Equis Enterprise Training Exercises

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EQuIS Enterprise Training Exercises

EQuIS Enterprise Training Exercises

Table of Contents


EQuIS Enterprise Training Exercises ...............................................................................2

Enterprise EZView- Building Reports and Exporting Data ................................................. 2

Publishing Reports to Enterprise ............................................................................................. 2

Exporting to Excel ......................................................................................................................... 4

Exporting to *.txt file ................................................................................................................... 8

Exporting to a *.kmz file ............................................................................................................ 9

Exporting to *.shp file ............................................................................................................... 11

Enterprise EZView- Pick Reports and Environmental Information Agents ................ 12

Pick Reports ................................................................................................................................... 12

Environmental Information Agents (EIAs)......................................................................... 14

Document Manager ......................................................................................................................... 21

Uploading Documents Using the Document Manager ................................................... 21

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EQuIS Enterprise Training Exercises
Enterprise EZView

EQuIS Enterprise Training Exercises

Enterprise EZView- Building Reports and Exporting Data

EQuIS Enterprise allows users to build and export reports as different file types, allowing data to be
easily imported into third party programs for additional review and/or manipulation. In these exercises,
build various reports and export them as Excel (.xls), ArcGIS shapefile (.shp), tab delimited (.txt) and
Google Earth (.kmz) files.
Publishing Reports to Enterprise

“Other” Reports are .dll reports that are stored in the EQuIS Professional installed directory, rather than
in the database itself. EQuIS Professional will automatically re
cognize custom reports if the *.dll is in the
same folder as the EQuIS Professional application.

In order to make these reports, such as the Google Earth Reports, available in EQuIS Enterprise, first
publish the reports to the database following the steps below.

Database reports cannot be imported, as they are already stored in the database (in
ST_REPORT and ST_REPORT_PARAMETER). Active Reports and Crosstabs may also be published,
but need to be done through their respective interfaces.

1. Launch EQuIS Professional

2. Login to the Springfield Training Facility (or other desired facility).

3. Click the Reports button on the toolbar.

4. When viewing the list of reports, right-click in the white space and choose Import Report(s)

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Enterprise EZView

Figure 1- Import Reports

5. Browse to the .NET assembly (*.dll) containing the report(s) to be published, such as the
EarthSoft.Interfaces.Google.dll located in the C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS directory by

A prompt appears displaying the option to store the assembly in the database (as a BLOB in the
st_report.assembly column).

• Clicking Yes means the bytes of the assembly are stored directly in the database and it is not
necessary to copy the *.dll file to any other machines. However, this also makes it more difficult
to upgrade the assembly if/when a new version becomes available.

• Clicking No will not store the assembly in the database. Instead, manually copy the assembly to
the EQuIS Enterprise{{\bin}} folder (default is C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS Enterprise\bin.
Having the *.dll stored outside of the database makes it easier to update (by overwriting the
existing *.dll with the updated *.dll).

6. For this exercise, select Yes.

Another message prompt will occur explaining how many reports were found and have been

• Clicking Yes will commit the changes to the database

• Clicking No will abort all chanages and nothing will be committed to the database.

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Enterprise EZView

7. For this exercise, select Yes.

Note: All *.dlls are listed (regardless if the reports associated with them have already been
published). However, if you select to import a *.dll and its reports have already been published,
you will receive a prompt which asks if you want to republish the *.dll.

Exporting to Excel

This section of the exercise will show users how to export an Analytical Results Report to a Microsoft
Excel file. This will allow the file to be imported and manipulated within MS Excel.

This exercise uses the Analytical Results Report.

1. Open Internet Explorer and type the Enterprise Web page URL into the address bar.

2. Log in to Enterprise with the User Name and Password.

Figure 2: Enterprise Login Screen

3. Once logged in, click on the Facility tab to display the subscribed facilities.

Note that the multiple house symbol indicates a facility group and a single house symbol indicates
a single facility. Both may be selected to run reports against all of the facilities in a facility group
or just the locations in one facility.

Figure 3: Enterprise Facility List

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Enterprise EZView

4. Login to the facility of choice – by selecting a facility name.

This exercise uses the Metal Plating Facilities.

