60 Bai Mau IELTS Speaking Band 8

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1. Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use

You should say
When you got it
What you got it for
How often you use it
And explain how you feel about it

Bài mẫu
I would like to talk about a piece of technology that I find difficult to use, which is
a professional-grade camera. I acquired this camera approximately two years
ago when I embarked on a photography course to enhance my skills as an
amateur photographer. My intention was to capture high-quality images and
explore the art of photography more deeply.

Regrettably, I don't use the camera as frequently as I had initially anticipated.

The reason behind this is the complexity and technicality associated with its
operation. The camera offers a multitude of settings, such as aperture, shutter
speed, and ISO, which can be overwhelming for someone with limited
experience. Understanding how each setting affects the final image and
achieving the desired outcome requires a significant amount of practice and

Due to the steep learning curve, I find myself reverting to using my smartphone
camera for everyday photography needs. It offers simplicity and convenience
with its automatic settings, whereas operating the professional camera demands
time and expertise. Consequently, I tend to reserve the use of the professional
camera for special occasions or when I have dedicated photography sessions.

On a personal level, I feel a sense of frustration and disappointment towards the

camera. I had hoped that owning a professional-grade camera would
automatically result in stunning photographs, but I underestimated the technical
knowledge and skills required to maximize its potential. However, I also
recognize that the challenge I face is an opportunity for growth and
improvement in my photography journey.

2. Describe a place where you thought things were too expensive

You should say:
What the place is like
Why you went there
Why things are expensive there
And explain how you feel about the place

Bài mẫu
One place where I found things to be excessively expensive is Fifth Avenue in
New York City. This renowned high-end shopping district is known for its luxury
boutiques, upscale department stores, and extravagant jewelry shops. I visited
Fifth Avenue during a vacation, attracted by its reputation as a premier shopping

The exorbitant prices in this area can be attributed to its prime location in
Manhattan, one of the most expensive real estate markets. High rents and
operating costs are passed on to consumers. Additionally, the brands and stores
on Fifth Avenue cater to affluent clientele, offering exclusive designer labels and
limited-edition collections. The perception of exclusivity and high demand for
luxury goods also contribute to inflated prices.

While I admired the grandeur and sophistication of Fifth Avenue, I felt a sense of
detachment due to the stark contrast between the opulence and my own
financial limitations. The steep prices made the luxury items seem out of reach
and emphasized the disparities in society. The emphasis on materialism within
this district left me with mixed feelings, appreciating the spectacle but feeling
disconnected from the place.
3. Describe a famous person who you think will be a role model for
young people
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
And explain why this person became your role model.

Bài mẫu
One famous person who I believe serves as an excellent role model for young
people is Malala Yousafzai. Malala is a renowned Pakistani activist and Nobel
laureate who has been advocating for girls' education and women's rights.

I first became aware of Malala through her remarkable story that made
headlines worldwide. At a young age, she fearlessly spoke out against the
Taliban's ban on girls' education in her hometown of Swat Valley. Tragically, her
activism led to her being targeted and shot in the head by a Taliban gunman.
However, Malala's resilience and determination to fight for education and
equality only grew stronger in the face of adversity.

Malala's unwavering commitment to her cause and her courage in standing up

for what she believes in are truly inspirational. Despite facing life-threatening
challenges, she never wavered from her mission to ensure that all children,
regardless of gender, have access to education. Her advocacy work has not only
brought global attention to the importance of education but has also resulted in
tangible change, including the establishment of the Malala Fund - a nonprofit
organization that empowers girls through education.

What sets Malala apart as a role model is not only her activism but also her
humility and grace. Despite her fame and accolades, she remains down-to-earth
and uses her platform to amplify the voices of others. She has shown that age is
not a barrier to making a significant impact in the world and that every individual
has the power to create change.

As a role model for young people, Malala embodies the qualities of resilience,
courage, and a relentless pursuit of justice. Her story serves as a powerful
reminder that education is a fundamental right and that we should never take it
for granted. Her ability to inspire and empower others, especially young girls, is
truly remarkable.

4. Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes

You should say:
What this occasion was
What clothes you wore
Why you chose to wear these clothes
And explain how you felt about wearing your best clothes

Bài mẫu
One memorable occasion when I wore my best clothes was during my cousin's
wedding ceremony. It was a grand event held at a luxurious venue, and I wanted
to look my best to honor the significance of the occasion.

For the wedding, I opted for a tailored navy blue suit paired with a crisp white
dress shirt and a coordinating silk tie. I completed the ensemble with polished
black leather shoes and a matching belt. The suit was well-fitted and exuded a
sense of sophistication and elegance.

I chose to wear these clothes because I wanted to present myself in a refined

and polished manner. A wedding is a special celebration that demands respect
and formality, and I wanted to show my appreciation for the couple by dressing
appropriately for the occasion. Additionally, wearing my best clothes also
allowed me to feel confident and poised, enabling me to fully engage in the
festivities and interact with other guests.

Wearing my best clothes for the wedding made me feel a sense of pride and
self-assurance. The well-tailored suit and stylish attire added a touch of
sophistication to my appearance, making me stand tall and exude confidence. It
was a delightful feeling to receive compliments from friends and relatives who
acknowledged the effort I had put into my outfit.

Moreover, wearing my best clothes also heightened my overall experience of the

event. It allowed me to fully immerse myself in the celebratory atmosphere and
feel a part of the special day. I felt a sense of belonging and connection, knowing
that I had dressed appropriately to honor the couple's union.

5. Describe a special day out which didn’t cost very much

You should say:
Where and when you went
What you did
What you spent money on
And explain why you ẹnjoyed this special day out

Bài mẫu
One memorable special day out that didn't require a significant financial
investment was when I visited a local park with my friends. It was a sunny
Saturday afternoon in the spring, and we decided to explore the beauty of
nature without breaking the bank.

We chose a nearby park known for its picturesque landscapes and serene
atmosphere. As we arrived, the lush greenery and vibrant flowers instantly filled
us with a sense of tranquility and joy. We started our day by taking a leisurely
stroll along the meandering pathways, relishing the fresh air and the melodic
chirping of birds.

To make the most of our visit, we packed a picnic lunch consisting of homemade
sandwiches, fruits, and snacks. We found a cozy spot under the shade of a tall
tree and laid out a blanket to enjoy our meal. Sharing laughter, stories, and
delicious food in the company of good friends created a warm and joyful

During the day, we took advantage of the park's amenities, such as renting
bicycles at a nominal fee. We pedaled along the scenic trails, feeling the wind
against our faces and admiring the stunning vistas around us. We also made a
stop at the park's lake and rented a rowboat, allowing us to peacefully glide
across the calm waters, taking in the serenity of the surroundings.

The only expenses we incurred were for the bicycle and rowboat rentals, which
were quite affordable. We were pleasantly surprised by the value we derived
from a day spent in the embrace of nature and the company of friends, without
having to spend a large sum of money.

What made this day special and enjoyable was the simplicity and tranquility it
offered. Being surrounded by nature's beauty, engaging in outdoor activities,
and sharing quality time with loved ones created a sense of happiness and
contentment that money couldn't buy. It served as a reminder that memorable
experiences are not always dependent on extravagant expenditures but rather
on the company we keep and the moments we cherish.

6. Describe something you own that you want to replace

You should say:
What it is
Where it is
How you got it
And explain why you want to replace it

Bài mẫu

I own a laptop that I have been using for the past five years, and I have been
contemplating replacing it for quite some time now. This laptop has served me
well, accompanying me through countless hours of work, entertainment, and
personal endeavors. However, its age and declining performance have become
increasingly noticeable, prompting me to consider investing in a new one.

The laptop is a 15-inch model, and it currently sits on my desk in my home office.
Over the years, it has become an essential tool for my daily activities, ranging
from professional tasks such as writing reports, creating presentations, and
conducting research, to personal pursuits like streaming movies, managing my
finances, and staying connected with friends and family.

I acquired this laptop during my college years as a necessity for my studies. At

the time, I diligently saved up money from part-time jobs and finally purchased it
from a reputable electronics store. It felt like a significant investment, and I was
excited to have a reliable device that would support me throughout my
academic journey.
However, as time has passed, the laptop has started showing signs of wear and
tear. The battery life has significantly decreased, requiring frequent charging
even for basic tasks. The processing speed has slowed down, causing frustrating
lags and delays. Additionally, newer software updates and applications demand
higher system requirements, rendering my current laptop inadequate for
seamless functioning.

Considering these factors, I feel it is time to replace my current laptop with a

more up-to-date model. A new laptop would allow me to work efficiently, enjoy
smooth multimedia experiences, and keep up with the ever-evolving
technological demands. It would provide a fresh start, enabling me to embrace
the latest features and advancements in computing technology, ultimately
enhancing my productivity and overall user experience.

7. Describe a person who often buy at the street market at cheaper

You should say:
Who this person is
What this person likes to buy
Where this person likes to buy things
And explain why this person likes cheap goods

Bài mẫu

The person I would like to describe is my friend, Sarah. Sarah is a thrifty

individual who frequently shops at street markets to find affordable deals. She
has a keen eye for spotting good bargains and takes pride in her ability to find
quality items at lower prices.

Sarah enjoys buying a wide range of products at street markets. From clothing
and accessories to fresh produce and household items, she seeks out the best
deals on various goods. She believes that by shopping at street markets, she can
save a significant amount of money compared to shopping at traditional retail

When it comes to the location of her shopping expeditions, Sarah prefers visiting
bustling street markets in the heart of the city. These markets are known for
their vibrant atmosphere, diverse offerings, and competitive prices. She enjoys
exploring the different stalls, interacting with the vendors, and negotiating prices
to further maximize her savings.

The primary reason why Sarah prefers cheap goods is her commitment to
frugality and financial responsibility. She believes that by purchasing items at
lower prices, she can stretch her budget and allocate her resources more
effectively. This mindset allows her to save money for other important expenses,
such as travel, education, or unforeseen emergencies.

Moreover, Sarah values the uniqueness and character of the items she finds at
street markets. She appreciates the craftsmanship and individuality present in
many of these products, which adds a personal touch to her purchases. The
thrill of discovering hidden gems and acquiring them at a fraction of the price
enhances her shopping experience.

