Problem Solution Manual For Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering Third Edition J. Kenneth Shultis and Richard E. Faw Download PDF

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Problem Solution Manual For Fundamentals of

Nuclear Science and Engineering Third Edition J.
Kenneth Shultis And Richard E. Faw
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Fundamentals of Nuclear
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Third Edition


J. Kenneth Shultis

Richard E. Faw
Dept. of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

email: [email protected]

Revised June 2016

(c) Copyright 2007-2016

All Rights Reserved

This typescript is the property of the authors. It may not be copied in part or in
total without permission of the authors.
This collection contains solutions to most of the problems in our book Funda-
mentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 3/e (Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton,
Florida, 2007. We do not warrant that all the solutions are correct or that other
approaches could give equally valid results. This collection is provided to you solely
as an aid in your teaching, and we ask that you do not copy this set for others
without our permission. If, in your teaching, you develop better solutions than are
presented here or find corrections are needed, we would appreciate receiving copies
so that, over time, this collection will be improved.
A sporadically updated errata for the book can be found on the world wide web
Chapter 1

Fundamental Concepts

1. Both the hertz and the curie have dimensions of s−1 . Explain the difference
between these two units.
The hertz is used for periodic phenomena and equals the number of “cycles
per second.” The curie is used for the random or stochastic rate at which a
radioactive source decays, specifically, 1 Ci = 3.7 × 1010 decays/second.

2. Advantages of SI units are apparent when one is presented with units of barrels,
ounces, tons, and many others.
(a) Compare the British and U.S. units for the gallon and barrel (liquid and
dry measure) in SI units of liters (L).
(b) Compare the long ton, short ton, and metric ton in SI units of kg.
Unit conversions are taken from the handbook Conversion Factors and Tables,
3d ed., by O.T. Zimmerman and I. Lavine, published by Industrial Research
Service, Inc., 1961.
(a) In both British and U.S. units, the gallon is equivalent to 4 quarts, eight
pints, etc. However, the quart and pint units differ in the two systems. The
U.S. gallon measures 3.7853 L, while the British measures 4.546 L. Note
that the gallon is sometimes used for dry measure, 4.405 L U.S. measure.
The barrel in British units is the same for liquid and dry measure, namely,
163.65 L. The U.S. barrel (dry) is exactly 7056 in3 , 115.62 L. The U.S.
barrel (liq) is 42 gallons (158.98 L) for petroleum measure, but otherwise
(usually) is 31.5 gallons (119.24 L).
(b) The common U.S. unit is the short ton of 2000 lb, 907.185 kg, 20 short
hundredweight (cwt). The metric ton is exactly 1000 kg, and the long ton
is 20 long cwt, 22.4 short cwt, 2240 lb, or 1016 kg.

1-2 Fundamental Concepts Chap. 1

3. Compare the U.S. and British units of ounce (fluid), (apoth), (troy), and

The U.S. and British fluid ounces are, respectively, 1/32 U.S. quarts (0.02957
L) and 1/40 British quarts (0.02841 L). The oz (avdp.) is exactly 1/16 lb
(avdp), i.e., 0.02834 kg. Avdp., abbreviation for avoirdupois refers to a system
of weights with 16 oz to the pound. The apoth. apothecary or troy ounce is
exactly 480 grains, 0.03110 kg.

4. Explain the SI errors (if any) in and give the correct equivalent units for the
following units: (a) mgrams/kiloL, (b) megaohms/nm, (c) N·m/s/s, (d) gram
cm/(s−1 /mL), and (e) Bq/milli-Curie.


(a) Don’t mix unit abbreviations and names; SI prefixes only in numerator:
correct form is µg/L.

(b) Don’t mix names and abbreviations and don’t use SI prefixes in denomi-
nator: correct form nohm/m.

(c) Don’t use hyphen and don’t use multiple solidi: correct form N m s−2 .

(d) Don’t mix names and abbreviations, don’t use multiple solidi, and don’t
use parentheses: correct form g cm s mL or better 10 µg m s L.

(e) Don’t mix names with abbreviations, and SI prefix should be in numerator:
correct form kBq/Ci.

5. Consider H2 , D2 , and H2 O, treated as ideal gases at pressures of 1 atm and

temperatures of 293.2◦K . What are the molecular and mass densities of each.
According to the ideal gas law, molar densities are identical for ideal gases
under the same conditions, i.e., ρm = p/RT . From Table 1.5, R = 8.314472
Pa m3 /K. For p = 0.101325 MPa= 1 atm., and T = 293.2◦K , ρm = 41.56
mol/m3. Multiplication by molecular weights yield, respectively, 83.78 , 167.4,
and 749.0 g/m3 for the three gases.

6. In vacuum, how far does light move in 1 ns?

∆x = c∆t = (3 × 108 m/s) × (10−9 s) = 3 × 10−4 m = 30 cm.
Fundamental Concepts Chap. 1 1-3

7. In a medical test for a certain molecule, the concentration in the blood is

reported as 57 mcg/dL. What is the concentration in proper SI notation?
123 mcg/dL = 10−3 10−2 g/10−1 L = 1.23 × 10−4 g/L = 57 µg/L.

8. How many neutrons and protons are there in each of the following nuclides:
(a) 11 B, (b) 24 Na, (c) 60 Co, (d) 207 Pb, and (e) 238 U?

Nuclide neutrons protons

B 6 5
Na 13 11
Co 33 27
Pb 125 82
U 146 92

9. Consider the nuclide 71 Ge. Use the Chart of the Nuclides to find a nuclide (a)
that is in the same isobar, (b) that is in the same isotone, and (c) that is an
71 59 71m
Solution: (a) As, (b) Ga, and (c) Ge

10. Examine the Chart of the Nuclides to find any elements, with Z less that that
of lead (Z = 82), that have no stable nuclides. Such an element can have no
standard relative atomic mass.
Solution: Promethium (Z = 61) and Technetium (Z = 43)

11. What are the molecular weights of (a) H2 gas, (b) H2 O, and (c) HDO?
From Table A.3, A(O) = 15.9994 g/mol; from Table B.1 A(H) = 1.007825
g/mol and A(D) = 2.014102 g/mol.
(a) A(H2 ) = 2 A(H) = 2 × 1.007825 = 2.01565 g/mol
(b) A(H2 O) = 2 A(H) + A(O) = 2 × 1.007825 + 15.9994 = 18.0151 g/mol
(c) A(HDO) = A(H) + A(D) + A(O) = 1.007825 + 2.014102 + 15.9994
= 19.0213 g/mol
1-4 Fundamental Concepts Chap. 1

12. What is the mass in kg of a molecule of uranyl sulfate UO2 SO4 ?

From Table A.3, A(U) = 238.0289 g/mol, A(O) = 15.9994 g/mol, and A(S) =
32.066 g/mol.
The molecular weight of UO2 SO4 is thus A(UO2 SO4 ) = A(U) + 6A(O) +
A(S) = 238.0289 + 6(15.994) + 32.066 = 366.091 g/mol = 0.336091 kg/mol.
Since one mol contains Na = 6.022 × 1023 molecules, the mass of one molecule
of UO2 SO4 = A(UO2 SO4 )/Na = 0.366091/6.002 × 1023 = 6.079 × 10−25

13. Show by argument that the reciprocal of Avogadro’s constant is the gram
equivalent of 1 atomic mass unit.
By definition one gram atomic weight of C is 12 g/mol. Thus the mass of
one atom of 12 C is
12 g/mol 12
M (126 C) = = g/atom.
Na atoms/mol Na
But by definition, one atom of C has a mass of 12 u. Therefore,
1u 12 12 1
1 u= g/( C atom) = g.
12 u/(12 C atom) Na Na

14. Prior to 1961 the physical standard for atomic masses was 1/16 the mass of the
16 12
8 O atom. The new standard is 1/12 the mass of the 6 C atom. The change led
to advantages in mass spectrometry. Determine the conversion factor needed
to convert from old to new atomic mass units. How did this change affect the
value of the Avogadro constant?
From Table B.1, the 168 O atom has a mass of 15.9949146 amu. Thus, the pre-
1961 atomic mass unit was 15.9949146/16 post-1961 units, and the conversion
factor is thus 1 amu (16 O) = 0.99968216 amu (12 C).
The Avogadro constant is defined as the number of atoms in 12 g of unbound
carbon-12 in its rest-energy electronic state, i.e., the number of atomic mass
units per gram. Using data from Table 1.5, one finds that Na is given by the
reciprocal of the atomic mass unit, namely, [1.6605387×10−24]−1 = 6.0221420×
1023 mol−1. Pre-1961, the Avogadro constant was more loosely defined as the
number of atoms per mol of any element, and had the best value 6.02486×1023.
Fundamental Concepts Chap. 1 1-5

15. How many atoms of U are there in 1 kg of natural uranium?
From Table A.3, the natural abundance of 234 U in uranium is found to be
f(234 U) = 0.0055 atom-%. A mass m of uranium contains [m/A(U)]Na ura-
nium atoms. Thus, the number of 234 U atoms in the mass m = 1000 g are

N (234 U) = f(234 U)

1000 × (6.022 × 1023)

= 0.000055 = 1.392 × 1020 atoms.

