Getting Started May

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Thermo Scientific

Gas Chromatograph
Getting Started
PN 31709230, Revision May 2007

TRACE™ GC Ultra Getting Started
May 2007 Edition
Part Number 317 092 30
© 2007 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
Printed in Italy

Published by Thermo Electron S.p.A., Strada Rivoltana, 20090 Rodano - Milan - Italy
Tel: +39 02 95059373 Fax: +39 02 95059388

Printing History: First Edition, released June 1998.

Second Edition, released November 1998.
Third Edition, released June 1999.
Fourth Edition, released January 2001
Fifth Edition, released January 2002
Sixth Edition, released April 2002
Seventh Edition, released May 2003
Eighth Edition, released April 2004
Ninth Edition, released January 2005
Tenth Edition, released September 2005
Eleventh Edition, released January 2007
Twelfth Edition, released May 2007

Technical Information contained in this publication is for reference purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Every effort has
been made to supply complete and accurate information; however, Thermo Fisher Scientific assumes no responsibility and will not be liable
for any errors, omissions, damage, or loss that might result from any use of this manual or the information contained therein (even if this
information is properly followed and problems still arise).

This publication is not part of the Agreement of Sale between Thermo Fisher Scientific and the purchaser of a TRACE™ GC system. In the
event of any conflict between the provisions of this document and those contained in Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Terms and Conditions, the
provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall govern.

Reference to System Configurations and Specifications supercede all previous information and are subject to change without notice.

TRACE™ GC Ultra is a trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., and its Subsidiaries. Other brand and product names may be trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Manufacturer: Thermo Electron S.p.A.
Thermo Electron S.p.A. is the manufacturer of the instrument described in this
manual and, as such, is responsible for the instrument safety, reliability and
performance only if:
• installation
• re-calibration
• changes and repairs

have been carried out by authorized personnel and if:

• the local installation complies with local law regulations
• the instrument is used according to the instructions provided, and if its
operation is only entrusted to qualified, trained personnel

Thermo Italia S.p.A. is not liable for any damages derived from the non-
compliance with the aforementioned recommendations.

Thermo Electron S.p.A.

Strada Rivoltana
20090 Rodano (MI)
About This Manual................................................................................................................................vii
Overview ..................................................................................................................................vii
Conventions Used in This Manual..........................................................................................viii
Instrument Markings and Symbols ...........................................................................................xi
Using the TRACE GC Ultra Document Set............................................................................xiii

Chapter 1
Configuring the Instrument .................................................................................................................15
Getting Ready........................................................................................................................... 16
Navigating TRACE GC Ultra Menus ...................................................................................... 18
Viewing a Submenu .................................................................................................... 18
Editing a Menu Item ................................................................................................... 20

Chapter 2
Working with Detectors........................................................................................................................21
Installing Detectors .................................................................................................................. 21
Getting the Most from the Detector ......................................................................................... 23

Chapter 3
Operating the
TRACE GC Ultra....................................................................................................................................25
Setting Up an Analysis............................................................................................................. 26
Example ...................................................................................................................... 27
Injecting a Test Mixture ........................................................................................................... 28

Chapter 4
Automating Your Analyses ..................................................................................................................35
Developing an Analytical Method ........................................................................................... 35
Autosampler Sequence Basics ................................................................................................. 37

Appendix A
Customer Communication...................................................................................................................39
How To Contact Us.................................................................................................................. 39
Reader Survey ............................................................................................................. 40

Glossary ................................................................................................................................................45

Index ......................................................................................................................................................51

Getting Started v

vi Getting Started
About This Manual
The TRACE GC Ultra Getting Started manual offers step-by-step instructions for
making your first analysis with the TRACE GC Ultra a success. If you follow the
procedures provided, by the end of the guide you will have:
• checked the TRACE GC Ultra’s software configuration to make sure it
matches the hardware configuration and your purchase order
• installed the detectors, if necessary
• analyzed a standard test mixture
• gained an understanding of the possibilities for automating analyses

This guide is written for users with some experience in gas chromatography. Less
experienced users are encouraged to explore additional sources of information. If
you would like more instruction, ask your customer service representative about
Thermo Fisher Scientific training courses in basic gas chromatography.

WARNING! Before using this guide, you must have already prepared your workspace and installed the
TRACE GC Ultra in accordance with the TRACE GC Ultra Site Preparation and Installation

This manual is organized as follows:

Chapter 1, Configuring the Instrument, explains how to check and modify the
TRACE GC Ultra’s configuration by examining and editing the software menus.

Chapter 2, Working with Detectors, explains how to install a detector on the

TRACE GC Ultra. It also contains detector parameters and operating tips.

Chapter 3, Operating the TRACE GC Ultra, contains instructions to run an


Chapter 4, Automating Your Analyses, discusses the basics of automation in

analytical methods and autosampler sequences.