5. Click on the Enterprise EZView tab located on the left hand side of the screen.

Figure 4: Enterprise EZView

6. Click Build Reports to display a list of custom reports.

Figure 5: Build Reports

7. For this section, select the Analytical Results report.

Figure 6: Analytical Results

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Enterprise EZView

8. Build the analytical results reports by choosing all of the appropriate criteria (e.g. location,
sample type, analytes, etc.).

9. Select the following paramaters:

Parameter Selection
Location Group
Sample Type N
Matrix WG
Analytical Group

Figure 7: Selecting the Report Parameters

10. To preview a list of the first 30 rows of data, (or the number specified in the administration tab)
click the Preview button. This is helpful to review the data selected in Step 9 before exporting.

Figure 8: Preview Button

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Figure 9: Report Preview Results

11. If the data in the preview appears complete, click the Microsoft Excel export button.

Figure 10: Export to Microsoft Excel

12. Choose Save to save the file to the hard drive or click Open to open the file directly in Excel.

Figure 11: File Download Prompt to Save or Open

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Enterprise EZView

Figure 12: Exported Results in MS Excel

Exporting to *.txt file

This exercise shows how to export an Analytical Results Report to a text file (.txt) for the purpose of
importing and manipulating it in a text editor. The reason for exporting to a .txt file is to avoid Excel
issues of when an analyte has an apostrophe (‘) in the name OR when Excel row limits are exceeded.

This exercise uses the Analytical Results Report.

1. Follow Steps 1 – 9 outlined in the previous section.

2. Click the Tab-delimited export button.

Figure 13: Tab-delimited Option

3. Choose Save to save the file to the hard drive or click Open to open the file directly in Microsoft
Internet Explorer.

4. The TXT file will be opened directly into a new window of Microsoft Internet Explorer.

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Figure 14: Exported Results as Text File (.txt)

Exporting to a *.kmz file

Earth.. This will allow the

This exercise will show users how to export a Google Earth Report to Google Earth
data to be graphically illustrated in Google Earth.

Export data from an Analytical Results Report or Water Levels Report by building the reports (as
shown in previous exercises) and by selecting the Google Earth icon on the toolbar. This creates a
.kmz file that can be opened in Google Earth or Save to a directory of choice.

This exercise uses the Google Earth Analytical Results (Contour) Report Report.. If Google Earth
Analytical Results (Contour) Report is not visible, it is necessary to publish the Google Earth
reports via EQuIS Professional. Please contact the database administrator for support with this

1. Login to EQuIS Enterprise and a facility.

2. Click on the Enterprise EZView tab located on the left hand side of the screen.

3. Click Build Reports to display a list of standard reports.

4. For this section, select the Google Earth: Analytical Results (Contour) report.

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Enterprise EZView

Figure 15: Google Earth: Analytical Results (Contour) menu option

5. Load a previously saved Analytical Results Report by choosing a previously saved Pick Report.

The Google Earth reports require a saved Pick Report to be selected before it can be exported.

Figure 16: Selecting a Saved Report

6. Click the Report button to export to Google Earth.

Figure 17: Report Option to Export to Google Earth

7. Save the exported .kmz file to the Desktop or, export directly to Google Earth.
If installed, Google Earth launches automatically

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Enterprise EZView

Figure 18: Google Earth Exported Report Results

Exporting to *.shp file

This exercise shows users how to export a ArcGIS shapefile. This allows the data to be graphically
imported into ArcGIS.

This exercise uses the Analytical Results Report.

1. Build an Analytical Results Report.

2. Click on the Enterprise EZView tab located on the left hand side of the screen.

3. Click Build Reports to display a list of custom reports.

4. For this analytical results report, select the following parameters:

a. Location Group: MonitWells

b. Sample Type: N

c. Matrix(es): WG

d. Analytical Group: Perc Daughters

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Enterprise EZView

5. Click the Shapefile button to download and save as a shapefile. This will download the shapefile
and ancillary files to a directory specified by a user. The shapefile can then be imported into

Figure 19: Shapefile Menu Option

Enterprise EZView- Pick Reports and Environmental Information Agents

Enterprise Environmental Information Agents (EIAs) are reports that are auto-generated when certain
events occur, such as the exceedance of an Action Level, a specified date, or new data arriving to the
system. These reports are generated based on saved, pre-selected parameters of reports, called Pick
Reports. In this exercise, we will learn how to create Pick Reports and sche
dule EIA reports to be sent to
specified users.

