Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by 50-Metre Capillary High Resolution Gas Chromatography

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Designation: D6733 − 01 (Reapproved 2011)

Standard Test Method for

Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition
Engine Fuels by 50-Metre Capillary High Resolution Gas
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6733; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope applicable to samples having concentrations of olefins less than

1.1 This test method covers the determination of individual 20 mass %. However, significant interfering coelution with the
hydrocarbon components of spark-ignition engine fuels with olefins above C7 is possible, particularly if blending compo-
boiling ranges up to 225°C. Other light liquid hydrocarbon nents or their higher boiling cuts such as those derived from
mixtures typically encountered in petroleum refining opera- fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) are analyzed, and the total olefin
tions, such as, blending stocks (naphthas, reformates, alkylates, content may not be accurate. Many of the olefins in spark
and so forth) may also be analyzed; however, statistical data ignition fuels are at a concentration below 0.10 %; they are not
was obtained only with blended spark-ignition engine fuels. reported by this test method and may bias the total olefin
The tables in Annex A1 enumerate the components reported. results low.
Component concentrations are determined in the range from 1.5.1 Total olefins in the samples may be obtained or
0.10 to 15 mass %. The procedure may be applicable to higher confirmed, or both, by Test Method D1319 (volume %) or
and lower concentrations for the individual components; how- other test methods, such as those based on multidimensional
ever, the user must verify the accuracy if the procedures are PONA type of instruments.
used for components with concentrations outside the specified 1.6 If water is or is suspected of being present, its concen-
ranges. tration may be determined, if desired, by the use of Test
1.2 This test method is applicable also to spark-ignition Method D1744. Other compounds containing sulfur, nitrogen,
engine fuel blends containing oxygenated components. How- and so forth, may also be present, and may co-elute with the
ever, in this case, the oxygenate content must be determined by hydrocarbons. If determination of these specific compounds is
Test Methods D5599 or D4815. required, it is recommended that test methods for these specific
materials be used, such as Test Method D5623 for sulfur
1.3 Benzene co-elutes with 1-methylcyclopentene. Benzene compounds.
content must be determined by Test Method D3606 or D5580.
1.7 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
1.4 Toluene co-elutes with 2,3,3-trimethylpentane. Toluene standard. The values given in parentheses are provided for
content must be determined by Test Method D3606 or D5580. information only.
1.5 Although a majority of the individual hydrocarbons 1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the
present are determined, some co-elution of compounds is safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
encountered. If this procedure is utilized to estimate bulk responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
hydrocarbon group-type composition (PONA) the user of such priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
data should be cautioned that error may be encountered due to bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
co-elution and a lack of identification of all components
present. Samples containing significant amounts of naphthenic 2. Referenced Documents
(for example, virgin naphthas) constituents above n-octane
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
may reflect significant errors in PONA type groupings. Based
D1319 Test Method for Hydrocarbon Types in Liquid Petro-
on the interlaboratory cooperative study, this procedure is
leum Products by Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption
D1744 Test Method for Determination of Water in Liquid
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on
Petroleum Products and Lubricantsand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
D02.04.0L on Gas Chromatography Methods. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved May 1, 2011. Published May 2011. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as D6733 – 01 (2006). Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/D6733-01R11. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 1

D6733 − 01 (2011)
Petroleum Products by Karl Fischer Reagent (Withdrawn 6. Apparatus
2000)3 6.1 Instrumentation—A gas chromatograph capable of op-
D3606 Test Method for Determination of Benzene and erating under the conditions outlined in Table 1, equipped with
Toluene in Finished Motor and Aviation Gasoline by Gas a split injector, a carrier gas pressure control, and a flame
Chromatography ionization detector which are required.
D4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
Petroleum Products 6.2 Sample Introduction System—Manual or automatic liq-
D4420 Test Method for Determination of Aromatics in uid syringe sample injection may be employed.
Finished Gasoline by Gas Chromatography (Withdrawn 6.3 Data Acquisition System—Any data system can be used
2004)3 with a requirement:
D4815 Test Method for Determination of MTBE, ETBE, 6.3.1 Sampling rate of 10 Hz or more with a storage of
TAME, DIPE, tertiary-Amyl Alcohol and C1 to C4 Alco- sampling data for later processing.
hols in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography 6.3.2 Capacity for at least 400 peaks/analysis.
D5580 Test Method for Determination of Benzene, Toluene, 6.3.3 Identification of individual components from retention
Ethylbenzene, p/m-Xylene, o-Xylene, C9 and Heavier time; software can be used to automatically identify the peaks
Aromatics, and Total Aromatics in Finished Gasoline by with the index system determined from Table A1.1 or Table
Gas Chromatography A1.2.
D5599 Test Method for Determination of Oxygenates in 6.4 Sampling—Two millilitres or more crimp-top vials and
Gasoline by Gas Chromatography and Oxygen Selective aluminum caps with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-lined
Flame Ionization Detection septa are used to transfer the sample.
D5623 Test Method for Sulfur Compounds in Light Petro-
leum Liquids by Gas Chromatography and Sulfur Selec- 6.5 Capillary Column—A 50 m fused silica capillary col-
tive Detection umn with an internal diameter of 0.2 mm, containing a 0.5 µm
E355 Practice for Gas Chromatography Terms and Relation- film thickness of bonded dimethylpolysiloxane phase is used.
ships The features must be respected to reproduce the separation of
the reference chromatogram. The column must meet the
3. Terminology criteria of efficiency, resolution, and polarity defined in Section
3.1 Definitions—This test method makes reference to many 10.
common gas chromatographic procedures, terms, and relation-
7. Reagents and Materials
ships. Detailed definitions can be found in Practice E355.
7.1 Carrier Gas and Make-up, helium, 99.99 mol % pure.
4. Summary of Test Method (Warning—Compressed gas under high pressure.)
4.1 Representative samples of the petroleum liquid are 7.2 Fuel Gas, hydrogen, hydrocarbon free, 99.99 mol %
introduced into a gas chromatograph equipped with an open pure. (Warning—Compressed gas under high pressure. Ex-
tubular (capillary) column coated with specified stationary tremely flammable.)
phase(s). Helium carrier gas transports the vaporized sample
through the column in which it is partitioned into individual 7.3 Oxidizing Gas, air, 99 mol %. (Warning—Compressed
components, which are sensed with a flame ionization detector gas under high pressure.)
as they elute from the end of the column. The detector signal 7.4 n-Pentane, 99+ mol % pure. (Warning—Extremely
is recorded digitally by way of an integrator or integrating flammable. Harmful if inhaled.)
computer. Each eluting component is identified by comparing 7.5 n-Hexane, 99+ % mol % pure. (Warning—Extremely
its retention time to those established by analyzing reference flammable. Harmful if inhaled.)
standards or samples under identical conditions. The concen-
tration of each component in mass % is determined by normal-
ization of the peak areas after correction of selected compo- TABLE 1 Operating Conditions
nents with detector response factors. The unknown Temperatures Method 1 Method 2
components are reported individually as well as a summary Column initial isotherm, °C 35 10
total. Initial hold time, min. 10 15
Rate 1, °C/min. 1.1 1.3
Final temperature 1, °C 114 70
5. Significance and Use Hold time 2, min. 0 0
5.1 Knowledge of the individual component composition Rate 2, °C/min 1.7 1.7
Final temperature 2, °C 250 250
(speciation) of gasoline fuels and blending stocks is useful for Final hold time 2, min. 5 20
refinery quality control and product specification. Process Injector, °C 250 250
control and product specification compliance for many indi- Detector, °C 280 280
Carrier gas helium pressure, kPA (psi) 207 (30) 190 (27)
vidual hydrocarbons may be determined through the use of this Flow rate (initial isotherm), mL/min. 0.9 0.7
test method. Average linear velocity, cm/s 22 21.5
Sample size, µL 0.5 0.3
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on Splitter vent–flow out, mL/min. 250 200

