Tutorial 1 Answer

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Chapter 1 Answer

(a) An impairment review as laid out in IAS 36 impairment of Assets is carried out to determine whether the value
of an asset may have fallen below its carrying amount in the statement of financial position. It is a requirement
for goodwill carried in the statement of financial position that it should be tested annually for impairment.
An asset is considered to be impaired if its carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount, defined as the
higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. Value in use is the present value of the future cash
flows which will be generated by the asset. It is often not possible to attribute cash flows to an individual
asset, so in this case the impairment review is carried out at the level of the cash generating unit to which
the asset belongs. A cash generating unit is a group of assets which together generate cash flows. For
instance, a production unit in a factory could be treated as a cash generating unit and any impairment
identified will be apportioned between the assets of the CGU.
(b) (i) Carrying amount of the plant at 31.3.X2
1.4.X0 Cost 800,000
Depreciation ((800,000 — 50,000) / 5) (150,000)
31.3.X1 Balance 650,000
Depreciation (150,000)
31.3.X2 Balance 500,000
As there is currently no market in which to sell the plant, its recoverable amount will be its value

use, calculated as:

Year ended Cash flow Discount factor 10% Present value
$1000 $’000
31 March 20X3 220 0.91 200
31 March 20X4 180 0.83 149
31 March 20X5 170 + 50 0.75 165
$’000 $’000 $'000
Goodwill 1,800 Written off (1,800) —
Patent 1,200 W/D to realisable amount (200) 1,000
Factory building 4,000 Working (1,600) 2,400
Plant 3,500 Working (1,700) 1,800
Receivables and cash 1,500 No impairment — 1,500
12,000 (5,300) 6,700

As this is greater than the carrying amount, the plant is not impaired and will be left at its
carrying amount of $500,000.
(ii) The impairment loss will be allocated as follows.


The total amount of the impairment loss to be allocated is $5.3m.

The initial write-offs are: Damaged plant 500
Goodwill 1,800
Patent 200
This leaves $2.8m impairment loss to be allocated between the factory building (4,000) and the
remaining plant (3,000). The allocation will be:
Factory (2,800 x 4,000 / 7,000) 1,600
Plant (2,800 x 3,000 / 7,000) 1,200
1 A cash-generating unit comprises the following assets:
Building 700
Plant and equipment 200
Goodwill 90
Current assets 20

One of the machines, carried at $40,000, is damaged and will have to be scrapped. The recoverable amount
of the cash-generating unit is estimated at $750,000.
What will be the carrying amount of the building when the impairment loss has been recognised?
(to the nearest $’000)

A $597,000
B $577,000
C $594,000
D $548,000

2 What is the recoverable amount of an asset?

A Its current market value less costs of disposal
B The lower of carrying amount and value in use
C The higher of fair value less costs of disposal and value in use
D The higher of carrying amount and market value
3 A machine has a carrying amount of $85,000 at the year end of 31 March 20X9. Its
market value is $78,000
and costs of disposal are estimated.at $2,500. A new machine would cost $150,000.
The company which owns the machine expects it to produce net cash flows of
$30,000 per annum for the next three years. The
company has a cost of capital of 8%.

What is the impairment loss on the machine to be recognised in the financial statements at
31 March 20X9?

A $7,687
.B $1,667
C $2,200
D $9,500

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