This exercise assumes you have already completed the Building Reports and Exporting Data

Note: Only users with the Enterprise “Manager” role have access to in Enterprise EZView’s
Build Reports, Pick Reports, and EIAs.

Pick Reports

Pick Reports are reports with specific saved parameters defined by the user. Pick reports are stored in
the database and available to all users subscribed to the facility.

To Build and Make Changes to a Pick Report:

1. Login to Enterprise as a Manager.

2. Select the Enterprise EZView tab to expand the list.

3. Select Build Reports. The Build Reports list is now displayed on the main portion of the screen.

4. Expand the node next to Build Reports to show the list of all reports available in Enterprise.

5. Select the Analytical Results report.

6. The parameter selection screen will open. Make the following selections by clicking the spyglass
under each parameter:

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Enterprise EZView

Parameters Selection

Location Group Monitwells

Sample Matrix WG

Result Analyte Group _Perc Daughters

Result Unit ug/l

7. To save the selections as a pick report, select Save: Pick Report (EZView) from the toolbar.

The Enterprise EZView- Pick Report screen will open and the newly created Pick Report is listed
under My Pick Reports as Analytical Results: 1.

8. Single-click on the new pick report to highlight it.

9. On the right-hand side of the screen, select to make the report available in All of My Facilities
by selecting the corresponding radio button.

10. With the report still highlighted, find the Tools menu from the right-hand side of the screen to
rename the report. Select Rename and rename the report to <Your Initials> Analytical Results:
MonitWells PercDaughters to make the report easily recognizable.

11. Click off the report to reflect the changes.

Deleting Reports:
Users may delete a report from the list of available Pick Reports by single-clicking the report
and selecting Delete from the Tools menu on the right-hand side of the screen. However,
Pick Reports with associated EIAs (as discussed in the next section) cannot be deleted
without first deleting the EIA.

12. To View the saved pick report, single-click on it and select View Pick Report (EZView) from the
Tools menu on the right-hand side of the screen.

Figure 20: Viewing a Pick Report

13. Preview the output of the saved pick report with the pre-defined parameters by selecting
Preview from the View ribbon. The preview of the report is then displayed below the Pick
Report parameters list.

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Enterprise EZView

14. Edit the date range of the Pick Report by returning to the View Pick Report (EZView) screen and
expanding Sample and Date nodes.

15. Select End Date and change the date to March 23, 2000 from the calendar on the right-hand
side of the screen.

16. To save any changes made, select Pick Report (EZView) from the Save toolbar.

Note: The date range can be set to be relative. For example, if an End Date of ‘Today’ and a
Start Date of ‘1 Year Ago Today’ are selected, the dates are all relative to the current date
anytime the report is run from the saved Pick Report.

Figure 21: Saving Changes to a Pick Report

Environmental Information Agents (EIAs)

Environmental Information Agents (EIAs), found under the Enterprise EZView list bar, allow users to run
Pick Reports when known conditions occur. These conditions include, but are not limited to: When a
new EDD is submitted via Enterprise EDP; when a user schedules a report to be generated on a daily,
weekly or monthly basis; or when a new EDD is submitted via Enterprise EDP and it exceeds an Action

Building an EIA

1. Log into Enterprise as a Manager.

2. Select the Enterprise EZView tab.

3. Select Pick Reports.

4. Single-click on the Pick Report from the previous exercise on the main Pick Reports screen.

5. Select Save as Push Report (EIA) from the Tools menu on the right-hand side of the screen.

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Figure 22: Pick Report Context Menu

Scheduling an EIA

1. In the Enterprise EIA screen, click on Schedule.

2. Select when the scheduled Information Agent should run:

a. Daily
b. Weekly on a specified day
c. Monthly on a specified date
d. Every specific number of days, beginning on a specified date

Figure 23: Schedule Menu

3. Select Create Agent.

4. On the Enterprise EIA screen, single-click on the new agent created to highlight it and display the
Information Agent Details on the right-hand side of the screen.

