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Animals can be Considered Persons

Affermitive Negative
Without animals Animals have
humans wouldn't limited feelings
be superior

Animals have
Humans are more
ability to complex
suffer just like

Humans are They don't have a

animals. Our DNA
sense of morality
matches to that of

Without animals, humans Animals have limited feelings:

wouldn't be superior: They have basic emotions such as joy and sadness, but there
Humans developed from animals. They can be superior are many emotions they can't express. Animals give off
because of animals. Animals roamed the Earth before certain signs that may indicate they are happy, but in reality,
humans shaped it as it is today so we can live peacefully. They these actions result in neural activity. For example, when
bring balance to the ecosystem, and without them, we dogs wag their tails, they’re happy but this is not a sign of
humans would be dead. We should reject speciesism, prevent emotion! This response results from neural activity in the
animals from being test subjects and give them human rights. nucleus accumbens (nyoo·klee·uhs uh·kuhm·bnz) in your

brain that is also known as the brain’s “reward circuit”.
Animals have ability to suffer Humans are a species that have similar minds, but you cannot
compare human minds to animal minds.
just like humans Humans are more complex

Animals can suffer in the same way and to the same degree
that humans do. They feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, Humans are also more complex than animals because animal
loneliness, and motherly love. There is a 67 percent similarity brain structure is more important than brain size but the
between the DNA of humans and animals. When someone human brain with its complex highly folded cortex that no
hurts animals, emotionally and physically, they feel the same other animal brain can do the things human brains can do.
way us humans feel. Animals share the same nervous system, The human brain is far more complex than non-human
neuro chemicals, perceptions, and emotions, all of which are animals. This lacking ability allows us, humans, to be more
integrated into the experience of pain. skilled than any other life form on the planet. It’s not only
intelligence that we are talking about here. Our brain is made
Humans are animals in a way that helps us evolve and survive. This complexity
allows us to know what’s right and wrong.
Humans are animals. More than 65% of their DNA matches
with animals and 99% with apes only! We cannot classify Animals don't have a sense of
animals as not humans, we are animals; we developed from
them. Animals feel like we do, they think like us, animal brains
We have discovered many inventions such as futuristic
are similar to human brains. Both animals and humans react electronics and devices. However, animals can’t do that.
in the same way. There is a reason why we share so much Although they are capable of evolving, they don’t have the
DNA. It is because we are animals. We give birth like complexity which humans have. Whilst animals and humans
mammals and survive like animals. We also need food, water share the five senses, humans have an extra “sixth sense” —
and shelter. In the end, we are animals, and we should an intuitive power to gain awareness of the surrounding
consider them as persons. environment. This is why humans require rights more than

animals. To give more examples, both animals and humans
can be given stimuli to react to. Humans make conscious
choices as to how they react to stimuli. Since these decisions
are conscious, we are able to distinguish what’s a “good”
choice and a “bad choice”.

Should animals be considered Should animals be considered

persons? They deserve the persons? Humans can make
same rights as humans because important conscious decisions.
they feel and express just like With their decisions, they can
us. Animals are useful to change the world and develop.
humans and without animals, Animals can't do things that we
there wouldn't be humans. We do; they are machines.
need to value them.

Animals can be Considered Persons

Peter Singer Rene Descartes 

Support Support
Philosophical terms: Philosophical terms:

Peter Singer's Materialism


“What we must do is bring nonhuman According to materialism, animals don't

animals within our sphere of moral have a soul. They have no emotions just like
concern and cease to treat their lives as us, and they are living corpses, but we
expendable for whatever trivial purposes should be considered superior because we
we may have,” says Peter Singer. He states can make conscious decisions and moral
that nonhuman animals should choices. We can develop, and biologically,
be concerned with and relate to we have more features than nonhuman
human behaviour. They should be treated animals. This is what makes us humans and
as humans. not them.

Beliefs change as Descartes' Theory

time moves on

Personhood changed with time and culture. “For it is highly deserving of remark, that
In the past, nonhuman animals may not be there are no men so dull and stupid, not
considered people but now they do! even idiots, as to be incapable of joining
Back then, everyone believed in Descartes' together different words” By this quote,
theories. They considered animals as Descartes means that humans are not
machines and weren't respected. It was incredibly stupid and they know what is
proven later on that they can think and right and wrong. On the other hand animals,
behave like us. Singer's criteria for no matter how happy or perfect, cannot do
personhood is Consciousness, intelligence, what they like.
understanding you exist as an individual

through time, self-awareness, and planning Personhood criteria 

for future events.
doesn't make sense

The personhood criteria don't apply to all

organisms. A study has found out that only
land mammals have self-awareness and can
If we believe in dualism, we need to recognise themselves in the mirror. The
consider animals as persons. The mind and criteria for personhood doesn't apply to
the body are both different entities. babies, which means they shouldn't be
Animals feel like us, think like us and considered humans.
survive like us. We need to conclude that
animals are conscious beings, and they
have a soul just like us.

Philosophy is something that cannot be right or

wrong. There are no fixed answers, and there are
always arguments. Animals feel and think like us,
but there are many things they can't do that
human can. In the end, animals shouldn't be
considered persons; they should be a different
category and have the same rights as humans.

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