Liaise Between Kitchen and Dining Areas

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Lesson Plan in

Home Economics- Food and Beverage Services NCII

Grade XI

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:
 Understand the importance of clear communication between the kitchen and
dining area for efficient service.
 Value the role of effective communication in enhancing customer satisfaction.
 Demonstrate effective communication skills when relaying orders and
inquiries between kitchen and dining area.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Liaise between kitchen and dining areas
Reference: food and beverage services module, Hospitality Management
Competency: Unit of Competency 2
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, TV
III. Procedures
i. PRELIMINARIES: Prayer and Checking attendance
ii. Review: Take food and beverage order
iii. Motivation: “Communication Relay Race”

Teacher's Activity Learner's Activity

A. Classroom Routine

Opening Prayer Our most gracious, heavenly, kind and loving Father. We ask
for your guidance as we start our lesson for today, be with us,
(The teacher will call one and give us knowledge so that we can able to understand our
student to lead the prayer). topic today. We commit unto thee and forgive our sins. In
Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Okay, thank you


Greetings! Good morning ma'am!

Good morning class! How
are you today? I hope you're
doing well.
Please arrange your chairs Thank you, ma’am.
and pick up some pieces of
paper. Okay, please be

Checking of attendance. There's no absent ma'am.

Review Take food and beverage order ma’am.

B. Motivation
Order Slip
Before we proceed to our  Date: [Today's Date]
topic for today, we’ll have a  Time: [Current Time]
game called  Table Number: [Table Number]
“Communication Relay  Server Name: [Server Name]
1. Divide participants
into teams Order Details:
representing the  2 x Cheeseburger
kitchen and dining  1 x French Fries
area.  2 x Soda (1 Coke, 1 Sprite)
 Special Request: No onions on the burgers
2. Provide each team Total Amount Due: $[Total Amount]
with a communication
prop (e.g., phone,
walkie-talkie) and a
sample order slip.
3. Teams relay order
details using the
communication prop,
aiming for accuracy
and speed.
4. Discuss how effective
contributes to
customer satisfaction
and efficient service.

C. Lesson Proper
1. True or False: Effective communication between the
1. Present a series of
kitchen and dining areas is important for customer
statements about the
liaison between
 Answer: True
kitchen and dining
2. True or False: The liaison between kitchen and dining
areas only involves relaying food orders.
 Answer: False (It also includes relaying
2. Participants must inquiries, special requests, and updates on food
determine if each availability.)
statement is true or 3. True or False: Clear communication between the
false. kitchen and dining areas can help prevent
misunderstandings and errors.
3. After each statement,  Answer: True
reveal the correct 4. True or False: Collaboration and teamwork are not
answer and briefly necessary when liaising between the kitchen and
discuss the reasoning dining areas.
behind it.  Answer: False (Collaboration and teamwork
are essential for effective communication.)
5. True or False: The liaison between kitchen and dining
areas is not important for the overall success of a
 Answer: False

1. Improved customer satisfaction, increased
Based on the activity, what efficiency, reduced errors, and smoother
are the key benefits of operations.
effective communication 2. To ensure accurate orders, avoid
between the kitchen and misunderstandings, maintain professionalism,
dining area in a restaurant and enhance teamwork.
setting? 3. By preventing misunderstandings, reducing
errors, and improving coordination between
Why is it important for staff
kitchen and service staff.
to use appropriate
communication techniques
when relaying orders and
inquiries between the
kitchen and dining area?
How can clear
communication help to
prevent misunderstandings
and enhance overall
efficiency in restaurant


n Liaise(lee-ayz)
- The liaise between service area is vital for the smooth
operation of a restaurant, ensuring customer
satisfaction, accuracy, efficiency and overall success.
When relaying information and liaising between kitchen and
service areas you will need to interact
Chef and cooks- who can seek clarification of orders and/or
ask you to pass on directions to waiters.
Dishwashing staff- who can ask for nominated(used) crockery
and cutlery to be returned immediately
from service area to dishwashing area so they can be
Still room staff- who you may need to ask for extra butter,
rolls and condiments.
Cleaners- who you may have to ask to perform clean-up
duties in the event of a major spill or a cleaning-
related need in, for example, the foyer area/entrance, the
washrooms, or an area of the kitchen.
Food waiters- whose directions and requests you will need to
pass on to the kitchen.
Beverage waiters-even though this unit applies directly to
‘food’ it is a reality that in the workplace you
work as part of a team and need to be prepared to assist any
other staff member as required.
Dining room Supervisor/manager/owner. This person has
overall control of service and may ask you to
undertake certain tasks to optimize service, prepare for
reservations which have been received or enable
service recovery after an incident or problem.
General food order information:

Table number

Number of guests (‘pax’)

Dishes orders

Name and number of waiter or your name

Information from kitchen to service points.
Advice regarding timing of meals such as delays to service.
Notification regarding availability of food such as “Only two
serves of pepper crab left”, or “The beef has
run out”
Requests for action – “Push the soup” or “Try to sell the red
Clarification of orders placed to interpret written or verbal
orders so kitchen knows exactly what is
Notification certain requests cannot be accommodated.
Responses to questions asked by guests.
Appropriate communication techniques:
Hand-written note
- It can be used to order water, ask for help, signal a special
occasion or an important guest has arrived.
Written clearly
- When producing written communication make sure it is clear
enough for others to read and interpret.
Open and close question
- Gain required information about the topic being talk about.
Paying attention and concentrating on others saying.
Never interrupt the other person
- Instead allowing them to finish what they are saying.
Repeating back
- What they have told you to verify understanding of what has
been said.
Tips on relaying an order to the kitchen:
When delivering an order from wait staffers we to the kitchen,
details about any special orders must be
passed on to the appropriate person quickly and
Have got their full attention when relaying the order. The
kitchen may require you to “order chef” or
order in.
Point the special request on the actual docket, physically
locating the written information you have put
on the docket or order. It is standard practice in manual
ordering system for special request to circle on
the docket.
Keep communication brief and accurate.
The liaise between service area is vital for the smooth
operation of a restaurant, ensuring customer
satisfaction, accuracy, efficiency and overall success.

E. Application Rubrics
1. Pair up learners, one Criteria Yes No
as a waiter/waitress
and the other as Clear Conveyance of Orders
kitchen staff. and Inquiries

2. Provide a scenario Uses Appropriate

(e.g., customer Communication Techniques
complaint, rush
order). Handles Challenging
3. Allow a few minutes
for preparation. Collaboration and
Teamwork in Addressing
4. Role-play the Communication Challenges
scenario, focusing on
clear and concise
5. Provide feedback
based on
A customer has a severe
nut allergy and needs to
know if a particular dish
contains nuts.
The kitchen is running low
on a popular menu item,
and the waiter/waitress
needs to inform the
A customer has sent back
their meal, saying it is too
cold, and the kitchen needs
to reheat it.
A large party has just
arrived, and the kitchen
needs to prepare their
orders quickly.
A customer has a special
dietary request (e.g., vegan,
gluten-free) that needs to be
communicated to the
kitchen accurately.

IV. Assessment
Multiple Choice Quiz (Instruction: Write the letter of your correct answer on
the blank.)

1. What is the purpose of liaising between the kitchen and service area?
A) To ensure customer satisfaction
B) To increase costs
C) To decrease efficiency
D) To create confusion

2. Who might you interact with when liaising between the kitchen and service
A) Only the chef
B) Only the dishwashing staff
C) Chef, cooks, dishwashing staff, still room staff, cleaners, food waiters,
beverage waiters, dining room supervisor/manager/owner
D) Only the cleaners

3. What kind of information might you need to relay to the kitchen?

A) Table number and number of guests
B) Dishes orders and name of waiter
C) Notification regarding availability of food
D) All of the above

4. Which communication technique should you use to ensure clear

understanding when relaying an order?
A) Interrupt the other person
B) Use open and close questions
C) Repeat back what they have told you
D) Paying attention and concentrating on others saying
5. How should you indicate special requests on an order to the kitchen?
A) Verbally
B) Use hand signals
C) Physically locate the written information on the order
D) None of the above

6. What is the importance of liaising between the kitchen and service area?
A) To create confusion
B) To decrease customer satisfaction
C) To ensure customer satisfaction, accuracy, efficiency, and overall
D) To increase costs

7. What should you do before relaying an order to the kitchen?

A) Interrupt the kitchen staff
B) Make sure you have their full attention
C) Order in a rude manner
D) None of the above

8. Which of the following is NOT a part of appropriate communication

A) Hand-written note
B) Paying attention and concentrating on others saying
C) Interrupting the other person
D) Repeating back what they have told you

9. Who has overall control of service and may ask you to undertake certain
A) Chef
B) Dining room Supervisor/manager/owner
C) Dishwashing staff
D) Still room staff

10. What should you do if the kitchen requires you to "order chef"?
A) Ignore the request
B) Politely ask for clarification
C) Order in a loud voice
D) Order chef in a rude manner

V. Assignment
Now that you have already know about the Liaise between kitchen and dining
areas, you can now proceed to the new lesson. In the next lesson, you will
learn about Know the Product.
Prepared by:

May G. Gersava
Pre- Service Teacher

Observed by:
Alma B. Goloran
Cooperating Teacher

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