Getting Started vii

About This Manual Conventions Used in This Manual

Appendix A, Customer Communication, contains contact information for Thermo

Fisher Scientific offices worldwide. Use the Reader Survey in this section to give
us feedback on this manual and help us improve the quality of our documents.

The Glossary contains definitions of terms used in this guide and the help
diskette. This also includes abbreviations, acronyms, metric prefixes, and

The Index contains an alphabetical list of key terms and topics in this guide,
including cross-references and the corresponding page numbers.

Conventions Used in This Manual

The following symbols and typographical conventions are used throughout this

Bold Bold text indicates names of windows, menus, dialog boxes,

buttons, and fields.
Italic Italic indicates cross references, first references to important
terms defined in the glossary, and special emphasis.
Monospace Monospace, or Courier, indicates filenames and filepaths, or
text the user should enter with the keyboard.
Monospace Monospace Bold indicates messages or prompts displayed on
Bold the computer screen or on a digital display.
» This symbol illustrates menu paths to select, such as
KEY NAME Bold, uppercase sans serif font indicates the name of a key on
a keyboard or keypad, such as <ENTER>.
This symbol alerts you to an action or procedure that, if
CAUTION performed improperly, could damage the instrument.

viii Getting Started

Conventions Used in This Manual About This Manual

This symbol alerts you to important information related to the

NOTE text in the previous paragraph.

This symbol alerts you to an action or procedure that, if

WARNING! performed improperly, could result in damage to the
instrument or possible physical harm to the user. This symbol
may be followed by icons indicating special precautions that
should be taken to avoid injury.
This symbol indicates electric shock hazard.

This symbol indicates danger from hazardous chemicals.

This symbol indicates danger from high temperature surfaces

or substances.

This symbol indicates a fire hazard.

This symbol indicates an explosion hazard.

This symbol indicates a toxic hazard.

This symbol indicates the presence of flammable materials.

This symbol indicates the presence of radioactive material.

Getting Started ix
About This Manual Conventions Used in This Manual

This symbol indicates an operation or procedure that must

NOT be performed by the user. A Thermo Fisher Scientific
authorized Customer Support Engineer must perform this
This symbol indicates all metal objects, such as watches and
jewelry, must be taken off.

This symbol indicates an eye hazard. Eye protection must be


This symbol indicates the user must wear a protective screen

when performing the procedure.

This symbol indicates the user must wear protective shoes

when performing the procedure.

This symbol indicates the user must wear protective clothing

when performing the procedure.

This symbol indicates the user must wear gloves when

performing the procedure.

x Getting Started
Instrument Markings and Symbols About This Manual

Instrument Markings and Symbols

The following table explains the symbols used on Thermo Fisher Scientific
instruments. Only a few of them are used on the TRACE GC Ultra gas

Symbol Description
Direct Current

Alternating Current

Both direct and alternating current

Three-phase alternating current


Earth (ground) terminal

Protective conductor terminal

Frame or chassis terminal


On (Supply)

Off (Supply)

Getting Started xi
About This Manual Instrument Markings and Symbols

Symbol Description
Equipment protected throughout by DOUBLE
(Equivalent to Class II of IEC 536)
Instruction manual symbol affixed to product. Indicates
that the user must refer to the manual for specific
Warning or Caution information to avoid personal injury
or damage to the product.
Caution, risk of electric shock

Caution, hot surface

Caution (refer to accompanying documents)

In-position of a bistable push control

Out-position of a bistable push control

Symbol in compliance to the Directive 2002/96/EC on

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipments (WEEE)
placed on the european market after August, 13, 2005.

xii Getting Started

Using the TRACE GC Ultra Document Set About This Manual

Using the TRACE GC Ultra Document Set

The TRACE GC Ultra Document Set (CD-Rom PN 317 095 00) includes all
manuals in electronic format, and serves as your library for information about the
TRACE hardware and software.
The TRACE GC Ultra Document Set (PN 317 093 00) as paper copy is also
available Furthermore,Thermo Fisher Scientific part numbers (PN) for the paper
copy manuals are provided for each book title.

Acceptance Package (PN 317 092 20)

This folder contains required shipping documents and quality report forms.

Site Preparation and Installation Manual (PN 317 091 90)

This manual and diskette describes how to set up a workspace for the
TRACE GC and how to connect the instrument to the gas supplies and peripheral
devices. It also contains a list of spare parts.

Getting Started (PN 317 092 30)

This guide contains procedures for checking configuration, installing detectors,
and making a first analysis with the TRACE GC Ultra.

Operating Manual (PN 317 091 70)

This manual provides descriptions of the TRACE GC Ultra hardware and
software and instructions for their use. It also contains the instrument warranty.