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D6733 − 01 (2011)
7.6 n-Heptane, 99+ mol % pure. (Warning—Extremely defined in 7.12 and with the column temperature conditions
flammable. Harmful if inhaled.) defined in the following table.
7.7 2-Methylheptane, 99+ mol % pure. (Warning— Initial temperature 35°C
Hold time 50 min.
Extremely flammable. Harmful if inhaled.) Final temperature 220°C
7.8 4-Methylheptane, 99+ mol % pure. (Warning— Hold time 20 min.
Rate 3°C/min.
Extremely flammable. Harmful if inhaled.)
10.2 Column Evaluation—To perform the required separa-
7.9 n-Octane, 99+ mol % pure. (Warning—Extremely tion, the column must meet three criteria of separation:
flammable. Harmful if inhaled.) efficiency, resolution, and polarity.
7.10 n-Dodecane, 99+ mol % pure. (Warning—Extremely 10.2.1 Effıciency—The number of theoretical plates is cal-
flammable. Harmful if inhaled.) culated with the normal octane peak using Eq 1:
7.11 Toluene, 99+ mol % pure. (Warning—Extremely n 5 5.545~ Rt/W 0.5! 2 (1)
flammable. Harmful if inhaled.)
7.12 System Performance Mixture—Weigh an equal amount n = number of theoretical plates,
of n-pentane, n-heptane, n-octane, n-dodecane, Rt = retention time of normal octane, and
2-methylheptane, 4-methylheptane, and toluene. Dilute this W0.5 = mid-height peak width of normal octane in the same
mixture in n-hexane to obtain a concentration of 2 mass % for unit as retention time.
each compound. The number of theoretical plates must be greater
8. Sampling than 200 000.
10.2.2 Resolution—Resolution is determined between the
8.1 Container Sampling—Samples shall be taken as de- peaks of 2-methylheptane and 4-methylheptane using Eq 2:
scribed in Practice D4057 for instructions on manual sampling
into open container. 2 ~ Rt~ a ! 2 Rt~ b ! !
R5 (2)
1.699~ W 0.5~ a ! 1W 0.5~ b ! !
8.2 The sample and a 2–mL vial must be cooled at 4°C. Part
of the sample is transferred to the vial up to 80 % of its volume, where:
and aluminum cap with septum is crimped. Rt(a) = retention time of 4-methylheptane,
Rt(b) = retention time of 2-methylheptane,
9. Preparation of Apparatus W0.5(a) = mid-height peak width of 4-methylheptane in the
9.1 Installation—Install and condition column in accor- same unit as retention time, and
dance with the supplier’s instruction. W0.5(b) = mid-height peak width of 2-methylheptane in the
same unit as retention time.
9.2 Operating Conditions—Two sets of operating condi-
tions are proposed in Table 1, the first with an initial column The resolution must be equal to 4or greater than
temperature above the ambient temperature, the second with a 1.20.
sub-ambient column temperature profile. Adjust the operating 10.2.3 Polarity—Polarity is defined by the McReynolds
conditions of the gas chromatograph to conform to the first or constant of toluene, using Eq 3:
second method. Rntol 5 Kiana 2 Kisqualane (3)
9.3 Carrier Gas Pressure—Set a correct carrier gas pressure where:
using the system performance mixture such that the retention Kisqualane = toluene Kovats index on Squalane at
time of n-Heptane, n-Octane and n-Dodecane are between the 35°C = 742.6, and
values given in Table 2. Kiana = toluene Kovats index on the analytical column at
10. System Performance Evaluation Toluene Kovats index is calculated using Eq 4:
10.1 Evaluation of the column and linearity of the split
injection are carried out with a system performance mixture
Kiana 5 7001100 S logT' R ~ t ! 2 logT' R ~ h !
logT' R ~ o ! 2 logT' R ~ h ! D (4)

TABLE 2 Reference Retention Times of Normal Paraffins
T'R(t) = adjusted retention time for toluene,
NOTE 1—Minutes and tenths of a minute. T'R(h) = adjusted retention time for n -heptane, and
Method Method Method Method Method Method T'R(o) = adjusted retention time for n-octane.
1 1 1 2 2 2 Adjusted retention time of a peak is determined by
n-Paraffins Lower Refer- Upper Lower Refer- Upper
Time ence Time Time ence Time subtracting the retention time of an unretained compound (air
Time Time or methane) from the retention time of the peak. The McReyn-
n-Heptane 18.5 19.4 20.3 39.5 40.7 42.0 olds constant must be less than 10.
n-Octane 32.0 33.0 34.0 57.0 57.8 59.0
n-Dodecane 92.8 94.0 95.2 106.4 107.6 108.8 10.2.4 Base Line Stability—Base line stability is calculated
with the difference between area slices at the beginning and at

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D6733 − 01 (2011)
the end of analysis, divided by the maximum area slice of 2 and standard chromatogram given in Fig. A1.1 or Fig. A1.2.
N-octane obtained with the system performance mixture. A specific software program using the data of Table 1 or Table Measurement of the Stability—Carry out one tem- 2 can be employed.
perature programming defined in 10.1 without injecting any 12.4.1 If an oxygenate has been determined by Test Meth-
sample. Subtract the area slices at the start of the analysis with ods D4815 or D5599 and is not in the table, it is necessary to
those corresponding to 120 min (average of three slices). prepare a mixture of a weighed amount of this oxygenate in a Stability Standardization—Standardization is car- known spark-ignition engine fuel to determine its retention
ried out using the system performance mixture defined in 7.12 time and response factor and then add it to the table.
with the column temperature conditions defined in 10.1. The
13. Calculation
value obtained in is divided by the maximum area
slice of N-octane and multiplied by 100. The value obtained 13.1 Calculation of % (m/m) of Each Compound Without
must be less than 2 %. If this is not the case, check for possible Co-elution and Not Corrected for Co-elutions—% (m/m) of
leaks, or recondition the column according to the manufactur- each component without co-elution and no corrections of
er’s recommendations. co-elutions is calculated according to Eq 6:
10.3 Evaluation of the Linearity of the Split Injector— Ai Bi
C i' 5 i5n 100 (6)
Evaluation is carried out using the system performance mixture
defined in 7.12 with the column temperature conditions defined ( ~A
i B i 1A int B int!

