Vivid S60 US Datasheet

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Vivid S60

processing, the system provides Ergonomic features include the

computational power, ease of imaging, “FlexFit” mechanism enabling continu-
workflow flexibility and product ous pivoting height adjustment of the
upgradeability. control panel, allowing the user to adjust
The Vivid S60 excels in the distance to the control panel while
following areas: providing the adequate legroom for
standing or sitting positions. In addition,
Exceptional image quality on the the articulating monitor arm (horizontal
Vivid S60 is created through the use of and vertical), and lightweight transducers
Ultra Definition Clarity filtering, elevation combine to make the Vivid S60 an
compound imaging (considering a extremely ergonomic-friendly cardio-
wider slice for 2D imaging) with the 6VT vascular ultrasound system.
probe, HD Imaging (balanced resolution,
penetration and image uniformity) and Portability – The Vivid S60’s compact
virtual apex (larger field-of-view) for the size and light weight, combined with
FPA probes. a fold-down monitor, enables easy
transportation and promotes scanning
Probe Technology – The XDclear ™ series at the patient site. The battery option
of probes are designed to help deliver provides a transportation mode that
powerful and efficient sound waves, keeps the system ready to scan within
with high bandwidth and efficiency. a few seconds of being connected to a
XDclear probe technology provides power outlet.
Product Description impressive deep penetration and high
The Vivid™ S60 combines the proven sensitivity while maintaining high spatial The cSound platform takes GE’s
breadth and performance of the Vivid resolution. The combination of Single Raw Data to a new level. For image
product line with a new and innovative Crystal, Acoustic Amplifier and Cool processing and reconstruction, the
software image processing platform: Stack technologies is the core technology Vivid S60 utilizes more than 100 times
cSound.™ The Vivid S60 is GE cardio– of the XDclear series of probes. the data compared to the Vivid S6.
vascular ultrasound’s high-end scanner. Ease of use features make Vivid S60 an Additionally, the Vivid S60 uses the
The cSound architecture benefits all extremely productive 2D cardiovascular proven Raw data format technology
Vivid S60 probes and applications. The ultrasound system. that allows for advanced processing on
Vivid S60 supports the following clinical The combination of the touch screen archived images by applying many of
applications: Adult cardiac, coronary, control with conventional (tactile) buttons the same scan controls and advanced
pediatric, fetal heart, obstetrics, gyne- provide intuitive controls, helping the quantitative tools as are available
cology, abdominal, small parts, thyroid, operator maintain focus on the patient during the original exam.
adult and neonatal cephalic, peripheral and the ultrasound images during the
vascular, musculoskeletal, nerves, exam. The touch screen can also provide General Specifications
and urology. alpha-numeric keyboard entry or a
dedicated A/N keyboard option can Dimensions and Weight
System Architecture be purchased. • Width: 54 cm, 21.4"
GE’s innovative, programmable and • Depth: 76 cm, 30.2"
flexible beamforming technology, Ease of use for the operator is provided
by the cSound technology delivering • Height: 138 cm – 168 cm,
cSound, provides exceptional image 54.4" – 66.7"
quality and power compared to auto optimized excellent image quality
with little manipulation along with • Minimum height with
conventional GE hardware-based
beam forming technology. Using automated tools like 2D Auto EF, AFI folded screen: 112 cm, 44.4"
both coherent and harmonic image Productivity Package and Scan Assist Pro. • Weight: <73 kg, 161 lbs

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Electrical Power • Physical keyboard support for • Tint and backlight adjustments
• N
 ominal input voltage: international characters in 12 • S
 eparate adjustment for external
100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz languages (option) monitor brightness/contrast
• Rated power consumption: 500 VA • Ergonomic hard key layout
• Interactive back-lighting of System Overview
Uninterruptible Power Supply application-specific push buttons –
Probe Presets
• Battery backup for standby adjustable back-light intensity
• Cardiac
• In case of power failure or accidental • Integrated gel holders
• Stress (optional)
shutdown, when power is restored • E
 asy-to-learn user interface with
within less than 20 minutes, the system intelligent keyboard • Abdominal
automatically turns on instantly, • Peripheral vascular
• D
 edicated rotary for overall gain
maintaining exact system state prior
for 2D-mode • Fetal heart
to shutdown
• D
 edicated gain rotary for M-mode, • Pediatrics
• F or longer periods of power interrup-
CFM or Doppler controlled by
tions, the system automatically saves • Neonatal cephalic
active mode
data and changes into “Standby” state • Adult cephalic
• Image manager on the touch
Operating System screen for quick review of image • Small parts

• Windows® 7 clipboard contents • Thyroid

• Musculoskeletal
Console Design Touch Screen
• Urology
• Five active probe ports • 1
 2" ultra-high-resolution, wide screen
format, color, multi-touch LCD screen • Rodent (optional)
• ECG port
• Interactive user-configurable • Transesophageal
• Integrated HDD
dynamic software menu • OB/GYN
• Multiple USB ports (front/back)
• B
 acklight adjustment – automatic by • Coronary
• Integrated DVD-R multi drive (optional) light sensor or manual • LVO contrast (optional)
• O
 n-board storage for B/W • Touch-panel control of TGC sliders • Nerves
thermal printer
• T ouch-panel controls content can
• Integrated speakers for be set to routine or extended usage Operating Modes
premium sound
• 2D tissue
• F our swivel wheels – front wheel LCD Monitor
• 2D color flow
breaks, rear wheels direction lock • 1
 9" wide screen High-Definition (HD)
flicker-free LCD display • 2D angio flow
• Integrated cable management
• 2
 56 shades of gray and 16.7 million • Color M-mode
• E
 asily accessible removable
air filters for cleaning simultaneous colors available • Tissue velocity M-mode
• Front and rear handles • Articulated monitor arm • Continuous wave Doppler
• Rear storage trays/baskets • L CD translation • Tissue M-mode
(independent of console) • Pulsed wave Doppler
• Hand rest
- 160 mm horizontal bidirectional
• Anatomical M-mode
User Interface - 100 mm vertical height adjustment
• Curved anatomical M-mode
- Swivel to any viewing direction
Operator Keyboard • Tissue velocity imaging
• F old down and rotation lock
• E rgonomic FlexFit design with mechanism for transportation • Tissue tracking
left/right swivel and up/down
• H
 orizontal viewing angle of more • Tissue synchronization imaging
arm-mobility of keyboard and
than 170° (optional)
monitor permitting both physiological
sitting or standing operation • Resolution: 1680 x 1050 pixels • Strain imaging (optional)
• Touch keyboard with support for • A
 utomatic or manual digital brightness • Strain rate imaging (optional )
characters in 12 languages and contrast adjustment for excellent • Tissue velocity Doppler
• D
 rawer type A/N keyboard with viewing in different ambient light
• Blood flow imaging (option)
adjustable backlight (option) conditions (light sensor)

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• B-flow (option) Display Modes • Time format: Two types selectable –
• 2D stress (optional) • L ive and stored display format: 24 hours, 12 hours

