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E-ISSN: 2774-8073

Vol 3, No 2, 2023

Brand Awareness Wardah Cosmetics Users at ASN in Blitar Regency

Neni Utami1*, Nurul Farida2
Universitas Islam Balitar Blitar, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author, Email: [email protected]

This research aims to determine the influence of brand ambassadors on the brand equity of
Wardah cosmetic products among ASN in Blitar district. The research data used was primary
data taken by distributing questionnaires using a Likert scale to 87 respondents out of 105
respondents who met the criteria. The research method used is an associative quantitative
method, the data obtained is analyzed using validity and reliability tests, normality tests,
simple regression tests, hypothesis tests and coefficient of determination tests. The results of
the research show that the use of brand ambassadors can have a positive influence on brand
awareness of Wardah cosmetic products among Blitar district ASN. Wardah cosmetics brand
ambassadors who are able to increase brand awareness are transference brand ambassadors,

Keywords: Brand Ambassador, Brand Equity, Conformity

JEL Codes: M310; M370; M380

Received: 6 February 2023 Revised: 11 Juli 2023 Accepted: 3 September 2023

Suggested citation:
Utami, N., Farida, N. (2023). Brand Awareness Wardah Cosmetics users at ASN in Blitar Regency.
Indonesian Economic Review, 3(2), 30-38.

The cosmetics industry today is growing and developing increasingly rapidly and
promisingly, both in terms of sales and the emergence of new companies. According to BPOM
data in the Investor.id post, from 2021 to July 2022 the number of cosmetics companies increased
from 819 to 913 (20.6%) where 83% of this increase was dominated by SMEs. This data is
supported by BPS records which state that the cosmetics industry will grow by 9.61% in 2021
(Makmun, 2022).
The cosmetics industry's income has increased from year to year. In 2019, the cosmetics
industry's revenue, especially beauty and body care products, reached 99.25 trillion. In 2020,
cosmetics sector revenues reached IDR 100.02 trillion, it is estimated that this figure will increase
by 7.25% to 107.7 trillion in 2021. In 2022 it is estimated that there will be an increase of 7.29%
to 115.9 trillion. In 2023 it will increase by 7.26 to 123.33 trillion, increase again by 5.64% to
130.4 trillion in 2024 and in 2025 it will increase by 5.64% to 137.77 trillion. The increase in the
number of product variations according to market demand and greater public interest supports the
increase in income in the cosmetics sector from year to year (Mahdi, 2022).
Cosmetics are now part of daily needs, not only among women, but these cosmetics are
also used by men. Databoks.katadata.co.id survey results show that 37% of men use facial soap,
14% use acne spot treatment, 14% use day cream, 9% use cleansing oil and 9% use micellar water
(Pahlavi, 2021). The expanding market share of cosmetics certainly increases sales of cosmetic
products. For the 2021 period, cosmetics are the third highest selling product purchased by women
in e-commerce (Akulaku, Shopee, Tokopedia, etc.) with a purchase percentage of 13.9% after the
credit and voucher categories and fashion and accessories. Cosmetics are also the third highest
selling product purchased by men in e-commerce with a percentage of 11.1% after credit and
voucher categories and fashion and accessories (Ginee.com, 2022).

