Lexicology - Đề Cương Ôn Tập

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Time: 60 minutes

2 parts: Multiple choices (3 points) and Written responses (7 points)

+ Part 1: Multiple choices (10 sentences-3 points)

Part 1 Content Note

+All the basic definitions of
1. root,
3. morpheme, base, derivational and
inflectional morphemes,
4. polysemy,
5. clippings and types of clipping,
6. types of synonyms,
7. connotative and denotative meaning, Metaphor và
metaphor, metonymy, Metonymy: chỉ
8. etymology (từ nguyên học), cần hiểu cách so
9. lexicology. sánh và ví dụ.
Không có câu
khoanh định nghĩa

+ Types of synonyms: stylistic, dominant,

ideographic, contextual: có câu phân biệt từ
này thuộc nhóm nào

+ Đọc qua về Taboo để phân biệt với


+ Đọc qua ví dụ về Onomatopoeia (tiếng kêu

của mấy con chó, mèo, vịt, ngan để khoanh
được tiếng kêu của nó)

+Examples of blending, clipping, homophone

+Examples of prefixes with negative/positive

meaning, prefixes indicating size/number

+ Examples of suffixes, homophones

+Meaning of idiom Good-for-nothing,

+ Metonymy:
A. Grey hair should be respect.
B. The hall burst into applause.
C. Two heads are better than one.
D. His crocodile tears are late.
(dịch hết nghĩa mấy câu trên ra)

+ Phân biệt Idiom và Proverb (hiểu cách dùng,

ko cần học định nghĩa)

Part 2 Content Note

Question 1 Denotative and connotative meaning of

(3 points) + Teachers’ day đề chỉ cho 2 từ
+ Birthday trong số 8 từ trên,
+ New year có 4 đề chia đều
+ Christmas
+ 4 colors: Green, Pink, Black, Red

Question 2 + Definition of Synonyms, Antonyms. Explain 4 đề thì mỗi đề có

(4 points) their usage in English language. 1 câu với tiêu chí
4 điểm.
+ Definition of Euphemism, main characteristics
of euphemism, its applications in the use of the
English language.

+ What is Shortenings? How many subtypes of

Shortenings are there? Give examples for each.

+ What is Homonyms? How many types of

Homonyms are there? Give examples

clippings and types of clipping

+ medial clipping
+ final clipping
+ initial clipping
Blending: brunch
1. Beggar, to burgle, to edit
2. Ping-pong, walkie-talkie, topsy-turvy
3. Interpol, slimnastics, netizen
4. Hanky, nighty, radar

Meaning of idiom Good-for-nothing: a person who is lazy and not helpful or useful - vô dụng

A. a person who is good but sometimes lazy

B. a person who is lazy and not helpful or useful

C. a person who is totally bad at anything

D. a person who has nothing good

A. He is a night owl - cú đêm  metaphor: ẩn dụ

B. The classroom was a zoo  metaphor

C. As quiet as a mouse  so sánh

D. She has a heart of gold

Taboo vs Euphemism: Blind euphemism

A. visually impaired B. Low vision

C. sight- deprived D. Narrow vision (ẩn dụ)

A. Grey hair should be respect.  biết trân trọng người già
B. The hall burst into applause.  cả hội trường vang lên pháo tay
C. Two heads are better than one.  2 cái đầu thì hơn 1 cái; sự đồng lòng giúp sức
D. His crocodile tears are late.  nước mắt cá sấu đã muộn; giả tạo
“When there is a will, there is a way” : cứ có ý chí thì sẽ có con đường đi  proverbs

Which are the types of these words “Beautiful”, “pretty”, “good-looking” and “nice”?

A. Stylistic synonyms B. Absolute synonyms (đồng nghĩa hoàn toàn; có thể thay

C. Ideographic synonyms D. Contextual synonyms (đồng nghĩa theo ngữ cảnh)

Contextual synonym: bear, stand  can’t bear, can’t stand (không chịu được)
ideographic: semantic synonyms
Beautiful”, “pretty”, “good-looking” and “nice”?: stylistic synonyms
stylistic synonym: policeman-bobby-cop
ideographic: semantic synonyms: look, stare, glance

Onomatopoeia : tiếng kêu của mấy con chó - woof, mèo - meow, vịt - quack, ngan - honk