in 10.1. The % (m/m) of each compound is determined from where:

the corrected area % using the response factors for each
Ci' = % (m/m) of compound i without co-elution and no
compound given in Table A1.1 or Table A1.2. The relative
correction of coelutions,
percent error is determined from the known mixture concen-
Ai = peak area of compound i without co-elution (benzene,
trations according to Eq 5:
toluene, and oxygenates),
Relative % error Aint = peak area of compounds co-eluting (benzene, toluene,
100 ~ calculated concentration 2 known concentration! and oxygenates),
5 Bi = response factor for component i (given in Table A1.1
known concentration
(5) or Table A1.2), and
Bint = response factor for components co-eluted with ben-
10.3.1 The relative error must not exceed 3 %. zene, toluene, and oxygenates.
13.2 Calculation of Components Coeluted with Benzene,
11. Response Factor Toluene, and Oxygenates—Benzene and toluene contents are
11.1 Theoretical response factors are used for correction of determined by Test Methods D3606 or D4420 or D5580;
the detector response of hydrocarbons. The response factor for oxygenates content is determined by Test Methods D4815 or
each compound is relative to that of benzene taken equal to D5599. The % (m/m) of components coeluted with benzene,
unity and is listed in Tables 1 and 2. For peaks corresponding toluene, and oxygenates is calculated according Eq 7:
to the co-elution of compounds with benzene, toluene, and
B int B int
oxygenates, the response factor is the one of the co-eluted C coeluted 5 C int 0.01 100 2 ext 2 C ext 3 2 C ext 3 (7)
B ext B ext
compound of % (m/m). Co-eluted compounds are footnoted in
Tables A1.1 and A1.2. where:
Ccoeluted = % (m/m) of component eluted with benzene,
12. Procedure toluene, or oxygenates,
Cint = % (m/m) calculated with Eq 6 for the peak with
12.1 Preparation of Apparatus—After optimization of the
carrier gas pressure (9.3) and evaluation of apparatus (Section
Cext = % (m/m) of benzene, toluene, or oxygenates
10), set the temperature program corresponding to the selected
determined by other method, and
method (Table 1). Bext = response factor of benzene, toluene, or
12.2 Injection of Sample—Inject with a 5 or 10 µl syringe, oxygenates.
manually or by autosampler, the size corresponding to the 13.3 Calculation of Other Components—% (m/m) of other
method (Table 1). components is calculated using Eq 8:
12.3 Integration of Chromatogram—Integration codes must
be selected to obtain a horizontal baseline with a perpendicular C i 5 C i'
100 2 (C coeluted 2 (C ext.
drop to the baseline for partially resolved peaks. An example of (C i'

correct baseline is given in Figs. A1.1 and A1.2. 14. Report

12.4 Identification—Each peak is identified by matching the 14.1 Report the content of each component as % (m/m) to
retention time with that of compounds listed in Table 1 or Table the nearest 0.01 %.

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D6733 − 01 (2011)
15. Precision4 TABLE 3 Repeatability and Reproducibility for Individual
15.1 Individual Components—The precision of this test
method was determined by a statistical analysis of interlabo- of
Range, Repeatability, Reproducibility,
% (m/m) X (%(m/m)) X (% (m/m))
ratory test results. It applies only to a range from 0.1 to 15 % Carbon
(m/m), for all components with a resolution greater than 1.0 Light C4–C5 0.1–14 0.04 · X 0.16 · X
and without co-elution with oxygenate components. When two Components
Paraffins C6–C12 0.1–11.5 0.01 + 0.03 · X 0.04 + 0.07 · X
components of the same hydrocarbon type have a resolution Naphthenes C6–C8 0.1–3
less than 1.0, the precision can be applied by adding the Olefins C6–C8 0.1–1
Aromatics C6–C12 0.1–14 0.05 + 0.02 · X 0.1 + 0.06 · X
concentration of two components. The precision is the same for
all: (a) light components (saturates and olefins) with a carbon
number of 4 and 5, (b) saturates and olefins with a range of
carbon number from 6 to 12, and to (c) aromatics. This
precision is as follows: 15.1.2 Reproducibility—The difference between two single
15.1.1 Repeatability—The difference between successive and independent results, obtained by different operators in
test results, obtained by the same operator with the same different laboratories on nominally identical test material, in
apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test the normal and correct operation of the test method, would
material, in the normal and correct operation of the test exceed the values given in the Table 3 in only one case in
method, would exceed the value given in the Table 3 in only twenty.
one case in twenty.
16. Keywords
16.1 detailed hydrocarbon analysis; DHA; gas chromatog-
Supporting data of interlaboratory cooperative study program, statistical
analysis, and precision determination are available from ASTM International raphy; gasoline; hydrocarbons; open tubular; oxygenates; spark
Headquarters. Request RR: D02:1520. ignition engine fuels


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Table A1.1 and Table A1.2 include Method 1/Method Fig. A1.2 include Method 1/Method 2 reference
2 peak numbers, retention time, response factor, hydrocarbon chromatograms.
type, and carbon number for each component. Fig. A1.1 and

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D6733 − 01 (2011)
TABLE A1.1 Method 1–Peak Numbers, Retention Time, Response Factor, Hydrocarbon Type and Carbon Number for Each Component
NOTE 1—Legend—Hydrocarbon types–NP = normal paraffins, IP = isoparaffins, NA = naphthenes, OL = olefins, AR = aromatics, Ox = oxygenates.
Nb Compounds Retention, min. Response Factor Hydrocarbon Type Carbon No.
1 Propane 4.14 1.125 Ip 3
2 IsobutaneA 4.47 1.112 Ip 4
2 MethanolA 4.47 2.850 Ox 1
3 Isobutene+1-butene 4.66 1.075 Ol 4
4 N-butane 4.74 1.112 NP 4
5 Trans-2-butene 4.84 1.075 Ol 4
6 C4-diolefin 4.88 1.045 OL 4
7 CIS-2-butene 5.00 1.075 OL 4
8 Ethanol 5.17 2.300 OX 2
9 3-Methyl-1-butene 5.45 1.075 OL 5
10 Isopentane 5.76 1.105 IP 5
11 1-pentene 6.05 1.075 OL 5
12 2-Methyl-1-butene 6.20 1.075 OL 5
13 N-Pentane 6.31 1.105 NP 5
14 Isoprene 6.43 1.075 OL 5
15 Trans-2-pentene 6.49 1.075 OL 5
16 Tertiobutylalcohol 6.60 1.490 OX 5
17 CIS-2-pentene 6.70 1.075 OL 5
18 2-Methyl-2-butene 6.84 1.075 OL 5
19 1,Trans-3-pentadiene 6.91 1.075 OL 5
20 1,CIS-3-pentadiene 7.28 1.075 OL 5
21 2,2-Dimethylbutane 7.36 1.100 IP 6
22 1-Cyclopentene 7.99 1.075 OL 5
23 4-Methyl-1-pentene 8.12 1.075 OL 6
24 3-Methyl-1-pentene 8.19 1.075 OL 6
25 CyclopentaneA 8.46 1.075 NA 5
25 MTBEA 8.46 1.520 OX 5
26 2,3-Dimethylbutane 8.52 1.100 IP 6
27 4-Methyl-CIS-2-pentene 8.61 1.075 OL 6
28 2-Methylpentane 8.70 1.100 IP 6
29 4-Methyl-trans-2-pentene 9.04 1.075 OL 6
30 3-Methylpentane 9.41 1.100 IP 6
31 2-Methyl-1-pentene 9.66 1.075 OL 6
32 1-Hexene 9.70 1.075 OL 6
33 2-Ethyl-1-butene 10.32 1.075 OL 6
34 N-Hexane 10.40 1.110 NP 6
35 Trans-3-hexene 10.51 1.075 OL 6
36 CIS-3-hexene 10.59 1.075 OL 6
37 Trans-2-hexene 10.69 1.075 OL 6
38 2-Methyl-2-pentene 10.84 1.075 OL 6
39 4-Methyl-1-cyclopentene 10.99 1.075 OL 6
40 3-Methyl-trans-2-pentene 11.06 1.075 OL 6
41 3-Methyl-1-cyclopentene 11.19 1.075 OL 6
42 CIS-2-Hexene 11.31 1.075 OL 6
43 C6-olefin 11.46 1.075 OL 6
44 ETBE 11.62 1.520 OX 6
45 3-Methyl-CIS-2-pentene 11.74 1.075 OL 6
46 2,2-Dimethylpentane 12.06 1.099 IP 7
47 1-Methylcyclopentane 12.23 1.075 NA 6
48 2,4-Dimethylpentane 12.53 1.099 IP 7
49 C6-olefin 12.78 1.075 OL 6
50 2,2,3-Trimethylbutane 13.93 1.099 IP 7
51 C6-olefin 13.08 1.075 OL 6
52 C7-olefin 13.45 1.075 OL 7
53 C7-olefin 13.56 1.075 OL 7
54 C7-olefin 13.84 1.075 OL 7
55 C7-olefin 13.93 1.075 OL 7
56 BenzeneA 14.08 1.000 AR 6
56 1-Methyl-1-cyclopenteneA 14.08 1.075 OL 6
57 C7-olefin 14.23 1.075 OL 7
58 C7-olefin 14.36 1.075 OL 7
59 3,3-Dimethylpentane 14.61 1.099 IP 7
60 C7-olefin 14.77 1.075 OL 7
61 Cyclohexane 14.93 1.075 NA 6
62 C7-olefin 15.13 1.075 OL 7
63 C7-olefin 15.24 1.075 OL 7
64 C7-olefin 15.44 1.075 OL 7
65 C7-olefin 15.68 1.075 OL 7
66 2-Methylhexane 15.84 1.099 IP 7
67 2,3-Dimethylpentane 15.99 1.099 IP 7
68 1,1-Dimethylcyclopentane 16.24 1.075 NA 7
69 Cyclohexene 16.44 1.075 OL 6
70 3-Methylhexane 16.70 1.099 IP 7

