11th G English

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TIME:3 Hrs M.M:80
1. (a) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 16
Self-control is at the root of all virtues. Let a man give the rein to his impulses and passions
and from that moment he yields up his moral freedom. He is carried along the current of
life and becomes slave of his strongest desire for the time being, to be morally free-to be
more than an animal-man must be able to resist the instinctive impulse, and this can be
done only by the exercise of self-control. Thus it is this power which constitutes the real
distinction between physical and moral life, and forms the primary basis of individual
character. In the Bible, praise is given, not to the strong man who "taketh a city" but to the
stronger man who "ruleth his own spirit". This stronger man is he who, by discipline,
exercises a control over his thoughts, his speech and his acts. Nine-tenths of the vicious
desires that degrade society and when indulged, swell into the crimes that disgrace it,
would sink into insignificance before the advance of valiant self-discipline, self-respect and
self-control. By the watchful exercise of those virtues, purity of heart and mind becomes
habitual and the character is built up in chastity, virtue and temperance.
Choose the correct option of the following questions :
(i) When man reins his impulses and passions, he yields up his :
(a) moral standard (c) moral victory
(b) moral freedom (d) moral value
(ii) In the absence of moral freedom, man becomes a slave of :
(a) strongest desire (c) strongest ambition
(b) strongest enemy (d) strongest wish
(iii) To be morally free man must be able to resist the :
(a) instinctive feeling (c) instinctive impulse
(b) instinctive weakness (d) instinctive love
(iv)In the Bible, praise is given to man who is :
(a) physically strong (b) financially strong
(c) politically strong (d) spiritually strong
(v) The stronger man is he who controls his thoughts, speech and acts by:
(a) determination (b) discipline
(c) deliberation (d) diplomacy
(vi) The vicious desires when indulged in become :
(a) crimes (b) sins
(c) evils (d) customs
Objective Type Questions :
(vii) When does man yield up his moral freedom?
viii) When can man become morally free ?
(ix) What forms the primary basis of individual character ?
(x) When do vicious desires fall into insignificance ?
(b) Read the following passage and answer the questions given follow : (6)
Health and hygiene go hand in hand. Health refers to a state of sound mind and
physically fit body, free from any form of sickness, disorder or ailment. Hygiene refers to the
good practices that prevent disease and lead to good health through cleanliness, proper
sewage disposal, balanced and nutritious food, regular exercise, proper sleep, pure and
fresh air and supply of safe drinking water. The proverb,' Health is Wealth' is truly said of all
things in the world. Health is the most valuable thing that one can possess. Money is
undoubtedly a prized possession, but can it provide pleasure to a ruined health? As body
and mind are closely related, the mind can never be sound and cheerful without sound
health. An unhealthy man may have intelligence, merit and wealth but he cannot put them
to use and reap their benefits. We must, therefore adopt proper hygienic measures to
preserve and maintain good health. Too much work or exercise, eating or drinking are
injurious to health. A regulated life coupled with clear and pure mind makes life worth
(i) Hygiene refers to practices that leads to good health through:
(a) Balanced diet (b) Impure air
(c) Abundant wealth (d) Regular play
(ii) Life will become worthless living through:
(a) Gambling and drinking (b) Regulated life
(c) Pure mind (d) Healthy body
(iii) What does the term 'health' refer to?
(iv) Can a wealthy but unhealthy man enjoy life?
(v) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from the passage.
The selection in Army service is made purely on…………………………..
(vi) Match the words under column 'A' with their Antonym under 'B'.
Fresh use
Preserve stale
(Writing Skills, Grammar & Translation) (26 marks)
2. You are Arjun ,the Head Boy of Assumption Convent School , Abohar .You found a tiffin-
box in the playground .Draft notice for the school notice board . Put the notice in a box.
Suppose you are Vikram. You have 10 Acre land for sale. Draft an advertisement for a
newspaper in property for sale Column. (4)
3. You are Sidharth. You live at 403, Patel Nagar, Abohar. Write a letter to your friend ,
sharing your experience of an education tour . You have recently made to Agra and
Fatehpur Sikri. OR
Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district. Complaining against the use
of loudspeakers in your town. (6)

