The Haunted Circus

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The class bully Fuse Salamander kicked me out of the school bus and

threw my bag with the zip open. My math test flew away with the wind.
I got an A+ on my fractions test. I climbed up on the school wall and got
my test paper. I was happy. If I would have lost that test paper, my mom
would have thought that I buried my test paper in backyard like I usually
do when I get a bad mark like C, D and especially F-. Because of that
stupid person, I missed my bus so I had to walk 3km home. Since I was
in kindergarten, Fuse was my classmate. He used to bully me every day.
One time, he threw my science notebook in the toilet when I was in
grade 3. Unfortunately, he got detention and had to stay home for 3 days
because, of his mischief. Fuse Salamander is not an ordinary person. He
doesn’t bully me but every student in the school that he meets. When the
teacher says him to stop. He quiets down the teacher. He has gone to the
principle lots of time but, he didn’t get kicked out of the school. Oh…
what an idiot I am. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Daniel, Daniel
Hazard. I am in grade 5. I am the only child to my parents. We recently
shifted to our new house. When I was in grade 4, we used to live on the
mountains. I and my parents used to have a lot of fun. Our life was full
with love and laughter. I used to lie in the soft grass as they tickled down
my spine. The rays of the sun lit up the whole sky. It was also a great
view from the hill we lived on. It was a really fun time until we moved
to the city. It was a lot creepier. We used to live near a circus that was
closed 2 decades ago. My father told me stories that when he was a kid,
he used to go with my grandparents to watch the show. There was a
ringmaster in that circus. His was Samuel la Décor. He rode lions, jump
from rope to rope and, jump through small rings on fire. Because of the
ring on fire, the circus burned. Samuel la Décor couldn’t escape the
burning circus so, he died and, the circus was closed forever. I
personally wanted to see him and his show. I loved when people are in a
circus doing tricks. That time it was one of the great circus in the world.
My classmates say that Samuel la Décor’s soul wanders in that circus
and, at nights, there are some creepy voices coming out of the circus. I
didn’t believe in ghosts so, I was not scared at all. I knew my friend
were trying to trick me cause, they love playing pranks on people.
It is December, snow had covered every place on the ground last night. I
am just enjoying the snow but, my classmates looked terrified. I went
near them and asked, “Why aren’t you guys playing? What happened?
“My best friend Robert pointed at a poster stuck to the wall. It was a
picture of our teacher Ms. Bell and it said missing right below the photo.
Our teacher was kind, helpful, funny, caring and, she counted on us. I
felt sad that my heavy tears dropped on the pile of snow making holes.
She was one of the best teachers in the world actually, she was the best
one. That night I couldn’t sleep. I was shivering and my shirt was soaked
in sweat. The stifling heat had reached my legs making me throw my
bed sheet. I thought a cup of water would work. I got to the hard floor
and started walking slowly. When I came out of my room, I started to
tiptoe. I didn’t want to wake my parents up. I went over and grabbed a
glass. I filled water in it but, then suddenly a scream of a lady touched
my ear drums. I dropped the glass of water, and it broke on the floor. I
landed on my knees, then on my hands and, I fell unconscious on the
I woke up in my bedroom and on my bed. My parents were looking at
me and, the doctors were covering my view. I sat up. My parents hugged
me. I thought it was just a dream but, then, when I was going to school, I
saw a poster with our neighbor’s photo on it and, below that, it said
missing. I was now terrified. I thought in my mind” is this the woman I
heard screaming last night? No it can’t be just a dream.” I still went to
school, studied, ate lunch and, did all those kind of stuff, Fuse even
pushed me, kicked me, punched me but, my attention was on the missing
The bell rang, it was 3:00 pm. I was going to get in the school bus but,
then I saw our P.E teacher, Mr. Hawk’s photo on it and it said missing. I
was stunned. My heart was beating faster than usual. I got into the bus
and sat down quietly. My friends were asking that, why was I so quiet.
Usually when I’m in the bus, I’m the one who talks the most but, this
time it was different. On Friday, I forgot about the missing people. I
jumped up and down at recess. Painted in arts and read our curriculum
book Tom Sawyer. During Science, When Our Science teacher, Mrs.
Zoe was teaching us how the blood circulation in our body works, one of
my classmates Sabrina Kakawin started shaking violently. She kicked
her desk and, fell on the floor. She tried to reach her water bottle. As she
opened it, the bottle fell on the floor spilling water everywhere. Her eyes
were open and her tongue was sticking out. I stood up scared. Then I
saw something white going out of the classroom. I was about to go out
of the classroom to follow that thing. I asked the teacher if I can go to
the washroom. The teacher nodded. I ran in the hallway. One of the
school rules were that, if you ran in the halls, you will get detention. I
didn’t care. I once was running with Robert, playing tag and, Mr. Toad
our principal caught us. He let us go because, it was our first time. I
looked in the boy’s washroom, health room, PG classes but, I didn’t find
anything white. I was going back to my classroom then I thought to
check the principal's room. I opened the door secretly. I saw his
computer that was a mac, this files, cup of black tea and a student of the
month poster. It was my photo on it. I shouted saying” WHOOO
HOOOO!” It was my 7 time of being student of the month. I’ve been