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D6733 − 01 (2011)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
Nb Compounds Retention, min. Response Factor Hydrocarbon Type Carbon No.
71 C7-olefin 17.04 1.075 OP 7
72 CIS-1,3- 17.32 1.075 NA 7
73 Trans-1,3- 17.61 1.075 NA 7
74 3-ethylpentane 17.76 1.099 IP 7
75 Trans-1,2- 17.92 1.075 NA 7
76 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 18.16 1.096 IP 8
76 C7-olefin 18.16 1.075 OL 7
77 C7-olefin 18.74 1.075 OL 7
78 C7-olefin 19.13 1.075 OL 7
79 N-heptane 19.36 1.099 NP 7
80 C7-olefin 19.57 1.075 OL 7
81 C7-olefin 19.69 1.075 OL 7
82 C7-olefin 19.90 1.075 OL 7
83 C7-olefin 20.08 1.075 OL 7
84 C7-olefin 20.47 1.075 OL 7
85 C7-olefin 20.87 1.075 OL 7
86 C7-olefin 21.30 1.075 OL 7
87 C7-olefin 21.53 1.075 OL 7
88 1-Methylcyclohexane 21.61 1.075 NA 7
88 CIS-1,2- 21.61 1.075 NA 7
89 1,1,3- 22.02 1.075 NA 8
89 2,2-Dimethylhexane 22.02 1.096 IP 8
90 C8-olefin 22.49 1.075 OL 8
91 C8-olefin 22.70 1.075 OL 8
92 1-ethylcyclopentane 23.09 1.075 NA 7
93 2,2,3-Trimetylpentane 23.33 1.096 IP 8
93 2,5-Dimethylhexane 23.33 1.096 IP 8
94 2,4-Dimethylhexane 23.57 1.096 IP 8
95 1,trans2,CIS4- 24.24 1.075 NA 8
96 3,3-Dimethylhexane 24.44 1.096 IP 8
97 C8-olefin 24.94 1.075 OL 8
98 1,Trans2,CIS3- 25.21 1.075 NA 8
99 2,3,4-Trimetylpentane 25.64 1.096 IP 8
100 2,3,3-Trimetylpentane 26.17 1.096 IP 8
100 Toluene 26.17 1.008 AR 7
101 C8-olefin 26.38 1.075 OL 8
102 C8-olefin 26.67 1.075 OL 8
103 C8-olefin 26.79 1.075 OL 8
104 2,3-Dimethylhexane 27.16 1.096 IP 8
105 2-Methyl-3-ethylpentane 27.30 1.096 IP 8
106 C8-olefin 27.54 1.075 OL 8
107 2-Methylheptane 28.02 1.096 IP 8
108 4-Methylheptane 28.23 1.096 IP 8
109 3,4-Dimethylhexane 28.36 1.096 IP 8
110 1,CIS2,Trans4- 28.41 1.075 NA 8
111 C8-olefin 28.76 1.075 OL 8
112 3-Methylheptane 29.08 1.096 IP 8
113 3-Ethylhexane 29.22 1.096 IP 8
114 1,CIS-3- 29.46 1.075 NA 8
114 1,Trans-4- 29.46 1.075 NA 8
114 1,CIS2,Trans3- 29.46 1.075 NA 8
115 C8-olefin 29.81 1.075 OL 8
116 1,1-Dimethylcyclohexane 30.01 1.075 NA 8
117 C8-olefin 30.24 1.075 OL 8
118 2,2,5-Trimethylhexane 30.67 1.093 IP 8
119 1-ME-T3- 30.81 1.075 NA 8
119 C8-olefin 30.81 1.075 OL 8
120 1-Methyl-CIS-3- 31.11 1.075 NA 8
120 C8-olefin 31.11 1.075 OL 8
121 1-Methyl-trans-2- 31.29 1.075 NA 8
121 C8-olefin 31.29 1.075 OL 8

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 7

D6733 − 01 (2011)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
Nb Compounds Retention, min. Response Factor Hydrocarbon Type Carbon No.
122 1-Methyl-1- 31.43 1.075 NA 8
122 C8-olefin 31.43 1.075 OL 8
123 1,Trans-2- 31.68 1.075 OL 7
124 C8-olefin 31.97 1.075 OL 8
125 C8-olefin 32.17 1.075 OL 8
126 C8-olefin 32.58 1.075 OL 8
127 C8-olefin 32.81 1.075 OL 8
128 C8-naphthene 33.01 1.075 NA 8
128 N-octane 33.01 1.096 NP 8
129 C8-olefin 33.56 1.075 OL 8
130 C8-olefin 33.81 1.075 OL 8
131 2,2,4-Trimethylhexane 34.04 1.093 IP 9
132 C8-olefin 34.76 1.075 OL 8
133 C8-olefin 34.93 1.075 OL 8
134 C8-olefin 35.15 1.075 OL 8
135 2,3,5-Trimethylhexane 35.46 1.093 IP 9
136 2,2-Dimethylheptane 35.67 1.093 IP 9
137 1,CIS-2- 36.02 1.075 NA 8
138 C9-olefin 36.25 1.075 OL 9
139 2,4-Dimethylheptane 36.65 1.093 IP 9
140 4,4-Dimethylheptane 36.91 1.093 IP 9
141 C9-olefin 37.17 1.075 OL 9
142 1-Ethylcyclohexane 37.35 1.075 NA 8
143 C9-olefin 37.52 1.075 OL 9
144 2,6-Dimethylheptane 37.66 1.093 IP 8
145 C9-naphthene 37.93 1.075 NA 9
146 C9-naphthene 38.05 1.075 NA 9
147 C9-naphthene 38.21 1.075 NA 9
148 2,5-Dimethylheptane 38.68 1.093 IP 9
149 C8-olefin 38.87 1.075 OL 8
150 C8-olefin 39.05 1.075 OL 8
151 C8-olefin 39.23 1.075 OL 8
152 C8-olefin 39.46 1.075 OL 8
153 C8-olefin 39.80 1.075 OL 8
154 ethylbenzene 40.19 1.018 AR 8
155 C8-olefin 40.41 1.075 OL 8
156 C9-naphthene 40.60 1.075 NA 9
157 C9-naphthene 40.89 1.075 NA 9
158 C8-olefin 41.09 1.075 OL 8
159 C8-olefin 41.24 1.075 OL 8
160 Metaxylene 41.69 1.018 AR 8
161 Paraxylene 41.83 1.018 AR 8
162 C9-naphthene 42.20 1.075 NA 9
163 3,4-Dimethylheptane 42.32 1.093 IP 9
164 4-Ethylheptane 42.68 1.093 IP 9
165 C9-olefin 42.91 1.075 OL 8
166 4-Methyloctane 43.16 1.093 IP 9
167 2-Methyloctane 43.33 1.093 IP 9
168 C9-naphthene 43.51 1.075 NA 9
169 C9-naphthene 43.71 1.075 NA 9
170 3-Ethylheptane 44.21 1.093 IP 9
171 3-Methyloctane 44.43 1.093 IP 9
172 Orthoxylene 45.12 1.018 AR 8
173 C9-naphthene 45.33 1.075 NA 9
174 C9-naphthene 45.66 1.075 NA 9
175 C9-naphthene 46.08 1.075 NA 9
176 C10-isoparaffin 46.26 1.086 IP 10
177 C10-isoparaffin 46.58 1.086 IP 10
178 C10-isoparaffin 46.72 1.086 IP 10
179 C10-isoparaffin 46.98 1.086 IP 10
180 C10-isoparaffin 47.29 1.086 IP 10
181 C9-naphthene 47.80 1.075 NA 9
182 C9-naphthene 48.10 1.075 NA 9
183 C9-naphthene 48.40 1.075 NA 9
184 C9-naphthene 48.68 1.075 NA 9
185 N-nonane 48.85 1.093 NP 9
186 C9-olefin 49.25 1.075 OL 9
187 C9-olefin 49.50 1.075 OL 9
188 C9-olefin 49.70 1.075 OL 9
189 isopropylbenzene 50.34 1.025 AR 9
190 C9-olefin 50.59 1.075 OL 9
191 C9-naphthene 50.81 1.025 NA 9