UFM Ultra Fast Module Device (PN 317 093 98)

This manual provides descriptions of the TRACE GC Ultra equipped with the
UFM device. and instructions for it use.

Quick Reference Card (PN 317 092 40)

This reference card contains guidelines for carrier gas use and injection

K-Factor Quick Reference (P/N 317 092 41)

This reference card contains information to interpretate results from a Column

Getting Started xiii

Preventive Maintenance Schedule (PN 317 092 80)
This document provides a recommended maintenance schedule and a year-long
log book to record maintenance, observations, supply lists, and service records.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide (PN 317 091 80)

This manual contains instructions for diagnosing and resolving operational

Standard Operating Procedures (PN 317 092 00)

This manual contains a series of instructions, operations and test criteria for final
testing of the TRACE GC Ultra.

Spare Parts Catalog (P/N 317 092 10)

This manual contains the spare parts catalog of the TRACE GC Ultra System.
Configuring the
This chapter explains how to check and modify the TRACE GC Ultra’s
configuration by examining and editing the software menus. To configure an
instrument, you match the software specifications with the hardware. If a Thermo
Fisher Scientific customer service engineer has already performed this task, you
do not need to repeat it unless you wish to change the configuration. For instance,
if you want to exchange detectors, you will need to edit the RIGHT or LEFT
DETECTOR menus and possibly others.

The TRACE GC Ultra has been configured to your specifications at the factory.
Now you will check your purchase order against the instrument settings.

Chapter at a Glance…
Getting Ready.......................................................................................................16
Navigating TRACE GC Ultra Menus...................................................................18

Getting Started 15
Chapter 1
Configuring the Instrument Getting Ready

Getting Ready
If a Thermo Fisher Scientific customer service engineer installed your instrument,
your detectors probably have been installed. If not, you will check the
configuration and install the detectors accordingly. For instance, if the LEFT
DETECTOR menu specifies an FID (flame ionization detector), you will install an
FID at the left detector position.

CAUTION Before turning on the TRACE GC Ultra, check to see which detectors were ordered
with your instrument. If an ECD (electron capture detector) will be used, do not turn
on the power until it has been installed. If these detectors are configured but not
installed, the TRACE GC Ultra could shut down. For installation instructions, see
Working with Detectors on page 21.

After the ECD detectors are installed, turn on the power switch.

16 Getting Started
Chapter 1
Getting Ready Configuring the Instrument

Figure 1-1 below shows the TRACE GC Ultra keypad. To check the
configuration, you will use the keypad to call up the appropriate menus.


Figure 1-1. TRACE GC Ultra Keypad

Getting Started 17
Chapter 1
Configuring the Instrument Navigating TRACE GC Ultra Menus

To see the configuration settings for your instrument, press CONFIG. The
CONFIGURATION main menu appears. Each item in the CONFIGURATION main
menu leads to a submenu.

Navigating TRACE GC Ultra Menus

The display screen on the keypad shows the TRACE GC Ultra menus, and can
show up to three lines at a time. If the menu has more than three lines, a scroll
indicator (↓, ↑ , or ) in the upper right corner of the display indicates which

direction you can scroll to see additional lines. A title bar in capital letters always
appears on the top line to let you know which menu you are viewing.

Viewing a Submenu
When you press CONFIG, the CONFIGURATION main menu appears. Use the
following procedure to examine the configuration submenus.

1. Press to move through the menu. The cursor (<) moves as you scroll.

2. To see a submenu, press ENTER or MODE/TYPE. If the configured options are

incorrect, use the procedure in Editing a Menu Item on page 20 to correct

3. To return to the main menu or the next higher level menu, press CLEAR.

Figure 1-2 below shows how the OVEN submenu display might look.

Temp 40 40 <
Initial time 0.00

Ramp 1 Off

Figure 1-2. Oven Menu Display

Table 1-1 shows the CONFIGURATION main menu and explains what to check for.

