Test review Financial Accounting

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Working 1. Land and Buildings.

a) Revaluation Surplus = Revaluation - Carrying Amount

= 1 750 000 - 9 00 000
= $850 000

Land revaluation = $650 000 - $500 000

= $150 000

Buildings Revaluation = $850 000 - $150 000

= $700 000

b) Depreciation calculation

Carrying Amount:
Land = $500 000 + $150 000
= $650 000
Buildings = $400 000 + $700 000
$1 100 000

Depreciation :
Land $0
Blng (new dpn) Useful life assessed to 40 years
= $1 100 000 / 40
= $27 500

Blng ( old dpn) 2% pa

= 2% × $1 100 000
= $22 000

Difference = $27 00 - $22 000

= $5 500
Journal Entries
Debit Revaluation surplus $5 500
Credit Retained earnings $5 500
Being movement on owner's equity, not through P&L
Working 2: Machine account.

Balance b/d 80 000 Accumulated depreciation

57 000
Profit on disposal Disposal 25 000
82 000 82 000

New machine (9 months)

Cost 20 000 VAT 3 000
Delivery cost 500 Discount 1 000
Installation 750
Capitalisation 300 Bal c/d 17 550
21 550 21 550
Bal b/d 17 550

Machinery 25% Reducing balance method
= 25% × 17 550 × (9/12)
= $3 290.625

Plant and Equipment a/c

Bal b/ 340 500 Accumulated depreciation
125 900
Disposal 80 000
Bal c/d 134 600
340 500 340 500
Bal b/d 134 600

Depreciation: Plant & Equip = 25% Reducing balance method

= 25% × 134 600
= $33 650

Cost Plant & Equip = $17 550 + ( 340 600 - 80 000)

= $278 050

Total Dpn Plant & Eq = $3 290.625 + $33 650

= $36 940.625
Working 3: Computer Equipment

Carrying amnt at Dec 2012 = $112 000

Depreciation method on 1 Jan 2023 = 40% Reducing balance
Depreciation charge for the year = 40% × 112 000
= $44 800

Analysis of PPE for the year ended 31 December 2023.
Land Building Plant & Computer Total

Year ended 31/12/2022

Cost 500 000 1 000 000 340 500 617 800 2 458 300
Accumulated depriciation 0 (600 000) (125 900) (505 800) (1 231 700)
Carrying amount 500 000 400 000 214 600 112 000 1 226 600

Year ended 31/12/2023

Opening carrying amount 500 000 400 000 214 600 112 000 1 226 600
Additions 17 550 17 550
Revaluations 150 000 700 000 850 000
Disposal (80 000) (80 000)
Dpn charge for the year 0 (27 500) (36 940.625) (44 800) (109 240.625)
Closing carrying amount 650 000 1 072 500 115 209.375 67 200 1 904 909.375

Gross carrying amount 650 000 1 700 000 278 050 617 800 3 245 850
Accumulated depreciation 0 (627 500) (162 840.652) (550 600) (1 340 940.625)
Closing carrying amount 650 000 1 072 500 115 209.375 67 200 1 904 909.375

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