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 8

D6733 − 01 (2011)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
Nb Compounds Retention, min. Response Factor Hydrocarbon Type Carbon No.
192 C9-olefin 51.01 1.075 OL 9
193 C9-olefin 51.24 1.075 OL 9
194 C10-isoparaffin 51.59 1.086 IP 10
195 C10-isoparaffin 51.93 1.086 IP 10
196 C10-isoparaffin 52.18 1.086 IP 10
197 C9-naphthene 52.62 1.075 NA 9
198 C10-isoparaffin 52.85 1.086 IP 10
199 C10-isoparaffin 53.08 1.086 IP 10
200 C10-naphthene 53.35 1.025 NA 10
201 2,7-Dimethyloctane 53.78 1.086 IP 9
202 C10-isoparaffin 54.23 1.086 IP 10
203 2,6-Dimethyloctane 54.51 1.086 IP 9
204 3,3-Dimethyloctane 54.80 1.086 IP 9
205 N-propylbenzene 55.07 1.025 AR 9
206 3,6-Dimethyloctane 55.34 1.086 IP 9
207 C10-isoparaffin 55.41 1.086 IP 10
208 C10-isoparaffin 55.66 1.086 IP 10
209 1-Methyl,3-ethylbenzene 56.40 1.025 AR 9
210 1-Methyl,4-ethylbenzene 56.68 1.025 AR 9
211 C10-isoparaffin 57.30 1.086 IP 10
212 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 57.61 1.025 AR 9
213 4-Ethyloctane 57.94 1.086 IP 10
214 C10-isoparaffin 58.20 1.086 IP 10
215 C10-isoparaffin 58.28 1.086 IP 10
216 5-Methylnonane 58.64 1.086 IP 10
217 1-Methyl,2-ethylbenzene 59.03 1.025 AR 9
217 4-Methylnonane 59.03 1.086 IP 10
218 2-Methylnonane 59.34 1.086 IP 10
219 C10-naphthene 59.56 1.075 NA 10
220 3-Ethyloctane 59.84 1.086 IP 10
221 C10-isoparaffin 60.19 1.086 IP 10
222 3-Methylnonane 60.41 1.086 IP 10
223 C10-naphthene 60.61 1.075 NA 10
224 C10-naphthene 61.06 1.075 NA 10
225 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 61.55 1.025 AR 9
226 to 232 C11-isoparaffin from 62.00 1.086 Ip 11
to 64.10
233 C10-aromatic 64.29 1.025 AR 10
234 C10-aromatic 64.64 1.025 AR 10
235 N-decane 64.86 1.086 NP 10
236 C11-isoparaffin 65.18 1.086 IP 11
237 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene 65.63 1.025 AR 9
238 1-Methyl,4- 66.08 1.025 AR 10
239 1-Methyl,3- 66.47 1.025 AR 10
240 C11-isoparaffin 66.95 1.086 IP 11
241 Indan 67.24 1.025 AR 9
242 C11-isoparaffin 67.53 1.086 IP 11
243 C11-isoparaffin 67.74 1.086 IP 11
244 1-Methyl,2- 68.13 1.025 AR 10
245 2,6-Dimethylnonane 68.43 1.025 IP 10
246 C11-isoparaffin 68.65 1.086 IP 11
247 C11-isoparaffin 69.19 1.086 IP 11
248 C11-isoparaffin 69.98 1.086 IP 11
249 1,3-Diethylbenzene 70.16 1.030 AR 10
250 1-Methyl,3N- 70.58 1.030 AR 10
251 C10-aromatic 70.76 1.025 AR 10
252 1-Methyl,4N- 71.13 1.030 AR 10
253 C10-aromatic 71.43 1.025 AR 10
254 1,3-Dimethyl,5- 71.64 1.030 AR 10
255 1,4-Diethylbenzene 71.89 1.030 AR 10
256 C12-isoparaffine 72.36 1.086 IP 12
257 1-Methyl,2N- 72.84 1.030 AR 10
258 C12-isoparaffin 73.18 1.086 IP 12
259 C12-isoparaffin 73.71 1.086 IP 12
260 C12-isoparaffin 73.99 1.086 IP 12
261 1,4-Dimethyl,2- 74.44 1.030 AR 10