18 Getting Started
Chapter 1
Navigating TRACE GC Ultra Menus Configuring the Instrument

Table 1-1. Main Configuration Menu

Menu Comments and Checkpoints
CONFIG↓ The scroll indicator (↓) denotes that the menu contains more items than
what is currently shown on the display.
Oven< q If you ordered oven cryogenic options, they should appear in this
Active inlet q This menu item should appear if you ordered a column select valve.
Left inlet Controls mode for left on-column. No options appear if you are using a
split/splitless or packed column inlet.
q Check to see that the inlet and mode you specified is configured.
Left carrier q Check that the correct carrier gas for the left inlet has been chosen.
q If you ordered a hydrogen sensor, H2 should appear on this menu.
Right inlet Controls mode for the right on-column. No options will appear if you are
using a split/splitless or packed column inlet.
q Check to see that the inlet and mode you specified is configured.
Right carrier q Check that the correct carrier gas for the right inlet has been chosen.
q If you ordered a hydrogen sensor, H2 should appear on this menu.
Left detector q Check that the detector type matches your order.
Right detector q Check that the detector type matches your order.
Aux detector q If you ordered an auxiliary detector, this item should appear.
Aux Zones q If you ordered auxiliary devices such as a jet separator, they should
appear in this menu.
Time Sets time and date.
Valves q If you ordered any extra valves, they should appear on this menu.
(A valve oven’s three valves would be listed here.)
Autosampler q If an autosampler is not connected, the submenu will not appear when
you select it.
Handshaking Configures signal polarity to and from external devices.
Keyboard & Controls keyboard and display preferences.

Getting Started 19
Chapter 1
Configuring the Instrument Navigating TRACE GC Ultra Menus

Editing a Menu Item

If you need to make changes to a submenu, use the following procedure.

1. To select a menu item, use the key to scroll through the menu until the
cursor (<) points to the item you want to edit.

2. To display the selected field’s range and options, press the INFO/DIAG key
once. If the field cannot be edited, no information will appear. Press CLEAR to
return to the menu.

3. You can change the field’s content in several ways:

• To choose on/off or yes/no, use the ON/YES and OFF/NO keys.

• To enter a number, use the numeric keypad.

• If the field cannot be filled with on/off, yes/no, or a number, press ENTER
or MODE/TYPE to display a submenu of choices. In the submenu, you
might use the keypad, or you might select an item by scrolling with the
arrow keys. While you are editing a numeric field, a blinking asterisk (*)
appears to the right of the menu item.

NOTE You cannot edit items in parentheses.

4. When you have entered the proper information in the field, press ENTER to
load the new setpoint. The blinking asterisk disappears and the cursor
advances to the next menu item.

To erase an entry before choosing it, press CLEAR.

5. Use the key to scroll to the next item you want to edit.

Do you want to know more?

For more information on configuring the TRACE GC Ultra, see Chapter 3,
Configuration, in the TRACE GC Ultra Operating Manual.

20 Getting Started
Working with Detectors
This chapter explains how to install a detector on the TRACE GC Ultra. It also
contains detector parameters and operating tips.

Chapter at a Glance…
Installing Detectors...............................................................................................21
Getting the Most from the Detector......................................................................23

The FID (Flame Ionization Detector), NPD (Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector), FPD
(Flame Photometric Detector), PID (Photoionization Detector), TCD (Thermal
Conductivity Detector) and PDD (Pulsed Discharge Detector) are already
installed on the TRACE GC Ultra according to your requirements. Due to Local
Regulations of radioactive materials, the ECD (Electron Capture Detector) is sent
separately from the GC unit.
If you need to install other detectors, do so in accordance with the configuration
settings. For example, if the left detector is specified as an ECD, install the ECD
on the left side.

Installing Detectors
The detector base body allows you to easily install or exchange detectors. Use the
following procedure to install a detector.

1. Remove the TRACE GC Ultra cover plate from the top of the instrument.

2. Install the appropriate detector.

3. Tighten the detector nut.

4. Attach the appropriately labeled cables to the detector body.

Getting Started 21
Chapter 2
Working with Detectors Installing Detectors

Figure 2-1 shows how an ECD would fit into the detector base body.

Figure 2-1. Detector Installation Diagram

Do you want to know more?

For more information on installing and maintaining detectors, see the
TRACE GC Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual.

22 Getting Started
Chapter 2
Getting the Most from the Detector Working with Detectors

Getting the Most from the Detector

Table 2-1 describes the TRACE GC Ultra detector options, parameters, possible
applications, and operating suggestions.

Table 2-1. Detector Options, Sensitivities, and Tips

Detectable Linear Typical Operating
Detector Amount Range Applications Tips
FID 2 pg C/s 106 • hydrocarbons Make sure the flame is adjusted
• almost all organic correctly. For maximum
compounds, such as sensitivity with capillary
alcohols, essential oils, columns, use makeup gas
and fatty acids (nitrogen).
NPD N 0.05 pg/s 104 • triazine herbicides Both sensitivity and specificity
P 0.02 pg/s • organophosphorus are affected by the amount of
pesticides (EPA 507) hydrogen flow and the amount
of heat supplied to the
• nicotine, caffeine thermionic source.
(EPA 607) Avoid column liquid phases
with N or P, halogenated
solvents, and silylation
ECD 0.01pg/s 104 • organochlorinated Use a filter to trap oxygen and
(lindane) pesticides water.
• halogenated
contaminants in water
and soil
• PCBs in oil
FPD P = 0.1 pgP/s 10 (P) • organophosphorus The detector is equipped with
S = 5 pgS/s pesticide sulphur interference (394 nm).
• phosphine Use 526 nm interference filter
• sulphur gases for phosphorus determinations.