8. Describe a vehicle you would like to buy

You should say:
What kind of vehicle
Why you would like to have it
How you would get it

Bài mẫu

The vehicle I have set my sights on is a compact electric car. As environmental

consciousness grows and sustainability becomes increasingly important, I
believe that owning an electric vehicle (EV) aligns with my values and lifestyle

There are several reasons why I am eager to own an electric car. First and
foremost, it is an environmentally friendly choice. Electric cars produce zero
tailpipe emissions, reducing air pollution and contributing to a cleaner and
healthier environment. By opting for an electric vehicle, I can actively contribute
to mitigating climate change and reducing my carbon footprint.

Furthermore, the cost savings associated with electric cars are highly appealing.
Electric vehicles have lower operating costs compared to traditional
gasoline-powered cars. The cost of electricity required to charge an EV is
typically lower than the cost of gasoline, resulting in significant savings over
time. Additionally, electric cars require less maintenance due to their simplified
drivetrain and fewer moving parts, reducing the need for frequent oil changes or
engine repairs.

In terms of acquiring an electric car, I would explore different options. One

possibility is to purchase a brand-new electric vehicle from a reputable dealer.
This would ensure that I have access to the latest technology, features, and
warranty coverage. However, another option is to consider the used electric car
market. As the popularity of EVs increases, more pre-owned electric vehicles
become available at more affordable prices. This could be a viable alternative for
obtaining a well-maintained electric car at a reduced cost.

Another avenue to explore is leasing an electric vehicle. Leasing provides the

opportunity to drive an electric car without the long-term commitment of
ownership. It allows for flexibility, the ability to upgrade to newer models, and
often includes maintenance and warranty coverage.

9. Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:
Where it is
What it looks like
What it is used for now
What you learned there
And explain how you felt about this historical building

Bài mẫu

One historical building that I had the opportunity to visit is the Colosseum in
Rome, Italy. Located in the heart of the city, the Colosseum is an iconic symbol of
ancient Roman architecture and history.

The Colosseum is a grand amphitheater made of stone and concrete. Its

imposing exterior features three levels of arches adorned with intricate details.
Despite the wear and tear over centuries, the structure still stands as a
testament to the engineering prowess of the Roman Empire. The interior once
held a seating capacity of around 50,000 spectators, and its elliptical shape
allowed for optimal viewing of gladiatorial contests, animal hunts, and other
public spectacles.

Today, the Colosseum serves as a major tourist attraction and a UNESCO World
Heritage Site. Visitors can explore the ruins, marvel at its architectural splendor,
and learn about the history of the Roman Empire. Guided tours provide insights
into the daily life of ancient Romans and the significance of the Colosseum in
their culture.

During my visit, I learned about the immense cultural and historical importance
of the Colosseum. I discovered how it was a central hub for entertainment and a
reflection of Roman society's values. The Colosseum also played a role in
showcasing the power and grandeur of the empire to the world.

Being in the presence of such a remarkable historical building was awe-inspiring.

As I walked through the ancient corridors and stood on the arena floor, I
couldn't help but feel a deep sense of reverence for the past. The sheer scale
and beauty of the Colosseum left me in awe of the architectural achievements of
the ancient Romans. It was a humbling experience to witness firsthand a
structure that has withstood the test of time and continues to captivate visitors
from around the globe.

10. Describe a person who encouraged you and helped you achieve
a goal
You should say:
Who this person is
What this person encouraged you to do
How this person has helped you
And explain why their encouragement helped you achieve the goal

Bài mẫu

One person who greatly encouraged and helped me in achieving a goal is my

mentor, Sarah. Sarah is a wise and experienced individual who has been guiding
me throughout my professional journey.
Sarah encouraged me to pursue a leadership position within my organization.
She recognized my potential and believed in my abilities, pushing me to step out
of my comfort zone and take on more responsibilities. She provided guidance
and support, offering valuable advice on developing leadership skills and

Sarah's help was instrumental in my journey towards achieving this goal. She
provided me with opportunities to take on challenging projects, allowing me to
demonstrate my capabilities and grow as a leader. She also offered constructive
feedback, helping me identify areas for improvement and providing guidance on
how to overcome obstacles.

The encouragement and belief that Sarah showed in me played a crucial role in
my achievement. Her unwavering support boosted my self-confidence and
motivated me to push through challenges. Knowing that someone with her
experience and expertise believed in me gave me the strength to persevere and
strive for success.

Moreover, Sarah's encouragement created a positive and nurturing

environment. It instilled a sense of belief in myself and my abilities, enabling me
to overcome self-doubt and fear of failure. Her encouragement served as a
constant reminder that I was capable of achieving my goals, fueling my
determination and resilience.

11. Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sport ,

You should say:
What is it?
When did you discover it?
How do you want to improve it?
And how do you feel about it?

Bài mẫu

One natural talent that I want to improve is my ability to play the piano. I
discovered this talent when I was around seven years old, as my parents had a
piano at home and I would often find myself drawn to it, experimenting with
different melodies and sounds.

To enhance my piano playing skills, I aim to take professional lessons and

dedicate consistent practice time to develop my technique, musicality, and
repertoire. I want to learn various genres of music, from classical to
contemporary, and explore different playing styles and techniques. Additionally,
I plan to participate in recitals or join a community band to gain performance
experience and receive feedback from experienced musicians.

I feel a deep passion and connection to music, and the piano has always been a
medium through which I can express myself and evoke emotions. Improving my
piano playing skills would not only bring me personal fulfillment but also allow
me to connect with others through music. It is a lifelong journey of growth and
exploration, and I am excited about the prospect of honing my talent and
sharing my musical expressions with others.

12. Describe your daily routine that you enjoy

You should say:
What it is
When and why you started to follow this routine
Whether it is easy to follow this routine
And explain why you enjoy having this routine in your daily life

Bài mẫu

One daily routine that I thoroughly enjoy is my morning exercise routine. I

started following this routine about two years ago when I realized the
importance of physical activity for my overall well-being.

Every morning, I wake up early and engage in a variety of exercises such as

jogging, yoga, or strength training. I find that starting my day with exercise
provides me with a burst of energy, improves my focus, and sets a positive tone
for the rest of the day.

While it can be challenging to wake up early and find the motivation to exercise, I
have established a habit over time that makes it easier to follow this routine. I
have set a specific time and created a dedicated space for my workouts, making
it more convenient and accessible.

I thoroughly enjoy having this routine in my daily life for several reasons. Firstly,
exercise helps me maintain physical fitness and promotes a healthy lifestyle. It
boosts my mood, reduces stress levels, and increases my overall productivity
throughout the day. Additionally, it allows me to take care of my physical and
mental health, which is essential for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Moreover, my morning exercise routine serves as personal time for self-care and
reflection. It provides an opportunity to disconnect from external distractions
and focus on my well-being. It is a time when I can set goals, practice
mindfulness, and engage in activities that bring me joy and a sense of

13. Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
What you enjoy doing there
And explain why you feel favorite this place

Bài mẫu

My favorite place in my house where I can relax is my cozy reading nook. It is

tucked away in a corner of my living room, near a large window that provides
ample natural light.

The reading nook is adorned with a comfortable armchair, a soft cushion, and a
small side table. The walls are lined with bookshelves filled with my favorite
novels and books. The space is decorated with warm colors and soft lighting,
creating a serene and inviting atmosphere.

In my reading book, I can escape into different worlds through the pages of a
book. I enjoy curling up in the armchair, sipping a cup of tea, and immersing
myself in the captivating stories and ideas contained within the pages. It is a
place where I can unwind, recharge, and let my mind wander.
I feel a deep sense of comfort and tranquility in this space because it offers a
respite from the busyness of daily life. It provides a sanctuary where I can
disconnect from technology, engage in introspection, and find solace in the
written word. The combination of a cozy setting, the company of books, and the
opportunity for quiet reflection makes my reading nook my favorite place in the
house to relax.

14. Describe an interesting old person you have met

You should say:
Who this person is
When/where you met this person
What you did with this person
And explain why you think this person is interesting

Bài mẫu

One interesting old person I had the pleasure of meeting is Mr. Johnson, whom I
encountered during a visit to a local senior center. I met him last year when I
volunteered to assist with organizing a social event for the elderly.

During the event, I had the opportunity to engage in conversation with Mr.
Johnson. We spent a considerable amount of time discussing his life experiences
and the wisdom he had gained over the years. He shared captivating stories
about his travels, career, and personal accomplishments.

What made Mr. Johnson particularly fascinating was his zest for life and his
insatiable curiosity. Despite his age, he possessed a remarkable enthusiasm for
learning and exploring new things. He had a genuine thirst for knowledge and
was always eager to engage in meaningful conversations with others.

Moreover, Mr. Johnson had a remarkable sense of humor that brought joy to
those around him. He had a unique ability to find humor in everyday situations
and effortlessly bring smiles to people's faces.

I find Mr. Johnson to be an interesting person because he defied the stereotype

often associated with old age. He demonstrated that age is not a barrier to
intellectual growth, personal fulfillment, and an adventurous spirit. His passion
for life and his ability to connect with others were truly inspiring. Meeting Mr.
Johnson reminded me of the importance of embracing lifelong learning,
maintaining a positive outlook, and cherishing the connections we make with
people of all ages.

15. Describe a time when you received money as a gift (birthday,

You should say:
When it happened
Who gave you money
Why he/she gave you money
And explain how you felt about it

Bài mẫu

One memorable instance when I received money as a gift was on my high school
graduation day. It happened in June 2018, and the person who gave me the
money was my grandmother.

My grandmother gave me the money as a token of her love and support for my
educational achievements. She believed that graduating from high school was a
significant milestone in my life, and she wanted to acknowledge my hard work
and dedication.

Receiving money as a gift from my grandmother was a heartwarming

experience. It made me feel appreciated and valued. Knowing that she had
thoughtfully chosen this gift to mark such an important occasion in my life
touched me deeply.

Moreover, the money gift provided me with a sense of financial independence

and freedom. It allowed me to make choices and decisions regarding its use,
whether it be saving for college expenses or purchasing something meaningful
to commemorate the milestone.