16. A bucket contains 1 L of water at 4 ◦ C where water has a denisty of 1 g cm3 .

(a) How many moles of H2 O are there in the bucket? (b) How many atoms of
1 2
1 H and 1 D are there in the bucket?


(a) The relative atomic weight of water A(H2 O) = 2A(H)+A(O) = 2(1.00794)+

(15.9994) = 18.01528. Then the number of water molecules

mass(H2 O) 1000 g
mols of H2 O = = = 55.5 mol.
A(H2 O) 18.01258 g/mol

(b) Number of molecules of H2 O = 55.5 mol × Na mol−1 = 55.5 × 6.60221 ×

1023 = 3.343 × 1025 molecules. Then the number of atoms of both 11 H
and 21 D atoms = 2 × no. of H2 O molecules = 6.6856 × 1025 atoms. From
Table A.4, the isoptopic abundances are found to be γ(11 H) = 0.999885
and γ(21 D) = 0.000115. Then

N (11 H) = (0.999885)(6.6856 × 1025 ) = 6.69 × 1025 atoms


N (21 D) = (0.000115)(6.6856 × 1025 ) = 7.69 × 1021 atoms.

17. How many atoms of deuterium are there in 2 kg of water?

Water is mostly H2 O, and so we first calculate the number of atoms of hydrogen
N (H) in a mass m = 2000 g of H2 O is

mNa mNa
N (H) = 2N (H2 O) = 2 '2
A(H2 O) A(H2 O)

2000 × (6.022 × 1023 )

=2 = 1.34 × 1026 atoms of H.
1-6 Fundamental Concepts Chap. 1

From Table A.4, the natural isotopic abundance of deuterium (D) is 0.015
atom-% in elemental hydrogen. Thus, the number of deuterium atoms in 2 kg
of water is

N (D) = 0.00015 × N (H) = 2.01 × 1022 atoms.

18. Estimate the number of atoms in a 3000 pound automobile. State any assump-
tions you make.
The car mass m = 3000/2.2 = 1365 kg. Assume most the this mass is iron.
If the atoms in non-iron materials (e.g., glass, plastic, rubber, etc.) were con-
verted to iron, the car mass would increase to about mequiv = 1500 kg. Thus
the number of atoms in the car is
mequiv Na (1.5 × 106 )(6.022 × 1023)
N = = = 1.6 × 1028 atoms.
A(Fe) 56

19. Calculate the relative atomic weight of oxygen.

From Table A.4, oxygen has three stable isotopes: 16 O, 17 O, and 18 O with
percent abundances of 99.757, 0.038, and 0.205, respectively. Their atomic
masses, in u, are found from Table B.1 and equal their relative atomic weights.
Then from Eq. (1.2)

γ(16 O) 16 γ(17 O) 17 γ(18 O) 18

A(O) = A( O) + A( O) + A( O)
100 100 100
99.757 0.038 0.205
= 15.994915 + 16.999132 + 17.999160 = 15.999405.
100 100 100

20. Natural uranium contains the isotopes 234U, 235

U and 238
U. Calculate the
relative atomic weight of natural uranium.
From Table A.4, the three isotopes 234 U, 235 U, and 238U have isotopic abun-
dances of 0.0055%, 0.720%, and 99.2745%, respectively. Their atomic masses,
in u, are found from Table B.1 and equal their relative atomic weights. Then
from Eq. (1.2)

γ(234 U) 234 γ(235 U) 235 γ(238 U) 238

A(O) = A( U) + A( U) + A( U)
100 100 100
0.0055 0.720 99.2745
= 234.040945 + 235.043923 + 238.050783
100 100 100
= 238.02891.
Fundamental Concepts Chap. 1 1-7

21. Does a sample of carbon extracted from coal have the same relative atomic
weight as a sample of carbon extracted from a plant? Explain.
The carbon extracted from coal has only two isotopes, namely 12 C and 13 C
with with abundances of 98.93% and 1.07%, respectively. The relative atomic
weight is thus is slightly larger than 12 that would result if there were no 13 C,
namely 12.0107. Carbon extracted from plant material, however, also contains
the radioactive isotope 14 C produced in the atmosphere by cosmic rays. Thus,
the relative atomic weight is conceptually greater than that of carbon from coal
in which all the 14 C has radioactively decayed away.
However, as discussed in Section 5.8.1, the amount of 14 C in plant material is
extremely small (1.23 × 10−12 atoms per atom of stable carbon). Thus, 14 C
would increase the atomic weight only in the 12th significant figure!

22. Dry air at normal temperature and pressure has a mass density of 0.0012 g/cm3
with a mass fraction of oxygen of 0.23. What is the atom density (atom/cm3 )
of 18 O?
From Eq. (1.5), the atom density of oxygen is
wo ρNa 0.23 × 0.0012 × (6.022 × 1023)
N (O) = = = 1.04 × 1019 atoms/cm3 .
A(O) 15.9994
From Table A.4 isotopic abundance of 18 O in elemental oxygen is f18 = 0.2
atom-% of all oxygen atoms. Thus, the atom density of 18 O is

N (18 O) = f18 N (O) = 0.002 × 1.04 × 1019 = 2.08 × 1016 atoms/cm3.

23. A reactor is fueled with 4 kg uranium enriched to 20 atom-percent in 235U.

The remainder of the fuel is 238 U. The fuel has a mass density of 19.2 g/cm3 .
(a) What is the mass of 235 U in the reactor? (b) What are the atom densities
of 235 U and 238U in the fuel?
(a) Let m5 and m8 be the mass in kg of an atom of 235 U and 238U, and let
n5 and n8 be the total number of atoms of 235U and 238U in the uranium
mass MU = 4 kg. For 20% enrichment, n8 = 4n5 , so that
MU = n5 m5 + n8 m8 = n5 m5 + 4n5 m8 = n5 m5 1 + 4 .
Here n5 m5 = M5 is the mass of 235 U in the uranium mass MU . From this
result we obtain using m5 /m8 ' 235/238
 −1   −1
m8 238
M5 = MU 1 + 4 = 4 kg 1 + 4 = 0.7919 kg.
m5 235
1-8 Fundamental Concepts Chap. 1

The mass of U M8 = MU − M5 = 3.208 kg.
(b) The volume V of the uranium is V = MU /ρU = (4000 g)/(19.2 g/cm3 ) =
208.3 cm3 . Hence the atom densities are
M5 Na (791.9 g)(6.022 × 1023 atoms/mol)
N5 = = = 9.740×1021 cm−3
A5 V (235 g/mol)(208.3 cm3 )

M8 Na (3208 g)(6.022 × 1023 atoms/mol)

N8 = = = 3.896×1022 cm−3
A8 V (238 g/mol)(208.3 cm3 )

24. A sample of uranium is enriched to 3.2 atom-percent in 235 U with the remainder
being 238 U. What is the enrichment of 235U in weight-percent?
Let the subscripts 5, 8 and U refer to 235U, 238 U, and uranium, respectively.
For the given atom-% enrichment, The number of atoms in a sample of the
uranium are

N5 = 0.0320NU and N8 = 0.9680NU .

235 238
The mass M5 and M8 of U and U in the sample is
M5 = 0.0320NU m5 and M8 = 0.9680NU m8 ,
235 238
where m5 and m8 is the mass of an atom of U and U, respectively.
The enrichment in weight-% is thus
M5 0.0320m5
e(wt-%) = 100 × = 100 ×
M5 + M8 0.0320m5 + 0.9680m8
100 × 0.0320 100 × 0.0320
= '
0.0320 + 0.9680(m8 /m5 ) 0.0320 + 0.9680(238/235)

= 3.16 wt-%.

25. A crystal of NaCl has a density of 2.17 g/cm3 . What is the atom density of
sodium in the crystal?
Atomic weights for Na and Cl are obtained from Table A.3, so that A(NaCl)
= A(Na) + A(Cl) = 22.990 + 35.453 = 58.443 g/mol. Thus the atom density
of Na is
ρNaCl Na 2.17 × 6.022 × 1023
N (Na) = N (NaCl) = = = 2.24 × 1022 cm−3 .
A(NaCl) 58.443
Fundamental Concepts Chap. 1 1-9

26. A concrete with a density of 2.35 g/cm3 has a hydrogen content of 0.0085
weight fraction. What is the atom density of hydrogen in the concrete?
From Eq. (1.5), the atom density of hydrogen is

wH ρMa (0.0085)(2.35 g/cm3 )(6.022 × 1023 atoms/mol)

N (H) = =
A(H) 1 g/mol

= 1.20 × 1022 atoms/cm3.