• AFI Automated Function Imaging Full size and split screen, both • Gestational age from LMP/EDD/GA
(optional) with thumbnails, for still and cine • Probe name
• Auto EF (optional) • Instant-review screen displays 12 • Map names
• 2D virtual apex imaging simultaneous loops/images for a
quick study review • Probe orientation
• Coded phase inversion • Depth scale marker
• S
 electable display configuration of
• Compound imaging duplex and triplex modes: Side-by- • Focal zone markers
• Extended field-of-view (LOGIQView) side or top-bottom during live, digital • Image depth
replay and clipboard image recall
Scanning Methods • Zoom depth
• Single, dual and quad-screen view
• Electronic sector • B-mode
• S
 imultaneous capability
• Electronic convex - Gain
- 2D + PW/CW
• Electronic linear - Imaging frequency
- 2D + CFM/TVI + PW
- Frame averaging
• CW pencil - 2D + CFM + CW
- 2D + CFM/Angio/TVI/SRI/TT/SI/TSI • M-mode
Transducer Types - 2D + M/AMM/CAMM - Gain
• Sector phased array - 2D + CFM/Angio/TVI/SRI/TT/SI/TSI + - Frequency
• Convex array M/AMM/CAMM - Time scale
• Linear array - Real-time duplex or triplex mode • Doppler mode
• Single crystal matrix array - Compound + M/CFM/PW - Gain
• 2D matrix array (option) - 2D + color split screen - Angle
(simultaneous mode) - Sample volume size and position
Peripheral Options • S
 electable alternating modes - Wall filter
Internal peripherals - 2D or compound + PW - Velocity and/or frequency scale
• U
 SB B/W video printer with control - 2D + CW - Spectrum inversion
from system (optional) - 2D or compound + CFM/PW • Time scale
- 2D + CFM + CW - PRF
External peripherals
• M
 ulti-image (split/quad screen) - Doppler frequency
• N
 etwork printers
- Live and/or frozen • Color flow Doppler mode
- Color laser printer
- Independent cine playback - Frame rate
- Color video printer with control
from system • T imeline display - Sample volume size
- Independent 2D (or compound) + - Color scale
• 16 GB encrypted memory stick
PW/CW/M display
• Three-pedal configurable footswitch - Power
- A choice of display formats with
- Color baseline
External outputs various sizes of 2D + PW/CW/M
- Color threshold marker
• DVI-D • Top/bottom selectable format
- Color gain
• E
 thernet – 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, • Side/side selectable format
• Spectrum inversion
1 Gbps electrically isolated
Display Annotation • Acoustic frame rate
• Multiple USB 2.0 ports
• Patient name: First, last and middle • C
 INE gauge, image number/frame
Accessories (options) • Patient ID number
• Interface
 cable for external ECG and • Additional patient ID • B
 odymarks: Multiple human
external respiratory anatomical structures
• Age, sex and birth date
• E
 CG adapter for DIN-type pediatrics • Application/preset name
• Hospital name
electrode leads • Measurement results
• D
 ate format: Two types selectable –
• Cable storage box • Operator message

Vivid S60 product datasheet – March 2016 – DOC1671251 Page 3 of 16

• D
 isplayed acoustic output • U
 ser Manual Languages: English, • C
 ompare old images with
- TIS: Thermal Index Soft Tissue French, German, Spanish, Italian, current exam
- TIC: Thermal Index Cranial (Bone) Portuguese (European and Brazilian), • Reload of archived data sets
Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian,
- TIB: Thermal Index Bone • A
 ctivation control of USB devices
Japanese, Chinese, Polish, Finnish,
• MI: Mechanical index Greek, Russian, Hungarian, Slovak, (for security)
• Power output in dB Romanian, Czech, Latvian, Lithuanian,
Turkish, Estonian, Korean, Serbian, Connectivity and DICOM
• Biopsy guide line and zone
Bulgarian, Croatian, Indonesian, • Ethernet network connection
• Heart rate Kazakh, Ukraine • DICOM 3.0
• Trackball-driven annotation arrows
• Verify (optional)
• Active mode display CINE Memory/Image Memory
• Print (optional)
• 2 GB of cine memory
• Stress protocol parameters
• Store (optional)
• S
 electable cine sequence for
• P
 arameter annotation follow
cine review • Modality worklist (optional)
ASE standard
• M
 easurements/calculations and • Storage commitment (optional)
• Free text with word library
annotations on cine playback • M
 odality Performed Procedure Step
• S
 can plane position indicator and
• Scrolling timeline memory (MPPS) (optional)
probe temperature are displayed
with all TEE probes • Dual-image cine display • Media exchange

• Image orientation marker • Quad-image cine display • DICOM spooler (optional)

• C
 INE gauge and cine image • DICOM query/retrieve (optional)
General System Parameters number display • S
 tructured reporting – compatible
• CINE review loop with adult cardiac and vascular
System Setup
• P
 re-programmable M& A and • CINE review speed
• Media store of structured reporting
annotation categories
Image Storage • InSite™ ExC capability for remote
• D
 ifferent user presets per
• O
 n-board database of patient service/access
probe/application may be
stored for quick access information from past exams • Support of two patients’ IDs in DICOM
• U
 ser-selectable ECG and time (optional)
• U
 ser programmable preset capability
with administrator preset protection gated acquisition available on • S
 eparate DICOM SR and image
touch panel during live storage destinations (optional)
• F actory default preset data, protected
against modification • U
 ser-selectable prospective or • S
 imultaneous transfer of DICOM
retrospective capture in config to multiple destinations (optional)
• U
 ser Interface languages: English,
LA Spanish, French, German, Italian, • Storage formats:
- DICOM®-compressed or uncom- Patient Archive
Portuguese (European and Brazilian),
Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, pressed, single/multi-frame,
EchoPAC™/Patient Archive
Dutch, Finnish with/without raw data, storage
• Integrated EchoPAC functionality
via clipboard and/or seamlessly
• User-defined annotations adds connectivity and image
directly to destination device
• Body patterns analysis capability to scanner
- Transfer/“Save As” JPEG, MPEG
• Customized comment home position and AVI formats • D
 ata format fully compatible with
offline EchoPAC review/reporting
• Storage devices:
Comprehensive User Manual stations of same or newer vintage
- USB memory stick: 16 GB
Available on Board • Instant access to ultrasound raw
- CD-RW storage: 700 MB
Available through touch-panel utility data provided by the system
(DVD option required)
page. User manual and service manual • Advanced post-processing analysis
- DVD storage: -R (4.7 GB)
are included on a USB memory device
(DVD option required) • T hree user levels help organizing
with each system. A printed user
- Hard drive image storage: 0.5 TB data security requirements
manual is provided.