Getting Started 23
Chapter 2
Working with Detectors Getting the Most from the Detector

Table 2-1. Detector Options, Sensitivities, and Tips (Continued)

Detectable Linear Typical Operating
Detector Amount Range Applications Tips
PID Benzene 1 pg/s 105 • low boiling aromatics Select proper UV lamp
(using 10.6 eV (BTEX) according to the application.
UV lamp) • policyclic aromatic
• amines
TCD 600 pg 10 • permanents gases Select Constant Voltage
ethane/ml • organic and inorganic operation mode for maximum
He carrier compounds not linearity.
detectable by FID such
as carbon disulphide,
ammonia, water
PDD 0.2 pg/s 105 • permanents gases Use only Helium of high purity
methane • light hydrocarbons (99.999%) along with an
helium purifier on both the
• organic and inorganic carrier and discharge gas lines.
compounds not
detectable by FID such
as carbon disulphide,
ammonia, water

WARNING! Because of its radioactive source, an ECD has special handling and reporting

24 Getting Started
Operating the
This chapter contains instructions to run an analysis. With all components
installed and configured, you are ready to make the first run, probably a simple
manual injection of a test mixture. You will need to have your data system or
integrator connected and turned on to see the chromatogram. Save the first
chromatogram to compare future performance and to help resolve service issues.

Chapter at a Glance…
Setting Up an Analysis .........................................................................................26
Injecting a Test Mixture........................................................................................28

Getting Started 25
Chapter 3
Operating the TRACE GC Ultra Setting Up an Analysis

Setting Up an Analysis
1. Choose the text mixture or standard you will inject. Your choice will depend
on your intended applications and standard laboratory practice.

2. A default analytical method has been installed in the TRACE GC Ultra. To

see its parameters, press each of the keys shown in Figure 3-1 and examine
the settings for each menu item.

Figure 3-1. Zone and Device Keys to Set Run Parameters

3. If you want to make changes to any menu, follow the procedures outlined in
Editing a Menu Item on page 20.

26 Getting Started
Chapter 3
Setting Up an Analysis Operating the TRACE GC Ultra

Menu settings to run the Thermo Fisher Scientific Calibration Mixture for an
FID (PN 338 190 20) with a splitless injection might look like those in the
following figure:


Temp 50 50 Temp 230 230 Flame On

Initial time 1.00 Pressure 30 30 Base temp 250 250

Ramp 1 20.0 Mode splitless Signal pA (3.1)

Final temp 1 200 Total flow (60.0) Ignition thresh 2.0

Final time 1 1.0 Split flow 57 57 Flameout retry Off

Ramp 2 Off Splitless time 0.8 H2 35 35

Postrun temp Off Const sept purge? Y Air 350 350

Mkup (N2) 30 30


Col. flow 3.0 Output (1000)

Pressure 30 30 Offset Off

Flow mode con pres Auto zero? N

Gas saver flow Off Range=10^(0.3) 0

Vacuum comp Off Analog filter Off

Baseline comp Off

1. These settings could also be for a right inlet/detector/carrier/signal.

Figure 3-2. Menu Settings for Thermo Fisher Scientific Calibration Mixture for an FID

Getting Started 27
Chapter 3
Operating the TRACE GC Ultra Injecting a Test Mixture

Injecting a Test Mixture

Although in the future you will probably automate most analyses, you should do
the first run with a manual syringe injection.

To analyze the Calibration Mixture for an FID, you will need a 10-µL syringe
with a 51 mm needle. The column and liner shipped with your TRACE GC Ultra
are appropriate for this analysis.

Do you want to know more?

For more information on performing injections, see Section III, Injectors, in the
TRACE GC Ultra Operating Manual.

Table 3-1 lists three columns: TRACE GC Ultra Status, Manual Control, and
Automated Control. The first column describes how the TRACE GC Ultra Status
LEDs look during each stage in a run. The second column, Manual Control,
describes the steps and decisions you would face in manually operating the
TRACE GC Ultra. The third column describes automated control options you
might consider.

Once you have prepared a syringe for injection, follow the instructions listed
under Manual Control in Table 3-1. In the case of the calibration mixture for an
FID, you would draw a 1-µL sample and inject this amount, including the mixture
remaining in the needle.