27. How much larger in diameter is a uranium nucleus compared to an iron nucleus?
From Eq. (1.7) the nuclear diameter is D = 2Ro A1/3 so that
 1/3  1/3
DU AU 238
= ' = 1.62.
DF e AF e 56

Thus, DU ' 1.62 DFe.

28. By inspecting the chart of the nuclides, determine which element has the most
stable isotopes?
The element tin (Sn) has 10 stable isotopes.

29. Find an internet site where the isotopic abundances of mercury may be found.

30. The earth has a radius of about 6.35 × 106 m and a mass of 5.98 × 1024 kg.
What would be the radius if the earth had the same mass density as matter in
a nucleus?
From the text, the density of matter in a nucleus is ρn ' 2.4 ×1014 g/cm3 . The
mass of the earth M = ρ × V where the volume V = (4/3)πR3 . Combining
these results and solving for the radius gives
 1/3  1/3
3M 3(5.98 × 1027 g)
R= = = 1.81 × 104 cm = 181 m.
4πρ 4π(2.4 × 1014 g/cm3 )
Chapter 2

Modern Physics Concepts

1. An accelerator increases the kinetic energy of electrons uniformly to 10 GeV
over a 3000 m path. That means that at 30 m, 300 m, and 3000 m, the
kinetic energy is 108 , 109 , and 1010 eV, respectively. At each of these distances,
compute the velocity, relative to light (v/c), and the mass in atomic mass units.
From Eq. (2.10) in the text T = mc2 − mo c2 we obtain

m = T /c2 + mo . (P2.1)
From Eq. (2.5) in the text m = mo / 1 − v2 /c2 , which can be solved for v/c
to give r
v m2 1 m2o mo
= 1 − 2o ' 1 − 2
, if << 1. (P2.2)
c m 2m m
(a) For an electron (mo = me ) with T = 108 eV = 100 MeV, Eq. (P2.1) gives
100 MeV
m= + me = 0.1074 u + 0.0005486 u = 0.1079 u.
931.5 MeV/u
Then m2e /m2 = (0.0005486/0.1079)2 = 2.59×10−5. Finally, from Eq. (P2.2)
above, we obtain
v 1 m2o
'1− = 1 − 1.29 × 10−5 = 0.999987.
c 2 m2
(b) For an electron with T = 109 eV = 1000 MeV, we similarly obtain m =
1.0741 u and v/c = 0.99999987.
(c) For an electron with T = 1010 eV = 104 MeV, we similarly obtain m =
10.736 u and v/c = 0.9999999987.
Alternative solution: Use Eq. (P2.4) developed in Problem 2-3, namely
(  2 )1/2
v me c2
= 1− .
c T + me c2

2-2 Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2

2. Consider a fast moving particle whose relativistic mass m is 100 percent greater
than its rest mass mo , i.e., m = mo (1 + ). (a) Show that the particle’s speed
v, relative to that of light, is
v 1
= 1− .
c (1 + )2

(b) For v/c << 1, show that this exact result reduces to v/c ' 2.

(a) We are given

m − mo mo ((1 + ) − 1)
= = .
mo mo
But we also have
" #
m − mo 1 mo
= p − mo .
mo mo 1 − v2 /c2

Equating these two results yields

=p − 1.
1 − v2 /c2

Solving this result for v/c gives

v 1
= 1− . (P2.3)
c (1 + )2

(b) For  << 1 we have (1 + )−2 ' 1 − 2 + · · · . Substitution of the approxi-

mation into Eq. (P2.3) above gives
v p √
' 1 − (1 − 2) = 2.

3. In fission reactors one deals with neutrons having kinetic energies as high as
10 MeV. How much error is incurred in computing the speed of 10-MeV neu-
trons by using the classical expression rather than the relativistic expression
for kinetic energy?
A neutron with rest mass mn = 1.6749288 × 10−27 kg has a kinetic energy
T = (107 eV)(1.602177 × 10−19 J/eV) = 1.602177 × 10−12 J. For the neutron
mn c2 = 939.56536 MeV.
p 2 × 1.602177 × 10−12
vc = 2T /mn = = 4.373993 × 107 m/s.
1.6749288 × 10−27
Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2 2-3

Relativistically: From the text we have

mo c2
T = mc2 − mo c2 = p − mo c2 .
1 − v2 /c2
Solving this equation for v yields the relativistic speed vr
(  2 )1/2
mo c2
vr = c 1 − . (P2.4)
T + mo c2

Substitution then gives

(  2 )1/2
vr = c 1 − = 0.1447459c = 4.339373 × 107 m/s.
10 + 939.56536

Thus the percent error in the classical speed is = 100(vc − vr )/vr = 0.798%.

4. What speed (m s−1 ) and kinetic energy (MeV) would a neutron have if its
relativistic mass were 10% greater than its rest mass?
We are given (m − mo )/mo ≡  = 0.1. From Problem 2-2
s r
v 1 1
= 1− = 1− = 0.4167.
c (1 + )2 1.12

Thus the neutron’s speed is v = 0.4167c = 1.25 × 108 m/s.

The kinetic energy can be calculated from
" #
T = mc2 − mo c2 = mo c2 p −1 .
1 − v2 /c2

For mo c2 = 939.6 MeV and v/c = 0.4167 we obtain

T = 939.6 √ − 1 = 94.0 MeV.
1 − 0.41672

5. Show that for a relativistic particle the kinetic energy is given in terms of the
particl’s momentum by
T = p2 c2 + m2o c4 − mc c2 .

Squaring Eq. (2.17) and rearranging the terms one obtains

T 2 + 2T mo c2 − p2 c2 = 0
2-4 Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2

The solution of this quadratic equation gives

1n p o
T = −2mo c2 ± 4m2o c4 + 4p2 c2
Only the + sign gives a physically meaningful result. Rearrangement gives the
desired realtion.

6. For a relativistic particle show that Eq. (2.21) is valid.

From the definition of η one has

P2 p 2 c2 (mc2 )2 − (mo c2 )2
η 2 +1 = +1 = +1 = +1 = (W 2 −1)+1 = W 2 .
(mo c)2 (mo c2 )2 (mo c2 )2

7. Prove the relationships given in (a) Eq. (2.19), (b) Eq. (2.20), and (c) Eq. (2.21).
(a) From the definition of η and W one immediately has
v p η
β= = = .
c mc W

(b) Because W 2 = 1 + η 2 , then

 v 2 η2 η2
β2 = = 2
= .
c W 1 + η2

(c) Because β = η/W and W 2 = 1 + η 2 , one has

β2 η 2 /W 2 η 2 /(1 + η 2 ) η2
= = = = η2 .
1 − β2 1 − η 2 /W 2 1 − η 2 /(1 + η 2 ) (1 + η 2 ) − η 2

From this result we see

β2 p2 c2 p 2
= = ,
1 − β2 m2o c2 (mo c2 )2

but we know p2 c2 = T 2 + 2T mo c2 , so
 2  2  
β2 T 2 + 2T mo c2 T 2T T 2mo c2
= = + = 1+ .
1 − β2 (mo c2 )2 mo c2 mo c2 mo c2 T
Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2 2-5

8. In the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, nuclei of gold are accelerated to speeds
of 99.95% the speed of light. These nuclei are almost spherical when at rest;
however, as they move past the experimenters they appear considerably flat-
tened in the direction of motion because of relativistic effects. Calculate the
apparent diameter of such a gold nucleus in its direction of motion relative to
that perpendicular to the motion.
Solution: The relativistically contracted diameter D to the uncontracted di-
ameter Do when v/c = 0.9995 is
p p p
D/Do = 1 − v2 /c2 = 1 − 0.99952 = 1 − (1 − 0.0005)2
p √
' 1 − (1 − 2 × 0.0005) = 0.001 = 0.031.
Hence the gold nucleus appears to flatten to 3.1% of its at-rest width.