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• E
 -signoff compatibility, with clear • A
 ll data storage is based on • V
 irtual Console Observation (VCO)
indications in patient management ultrasound raw data, allowing to enables the customer to allow
screens and report screen that a change gain, baseline, color maps, desktop screens to be viewed and
report was signed off, and by whom sweep speeds, etc., for recalled controlled remotely over the encrypted
and at what time. The signed off images and loops tunnel to enable real-time training,
report and exam cannot be changed. device configuration and clinical
• D
 ICOM media – read/write images
The “Diagnosing Physician” field is application support
on DICOM format
automatically assigned to the user
• DICOM viewer embedded on media • O
 peration of Insite Express Connection
that did the sign-off
(optional and selectable in Config) is dependent on the infrastructure
being available – check with your
Image and Data Management • A
 lphanumeric data can be exported
local GE service representative
• E
 xceptional workflow with instant in XML format
• F ile transfer enables the customer
access data management • JPEG export (“Save As” ) for still frames
(biomed or clinician) to directly transfer
• D
 ICOM 3.0 support – see DICOM • A
 VI and MPEG export (“Save As”) system information (e.g., system
conformance statement for details for cineloops logs, images, parametric data) to
• S
 upport for transfer of the proprietary GE product engineering teams (no
raw data files within the DICOM eVue/MPEGvue (optional) patient data transferred)
standard • A
 llows interactive viewing of • S
 oftware reload provides remote
• 2
 D, CFM or TVI data at maximum images, loops or full exams application reconstruction and
frame rate may be reviewed by from remote location recovery capabilities in the event
scrolling or by running cine loops • U
 sing MPEGvue, exams may be of system corruption
(can contain more than 1000 images stored onto removable media or on
for imaging modes) remote networked system together Scanning Parameters
• Image clipboard for stamp-size with integrated MPEGvue player for • Infinite number of effective channels
storage and review of stored viewing on standard PC
• M
 inimum field-of-view range (depth):
images and loops • S
 mart email feature allows transparent 0 – 2 cm (zoom) (probe dependent)
• B
 uilt-in patient archive with transmission of images via email
• M
 aximum field-of-view range (depth):
images/loops, patient information, using resident Outlook™ email client
0 – 36 cm (probe dependent)
measurements and reports
• D
 ICOM-SR Standard structured Self-contained DICOM Viewer • Width range: 10 – 120 degrees
reporting mechanism (option) (optional) • C
 ontinuous dynamic receive focus/
• E
 xams can be transferred to CD/DVD continuous dynamic receive aperture
• S
 tructured findings report tools
support efficient text entries with or USB media with an integrated • A
 djustable dynamic range, infinite
direct editing of findings text, usability “EZ DICOM CD viewer ™ ” upper level
improvements, new configuration • S
 elf-contained “EZ DICOM CD viewer™ ” • Image reverse: Right/left
options and conclusion section allows to review exams from media
• Image rotation of 0,° 180°
• U
 ser can enter normal values on a standard PC, without installing
which are then compared to actual anything on the host PC
Tissue Imaging
Insite™ Express Connection (ExC) General
• C
 onfigurable HTML-based
Enables Remote Service and Training • V
 ariable transmit frequencies for
report function
• E
 asy, flexible and secure connectivity resolution/penetration optimization
• R
 eport templates can be customized
configuration. The “Contact GE” • Display zoom with zoom area control
on board
on-screen button directly generates
• A
 SE-based default text modules • H
 igh-Resolution (HR) zoom –
a real-time service request to the
(English), user-customizable concentrates all image acquisition
GE online engineering or application power into selected Region of
• Internal archive data can be specialist. It takes a snapshot Interest (ROI)
exported to removable image (e.g., error logs, setup files) of the
storage through DICOM media system at the time of the service • V
 ariable contour filtering – for edge
request to enable analysis of enhancement
• Internal hard disk – for storing
programs, application defaults, problem before customer contact • D
 epth range up to 36 cm –
ultrasound images and patient probe specific

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• S
 electable grayscale parameters: • M
 ultiple-angle compound imaging – • D
 igital replay for retrospective review
Gain, reject, DDP, clarity, dynamic multiple co-planar images from dif- of spectral data
range and compress – can be ferent angles combined into a single • S
 everal top-bottom formats, side-by-
adjusted in live, digital replay image in real-time to help enhance side format and time-motion-only
and image clipboard recall border definition and contrast format – can be adjusted in live or
(probe dependent) resolution, as well as reduce angular digital replay
• A
 utomatically calculated TGC curves dependence of border or edge as
• S
 electable horizontal scroll speed:
reduces operator interaction compared to no-compound imaging
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 seconds
• Automatically calculated lateral gain • E
 levation compounding across display
(with 6VT probe)
• S
 mart depth: automatically optimizing • H
 orizontal scroll can be adjusted
transmit pattern parameters according • L OGIQView: Provides the ability to in live or digital replay
to scan-depth setting construct and view a static 2D image
with wider field-of-view of a given Anatomical M-mode
2D Mode transducer. This allows viewing and • M
 -mode cursor can be adjusted
measurements of anatomy that
• Sector tilt and width control at any plane
is larger than what would fit in a
• F rame rate in excess of 1500 fps, single image • C
 urved anatomical M-mode –
depending on probe, settings free (curved) drawing of M-mode
• V
 irtual apex provides a wider
and applications generated from the cursor
field-of-view with phased array independent from the axial plane
• C
 oded octave imaging with coded probes, effective at certain imaging
phase inversion – 3rd generation views where a wide near field may • C
 an be activated from live, digital
harmonic tissue imaging providing be preferred replay or image clipboard recall
improved lateral and contrast resolu- • A
 natomical color and tissue
tion over conventional fundamental • L /R and up/down invert, in live, digital
replay or image clipboard recall velocity M-mode
imaging. Features help reduce noise,
• D
 igital replay for retrospective • M& A capability
improve wall definition, and axial
resolution, making it well suited for review or automatic looping of
a wide variety of patient groups images, allowing for adjustment Color Doppler Imaging
of parameters such as gain, reject, General
• C
 onfocal imaging – allows for
multiple transmit focal zones over anatomical M-mode, persistence • S
 teerable color Doppler available
range of view and a high vector and replay speed with all imaging probes – max
density, probes dependent • D
 ata dependent processing performs steering angle is probe dependent
• A
 utomatic tissue optimization – temporal processing which helps • Trackball-controlled ROI
single keystroke optimizes immedi- reduce random noise but leaves
• R
 emoval of color map from the
ately automatically and dynamically motion of significant tissue structures
tissue during digital replay
different grayscale settings with the largely unaffected – can be adjusted
even in digital replay • D
 igital replay for retrospective
goal of signal independent uniform
review of color or color M-mode
gain and contrast distribution • 256 shades of gray
data allowing for adjustment of
• U
 D clarity and UD speckle reduce • C
 olorized 2D-mode, user-selectable parameters such as encoding
imaging – an advanced image in real-time, digital replay principle, color priority and color
processing technique to remove gain even on stored data
speckle in real-time examining the M-mode
• PRF settings – user-selectable
relative difference between neigh- • T rackball steers M-mode line
boring pixel values and determining available with all imaging • A
 dvanced regression wall filter gives
whether the grayscale variations probes – max steering angle efficient suppression of wall clutter
have a sharp difference, follow a is probe dependent • F or each encoding principle, multiple
trend, or are random in nature • S
 imultaneous real-time color maps can be selected in live
• H
 D imaging – real-time simultaneous 2D- and M-mode and digital replay – variance maps
acquisition at dual frequencies available
• M
 -mode PRF 1 kHz – image data
compounded to help reduce speckle acquired is combined to give • M
 ore than 65,000 simultaneous
and noise while enhancing resolution high-quality recording regardless colors processed, providing a smooth
and contrast of display scroll speed display two-dimensional color maps
containing a multitude of color hues

