Flaps Purposes

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Edition 4 July 2017

21 - FLAPS

Aerofoil sections optimised for thermalling don't operate Cruise/Climb flap

efficiently at inter-thermal cruising speeds, and vice versa.
Trailing edge flaps address this fundamental problem by giving Cruise flap is often referred to as negative flap. It reduces trim
the pilot the ability to change an aerofoil's camber and drag and allows the glider to fly somewhat faster (6kt or 7kt
characteristics so that it works efficiently over a broader range usually) in the glide, with no performance or handling penalty. A
of speeds than a comparable unflapped section. typical cruise flap setting would be -5° at 70kt.
The 'simple' flap is the most common type. It has a fixed area, is Climb flap. Small amounts of positive flap (between +5° and
easy to manufacture, and is cost effective. The majority of +10°), reduce the stalling speed by an amount dependent on
modern flapped gliders use simple flaps with a typical operating the aerofoil, but typically by about 2kt. Given accurate speed
range of about 40°, from, say, -10° to +30°. A few gliders, such control, climb flap allows slightly tighter turns in thermals, and
as the Blanik, use Fowler flaps which increase the wing area by usually - but not always - a slightly better minimum sink rate;
sliding back and out as they deflect downwards. useful when ridge or wave soaring, but again, only with accurate
speed control. It also allows slightly lower approach speeds.
Small positive flap deflections provide a large increase in lift and
a minimal increase in drag (CL and CD, inset figure 1). As the Even when used in small amounts the main drawback of
positive flap deflection angle is increased, drag starts to rise positive flap is a slight deterioration in the handling. Adverse
noticeably and the lift increase starts tailing off. yaw increases, and rudder and aileron coordination are more
difficult. Tip-stalling or wing rocking can be an irritating
Lowering or raising flaps usually changes the glider's trim and side-effect. The roll rate is worse, particularly in larger gliders.
alters both its attitude and the flight path. The more positive As an added bonus the glider will spin more readily.
flap is used, the bigger the difference between the attitude and
the flight path. This adds a slight complication to controlling the Cruise/climb flap only has a beneficial effect on performance if
speed 'by attitude', but it's no worse than similar changes used correctly.
created by use of the airbrakes.
Landing flap
It is important that instructors understand flap aerodynamics,
and how to operate the specific type fitted to the glider in which Landing flap is, in effect, climb flap, but more of it; anything
they are instructing, or to which they are converting either the between +20° and +90°, depending on the glider type.
trainee or themselves.
Landing flap creates large amounts of drag, and can reduce the
Flapped two seaters are fairly rare in general club training, but stalling speed by about 3 or 4kt, allowing steeper approaches,
they are ideal for demonstrating flap characteristics and effects. slower touch-down speeds and shorter landing runs. The
If appropriate, the trainee should be taught how to operate change in the aerofoil's camber can give the glider a markedly
them effectively through all phases of flight, and the instructor nose down attitude. The forward view on the approach is
should make certain the trainee appreciates how the various improved, but by comparison with straight flight and 'normal'
settings affect the glide ratio and the penetration. flap settings there may then be a big difference between the
Whilst the details of flap operation don't vary much between glider's attitude and its flight path. This is especially the case
glider types, always read the flight manual to find out how the with flap only gliders (PIK20b), or those with very powerful (last
designer intended they should be used. resort) landing flaps. When landing flap is deployed it is essential
to monitor the ASI and maintain airspeed.

Section 6 21-1 © British Gliding Association 2017

Edition 4 July 2017

Landing flap generally makes all the drawbacks associated with just before touchdown. Pilots of these gliders tend to
climb flap (as previously described) a lot worse. The glider may select the next lowest setting. Not every glider using full
also become less stable in pitch and even easier to spin. It is also landing flap will drop a wing at round-out. Again, refer to
far more likely to drop a wing during the ground run. the flight manual
Despite the large amount of drag that positive flap can create,
C if you're running out of height in the circuit leave the flaps
in zero (best L/D configuration). All flapped gliders can
the limiting speeds associated with the different settings can
be landed in zero flap if necessary
often be surprisingly low, so, once again, the airspeed needs
monitoring. The flap deflections may also be G limited. Refer to C monitor your airspeed (counter for any trim change) and
the flight manual or the placard. use the airbrakes, as normal
C don't alter the flap settings during the final turn
Additional comments C with the glider safely established on the approach, leave
the flap settings alone (but see NOTE below)
The ergonomics of some flapped gliders leaves much to be
desired. Thorough familiarity with the controls and their C in order to maintain aileron effectiveness and prevent a
operation is essential. ground loop in a cross wind, you may need to raise the
flap to a negative setting during the ‘jogging along’ part of
The increased lift created by lowering the flaps can cause the ground run. Since you'll almost certainly have to let
noticeable bending and twisting of the wings’ outer panels. The go of the airbrake lever to alter the flap setting, the
flap limiting speeds take account of this and should be strictly airbrakes may close and you’ll briefly take-off again, so
adhered to. wait until the glider is firmly 'stuck' to the ground first.