9. Muons are subatomic particles that have the negative charge of an electron
but are 206.77 times more massive. They are produced high in the atmosphere
by cosmic rays colliding with nuclei of oxygen or nitrogen, and muons are
the dominant cosmic-ray contribution to background radiation at the earth’s
surface. A muon, however, rapidly decays into an energetic electron, existing,
from its point of view, for only 2.20 µs, on the average. Cosmic-ray generated
muons typically have speeds of about 0.998c and thus should travel only a
few hundred meters in air before decaying. Yet muons travel through several
kilometers of air to reach the earth’s surface. Using the results of special
relativity explain how this is possible. HINT: consider the atmospheric travel
distance as it appears to a muon, and the muon lifetime as it appears to an
observer on the earth’s surface.
Muon’s Point of View: A muon, with a lifetime to = 2.20 × 10−6 s and
traveling with a speed v = 0.998c, travels on the average a distance d = vto =
0.998(3.00 × 108 m/s)(2.29 × 10−6 s) = 660 m.
If the muon is created at an altitude Lo , from the muon’s point of view the
distance to the surface (approaching with speed v = 0.998c) is relativistically
narrowed or contracted to a distance
p p
L = Lo 1 − v2 /c2 = Lo 1 − 0.9982 = 0.063Lo .
For example, if Lo = 10 km, L = 630 m, so that, on the average, almost half
of the muons will reach the surface.
Surface Observer’s Point of View: An observer on the earth’s surface
observes the muon approaching at a speed v = 0.998c and the muon’s lifetime
appears to expand (the muon’s internal clock appears to slow) as
to to
t= p = √ = 15.9to = 3.49 × 10−5 s.
1 − v /c 2 1 − 0.9982
In such a lifetime, the muon can travel d = 0.998c × t = 10, 500 m so that it
can reach the surface from an altitude of 10 km before decaying.
2-6 Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2

10. A 1-MeV gamma ray loses 200 keV in a Compton scatter. Calculate the scat-
tering angle.
From Eq. (2.26) in the text we find
1 1
1 − cos θs = me c2 −
E0 E
2 1 1
cos θs = 1 − me c − .
E0 E
Here me c2 = 0.511 MeV, E 0 = 0.8 MeV, and E = 1 MeV so that
1 1
cos θs = 1 − 0.511 − = 0.87225.
0.8 1
Thus the scattering angle θs = cos−1 (0.87225) = 29.3o

11. At what energy (in MeV) can a photon lose at most one-half of its energy in
Compton scattering?
Eq. (2.26) in the text gives the basic Compton scattering relation:
1 1 1
− = (1 − cos θs ).
E0 E me c2
By inspection, the maximum energy loss (the smallest E 0 ) occurs when θs = π.
Here we are told E 0 = E/2
2 1 1 2 2
− = = = .
E E E me c2 0.511 MeV
From this result, we find E = 0.255 MeV. Above this incident photon energy,
the minimum scattered photon energy is less than one-half of the initial energy.

12. Derive for the Compton scattering process the recoil electron energy T as a
function of the incident photon energy E and the electron angle of scattering
φe . Show that φe is never greater than π/2 radians.
Application of the law of cosines to the triangle in text Fig. 2.5 leads to

pλ0 2 = pλ 2 + pe 2 − 2pλ pe cos φe .

Substitute E/c for pλ , (E − T )/c for pλ0 , and (1/c) T 2 + 2T me c2 for pe . Then
solve for T , with the result
2me c2 E 2 cos2 φe
T = .
(E + me c2 )2 − E 2 cos2 φe
Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2 2-7

Examination of the triangle in Fig. 2.5 reveals that, since pλ0 ≤ pλ , 0 ≤ φe ≤

π/2, confirming the commonsense observation that the target electron, initially
at rest, can recoil only in the forward hemisphere.

13. A 1 MeV photon is Compton scattered at an angle of 55 degrees. Calculate

(a) the energy of the scattered photon, (b) the change in wavelength, and (c)
the recoil energy of the electron.
(a) From Eq. (2.26)

1 1 1 − cos θs 1 1 − cos 55
= + = + = 1.835 MeV−1 .
E0 E me c2 1 MeV 0.511 MeV
Thus the scattered photon energy is E 0 = 1/1.835 = 0.545 MeV.

(b) From Eq. (2.25) we have

h hc
∆λ = λ0 − λ = (1 − cos θs ) = (1 − cos θs )
me c me c2

(4.135 × 10−21 MeV s)(3.00 × 108 m/s)

= (1 − cos 55)
0.511 MeV
= 1.04 × 10−12 m.

(c) The kinetic energy of the recoil electron is Er = E − E 0 = 1 − 0.545 =

0.455 MeV.

14. When light with wavelengths > 475 nm = λmax impinges on of a certain metalic
surface photoelectrons are observed to be emitted. What is the work functiion
of this metal in eV?
The frequency of light corresponding the the maximum wavelgth is νmin =
c/λmax = (2.998 × 108 m s−1 /(475 × 10−9 m) = 6.31 × 1014 s−1 . From Example
2.3, the work function is A = hνmin = (4.136 × 10−15 eV s)(6.31 × 1014 s−1 ) =
2.61 eV.
2-8 Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2

15. Consider the experimental arrangement shown in Fig. 2.3. The surface of a
sodium sample was illuminated by monochromatic light of various wavelengths,
and the retarding potentials required to stop the collection of the photoelectrons
were observed. The results are shown below.

wavelemgth (nm) 253.6 283.0 303.9 330.2 366.3 435.8

retarding potential (V) 2.60 2.11 1.81 1.47 1.10 0.57

Present these data graphically to verify the photoelectric equation eVo = hν −

A. From the graph estimate the value of Planck’s constant h and the work
function A for sodium.
The frequency of the light is related to the wavelength by

c 2.997 × 1017 −1
[ν = = s .
λ λ (nm)

Then plot the following data:

eVo (eV) 2.60 2.11 1.81 1.47 1.10 0.57

ν × 10−14 11.82 10.59 9.682 9.076 8.182 6.877

Fit a straight line to the plotted data as shown below.

From the least-squares fit it is found that h = 4.142 × 10−15 eV s and that
the work function for sodium is A = 2.271 eV.
Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2 2-9

16. Consider the electron scattering experiment of Davisson and Germer described
in Section 2.2.4. For the nickel crystal they used the interatomic spacing was
d = 2.15 Å = 2.15 × 10−10 m. (a) For an incident electrons with an arbitrary
energy of T eV, show that the constructive interference peaks occur at angles
−1 nλ −1 5.705n
θ = sin = sin √ , n = 1, 2, 3, . . ..
d T eV
(b) What are the angles of the peaks when T = 54 eV (as used by Davisson
and Germer) and when T = 300 eV?

(a) From Eq. (2.30) for non-relativistic electrons λ = h/ 2me T . Recall the
rest mass of the electron is me /c2 = 5.11 × 106 eV. Substitution of of these
values gives
θ = sin−1 √
d 2me T
−1 n(4.136 × 10−15 eV s)(2.998 × 108 m s−1 )
= sin p
(2.15 × 10−10 m) (2 × 0.555 × 106 eV)(T eV)
−1 5.705n
= sin √ . (P2.5)
T eV

(b) For T = 54 eV the only angle is θ = 50.9◦ (n = 1). For T = 300 eV the
angles are θ = 19.2◦ (n = 1), 41.2◦ (n = 2), and81.2◦ (n = 3).

17. Show that the de Broglie wavelength of a particle with kinetic energy T can be
written as  −1/2
h 1 m
λ= √ √ 1+
mo T mo
where mo is the particles’s rest mass and m is its relativistic mass.
Solution: From Eq. (2.17)

1p 2 2
p= T + 2T mo c = T + 2mo c2 .
c c
But T = mc2 − mo c2 so the above result can be written as

Tp 2 √ √ p
p= mc + mo c2 = T mo 1 + (m/mo ).
Finally, use of the de Broglie relation λ = h/p in the above result gives
h 1 m
λ= √ √ 1+ .
mo T mo
2-10 Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2

18. Apply the result of the previous problem to an electron. (a) Show that when the
electron’s kinetic energy is expressed in units of eV, its de Broglie wavelength
can be written as
17.35 × 10−8 m
λ= √ 1+ cm.
T mo

(b) For non-relativistic electrons, i.e., m ' mo , show that this result reduces
12.27 × 10−8
λ= √ cm.
(c) For very relativistic electrons, i.e., m >> mo , show that the de Broglie
wavelength is given by
17.35 × 10−8 mo
λ= √ cm.
T m

(a) Rewrite the result of Problem 2-10 as
hc 1 m
λ= √ √ 1+ .
mo c2 T mo

Substitute for the constants and use mo = me = 0.511 MeV/c2 to obtain

(4.1357 × 10−15 eV s)(2.998 × 1010 cm/s) (1 + m/mo )−1/2

λ= √ p
0.5110 × 106 eV T (eV)
17.35 × 10−8 m
= p 1+ cm. (P2.6)
T (eV) mo

p √
(b) For non-relativistic electrons m ' mo , so that 1/ 1 + (m/mo ) ' 1/ 2,
and the above result becomes
12.27 × 10−8
λ= p cm.
T (eV)
p p
(c) For very relativistic particles, m >> mo so that 1/ 1 + (m/mo ) ' mo /m.
Eq. (2.4) above then becomes
17.35 × mo /m
λ= p × 10−8 cm.
T (eV)
Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2 2-11

