Spesifikasi Brivo XR575

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GE Healthcare

Brivo XR575 ®
Digital Radiography System

System Application • Fast preview image

The Brivo XR575 digital radiographic imaging • Multi-resolution image processing capability
system is designed as a world-class digital • Tissue Equalization*
imaging system for clinical routine application
• DICOM 3.0
in healthcare center, small&media-sized
clinics,hospital and physical check-up center. It • Post-acquisition reprocessing for multiple
provides state-of-the-art image quality, image views from single exposure
post-processing, operator control, dose • Integrated patient exam report in
reporting and auto system check. These workstation*.
features make the system reliable and easy to • Electronic angle meter
use while providing high-quality radiographic
images in a digital environment. • Advanced image post processing tools
The system configuration includes a choice of • Removable grid
flat panel, a floor column stand with rotating • Self-check for system condition
and elevating Z-shaped arm, stretcher table
• Multi language user interface
and image control system; GE’s patented
digital detector, which captures radiographic • AEC/3 ion chambers*
images in digital form; and an X-ray
generator/power unit. An acquisition and
review workstation for image post-processing, Digital Image System
short-term storage, and quick in-room The GE integrated digital image chain provides
parameter setting are included. Images may high-resolution imaging technology for
be transferred manually or automatically via a general radiography. Digital image acquisition
DICOM network for printing, long-term storage supports fast and efficient exam procedures. It
or archive, and detailed review. eliminates the time spent handling film and
cassettes and the reliability issues inherent in
cassette tray systems. This results in shorter
overall exam times and improved patient
• Amorphous silicon non-tiled digital flat panel satisfaction.
• Patient-side technique controls with digital
display and touch screen (e.g. mA, kVp, mAs) Image System General Features
• Excellent image quality and dose efficiency • Anatomical view-based digital image
processing: automatically optimizes and
• Z-shaped arm positioner with Duo-speed enhances the quality of the captured image
and motorized vertical tube/detector
alignment • Customizable image processing

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• Automatic image storage and print with tube assembly can be easily moved within that
DICOM 3.0 networking capability for increased range at any arm angle position by using the
exam throughput and shorter examination X-ray tube or detector housing buttons.
times compared to cassette based imaging
• Smart windowing (see acquisition
workstation section) Positioner
The system for general radiology examinations
• Tissue Equalization (see acquisition is designed for maximum flexibility, clinical
workstation section) productivity and ease of use. It greatly
facilitates patient positioning and lateral
Digital Detector procedures. An anti-collision system stops the
The non-tiled amorphous silicon detector unit when it contacts any object.
delivers very high detective efficiency and low
noise characteristics. • Variable SID distance movement with
detents at SID distances of 100 cm and 180
Specifications: cm
• Detector nominal image area: 41 cm x 41 cm
• Arm rotation from +135° to -30° with digital
• Detector matrix: 2048 x 2048 indication on electronic angle meters
• Grey scale: 14 bits • Digital FP detector housing angulations +/-45°
• Pixel pitch: 200 microns • Duo-speed motorized vertical movement
• Typical Dynamic range: 200uR-9mR allows fast and easy patient positioning
• Three-field ionization chamber*
• The Z shaped-arm design accommodates
Positioning Flexibility and Ease of Use for All multiple digital imaging
• Manual X-Ray tube angulation allows
The system’s duo-speed motorized vertical
exposure to standard or CR cassettes
movements and the intelligent anti-collision
• The positioner touch screen provides not
system make patient positioning quick, easy
only information about
and safe. Its user-friendly console supports
exposure/service/system condition, but also
efficient and confident diagnoses.
allows on-site parameter setting.
Positioner and Applications • System auto check on positioner screen
The Z-shaped arm design maintains constant makes service easy in perfect combination
alignment between the X-ray tube and image with cyber field service.
receptor, regardless of arm tilt positions or
Stretcher Table*
image receptor angle. Its high flexibility helps
Mobile stretcher-type table with fixed height
the system accommodate all patients in
with transparent table top and four-wheel
standing, sitting or recumbent positions,
including patients who are physically restricted.
Length 216 cm
Arm travel Width 64 cm
• Vertical travel: 133 cm (33cm-166cm,panel Height from floor 70 cm
center to ground when arm angulated 90°) Table weight 55 kg
• Rotation angle: 165° (+135°/-30°) Patient capacity 220 kg