Utami, N. et al., Indonesian Economic Review (2023), 3(2), 30-38

Local cosmetic products are more popular with the public than international cosmetic
products. A survey conducted by Populix.co which was held on 4-14 July 2022 of 1,000
respondents throughout Indonesia aged 18-55 years showed that 54% of respondents chose to use
local cosmetic products, 11% chose to use international cosmetic products while 35% does not
have a special category in selecting cosmetic products to use (Sadiya, 2022). Following are
several reasons for choosing local cosmetic products based on the results of a Populix.co survey
of 500 respondents (Fajriana, 2015).
Wardah cosmetics is a local cosmetic brand that is familiar to the public. This cosmetics
brand, which was founded in 1995 under the auspices of PT Paragon Technology and Innovation,
has become one of the most popular cosmetics.Compas.co.idhas conducted a sales survey of
cosmetic products on e-commerce Shopee and Tokopedia. The survey was conducted on official
stores and non-official stores that had a rating above 4 on both platforms. The survey period was
carried out from April to June 2022 with the results that Wardah cosmetics ranked first with a
sales percentage of 7.65%. Second place is Make Over cosmetics with sales of 6.83%. In third
place is Luxcrime cosmetics with a sales percentage of 5.07%. The next order is Pixy cosmetics,
followed by somethinc cosmetics, Madame Gie cosmetics and Esqa cosmetics (Compas.co.id,
2022). A similar survey was also conducted by Jakpat.net (2022) to find out which local skincare
brands are best known to consumers.
The results of a Jakpat.net survey of 1269 respondents showed that Wardah cosmetics
was the most widely known local cosmetic product top of mind with a percentage of 90.9%
(Jakpat.net, 2022). These results prove that Wardah cosmetics has a good level of brand
awareness in society. Brand awareness can be done by holding special sponsorship events,
advertising promotion media, personal selling and publicity to build brand awareness in the hearts
of consumers (Nursyecha et al., 2021).
Advertisements have a strong influence on brands. Advertisements can make it easier for
consumers to recognize the advertised brand. The effect of advertising on Brand Awareness is
that it makes it easier for the brand to be known quickly and widely by the public so it is very
suitable for introducing the brand to the wider public. Advertising messages that are delivered
repeatedly cause the audience to become aware of the brand. In making advertisements, Brand
Ambassadors are an important component because they will remain attached to the brand image
in the future (Wijaya et al., 2021).
Wardah cosmetics is a cosmetic brand that collaborates with several public figures as
brand ambassadors for its products. A brand ambassador is someone who has a passion for a
brand and can influence or invite consumers to buy or use a brand product (Greenwood, 2012).
Wardah cosmetics collaborates with Dewi Sandra, Tatjana Saphira, Amanda Rawless, Fenita
Arie, Dinda Hauw, Ayana Moon, Raline Shah, Tulus, Natasha Risky, Zaskia Sungkar and several
other figures as brand ambassadors for Wardah cosmetics products. Some of these public figures
are inspirational figures who they think are suitable to describe the brand. The ages of the brand
ambassadors chosen by Wardah cosmetics also vary in age, depending on the segment of the
product series they are launching.
Brand ambassadors it is hoped that it will be able to attract consumers' attention, provide
opinions and affirmations regarding the product so that consumers can know and understand the
product more deeply. The results of previous research have shown that the use of brand
ambassadors can increase brand awareness of Android smartphone products (Rosyadi, 2021).
Likewise, using the Boyband BTS as brand ambassadors has proven to be able to influence
consumer brand awareness (Budiman et al., 2018; Febriana, 2021; Wijaya et al., 2021). Research
conducted by Priantana & Istiyanto (2019) also shows that the use of brand ambassadors can have
a positive impact on brand awareness in one of the culinary businesses in Purwokerto.
The use of brand ambassadors for sympathy products can also increase brand awareness
among consumers(Abiromo, 2014). Other research conducted by Langi et al., (2022) shows that
the use of the boyband Treasure brand ambassador has a positive influence on Ruangguru's brand
awareness. Similar research has been carried out by Mistianingrum & Dermawan (2022) also
shows that the use of brand ambassadors can influence brand awareness.
Utami, N. et al., Indonesian Economic Review (2023), 3(2), 30-38

Based on the theoretical description and previous research, the hypothesis H1 can be put
forward: Brand ambassadors have a positive and significant influence on brand awareness of
Wardah cosmetic products. The similarities in the results expressed by previous researchers have
made researchers interested in conducting similar research to find out whether brand identity has
an influence on brand awareness of Wardah cosmetic products among Blitar Regency ASN. The
research locus and objects studied in this research are different from several studies that have
been stated previously, so it is hoped that this research will be able to provide new insights as
well as reveal whether the use of the same variables on different objects and loci will produce
different findings.