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 9

D6733 − 01 (2011)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
Nb Compounds Retention, min. Response Factor Hydrocarbon Type Carbon No.
262 1,3-Dimethyl,4- 74.69 1.030 AR 10
263 C12-isoparaffin 75.13 1.086 IP 12
264 1-Methylindan 75.35 1.030 AR 10
265 1,2-Dimethyl,4- 75.61 1.030 AR 10
266 1,3-Dimethyl-2- 76.08 1.030 AR 10
267 C11-isoparaffin 76.45 1.086 IP 11
268 to 271 C12-isoparaffin from 76.64 1.086 IP 12
to 78.20
272 1,2-Dimethyl-3- 78.51 1.030 AR 10
273 C10-naphthene 78.73 1.075 NA 10
274 C12-isoparaffin 78.92 1.086 IP 12
275 C12-isoparaffin 79.32 1.086 IP 12
276 C12-isoparaffin 79.62 1.086 IP 12
277 N-undecane 80.17 1.086 NP 11
278 1,2,4,5- 80.39 1.030 AR 10
279 1,2,3,5- 80.89 1.030 AR 10
280 C12-isoparaffin 81.28 1.086 IP 12
281 to 286 C11-naphthene from 81.53 1.075 NA 11
to 83.00
287 5-Methylindan 83.21 1.030 AR 10
288 C11-aromatic 83.45 1.030 AR 11
289 C11-aromatic 83.90 1.033 AR 11
290 C11-aromatic 84.26 1.033 AR 11
291 4-Methylindan 84.60 1.030 AR 10
292 C11-aromatic 84.83 1.033 AR 11
293 C11-aromatic 85.07 1.033 AR 11
294 1,2,3,4- 85.28 1.030 AR 10
295 to 302 C11-aromatic from 85.64 1.033 AR 11
to 87.70
303 C12-isoparaffin 87.86 1.086 IP 12
304 C12-isoparaffin 88.09 1.086 IP 12
305 Naphthalene 88.33 1.030 AR 10
306 C12-isoparafin 88.52 1.086 IP 12
307 C12-isoparafin 88.92 1.086 IP 12
308 C11-aromatic 89.15 1.033 AR 11
309 C12-isoparafin 89.39 1.086 IP 12
310 C12-isoparafin 89.61 1.086 IP 12
311 C11-aromatic 89.94 1.033 AR 11
312 C12-isoparaffin 90.12 1.086 IP 12
313 to 320 C11-aromatic from 90.40 1.033 AR 11
to 93.30
321 N-dodecane 93.50 1.086 NP 12
322 C13-isoparaffin 93.81 1.033 IP 13
323 to 337 C11-aromatic from 94.23 1.033 AR 11
to 98.06
338 to 340 C11+-aromatic from 98.30 1.033 AR 11+
to 99.30
341 to 347 C13-isoparaffin from 99.46 1.033 AR 11+
to 101.30
348 2-Methylnaphthalene 101.54 1.033 AR 11
349 to 352 C11+-aromatic from 101.70 1.033 AR 11+
to 103.00
353 1-Methylnaphthalene 103.15 1.033 AR 11
354 and + Hydrocarbon C12+ >103.20 1.035
Co-eluted compounds.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 10

D6733 − 01 (2011)
TABLE A1.2 Method 2–Peak Number, Retention Time, Response Factor, Hydrocarbon Type and Carbon Number for Each Component
Nb Compounds Retention, min. Response Factor Hydrocarbon Type Carbon No.
1 Propane 5.08 1.125 IP 3
2 Isobutane 5.84 1.112 IP 4
3 Methanol 6.06 2.850 OX 1
4 Isobutene+1-butene 6.33 1.075 OL 4
5 N-butane 6.55 1.112 NP 4
6 Trans-2-butene 6.83 1.075 OL 4
7 C4-diolefin 6.92 1.045 OL 4
8 CIS-2-butene 7.25 1.075 OL 4
9 Ethanol 8.10 2.300 OX 2
10 3-Methyl-1-butene 8.51 1.075 OL 5
11 Isopentane 9.40 1.105 IP 5
12 1-Pentene 10.33 1.075 OL 5
13 2-Methyl-1-butene 10.78 1.075 OL 5
14 N-pentane 11.12 1.105 NP 5
15 Isoprene 11.45 1.045 OL 5
16 Trans-2-pentene 11.77 1.075 OL 5
17 C5-diene 12.20 1.045 OL 5
18 CIS-2-penteneA 12.40 1.075 OL 5
18 TertiobutylalcoholA 12.40 1.490 OX 5
19 2-Methyl-2-butene 12.82 1.075 OL 5
20 1,Trans-3-pentadiene 13.04 1.075 OL 5
21 1,CIS-3-pentadiene 13.94 1.075 OL 5
22 2,2-Dimethylbutane 14.28 1.100 IP 6
23 1-Cyclopentene 16.14 1.075 OL 5
24 4-Methyl-1-pentene 16.90 1.075 OL 6
25 3-Methyl-1-pentene 17.00 1.075 OL 6
26 Cyclopentane 17.49 1.075 NA 5
27 2,3-Dimethylbutane 17.95 1.100 IP 6
28 MTBE 18.11 1.520 OX 5
29 4-Methyl-CIS-2-pentene 18.52 1.075 OL 6
30 2-Methylpentane 18.68 1.100 IP 6
31 4-Methyl-trans-2-pentene 18.98 1.075 OL 6
32 3-Methylpentane 20.64 1.100 IP 6
33 2-Methyl-1-pentene 21.47 1.075 OL 6
34 1-Hexene 21.64 1.075 OL 6
35 2-Ethyl-1-butene 23.30 1.075 OL 6
36 N-hexane 23.39 1.110 NP 6
37 Trans-3-hexene 23.84 1.075 OL 6
37 CIS-3-hexene 23.84 1.075 OL 6
38 Trans-2-hexene 24.20 1.075 OL 6
39 4-Methyl-1-cyclopentene 24.42 1.075 OL 6
40 2-Methyl-2-pentene 24.58 1.075 OL 6
41 3-Methyl-Trans-2-pentene 24.92 1.075 OL 6
41 3-Methyl-1-cyclopentene 24.92 1.075 OL 6
42 CIS-2-hexene 25.62 1.075 OL 6
43 C6-olefin 25.93 1.075 OL 6
44 3-Methyl-CIS-2-pentene 26.64 1.075 OL 6
45 ETBE 26.75 1.520 OX 6
46 2,2-Dimethylpentane 27.15 1.099 IP 6
46 1-Methylcyclopentane 27.15 1.075 NA 6
47 C6-olefin 27.66 1.075 OL 6
48 2,4-Dimethylpentane 28.28 1.099 IP 7
48 C6-olefin 28.28 1.075 OL 6
49 C6-olefin 28.58 1.075 OL 6
50 2,2,3-Trimethylbutane 28.79 1.099 IP 7
51 C6-olefin 29.14 1.075 OL 6
52 C7-olefin 29.27 1.075 OL 7
53 C7-olefin 30.11 1.075 OL 7
54 C7-olefin 30.82 1.075 OL 7
55 BenzeneA 31.01 1.000 AR 6
55 1-Methyl-1-cyclopenteneA 31.01 1.075 OL 6
56 C7-olefin 31.72 1.075 OL 7
57 3,3-Dimethylpentane 32.20 1.075 IP 7
58 Cyclohexane 32.50 1.075 NA 6
59 C7-olefin 32.76 1.075 OL 7
60 C7-olefin 32.95 1.075 OL 7
61 C7-olefin 33.30 1.075 OL 7
62 C7-olefin 33.46 1.075 OL 7
63 C7-olefin 33.72 1.075 OL 7
64 C7-olefin 34.03 1.075 OL 7
65 C7-olefin 34.51 1.075 OL 7
66 2-Methylhexane 34.81 1.099 IP 7
66 2,3-Dimethylpentane 34.81 1.099 IP 7
66 1,1-Dimethylcyclopentane 34.81 1.075 NA 7
67 Cyclohexene 35.28 1.075 OL 7