28 Getting Started
Chapter 3
Injecting a Test Mixture Operating the TRACE GC Ultra

Table 3-1. Steps in a TRACE GC Ultra Run

TRACE GC Ultra Status Manual Control Automated Control
NOT READY No action is necessary. No action is necessary. However, you
However, you could set could load a preprogrammed method
parameters for the run, and/or sequence. Press LOAD and make
if you haven’t done so the appropriate menu selections.
At this point the TRACE GC More information is
Ultra is heating the oven to available about the
the temperature specified in oven, inlets, carrier,
the OVEN menu. and detectors in the
Operating Manual.
STANDBY Press PREP RUN. If you are using an autosampler, the
autosampler sequence will
automatically start the prep run before
an injection.
More information is available about the
The oven has reached the oven and equilibration times in the
initial temperature. TRACE GC Ultra Operating Manual.
PREP RUN No action is necessary No action is necessary during prep run.
during prep run. However, if you want the TRACE GC
Ultra to wait additional time for an
external device such as an MS, turn on
the Ready delay feature in the
The TRACE GC Ultra sets all CONFIG»OVEN menu.
conditions ready for a run.
The Standby/Prep Run LED
blinks during this phase.
More information is available about
Ready delay in Configuration in the
TRACE GC Ultra Operating Manual.

NOTE The STATUS key is useful during NOT READY to see a list of conditions which are
preventing the instrument from going to STANDBY.

Getting Started 29
Chapter 3
Operating the TRACE GC Ultra Injecting a Test Mixture

Table 3-1. Steps in a TRACE GC Ultra Run (Continued)

TRACE GC Ultra Status Manual Control Automated Control
READY TO INJECT Inject a sample. You can control all autosampler
functions except alignment from the
to see the injection options.

The Ready-to Inject LED

lights when the prep run has You can specify all features on this
finished. menu in an analytical method. You can
set up an autosampler sequence to direct
how a series of samples should be
injected and run.
More information is available in
Sections VI and VIII in the TRACE GC
Ultra Operating Manual.
Press START. You can automatically start the TRACE
GC Ultra by specifying an external
device to start the TRACE GC Ultra.
Ask your Thermo Fisher Scientific field
service representative to help you set up
an External Event.
INITIAL TEMP Press OVEN and edit You can include the initial holding time
the Initial Hold as part of the method. More information
menu item to change is available about initial conditions in
the hold time for the Chapter 28, Using Analytical Methods
initial oven in the TRACE GC Ultra Operating
The Initial Temp LED lights temperature. Manual.
after injection. It stays lit
while the initial temperature
remains constant.

30 Getting Started
Chapter 3
Injecting a Test Mixture Operating the TRACE GC Ultra

Table 3-1. Steps in a TRACE GC Ultra Run (Continued)

TRACE GC Ultra Status Manual Control Automated Control
RAMP You can specify up to You can program ramps into the
seven temperature method. More information is available
changes with holding about ramps in Using Analytical
times. Press OVEN to Methods in the TRACE GC Ultra
program ramps. Operating Manual.
The Ramp LED lights when
the temperature begins to rise
in the first ramp. It stays on
throughout the run’s
temperature variations. NOTE Depending on the installed inlet options, you may
be able to program pressure ramps in addition to
temperature ramps. More information is available
about pressure ramps in the TRACE GC Ultra
Operating Manual.
During a run, you can You can specify signal changes, valve
make changes in signal actions, and external events as part of a
handling, open valves, method’s run table. More information is
and call up external available about the run table in the
events. TRACE GC Ultra Operating Manual.
FINAL TEMP If you want to change You can program temperature rises and
the final holding time, holding times into the method. More
press OVEN and edit information is available about ramps in
the last ramp’s Final Using Analytical Methods in the
time. TRACE GC Ultra Operating Manual.
The Final Temp LED lights
when the last ramp’s
temperature is reached and
stays on during the last You can specify post
ramp’s holding time. run actions if you have
not already done so.

Getting Started 31
Chapter 3
Operating the TRACE GC Ultra Injecting a Test Mixture

Table 3-1. Steps in a TRACE GC Ultra Run (Continued)

TRACE GC Ultra Status Manual Control Automated Control
POST RUN No action is necessary. No action is necessary.

This LED blinks while the

TRACE GC Ultra performs
any post run activities
specified in the OVEN menu,
such as a column bakeout.
COOL No action is necessary. No action is necessary. However, you
However, you can set can load or program a new sequence.
up conditions for a new Your last sequence could have specified
run. a new method to load.

The TRACE GC Ultra returns

to initial temperature and
pressure conditions during
this stage.

32 Getting Started
Chapter 3
Injecting a Test Mixture Operating the TRACE GC Ultra

If you analyzed the calibration mixture for an FID, the resulting chromatogram
should resemble the one shown in Figure 3-3 below.


1 2 3





0.0 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 8.0

Figure 3-3. Chromatogram for Thermo Fisher Scientific Calibration Mixture for an FID Detector

The three peaks correspond to those found in normal hexane:

1. dodecane

2. tetradecane

3. hexadecane

Do you want to know more?