Vivid S60 product datasheet – March 2016 – DOC1671251 Page 6 of 16

• S
 imultaneous display of grayscale Color Angio • H
 elps improve delineation of blood
2D and 2D with color flow • A
 ngle-independent mode for flow without bleeding into tissue or
• C
 olor invert – user-selectable in live visualization of small vessels with vessel wall
and digital replay increased sensitivity compared
to standard color flow of previous
Blood Flow Angio Imaging
• V
 ariable color baseline –
GE products • C
 ombines angio with grayscale
user-selectable in live and speckle imaging
digital replay
Color M-mode
• M
 ulti-variate color priority function
• V
 ariable ROI length and position –
Tissue Velocity Imaging
gives delineation of disturbed flows Tissue Velocity Imaging Mode
even across bright areas of the
• U
 ser-selectable radial averaging to • M
 yocardial Doppler imaging with
2D-mode image
help reduce statistical uncertainty color overlay on tissue image
• C
 olor Doppler frequency can be
in the color velocity and variance • T issue Doppler data can be acquired
changed independently from 2D
estimates in background during regular
2D imaging
Color Flow Imaging • S
 electable horizontal scroll speed:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 seconds • T he velocity of myocardial segments
• T he cSound platform with its parallel
across display – can be adjusted after entire heart cycle can be
beamformer architecture allows a
during live, digital replay or image displayed in one single image
combination of ultra-high frame
clipboard recall
rate and increased lateral resolution • T issue color overlay can be removed to
compared to previous generation • R
 eal-time 2D image while in show just the 2D image, still retaining
GE scanners color M-mode the tissue velocity information
• V
 ery high digital signal processing • S
 ame controls and functions available • Q
 uantitative profiles for TVI, tissue
power, maintaining high frame rates as in standard 2D color Doppler tracking, strain and strain rate can
with large ROI's even for very low be derived
PRF settings Anatomical Color M-mode • T ime markers for valve events derived
• F rame rate in excess of 700 fps, • G
 E-patented, any plane color from any TM mode help simplify
depending on probe and settings M-mode display derived from understanding of signals in velocity
color Doppler cine loop traces or curved anatomical M-mode
• Variable ROI size in width and depth
• A
 lso applicable to tissue
• U
 ser-selectable radial and lateral Tissue Tracking Mode
velocity Imaging
averaging to help reduce statistical
• M& A capability • R
 eal-time display of the time integral
uncertainty in the color velocity and
of TVI for quantitative display of
variance estimates
B-flow myocardial systolic displacement
• D
 ata Dependent Processing (DDP)
• B
 -flow is a digital imaging technique • M
 yocardial displacement is calculated
performs temporal processing and
that provides real-time visualization and displayed as a color-coded
display smoothing to help reduce loss
of vascular hemodynamics by directly overlay on the grayscale and M-mode
of transient events of hemodynamic
visualizing blood reflectors and image – different colors represent
presenting this information in a different displacement ranges
• Digital replay for retrospective review
grayscale display
or automatic looping of color images, Tissue Synchronization Imaging Mode
allowing for adjustment of parameters • U
 se of GE-patented techniques to (option, enabled by Advanced QScan)
such as DDP, encoding principle, boost blood echoes, and to help • P
 arametric imaging which gives
baseline shift, color maps, color preferentially suppress non-moving information about synchronicity
priority and color gain even on tissue signals of myocardial motion
frozen/recalled data • B
 -flow is available for most vascular • M
 yocardial segments colored
• A
 pplication-dependent, multi-variate and shared service applications according to time to peak velocity,
motion discriminator helps reduce green for early and red for late peak
flash artifacts Blood Flow Imaging
• W
 aveform trace available to
• Dedicated coronary flow application • C
 ombines color Doppler with
obtain quantitative time to peak
• M
 ultiple-angle compound imaging in grayscale speckle imaging
measurement from TSI Image
2D mode is maintained while in color
Doppler mode

Vivid S60 product datasheet – March 2016 – DOC1671251 Page 7 of 16

• A
 vailable in live scanning, as well as • A
 utomatic Spectrum Optimization • D
 igital velocity tracking Doppler
an offline calculation derived from (ASO) provides a single press, employs processing in range and
tissue Doppler data automatic, real-time optimization time for high-quality spectral displays
• A
 dditional features in combination of PW or CW spectrum scale, and • A
 djustable sample volume size of
with multi-dimensional imaging option baseline display 1-16 mm (probe dependent)
• S
 imultaneous acquisition of tri-plane • D
 ynamic gain compensation for • Maximum sample volume depth 30 cm
TSI images covering all standard display of flows with varying signal
segments in apical views strengths over the cardiac cycle to CW Doppler
help improve ease of use • H
 ighly sensitive steerable CW available
• E
 fficient segment specific TSI time
• D
 ynamic reject gives consistent with all phased array probes
suppression of background – • Tissue velocity Doppler
• Immediate bulls-eye report user-selectable in real-time, digital
• A
 utomatic calculated TSI replay or image clipboard recall Physiological Traces
synchrony indexes • D
 igital replay for retrospective • Integrated three-lead ECG module
• TSI surface mapping review of spectral Doppler data • Automatic QRS complex detection
• LV synchronization report template • S
 everal top-bottom formats, • External ECG lead input
• CRT programming protocol side-by-side format and time-
motion-only format – can be • Internally generated respiratory
Strain/Strain Rate Mode adjusted in live or digital replay trace using ECG leads
(option, enabled by Advanced QScan) • ECG lead selection
• S
 electable horizontal scroll speed:
• T issue deformation (strain) and rate 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 seconds across • Adjustable ECG QRS markers
of deformation (strain rate) are cal- display – can be adjusted in live or
culated and displayed as real-time, digital replay Automatic Optimization
color-coded overlay on the 2D image • D
 ynamic optimization of B-mode
• A
 djustable spectral Doppler display
• C
 ine compound calculates and parameters: Gain, reject, compress, image to improve contrast resolution,
displays cineloops generated from color maps – can be adjusted in live TGC and grayscale (soft or sharp,
a temporal averaging of multiple or digital replay user-selectable)
consecutive heart cycles • A
 uto-spectral optimize – dynamic
• U
 ser-adjustable baseline shift –
• A
 natomical M-mode and curved in live, digital replay and image adjustments of baseline, and PRF
anatomical M-mode displays clipboard recall (on live image) and angle correction
(SI and SRI)
• Adjustable velocity scale Measurement and Analysis
Spectral Doppler • W
 all filters with range 10-2000 Hz (M& A)
(velocity scale dependent) • P
 ersonalized measurement
• A
 ngle correction with automatic protocols allow individual set
• Operates in PW, HPRF and CW modes
adjustment of velocity scale – and order of M& A items
• T rackball steerable Doppler available in live, digital replay and image • M
 easurements can be labeled
with all imaging probes – max steering clipboard recall seamlessly by using protocols
angle is probe dependent
• Auto Doppler angle or post assignments
• S
 electable Doppler frequency for
• S
 tereo speakers mounted in the • M
 easurements assignable to
enhanced optimization
front panel protocol capability
• H
 igh-quality, real-time duplex or • P
 arameter annotation follow
• D
 isplay annotations of frequency,
triplex operation in all Doppler ASE standard
mode, scales, Nyquist limit, wall filter
modes, CW and PW, and for
setting, angle correction, acoustic • S
 eamless data storage and
all velocity settings
power indices report creation
• F rame rate control for optimized
• Compound in duplex • User-assignable parameters
use of acquisition power between
spectrum, 2D and color Doppler • C
 omprehensive set of cardiac
PW/HPRF Doppler
modes in duplex or triplex modes measurements and calculations
• A
 utomatic HPRF Doppler maintains to help assess dimensions, flow
• V
 ery fast and flexible spectrum its sensitivity even for shallow depths properties and other functional
analysis with an equivalent DFT and with the highest PRF's parameters of the heart
rate of 0.2 ms