4. a) Translate from English to Punjabi/Hindi (any two)

I. The father is ironing the clothes.
II. Has he cast his vote?
III. I have been reading this book for last many days. 2
b) Translate from Punjabi/Hindi to English (any two)
1. ausny nvw sMgIq nhI suixAw [
2. pihlvwn kuSqI ij`q lvygw [
3. mYnUM qMg nw kro[ 2

5. Do as directed
a) Fill in the blank with suitable determiner.
1. Honesty is ……………..best policy.
2. Have you got ……………..money?
b) A brisk walk is best …………..the heart.(fill suitable preposition)
c) The rich …………help the poor (should/would)
d) Use ‘Book’ as noun and verb,
e) He admitted his fault (change into past perfect tense)
f) 1. He is too compound to lose temper( remove too)
2. She is so weak that the can not sit (use too)
g) Change the voice .
1. He is singing a song.
2. I have taken up a new job.
h) Change the narration
1. Sachin said, “I do not want to play anymore.”
2. He said to me, “when is your last paper?” 2+1+1+1+1+2+2+2=12
Section-C (literature) (38)
6. Objective type question:
I. What does ‘Appro’ mean?
II. In the case of Algu, who was chosen as ‘Head Panch’
III. The grand mother read…………at the temple(Holy books/school books)
IV. Kafi Annan was the ……….of united Nations organization(President/Secretary
V. How many martyrs are described in the lesson ‘Let us not forget the martyrs
A) four b) five c) Six d) eight
VI. What is Kalam’s first vision
A) freedom b) friendship c) love d) money
VII. The peasant had a good yield of corn (true/false)
VIII. The ground water is going down by 60cm every year(true/false)
IX. Who wrote the story , The Model Millionaire.’
X. Who was Ramnath? (1x10=10)
7. a)Read the following stanza and answer the question that follow: 4
When swollen eye gnarled fist
When snaps the knee, and cracks the wrist
When clam officialdom demands,
Is there a doctor in the stands?
My soul in true thanksgiving speaks
For this most modest of physiques.
(a) Name the poem and its poet.
(b) What dangers of sports are hinted in these lines?
(c) Why is the speakers filled with a feeling of gratitude?
(d) Give the words that rhyme in the given stanza.
Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle trail’d its wreaths:
And tis my faith that every flowers
Enjoys the air it breathes.
(i) Name the poem and its poet.
(ii) What type of flower is primrose.
(iii) What is the faith of the poet?
(iv) Give the rhyme scheme of the give stanza.
8. b) Give the central idea of the poem 3
Upagupta OR ‘A Thing of beauty is a Joy forever’
9. Answer any 3 question in 20 words 3x2=6
I. How does pure discipline differ from enforced discipline?(Liberty and Discipline)
II. Why did Barb marry Malcolm? (No Time for fear)
III. How did the author go to school in the city? (The portrait of a lady)
IV. What is the meaning of globalization?( The earth is not ours)
V. Havildar Abdul Hamid is known as ‘a killer of tanks,why (let’s not forget the
10.Answer any two questions in 20 to 30 words 2x2=4
I. How did he give his face the look of an astrologer?(An astrologer’s day)
II. What was Baldea’s axe look like? (The Tiger in the Tunnel)
III. What were Rahim Khan’s ambitions as a young ma? (Sparrows)
IV. What advice did the imp give to the peasant in the first year(The Peasant’s
11.Answer any one of the following question in 100 to 120 word 3
What was Grandmother’s daily routine? (The Portrait of a lady) OR
Write a note on Malcom’s encounter with the grizzly (No Time for fear)
12. Answer any one of the following question in 100 to 120 word 3
Write a character sketch of Rahim Khan (Sparrows) OR
Write a note on the theme of the story ‘Panch Parmeshwar’
13.Good handwriting . 5

Prepared by
Meera Narula
Lecturer in English
GSS Nihalkhera (Fazilka)

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