For more information on the keys and LEDs, see Chapter 2, The TRACE
User Interface in the TRACE GC Ultra Operating Manual.

Getting Started 33
Chapter 3
Operating the TRACE GC Ultra Injecting a Test Mixture

34 Getting Started
Automating Your
This chapter discusses the basics of automation in analytical methods and
autosampler sequences. After you have confirmed the TRACE GC’s proper
operation, you will probably want to automate many features.

Chapter at a Glance…
Developing an Analytical Method........................................................................35
Autosampler Sequence Basics..............................................................................37

Developing an Analytical Method

An analytical method describes the treatment a sample receives during analysis.
You can set parameters for:
• temperatures, including seven programmed changes (ramps)
• pressures
• flow rates
• inlet types
• detector types and parameters
• signal changes
• autosampler parameters
• timed events before, during, and after the run

Getting Started 35
Chapter 4
Automating Your Analyses Developing an Analytical Method

You can store the methods you develop in the TRACE GC’s memory or in the
data system. The TRACE GC Ultra can hold up to 10 saved methods.

Figure 4-1 shows the keys you could use in developing a method. Pressing a key
brings up a menu of choices related to the key name.

When you have set the parameters you want, store the method as follows:

1. Press METHOD.

2. Enter a number between 1 and 10 to denote the memory location where the
method is to be saved.

3. Press STORE.

Later you will load the method by referring to its number.

Figure 4-1. Keys Used in Developing an Analytical Method

36 Getting Started
Chapter 4
Autosampler Sequence Basics Automating Your Analyses

Autosampler Sequence Basics

If you are using an autosampler, you can develop up to five sequences to describe
how samples should be injected and what methods to use during analysis. You can
store additional sequences in the data system.

Each sequence has the following areas of dialog:

• Subsequence, for using different methods for groups of samples in the tray
• Post sequence, for repeating the sequence and loading a new method
• Priority, only for AS 2000 autosampler, for interrupting a running sequence
with a priority sample

Figure 4-2 shows the keys you would use to develop and run a sequence.

Figure 4-2. Keys Used in Developing an Autosampler Sequence

NOTE The EDIT/ACTIVE key allows you create and edit methods and sequences while a
sequence is running. Your changes do not affect the current run.

When you have set the parameters you want, save the method as follows:

1. Press SEQ.

2. Enter a number between 1 and 5 to denote the memory location where the
method is to be saved.

3. Press STORE.

Getting Started 37
Chapter 4
Automating Your Analyses Autosampler Sequence Basics

Do you want to know more?

For more information on developing a method or a sequence, see Section VIII,
Methods and Sequences in the TRACE GC Ultra Operating Manual.

38 Getting Started
Thermo Fisher Scientific provides comprehensive technical assistance worldwide
and is dedicated to the quality of our customer relationships and services.

How To Contact Us
This appendix contains contact information for Thermo Fisher Scientific office.
Use the list reported in Customer Communication to contact your local Thermo
Fisher Scientific office or affiliate.

Thermo Electron S.p.A Thermo Electron S.p.A

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20090 Rodano - Milano 20090 Rodano - Milano

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Fax: +39 02 95059 256 Fax: +39 02 95059 225
This appendix also contains a one-page Reader Survey. Use this survey to give us
feedback on this manual and help us improve the quality of our documentation

Getting Started 39
Appendix A
How To Contact Us

Reader Survey
Product: TRACE GC Ultra
Manual: Getting Started
Part No.: M31709230

Please help us improve the quality of our documentation by completing and returning this survey.
Circle one number for each of the statements below.
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Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree

The manual is well organized. 1 2 3 4 5

The manual is clearly written. 1 2 3 4 5

The manual contains all the information I need. 1 2 3 4 5

The instructions are easy to follow. 1 2 3 4 5

The instructions are complete. 1 2 3 4 5

The technical information is easy to understand. 1 2 3 4 5

Examples of operation are clear and useful. 1 2 3 4 5

The figures are helpful. 1 2 3 4 5

I was able to install the system using this manual. 1 2 3 4 5

If you would like to make additional comments, please do. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
Fax or mail this form to:
Thermo Electron S.p.A.
Strada Rivoltana km 4
20090 Rodano (MI)
Fax: 39 02 95059388

40 Getting Started
Appendix A
How To Contact Us

Getting Started 41
Appendix A
How To Contact Us

42 Getting Started
This section contains an alphabetical list and descriptions of terms used in this guide and the help
diskette. This also includes abbreviations, acronyms, metric prefixes, and symbols.