19. What are the wavelengths of electrons with kinetic energies of (a) 10 eV, (b)
1000 eV, and (c) 107 eV?

Solution: From Eq. (2.17) p = (1/c) T 2 + 2T mo c2 and using the de Broglie
relation λ = h/p we obtain the de Broglie wavelength as
λ= √ . (P2.7)
T2 + 2T mo c2
Now apply this equation to the three electron energies.
(a) Substitute mo c2 = me c2 = 0.5110 MeV and T = 10 eV into Eq. (P2.6) to
(4.135 × 10−15 eV s)(2.998 × 108 m/s)
λ= p = 3.88 × 10−10 m.
102 + 2(10)(0.5110 × 106 ) eV

(b) similarly, for T = 103 eV we find

(4.135 × 10−15 eV s)(2.998 × 108 m/s)

λ= p = 3.87 × 10−11 m.
106 + 2(103 )(0.5110 × 106 ) eV

(c) similarly, for T = 107 eV we find

(4.135 × 10−15 eV s)(2.998 × 108 m/s)

λ= p = 1.18 × 10−13 m.
1014 + 2(107 )(0.5110 × 106 ) eV

20. Low energy neutrons are often referred to by their de Broglie wavelength as
measured in angstoms (Å) with 1 Å= 1 × 10−10 m. (a) Derive a formula that
gives the kinetic energy of such a neutron in terms of its de Broglie wavelength.
(b) What is the energy of a neutron (in eV) of a 6-Å neutron.

(a) Equation (2.30) for a non-relativistic particle reduces to

λ = h/ 2mo T ,

which, upon solving to T gives

T = .
2λ2 mo

(b) Here λ = 6 × 10−10 m and mo /c2 = 931.49 × 106 eV, so

(4.135 × 10−15 eV s)2 2

T = ) (931.49 × 106 eV)/(2.998 × 108 m s−1 )2
(2)(6 × 10−10 m
= 0.00229 eV.
2-12 Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2

21. What is the de Broglie wavelength of a water molecule moving at a speed of

2400 m/s? What is the wavelength of a 3-g bullet moving at 400 m/s?
(a) A water molecule (H2 O) has a rest mass of about m = (18 u)(1.661 ×
10−27 kg/u) = 2.989 × 10−26 kg.
Its momentum when traveling at 2400 m/s is p = mv = (2.989×10−26 kg)×
(2400 m/s) = 7.18 × 10−23 kg m s−1 = 7.18 × 10−23 J s m−1 .
Thus the de Broglie wavelength of the water molecule is

h 6.626 × 10−34 J s
λ= = = 9.23 × 10−12 m.
p 7.18 × 10−23 J s m−1

(b) A 3-g bullet moving at 400 m/s has a momentum p = mv = (0.003 kg) ×
(400 m/s) = 1.2 kg m s−1 = 1.2 J s m−1 . Its de Broglie wavelength is
h 6.626 × 10−34 J s
λ= = = 5.53 × 10−34 m.
p 1.2 J s m−1

22. If a neutron is confined somewhere inside a nucleus of characteristic dimension

∆x ' 10−14 m, what is the uncertainty in its momentum ∆p? For a neutron
with momentum equal to ∆p, what is its total energy and its kinetic energy in
MeV? Verify that classical expressions for momentum and kinetic energy may
be used.
From the uncertainty principle, ∆p∆x >
∼ h/(2π) so that for ∆x ' 10

h 6.626 × 10−34 J s
∆p = = = 1.05 × 10−20 J s m−1 .
2π∆x 2π × 10−14 m

A non-relativistic (classical) particle has kinetic energy T = (1/2)mv2 =

p2 /(2m). For a neutron with p ' ∆p = 1.05 × 10−20 J s m−1

(∆p)2 (1.05 × 10−20 J s m−1 )2

T = = = 3.32 × 10−14 J
2mn 2(1.6749 × 10−27 kg)

3.32 × 10−14 J
= = 0.208 MeV.
1.602 × 10−13 J/MeV

This energy is well below the energy at which a neutron becomes relativistic,
and hence justifies the use of classical mechanics.
The neutron’s total energy is thus E = T + mn c2 = 0.207 MeV + 939 MeV '
mn c2 .
Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2 2-13

23. Repeat the previous problem for an electron trapped in the nucleus. HINT:
relativistic expressions for momentum and kinetic energy must be used.
From the uncertainty principle, ∆p∆x >
∼ h/(2π) so that for ∆x ' 10

h 6.626 × 10−34 J s
∆p = = = 1.05 × 10−20 J s m−1 .
2π∆x 2π × 10−14 m
For an electron with p ' ∆p = 1.05 × 10−20 J s m−1

p2 c2 = (1.05 × 10−20 J s m−1 )2 (3.00 × 108 m/s)2

= (3.15 × 10−12 J)2 = (19.7 MeV)2 .

From the equation above Eq. (2.16) in the text, we see that p2 c2 = (mc2 )2 −
(mo c2 )2 = E 2 −(mo c2 )2 . We use this relation to find the electron’s total energy
E as p p
E = p2 c2 + (me c2 )2 = 19.72 + 0.5112 MeV ' 20 MeV.
Since the electron’s total energy E is related to the kinetic energy T by E =
T + me c2 = T + 0.511 MeV, in this problem the total energy is essentially the
electron’s kinetic energy, i.e., E ' T .

24. The wavefunction for the electron in a hydrogen atom in its ground state (the
1s state for which n = 0, ` = 0, and m = 0 is spherically symmetric as shown
in Fig. 2.14. For this state the wavefuntion is real and is given by
ψ0 (r) = p exp[−r/a0 ],

where ao = h2 o /(4π 2 me e2 ) ' 5.29 × 10−11 m. This quantity is the radius of

the first Bohr orbit for hydrogen (see next chapter). Because of the spherical
symmetry of ψo , dV in Eq. (2.40) is dV = 4πr 2 dr and the integral in Eq. (2.40)
can be written as
Z ∞ Z ∞
ψ0 (r)ψ0∗ (r)4πdr = 3 r 2 e−αr dr,
0 a0 0

where α ≡ 2/a0 . (a) Verify that the required normalization required by

Eq. (2.40) is satisfied, i.e., the electron is somewhere in the space around the
proton. (b) What is the probability the electron is found a radial distance
r < a0 from the proton?

(a) Integration by parts twice gives

Z ∞
4 2 −αr 4 2 4 a30
r e dr = = = 1.
a30 0 a30 α3 a30 4
2-14 Modern Physics Concepts Chap. 2

(b) Replace upper limit in the above itegral by a0 . Then integration by parts
twice gives
Z a0
Prob{electron is inside r ≤ a0 } = 3 r 2 e−αr dr
a0 0
4 a0 2a0 2
= 1 − 3 e−αa0 + 2 + 3
a0 α α α
 3 3

4 a0 2a 2a3
= 1 − 3 e−2 + 0+ 0
a0 2 4 8
= 1 − 5e−2 = 0.323.

Thus the electron has a 32.3% of being at a radial distance less that a0 .
Chapter 3



1. Estimate the wavelengths of the first three spectral lines in the Lyman spectral
series for hydrogen. What energies (eV) do photons with these wavelengths
From text Eq. (3.1) we have
1 1 1
= 1.0967758 × 107 − 2 m−1 . (P3.1)
λn→no n2o n

For the Lyman series, no = 1 < n. The first three wavelengths are found from
Eq. (P3.1) as

λ2→1 = 1.2156844 × 10−7 m

λ3→1 = 1.0257337 × 10−7 m
λ4→1 = 0.9725476 × 10−7 m

The photon energy is found from E = hν = hc/λ. The quantity hc =

(2.99792458 × 108 m/s)(4.1356673 × 10−15 eV s) = 1.2398418 × 10−6 eV m.
E2→1 = = 10.198714 eV
E3→1 = = 12.087364 eV
E4→1 = = 12.748392 eV

3-2 Atomic/Nuclear Models Chap. 3

2. Consider an electron in the first Bohr orbit of a hydrogen atom. (a) What is
the radius (in meters) of this orbit? (b) What is the total energy (in eV) of the
electron in this orbit? (c) How much energy is required to ionize a hydrogen
atom when the electron is in the ground state?
(a) The orbital radius can be calculated from text Eq. (3.4). Here n = 1,
Z = 1, h = 6.626×10−34 J s, me = 9.1094×10−31 kg, e = 1.6022×10−19 C,
and o = 8.8541 × 10−12 F m−1 (= C2 J−1 m−1 ). Substitution into
Eq. (3.4) yields

h2  o
r1 = = 5.292 × 10−11 m.
πme e2

(b) The energy of the n = 1 orbital electron is given by Eq. (3.5) as

me e4
E1 = − = −2.180 × 10−18 J = −13.60 eV.
82o h2

(c) To free this ground-state electron, we must provide +13.60 eV of energy

to produce an electron with zero net energy.

