Chapter 07 Structural Organisation in Animals A

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1 Which type of tissue forms the inner of a blood vessel?
a) Epithelial
b) Connective
c) Muscle
d) Nervous
2 In which of the following, the plasma membrane of the epithelial lining is
Modified in to microvilli?
a) Tubules of the testis
b) Vagina
c) Intestine
d) Urinary tract
3 The actively dividing layer of columnar cells in the epidermis of man is called as the
a) Stratum granulosum
b) Stratum lucidum
c) Stratum Malpighi
d) Stratum corneum
4 The outermost layer of skin called stratum corneum is composed of
a) Completely dead and keratinised cells
b) Living and most actively dividing cells
c) Most of dead keratinized cells but some living cells
d) Living keratinized cells
5 Which type of tissue forms glands?
a) Epithelial
b) Connective
c) Nervous
d) Muscle
6 Mostly the mammary glands are modified
a) Sebaceous glands
b) Apocrine glands
c) Cutaneous glands
d) Holocrine glands
7 Ligaments are made up of
a) White fibres and some yellow elastic fibres
b) White fibres only
c) Yellow fibres only
d) Yellow fibres and muscle fibres
8 The bone of a mammal contains Haversian canals, which are connected by transverse canals
known as
a) Semicircular canals
b) Inguinal canals
c) Volkmann’ canal
d) Bidder’ canal
9 Cardiac muscle is made up of branched fibres that are
a) Non-striated and under voluntary control
b) Striated and not under voluntary control
c) Non-striated and not under voluntary control
d) Striated and under voluntary control

10 The efferent process of neuron is known as

a) Dendron
b) Axon
c) Cyton
d) dendrite
11 Schwann cells and nodes of Ranvier are found in
a) neurons
b) chondroblasts
c) osteoblasts
d) gland cells
12 The plasma protein, which maintains the osmotic pressure of blood is
a) albumin
b) globulin
c) fibrinogen
d) prothrombin
13 A bipolar neuron has
a) 1 dendron and 1 axon
b) 2 axons and 2 dendrites
c) 2 dendrites and 1 axon
d) 2 axons and 1 dendrite
14 Mast cells of connective tissue contain
a) Heparin and calcitonin
b) Serotonin and melanin
c) Vasopressin and relaxin
d) Heparin and histamine
15 Metamerism is characteristic feature of phylum
a) Porifera
b) Platyhelminthes
c) Annelida
d) Mollusca
16 Blood is red but but there are no red blood cells in
a) earthworm and leeches
b) leeches
c) cockroach
d) bedbug
17 Which of the following statements is true for pheretima?
a) it is a dioecious animal with distinct sexual dimorphism
b) in it copulation occurs in night in burrow during rainy season
c) it can copulate throughout the year whenever it rains
d) it cannot travel both backwards and forwards

18 In earthworm, setae are absent from

a) clitellum, first and last segments
b) clitellum
c) first segment
d) clitellum and last segment
Abdomen of cockroach has segments
19 a) 6
b) 10
c) 11
d) 12

20 First wing in cockroach is a hard leathery structure and is called

a) Elytron attached to prothorax
b) Tegmina attached to prothorax
c) Elytron attached to mesothorax
d) Tegmina attached to mesothorax
21 Which of the 2 parts in cockroach are fundamentally similar in structure?
a) Anal styles and labrum
b) Maxillae and legs
c) Mandibles and antennae
d) Wings and cerci
22 In cockroach lower lip or labium refers to
a) Mentum
b) Submentum
c) First maxilla
d) Second maxilla
23 Number of Malpighian tubules present in cockroach is
a) 60-70
b) 80-90
c) 100-150
d) 200-250
24 Three chambered heart of frog is not as proficient as four chambered human heart because
a) Ventricle does not pump blood properly
b) It does not hold enough blood
c) Heart muscles are not strong
d) Oxygenated and deoxygenated bloods mix up
25 Chloragogen cells of pheretima are specialized for
a) Nutrition
b) Reproduction
c) Excretion
d) Respiration
26 Mating in earthworm occurs during
a) Night in rainy season
b) Night in water
c) Night in summer season
d) Day in rainy season
27 Structure present in man but absent in frog is
a) Salivary glands
b) Pancreas
c) Adrenal glands
d) Gall bladder
28 The glands present in skin of frog are
a) Mucous and poisonous
b) Sweat and mammary
c) Sweat and sebaceous
d) Sweat and mucous
29 In frog, jelly around the eggs is deposited
a) In water after fertilization
b) In water during fertilization
c) In the oviduct
d) In the ovary
30 The heart in cockroach is longitudinal beaded and there are
a) 2 chambers in thorax and 11 in abdomen
b) 3 chambers in thorax and 10 in abdomen
c) 2 chambers in thorax and 10 in abdomen
d) 3 chambers in thorax and 9 in abdomen