A ampere
ac alternating current
ADC analog-to-digital converter

b bit
B byte (8 b)
baud rate data transmission speed in events per second

ºC Celsius
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To
cm centimeter
CPU central processing unit (of a computer)
CSE Customer Service Engineer

d depth
DAC digital-to-analog converter
dc direct current
DS data system

Getting Started 45

ECD Electron Capture Detector
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
ESD electrostatic discharge

ºF Fahrenheit
FID Flame Ionization Detector
FOB Free on Board
FPD Flame Photometric Detector
ft foot

g gram
GC gas chromatograph
GND electrical ground

h height
h hour
harmonic A high-frequency disturbance that appears as distortion of the
distortion fundamental sine wave.
HV high voltage
Hz hertz (cycles per second)

46 Getting Started

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
impulse See transient
in. inch
I/O input/output

k kilo (103 or 1024)
K Kelvin
kg kilogram
kPa kilopascal

l length
l liter
lb pound
LAN Local Area Network
LED light-emitting diode

m meter (or milli [10-3])
M mega (106)
µ micro (10-6)
min minute
mL milliliter
mm millimeter

Getting Started 47

m/z mass-to-charge ratio

n nano (10-9)
NPD Nitrogen Phosphorous Detector

Ω ohm

p pico (10-12 )
Pa pascal
PCB printed circuit board
PDD Pulsed Discharge Detector
PID Photo Ionization Detector
psi pounds per square inch

RAM random access memory
RF radio frequency
ROM read-only memory
RS-232 industry standard for serial communications

s second
sag See surge
slow average A gradual, long-term change in average RMS voltage level,
with typical durations greater than 2 s.

48 Getting Started

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

surge A sudden change in average RMS voltage level, with typical
duration between 50 µs and 2 s.

TCD Thermal Conductivity Detector
transient A brief voltage surge of up to several thousand volts, with a
duration of less than 50 µs.

UFM Ultra Fast Module

V volt
V ac volts, alternating current
V dc volts, direct current
VGA Video Graphics Array

w Width
W Watt

Getting Started 49
analysis 25–33 INFO/DIAG 20
analytical method 35–36 Initial Temp LED 30
automation 28–32, 35–38 injecting a sample 28
autosampler 19 inlet
autosampler sequence 37 on column 19
auxiliary detector 19 Inlet menu 27
auxiliary devices 19 installing detectors 21–22

Carrier menu 27 key
column select valve 19 CONFIG 18
configuration 15–20 EDIT/ACTIVE 37
Configuration menu 18–19 INFO/DIAG 20
Cool LED 32 LOAD 29
MODE/TYPE 18, 20
detector 19 ON/YES 20
applications 23 STORE 36, 37
auxiliary 19 keypad 17
base body 21
ECD (Electron Capture Detector) 16, 23, 24 L
FID (Flame Ionization Detector) 23 LOAD 29
installation diagram 22
NPD (Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detector) 23 M
operating suggestions 23–24 manual operation 28–32
Detector menu 27 menu
detectors Carrier 27
installing 21–22 Configuration 18–19
DOWN ARROW 20 Detector 27
editing 20
E Inlet 27
ECD (Electron Capture Detector) 16, 22, 23, 24 navigation 18
EDIT/ACTIVE 37 Oven 18, 27
editing a menu 20 sample settings for analysis 27
external devices 19 Signal 27
method 35–36
F MODE/TYPE 18, 20
FID (Flame Ionization Detector) 23
calibration mix 27–28, 33 N
Final Temp LED 31 Not Ready LED 29
NPD (Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detector) 23
hydrogen sensor 19

Title 51

on-column inlet 19
operating instructions 25–33
automated 28–32
manual 28–32
oven cryogenic options 19
Oven menu 18, 27

Post Run LED 32
Prep Run LED 29
pressure ramps 31

Ramp LED 31
pressure 31
temperature 31
Ready-to Inject LED 30

sequence 37
Signal menu 27
signal polarity 19
status LEDs 28–32
STORE 36, 37
submenu 18
syringe 28

temperature ramps 31

valve 19
column select 19
valve oven 19

52 Title
List of Figures
Figure 1-1. TRACE GC Ultra Keypad............................................................................................17
Figure 1-2. Oven Menu Display......................................................................................................18
Figure 2-1. Detector Installation Diagram ...................................................................................... 22
Figure 3-1. Zone and Device Keys to Set Run Parameters .............................................................26
Figure 3-2. Menu Settings for Thermo Fisher Scientific Calibration Mixture for an FID ............. 27
Figure 3-3. Chromatogram for Thermo Fisher Scientific Calibration Mixture for an FID Detector33
Figure 4-1. Keys Used in Developing an Analytical Method .........................................................36
Figure 4-2. Keys Used in Developing an Autosampler Sequence ..................................................37
List of Tables
Table 1-1. Main Configuration Menu ............................................................................................19
Table 2-1. Detector Options, Sensitivities, and Tips .....................................................................23
Table 3-1. Steps in a TRACE GC Ultra Run .................................................................................29

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