CSE3013 Module7
CSE3013 Module7
CSE3013 Module7
Expert Systems
Expert Systems in AI
The Expert System in AI can resolve many issues which generally would
require a human expert. It is based on knowledge acquired from an expert.
AI and Expert Systems are capable of expressing and reasoning about
some domain of knowledge.
Expert systems were the predecessor of the current day artificial
intelligence, deep learning and machine learning systems.
Characteristics of ES
The Highest Level of Expertise: The ES in AI offers the highest level of
expertise. It provides efficiency, accuracy and imaginative problem-solving.
Right on Time Reaction: An ES in AI interacts in a very reasonable period of
time with the user. The total time must be less than the time taken by an expert
to get the most accurate solution for the same problem.
Good Reliability: ES in AI needs to be reliable, and it must not make any a
Flexible: It is vital that it remains flexible as it the is possessed by an ES.
Effective Mechanism: ES in AI must have an efficient mechanism to administer
the compilation of the existing knowledge in it.
Capable of handling challenging decision & problems: An ES is capable of
handling challenging decision problems and delivering solutions.
Examples of ES
MYCIN: It was based on backward chaining and could identify various bacteria
that could cause acute infections. It could also recommend drugs based on the
patient’s weight.
DENDRAL: ES used for chemical analysis to predict molecular structure.
PXDES: ES used to predict the degree and type of lung cancer
CaDet: ES used to can identify cancer at early stages
User Interface :
It is the most crucial part of the ES Software.
It takes the user’s query in a readable form and passes it to the inference
It displays the results to the user.
Inference Engine :
It is the brain of the ES.
It contains rules to solve a specific problem.
It refers the knowledge from the Knowledge Base.
It selects facts and rules to apply when trying to answer the user’s query.
It provides reasoning about the information in the knowledge base.
It also helps in deducting the problem to find the solution. And also helpful
for formulating conclusions.
Knowledge Base :
It is a repository of facts.
It stores all the knowledge about the problem domain.
It is like a large container of knowledge which is obtained from different
experts of a specific field.
It mainly depends on the highly accurate and precise knowledge.
Forward Chaining :
It is a strategy of an ES to answer the question, “What can happen
Here, the Inference Engine(IE) follows the chain of conditions and
derivations and finally deduces the outcome. It considers all the facts and
rules, and sorts them before concluding to a solution.
This strategy is followed for working on conclusion, result, or effect. For
example, prediction of share market status as an effect of changes in
interest rates.
Backward Chaining :
With this strategy, an expert system finds out the answer to the question,
“Why this happened?”
On the basis of what has already happened, the Inference Engine tries to
find out which conditions could have happened in the past for this result.
This strategy is followed for finding out cause or reason. For example,
diagnosis of blood cancer in humans.
Participant Role
He is a person or group whose expertise and
Domain Expert
knowledge is taken to develop an expert system.
Knowledge engineer is a technical person
Knowledge Engineer
who integrates knowledge into computer systems.
It is a person or group of people
End User who are using the expert system to get
advice which will not be provided by the expert.
The process of Building An Expert Systems
Determining the characteristics of the problem
Knowledge engineer and domain expert work in coherence to define the
The knowledge engineer translates the knowledge into a
computer-understandable language. He designs an inference engine, a
reasoning structure, which can use knowledge when needed.
Knowledge Expert also determines how to integrate the use of uncertain
knowledge in the reasoning process and what type of explanation would be