Literature Review
Brand Ambassadors
Brand ambassadorsis someone who has a passion for the brand, wants to introduce it and
even volunteers to provide information about the brand (Firmansyah, 2019).Companies use brand
ambassadors with the aim of influencing or inviting consumers to use the product. Brand
ambassadors are usually famous celebrities. Brand ambassadors are tools used by companies to
communicate and connect with the public, in the hope that they can increase sales (Greenwood,
Several characteristics need to be considered when choosingbrand ambassador, selecting
an appropriate brand ambassador will influence the success of the endorsement carried out by the
company. Brand ambassadors have several characteristics (Greenwood, 2012) including:
1. Transference, is when a celebrity endorses a brand associated with their profession
2. Congruence(compatibility), is a key concept in brand ambassadors, namely ensuring that
there is a match between the brand and the celebrity.
3. Credibility, is the level at which consumers see that the brand ambassador has relevant
knowledge, expertise or experience, and can be trusted to provide relevant information.
4. Attraction(attractiveness), is a non-physical appearance that is attractive and can support
a product or advertisement
5. Power, is the charisma emitted by the resource person to be able to influence consumers
so that consumers are influenced to buy and use the product.
According to Royan (2004) brand ambassadors have functions and benefits for companies
1. Give testimony
2. Provide encouragement and reinforcement
3. Acting as an actor in the advertisement he represents
4. Act as a company spokesperson (Firmansyah, 2019)

Brand Awareness
Brand awareness can be described as the consumer's ability to remember the character of
a product brand when compared with other brands. Brand awareness is the recognition and recall
of a brand and its differentiation from other brands in the field. So brand awareness is the
consumer's ability to remember a brand and what makes it different when compared to other
brands. According to Firmansyah (2019) Brand awareness can be divided into 4 levels:
1. Unaware of brandthat is, consumers do not know about the brand
2. Brand recognitionnamely the brand recognition process, this stage usually takes place
when consumers first buy a product
3. Brand recallnamely the process of recalling a brand, this stage occurs when consumers
can remember a brand without needing help.
4. Top of mindnamely the top of mind, at this stage the brand has become the first and main
choice when consumers want to buy a product.
The success of brand awareness is influenced by 4 things, including:
1. Advert (advertising) namely marketing communications carried out through mass media
to introduce and promote products so that the public can capture as much and complete
information about the product as possible.
Utami, N. et al., Indonesian Economic Review (2023), 3(2), 30-38

2. Product, this product can be goods or services that are bought and sold. This product can
be anything as long as it can be offered on the market and is able to fulfill needs and
3. Taglines,this tagline is a slogan or phrase made in visual or verbal form. This tagline is
in the form of short words but is able to present the benefits of the product.
4. Logo, this logo is in the form of an image or sketch that has meaning. A logo contains a
special meaning given by a company, organization, product, etc. This logo can be a short
but attractive and easy to remember name (Firmansyah, 2019).
According to Aaker (1991), the role of brand awareness in helping brands can be understood by
examining how brand awareness can create value. The value of Brand awareness consists of being
a source of other associations, familiarity or liking, substance or commitment, considering the
brand (Firmansyah, 2019).
1. Become another source of association
A brand with high awareness will help associations stick to the brand because the brand's
visibility will be very high in the minds of consumers. This condition shows that a brand
with high awareness is able to generate positive associations for other products.
2. Familiarity or liking,
If brand awareness of a product is very high, consumers will be very familiar with our
brand, and over time this will develop a high liking for our brand.
3. Substance or commitment
Brand awarenesscan signal the existence, commitment and core that is very important for
a company. So if brand awareness is high, we can always feel the brand's presence,
because a brand with high brand awareness is usually caused by several factors, namely:
a. Widely advertised, so that it is widely known by the public.
b. An existence that has stood the test of time
c. Wide distribution reach, making it easier for consumers to get these products.
d. Brandit is well managed.
4. Consider the brand
The first step in a purchasing process is selecting brands that are known in a group to
consider and decide which brand to buy. Brands with high top of mind have high
consideration value. If a brand is not stored in memory, it will not be considered in
purchasing decisions. Usually the brands that are stored in consumers' minds are brands
that they like and hate.

The conceptual framework in this research was built based on background and previous research.
The research framework for the influence of brand ambassadors on brand awareness can be
depicted in the following chart:

Figure 1: Research Rationale Framework

Source: Research (2023)