Overall, receiving money as a gift from my grandmother was a cherished

moment. It symbolized her love, care, and belief in my potential. It not only
provided practical benefits but also served as a reminder of the strong bond
between us. I felt blessed and grateful to have such a caring and supportive
grandmother in my life.

16. Describe a historical period/moment you would like to learn

more about
You should say:
When it was
What you are interested in
What you have known
And explain why you would like to know more

Bài mẫu

One historical period that has always fascinated me, and I would like to learn
more about, is the Renaissance era. This transformative period in European
history occurred roughly between the 14th and 17th centuries.

What particularly interests me about the Renaissance is its cultural, artistic, and
intellectual advancements. The flourishing of art, literature, and scientific
discoveries during this time captivates my curiosity. I am especially drawn to the
works of renowned artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and
Raphael, and the profound impact they had on shaping the artistic landscape.

While I have a basic understanding of the Renaissance and its prominent figures,
there is a vast amount of knowledge that I have yet to explore. I am eager to
delve deeper into the societal and political factors that fueled the Renaissance,
the intricate details of artistic techniques, and the philosophical ideas that
emerged during this period.

I would like to know more about the Renaissance because it was a pivotal time
that reshaped the world and paved the way for modern civilization. By
understanding the cultural achievements and intellectual breakthroughs of this
era, I believe I can gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of human
history. Additionally, exploring the Renaissance can provide valuable insights
into the interconnectedness of art, science, and philosophy, inspiring me to
approach my own endeavors with a multidisciplinary mindset.
17. Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you
to study
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
When you go there
What you study there
And explain why you would like to study in this place

Bài mẫu

One indoor place where it is easy for me to study is the local library. The library
is a peaceful and conducive environment for studying, located in the heart of my

The library is spacious, well-lit, and equipped with comfortable seating

arrangements and large study tables. The shelves are lined with a vast collection
of books, journals, and reference materials, providing ample resources for
research and study. The quiet atmosphere and dedicated study areas create an
ideal setting for concentration and focus.

I often go to the library during weekdays, particularly in the afternoons when it is

less crowded. The calm ambiance and absence of distractions allow me to
immerse myself in my studies without interruptions.

I study a variety of subjects at the library, ranging from academic textbooks to

research articles. Whether I need to prepare for exams, work on assignments, or
engage in self-study, the library offers the resources and environment necessary
for effective learning.

The reason I like studying in the library is that it provides a dedicated space
solely for studying. Being surrounded by books and fellow students who are also
focused on their work creates a sense of motivation and accountability.
Additionally, the library offers access to a wide range of resources and reference
materials, enabling me to delve deeper into my studies and broaden my
Moreover, studying in the library allows me to separate my study time from
other distractions and responsibilities at home. It helps me establish a
disciplined routine and maintain a productive mindset. The quiet and serene
atmosphere fosters concentration and helps me retain information effectively.

18. Describe a person you know who you think is very intelligent
You should say:
- Who this person is
- How you know this person
- Why you think this person is very intelligent
And explain how you feel about this person

Bài mẫu

One person I know who I believe is exceptionally intelligent is my friend, Lisa. I

have known Lisa for several years, as we attended the same university and have
remained close ever since.

Lisa's intelligence is evident through her exceptional academic achievements

and her ability to grasp complex concepts effortlessly. She consistently excels in
her studies, displaying a deep understanding of various subjects and
demonstrating critical thinking skills that surpass those of her peers. Moreover,
her capacity to articulate ideas and engage in insightful discussions is

What sets Lisa apart is not only her academic brilliance but also her intellectual
curiosity. She is constantly seeking to expand her knowledge and explore new
areas of interest. Her thirst for learning is insatiable, and she actively seeks out
opportunities for personal and intellectual growth.

Every interaction with Lisa leaves me in awe of her intellect and inspires me to
strive for greater heights. Her ability to analyze situations from multiple
perspectives, offer innovative solutions, and challenge conventional thinking is
truly impressive.
My admiration for Lisa goes beyond her intelligence. She is also a kind-hearted
and humble individual who generously shares her knowledge and supports
others in their intellectual pursuits. Her intelligence is matched by her humility
and her willingness to listen and learn from others.

19. Describe an interesting place in your country that not many

people visit
You should say:
Where the place is
How you got to know about this place
Why only very few people visit there
And explain how you feel about this place

Bài mẫu

One interesting place in my country that not many people visit is the remote
village of Xanadu. Located deep in the mountains, Xanadu is a hidden gem that
few have had the opportunity to explore.

I first learned about Xanadu through a close friend who had stumbled upon it
during a hiking expedition. Intrigued by their description of its untouched beauty
and serene atmosphere, I decided to embark on an adventure to discover this
hidden village myself.

One of the primary reasons why only a few people visit Xanadu is its secluded
location. The village is nestled amidst rugged mountains, and reaching it
requires a challenging trek through dense forests and steep trails. The lack of
proper infrastructure and limited accessibility deter many travelers from
venturing to this remote destination.

However, this very aspect is what adds to the allure of Xanadu. The village
remains untouched by mass tourism, preserving its natural beauty and
traditional way of life. The breathtaking landscapes, pristine waterfalls, and
serene atmosphere create a sense of tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere.

Personally, I feel a deep sense of awe and appreciation when I visit Xanadu. The
untouched beauty of the surroundings, the warm and welcoming locals, and the
opportunity to disconnect from the chaos of modern life make it a truly
remarkable experience. It allows me to connect with nature, immerse myself in
the local culture, and appreciate the simple joys of life.

Visiting Xanadu is a reminder of the hidden treasures that exist within our
country, waiting to be explored. It fills me with a sense of adventure and
gratitude, knowing that I have discovered a place that remains off the beaten

20. Describe a person who you are happy to know

You should say:
Who this person is
How long you have known this person
What you do when you are with this person
And explain why you are happy to know this person

Bài mẫu

One person whom I am genuinely happy to know is my childhood friend, Emily.

We have been friends for over two decades, having grown up together in the
same neighborhood.

Whenever I spend time with Emily, we engage in a multitude of activities that

bring us joy. From exploring new hiking trails to attending art exhibitions, we
always find something exciting to do. We often share our dreams, fears, and
aspirations, engaging in deep conversations that strengthen our bond.
Additionally, we enjoy lighthearted moments filled with laughter, reminiscing
about our shared childhood memories.

The reason I am happy to know Emily goes beyond our shared history. She is a
constant source of support and encouragement. She listens attentively, offering
wise advice and a shoulder to lean on during challenging times. Her presence in
my life brings a sense of comfort and reassurance.

Furthermore, Emily possesses an incredible zest for life. Her positive outlook,
resilience, and unwavering determination inspire me to embrace challenges and
pursue my passions. She celebrates my successes and provides a sense of
perspective during setbacks.

In essence, Emily is not just a friend but a pillar of strength and positivity in my
life. Knowing her brings me immense happiness, as our friendship has
weathered the test of time. She is someone I can always rely on, and I am
grateful for the deep connection we share.

21. Describe a natural place (e.g. park, mountain)

You should say:
Where this place is
How you knew this place
What it is like
And explain why you like to visit it

Bài mẫu

One natural place that I absolutely adore visiting is the breathtaking Yosemite
National Park, located in the western part of the United States, specifically in
California's Sierra Nevada mountains.

I first learned about Yosemite through books, documentaries, and photographs

that showcased its awe-inspiring landscapes. The tales of its towering granite
cliffs, majestic waterfalls, and pristine wilderness ignited a sense of wonder
within me, compelling me to experience it firsthand.

Yosemite is a true natural masterpiece. Its iconic landmarks, such as El Capitan

and Half Dome, command attention and leave visitors in awe of their sheer
magnificence. The park is also home to stunning meadows, serene lakes, and
vibrant forests, creating a diverse tapestry of natural beauty.

What draws me to Yosemite is its ability to transport me into a world untouched

by human hands. The tranquility that envelops the park, the purity of its air, and
the symphony of nature's sounds provide a respite from the chaos of everyday
life. It is a place where I can reconnect with the earth and revel in its grandeur.
Furthermore, Yosemite offers endless opportunities for outdoor adventure.
Whether it's hiking along scenic trails, rock climbing on the granite cliffs, or
capturing the perfect photograph, there is something for every nature
enthusiast. The sense of freedom and exhilaration that comes from exploring
Yosemite's wilderness is unparalleled.

Visiting Yosemite fills me with a profound sense of awe and appreciation for the
beauty of the natural world. It reminds me of the importance of preserving and
protecting our planet's treasures. The opportunity to witness nature's raw power
and experience its serenity leaves me feeling rejuvenated and humbled.

22. Describe an important achievement you have made

You should say:
What you achieved
When and where you did it
Why it was an important achievement

Bài mẫu

One of the most significant achievements in my life was completing my

undergraduate degree with honors. I achieved this milestone in the spring of
2017 at a prestigious university in my country.

This achievement holds immense importance to me for several reasons. Firstly,

obtaining an honors degree required a great deal of dedication, discipline, and
hard work. It demanded countless hours of studying, research, and academic
rigor. The achievement symbolized the culmination of four years of
perseverance and commitment to my education.

Secondly, earning an honors degree opened doors to various opportunities. It

served as a testament to my academic abilities and demonstrated my capacity to
excel in a competitive environment. The achievement enhanced my credibility
and increased my chances of securing employment or pursuing further
education in my chosen field.

Lastly, completing my undergraduate degree with honors brought a profound

sense of personal fulfillment. It was a validation of my intellectual growth and a
recognition of my achievements by the academic community. The
accomplishment instilled in me a sense of pride and boosted my self-confidence,
providing a solid foundation for my future endeavors.

Overall, achieving an honors degree was a significant milestone that represented

the culmination of years of hard work, opened doors to opportunities, and
brought personal fulfillment. It remains a cherished accomplishment that
continues to shape my life and career trajectory.

22. Describe a time when someone apologized to you

You should say:
Who apologized you and When
Why they apologised
And explain how did you felt after they apologized

Bài mẫu

One memorable instance when someone apologized to me was when my close

friend, Alex, apologized for unintentionally hurting my feelings during a heated
argument. This apology took place a few months ago, after an intense
disagreement we had regarding a personal matter.