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Figure 24: Schedule Information Agent Details

5. Expand the node next to the created agent to display all of the corresponding Push Reports.
Single-click on one of the push reports listed to display the Push Report Details.

Figure 25: Scheduled EIA and Related Push Report

6. Determine the delivery of the Push Report is by selecting Everyone Subscribed to Facility
instead of Only Me from the Deliver to section.

Figure 26: Push Report Details

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Enterprise EZView


1. To create a different type of Environmental Information Agent, click on Pick Reports.

2. Right-click on the Pick Report from the previous exercise in the right-hand pane.

3. Select Save as Push Report (EIA).

4. After right-clicking on a saved Push Report, click on EDDs.

5. An EIA will be created which delivers a Push Report every time a new EDD arrives via Enterprise
EDP. Single-click on the created Information Agent to view the Information Agent Details.

Figure 27: EDD Information Details

6. Expand the node next to the created agent to display all the corresponding Push Reports.
Single-click on one of the push reports listed to display the Push Report Details.

Figure 28: EDD EIA and Related Push Report

7. Limit the report that is generated to only displaying new data by checking the appropriate box.
If this box remains unchecked, the generated report will display all data matching the previously
defined criteria.

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Figure 29: EDD Push Report Details


1. To create a triggered EIA, click on Pick Reports.

2. Right-click on the Pick Report from the previous exercise in the right-hand pane.

3. Select Save as Push Report (EIA).

4. After right-clicking on a saved Push Report, move the mouse over Trigger. There are several
options when setting up a Trigger EIA:

a. Self-Trigger- When an EDD is submitted and accepted via Enterprise EDP, if the data in
that EDD meets the requirements of the saved Pick Report and returns data, the report
will then be generated based on this trigger.
b. Action Level Exceedance (by EDD)- When an EDD is accepted by Enterprise EDP, this
trigger will run to determine if the data contained in the EDD exceeds the selected
Action Level.
c. Analyte Exceedance- This trigger will run if the EDD accepted by Enterprise EDP returns
results from the defined in an Analyte Exceedance Report.
d. Location Parameter Exceedance- This trigger will run if the EDD returns results defined
by a Location Parameter Exceedance Report.
e. Sample Parameters (Exceedance) - This trigger will run if the EDD returns results from
the defined in a Sample Parameters (Exceedance) Report.

5. Select Action Level Exceedance (by EDD).

6. Click on the spyglass icon under Action Level and select CLEANWATER INDUST. The submitted
EDD will be tested against this Action Level.

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Figure 30: Setting up an Action Level Exceedance (by EDD) Trigger

7. Select Save: Trigger Agent (EIA).

8. On the Enterprise EIA screen, single-click on the new agent created to highlight it and display the
Information Agent Details on the right-hand side of the screen.

Figure 31: Trigger Information Agent Details

9. Expand the node next to the created agent to display all the corresponding Push Reports.
Single-click on one of the push reports listed to display the Push Report Details.

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Figure 32: Trigger EIA and Related Push Report

10. Limit the report that is sent to only displaying new data by checking the appropriate box.

Figure 33: Trigger Push Report Details

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EQuIS Enterprise Training Exercises
Docs and Photos

Document Manager

The Enterprise Document Manager (Docs & Photos) allows the user to upload documents, associate
them with a specific facility as well as a specific location within that facility. The purpose of this exercise
is to guide users through the upload process.

Uploading Documents Using the Document Manager

1. Log into EQuIS Enterprise, and log into the Metal Plating Facilities.

2. Expand the Docs & Photos list bar.

Figure 34: Docs and Photos List Bar

3. Select Upload.

Figure 35: Expanded Docs and Photos List Bar

4. After selecting Upload, the right pane will open up the document upload form.

5. For the purpose of this exercise, let’s assign the following values:

Facility Metal Plating Facilities (SQL)

File Browse to and image file for the well
Title Name the Image File “Well_B-30”
Author Enter a name for the author
Date Enter a specific date or use current date
This drop down allows the assignment of a
Location location.

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Docs and Photos

Figure 36: Upload File Options

6. After the details have been filled out, click the Upload button. Once the upload is complete, a
list of uploaded documents will be available.

Figure 37: Expanded Docs and Photos List Bar

7. To delete items, select the row and press the delete key on the keyboard.

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