Vivid S60 product datasheet – March 2016 – DOC1671251 Page 8 of 16

• C
 omprehensive set of shared service Z-Scores Generic Measurements
measurements and calculations • L imited implementation of z-scores • BSA (Body Surface Area)
covering vascular, abdominal, obstetrics for a set of predefined pediatric
and other application areas • MaxPG (Maximum Pressure Gradient)
dimension measurements
• C
 onfiguration package to set up • MeanPG (Mean Pressure Gradient)
a customized set and sequence Quantitative Analysis Package • % Stenosis (Stenosis Ratio)
of measurements to use, defining (Q-Analysis) (optional)
• PI (Pulsatility Index)
user-defined measurements and • T races for velocity or derived
• RI (Resistivity Index)
changing settings for the factory- parameters (strain rate, strain,
defined measurements displacement) inside defined regions • HR (Heart Rate) – beats/minute
• S
 tress echo support allowing wall of interest as function of time • A /B Ratio (Velocities Ratio)
motion scoring and automatic stress • C
 ontrast analysis with traces for • T AMAX (Time Averaged Maximum
level labeling of measurements grayscale intensity or angio power Velocity) – Trace method is Peak
• S
 upport for measuring on inside defined regions of interest or Manual
DICOM images as function of time • T AMIN (Time Averaged Minimum
• A
 utomatic Doppler trace functionality • C
 urved anatomical M-mode display Velocity) – Trace method is Floor
for use in non-cardiac applications allowing an M-mode along an • T AMEAN (Time Averaged Mean
in both live and replay arbitrary curve in a 2D image Velocity) – Trace method is Mean
• W
 orksheet for review, edit and • S
 ample-area points may be dynami- • Volume
deletion of performed measurements cally anchored to move with the
tissue when running the cineloop OB/GYN Application Module
• R
 eporting support allowing a
configurable set of measurements • C
 ine compound displays cineloops • O
 B package for fetal growth
to be shown in the exam report generated from a temporal averaging analysis containing more than
of multiple consecutive heart cycles 100 biometry tables
• DICOM SR export of measurement data
Automated Function Imaging (AFI) • Dedicated OB/GYN reports
I ntima Media Thickness (IMT) (optional)
Measurements (optional) • Fetal graphical growth charts
• P
 arametric imaging tool which • Growth percentiles
• A
 utomatic measurements gives quantitative data for global
(patent pending) of carotid artery and segmental wall motion • M
 ulti-gestational calculations
Intima-Media Thickness (IMT) on (up to four)
any acquired frame • A
 llows comprehensive assessment
at a glance by combining three • Programmable OB tables
• O
 n-board IMT package facilitates longitudinal views into one • Expanded worksheets
non-interrupted workflow – fully comprehensive bulls-eye view • U
 ser-selectable fetal growth
integrated with M& A, worksheet,
• Integrated into M& A package with parameters based on European,
archiving and reporting functions
specialized report templates American or Asian methods charts
• A
 lgorithm provides robust, quick,
• 2
 D strain based data moves into • G
 YN package for ovary and uterus
reliable measurements which can
clinical practice measurements and reporting
be stored to the on-board archive
for review and reporting • S
 implified workflow with fully OB Measurements/Calculations
• IMT measurement can be made from automated ROI tracing (if configured),
quick tips and combined display of • G
 estational age by:
frozen images or images retrieved
traces from all segments - GS (Gestational Sac)
from archive
- CRL (Crown Rump Length)
• IMT package supports measure- Automated Ejection-Fraction - FL (Femur Length)
ments of different regions of Calculation (AutoEF) (optional)
the intima in the carotid vessel - BPD (Biparietal Diameter)
• A
 utomated EF measurement tool - AC (Abdominal Circumference)
(e.g., Lt./Rt./CCA/ICA etc.)
based on 2D-speckle tracking
• F rame for IMT measurement can - HC (Head Circumference)
algorithm and on Simpson
be selected in relation to the
• Integrated into M& A package with
ECG waveform
worksheet summary

Vivid S60 product datasheet – March 2016 – DOC1671251 Page 9 of 16

- APTD x TTD (Anterior/Posterior • F etal environmental description • Ao Arch Diam (Aortic Arch Diameter)
Trunk Diameter by Transverse (biophysical profile) • Ao asc (Ascending Aortic Diameter)
Trunk Diameter) • Programmable OB tables • A
 o Desc Diam
- LV (Length of Vertebra)
• Over 20 selectable OB calculations (Descending Aortic Diameter)
• Expanded worksheets • Ao Isthmus (Aortic Isthmus)
(Fetal Trunk Cross-sectional Area)
- HL (Humerus Length) • Ao Root Diam (Aortic Root Diameter)
GYN Measurements/Calculations
- BD (Binocular Distance) • A
• Right ovary length, width, height
- F T (Foot Length) (PISA: Regurgitant Orifice Area)
• Left ovary length, width, height
- OFD (Occipital Frontal Diameter) • AR Flow (PISA: Regurgitant Flow)
• Uterus length, width, height
- TAD • AR PHT (AV Insuf. Pressure Half Time)
(Transverse Abdominal Diameter) • Cervix length, trace
• AR Rad (PISA: Radius of Aliased Point)
- TCD • Ovarian volume
• A
 R RF (Regurgitant Fraction
(Transverse Cerebellum Diameter) • ENDO (endometrial thickness) over the Aortic Valve)
- THD (Thorax Transverse Diameter)
• Ovarian RI • A
- TIB (Tibia Length)
• Uterine RI (PISA: Regurgitant Volume Flow)
- ULNA (Ulna Length)
• Follicular measurements • AR Vel (PISA: Aliased Velocity)
• Estimated Fetal Weight (EFW) by:
• Summary reports • AR Vmax (Aortic Insuf. Peak Velocity)
- AC, BPD, FL • A
Vascular Calculations (Aortic Insuf. Velocity Time Integral)
• R
 T ECA (Right External Carotid • A
 Red max PG (Aortic Insuf.
- AC, FL Artery Velocity) End-Diastole Pressure Gradient)
- AC, FL, HC
• R
 T CCA (Right Common Carotid • A
 Red Vmax (Aortic Insuf.
- AC, HC Artery Velocity) End-Diastolic Velocity)
• R
 T BIFURC (Right Carotid • A
 V Acc Slope
• Calculations and Ratios Bifurcation Velocity) (Aortic Valve Flow Acceleration)
- FL/BPD • R
 T ICA (Right Internal Carotid • A
 V Acc Time
- FL/AC Artery Velocity) (Aortic Valve Acceleration Time)
- FL/HC • R
 T ICA/CCA (Right Internal Carotid • A
 V AccT/ET (AV Acceleration
- HC/AC Artery Velocity/Common Carotid to Ejection Time Ratio)
- CI (Cephalic Index) Artery Velocity Ratio)
• A
 V EOA I (VTI) (Aortic Valve
- AFI (Amniotic Fluid Index) • L T ECA, LT CCA, LT BIFURC, LT ICA, Effective Orifice Area Index
- CTAR (Cardio-Thoracic Area Ratio) LT ICA/CCA (same as above, for Left by Continuity Equation VTI)
• M
 easurements/calculations by: Carotid Artery)
• A
 V EOA I Vmax (Aortic Valve
ASUM, ASUM 2001, Berkowitz, • A /B Ratio (Velocities Ratio) Effective Orifice Area Index
Bertagnoli, Brenner, Campbell, CFEF, • % Stenosis (Stenosis Ratio) by Continuity Equation Peak V)
Chitty, Eik-Nes, Ericksen, Goldstein,
Hadlock, Hansmann, Hellman, Hill, • S
 /D Ratio (Systolic Velocity/Diastolic • AV CO (Cardiac Output by Aortic Flow)
Hohler, Jeanty, JSUM, Kurtz, Mayden, Velocities Ratio) • A
 V Cusp
Mercer, Merz, Moore, Nelson, Osaka • PI (Pulsatility Index) (Aortic Valve Cusp Separation, 2D)
University, Paris, Rempen, Robinson, • RI (Resistivity Index) • A
 V Dec Time
Shepard, Shepard/Warsoff, Tokyo (Aortic Valve Deceleration Time)
University, Tokyo/Shinozuka, Yarkoni • HR (Heart Rate) – beats/minute
• AV Diam (Aortic Diameter, 2D)
• Fetal graphical trending Cardiac Measurements • A
 V max PG
• Growth percentiles • %FS (LV Fractional Shortening) (Aortic Valve Peak Pressure Gradient)
• Multi-gestational calculations (four) • %IVS Thck (IVS Fractional Shortening) • A
 V mean PG
• F etal qualitative description • %
 LVPW Thck (LV Posterior (Aortic Valve Mean Pressure Gradient)
(anatomical survey) Wall Fractional Shortening) • AV SV (Stroke Volume by Aortic Flow)