Alex approached me the next day, expressing genuine remorse for the hurtful
words they had uttered during our disagreement. They explained that their
emotions had gotten the best of them, causing them to lash out in a way they
didn't intend. Alex acknowledged the impact their words had on me and took full
responsibility for their actions.

Receiving this heartfelt apology from Alex had a profound effect on me. It not
only demonstrated their sincerity and willingness to take accountability for their
behavior but also highlighted the strength of our friendship. The apology
allowed for open and honest communication, fostering a deeper level of
understanding and empathy between us.

After Alex apologized, I felt a sense of relief and healing. Their willingness to
acknowledge their mistake and make amends created a space for forgiveness
and reconciliation. It reaffirmed the value of our friendship and provided an
opportunity for growth and learning for both of us.

In essence, the apology from Alex not only repaired any emotional wounds but
also strengthened our bond. It served as a reminder of the importance of
humility, understanding, and empathy in maintaining healthy relationships. I felt
grateful for their sincerity and the effort they made to restore harmony, and it
deepened my appreciation for our friendship.

23. Describe a time when you missed or were late for an important
You should say:
When it happened
What happened
Why you missed/were late for it
And explain how you felt about this experience

Bài mẫu

One incident that stands out in my memory is when I missed an important job
interview a few years ago. It occurred on a sunny morning, and I had
meticulously prepared for the interview, researching the company and practicing
my responses to potential questions.

Unfortunately, I misjudged the traffic conditions and underestimated the time it

would take to reach the interview location. As a result, I found myself stuck in an
unexpected traffic jam that seemed never-ending. Despite my best efforts to
find alternative routes, I arrived nearly an hour late.

The feeling of frustration and disappointment engulfed me as I realized the

gravity of the situation. I had missed a valuable opportunity to present myself
and showcase my qualifications for the job. The realization of my mistake and
the consequences of my tardiness weighed heavily on me.

In retrospect, I recognized that my lack of proper planning and failure to

anticipate potential challenges were to blame for my tardiness. It was a valuable
lesson that taught me the importance of time management and thorough

The experience left me with a deep sense of regret and a determination to be

more diligent in the future. I vowed to learn from this mistake and take
necessary precautions to avoid similar situations. It served as a reminder of the
significance of punctuality and the need to plan ahead effectively.

While the incident was undoubtedly disheartening, it sparked a personal growth

journey. I became more conscious of my time management skills, honed my
organizational abilities, and developed a proactive approach to prevent such
mishaps in the future. The experience ultimately helped me become more
responsible and attentive to detail, ensuring that I prioritize punctuality and
preparedness in all aspects of my life.

24. Describe another city you would like to stay for a short
You should say:
Where the city is
Why you want to go there
Whom you will go there with
What you will do there
And explain why you will stay there just for a short time

Bài mẫu

One city I would love to stay in for a short time is Tokyo, Japan. Known for its
vibrant blend of tradition and modernity, Tokyo has always fascinated me with
its unique cultural experiences and bustling city life.

I am drawn to Tokyo because of its rich history, technological advancements,

and unique blend of old and new. I am eager to explore the city's iconic
landmarks such as the historic Meiji Shrine, the bustling streets of Shibuya, and
the futuristic architecture of Tokyo Skytree.
Ideally, I would like to visit Tokyo with a close friend who shares my enthusiasm
for Japanese culture. Together, we would immerse ourselves in the local
customs, try traditional cuisine, and navigate the city's efficient public
transportation system.

During my short stay, I would prioritize experiencing the diverse facets of Tokyo.
I would visit traditional markets like Tsukiji Fish Market, indulge in authentic
sushi, and explore the vibrant neighborhoods of Harajuku and Akihabara. I
would also make time to visit art galleries, attend tea ceremonies, and witness
the beauty of cherry blossoms in one of Tokyo's stunning parks.

Although I would love to stay in Tokyo for an extended period, a short stay
would allow me to get a taste of the city's unique atmosphere and cultural
offerings. It would provide a snapshot of Tokyo's vibrant energy and leave me
yearning to return for a more immersive experience in the future.

25. Describe a good decision someone just made recently

You should say:
What the decision was
When and where you made this decision
What happened as a result of this decision
And explain why you think this was a good decision to make

Bài mẫu

A recent decision that I consider to be highly commendable was made by my

colleague, Naomi. Just a few weeks ago, she decided to pursue further education
by enrolling in a master's degree program in her field of expertise.

Naomi made this decision after carefully evaluating her career goals and
recognizing the need for advanced knowledge and skills to achieve them. She
weighed the pros and cons, considering the time commitment, financial
investment, and the potential impact on her personal life.

As a result of this decision, Naomi has embarked on a journey of personal and

professional growth. The master's program has provided her with opportunities
to delve deeper into her field, gain specialized knowledge, and expand her
network. She has already begun to apply the new insights and techniques she
has acquired in her current role, making significant contributions to her

I believe this decision was a wise one because it demonstrates Naomi's

commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement. By investing in her
education, she has positioned herself for future career advancements and
increased opportunities. Moreover, her decision to pursue a master's degree
reflects her foresight and ambition, showing that she is proactive in taking steps
to achieve her long-term goals.

26. Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport

You should say:
Where you went
Who you were with
What you did
And how you felt about it

Bài mẫu

One particularly enjoyable journey I experienced by public transport was a trip

to the coastal city of Barcelona in Spain. I embarked on this journey with a group
of close friends during the summer.

We hopped on a train from our hometown and traveled through picturesque

countryside, observing the scenic landscapes along the way. The train journey
provided an opportunity to relax, chat, and catch up with each other, creating a
lively and joyful atmosphere.

Upon reaching Barcelona, we explored the city's vibrant streets, visited iconic
landmarks such as Sagrada Familia and Park Güell, and indulged in delicious
tapas at local eateries. We also took advantage of the efficient public
transportation network, hopping on buses and metros to explore different
neighborhoods and soak in the city's vibrant atmosphere.

The journey by public transport added an element of excitement and adventure

to our trip. It allowed us to immerse ourselves in the local culture, interact with
fellow travelers, and witness the daily life of the city's residents. The convenience
and efficiency of the public transportation system made it easy for us to navigate
the city and discover hidden gems.

The journey to Barcelona by public transport was a memorable and enjoyable

experience. It not only facilitated seamless travel but also enhanced our overall
adventure by providing opportunities for spontaneous exploration and
authentic cultural encounters. The camaraderie among friends and the vibrant
atmosphere of the city made it a journey to cherish.

27. Describe a sport that you only have watched before but had not
played by yourself
You should say:
What it is
When you watched it
Where you watched it
Who you watched it with
And explain how you felt about it

Bài mẫu

One sport that I have only watched but never played myself is rugby. I had the
opportunity to watch a rugby match during a local tournament a few years ago.

The match took place on a sunny weekend afternoon at a sports complex in my

city. I watched it with a group of friends who were avid rugby fans and had been
urging me to experience the sport firsthand.

As I observed the game, I was captivated by the intensity and physicality of

rugby. The players displayed remarkable agility, strength, and teamwork as they
tackled, passed, and scored. The strategic maneuvers and the fast-paced nature
of the game kept me engaged throughout.

Although I had never played rugby myself, watching the match sparked a
curiosity within me. I admired the camaraderie among the players and the sheer
determination they exhibited on the field. It made me appreciate the sport as a
test of physical prowess, mental acuity, and teamwork.
While I felt a sense of admiration for the sport, I also recognized its demanding
nature. The physicality and contact involved in rugby seemed daunting, and it
made me appreciate the dedication and skill required to excel in the game.

28. Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time

You should say:
What it is
When you usually do it
Why you do it
And explain why you think it wastes your time

Bài mẫu

One activity that often ends up wasting my time is mindlessly scrolling through
social media. I find myself falling into this habit during my free time, particularly
in the evenings or when I'm seeking a brief escape from work or other

I engage in this activity primarily out of habit and as a form of entertainment. It's
easy to get drawn into the endless stream of content, from news updates to
memes and personal updates from friends. However, as I reflect on it, I realize
that this habit is not only unproductive but also detrimental to my overall

Mindless scrolling on social media wastes my time for several reasons. Firstly, it
can consume a significant amount of time without providing any substantial
value. Hours can pass by without me realizing it, leaving me with a sense of
regret for not utilizing that time more effectively.

Moreover, excessive social media usage often leads to comparison and a

negative impact on my mental health. Seeing curated versions of other people's
lives, achievements, or possessions can trigger feelings of inadequacy or FOMO
(fear of missing out). It can be a source of distraction, hindering my ability to
focus on important tasks or engage in meaningful activities.
Recognizing the detrimental effects on my productivity and well-being, I have
taken steps to minimize mindless social media scrolling. This includes setting
time limits, using productivity apps, and redirecting my attention to more
fulfilling activities such as reading, exercising, or spending quality time with
loved ones.

29. Describe a place you visited with your friends where you had a
good time
You should say:
What the place is
Who you went with
When you went there
And explain why you think it is a good time

Bài mẫu

One memorable place I visited with my friends where we had an incredible time
was a beach resort called Malibu Paradise. Situated along the pristine coastline,
it offered breathtaking views, white sandy beaches, and a plethora of
recreational activities.

I went to Malibu Paradise with a group of close friends during the summer
break. We were all seeking a getaway from our busy lives and wanted to spend
quality time together, exploring a beautiful destination.

We visited Malibu Paradise over a long weekend, allowing us to fully immerse

ourselves in the beach vibes and soak up the sun. We engaged in various water
sports such as snorkeling, jet skiing, and paddleboarding. The thrill of riding the
waves and exploring the colorful marine life was exhilarating.

Apart from the water activities, we also enjoyed leisurely walks along the beach,
building sandcastles, and basking in the warmth of the sun. In the evenings, we
gathered around bonfires, sharing stories, and indulging in delicious seafood

What made the experience truly unforgettable was the combination of stunning
natural beauty, the joy of being surrounded by friends, and the sense of
freedom and relaxation that the beach environment provided. The laughter,
camaraderie, and shared experiences created lasting memories.

Our trip to Malibu Paradise was a fantastic time because it offered a perfect
blend of adventure, relaxation, and quality bonding with friends. The stunning
beach setting, coupled with a range of activities, made it an ideal destination to
create cherished memories and escape the stresses of everyday life.