Research methods
Data was collected by observation and questionnaires. The observation method was
carried out by observing the focus of the theme discussed in the research, namely the brand
ambassador of Wardah cosmetic products. The questionnaire method was carried out by asking
Utami, N. et al., Indonesian Economic Review (2023), 3(2), 30-38

participants a number of questions related to the focus of the research theme (Sugiyono, 2013).
The scale used is a Likert scale with an interval of 1-5. The research locations were the Blitar
Regency Agriculture and Food Service, the Blitar Regency PPKBP3A Service and the Blitar
Regency Livestock and Fisheries Service. Samples were taken using a non-probability sampling
technique, the samples selected must comply with special criteria, namely ASN and users of
Wardah cosmetic products. The total samples obtained were 87 samples from 105 populations.
The research approach used is a quantitative approach because the data used is in the
form of numbers which are analyzed using statistics. This research is directed at testing the
influence of brand ambassador variables on brand awareness so that the type of research used is
associative descriptive (Sugiyono, 2013). The data analysis technique used is a research
instrument test which consists of a validity test and a reliability test. The research instrument is
said to be valid if the sig value is < 0.05, and is said to be reliable if the Alpha value is >0.06.
Reliability testing was carried out using Cronbach's alpha test. Next is the normality test, simple
linear regression test, hypothesis test and coefficient of determination test. The normality test was
carried out using the Kolmogrov-Smirnov Monte Carlo test where if the sig value is > 0.05 then
the data is declared to be normally distributed. Simple linear regression is used to find out whether
the brand ambassador variable has an effect on the brand awareness variable. Simple linear
regression is tested using the formula: Y = a + bX. Hypothesis testing is carried out to determine
whether the previously created hypothesis is accepted or rejected. The hypothesis is accepted if
the sig value < 0.05. The coefficient of determination is used to determine the magnitude of the
influence produced by the independent variable on the dependent variable in the form of a
percentage (Sanusi, 2014). Data processing uses the SPSS 26 data processing application.


Halal Tourism
This research was conducted on 87 ASNs in Blitar district who met the criteria set by the
researchers with the following description. From Figure 4 it can be seen that the majority of
respondents were aged between 35-45 years with a percentage of 49% or 42 people. Then in
second place is the age range 25-35 years totaling 26 people (percentage 30%). The last rank was
19 people aged > 45 years (percentage 21%). The distribution of answers from respondents can
be depicted in the following table:

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents' Answers

Variable Indicator Average Amount
1 2 3 4 5
Brand Transference 0 2 12 59 14 69.2 87
Ambassadors Credibility 0 0 19 58 10 67.8 87
Congruence 0 1 20 56 10 67.2 87
Power 0 0 22 54 11 67.4 87
Attraction 0 5 27 50 5 63.2 87
Brand Other association
Awareness sources 0 3 23 58 3 64.4 87
Familiar 0 2 15 56 14 68.6 87
Commitment 0 1 20 58 8 66.8 87
Consider the brand 0 4 11 62 10 67.8 87
Source: data processed by researchers

Validity and reliability tests are tests that must be carried out first before proceeding to
other tests.The validity test aims to test the correctness of an instrument used. Reliability testing
is used to determine the consistency of research instruments, whether an instrument will provide
the same results if used again in the future. The validity test results are presented in the following
Utami, N. et al., Indonesian Economic Review (2023), 3(2), 30-38

Table 2. Validity test results

Variable Sig Valid
X1.1 0,000 
X1.2 0,000 
X1.3 0,000 
X1.4 0,000 
X1.5 0,000 
Y1.1 0,000 
Y1.2 0,000 
Y1.3 0,000 
Y1.4 0,000 
Source: data processed by researchers

Based on table 2, it is known that the calculation results for each question item for variable
Brand Awareness is Valid.
Validity testing was carried out using the Cronbach's Alpha method, the results of
reliability testing are presented in the following table:

Table 3. Reliability Test Results

Variable Sig Reliable
X 0.887 
Y 0.621 
Source: data processed by researchers

The results of the Cronbach's Alpha test in table 3 show that variable
The next test is the normality test, this test is to determine whether the residual data used
is normal or not. The test used is the Kolmogrov-Smirnov test, where the data is declared normal
if the calculation results show a sig value < 0.05. The following is the data from the normality
test calculation results:

Table 4. Normality Test Results

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Sig. ,060
99% Confidence Interval Lower Bound ,000
Upper Bound ,121
Source: data processed by researchers

The significance value from the normality test calculation results in table 4 using the
Kolmogrov-Smirnov Monte Carlo test produces a significance value of 0.060 where the value is
sig > 0.05, so it can be stated that the data is normally distributed. The regression test aims to
determine the direction of the relationship and the significance of the influence between the
independent variable on the dependent variable, in this research it is Brand Ambassador (X1) on
Brand Awareness (Y). The following are the results of the regression test calculations:

Table 5. Simple Linear Regression Test Results

Model t Sig.
1 (Constant) 8,551 ,000
Brand Ambassadors 3,212 ,002
Source: data processed by researchers
Utami, N. et al., Indonesian Economic Review (2023), 3(2), 30-38

The calculation results in table 5 show the value of T = 3.212, so the following regression
test is obtained: Y=a+3.212. The conclusion obtained is that Brand Ambassador (X1) has a
positive and significant influence on Brand Awareness of Wardah cosmetic products.
The next test is the hypothesis test, this test is used to determine whether the hypothesis that has
been made previously is accepted or rejected. The hypothesis is accepted if the sig value <0.05

Table 6. Hypothesis Test Results

Model t Sig.
1 (Constant) 8,551 ,000
Brand Ambassadors 3,212 ,002
Source: data processed by researchers

Based on the calculations in table 6, the calculation results show that the sig value = 0.002
<0.05. The conclusion obtained is H1 which states that Brand Ambassadors have a significant
positive effect on the Brand Awareness of Wardah cosmetic products received. Next is testing the
coefficient of determination. The coefficient of determination is carried out to determine the
magnitude of the influence exerted by the independent variable on the dependent variable in the
Table 7. Coefficient of Determination Test Results
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square
1 ,329 ,108 ,098
Source: data processed by researchers

Based on the calculation results in table 7, the R square result is 0.329, meaning that the
Brand Ambassador variable (X1) has an influence of 32.9% on Brand Awareness of Wardah
cosmetic products. The remaining 67.1% is influenced by other variables not involved in the
The results of calculations using the SPSS 26 statistical application show that brand
ambassadors have a positive and significant influence on brand awareness. Wardah cosmetics
brand ambassadors who are able to increase brand awareness are brand ambassadors who are
transference, match the product image, have expertise in conveying messages related to the
product and have strong charisma. The attractiveness of the Wardah cosmetics brand ambassador
is less prominent in increasing brand awareness, so that in the future the company can be more
selective in selecting brand ambassadors.
Using brand ambassadors in advertising can increase brand awareness very easily
(Wijaya et al., 2021). Rosyadi (2021) in his research stated that the better the brand ambassador
strategy which includes visibility, credibility, attraction and power will increase awareness.
Likewise, research conducted by Budiman et al., (2018) shows that the suitability and expertise
possessed by brand ambassadors play a role in building brand awareness. Mistianingrum &
Dermawan (2022) found that the factor that really influences brand ambassadors on brand
awareness is the Conformity indicator, where the brand ambassador used is in accordance with
the product. The popularity factor of the brand ambassador used is also able to increase brand
awareness, the more famous the brand ambassador used, the easier the product will be known to
consumers (Febriana, 2021) and (Sujianto & Azmi, 2020). Brand ambassadors' skills in
communicating, the trust they create, and their personal power to create a deep impression on
consumers so that the product will be easier to remember (Abiromo, 2014).

Based on the results of the data analysis that has been carried out, it is concluded that
there is a positive and significant influence between Brand Ambassadors on Brand Awareness.
An increase in the brand ambassador value will bring a 1% increase in the brand awareness value,
and vice versa. A good brand ambassador will also bring good Brand Awareness to the brand of
a product.
Utami, N. et al., Indonesian Economic Review (2023), 3(2), 30-38

In theory, the use of a good brand ambassador can increase brand awareness among
consumers, so to increase brand awareness among consumers a good brand ambassador is needed.
Companies are expected to pay more attention to the suitability, abilities, attractiveness and
charisma of public figures before the company decides to enter into a cooperation contract so that
the product being promoted can be delivered on target and get the attention of consumers in line
with expectations.
This research has been attempted to achieve maximum results, but of course this research
still has many shortcomings. This research only focuses on 3 service offices, namelyBlitar
Regency Agriculture and Food Service, Blitar Regency PPKBP3A Service and Blitar Regency
Livestock and Fisheries Service with a total sample of 86. Researchers in the future can take more
samples to get maximum research results and bring better implications.
The variables in this research focus on providing an overview of the influence of brand
identity on brand awareness. Other variables such as taglines, advertising, product quality, brand
image are not controlled by researchers. These other variables can also be factors that can
influence consumer brand awareness.

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