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 11

D6733 − 01 (2011)
TABLE A1.2 Continued
Nb Compounds Retention, min. Response Factor Hydrocarbon Type Carbon No.
68 3-Methylhexane 36.23 1.099 IP 7
69 C7-olefin 36.95 1.075 OL 7
69 CIS-1,3- 36.95 1.075 NA 7
70 Trans-1,3- 37.42 1.075 NA 7
71 3-Ethylpentane 37.92 1.099 IP 7
72 Trans-1,2- 38.10 1.075 NA 7
73 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 38.42 1.096 IP 8
74 C7-olefin 38.58 1.075 OL 7
75 C7-naphthene 38.68 1.075 NA 7
76 C7-olefin 39.21 1.075 OL 7
77 C7-olefin 39.63 1.075 OL 7
78 C7-olefin 40.05 1.075 OL 7
79 C7-olefin 40.31 1.075 OL 7
80 N-heptane 40.58 1.099 NP 7
81 C7-olefin 40.77 1.075 OL 7
82 C7-olefin 40.97 1.075 OL 7
83 C7-olefin 41.17 1.075 OL 7
84 C7-olefin 41.46 1.075 OL 7
85 C7-olefin 41.63 1.075 OL 7
86 C7-olefin 41.87 1.075 OL 7
87 C7-olefin 42.03 1.075 OL 7
88 C7-olefin 42.17 1.075 OL 7
89 C7-olefin 42.62 1.075 OL 7
90 C7-olefin 42.79 1.075 OL 7
91 C7-olefin 43.09 1.075 OL 7
92 1-Methylcyclohexane 43.32 1.075 NA 7
92 CIS-1,2- 43.32 1.075 NA 7
93 1,1,3- 44.07 1.075 NA 8
94 2,2-Dimethylhexane 44.34 1.096 IP 8
95 C8-olefin 44.92 1.075 OL 8
96 C8-olefin 45.30 1.075 OL 8
97 1-Ethylcyclopentane 45.51 1.075 NA 7
98 2,2,3-Trimetylpentane 46.00 1.096 IP 8
99 2,5-Dimethylhexane 46.15 1.096 IP 8
100 2,4-Dimethylhexane 46.43 1.096 IP 8
101 1,Trans2,CIS4- 47.12 1.075 NA 8
102 3,3-Dimethylhexane 47.44 1.096 IP 8
103 C8-olefin 47.64 1.075 OL 8
104 C8-olefin 48.19 1.075 OL 8
105 1,Trans2,CIS3- 48.38 1.075 NA 8
106 C8-olefin 48.63 1.075 OL 8
107 2,3,4-Trimetylpentane 48.92 1.096 IP 8
108 2,3,4-TrimetylpentaneA 49.50 1.096 IP 8
108 TolueneA 49.50 1.008 AR 7
109 C8-olefin 50.07 1.075 OL 8
110 C8-olefin 50.32 1.075 OL 8
111 C8-olefin 50.54 1.075 OL 8
112 C8-olefin 50.67 1.075 OL 8
113 2,3-Dimethylhexane 50.91 1.096 IP 8
114 2-Methyl-3-ethylpentane 51.23 1.096 IP 8
115 C8-naphthene 51.34 1.075 NA 8
116 2-Methylheptane 52.04 1.096 IP 8
117 4-Methylheptane 52.27 1.096 IP 8
118 3,4-Dimethylhexane 52.34 1.096 IP 8
119 C8-olefin 52.60 1.075 OL 8
120 C8-olefin 52.95 1.075 OL 8
121 3-Methylheptane 53.26 1.096 IP 8
122 1,CIS-3- 53.40 1.075 NA 8
122 1,Trans-4- 53.40 1.075 NA 8
122 1,CIS2,Trans3- 53.40 1.075 NA 8
123 C8-olefin 53.87 1.075 OL 8
124 C8-olefin 54.08 1.075 OL 8
125 C8-olefin 54.34 1.075 OL 8
126 C8-olefin 54.73 1.075 OL 8
127 2,2,5-Trimethylhexane 55.06 1.093 IP 9

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 12

D6733 − 01 (2011)
TABLE A1.2 Continued
Nb Compounds Retention, min. Response Factor Hydrocarbon Type Carbon No.
128 1-Me-T3- 55.42 1.075 NA 8
128 C8–olefin 55.42 1.075 NA 8
129 1-Methyl-CIS- 55.63 1.075 NA 8
129 C8-olefin 55.42 1.075 OL 8
130 1-Methyl-Trans-2- 55.84 1.075 NA 8
130 C8-olefin 55.84 1.075 OL 8
131 1-Methyl-1- 55.94 1.075 NA 8
131 C8-olefin 55.94 1.075 OL 8
132 1,Trans-2- 56.29 1.075 NA 8
133 C8-olefin 56.50 1.075 OL 8
134 C8-olefin 56.80 1.075 OL 8
135 C8-olefin 57.24 1.075 OL 8
136 C8-naphthene 57.70 1.075 NA 8
136 N-Octane 57.70 1.096 NP 8
137 C8-olefin 58.32 1.075 OL 8
138 C8-olefin 58.50 1.075 OL 8
139 C8-olefin 58.66 1.075 OL 8
140 2,2,4-Trimethylhexane 58.82 1.093 IP 9
141 C8-olefin 59.59 1.075 OL 8
142 2,3,5-Trimethylhexane 60.28 1.093 IP 9
143 C8-olefin 60.40 1.075 OL 8
144 2,2-Dimethylheptane 60.89 1.093 IP 9
145 C8-olefin 61.07 1.075 OL 8
146 1,CIS-2- 61.31 1.075 NA 8
147 2,4-Dimethylheptane 61.54 1.093 IP 9
148 C8-olefin 61.77 1.075 OL 8
149 1-Ethylcyclohexane 62.17 1.075 NA 8
150 C9-naphthene 62.42 1.075 NA 9
151 2,6-Dimethylheptane 62.59 1.093 IP 9
152 C9-naphthene 63.02 1.075 NA 9
153 2,5-Dimethylheptane 63.60 1.093 IP 9
154 C8-olefin 63.79 1.075 IP 9
155 C8-olefin 64.10 1.075 OL 8
156 C8-olefin 64.33 1.075 OL 8
157 ethylbenzene 65.02 1.018 OL 8
158 C9-naphthene 65.40 1.075 AR 8
159 C8-olefin 65.77 1.075 OL 8
160 Metaxylene 66.46 1.018 AR 8
161 Paraxylene 66.60 1.018 AR 8
162 C9-naphthene 66.97 1.075 NA 9
163 3,4-Dimethylheptane 67.08 1.093 IP 9
164 4-Ethylheptane 67.42 1.093 IP 9
165 4-Methyloctane 67.89 1.093 IP 9
166 2-Methyloctane 68.04 1.093 IP 9
167 C9-isoparaffin 68.78 1.075 IP 9
168 3-Ethylheptane 68.97 1.093 IP 9
168 3-Methyloctane 68.97 1.093 IP 9
169 Orthoxylene 69.65 1.018 AR 8
170 C9-naphthene 70.12 1.075 NA 9
171 C9-naphthene 70.52 1.075 NA 9
172 C10-isoparaffin 70.68 1.086 IP 10
173 C10-isoparaffin 71.05 1.086 IP 10
174 C10-isoparaffin 71.58 1.086 IP 10
175 C9-olefin 71.99 1.075 OL 9
176 C9-olefin 72.23 1.075 OL 9
177 C9-naphthene 72.47 1.075 NA 9
178 C9-naphthene 72.88 1.075 NA 9
178 N-nonane 72.88 1.093 NP 9
179 C9-naphthene 73.29 1.075 NA 9
180 C9-olefin 73.68 1.075 OL 9
181 isopropylbenzene 74.23 1.025 AR 9
182 C10-isoparaffin 74.71 1.025 IP 10
183 C10-isoparaffin 75.19 1.086 IP 10
184 C10-isoparaffin 75.46 1.086 IP 10
185 C10-isoparaffin 76.20 1.086 IP 10
186 C10-isoparaffin 76.41 1.086 IP 10
187 2,7-Dimethyloctane 77.05 1.086 IP 10
188 2,6-Dimethyloctane 77.56 1.086 IP 10
189 N-propylbenzene 78.15 1.025 AR 9