Vivid S60 product datasheet – March 2016 – DOC1671251 Page 10 of 16

• AV Vmax (Aortic Valve Peak Velocity) • LA Minor (Left Atrium Minor) • L VOT CO
• AV Vmean (AV Mean Velocity) • L A/Ao (LA Diameter to (Cardiac Output by Aortic Flow)

• A
 V VTI AoRoot Diameter Ratio, 2D) • L VOT Diam (Left Ventricular Outflow
(Aortic Valve Velocity Time Integral) • LAAd (A2C) (Left Atrium Area, Apical 2C) Tract Diameter)

• A
 VA (Vmax) (AV Area by Continuity • L AEDV (A-L) • L VOT max PG
Equation by Peak V) (LA End Diastolic Volume, Area-Length) (LVOT Peak Pressure Gradient)

• A
 VA (VTI) (AV Area by Continuity • L AEDV Index (A-L) (LA End Diastolic • L VOT mean PG
Equation VTI) Volume Index, Area-Length) (LVOT Mean Pressure Gradient)

• AVA Planimetry (Aortic Valve Area) • L AESV (A-L) (LA End Systolic Volume, • L VOT SI
Area-Length) (Stroke Volume Index by Aortic Flow)
• AVET (Aortic Valve Ejection Time)
• L AESV Index (A-L) (LA End Systolic • L VOT SV
• C
 O (Teich)
Volume Index, Area-Length) (Stroke Volume by Aortic Flow)
(Cardiac Output, M-mode, Teicholtz)
• L AEDV MOD • LVOT Vmax (LVOT Peak Velocity)
• D
 -E Excursion
(LA End Diastolic Volume MOD) • LVOT Vmean (LVOT Mean Velocity)
(MV Anterior Leaflet Excursion)
• L AESV MOD • LVOT VTI (LVOT Velocity Time Integral)
• E
 ’ Avg (Averaged early diastolic
(LA End Systolic Volume MOD)
mitral valve annular velocity) • L VPWd (Left Ventricular Posterior Wall
• L IMP (Left Index of Thickness, Diastolic, 2D)
• E
 ’ Lat (Early diastolic mitral valve Myocardial Performance)
lateral annular velocity) • L VPWs (Left Ventricular Posterior Wall
• LVA (s) (Left Ventricular Area, Thickness, Systolic, 2D)
• E
 ’ Sept (Early diastolic mitral valve Systolic, 2CH)
septal annular velocity) • LVs Mass (LV Mass, Systolic, 2D)
• L VAd (A2C) (Left Ventricular Area,
• E
 /E’ Avg Diastolic, 2CH) • L Vs Mass Index
(Mitral inflow E velocity to E’ Avg ratio) (LV Mass Index, Systolic, 2D)
• LVAd (sax) (LV area, SAX, Diastolic)
• E
 /E’ Lat • LAAd (A2C) (Left Atrium Area, Apical 2C)
• LVAend (d) (LV Endocardial Area, SAX)
(Mitral inflow E velocity to E’ Lat ratio) • MCO (Mitral Valve closure to Opening)
• LVAepi (d) (LV Epicardial Area, SAX)
• E
 /E’ Sept • MP Area (Mitral Valve Prosthesis)
(Mitral inflow E velocity to E’ Sept ratio) • L VAs (A4C)
(Left Ventricular Area, Systolic, 4CH) • M
 R Acc Time
• E
 DV (Cube) (Left Ventricle Volume, (MV Regurg. Flow Acceleration)
Diastolic, 2D, Cubic) • LVAs (sax) (LV area, SAX, Systolic)
• M
• E
 F (A-L A2C) (Ejection Fraction 2CH, • LVd Mass (LV Mass, Diastolic, 2D)
(PISA: Regurgitant Orifice Area)
Single Plane, Area-Length) • LVd Mass (LV Mass, Diastolic, M-mode)
• MR Flow (PISA: Regurgitant Flow)
• E-F Slope (Mitral Valve E-F Slope) • L Vd Mass Index
• M
 R max PG
• E
 PSS (E-Point-to-Septum Separation, (LV Mass Index, Diastolic, 2D)
(Mitral Regurg. Peak Pressure Gradient)
M-mode) • L VEDV (A-L A2C) (LV Volume, Diastolic,
2CH, Area-Length) • MR Rad (PISA: Radius of Aliased Point)
• ERO (Effective Regurgitant Orifice)
• L VESV (A-L A2C) (LV Volume, Systolic, • M
 R RF (Regurgitant fraction
• E
 SV (Cube) (Left Ventricle Volume, over the Mitral Valve)
Systolic, 2D, Cubic) 2CH, Area-Length)
• LVET (Left Ventricle Ejection Time) • MR RV (PISA: Regurgitant Volume Flow)
• HR (Heart Rate, 2D, Teicholtz)
• L VIDd • MR Vel (PISA: Aliased Velocity)
• IVC (Inferior Vena Cava)
(LV Internal Dimension, Diastolic, 2D) • MR Vmax (Mitral Regurg. Peak Velocity)
• IVCT (Isovolumic Contraction Time)
• L VIDs • M
 R Vmean
• IVRT (Isovolumic Relaxation Time) (LV Internal Dimension, Systolic, 2D) (Mitral Regurg. Mean Velocity)
• IVSd (Interventricular Septum • L VLd (apical) • M
Thickness, Diastolic, 2D) (Left Ventricular Length, Diastolic, 2D) (Mitral Regurg. Velocity Time Integral)
• V
 Ss (Interventricular Septum • L VLs (apical) • M
 V A Dur
Thickness, Systolic, 2D) (Left Ventricular Length, Systolic, 2D) (Mitral Valve A-Wave Duration)
• LA Diam (Left Atrium Diameter, 2D) • L VOT Area • MV A Velocity (MV Velocity Peak A)
• LA Major (Left Atrium Major) (Left Ventricle Outflow Tract Area)