30. Describe an occasion when two of your friends had a

You should say:
What they argued about
Why they argued with each other
What happened at the end
How you felt about it

Bài mẫu

An occasion when two of my friends had a disagreement was during a friendly

game of cards at a casual get-together. They argued about the rules of a specific
card game they were playing.

My first friend, named Lisa, believed that a certain move was allowed, while my
second friend, called Naomi, insisted that it was against the rules. Their
disagreement escalated as they each defended their position.

Despite the disagreement, they both had a strong desire to continue playing and
enjoy the game. Realizing that the argument was starting to affect the overall
mood, another friend stepped in as a mediator and suggested consulting the
rulebook or searching for an online source to clarify the disputed rule.

After a quick search, they found a reliable source that confirmed Naomi's
interpretation of the rule. Lisa gracefully accepted the clarification and
apologized for the misunderstanding. They resumed the game with a renewed
sense of camaraderie and continued to have a great time together.
As an observer, I felt a mix of amusement and anticipation during the
disagreement. However, I was relieved to see that they were able to resolve the
issue through objective information and maintain a friendly atmosphere. The
incident served as a reminder of the importance of open-mindedness and
respectful communication in resolving conflicts among friends.

31. Describe a place you have visited that is affected by air

You should say:
Where have you been to a place with serious air pollution?
Why is it serious?
What kind of pollution there was
And explain how you felt about the pollution in this place

Bài mẫu

One place I have visited that was severely affected by air pollution was the city of
Delhi in India. The air pollution in Delhi is notorious and has gained international
attention due to its hazardous levels, particularly during the winter months.

The severity of air pollution in Delhi is primarily attributed to a combination of

factors. Firstly, the city's rapid urbanization and population growth have led to
increased industrial activity, vehicular emissions, and construction dust.
Additionally, the burning of crop residues in neighboring states during the winter
exacerbates the pollution levels.

During my visit, I witnessed the visible effects of air pollution. The air was thick
with smog, obscuring visibility and casting a grayish hue over the city. The smell
of smoke and exhaust fumes permeated the air.

The pollution in Delhi left me feeling concerned and uneasy. The hazy
atmosphere and the knowledge of the long-term health risks associated with
prolonged exposure to such high levels of pollution were disheartening. It made
me realize the urgency of addressing environmental issues and implementing
effective measures to combat air pollution.
Moreover, witnessing the impact on the daily lives of the city's residents was
sobering. People wore masks to protect themselves, and schools and outdoor
activities were often disrupted due to the hazardous air quality. It highlighted
the detrimental effects of air pollution on public health and quality of life.

32. Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you
were young
You should say:
What it was
Where you did it
Who you did it with
And explain how you felt about it

Bài mẫu

One activity I thoroughly enjoyed in my free time when I was young was playing
hide-and-seek. It was a classic childhood game that brought immense joy and
excitement. I would play it with my neighborhood friends in our local park.

The park served as the perfect playground for our hide-and-seek adventures.
With its sprawling green spaces, trees, and various hiding spots, it provided an
ideal setting for the game. The park was easily accessible and conveniently
located, making it a frequent gathering place for the neighborhood kids.

I played hide-and-seek with a group of close friends who shared the same
enthusiasm for the game. We would gather in the late afternoon, eagerly
selecting who would be "it" and establishing the boundaries for the game. The
thrill of finding the perfect hiding spot and the anticipation of being discovered
added to the excitement.

Playing hide-and-seek filled me with a sense of exhilaration and pure joy. The
game allowed me to tap into my imagination and creativity as I strategized my
hiding spots. The laughter, camaraderie, and friendly competition with my
friends created lasting memories.
Moreover, hide-and-seek provided a much-needed break from the structured
routines of school and other responsibilities. It was a chance to let loose, be
carefree, and simply enjoy the freedom of being a child.

33. Describe your favorite type of climate

You should say:
What is it?
Is it hot or cold?
How often is the rain?
And explain why you like this type of climate

Bài mẫu

My favorite type of climate is a temperate climate. It is characterized by mild and

moderate temperatures throughout the year, striking a balance between
extreme heat and cold. This type of climate is neither scorching nor freezing but
rather pleasantly moderate.

In a temperate climate, the temperatures typically range from around 15 to 25

degrees Celsius (59 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit). It offers comfortable conditions
for outdoor activities and allows for a variety of clothing options without the
need for excessive layering or sweltering heat.

As for rainfall, a temperate climate typically experiences a moderate amount of

rainfall, distributed fairly evenly throughout the year. This balanced rainfall
provides adequate moisture for vegetation and creates a lush and vibrant

I particularly enjoy a temperate climate because it offers the best of both worlds.
It allows for the enjoyment of all seasons without the extremes. Summers are
warm and pleasant, perfect for outdoor adventures and relaxation. Winters are
mild, allowing for cozy moments without the harshness of freezing

Moreover, a temperate climate provides a diverse range of natural beauty. The

changing colors of leaves in the autumn, the blooming flowers in spring, and the
comfortable temperatures of summer create a visually appealing and inviting

34. Describe a product that you would like to buy in others

You should say:
What product it is
When you want to buy it
Whether it has any special feature
And explain why you want to buy it.

Bài mẫu

A product that I would like to buy in other countries is a traditional handcrafted

rug. I have always been fascinated by the intricate designs, vibrant colors, and
cultural significance of handwoven rugs from different parts of the world.

I would love to purchase a handcrafted rug during my travels to countries

renowned for their rug-making traditions, such as Turkey, Morocco, or Iran.
These countries are known for producing high-quality rugs with unique patterns
and techniques that reflect their rich cultural heritage.

One special feature I would seek in the rug is its authenticity. I would prefer a
rug made using traditional methods, such as hand-knotting or hand-tufting, by
skilled artisans who have mastered the craft over generations. This way, I can
bring home a truly authentic piece that showcases the artistry and
craftsmanship of the local culture.

I am drawn to the idea of owning a handcrafted rug because it serves as a

tangible piece of art that carries a story. Each rug is a testament to the cultural
traditions and artistic expression of its origin. By purchasing a rug from another
country, I can bring a piece of that culture into my own home and appreciate its
beauty and craftsmanship daily.

Moreover, a handcrafted rug adds warmth, texture, and character to any living
space. It can instantly transform a room and become a focal point, creating a
unique ambiance and reflecting my personal style.
In conclusion, I would love to purchase a traditional handcrafted rug from
countries known for their rug-making traditions. The authenticity, cultural
significance, and artistic value of such a product make it a desirable item to bring
back from my travels. Owning a handcrafted rug would not only enhance the
aesthetics of my home but also allow me to appreciate the heritage and
craftsmanship of the country where it originated.

35. Describe an important river, lake or area of water in your

You should say:
Where in your country it is
How big it is
What it looks like
And explain why this river, lake or area of water is important for your country

Bài mẫu

An important area of water in my country is the Great Lakes, located in North

America, spanning the United States and Canada. The Great Lakes consist of five
interconnected freshwater lakes: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron,
Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario.

In terms of size, the Great Lakes are truly massive. They cover an area of
approximately 244,000 square kilometers (94,000 square miles), making them
the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world by total area. Their combined
volume accounts for around 20% of the world's freshwater supply.

Each of the Great Lakes possesses its unique characteristics, but they share
breathtaking beauty. With their vast expanse of shimmering blue waters, sandy
beaches, and picturesque coastlines, they offer a stunning natural landscape.

The Great Lakes hold immense importance for both the United States and
Canada. They serve as critical transportation routes, facilitating trade and
commerce between the two countries. They also support a thriving fishing
industry, providing a livelihood for many communities and supplying a
significant portion of the region's seafood.
Additionally, the Great Lakes are vital ecosystems, supporting diverse wildlife
and plant species. They serve as a habitat for numerous fish species and
migratory birds, contributing to the biodiversity of the region. The lakes also
provide recreational opportunities such as boating, swimming, and camping,
attracting tourists and locals alike.

Moreover, the Great Lakes play a crucial role in supplying freshwater to millions
of people. They serve as a primary source of drinking water for numerous cities
and towns in the surrounding areas. The lakes' size and volume ensure a stable
water supply for agriculture, industry, and domestic use.

36. Describe the place where you took photos more than once
You should say:
What the place is
How often you take photos there
What you photograph there
And explain why you like to take photos there

Bài mẫu

A place where I have taken photos more than once is a picturesque seaside town
called Cape May. Located on the southern tip of New Jersey, United States, Cape
May is known for its charming Victorian architecture, beautiful beaches, and
vibrant sunsets.

I visit Cape May at least once a year, and every time I go, I find myself compelled
to capture its beauty through my camera lens. I photograph various aspects of
the town, including its historic buildings with intricate details, the stunning
coastline with its sandy shores and crashing waves, and the vibrant hues of the
sunset over the horizon.

There are several reasons why I enjoy taking photos in Cape May. Firstly, the
town's Victorian architecture provides a unique and visually appealing backdrop.
The ornate details, colorful facades, and well-preserved structures offer endless
opportunities for capturing architectural beauty.
Secondly, the natural beauty of Cape May, with its pristine beaches and
picturesque landscapes, is a constant source of inspiration. The changing tides,
the interplay of light and shadow, and the ever-present sense of tranquility
create a captivating environment for photography.

Lastly, Cape May's sunsets are truly breathtaking. The vibrant colors that streak
across the sky, reflecting on the ocean's surface, make for stunning
compositions. Capturing the fleeting moments of a sunset allows me to freeze
time and treasure the beauty of nature.

37. Describe the first day you went to school that you remember?
You should say
When it happened
Where the school is
How you felt about the experience
And explain why you still remember the experience

Bài mẫu

The first day I went to school that I remember vividly was when I was five years
old. It happened in the early fall, a time when the leaves were starting to change
color, and there was a crispness in the air. The school I attended was a small
neighborhood school located just a few blocks away from my home.

As a wide-eyed and curious child, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness

about this new chapter in my life. The thought of making new friends, learning
new things, and embarking on a journey of knowledge filled me with
anticipation. At the same time, I felt a bit apprehensive about being away from
my parents and entering an unfamiliar environment.