31 The blood of cockroach is colorless because

a) There is no respiratory pigment
b) Circulatory system is open type
c) Circulatory system is closed type
d) There are no salts in blood

32 Cockroach blood does not contain respiratory pigments, it means that

a) Cockroach does not respire
b) Cockroach respire anaerobically
c) Oxygen reaches tissue through tracheoles
d) Oxygen passes to all the tissues through diffusion

33 How many pairs of spiracles are found in cockroach

a) 3 pairs in thorax and 10 pairs in abdomen
b) 2pairs in thorax and 8 pairs in abdomen
c) 2 pairs in thorax and 6 pairs in abdomen
d) 1 pair in thorax and 7 pairs in abdomen

34 Earthworms are called ‘friends of farmers’ because

a) Their burrows make the soil loose
b) They are used as fish meal
c) They kill the birds due to biomagnification of chlorinated hydrocarbons
d) They make the soil porous, leave their castings and organic debris in the soil

35 Movement of coelomic fluid helps in locomotion of

a) Hydra
b) Frog
c) Starfish
d) Earthworm

36 In earthworm, septa are absent in

a) first 4 segments
b) 5/6,10/11
c) 5/6,7/8
d) 6/7,7/8

37 In earthworm oxygen carrying haemoglobin occurs in

a) Plasma
b) Corpuscles
c) Both corpuscles and plasma
d) The statement is wrong

38 The region of earthworm, which is forest of nephridia

a) Clitellar region
b) Pharyngeal region
c) Typhlosolar region
d) Intestinal region

39 Which one of the following is an oxygen carrying blood pigment of earthworm?

a) Haemocyanin
b) Haemoglobin
c) Haemoerythrin
d) Chlorocruorin

40 In frog, two phalenges occur in

a) pollex
b) hallux
c) third finger
d) third toe
41 Chloragogen cells are
a) respiratory only
b) circulatory only
c) excretory only
d) polyfunctional
42 Which is characteristic of common cockroach species?
a) 13-chambered heart
b) Reduced wings
c) Cocoon formation
d) Segmented body
43 Malpighian tubules of cockroach are found at the junction of
a) Crop and proventriculous
b) Stomodaeum and proctodaeum
c) Mesenteron and proctodaeum
d) Proctodaeum and stomodaeum
44 Collateral glands of cockroach help in
a) Formation of ootheca
b) Formation of oothecal chamber
c) Copulation
d) fertilization
45 Blood glands of pheretima occur in segments
a) 1,2 and 3
b) 3,4 and 5
c) 4,5 and 6
d) 10,11 and 12
46 Pharyngeal nephridia of earthworm occur in segments
a) 3,4 and 5
b) 4,5 and 6
c) 5,6 and 7
d) 6,1 and 8
47 Open circulatory system is not of physiological hindrance in cockroach because
a) Heart is simple but chambered
b) Blood is colorless
c) Excretion occurs through Malpighian tubules
d) Circulatory and respiratory systems are not connected
48 Number of eggs contained in an ootheca of cockroach is
a) 8
b) 16
c) 32
d) 4

49 Pericardial space in cockroach is regularly altered by muscles

a) Ciliary
b) Alary
c) Circular
d) Longitudinal

50 What type of metamorphosis occurs in cockroach?

a) Holometabolous
b) Hemimetabolous
c) Paurometabolous
d) Ametabolous


1 (a) 2 (c) 3 (c) 4 (a)

5 (a) 6 (b) 7 (a) 8 (c)
9 (b) 10 (b) 11 (a) 12 (a)
13 (a) 14 (d) 15 (c) 16 (a)
17 (b) 18 (a) 19 (b) 20 (d)
21 (b) 22 (d) 23 (c) 24 (d)
25 (c) 26 (a) 27 (a) 28 (a)
29 (c) 30 (b) 31 (a) 32 (c)
33 (b) 34 (d) 35 (d) 36 (a)
37 (a) 38 (a) 39 (b) 40 (b)
41 (d) 42 (a) 43 (c) 44 (a)
45 (c) 46 (b) 47 (d) 48 (b)
49 (b) 50 (c)

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