. The
research object and subjects consisted of consumers of implora’s product serum. This
research uses a quantitative approach, with the use of statistics and various mathematical
data. The research method used in this study uses a quantitative approach with the
explanatory survey method. According to Sugiyono (2017), an explanatory survey is a
research method aimed at explaining the degree of the variables studied as well as the
influence of one and the other variables.
Sample determination by using the non-probability sampling method, by taking
samples by giving unequal chances for each element of the population to be selected as a
member of the sample. Sampling is purposive sampling. The criteria in the determination
of the sample are consumers who know the Implora serum, have already used the
IMPLORA serum and are located in the West Bandung district. Sampling determination
is based on the opinion of Fraenkel & Wallen (2012) that the minimum sample size on a
descriptive study is 100 samples. Based on this, the number of samples taken was 155
respondents, so that they will be used as respondents in this study with a sample spread:
from Batujajar area 20 people, Cihampelas area 22 people, Cikalong Wetan area 3 people,
Cililin area 23 people, Cipatat area 7 people, Cipeundeuy area 9 people, Cipongkor area
4 people, Cisarua area 3 people, Gununghalu area 15 people, Lembang area 20 people,
Ngamprah area 5 people, Padalarang area 12 people, Parongpong area 8 people, Rongga
area 1 people, Saguling area 1 people, Sindangkerta 2 people.
Data collection uses two types of data: primary data and secondary data. Primary
data is obtained by spreading the questionnaire to the population for data collection. The
dissemination of the questionnaire is done online using the media Google form to the
respondents that correspond to the criteria described with the form used that is paired with
the likert scale. In addition, primary data was obtained by interviewing 10 respondents to
obtain accurate opinions and reviews about perceived quality of respondents using
Implora serum. Secondary data is data obtained from literature that has data relevance
Simple Regression with the object being studied.


Table 1 depicts the result of reliability construc in this research a;so fulfilled, the

Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 13 No. 02 October 2023

result show that the composite reliability of each variable has value of more than 0.6.

Table 1. Construct Reliability

Cronbach's Cronbach's Alpha based on

Variable N of Items
Alpha Standardized Items
0.631 0.642 5
0.685 0.696 8
Source: Data Responds (2023)

The next test is a simple regression test. Results of the simple regression test can be
seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Simple Regression

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 22.863 1.403 16.294 0
X 0.595 .064 0.603 9.352 0
Source: Data Responds (2023)

Table 2 shows the results of data processing on a simple linear regression test that
shows the constant and variable coefficients. In the table it can be seen that the constant
value is 22,863 and the regression coefficient value is 0,603. Based on the results, it can
be concluded that if there is an addition of one point of positive value to the perceived
quality, then the value of the purchase decision will increase by 0.603.

Table 3. Coefficient Determination Test

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square
Square Estimate
1 .603 0,364 0,36 0,941
Source: Data Responds (2023)

In the table 3 is attached that the determination coefficient value (R Square) is

0.364. It can be interpreted that there is an influence of perceived quality as an
independent variable on the purchasing decision variable as a dependent variable of 36%.
The remaining 64% was influenced by other variables that were not included in this study.

The results of data collection carried out using questionnaires and also with the
method of interviewing 10 respondents can be concluded that the respondents feel that
Implora serum has excellent durability. This refers to a long expiration date, so the
Implora serum can be used until the time period listed on the packaging. Also, this refers
to no change in color, smell and can be stored at a temperature so that the serum does not
need to get special care. The sequence refers to the well-made serum, the average
respondent believes that as much as Implora is well made. This explains that Implora

The Influence of Perceived Quality to Purchase Decision: Study in Serum Implora Cosmetics Product in
Kabupaten Bandung Barat

serum is given attention with a good serum manufacturing process. Production process
plays an important role in product quality. Leading skin care brands adhere to strict
manufacturing standards and quality control protocols. This ensures consistency, purity,
and hygiene in the production of products. In order to add the belief that Implora serum
is made well, it is necessary to create information pages such as making youtube videos
about the factory appearance of Implorase serum, hygiene of human resources, machines,
as well as raw materials used, SOP from Implore serum factory such as what and so on
as an attribute that complements that the Imploro Serum is indeed well made, which will
increase the confidence of respondents. The next item is referring to the quality of the
product belonging very well. This means that the average respondent believes that
Implora serum is of high quality and is of perceived quality. This is in line with the
opinion expressed by Lin (2017) that consumers prefer brands that have a high quality,
as it reflects a higher reliability and gives a positive effect. The results of this analysis are
also supported by the results of interviews with 10 respondents that 8 out of 10
respondents argue that Implora serums are of good quality, also comparable to the price
offered. However, two respondents said they didn’t like the quality of the product and
could not comment because they did not feel any changes in their skin. When looking at
the background and the results of in-depth interviews to 10 respondents, the growth of
the beauty industry is rapidly occurring in Indonesia, so it is necessary to maintain the
quality even re-improve the quality of the Implora serum so that the Serum has even better
quality. Next referring to the reliability of the concluded product belongs very well. It can
be speculated that the average respondent believes the performance of the Implora serum
of the product first purchased with the product subsequently purchased consistently works
well on their skin. Thus building the perceived quality that the Implora serum is a serum
that works well and when buying a new product with the same genis, then the IMPLORA
serum still gives a good performance consistently. Next, the product safety belongs very
well. It can be speculated that the average respondent feels safe when using Implora
serum. The sense of safety that is expressed when using Implora serum builds the
consumer’s emotional aspect toward Implorase serum so that consumers do not hesitate
to buy Imploro serum because Implore serum is a serum that is safe to use for their skin.
Description of the variable purchase decision result consisting of 8 questions.
Each question item represents any factors that influence the purchase decision. The first
question is “the brand name on the packaging attracted my attention to buying Implora
serum” belongs to “very good”. This explains that the average respondent purchases
Implora serum because of the brand name that is on the packaging. The brand name on
the packaging gives identity to the product. So with the identity written on the packaging,
consumers can buy the right product with what they want. In addition, with the brand
name on the packaging, consumers will easily find the brand they are aiming for. It is
consistent with the results of a Salem study (2018) that packaging design also affects
purchasing decisions due to brand names that are easy to remember. On the next question
item that is “I bought Implora serum because of the information on its packaging” belongs
to “very good”. This indicates that the average respondent purchases Implora serum due
to the presence of information on the packaging. The information provided on the
packaging, makes consumers know what the content of the product so that they can adapt
to the needs they have. In addition to the information on the packaging, consumers know
more about what Implora serum is and how the effect will be felt when applying the
product to the face, as well as the use of serum tutorials so that the serum can work
maximally when its use is appropriate. Next on the question item “I bought Implora serum

Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 13 No. 02 October 2023

because Implura serum has a kind of serum that threatens” belonged to “very good”. On
the item of the question can be drawn the conclusion that the average respondent buys
Implora serum products because the Serum offers a variety of serum types, so that
consumers have the choice to adjust to the skin problems they experience. The question
item “I bought Implora serum because of the content of its serum” belonged to “very
good”. On this item means that the average respondent buys Implora serum due to the
content it has in its serum. By knowing the content of the serum, consumers can adjust to
the complaints they have, and also to the allergies or needs of the Serum itself. So
consumers can be more alert when the content of the serum is the content that does not
fit their skin. Based on the results of interviews with 10 respondents, it resulted that they
bought implora serums because the Implora serum has a content that fits their desires and
needs. The next question item was “the effectiveness of the serum Implora drew my
attention to making the purchase belonged to “very good”. This explains that the reason
respondent purchases on Implora serum is due to the efficacy or effectiveness of the
Implura serum. This was also supported by the results of interviews with 10 respondents,
some of whom said that they bought Implora serum because they looked at the existing
reviews from both social media and other reviews, because of curiosity, and also because
they already used the Serum and felt the effectiveness of the serum so they made a re-
purchase against the Serums. His comment on the question item “I bought Implora serum
because of its ease of use” belonged to “very good”. This explains that respondents bought
Implora serum because Implera serum is easy to use. Then on the question item “I bought
Implora serum because of the size of its packaging” belonged to “very good”. This
explains that the packaging size factor also affects consumers to make purchases on
Implora serum. On the question item “I bought Implora serum because I knew its quality”
belonged to “very good”. This suggests that respondents purchased Implora serum
products because respondents knew the quality of the serum. The quality already known
by consumers makes consumers not hesitate to recommend the Implora serum.
Based on the interpretation of the coefficient value of coleration in this study is
included in the value that has a level of “strong” relationship. This means that there is a
significant and positive relationship between the perceived quality variable and the
decision variable. The better perceived quality the consumer has, the better the decision
of consumer advice will be made. This is in line with a study by Khairunnisa (2019) that
explains that perceived quality has a strong influence on purchasing decisions. Based on
the results of a simple linear regression test, it can be concluded that if there is an addition
of one point on the perceived quality variable, then the value on the purchase decision
variable will increase by 0.603. The value of the regression coefficient on the perceived
quality variable is a positive value which means that the Perceived Quality variable has a
positive and significant influence on the purchase decision. This is consistent with
research from Harjati and Sabu G (2014) stating that quality perception significantly and
positively influences purchasing decisions. Based on previous research from Sijabat
(2020) also obtained research findings that perceived quality has a positive association
with purchase decisions, both before and after mediated by price perception. Based on
the results of determination coefficient analysis, it is known that the value of the
determination factor (R Square) is a value of 0,364. It can be interpreted that there is an
influence of perceived quality on purchasing decisions of 36%. The remaining 64% were
influenced by other factors that were not studied in this survey. From the presentation on
the hypothesis test, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This means

The Influence of Perceived Quality to Purchase Decision: Study in Serum Implora Cosmetics Product in
Kabupaten Bandung Barat

that perceived quality has a significant influence on purchasing decisions with a huge
influence of 36%.

Based on the results of the previous discussion, it can be concluded that the
perceived quality of Implora serum products belongs to the excellent category. This is
supported by the opinion of respondents who stated that Implora serum has a high quality
and durable as well as the product works consistently. The purchase decision on the
Implora serum belongs to a very good category. This is supported by the opinion of
respondents on questionnaires and interviews that there are several factors that influence
the purchase decisions they make, among them is due to the quality, type of serum,
content of the serum content, the information contained on the packaging, the
effectiveness of the Implora serum. Furthermore, based on research results, perceived
quality has a positive and significant influence on purchase decisions. The better
perceived quality the consumer has, the more increased the decision of purchase from
consumer serum Implora. The company needs to doing something to increase the sense
of consumer confidence in the product alsoins even re-examine the quality of the Implora
serum because it has become a characteristic of Implore serum which has awakened
perceived quality in the mind of the consumer. As well as for further research, other
independent variables can be added because perceived quality does not only affect
consumer purchasing decisions.

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