Use of positive flap during the slower parts of the ground run, NOTE: Lowering the flaps from 0° to, say, +20° , increases the
take-off or landing, can result in a wing drop. Unless there is aerofoil's lift coefficient (CL), and reduces the stalling speed, as
plenty of wind negative flap may be needed during these slower previously described, but when the flaps are retracted again the
phases to give the pilot some aileron control. stalling speed and the CL return to their original values. If the
Landing and cruise/climb settings are normally operated by a attitude is kept constant while the flap setting is reduced below
single lever, but there are some exceptions. The Kestrel is one about +20°, the changes in AoA and lift can cause the glider to
of them. It has two levers, one for landing flap and the other for start to sink rapidly. The resulting sensations can be confused
cruise/climb. There is another lever which looks exactly like a with stalling and are very marked if there's a wind gradient.
flap lever, but deploys the braking parachute. As a result of the above, pilot's are often advised not to retract
Flaps require a good deal of maintenance and need to be well the flaps during the approach, come what may, but there is no
sealed if they are to work at their best. reason why they shouldn't if, say, an undershoot is developing,
but there is one very important proviso - that the speed before
retraction is ABOVE the stalling speed for 0° flap (or whatever
Use of flaps - general principles
lower setting is selected), preferably by a reasonable margin.
Before flying make sure you read the relevant section of the Given that flaps don't decrease the stalling speed by much, if
flight manual, look at the placard and generally acquaint you genuinely stall when you retract them then you were
yourself with the flap limiting speeds and/or associated G probably flying far too slowly in the first place. However, if the
limitations. Exceeding the limits can cause serious damage to speed is sufficient, the increased sink rate and accompanying
the wing structure. Some gliders with trailing edge airbrakes, sensations of imminent disaster as the flaps are retracted can be
have flap and airbrake limiting speeds which are much lower removed by raising the nose an appropriate amount. Monitor
than VNE, and operating the trailing edge airbrakes above the the airspeed.
published limiting speed can cause catastrophic damage to the
rear spar. The winch launch
Unless the flight manual says otherwise, plan to use the first
The circuit, approach and landing
thermal flap setting for the launch. One advantage of this setting
The circuit, approach and landing settings and when to use is that if you have a low level launch failure, you're not obliged to
them are broadly similar for most flapped gliders, but again, change the flap settings at a critical moment. In the event of a
always check with the glider's flight manual. launch failure higher up, there will be more time and you may
then want to lower more flap to steepen the approach path.
C fly the circuit using whichever flap setting gives the best
If you don't have to, don’t alter the flap settings during the
L/D. This can be glider dependent, but for aerodynamic
reasons it's most likely to be 0° take-off roll or the first 500’ of the launch. Keep your left hand
on the release, as usual. The suggested practice for some gliders
C once established on the diagonal or base leg, lower the is to start the ground run in zero or negative flap if the initial
flaps to an intermediate positive setting, such as the acceleration is likely to be slow, or there is little or no wind and
second stage of thermal flap. This gives you an the winch isn't particularly powerful. This may mean changing
opportunity to get used to any significant changes in trim the flap setting to zero or a few degrees positive during the last
and attitude, as well as judging how the reduced glide part of the ground run. The drawback here is an increase in the
angle is affecting the approach picture pilot's workload at just the wrong moment, and if a wing drops
C once you know you're going to make the chosen landing his hand may be nowhere near the release.
area easily - usually after the final turn - lower the flap to
the landing setting. What the flight manual will label and The aerotow
describe as landing flap, and the actual amount you'll use
for a landing aren't always the same thing. The so-called To ensure maximum roll control during the initial ground run
landing (maximum positive) setting on some gliders (eg. and subsequent tow, consult the glider's flight manual for
DG500) is rarely used because it results in very sluggish recommended practices and flap settings.
aileron response, and a tendency to drop a wing at, or