Walking into the school for the first time, I remember the bustling hallways filled
with other children and the vibrant classrooms adorned with colorful posters
and educational materials. The sound of laughter and chatter echoed through
the building, creating an atmosphere of energy and possibility.

That first day of school remains etched in my memory because it marked a

significant milestone in my life. It was the beginning of my formal education, a
journey that would shape my future. The emotions and experiences of that day
laid the foundation for my love of learning, my social interactions, and my
growth as an individual.

Furthermore, the memories of that first day serve as a reminder of the courage
and resilience I had as a young child. It was a day of stepping into the unknown,
embracing change, and adapting to a new environment. The lessons I learned on
that day continue to resonate with me throughout my life, reminding me of the
importance of embracing new experiences and facing challenges with a positive

38. Describe a new law that you want to implement in your country
You should say:
What law it is
What changes this law has
Whether this new law will be popular
And explain how you came up with the idea of this law

Bài mẫu

One new law that I would like to implement in my country is a comprehensive

recycling and waste management law. This law would aim to address the
growing concern of waste generation, promote recycling practices, and
encourage sustainable waste management.

Under this law, several changes would be introduced. Firstly, there would be
mandatory recycling programs in all residential, commercial, and industrial
areas. This would ensure that recyclable materials such as paper, plastic, glass,
and metal are properly sorted and recycled instead of ending up in landfills.

Additionally, the law would promote the use of eco-friendly packaging and
incentivize businesses to implement sustainable waste management practices. It
would encourage the reduction of single-use plastics and promote the use of
biodegradable or compostable alternatives.

Furthermore, the law would establish stricter regulations for waste disposal and
impose penalties for illegal dumping or improper waste management practices.
It would also emphasize the importance of public awareness and education
campaigns to encourage responsible waste management among individuals and

Implementing such a law would likely be popular among environmentally

conscious individuals and organizations. The growing awareness of
environmental issues and the desire to reduce waste and protect the planet
would garner public support for comprehensive recycling and waste
management initiatives.

I came up with the idea of this law after witnessing the alarming levels of waste
generation and the negative impact it has on the environment. I believe that it is
our responsibility to take concrete actions to tackle this issue and ensure a
sustainable future for generations to come. By implementing a comprehensive
recycling and waste management law, we can significantly reduce waste,
promote recycling, and foster a culture of environmental stewardship in our

39. Describe an adventurous person that you know

You should say:
Who the person is
How you know this person
What this person does that is adventurous
And explain why you think this person likes to take risks.

Bài mẫu

An adventurous person that I know is my friend, Alex. I have known Alex for
several years, and they have always had a thirst for adventure and a love for
pushing their limits.

What sets Alex apart is their relentless pursuit of thrilling experiences. They
engage in various adrenaline-inducing activities such as skydiving, rock climbing,
and bungee jumping. They are always seeking new challenges and actively seek
out opportunities to explore the unknown.
Alex's adventurous spirit is fueled by their desire to break free from the ordinary
and embrace life to the fullest. They believe that taking risks and stepping out of
their comfort zone is the key to personal growth and self-discovery. They find
immense joy and fulfillment in conquering fears and pushing their boundaries,
which allows them to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world
around them.

Additionally, Alex possesses a strong sense of curiosity and an insatiable thirst

for new experiences. They appreciate the beauty of nature and the exhilaration
that comes with engaging in adventurous activities. They thrive on the
adrenaline rush and the sense of accomplishment that accompanies overcoming

In essence, Alex's adventurous nature stems from their innate curiosity, their
hunger for self-discovery, and their desire to live life to the fullest. They embrace
risks as opportunities for growth and view the world as their playground,
constantly seeking new adventures and pushing the limits of what is possible.

40. Describe a time when you took a risk and you knew something
bad might happen but it had a positive result
You should say:
What risk you took
What bad thing you thought might happen
Why you decided to take this risk
And explain why the result of taking this risk was positive

Bài mẫu

One instance when I took a risk, knowing that something bad might happen, but
it ultimately resulted in a positive outcome was when I decided to leave a stable
job to pursue my entrepreneurial dream. At the time, I was working for a
reputable company with a steady income, but deep down, I had a burning desire
to start my own business.

The potential negative outcome I anticipated was the possibility of failure.

Leaving a secure job meant giving up financial stability and facing the
uncertainty of entrepreneurship. There was a risk of financial loss, professional
setbacks, and the fear of not being able to sustain myself.

However, I decided to take the risk because I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling
that I had untapped potential and a passion for creating something meaningful. I
believed in my idea and had a clear vision of the impact I wanted to make.

The result of taking this risk turned out to be positive. Though the journey was
challenging and filled with obstacles, it allowed me to discover my true potential,
develop new skills, and grow both personally and professionally. The experience
taught me resilience, adaptability, and the importance of perseverance.

Moreover, my business gradually gained traction, and I witnessed the positive

impact it had on the lives of my customers. I found fulfillment and a sense of
purpose in building something from scratch and contributing to the community.

By taking the risk and pursuing my entrepreneurial dream, I unlocked

opportunities I hadn't imagined before. It enabled me to grow as an individual,
achieve personal fulfillment, and make a positive impact on others' lives. The
experience taught me that sometimes taking calculated risks, despite the
potential for adversity, can lead to transformative journeys and rewarding

41. Describe something that you did with someone/ a group of

You should say:
What it was
Who you did it with
How long it took you to do this
And explain why you did it with one or more people

Bài mẫu

Something that I did with a group of people was organizing a charity run to raise
funds for a local children's hospital. It was a community event aimed at
promoting health and fitness while supporting a noble cause.
I undertook this endeavor with a team of dedicated volunteers who shared a
passion for making a positive impact in our community. Together, we spent
several months planning and preparing for the event, which included securing
sponsorships, coordinating logistics, and promoting the run to attract

The entire process, from the initial planning stages to the day of the event, took
approximately six months. This timeline allowed us to ensure everything was
well-organized, from registering participants to arranging medical support and

We chose to organize this event with a group of people because we recognized

the power of collective effort. By collaborating as a team, we were able to pool
our skills, resources, and networks to create a more impactful and successful
event. Working together allowed us to share the workload, tap into each other's
expertise, and motivate one another during challenging times.

Additionally, organizing the charity run with a group of people fostered a sense
of camaraderie and community spirit. It brought individuals from diverse
backgrounds together, united by a common goal of making a difference in the
lives of sick children. The shared experience of planning and executing the event
created lasting bonds and a sense of fulfillment that we were contributing to a
meaningful cause.

42. Describe a noisy place you have been to.

You should say:
What it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you feel it’s a noisy place

Bài mẫu

One noisy place I have been to is a bustling street market in a vibrant city. I
visited this place during a vacation last summer. The market was known for its
diverse array of vendors selling everything from food and clothing to souvenirs
and handicrafts.
During my visit, I immersed myself in the lively atmosphere of the market. I
walked through the crowded alleys, browsing through the colorful displays and
interacting with the vendors. The market was abuzz with activity, as people
haggled, street performers entertained the passersby, and the aroma of street
food filled the air.

I consider this place to be noisy primarily due to the sheer volume of sounds
that surrounded me. There was a constant cacophony of voices, bargaining, and
the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily activities. The vendors
would enthusiastically call out to potential customers, competing for attention
and creating a lively, yet noisy, environment.

Additionally, the market was also filled with various sounds that added to the
overall noise level. Street musicians playing lively tunes, the sizzling of food
being cooked, and the honking of vehicles navigating through the narrow streets
all contributed to the bustling ambiance.

While the noise level might be overwhelming for some, I found it to be an

integral part of the experience. It showcased the vibrancy and energy of the
market, making it an immersive and unforgettable experience. The bustling
sounds created a sense of excitement and added to the authenticity of the place,
making it a true reflection of the city's culture and liveliness.

43. Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative something

useful (cooking,.)
You should say:
Who you taught
What/how you taught
What the result was
And explain how you felt about the experience

Bài mẫu

One memorable time when I taught a friend how to cook a delicious pasta dish
comes to mind. My friend, Sarah, expressed an interest in learning how to make
a simple yet flavorful pasta sauce from scratch. Being an avid cook myself, I
gladly took on the role of her culinary mentor.

To begin, I walked Sarah through the ingredients and their respective

measurements. We gathered fresh tomatoes, garlic, onions, herbs, and olive oil.
I explained the significance of each ingredient and how they contribute to the
overall flavor profile.

Next, I demonstrated the step-by-step process of preparing the sauce. I guided

Sarah through chopping the vegetables, sautéing them in olive oil, and adding
the tomatoes and herbs. I emphasized the importance of seasoning and tasting
the sauce as it cooked to achieve the desired balance of flavors.

The result was a delightful pasta sauce that Sarah had successfully prepared
under my guidance. She was thrilled to have acquired a new culinary skill, and
her confidence in the kitchen soared.

As for me, the experience was incredibly rewarding. Teaching someone a useful
skill is empowering, and witnessing Sarah's enthusiasm and sense of
accomplishment was truly gratifying. It brought me joy to share my passion for
cooking and see her embrace it with such eagerness.

Moreover, the experience strengthened our bond as friends. Cooking together

created an opportunity for quality time and shared memories. It also opened the
door for future culinary adventures, as Sarah became more inspired to explore
her creativity in the kitchen.

44. Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom

you admire (or TV show).
You should say:
What character it is
Who acted the character
When you saw the film
And explain whether you like this character

Bài mẫu
One film character that I deeply admire is Katniss Everdeen, portrayed by
Jennifer Lawrence in "The Hunger Games" series. I first saw the film adaptation
of the popular dystopian novel by Suzanne Collins a few years ago.

Katniss Everdeen is a strong, resilient, and independent character who becomes

the symbol of rebellion against an oppressive regime. Jennifer Lawrence's
portrayal of Katniss is nothing short of exceptional. She brings depth and
authenticity to the character, capturing her vulnerability, determination, and
unwavering spirit.

I truly admire Katniss Everdeen as a character. She embodies qualities of

courage, selflessness, and the willingness to fight for what she believes in.
Despite facing immense challenges and personal sacrifices, she remains
steadfast and becomes an inspiration to many.

Jennifer Lawrence's portrayal adds an extra layer of complexity to the character.