• SID adjustments: 100cm-180cm Detector Housing Grid

• 130 cm focus /10:1/70 LP
Variable SID
To accommodate a wide variety of • 130 cm focus /10:1/40 LP
radiographic studies, the Brivo XR575 provides
a variable SID of 100 cm to 180 cm.The X-ray Acquisition Workstation

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Brivo XR575 digital radiographic system • Image flips (horizontal, vertical) with
provides you the simplest multi-language user automatic indicator.
interface to improve the throughput of the • Image Rotate - 90° increments
digital rad room. Single LCD monitor displays • Free rotation - 360°
excellent image and screens with minimal
operator interactions. It contains overall Image Processing Functions:
system operation and image acquisition, • Tissue Equalization (standard) - algorithm to
image display and image process capabilities. enhance contrast in under-penetrated or over-
penetrated areas
• Multiple customizable looks - 4 factory
Specifications default and 4 custom looks
• CPU Intel Xeon 2.53G • Smart Windowing – automated, image-
• 6G memory / 512M Graphics based, and technique-independent method of
• DVD RW determining brightness and contrast for image
• Hard Disk 250G display
Features • Free text Annotation
The Acquisition Workstation is the primary • Full range of measurement tools
interface to control the generator, the overall • Image reprocessing based on anatomy,
system operation and the network: patient size and view
• Worklist management • VOI LUT burn on send
• Simplified auto protocol assistant* • Smart manual shuttering
• Patient information management more than
600 User programmable APR System text Annotations with
• Radiographic exposure control kV, mA, mAs configurable display on/off:
AEC/Non-AEC selection • Hospital / Institution Name
• Digital image / CR, film image selection • Date, Time (hh:mm:ss) of Acquisition
• Tissue Equalization* • Laterality
• Image Reprocessing • Scale
• Grid shadow removal • Measurements (when activated)
• EMI image enhancement • Contrast, Brightness Values (window, level)
• Image transfer and storage. • Processing Look
• Patient exam report print* • Anatomical View
• Multi-patient print* • Exposure Technique including kVp, mA, mAs,
• Dicom 3.0 connectivity and time
• Estimated Exposure Dose
The workstation provides image preview • Operator Entered Annotations
and post-processing capabilities. • Patient ID
• Patient Name
• Flat screen monitor 1280 x 1024 • Patient Age and DOB (date of birth)
• Monitor Size: 19 inch • WW/WL annotations
• Hard Disk 250G/15,000 Images • Edge annotations
• Minimum preview image: 4 sec
• Final Conditioned Image: 10 sec

Image Display Functions: Acquisition Workstation

• Window Level Accessories
• Gray scale invert Optional barcode reader for patient data entry
• Zoom in/out with roam can be used for patient selection from the