3. What photon energy (eV) is required to excite the hydrogen electron in the
innermost (ground state) Bohr orbit to the first excited orbit?
For hydrogen (Z = 1), the energy of the electron in the orbit with quantum
number n is given by Eq. (3.5)

me e4
En = − .
82o h2 n2

Data: h = 6.626 × 10−34 J s, me = 9.1094 × 10−31 kg, e = 1.6022 × 10−19 C,

and o = 8.88541 × 10−12 F m−1 (= C2 J−1 m−1 ).
The energy needed to excite an electron from the ground state (n = 1) to the
first excited state (n = 2) is thus
me e4 1 1
Eexcite = E2 − E1 = − 2 2 − 2 = 1.635 × 10−18 J = 10.20 eV.
8o h 22 1

4. What is the de Broglie wavelength of the electron in the first Bohr orbit?
Compare this wavelength to the circumference of the first Bohr orbit. What
does this comparison reveal the standing wave in the first Bohr orbit?
For a nonrelativistic electron, the wavelength is

h h 6.626 × 10−34 J s
λ= = = = 3.326−10 m.
p me v1 (9.109 × 10−31 kg)(2.187 × 106 m/s)
Atomic/Nuclear Models Chap. 3 3-3

The length ` of the circumference of the first Bohr orbit is

` = 2πr1 = 2π(5.293 × 10−11 m) = 3.326 × 10−10 m.

Hence we see the wavelgth equals the circumference. This means as the electron
makes one orbit its wave is exactly in phase with the phase it started with.

5. Calculate the limiting (smallest) wavelength of the Lyman, Balmer, and Paschen
series for the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom.
From Eq. (3.17), with R∞ replaced by RH , the smallest wavelength is obtained
as n → ∞. Then the limiting wavelengths are given by

n2o n2o
λmin = = m.
RH 10 967 758

Thus for the Lyman series (no = 1), λmin = 9.1176 × 10−8 m. For the Balmer
series (no = 2) and λmin = 3.6471 × 10−7 m, and for the Paschen series
(no = 3) and λmin = 8.20589 × 10−7 m,

6. Based on the nucleon distribution of Eq. (3.11), by what fraction does the
density of the nucleus decrease between r = R − 2a and r = R + 2a?
From Eq. (3.11) we find
ρ(R − 2a) = = 0.8808ρo
1 + exp(−2)
ρ(R + 2a) = = 0.1192ρo
1 + exp(+2)

Thus the nuclear density drops at R + 2a to 100 × 0.1182/0.8808 = 13.5% of

its value at R − 2a.

7. Using the liquid drop model, tabulate the nuclear binding energy and the var-
ious contributions to the binding energy for the nuclei 40 Ca and 208Pb.
A BASIC program is used to evaluate the terms in text Eq. (3.16). A program
listing and results are given below.

’-- program to calculate BE(A)/A from the liquid drop model

fmt$ = " ### ### ### ####.### ####.### ####.### ####.###
#.### #####.### ##.### "
OPEN "3-5.out" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
3-4 Atomic/Nuclear Models Chap. 3


PRINT #1, " A Z N BEv BEs BEc BEa BEp BE BE/A "

’----- Case of Ca-40

A = 40: Z = 20
BEv = 15.835 * A
BEs = 18.33 * A ^ (2 / 3)
BEc = .714 * Z * Z / A ^ (1 / 3)
BEa = 23.2 * (A - 2 * Z) ^ 2 / A
BEp = 11.2 / SQR(A)
BE = BEv - BEs - BEc - BEa + BEp
PRINT USING fmt$; A; Z; A - Z; BEv; -BEs; -BEc; -BEa; BEp; BE; BE / A
PRINT #1, USING fmt$; A; Z; A - Z; BEv; -BEs; -BEc; -BEa; BEp; BE; BE / A

’----- Case of Pb-208

A = 208: Z = 82
BEv = 15.835 * A
BEs = 18.33 * A ^ (2 / 3)
BEc = .714 * Z * Z / A ^ (1 / 3)
BEa = 23.2 * (A - 2 * Z) ^ 2 / A
BEp = 11.2 / SQR(A)
BE = BEv - BEs - BEc - BEa + BEp
PRINT USING fmt$; A; Z; A - Z; BEv; -BEs; -BEc; -BEa; BEp; BE; BE / A
PRINT #1, USING fmt$; A; Z; A - Z; BEv; -BEs; -BEc; -BEa; BEp; BE; BE / A

----------------------------- RESULTS -------------------------------


40 20 20 633.400 -214.389 -83.510 0.000 1.771 337.272 8.432
208 82 126 3293.680 -643.484 -810.286 -215.938 0.777 1624.748 7.811

8. From the difference in mass of a hydrogen atom (Appendix B) to the mass of a

proton and an electron (Table 1.5), estimate the binding energy of the electron
in the hydrogen atom. Compare this to the ionization energy of the ground
state electron as calculated by the Bohr model. What fraction of the total mass
is lost as the electron binds to the proton?
From the mass data of Appendix B, we find

∆mass = mp + me − M (11 H)
= 1.0072764669 + 0.0005485799 − 1.0078250321 = 1.47 × 10−8 u.

Notice that using all the significant figures available in the mass data only yields
three significant figures for the mass deficit. This mass deficit corresponds to
the binding energy of the electron to the proton and equals

BEe = (1.47 × 10−8 u)(931.5 × 106 eV/u) = 13.7 eV.

Atomic/Nuclear Models Chap. 3 3-5

From text Eq. (3.5) for hydrogen (Z = 1), the energy of the electron in the
ground state (n = 1) is

me e4
E1 = − = −13.606 eV
82o h2

which is the negative of the electron binding energy and in good agreement
with the result from the mass deficit.
The percent of mass lost in binding the electron to the proton in a hydrogen
atom is
∆mass 1.47 × 10−8
% mass lost = 100 × 1 = 100 × = 1.46 × 10−6 %.
M (1 H) 1.007

9. Using the liquid drop model, plot on the same graph, as a function of A, in
units of MeV/nucleon (a) the bulk or volume binding energy per nucleon, (b)
the negative of the surface binding energy per nucleon, (c) the negative of
the asymmetry contribution per nucleon, (d) the negative of the Coulombic
contribution per nucleon, and (e) the total binding energy per nucleon ignoring
the pairing term. For a given A value, use Z determined from Eq. (3.18) for
the most stable member of the isobar.
Program for the liquid drop model calculations and graph of results are given
’-- Program to calculate BE(A)/A from the liquid drop model. Problem 3-7
fmt$ = " ### ###.# ###.# ##.### ##.### ##.### ##.### ###.###"
OPEN "3-7.out" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
PRINT #1, " A Z N BEv/A BEs/A BEc/A BEa/A BE/A"

FOR A = 2 TO 250 STEP 2

denom = 1 + .00769397# * (A ^ (2 / 3))
Z = (A / 2) * 1.013958 / denom
BEvA = 15.835
BEsA = 18.33 / A ^ (1 / 3)
BEcA = .714 * Z * Z / A ^ (4 / 3)
BEaA = 23.2 * (A - 2 * Z) ^ 2 / A ^ 2
BEA = BEvA - BEsA - BEcA - BEaA
PRINT USING fmt$; A; Z; A - Z; BEvA; BEsA; BEcA; BEaA; BEA
PRINT #1, USING fmt$; A; Z; A - Z; BEvA; BEsA; BEcA; BEaA; BEA

