Physics Class 9 Assignment - Motion.

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Multiple choice questions
1. The velocity time (v-t) graph of a moving particle is shown in figure. The
acceleration is maximum for segment
a. AB b. BC c. CD d. Equal for all parts

2. Suppose a boy is enjoying a ride on a merry go round which is moving with a constant speed of 10ms -1.
It implies that the boy is
a. at rest b. moving with no acceleration
c. in accelerated motion d. moving with uniform velocity

3. A student completes his journey from his house to school with an average speed of 5 m/s in 10 minutes.
If the student travels with the speed of 5 m/s in first 4 minutes. What will be its speed in next 6 minutes?
a. 5 m/s b. 10 m/s c. 12.5 m/s d. 7.5 m/s

4. In which of the following cases of motions, the distance moved and the magnitude of displacement are
a. If the car is moving on a straight road. b. If the car is moving in a circular path.
c. The pendulum is moving to and fro. d. The earth is revolving around the Sun.

5. A car travels on a straight road with a velocity of 25 km/hr in first one hour and in the next one hour it
changes its speed to 35 km/hour. What is the average velocity of the car?
a. 5 km/hr b. 30 km/hr c. 60 km/hr d. 10 km/hr

6. A stone tied to a thread and whirled in a circular path is an example of

a. Circular motion b. Rectilinear motion c. Rotatory motion d. Uniform circular motion

7. The following questions consist of two statements-Assertions (A) and Reason (R). Answer these
questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
(i) Assertion (A): The displacement of a body may be zero, though its distance is finite.
Reason (R): If body has moved, the displacement is zero when initial and final positions are same; while
distance is finite.
(ii) Assertion (A): An object can have constant speed but variable velocity.
Reason(R): Velocity changes due to change in direction, though speed is same.
(iii) Assertion (A): A body cannot move on a circular path without any acceleration.
Reason (R): In uniform circular motion, the velocity of the body remains constant.

Solve the following Numerical problems

1. A car starts from rest and moves along the x-axis with constant acceleration 5 ms -2 for 8 seconds. If it
then continues with constant velocity, what distance will the car cover in 12 seconds since it started from
the rest?
2. Deduce the following equations of motion(Graphical)
a) S= ut +( at2 b) v2 = u2+2as

3. The graph given below shows the positions of a body at different times. Calculate
the speed of the body as it moves from i) A to B ii) B to C iii) C to D

4. Distance travelled by a train and time taken by it is shown in the following table.
(i) Plot distance-time graph. (ii) What is the average speed of the train? (iii) When is the train travelling
at the highest speed? (iv) At what distance does the train slow down? (v) Calculate the speed of the train
between 10:40 AM to 11:00 AM.
Time Distance (in km)
10:00 am 0
10:30 am 25
10:40 am 28
11:00 am 40
11:15 am 42
11:30 am 50
5. A particle moves in a circle with C as centre and AC= CB= 5cm,as radius, as shown in the figure. It
starts from B. calculate:
a) The distance covered in one round
b) The displacement, when it reaches A.

6. The brakes applied to a car produce an produce an acceleration of 6ms -2 in the opposite direction to the
motion. If the car takes 2 second to stop after the application of brakes, calculate the distance it travels
during this time.

7. Study the velocity-time graph and calculate.

a) The acceleration from A to B.
b) The acceleration from B to C.
c) The distance covered in the region ABE.
d) The average velocity from C to D.
e) What type of motion is represented by AB?
f) What type of motion is represented by BD?

Case based question

1. A body is said to have uniform motion, if it travels equal distances in equal intervals of time, no
matter how small these intervals may be. The distance travelled by an object in uniform motion
increases linearly.
A train travels from one station to the next. The driver of train A starts from rest at time
t = 0 and accelerates uniformly for the first 20 s. At time t = 20 s, train reaches its top speed of 25 ms -1, then
travels at this speed for further 30 s before decelerating uniformly to rest. Total time for the journey of train
A is 60 s.
Another train B is travelling in the parallel of train A with zero initial speed at t = 0 and then accelerates
uniformly for first 10 s. At time t = 10 s it reaches its top speed of 30 ms-1, then travels at this speed for
further 20 s, before decelerating uniformly to rest. Total time for the journey of train B is 80 s.
a) What is the deceleration of the train A as it comes to rest?
b) In which time interval, speed of train B is constant?
c) What is the initial speed of trains A and B?

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