Section 6 21-2 © British Gliding Association 2017

Edition 4 July 2017

If the recommendation is to adjust the flaps to a positive setting C the glider is sufficiently heavy enough to make obstacle
during the ground run, make changes gently and be aware that if clearance on take-off a more critical consideration than
you leave them rather late, or make them too abrupt, the glider in other gliders you will have flown. Use all the run
can take-off very suddenly and get too high. available
C unlike the Janus or the Duo-Discus, the DG500's
In free flight airbrakes are very powerful. The wheel brake operates
at the end of the airbrake lever’s travel
The optimum flap settings vary from type to type, and with the
wing loading. On average days cruise between thermals in zero C an approach speed of 55kt is sufficient in nil to light winds
flap, occasionally using the first stage of negative flap, but rarely C the span is 22m with low ground clearance. The glider
barrelling along with full negative flap. will readily drop a wing on take-off and landing
Don't deploy positive flap as soon you pull up into lift. If you've C for best aileron control during the landing run, don't use
been going fast beforehand the drag rise will be unnecessarily landing flap. It severely reduces the effectiveness of the
high. You won't gain quite as much height and manoeuvrability ailerons. Use 0° to +10° flap. Don't alter the settings
will suffer just at the point you need it. Pull up, wait for the during the landing run.
glider to slow, then lower the flaps to the first positive setting.
The second positive flap setting is only worthwhile if you're well Use of thermal flap
centred, the lift is reasonably smooth, and you don’t need to
manoeuvre much. The second setting may also be useful if you C trim the glider for 50kt in zero flap
want a slightly tighter circle without having to speed up. C prompt the trainee to carry out the 'rolling on a heading
Small amounts of positive flap can be used in wave or ridge lift exercise' using aileron and rudder together, and to note
to give a marginally lower rate of minimum sink. Modest stick forces, rate of roll and rudder limitations
experimentation may be needed to determine the optimum C select thermal flap, trim for 50kt, and roll on a heading
flap setting, particularly in wave. In some cases zero, or even a again. The trainee should note greatly increased aileron
small amount of negative flap may give a lower rate of sink than drag and insufficient rudder to counteract the adverse
the small amount of positive flap that's usually suggested in flight yaw. More perceptive trainees may also note further
manuals. disadvantages to thermalling flap; the slightly increased
stick forces, reduced roll rate and a more nose-down
When leaving a thermal, accelerate while still in the lift by attitude for the same speed
smoothly moving the flaps to the setting appropriate for the C to demonstrate the advantages, reselect zero flap and do
speed at which you expect to fly through the sink. It's important an unaccelerated stall. Note the stalling speed. Select
to time this right so that you aren't trying to accelerate a draggy thermal flap and repeat the exercise. The trainee should
glider through heavy sink that you were expecting five seconds note that the two differ by between 2 and 4kts, a
later. difference small enough to go unnoticed if either stall is
accelerated. The instructor may have to demonstrate
Conversion to a flapped glider the stalls to achieve a sufficient degree of accuracy
The majority of points made in the DG500 section below are C emphasise that the reduction in stalling speed is the only
applicable to all flapped gliders, single or two seat, as are the gain from using thermal flap, and that the setting should
principles and general use described previously. However, note only be used to reduce the radius of a thermalling turn,
the following additional points: or occasionally, when flying straight at minimum speed,
through very strong lift.
C if the glider is operating at a high wing loading, failure to
use positive flap at the correct point during the aerotow Use of negative flap - better performance at high speed
ground run can result in the tug becoming airborne well
before the glider C select zero flap and accelerate to 85kt. Stabilise the
C the AUW of most flapped GRP two seaters, even attitude and trim to maintain that speed. Give the trainee
without water ballast, is high. Regardless of the wing sufficient time to recognise the new attitude
loading an aerotow ground run in light or no wind C select -5° flap and maintain 85kt airspeed. Allow time for
conditions can be a very prolonged affair, and obstacle the glider to stabilise in the new attitude, and further
clearance may be a critical consideration. Use all of the time for the trainee to recognise it. He should notice a
available run. much less nose-down attitude in negative flap
C emphasise that much of the changed attitude is due to a
Example conversion/use of flaps (DG500) change in the direction in which the glider is pointing.
Any change to the glide ratio is less significant than
Normal type conversion considerations apply, but note the suggested by the change in attitude. The
following: demonstration's point is that although negative flap does
improve high-speed performance, the improvement is
C for aerotow take-off begin the ground run in negative actually quite small, and the temptation to fly flapped
flap to improve aileron control. Have your left hand on gliders faster than similar unflapped gliders should be
the release. At 25kt IAS move your left hand to the flap resisted
lever and select positive flap (usually +5°) to reduce the C when reducing speed the nose of a glider of the DG500’s
take-off speed performance needs to be raised significantly and left
C during the ground roll the nose will tend to pitch down. there for an appreciable amount of time for the speed to
Some back pressure will be required to prevent this and reduce to the 45-50kt appropriate for thermalling.
to maintain the optimum take-off attitude Simply, you gain more height in the pull-up.

Section 6 21-3 © British Gliding Association 2017

Edition 4 July 2017

Use of landing flap Draw the trainee’s attention to the reduced airspeed and
ensure that he understands the potential danger, in particular
C in zero flap trim the glider for 55kt (normal approach that landing flap would normally only be selected below about
speed) 500’. Instruct the trainee that in lowering landing flap he should
monitor the airspeed and lower the nose accordingly.
C direct the trainee to monitor and/or maintain the
attitude and then select landing flap. If the original
attitude is maintained the speed will decay to about 40kt
in roughly 10 seconds.

Section 6 21-4 © British Gliding Association 2017

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