Prefix number: monolingual

A. ex-, inter-,extra- Extraterrestrial: người ngoài hành tinh

B. macro-, micro-, equi-

C. prime-, ex-, pre-

D. mono-, bi-, tri-
Question 1:
Denotative Connotative
Teachers’ Day A special day designated to honor + feelings of gratitude, respect, and
and appreciate teachers for their admiration for teachers;
contributions to education and + a day to give flowers, gifts,
society. and greeting cards to teachers;
+ a day to meet old teachers
Bỉrthday The anniversary of the day on + symbolized personal milestones,
which a person was born aging, and growth;
+ a day to remember parents'
gratitude for their birth;
+ connect family members
New Year the first day of the calendar + expressing newness,
year, 1 January + wishing for all good things;
+ is a day for families to gather;
+ feeling joyful and excited to
welcome the new year
+ food: Chung cake, fried spring
roll, braised meat with eggs…
Christmas a day celebrated annually to + Christmas is often linked with
honor the birth of Jesus, or the themes of joy, family gatherings,
period between the night of gift-giving, and goodwill;
December 24th and the day of + is the day when people can
December 25th make wishes and expect gifts
from Santa Claus;
+ a day to hold a party, decorate
the house and the Christmas tree
Green The color between blue and Depending on various fields:
yellow in the spectrum + Greens mean nature such as
One of the basic color in the trees, plans, forest…
spectrum/among 10 million + Engineering: green energy,
colors. renewable energy like water,
wind, solar, sun, fossil fuels
(oil, gas, coal)
+ Society: green life, healthy
life, immerse/put yourself in
Feelings refresh
Pink One of the basic color in the + Romantic feelings
spectrum/among 10 million + symbolizes love, warmth and
colors. coziness: the way people behave
with other, sweetness…
Black One of the basic color in the + feels angry or depressed, sad
spectrum/among 10 million + representing fear, mystery and
colors. the unknown
+ symbolized bad, evil, death,
Red One of the basic color in the + His face is red and angry: so
spectrum/among 10 million angry that he blushed
colors. + She is red today: positive
feelings, happy, joyful,
+ symbolized new year/lunar
new year, luckiness…

Question 2:
+ Definition of Synonyms, Antonyms. Explain their usage in English language.
 Synonyms may be defined as words of the same language belonging to the same
part of speech with one or more identical or nearky identical denotational
5 types of synonyms:
ideographic synonyms (look, stare, glance);
stylistic synonyms (policeman-bobby-cop);
absolute synonyms (big – large; happy – joyful; begin – commence)
contextual synonyms (bear, stand);
dominant synonyms: (to surprise – to astonish – to amaza – to astond)
 Antonyms may be defined as two (rarely more) words of the same language
belonging to the same part of speech with contradictory meaning.
Alive – dead; love – hate; useful – useless
 Synonyms & Antonyms are used to avoid repeating words, avoid monotony when
using words, and make sentences rich.

+ Definition of Euphemism, main characteristics of euphemism, its applications in the use

of the English language.
 Euphemism is the substituation of a pleasant expression for one that is too
 Characteristics of euphemism:
o Fuzziness: use fuzzy expression to tell the truth.
Blind – low vision: use He has low vision instead of He is blind.
o Univesality: can be found in any language in the world.
In Vietnamese, we use “không thành thật” instead of “nói dối”; “mũm
mĩm” instead of “mập”
o Localization: Change the word usage depending on the locality of use.
With the word “condom”; english people call “French letter”, American
people call “rubber”
o Contemporaneity: As society changes, semantics change.
In English, lover used to mean sexual partner, now it means boyfriend,
 Euphemisms applications in use: Using euphemism is to avoid subjects that
sound “bad”—taboo, embarrassing, sensitive topics—and include things like
death, sex, money, and politics
+ What is Shortenings? How many subtypes of Shortenings are there? Give examples for

Shortening is the formation of new words by contracting certain elements of

existing words or words group.

It has 3 subtypes:

 Clippings: excluding certain part of the existing word. It includes 4 types:

- Initial clipping: the initial part is excluded: (tele)phone, (aero)plane, etc

- Medial clipping: the medial part is excluded: math(ematic)s, V(ictory)-day
- Final clipping: the final part is excluded: exam(ination), lab(oratory),
prof(essor) - Initial-final clipping: both the initial and final parts are
excluded: influenza - flu

 Blending: is the merging parts of existing words into one to form a new word:
camera + recorder = camcorder; breakfast + lunch = brunch
 Abbreviation: the process in which a word is formed from the initials of a
word groups: FAQ: frequently asked questions; BBC: British broadcasting

+ What is Homonyms? How many types of Homonyms are there? Give examples.
 Homonyms are words which are the same in sound and spelling, or, at least, in one
of these aspects, but different in their meanings.
 Homonyms are classified into 3 types:
o Homonyms proper: are words that are identical in both pronunciation and
spelling back (n): part of a body; back (adv): away from the front;
bark (n): the noise made by a dog; bark (v): to utter sharp explosive cried;
bark (n) the skin of a tree
o Homophones: words that are the same sound but of different spelling (son –
sun; ate – eight; sauce – source; not - knot)
o Homographs: words that are the same in spelling but different in sound (bow
/baʊ/ (v) – bow /bəʊ/ (n); wind [wɪnd] (n) – wind [waɪnd] (v))

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