the student of the month from PGB to Grade 5. After a few seconds I
realized what a stupid thing I just did. The principal came in and said
“Hey! Whatcha doin in my office? Coo can’t jus snack in anyone’s
raom. I’m gonna call hom to you parants and yo wil bea suspuedate.” He
was going to hold my arm when he fell on the floor. Something white
was coming out of his mouth and something was leaving the classroom.
I wondered what it could be. It was Easter holidays. We went to
Thailand for a vacation. I was so happy that I got rid of all those horror
stuff. I am going to spent two weeks there so I’m safe. I thought the
place would be all happy because the things will not happen again, but I
was wrong. The place was desolate. The buildings were broken down,
the shops were closed.” Mom, Dad! We probably came somewhere else!
This is a ghost town.” I said. My mom nodded, we are in our place of
vacation. A boy was passing by. “What happed here!?” I screamed. The
boy glanced at me and left. Far ahead, I saw tons of missing posters. I
checked every single one of them and I was shocked. I saw a poster with
my name on it. I couldn’t believe it. I was standing right near my
parents. I turned around to tell them, but they turned into dust. This is
the most terrifying moment of my life. I cried and wanted my parents
back but it was useless. First horror things started to happen in New
York and now in Thailand? I started screaming and then I woke up. I
was in my hotel room. “You fell asleep in the bus so I carried you to the
room.” Said my father. I smiled and lied on my bed. Then Robert called
me. My phone was dead so I picked up my father’s ringing phone. My
father has a ringtone of the song “Old Town Road.” Whenever I hear the
song, I start dancing. Anyway I picked up the phone. “Hello Robert? Are
you there? Daniel! Where are you? I’m in Thailand. I am still in New
York. What are you trying to say and why did you call me? Bro you
won’t believe what happed. The school is closed. What!!!! Forever
Daniel. I cut the phone. After two weeks, we came to New York. We
saw tons of posters. It was summer. I and Robert were playing in the
park. Then we saw something white. It was a man covered with blood
and eating a hand. He waved at us using the human hand. I ran. Robert
was following me. We hid in our house. I didn’t want nightmares so we
played fortnite on my Xbox. Days went by and I wasn’t scared anymore
because nothing bad happed to me. Good News guys. After a few
months, I got a baby brother! Yeah! I also joined a new school. I made
great friends but Robert was still my best buddy. Unfortunately, he
moved to Ontario, Canada. By the way, my brother’s name is Harry. I
spend most of the time with him. Summer was over, I was in Grade 6.
Hurray! I played with my friends, learned new things, and wasn’t bullied
anymore. Everything was alright. When I was coming from school, I
saw something, there was a poster with my photo and my name on it. I
pinched myself and slapped myself but it was real. I said” No this is not
real. Someone is trying to trick me.” I closed my eyes and ran away. Far
away till I entered the forest. I heard something then I fell in the water. I
couldn’t get out then I came out. I saw something white running at me
then he was hit by a car. I saw a hunter. I ran and entered the city. I came
into my house and locked the door. Then I saw my brother walking. Not
walking but running! My brother is only 1 month then I went into his
room and saw him sleeping. I ran into the basement and I saw a monster
type person smiling at me. I ran out of the house and called the police.”
Someone is in my house! Send help!” I said. After 5 minutes, the police
came to my house and saw blood on the floor. The police investigated
my house and while then I went to a carnival. My favorite part is the
mirror maze. I went inside and I was trying to find my way out then the
door got locked. I was scared. I got trapped. Then I saw the same thing
that had attacked me in the forest it was running at me then my friend
Robert came and saved me. “Whoa! Robert! I said. How the…” “We
don’t have time” he said. We ran away. I came to my house and I could
not find my brother. My mom and dad were gone as well! I asked Robert
to stay in my house because his parents were missing as well. It was
night and we friends were sleeping at my bunkbed. Then we heard bells
ringing. I thought it was my fear so I forgot it. We heard it again. I
looked at Robert. He had red eyes and was smiling at me with his yellow
sharp teeth. I got scared I jumped but I tripped on the edge and hit my
arm really hard. I fell asleep. I woke up. It was 3 am. I asked Robert

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