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work list. Optional multi-language kits are •Specially processed Rhenium-tungsten faced
available for ease of use. molybdenum target minimizes surface
distortion for consistent image quality, and
Auto-protocol Assist* provides increased radiation output.
System automatically transits directly to the •Special treatment of inner surface of glass
acquire screen when the protocol code envelope improves high-voltage stability for
downloaded from the HIS/RIS (automatically consistent techniques.
performed with worklist refresh) matches the •Glass envelope facilitates "near"
exam code contained in the protocol database. unidirectional heat radiation from target to the
This eliminates the user steps required to interior of the housing for improved heat
select patient exam types and initiate an exam. dissipation.
•High thermal emittance oxide coating on
HF Generator anode and rotor provides high anode heat
This system is available with a high frequency dissipation rate for improved loading, cooler
generator. bearings, and increased tube life.
Normal Output Power: 50kW •Bearing assembly and bearing lubricant
KV 40 to 150 in 1 KV increments system are specifically designed for long life
mAs: 0.50- 625 (mAs is 512 or less with AEC) in under extreme X-Ray operating conditions.
Renard scale. •Bearing design allows longitudinal thermal
mA: mA selection consists of the following: 10- expansion of shaft with no increase in friction
630 in Renard scale •Special anode and cathode design minimizes
High Voltage Signal Characteristics: metal deposits.
•Excellent exposure reproducibility
•Minimum exposure time with automatic Tube Specifications
exposure control. •Focal Spot Sizes 0.6 mm/1.2 mm
Primary Source Input Power •Target Angle 12°C
• Primary source is required for all installations. •Maximum Voltage:
• Allowed nominal input voltages: 380VAC, -anode to cathode 150 KV rectified
Three-phase with or without neutral, normal -anode or cathode to ground 78 KV
frequency 50Hz. •Minimum tube permanent Filtration @
• Input current: 110A (Momentary), 9A 75KV:1.3mm aluminum equivalent
(Continuous) •Leakage Technique: 150 kV,3.4 mA
Tube Housing Features
•Housing is designed to minimize leakage Tube Thermal Ratings
radiation. •Heat Storage Capacity:
•Housing filled with insulating oil specially -Anode 111,000 Joules, (150,000 heat units)
formulated to meet the requirements of high- -Tube assembly 900,000 Joules (1,250,000
voltage X-Rays. heat units)
•Ambient Operating Temp 5 ~ 40°C •Maximum Heat Dissipation Rate
•Ambient Transport Temp –20 ~ 70°C -Anode 40,020 heat units per min. (475 Watts)
•Natural air cooling -Tube Housing 15,000 heat units per
•Temperature switch inhibits exposure if tube min.,blower operating (180 watts).
temperature reaches a preset limit.
•Integrated system design and Collimator
minimizes off-focal spot radiation.
Room Considerations
Recommended minimum room height 280cm
Recommended minimum room length 400cm
Tube Insert Features

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Recommended minimum room width 500cm System meets SFDA, CCC requirement
Recommended minimum room area 25m²
System Dimensions
Column height: 230cm when arm 90°,
Maximum column height : 270cm when arm 0°,
Arm length: 220cm.

Environmental Conditions
Audible Noise
•Operating noise: does not exceed 65 dBA
when measured at a distance of one meter
from any subsystem or component with an
ambient noise level of 40 dBA.
•Idle state noise: not exceed 55 dBA when
measured at a distance of one meter from any
subsystem or component with an ambient
noise level of 40 dBA.
•Operating ambient temperature range:
+10°C~ +35°C.
•Non-operating ambient temperature range
(except detector): -20°C ~ +60°C, detector 0°C
~ +50°C.

•Operating ambient humidity range: 30% to 75%
relative humidity, non-condensing.
•Non-operating ambient humidity range: 10%
to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing.

Atmospheric Pressure
•Operating ambient atmospheric pressure
range : 700 hPa to 1060hPa.
•Non-operating ambient atmospheric
pressure range: 700hPa to 1060 hPa.

Compliance to Standards

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Update Record:
Version 1, Brivo XR575 datasheet Han Tao 29th of Mar. 2012
Version 2, delete material name of detector scintillator, Han Tao 20th of Sep. 2012

Z-shaped arm to replace Uarm

Stretcher table weight capacity changed to 220kg.
Cancellation of “1 msec. of exposure time” on generator.
Allowed nominal input voltages changed to 380VAC only, normal frequency changed to 50Hz only.
Version 3, change hard disk from 300G to 250G, Jing CHU 24th of Apr. 2013

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