Mod-25 GT

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Module 2

Euler graphs and Hamiltonian Graphs

Definitions: If there is a circuit in a connected graph G that contains all the
edges of G then that circuit is called an Euler circuit or an Eulerian line or an
Eulerian tour in G.

If there is a trail in G that contains all the edges of G then that trail is called an
Euler trail or unicursal line in G

Recall that in a trail and in a circuit no edge can apper more than once but a
vertex can appear more than once. The same characteristic is carried to Euler
trails and Euler circuits also.

Since Euler circuits and Euler trails include all edges, they automatically should
include all vertices also.

A connected graph that contains an Euler circuit is callen an Euler graph or an

Eulerian graph.

A connected graph that contains an Euler trail is called a semi-Euler graph or a

semi-Eulerian graph or a unicursal graph.

Unicursal graph Open walk which includes all the edges of G without repetation of edges is
called Euler trail or Unicursal Line

Note: By adding an edge between the initial and final vertices of a unicursal line we shall get an Euler
circuit .
Therefore we can say a Connected raph is unicursal if and only it has exactly two vertices of odd


Operations on Graphs

Union, Intersection and Ring sum of Graphs

Example 1

Example 2
Directed graphs and Types of Directed graphs

A directed graph (or a digraph) G consist of a set

of vertices V={v1, v2, …….},
a set of edges E={e1, e2, …….},and a mapping ψ that maps every edge onto some ordered
pair of vertices (vi ,vj ).
As in the case of undirected graphs, a vertex is represented by a point and an
edge by a line segment between vi to vj. For example, the following shows the
digraph which is an oriented graph.

Isomorphic digraphs:

Isomorphic digraphs were defined such that they have identical behaviour in
terms of graph properties. In other words, if t h e i r l a b e l s a r e r e m o v e d , t w o
isomorphic graphs are indistinguishable.
For two digraphs to be isomorphic not only must their corresponding
u n d i r e c t e d g r a p h s b e i s o m o r p h i c , b u t t h e directions of the corresponding
edges must also agree.

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