Vivid S60 product datasheet – March 2016 – DOC1671251 Page 11 of 16

• M
 V Acc Slope • P
(Mitral Valve Flow Acceleration) (Pulmonary Artery Diastolic Pressure) (Pulmonic Valve Pre-Ejection Period)
• M
 V Acc Time • PE(d) (Pericard Effusion, M-mode) • P
 VPEP/ET Ratio (PV Pre-Ejection
(Mitral Valve Acceleration Time) • PEs (Pericard Effusion, 2D) to Ejection Time Ratio)
• M
 V Acc/Dec Time • P
 R max PG (Pulmonic Insuf. • Q
(MV: Acc.Time/Decel.Time Ratio) Peak Pressure Gradient) (Pulmonic-to-Systemic Flow Ratio)
• M
 V an diam • P
 R mean PG (Pulmonic Insuf. • RA Major (Right Atrium Major, 2D)
(Mitral Valve Annulus Diameter, 2D) Mean Pressure Gradient) • RA Minor (Right Atrium Minor, 2D)
• MV CO (Cardiac Output by Mitral Flow) • P
 R PHT • R
 AA (d)
• M
 V Dec Slope (Pulmonic Insuf. Pressure Half Time) (Right Atrium Area, 2D, Diastole)
(Mitral Valve Flow Deceleration) • P
 R Vmax • R
 AA (s)
• M
 V Dec Time (Pulmonic Insuf. Peak Velocity) (Right Atrium Area, 2D, Systole)
(Mitral Valve Deceleration Time) • P
 R VTI (Pulmonic Insuf. • R
 AEDV A2C (Right Atrium End
• MV E Velocity (MV Velocity Peak E) Velocity Time Integral) Diastolic Volume, Apical 2 Chamber)
• M
 V E/A Ratio • P
 Rend max PG (Pulmonic Insuf. • R
(Mitral Valve E-Peak to A-Peak Ratio) End-Diastole Pressure Gradient) (RA End Systole Volume [A-L])
• M
 V max PG • P
 Rend Vmax (Pulmonic Insuf. • RALd (Right Atrium Length, Diastole)
(Mitral Valve Peak Pressure Gradient) End-Diastolic Velocity) • RALs (RA Length, Systole)
• M
 V mean PG • P
 ulmonic Diam • R
 IMP (Right Index of
(Mitral Valve Mean Pressure Gradient) (Pulmonary Artery Diameter, 2D) Myocardial Performance)
• M
 V PHT • P
 V Acc Slope • RJA (A4C) (Regurgitant Jet Area)
(Mitral Valve Pressure Half Time) (Pulmonic Valve Flow Acceleration)
• R
• M
 V Reg Frac • P
 V Acc Time (Regurgitant Jet Area ratio RJA/LAA)
(Mitral Valve Regurgitant Fraction) (Pulmonic Valve Acceleration Time)
• RV Major (Right Ventricle Major)
• M
 V SI • P
 V Acc Time/ET Ratio (PV Acceleration
(Stroke Volume Index by Mitral Flow) • RV Minor (Right Ventricle Minor)
to Ejection Time Ratio)
• MV SV (Stroke Volume by Mitral Flow) • R
 V S’ (Tricuspid annulus systolic
• P
 V an diam
excursion velocity)
• M
 V Time to Peak (Pulmonic Valve Annulus Diameter, 2D)
(Mitral Valve Time to Peak) • R
 VAWd (Right Ventricle
• PV Ann Area (Pulmonic Valve Area)
Wall Thickness, Diastolic, 2D)
• MV Vmax (Mitral Valve Peak Velocity) • P
• R
 VAWs (Right Ventricle
• MV Vmean (MV Mean Velocity) (Cardiac Output by Pulmonic Flow)
Wall Thickness, Systolic, 2D)
• M
 V VTI • P
 V max PG (Pulmonic Valve
• RVET (Right Ventricle Ejection Time)
(Mitral Valve Velocity Time Integral) Peak Pressure Gradient)
• R
 VIDd (Right Ventricle Diameter,
• MVA (Mitral Valve Area) • P
 V mean PG (Pulmonic Valve
Diastolic, 2D)
Mean Pressure Gradient)
• M
 VA By PHT • R
(Mitral Valve Area according to PHT) • P
(Right Ventricle Diameter, Systolic, 2D)
(Stroke Volume by Pulmonic Flow)
• MVA by plan (Mitral Valve Area, 2D) • R
 VOT Area
• P
 V Vmax
• MVET (Mitral Valve Ejection Time) (Pulmonary Artery Peak Velocity) (Right Ventricle Outflow Tract Area)
• P
 Vein A (Pulmonary Vein Velocity • R
 VOT Diam
• PV Vmean (PV Mean Velocity)
Peak A) – reverse (RV Output Tract Diameter, 2D)
• P
• P
 Vein A Dur • R
 VOT Diam (RV Output
(Pulmonic Valve Velocity Time Integral)
(Pulmonary Vein A-Wave Duration) Tract Diameter, M-Mode)
• P
 VA (VTI) (Pulmonary Artery
• P
 Vein D (Pulmonary Vein • R
 VOT max PG
Velocity Time Integral)
End-Diastolic Peak Velocity) (RVOT Peak Pressure Gradient)
• P
 Vein S/D Ratio
• P
 Vein S (Pulmonary Vein • R
 VOT meanPG
(Pulmonary Vein SD Ratio)
Systolic Peak Velocity) (RVOT Mean Pressure Gradient)
• PVET (Pulmonic Valve Ejection Time)

Vivid S60 product datasheet – March 2016 – DOC1671251 Page 12 of 16

• R
 VOT SI (LV Stroke Volume Index • SV (Cube) (LV Stroke Volume, 2D, Cubic) • T V mean PG (Tricuspid Valve
by Pulmonic Flow) • S
 V (Cube) Mean Pressure Gradient)
• R
 VOT SV (Stroke Volume (LV Stroke Volume, M-mode, Cubic) • T V mean PG (Tricuspid Valve
by Pulmonic Flow) • S
 V (Teich) Mean Pressure Gradient)
• RVOT Vmax (RVOT Peak Velocity) (LV Stroke Volume, 2D, Teicholtz) • T V PHT
• RVOT Vmean (RVOT Mean Velocity) • S
 V (Teich) (Tricuspid Valve Pressure Half Time)

• RVOT VTI (RVOT Velocity Time Integral) (LV Stroke Volume, M-mode, Teicholtz) • T V SV
• S
 ystemic Diam (Stroke Volume by Tricuspid Flow)
• R
(Right Ventricle Systolic Pressure) (Systemic Vein Diameter, 2D) • TV Vmean (TV Mean Velocity)

• R
 VWd (Right Ventricle Wall Thickness, • S
 ystemic Vmax • T V VTI
Diastolic, M-mode) (Systemic Vein Peak Velocity) (Tricuspid Valve Velocity Time Integral)

• R
 VWs (Right Ventricle Wall Thickness, • S
 ystemic VTI • V
 SD max PG
Systolic, M-mode) (Systemic Vein Velocity Time Integral) (VSD Peak Pressure Gradient)

• R
 AA (d) • T APSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane • VSD Vmax (VSD Peak Velocity)
(Right Atrium Area, 2D, Diastole) Systolic Excursion) Please refer to the Reference Manual
• R
 AA (s) • T CO for the full list of measurements and
(Right Atrium Area, 2D, Systole) (Tricuspid Valve Closure to Opening) calculations for all applications.