----------------------------- RESULTS --------------------


2 1.0 1.0 15.835 14.549 0.284 0.000 1.002
3-6 Atomic/Nuclear Models Chap. 3

4 2.0 2.0 15.835 11.547 0.445 0.001 3.842

6 3.0 3.0 15.835 10.087 0.576 0.003 5.168
8 3.9 4.1 15.835 9.165 0.691 0.006 5.973
10 4.9 5.1 15.835 8.508 0.794 0.010 6.523
12 5.8 6.2 15.835 8.006 0.889 0.015 6.925
14 6.8 7.2 15.835 7.605 0.977 0.020 7.233
16 7.7 8.3 15.835 7.274 1.059 0.026 7.476
18 8.7 9.3 15.835 6.994 1.137 0.032 7.672
20 9.6 10.4 15.835 6.753 1.211 0.038 7.833
22 10.5 11.5 15.835 6.542 1.281 0.045 7.967
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
240 93.8 146.2 15.835 2.950 4.212 1.106 7.567
242 94.5 147.5 15.835 2.941 4.225 1.116 7.553
244 95.1 148.9 15.835 2.933 4.237 1.126 7.538
246 95.8 150.2 15.835 2.925 4.250 1.136 7.524
248 96.4 151.6 15.835 2.918 4.262 1.146 7.509
250 97.1 152.9 15.835 2.910 4.274 1.156 7.495

10. In radioactive beta decay, the number of nucleons A remains constant although
the individual number of neutrons and protons change. Members of a such
beta-decay chain are isobars with nearly equal masses. Using the atomic mass
data in Appendix B, plot the mass difference [70 − A Z X] (in u) of the nuclei
versus Z for the isobar chain 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
36 Kr, 35 Br, 34 Se, 33 As, 32 Ge, 31 Ga, 30 Zn, 29 Cu,
70 70
28 Ni, and 27 Co. Compare the position of maximum nuclear stability with that
predicted by Eq. (3.18).
Solution: The liquid drop model gives the most stable proton number for a
given A from Eq. (3.18), namely,
A 1 + (mn − mp )c2 /(4aa )
Z(A) = .
2 1 + ac A2/3 /(4aa )
From the text we find 4aa = 92.80 MeV, ac = 0.714 MeV, and from Table 1.5
(mn − mp )c2 = 939.56533 − 938.27200 = 1.2933 MeV. Thus for A = 70 we find
70 1 + 1.2933/92.8
Z(70) = = 31.39.
2 1 + 0.714(70)2/3/92.8
Atomic/Nuclear Models Chap. 3 3-7

The figure below shows Ap. B masses of the isotoopes that are members of the
isobar A = 70 as well as masses calculated by the liquid drop model. In this
model the mass of an atom is calculated as A
Z X = Zmp +N mn +Zme −BEld /c .

Here BEld is the nuclear binding energy as calculated by the term in braces in
Eq. (3.16).
Nuclear mass from liquid drop model for ISOBAR A=70
A Z N BE(MeV) mn(MeV) mn(u) Matom(u) Matom-70
70 27 43 584.634 65150.020 69.9414 69.9562 -0.04376
70 28 42 597.668 65135.691 69.9260 69.9414 -0.05860
70 29 41 602.350 65129.715 69.9196 69.9355 -0.06447
70 30 40 609.389 65121.383 69.9107 69.9271 -0.07286
70 31 39 608.075 65121.402 69.9107 69.9277 -0.07229
70 32 38 609.117 65119.066 69.9082 69.9258 -0.07425
70 33 37 601.808 65125.082 69.9147 69.9328 -0.06724
70 34 36 596.855 65128.742 69.9186 69.9372 -0.06276
70 35 35 583.549 65140.758 69.9315 69.9507 -0.04932
70 36 34 572.600 65150.410 69.9418 69.9616 -0.03841

11. Equation (3.18) can not be solved analytically to give A(Z) that produces the
isotope (fixed Z) with the smallest mass. But it can be put into form that can
be solved iteratively, i.e.,

Ai = f(Z, Ai−1 ), i = 1, 2, 2, . . . with A0 = 0.

Find A when Z = 20.

Solution: Rearrange Eq. (3.18) to give

1 + (mn − mp )c2 /(4aa )

A = 2Z .
1 + ac /(4ac)

Because ac = 0.714 MeV, aa = 23.20 MeV, and (mn − mp )c2 = 1.293 MeV,
the iteration scheme for the above result becomes
1 + 0.00769Ai−1
Ai = 2Z .

For calcium (Z = 20) and with A0 = 0, one obtains the following: A1 = 39.450,
A2 = 42.968, A3 = 43.174, A4 = 43.186, A5 = 43.187, and A6 = 43.187.
3-8 Atomic/Nuclear Models Chap. 3

12. From the data in Appendix B, plot the mass parabolas for nuclei in the isobar
with A = 184. Show on the plot the neutron number N for maximum stability
as calculated from Eq. (3.18).
Solution: From Appendix B the following data is extracted.

N Z M-183.9 (mu) A=184

113 71 61.170 Lu
112 72 55.450 Hf
111 73 54.009 Ta
110 74 50.9326 W stable
109 75 52.524 Re
108 76 52.491 Os stable
107 77 57.390 Ir
106 78 59.900 Pt
105 79 67.470 Au
104 80 71.900 Hg
103 81 81.760 Tl
102 82 88.200 Pb

Finally, from Eq. (3.18) it is found that Z(114) = 74.691 so that the most
stable nuclide is one with N = A − Z = 109.309. The resulting plot is shown
Chapter 4

Nuclear Energetics


1. Complete the following nuclear reactions based on the conservation of nucleons:

238 1
(a) 92 U + 0 n −→ (?)
14 1 1
(b) 7 N + 0 n −→ (?) + 1 H
226 4
(c) 88 Ra −→ (?) + 2 He
(d) (?) −→ 230 4
90 Th + 2 He

(a) 92 U + 10 n −→ 239
92 U
(b) 7N + 10 n −→ 14 1
6 C + 1H
226 4
(c) 88 Ra −→ 222
86 Rn + 2 He

(d) 234
92 U −→ 230 4
90 Th + 2 He

2. What is the rest mass energy equivalent in MeV of 1 atomic mass unit as
calculated directly from E = mc2 ?
From Table 1.5 1 u= 1.660538 × 10−27 kg. Then

E = mc2 = (1.660538 × 10−27 kg)(2.997925 × 108 m/s)2

= 1.492418 × 10−10 J × (1.602176 × 10−19J/eV)−1
= 9.31494 × 108 eV = 931.494 MeV (P4.1)

This conversion factor of 931.5 MeV/u makes it very easy to calculation nuclear
reaction energies when the masses of atoms are given in atomic mass units as
they are in Appendix B.

4-2 Nuclear Energetics Chap. 4

3. Determine the binding energy (in MeV) per nucleon for the nuclides: (a) 8 O,
(b) 178 O, (c) 56 235
26 Fe, and (d) 92 U.
We use text Eq. (4.12) with masses expressed in atomic mass units so that, per

BE(A 1 A
Z X)/A = [ZM (1 H) + (A − Z)mn − M (Z X)]/A (u) × 931.5 (MeV/u).

Use the atomic mass tables of Ap. B to find masses. The results are
(a) BE(168 O)/16 = [8 × 1.007825 + 8 × 1.008664 − 15.994914]/16 × 931.5 =
7.976 MeV.
(b) Similarly, BE(178 O)/17 = 7.751 MeV.
(c) Similarly, BE(56
26 Fe)/56 = 8.790 MeV.

(d) Similarly, BE(235

92 U)/235 = 7.951 MeV.

4. Calculate the binding energy per nucleon and the neutron separation energy
for 168 O and 178 O.

(a) Binding Energies: From Eq. (4.12) and the data in Ap. B we have
BE(168 O) = [8M (11 H) + 8mn − M (168 O)]/16 (u) × 931.49 (MeV/u)
= 7.976 MeV.
BE(178 O) = [8M (11 H) + 9mn − M (178 O)]/17 (u) × 931.49 (MeV/u)
= 7.751 MeV.

(b) From Eq. (4.13) for the neutron separation energy and the data in Ap. B
we have
Sn (168 O) = [M (158 O) + mn − M (168 O)] (u) × 931.49 (MeV/u)
= 15.66 MeV.
Sn (178 O) = [M (168 O) + mn − M (178 O)] (u) × 931.49 (MeV/u)
= 4.143 MeV.
Nuclear Energetics Chap. 4 4-3

5. What is the net energy released (in MeV) for each of the following fusion
reactions? (a) 21 H + 21 H −→ 32 He + 10 n and (b) 21 H + 31 H −→ 42 He + 10 n
(a) The energy released is the Q-value of the reactions.

Q = 2M (21 H) − M (32 He) − mn c2
= {2 × 2.0141018 − 3.0160293 − 1.0086649} (u) × 931.5 (MeV/u)
= 3.27 MeV

(b) Similarly

Q = M (21 H) + M (31 H) − M (42 He) − mn c2
= {2.0141018 + 3.0160493 − 4.0026032 − 1.0086649} × 931.5
= 17.59 MeV

6. Calculate the binding energy and the binding energy per nucleon for 26 Fe and
for 235
92 U. What is the significance of these results?
Solution: From Eq. (4.12) the BE for 26 Fe is found as

BE(56 1 56
26 Fe) = [26M (1 H) + (56 − 26)mn − M (26 Fe)] (u) × 931.5 (MeV/u)
= [26(1.007825030 + 30(1.00866492) − 55.9349421] × 931.5
= 492.26 MeV.