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 13

D6733 − 01 (2011)
TABLE A1.2 Continued
Nb Compounds Retention, min. Response Factor Hydrocarbon Type Carbon No.
190 C10-isoparaffin 78.51 1.086 IP 10
191 1-Methyl,3-ethylbenzene 79.18 1.025 AR 9
192 1-Methyl,4-ethylbenzene 79.42 1.025 AR 9
193 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 80.14 1.025 AR 9
194 C10-isoparaffin 80.81 1.086 IP 10
195 C10-isoparaffin 81.04 1.086 IP 10
196 1-Methyl,2-ethylbenzene 81.31 1.025 AR 9
197 C10-isoparaffin 81.78 1.086 IP 10
198 C10-isoparaffin 82.15 1.086 IP 10
199 C10-naphthene 82.53 1.075 NA 9
200 C10-isoparaffin 82.76 1.086 IP 10
201 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 83.25 1.025 AR 9
202 C10-naphthene 83.60 1.086 NA 10
203 C10-isoparaffin 83.72 1.086 IP 10
204 C10-Aromatic 84.82 1.025 AR 10
205 C10-Aromatic 85.05 1.025 AR 10
206 C10-Aromatic 85.37 1.025 AR 10
207 N-decane 85.54 1.086 NP 10
208 C10-Aromatic 85.87 1.025 AR 10
209 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene 86.42 1.025 AR 9
210 1-Methyl,4- 86.59 1.025 AR 10
211 1-Methyl,3- 86.97 1.025 AR 10
212 C11-isoparaffin 87.45 1.025 IP 10
213 Indan 87.71 1.025 AR 9
214 C11-isoparaffin 88.02 1.025 IP 10
215 1-Methyl,2- 88.40 1.025 AR 10
216 C11-isoparaffin 88.77 1.025 IP 10
217 1,3-Diethylbenzene 89.68 1.030 AR 10
218 1-Methyl,3N- 89.99 1.030 AR 10
219 1-Methyl,4N- 90.43 1.030 AR 10
220 1,3-Dimethyl,5- 90.74 1.030 AR 10
221 C10-Aromatic 91.02 1.030 AR 10
222 1-Methyl,2N- 91.71 1.030 AR 10
223 C12-isoparaffin 92.21 1.086 IP 12
224 C12-isoparaffin 92.52 1.086 IP 12
225 1,4-Dimethyl,2- 92.83 1.030 AR 10
226 1,3-Dimethyl,4- 93.02 1.030 AR 10
227 C12-isoparaffin 93.45 1.086 IP 12
228 1-Methylindan 93.68 1.030 AR 10
228 1,2-Dimethyl,4- 93.68 1.030 AR 10
229 C12-isoparaffin 94.15 1.086 IP 12
230 C12-isoparaffin 94.35 1.086 IP 12
231 1,3-Dimethyl-2- 94.53 1.030 AR 10
232 C11-isoparaffin 95.09 1.086 IP 11
233 C12-isoparaffin 95.53 1.086 IP 12
234 1,2-Dimethyl-3- 95.85 1.030 AR 10
235 C10-naphthene 96.17 1.075 NA 10
236 C12-isoparaffin 96.41 1.086 IP 12
237 N-Undecane 96.59 1.086 NP 11
238 C12-isoparaffin 96.80 1.086 IP 12
239 1,2,4,5- 97.15 1.030 AR 10
240 1,2,3,5- 97.51 1.030 AR 10
241 C11-naphthene 98.11 1.075 NA 11
242 C11-isoparaffin 98.53 1.025 IP 10
243 5-Methylindan 99.27 1.030 AR 10
244 C11-Aromatic 99.75 1.033 AR 11
245 C11-Aromatic 100.05 1.033 AR 11
246 4-Methylindan 100.32 1.030 AR 10
247 C11-Aromatic 100.57 1.033 AR 11
248 1,2,3,4- 100.77 1.030 AR 10

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 14

D6733 − 01 (2011)
TABLE A1.2 Continued
Nb Compounds Retention, min. Response Factor Hydrocarbon Type Carbon No.
249 to 254 C11-aromatic from 101.25 1.033 AR 11
to 103.20
255 Naphthalene 103.30 1.030 AR 10
256 C12-isoparaffin 103.85 1.086 IP 12
257 to 263 C11-aromatic from 104.10 1.030 AR 11
to 107.50
264 N-dodecane 107.81 1.086 NP 12
265 to 274 C11+-aromatic from 107.90 1.033 AR 11+
to 114.00
275 2-Methylnaphthalene 114.09 1.033 AR 11
276 1-Methylnaphthalene 115.54 1.033 AR 11
277 and + Hydrocarbon C12+ >115.70 1.035
Co-eluted compounds.

FIG. A1.1 Method 1–Reference Chromatogram with Retention Times and Peak Numbers

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 15

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FIG. A1.1 Method 1–Reference Chromatogram with Retention Times and Peak Numbers (continued)

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 16

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FIG. A1.1 Method 1–Reference Chromatogram with Retention Times and Peak Numbers (continued)

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 17

D6733 − 01 (2011)

FIG. A1.1 Method 1–Reference Chromatogram with Retention Times and Peak Numbers (continued)

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 18

D6733 − 01 (2011)

FIG. A1.2 Method 2–Reference Chromatogram

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 19

D6733 − 01 (2011)

FIG. A1.2 Method 2–Reference Chromatogram (continued)

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 20

D6733 − 01 (2011)

FIG. A1.2 Method 2–Reference Chromatogram (continued)

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 21

D6733 − 01 (2011)

FIG. A1.2 Method 2–Reference Chromatogram (continued)

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 22

D6733 − 01 (2011)


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 The following publications on DHA analyses may be Gasolines by Capillary Gas Chromatography,” SAE Paper No.
useful as background and are recommended to the user of these 930144, March, 1993.
test procedures:
X1.1.5 DiSanzo, F. P. and Giarrocco, V. G., “Analysis of
X1.1.1 Johansen, N. G. and Ettre, L. S. “Retention Index Pressurized Gasoline-Range Liquid Hydrocarbon Samples by
Values of Hydrocarbons on Open Tubular Columns Coated Capillary Column and PIONA Analyzer Gas Chromatogra-
with Methyl Silicone Liquid Phases,” Chromatographia, Vol 5, phy,” Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol 26, June 1988,
No. 10, October 1982. pp 258-266.
X1.1.2 Johansen, N. G., Ettre, L. S., and Miller, R. L.
X1.1.6 Durand, J. P., Beboluene, J. J. and Ducrozet, A.,
“Quantitative Analysis of Hydrocarbons by Structural Group
“Detailed Characterization of Petroleum Products with Capil-
Type in Gasolines and Distillates. Part 1,” Journal of Chroma-
lary GC Analyzers” Analusis, 23, 1995, pp. 481-483.
tography, 256, 1983, pp. 393-417.
X1.1.3 Kopp, V. R., Bones, C. J., Doerr, D. G., Ho, S. P., X1.1.7 Canadian General Standards Board: CAN/
and Schubert, A. J. “Heavy Hydrocarbon/Volatility Study: Fuel CGSB–3.0, No.14.3-94, “Test Method for Individual Hydro-
Blending and Analysis for the Auto/Oil Air Quality Improve- carbon Component Analysis (IHA) in Spark Ignition Engine
ment Research Program,” SAE Paper No. 930143, March, Fuels by Gas Chromatography.”
1993. X1.1.8 French Standard NF N07-086, December 1995,
X1.1.4 Schubert, A. J. and Johansen, N. J. “Cooperative “Determination of Hydrocarbon Type Contents in Motor Gaso-
Study to Evaluate a Standard Test Method for the Speciation of lines from Detailed Analysis Capillary Gas Chromatography.”

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