• S
 I (A-L A2C) (LV Stroke Index, • T R max PG (Tricuspid Regurg.
Peak Pressure Gradient) Annotations
Single Plane, 2CH, Area-Length)
• T R mean PG (Tricuspid Regurg. Body Marks
• S
 I (A-L A4C) (LV Stroke Index,
Mean Pressure Gradient) • B
 ody mark icons for location and
Single Plane, 4CH, Area-Length)
• T R Vmax position of probe
• S
 I (Bi-plane)
(Tricuspid Regurg. Peak Velocity) • E
 asy selection of body marks from
(LV Stroke Index, Bi-plane, MOD)
• T R Vmean touch panel
• S
 I (bullet)
(LV Stroke Index, Bi-plane, Bullet) (Tricuspid Regurg. Mean Velocity)
Text Annotations
• S
 I (MOD A2C) (LV Stroke Index, • T R VTI (Tricuspid Regurgitation
• E
 asy selection of text annotations
Single Plane, 2CH, MOD) Velocity Time Integral)
from touch panel
• S
 I (MOD A4C) (LV Stroke Index, • T V A dur
(Tricuspid Valve A-Wave Duration) Scan Assist Pro (optional)
Single Plane, 4CH, MOD)
• TV A Velocity (Tricuspid Valve A Velocity) • C
 ustomizable automations that
• S
 I (Teich) (LV Stroke Index, assist the user through each step
Teicholtz, 2D) • T V Acc Time of the scan
• S
 I (Teich) (LV Stroke Index, (Tricuspid Valve Time to Peak)
• F acilitates consistency and
Teicholtz, M-mode) • TV Ann Area (Tricuspid Valve Area) reduce keystrokes
• S
 V (A-L A2C) (LV Stroke Volume, • T V ann diam (Tricuspid Valve Annulus • S
 upports selection of all modes, all
Single Plane, 2CH, Area-Length) Diameter, 2D) measurements and dual annotations
• S
 V (A-L A4C) (LV Stroke Volume, • TV Area (Tricuspid Valve Area, 2D) • Imaging attributes: Octave, Steer,
Single Plane, 4CH, Area-Length) • T V CO Dual/Quad screen, Compound,
• S
 V (Bi-plane) (LV Stroke Volume, (Cardiac Output by Tricuspid Flow) LogiqView, Zoom, Depth, Scale
Bi-plane, MOD) and Baseline
• T V Dec Slope
• S
 V (bullet) (LV Stroke Volume, (Tricuspid Valve Flow Deceleration) • On-line or off-line protocol editor
Bi-plane, Bullet) • TV E Velocity (Tricuspid Valve E Velocity) • Image acquisition according to
• S
 V (MOD A2C) (LV Stroke Volume, predefined protocol templates
• T V E/A Ratio (Tricuspid Valve
Single-plane, 2CH, MOD) – Simpson E-Peak to A-Peak Ratio) • Various factory protocol templates
• S
 V (MOD A4C) (LV Stroke Volume, • User-configurable protocol templates
• T V max PG (Tricuspid Valve
Single-plane, 4CH, MOD) – Simpson Peak Pressure Gradient)

Vivid S60 product datasheet – March 2016 – DOC1671251 Page 13 of 16

Stress Echo (optional) Cardiac Resynchronization GE is continuously judging the need for
Supported Protocol Examinations Therapy (CRT) Programming additional actions to reduce vulnerability
Protocols of equipment; this includes vulnerability
• 2D pharmacological stress echo
scanning of our products and evaluation
• 2D bicycle stress echo • C
 RT protocols require Stress and
of new security patches for the 3rd-party
Advanced QScan
• 2
 D continuous capture stress echo technology used. Microsoft ® (and other)
(treadmill stress echo) • T ailored acquisition protocol for data security patches that address serious
needed for programming of AV and issues with Vivid S60 will be made
• C
 ardiac resynchronization therapy VV delays in biventricular pacemakers available to customers after GE
programming protocols
• Image acquisition of a set of projection verification of those patches.
(available with the Advanced QScan option)
views with various scan mode settings
Protocol Examinations Features • Template editor Transducers
(enabled with stress option) 3Sc-RS Phased Array Probe
• User-configurable protocol templates
• W
 all motion scoring: Analysis • Probe presets: Cardiac adult, pediatric,
• C
 onfigure protocol name, number
by wall motion in individual abdomen, fetal heart, transcranial,
of levels and views, name of level
myocardial segments coronary, stress, LVO contrast, LVO
and views and several other protocol
• S
 how reference: Show a reference stress, OB/GYN, vascular
settings (smart stress, show reference,
image from baseline or previous scan mode, preview of store, timer • B
 iopsy guide: Multi-angle disposable
level during acquisition handling, etc.) with a reusable bracket
• S
 mart stress: Automatically set up
6S-D Phased Array Probe
various scanning parameters Safety Conformance
(for instance geometry, frequency, • Probe presets: Pediatric, cardiac,
• T he Vivid S60 is built to meet
gain, etc.) according to same coronary, neonatal head,
the requirements of:
projection on previous level fetal heart, abdominal
• IEC60601-2-37
• S
 can mode settings: Scan mode 12S-D Phased Array Probe
• IEC60601-1
may be specified for individual • Probe presets: Pediatric, cardiac,
views in the protocol • IEC60601-1-2
coronary, neonatal head, rodent,
• P
 review of store: Show running • IEC60601-1-6 vascular (incl. carotid, LEA, LEV,
loops as preview before storing • UL60601-1 UEA, UEV), abdomen
to the examination
• NEMA UD3 9L-D Linear Array Probe
Continuous Capture • T he European Medical Devices • Vascular (incl. carotid, LEA, LEV, UEA,
• C
 ontinuously acquire large amounts Directive (MDD) 93/42/EEC (CE Mark) UEV), musculoskeletal, nerves, small
of 2D image data, and selection of pro- • D
 irective 2011/65/EU on the parts, thyroid
jection views for analysis afterwards restriction of use of certain • B
 iopsy guide: Multi-angle disposable
• T he entire continuous capture recording hazardous substances with a reusable bracket
may be kept in memory while it is • T he Vivid S60 ultrasound unit is a
possible to store new images outside C1-6-D XDclear Single Crystal
Class I device, with BF (probes)
the protocol template, or the entire Curved Array Probe (Convex)
and CF (ECG leads) applied parts
recording can be stored to file according to IEC60601-1 • Probe presets: Abdomen, OB/GYN,
• S
 election of projection views on urology, vascular, fetal heart
• T he Vivid S60 ultrasound unit
scanner or EchoPAC when the meets the EMC requirements in • B
 iopsy guide: Multi-angle, disposable
entire recording is stored to file IEC/EN60601-1-2:2007 Class B with a reusable bracket

Wall Motion Scoring P2D Pencil Probe

Virus Protection
• A
 s part of the measurement and • Probe presets: Cardiac
To reduce virus vulnerability, Vivid S60
analysis package one can access
is configured with a minimal set of open 6Tc-RS TEE Probe
a wall motion assessment module,
ports and with all network services • Probe presets: Cardiac, coronary,
providing analysis/scoring of
not actively used by the system closed LVO contrast
individual myocardial segments
down. This helps to significantly reduce
• For use with all stress modalities the risk of a virus attack on Vivid S60.

Vivid S60 product datasheet – March 2016 – DOC1671251 Page 14 of 16

6VT-D Active Matrix TEE Probe probe frequency range catalog #
• Probe presets: Cardiac, 3Sc-RS (Sector) 1.3 – 4.5 MHz H45041DL
LVO contrast, coronary 6S-D (Sector) 2.4 – 8.0 MHz H45021RR
9T-RS TEE Probe 12S-D (Sector) 4.0 – 12.0 MHz H45021RT

• Probe presets: Pediatric 9L-D (Linear) 2.4 – 10.0 MHz H40442LM

C1-6-D (Convex) 1.6 – 6.0 MHz H40472LT
Wideband Probes P2D (Pencil) 2.0 MHz H4830JE
• E
 lectronic selection between four 6Tc-RS (TEE) 3.0 – 8.0 MHz H45551ZE
solid-state and one stand-alone 6VT-D (TEE) 1
3.0 – 8.0 MHz H45581BJ
Doppler probe connectors
9T-RS (TEE) 3.3 – 10.0 MHz H45531YM
• Three probe sockets are DLP type
1 Also 6VT-D with catalog # H45561TA is supported.
• One RS probe socket

Vivid S60 product datasheet – March 2016 – DOC1671251 Page 15 of 16

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March 2016

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GE Medical Systems Ultrasound & Primary Care

Diagnostics, LLC, a General Electric Company,
doing business as GE Healthcare.

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GE Healthcare provides transformational medical
technologies and services to meet the demand for
increased access, enhanced quality and more affordable
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things that matter – great people and technologies
taking on tough challenges. From medical imaging,
software & IT, patient monitoring and diagnostics to
drug discovery, biopharmaceutical manufacturing
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