She effortlessly conveys Katniss' internal struggles, her growth as a leader, and
her unwavering commitment to protect her loved ones and fight for justice.

In conclusion, I greatly appreciate the character of Katniss Everdeen and Jennifer

Lawrence's portrayal in "The Hunger Games." Katniss' bravery, resilience, and
Jennifer Lawrence's exceptional performance make her a character that I deeply

45. Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys

You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What music he/she likes
Why he/she thinks music is important
And explain how you feel about him/her

Bài mẫu
One person who holds music in high regard and thoroughly enjoys it is my close
friend, Emily. I have known Emily since our high school days, where we bonded
over our shared love for music.

Emily's taste in music is quite diverse. She appreciates various genres, including
classical, jazz, rock, and folk. She finds joy in discovering new artists and
exploring different musical styles. It's not uncommon to find her attending live
concerts or passionately discussing the latest albums with fellow music

For Emily, music is more than just a form of entertainment. She firmly believes
that music has the power to evoke emotions, inspire creativity, and bring people
together. She sees it as a universal language that transcends cultural and
linguistic barriers, allowing individuals to connect on a deeper level.

Personally, I have immense admiration for Emily's genuine passion for music.
Her enthusiasm is infectious, and she has broadened my own musical horizons
by introducing me to new artists and genres. I appreciate her ability to find
beauty and meaning in different musical expressions, and our shared love for
music has strengthened our friendship over the years.

In conclusion, Emily is a person who truly values music and derives immense
pleasure from it. Her diverse musical taste, belief in the transformative power of
music, and genuine enthusiasm make her an inspiring and delightful person to
be around.

46. Describe a child that you know.

You should say:
Who this child is and how often you see him or her
How old this child is
What he or she is like
And explain what you feel about this child.

Bài mẫu
One child that I have the pleasure of knowing is my niece, Lily. I see Lily quite
frequently, as she is a part of my immediate family and we often spend time
together during family gatherings and holidays.

Lily is currently six years old, full of boundless curiosity and energy. She is a
bright and inquisitive child who is always eager to explore and learn new things.
Her imagination is vivid, and I am constantly amazed by her creativity and ability
to construct intricate stories and games.

What stands out about Lily is her genuine kindness and empathy towards
others. She has a heart full of compassion and is always quick to offer a helping
hand or a kind word. Whether it's comforting a friend who's upset or sharing her
toys with others, Lily consistently displays thoughtfulness beyond her years.

Personally, I have a deep affection for Lily. Her infectious enthusiasm and joy for
life are truly uplifting. Being around her brings out my own inner child, and I
cherish the moments we spend together. Her genuine nature and caring
disposition inspire me to be more compassionate and patient in my own
interactions with others.

47. Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say
When you had it
Where you had it
Whom you had it with
And explain why it was unusual

Bài mẫu

One unusual meal I had was during a trip to a remote village in Thailand. It was a
few years ago when I embarked on a backpacking adventure through Southeast
Asia. One particular evening, I stumbled upon a local gathering in the village,
where I was invited to join their communal feast.

The meal took place in an open-air setting, surrounded by lush greenery and the
sounds of nature. The villagers had prepared a variety of traditional dishes,
some of which were unfamiliar to me. As I sat down to eat, I realized that the
meal consisted of a unique assortment of ingredients, including insects.

I had the meal with the villagers themselves, who were incredibly welcoming and
proud to share their local cuisine with me. They explained that insects were a
common and sustainable source of protein in their culture. Curiosity prevailed
over any reservations I had, and I decided to embrace the experience.

The meal was unusual primarily because of the inclusion of insects as a

prominent part of the menu. I tried fried crickets, silk worms, and bamboo
worms, among others. It was a departure from my culinary comfort zone, but I
saw it as an opportunity to immerse myself in the local culture and expand my
culinary horizons.

While the thought of eating insects might seem unconventional to many, I

quickly discovered that they were actually quite flavorful and surprisingly
enjoyable. The villagers' enthusiasm and pride in their culinary traditions made
the experience all the more memorable.

48. Describe a website you often visit

You should say:
What it is about
How you found out about it
How often you visit it
And explain why you often visit it

Bài mẫu

One website that I frequently visit is Goodreads.com. Goodreads is a popular

online platform dedicated to books and reading. It provides a space for users to
discover, review, and discuss books, as well as track their reading progress and
create personalized bookshelves.

I first discovered Goodreads through a recommendation from a friend who

knew about my love for reading. Intrigued by the concept, I decided to explore
the website and create an account. Since then, it has become a go-to destination
for me whenever I want to explore new book recommendations, read reviews,
or engage in literary discussions.

I visit Goodreads regularly, usually a few times a week. It has become a part of
my reading routine, allowing me to keep track of the books I've read, the ones I
want to read, and the ones that are currently capturing readers' attention. I also
enjoy participating in reading challenges and interacting with fellow book lovers.

The reason I often visit Goodreads is because it serves as a valuable resource for
my reading journey. It helps me discover new authors, genres, and book
recommendations based on my interests. The user-generated reviews and
ratings provide insights into the quality and relevance of books, helping me
make informed decisions about what to read next. Additionally, being part of a
community of avid readers provides a sense of camaraderie and fosters
engaging conversations about literature.

49. Describe an advertisement you have seen but you did not like
You should say:
Where and when you saw it
What the advertisement was for
What you could see in the advertisement
And explain why you did not like the advertisement

Bài mẫu

One advertisement that left a negative impression on me was a television

commercial I saw recently for a fast-food chain. It aired during primetime and
caught my attention due to its intrusive and misleading nature.

The advertisement was promoting a new burger from the fast-food chain. It
showcased vibrant visuals of the burger, accompanied by exaggerated sound
effects and flashy graphics. However, what bothered me the most was the
unrealistic portrayal of the burger. The actual product received in the restaurant
bore little resemblance to the mouthwatering version depicted in the
I found the advertisement deceptive and manipulative. It seemed designed to
create false expectations and lure customers with an appealing visual
representation that did not reflect the reality of what was being offered. This
disregard for transparency and honesty in advertising left a sour taste in my

Furthermore, the commercial seemed to prioritize style over substance. It

focused more on flashy visuals and gimmicks rather than highlighting the quality
of the food or the values of the brand. This approach felt shallow and insincere,
diminishing my trust in the company.

In conclusion, the advertisement for the fast-food chain failed to resonate with
me due to its misleading nature and lack of authenticity. It served as a reminder
of the importance of ethical advertising practices that prioritize transparency
and genuine representation of products or services.

50. Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with
the result
You should say:
When it happened
Who you complained to
What you complained about
And explain why you were satisfied with the result

Bài mẫu

I had an experience where I made a complaint and was genuinely satisfied with
the outcome. It occurred a few months ago when I stayed at a hotel during a
business trip.

I addressed my complaint directly to the hotel manager, who was known for
being attentive to guest concerns. My complaint revolved around the cleanliness
of my assigned room. Despite the hotel's reputation for maintaining high
standards, I found the room to be inadequately cleaned upon check-in.

I expressed my dissatisfaction to the manager, highlighting the specific areas

that were not up to par. I appreciated that the manager listened attentively and
immediately took action to rectify the situation. They offered a sincere apology
and promptly arranged for housekeeping to thoroughly clean the room while I
was out for a meeting.

What truly impressed me was the follow-up. The manager personally ensured
that my room was cleaned to my satisfaction and even offered a complimentary
upgrade to a higher-category room for the remainder of my stay. They also
assured me that they would address the issue with the housekeeping staff to
prevent similar occurrences in the future.

I was satisfied with the result for several reasons. Firstly, the hotel manager
displayed a genuine commitment to guest satisfaction by promptly addressing
the complaint. Secondly, the manager's personal involvement and attentiveness
made me feel valued as a guest. Lastly, the compensation in the form of a room
upgrade demonstrated their commitment to making amends and ensuring a
positive experience.

51. Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking
You should say:
What party it was
Who this person is
What you talked about
And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her

Bài mẫu

One person I had the pleasure of meeting and thoroughly enjoyed talking with
was at a friend's birthday party last year. The party was held at a trendy rooftop
venue, creating a relaxed and vibrant atmosphere.

The person I met was named Alex, a fellow guest at the party. Alex had an
infectious charisma and a natural ability to engage in meaningful conversations.
We initially connected over our shared interest in travel, as we both had a
passion for exploring different cultures and experiencing new adventures.
As the night progressed, our conversation expanded beyond travel and delved
into a wide range of topics, including literature, music, and personal growth. Alex
possessed a wealth of knowledge and a deep curiosity about the world, which
made our discussions incredibly enriching and thought-provoking.

What made talking with Alex so enjoyable was their ability to actively listen and
contribute thoughtful insights. They had a genuine interest in understanding
different perspectives and shared personal anecdotes that added depth to our
conversations. Despite being at a lively party, we found ourselves engrossed in
dialogue that felt meaningful and authentic.

Additionally, Alex had a great sense of humor, and we shared many laughs
throughout the night. Their wit and lightheartedness added an element of joy to
our interaction, making the conversation even more enjoyable.

52. Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone
you know well
You should say:
What it was
When you heard it
How you knew it
And explain how you felt about it

Bài mẫu

One piece of exceptionally good news that I recently heard about someone I
know well was when my best friend, Sarah, got accepted into her dream
university. I found out about this momentous achievement a few weeks ago
when Sarah excitedly called me to share the news.

I have known Sarah since childhood, and we have been through numerous ups
and downs together. Over the years, I witnessed her unwavering dedication to
her studies and her unwavering dream of attending this particular university.
Knowing her aspirations and the amount of effort she put into her academics, I
felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and pride when she shared her
accomplishment with me.
Sarah's acceptance into her dream university was a testament to her hard work,
determination, and resilience. I knew firsthand the obstacles she had overcome
and the sacrifices she had made to reach this milestone. Witnessing her success
filled me with a profound sense of joy and admiration for her unwavering
pursuit of her goals.

Moreover, Sarah's good news also brought about a sense of excitement for the
future. I felt a renewed sense of optimism and eagerness to witness the
incredible journey that awaited her in this new chapter of her life.

53. Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study
You should say:
Who this person is
How you met this person
How long you have known him/her
And explain why you want to work/study with him/her

Bài mẫu

One person I have met whom I am eager to work with is Dr. Emily Johnson, a
renowned researcher and professor in my field of study. I first encountered Dr.
Johnson during a guest lecture she delivered at my university, which left a lasting
impression on me.

I have known about Dr. Johnson and her work for several years, but I had the
pleasure of meeting her personally after the lecture. We engaged in a brief
conversation, during which I was struck by her depth of knowledge, passion for
the subject matter, and her ability to communicate complex concepts in a
relatable manner.

Although my direct interaction with Dr. Johnson has been relatively short, I have
followed her research and publications for a considerable period of time. Her
contributions to the field have been groundbreaking, and her expertise aligns
perfectly with my research interests and career aspirations.
I aspire to work with Dr. Johnson because of her exceptional expertise,
dedication, and innovative approach to research. Collaborating with her would
provide a unique opportunity to learn from a leading authority in my field, gain
invaluable insights, and contribute to cutting-edge projects. Her mentorship and
guidance would undoubtedly enhance my professional growth and open doors
to new possibilities.

54. Describe something you would like to learn in the future

You should say
What it is
How you would like to learn it
Where you would like to learn it
Why you would like to learn it
And explain whether it’s difficult to learn it

Bài mẫu

One skill that I would like to learn in the future is playing the piano. I have always
been captivated by the beauty and versatility of this instrument and have longed
to create music with my own hands.

To learn how to play the piano, I would prefer a combination of self-study and
formal lessons. I would initially rely on online tutorials, instructional books, and
practice resources to grasp the fundamentals. As I progress, I would seek
guidance from a qualified piano teacher who can provide personalized
instruction and help me refine my technique.

I envision learning the piano in the comfort of my own home. I would set up a
dedicated practice space with a quality digital piano or an acoustic piano if
feasible. The familiarity and convenience of my own environment would
promote consistent practice and a relaxed learning experience.

There are several reasons why I would like to learn the piano. Firstly, it is a
beautiful form of self-expression that allows me to communicate emotions and
stories through music. Secondly, playing the piano has numerous cognitive
benefits, such as improved focus, memory, and coordination. Lastly, it would be
a fulfilling and enjoyable hobby that brings joy to my life and allows me to
connect with others through music.

Learning the piano can be challenging, especially for someone starting from
scratch. It requires discipline, patience, and consistent practice. Mastering finger
dexterity, reading sheet music, and understanding musical theory can pose
initial difficulties. However, with dedication, perseverance, and proper guidance,
it is certainly achievable.

55. Describe something you did that made you feel proud
You should say:
What it was
How you did it
How difficult it was
And explain why you felt proud of it

Bài mẫu

One accomplishment that fills me with a sense of pride is completing a

marathon last year. It was a personal goal I had set for myself, and I trained
rigorously for several months to prepare for the event.

To accomplish this feat, I followed a structured training plan that included a

combination of long runs, speed workouts, and cross-training exercises. I
dedicated countless hours to building endurance, improving my running form,
and ensuring I was mentally prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

The marathon was an arduous undertaking, both physically and mentally.

Enduring the grueling 26.2-mile distance required immense willpower and
resilience. The race tested my physical limits, pushing me to overcome fatigue,
muscle cramps, and mental fatigue. There were moments when doubt crept in,
but I persevered and pressed forward, drawing strength from the cheers of the
spectators and the camaraderie of fellow runners.

Feeling proud of this achievement stems from several reasons. Firstly,

completing a marathon demands discipline and commitment. It required
consistent training, sacrifices, and pushing beyond my comfort zone. Secondly,
crossing the finish line symbolized the realization of a long-held goal, showcasing
my determination and perseverance. Lastly, the experience taught me
invaluable lessons about resilience, mental fortitude, and the power of setting
and pursuing ambitious goals.

56. Describe a time when someone gave you something that you
really wanted
You should say:
What it was
When you received it
Who gave it to you

Bài mẫu

One instance that stands out in my mind is when my parents surprised me with
a new laptop on my birthday last year. I had been longing for an upgrade as my
old laptop was becoming increasingly slow and unreliable.

The surprise came on the morning of my birthday. As I walked into the living
room, I was greeted with a beautifully wrapped gift sitting on the coffee table.
Excitement and curiosity surged through me as I unwrapped the package to
reveal the sleek and modern laptop I had been eyeing for months.

My parents were the ones who gave me this thoughtful gift. They had noticed
my struggles with my old laptop and recognized my need for an upgrade. They
had secretly planned and saved up for it, wanting to make my birthday extra

Receiving the laptop filled me with a mix of emotions – joy, gratitude, and a deep
sense of appreciation for my parents' thoughtfulness. It was not just the material
possession itself, but the love and care behind the gesture that made it truly
special. The laptop opened up new possibilities for my studies, work, and
personal interests, making it a valuable tool that enhanced my productivity and
overall experience with technology.

I can say that the time my parents surprised me with a new laptop on my
birthday was a memorable experience. Their knowledge of my needs and their
effort to make my birthday special made the gift even more meaningful. I
continue to feel grateful for their generosity and the positive impact the laptop
has had on my daily life.

57. Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person.

You should say:
When it happened;
Who you taught it to;
Why you taught it to this person;
And explain how you felt about it.

Bài mẫu

One memorable occasion when I taught something new to a younger person

was during a summer vacation a couple of years ago. I had the opportunity to
teach my younger cousin, Emma, how to ride a bicycle.

I chose to teach Emma how to ride a bike because I vividly remembered the joy
and sense of freedom I experienced when I first learned. Emma, who was eight
years old at the time, had expressed a strong desire to ride a bike like the older
kids in the neighborhood. I saw it as an opportunity to impart a valuable skill and
create a lasting bonding experience.

Teaching Emma how to ride a bike was a rewarding and fulfilling experience. I
patiently guided her through the steps, demonstrating how to balance, pedal,
and control the handlebars. I offered words of encouragement and support
when she stumbled or felt unsure. Witnessing her progress from wobbling
nervously to confidently gliding down the street filled me with pride and a sense
of accomplishment.

It was particularly gratifying to see Emma's determination and perseverance.

Despite a few falls and moments of frustration, she remained resilient and eager
to try again. Her enthusiasm and willingness to learn made the teaching process
enjoyable and memorable.
58. Describe a person who can play an instrument or has musical
You should say:
Who this person is
How and where you knew this person
Why you think he/she is talented
And explain how you found out that he/she is talented

Bài mẫu

One person who possesses remarkable musical talents is my friend, Alex. I first
met Alex in high school when we were both part of the school band. It was
during our band rehearsals that I discovered his exceptional skills as a pianist.

What sets Alex apart is not only his technical proficiency but also his ability to
infuse emotion and creativity into his performances. He has an innate sense of
musicality and a deep understanding of various genres and styles. Whether he is
playing a classical composition or improvising a jazz piece, his musicality shines
through, captivating listeners and evoking powerful emotions.

I found out about Alex's musical talents through a series of impromptu

performances during our music classes. He would effortlessly play complex
melodies and harmonies, leaving both our classmates and teachers in awe.
Additionally, he actively participated in local music competitions, where he
consistently garnered top honors and accolades for his exceptional

Witnessing Alex's musical prowess firsthand has been a true privilege. His
dedication to his craft, coupled with his natural talent, sets him apart as a truly
gifted musician. His ability to express himself through music has not only
inspired me but also countless others who have had the pleasure of listening to
his performances.

59. Describe a situation someone congratulated you on something

you 've done well
You should say:
What the situation was
Who congratulated you
Why you were congratulated
And explain how you felt

Bài mẫu

One situation in which I received congratulations for a job well done was during
a group project in college. Our team had been assigned a challenging research
project that required extensive collaboration and effort. We worked tirelessly for
weeks, conducting research, analyzing data, and preparing a comprehensive

After our final presentation, our professor commended our team for our
outstanding work. He expressed his appreciation for our thorough research,
clear presentation, and cohesive teamwork. Additionally, my teammates
congratulated each other for their individual contributions and dedication.

I, specifically, was congratulated for my leadership and organizational skills

within the team. I took on the responsibility of coordinating our meetings,
ensuring everyone was on track with their tasks, and facilitating effective
communication. My team members acknowledged my efforts in keeping us
focused and motivated throughout the project.

Receiving congratulations for my role in the project was incredibly rewarding. It

validated my hard work and dedication, and it reinforced my belief in the power
of effective teamwork. I felt a deep sense of pride and fulfillment knowing that
our collective efforts had been recognized and appreciated. The congratulations
served as a reminder of the value of collaboration and the satisfaction that
comes from achieving a common goal together.

60. Describe a small shop or store you often go to

You should say:
Where it is
What type of people go there
What types of goods are sold there
And explain why you go there and like/dislike most about it.
Bài mẫu

One small shop that I frequently visit is a local bookstore called "Words & Pages."
It is located in the heart of my neighborhood, nestled between bustling streets
and quaint cafes. The shop exudes a cozy and inviting ambiance, drawing in a
diverse range of people.

Words & Pages attracts a mix of avid readers, literature enthusiasts, and
students seeking academic resources. The shop caters to a wide range of
interests, offering a diverse selection of books across various genres, from
classic literature to contemporary fiction, non-fiction, and self-help titles. They
also have a dedicated section for children's books and a cozy reading nook for
customers to peruse their purchases.

What draws me to Words & Pages is the tranquil atmosphere and the
personalized service provided by the knowledgeable staff. The shop has
cultivated a sense of community, and I often find myself engaging in passionate
discussions about books with fellow customers and the staff. The shop also
hosts book clubs, author signings, and literary events, creating a rich cultural
space for book lovers.

One aspect I appreciate about Words & Pages is the emphasis on supporting
local authors and independent publishers. They showcase a selection of regional
literature and unique titles that are not easily found in larger chain bookstores.
This commitment to promoting local talent and fostering a sense of literary
community is commendable.

If I were to highlight a minor drawback, it would be the limited space within the
shop. While it adds to the cozy charm, it can sometimes feel a bit crowded
during peak hours, making it challenging to browse comfortably. Nonetheless,
this small inconvenience is outweighed by the overall charm and warmth of the

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