From this result BE/A = 492.26/56 = 8.790 MeV.

Similarly for 92 U

BE(235 1 235
92 U) = [92M (1 H) + (235 − 92)mn − M (92 U)] (u) × 931.5 (MeV/u)
= [92(1.007825030 + 143(1.00866492) − 235.0439231] × 931.5
= 1783.9 MeV.

From this result BE/A = 1783.9/235 = 7.592 MeV.

This simple calculation shows that the nucleons in 56 26 Fe are more tightly boound
thaat tthose in B235
92B U. Thus by splitting (or fissioning) a heavy atom like
92 U the nucleons become more tightly bound. The differences in the binding
energies is emitted exoergically.
4-4 Nuclear Energetics Chap. 4

7. Generally, energies of chemical reactions can not be calculated by finding the

difference between the masses of the reactants and the products because the
mass must be known to 10 or more significant figures. However, the mass of
the proton and hydrogen atom are known to 10 significant figures. Estimate
the binding energy of the electron BEe in the 11 H atom and compare this result
to what the Bohr model predicts. Discuss this comparison.
The binding energy reaction can be written as
1p + 0
−1 e −→ 11 H + BEe .

Use mass values found in Table A.1 and Appendix B. Then the binding energy
is estimated as

BEe = [mp + me − M (11 H)] (u) × 931.5 (MeV/u)

= 1.0072764669 + 5.48579909 × 10−4 − 1.0078250321 × 931.5
= 1.3887 × 10−5 MeV = 13.887 eV. (P4.2)

From the Bohr model BEe is found to be 13.606 eV. Although the estimate
of 13.887 is correct to 2 significant figures, to get a better estimate the proton
and hydrogen atomic masses must be known to at least 13 significant figures,
an accuracy beyond present day technology.

8. What is (a) the BE of 3 He, and (b) the neutron separation energy?
(a) The BE(32 He) is

BE(32 He) = [211 H + mn − 32 He] (u) × 931.5 (MeV/u)

= [2(1.00982503) + 1.00866492 − 3.01602931]931.5
= 7.718 MeV.

(b) The netron separation energy from Eq. (4.13) is

Sn (32 He) = M (22 He) + mn − M (32 He).

But 22 He doesn’t exist. By removing the neutron, two 11 H atoms are created
and the atom is totally dismantled. So the neutron separation energy for this
isotope is the same as the BE!
Nuclear Energetics Chap. 4 4-5

9. Verify Eq. (4.15) on the basis of the definition of the binding energy.
Solution: The proton separation reaction may be written as
Z−1 X + 11 p −→ A
Z Y.

The energy released in this reaction Sp is the energy required to separate a

proton from the nucleus A Z Y. This energy is given in terms of the change in
nuclear masses, i.e.,

Sp = m(A−1 A
Z−1 X) + mp − m(Z Y) c

Use Eq. (4.8) to express the nuclear masses in terms of atomic masses as

Sp = [M (A−1 e 2 1 e 2
Z−1 X) − (Z − 1)me + BEZ−1 /c ] + [M (1 H) − me + BE1 /c ]
e 2 2
−[M (A
Z Y) − Zme + BEZ /c ] c

= [M (A−1 1 A 2 e e e
Z−1 X) + M (1 H) − M (Z Y)]c + [BEZ−1 + BE1 − BEZ ]

The electron binding energies BEe in the last term tend to cancel and any small
non-zero value is negligible compared to the nuclear binding energies. Finally,
using Eq. (4.12) to express M (A−1 A
Z−1 X) and M (Z Y) in terms of the hydrogen
atom’s mass, i.e.,
Sp = [(Z − 1)M (11 H) + (A − Z)mn − BE(A−1 2 2 1
Z−1 X)/c ]c + [M (1 H)]c

−[ZM (11 H) + (A − Z)mn − BE(A 2 2

Z Y)/c ]c

= BE(A
Z Y) − BE(Z−1 X).

which agrees with Eq. (4.15).

10. A nuclear scientist attempts to perform experiments on the stable nuclide 56

26 Fe.
Determine the energy (in MeV) the scientist will need to
1. remove a single neutron.
2. remove a single proton.
3. completely dismantle the nucleus into its individual nucleons.
4. fission it symmetrically into two identical lighter nuclides 13 Al.

Solution: Atomic masses from Appendix B are used in the solution.

(a) The energy needed is the neutron separation energy. From Eq. (4.13) we
Sn = M (55 56
26 Fe) + mn − M (26 Fe) c = 11.20 MeV.

(b) The energy needed is the proton separation energy. From Eq. (4.15) we
Sp = M (55 1 56
25 Mn) + M (1 H) − M (26 Fe) c = 10.18 MeV.
4-6 Nuclear Energetics Chap. 4

(c) The energy needed is the binding energy of 56

26 Fe. From Eq. (4.12) we

BE(56 1 56 2
26 Fe) = 26M (1 H) + 30mn − M (26 Fe) c = 492.25 MeV.

(d) Symmetric fission would give 56 28

26 Fe → 2 [13Al]. The energy required is
Ef = M (56 28
26 Fe) − 2M (13 Al) c = 26.90 MeV.

11. Write formulas for the Q-values of the reactions shown in Section 4.4. With
these formulas, evaluate the Q-values.
For the binary reaction x + X → Y + y, the Q value is given by

Q = [(Mx + MX ) − (My + MY )]c2 .

Results are summarized below.

Reaction Mx MX MY My Q (MeV)
(α,p) 4.002603 14.003074 16.999132 1.007825 −1.19
(α,n) 4.002603 9.012182 12.000000 1.008665 5.70
(γ,n) 0.000000 2.014102 1.007825 1.008665 −2.22
(p,γ) 1.007825 7.016004 8.005305 0.000000 17.26
(γ,αn) 0.000000 16.999132 12.000000 5.011268 −11.31
(n,p) 1.008665 15.994915 16.006101 1.007825 −9.64

12. What is the Q-value (in MeV) for each of the following possible nuclear reac-
tions? Which are exothermic and which are endothermic?
 10

 5B + γ

 9 1

 5B + 0n

 9 Be + 1 p
1 9 4 1
1 p + 4 Be −→ 8 2

 4 Be + 1H

 7 3

 4 Be + 1 H

 6 4
3 Li + 2 He

Consider the 9 Be(p,γ)10 B reaction. The Q-value is
Q = M (11 H) + M (94 Be) − M (105 B) c
= {1.00782503 + 9.0121821 − 10.0129370} (u) × 931.5 (MeV/u)
= 6.586 MeV
Nuclear Energetics Chap. 4 4-7

The other reactions are treated similarly. The results are tabulated below.

Reaction Q-value (MeV) type

9 10
Be(p,γ) B 6.586 exoergic
Be(p,n)9 B −1.850 endoergic
Be(p,p)9 Be 0.0
Be(p,d)8 Be 0.559 exoergic
Be(p,t)7 Be −12.083 endoergic
Be(p,α)6 Li 2.125 exoergic

13. Neutron irradiation of 6 Li can produce the following reactions.

 7

 3 Li + γ

 6 1

 3 Li + 0 n

1 6 6 1
0 n + 3 Li −→ 2 He + 1 p

 5 2

 2 He + 1 H
 3 4
1 H + 2 He

What is the Q-value (in MeV) for each reaction?

Solution: Results are summarized in the table below.

Reaction Q-value (MeV) type

Li(n,γ)7 Li 7.250 exoergic
Li(n,n)6 Li 0.0
Li(n,p)6 He −2.725 endoergic
Li(n,d)5 He −2.361 endoergic
Li(n,t)4 He 4.783 exoergic

14. Calculate the Q-values for the following two beta radioactive decays.
(a) 22 22 0 38 38 0
11 Na −→ 10 Ne + +1 e + ν and (b) 17 Cl −→ 18 Ar + −1 e + ν.
Because in beta and positron decay the number of protons in the parent and
daughter are different from the number of electrons in neutral atoms of the
parent and daughter are different. This change in electron number must be
accounted for in the decay reactions.
(a) This positron reaction, in terms of neutral atoms, is written as
22 22 0 0
11 Na −→ 10 Ne + −1 e + +1 e + ν. The Q-value is then
Q = M (22 22
11 Na) − M (10 Ne) − 2me c

= {21.994437 − 21.991386 − 2 × 0.0005486} (u) × 931.5 (MeV/u)

= 1.820 MeV
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