Chapter 1

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 Think of all the various connections we
experience in our lives

 A branch of mathematics called graph

theory illustrates and analyzes connections
such as these.
Example of a Graph


Graph Theory
 Graph theory is a branch of mathematics that
illustrates and analyzes connections between objects,
people, events, etc.
 A graph is a set of points called vertices (or nodes) and
line segments or curves called edges that connect
Who discovered the Graph Theory?
 Leonard Euler (April 15, 1707 –September 18, 1783)
= is a Swiss Mathematician and Physicist
= He started to work on graphs from year 1736
 Graphs can be used to represent many
different scenarios:
 Computer network of a small business

 Flights available on a particular airline between a

selection of cities
 Graphs are used to represent relations, connection
and networks.
 Ex.) Cebu Pacific route Map
Examples of Graphs
A Graph with a Cycle

Cycle / path = it refers to the path connecting all the

vertices in the graph.
A Bipartite Graph
 Bipartite Graph = means connecting from one
group of points to another groups of points. No
nodes of the same group connects each other.
A Tree
 A tree is an undirected and not a cycle graph.

 Forest = refers to several trees

Directed Graph
 A directed graph is a graph whose vertices are
connected together, where all the edges
are directed from one vertex to another.
Undirected Graph

 Undirected Graph = is a graph where in a single

node is connected with two or more edges.
Some Terms and Notation
 Vertices are points denoted as vj
 The sets of vertices is denoted by V(G) where G is a
 Edges are lines that connect the vertices and are
denoted as ei
 ei is incident to vj, if edge ei is attached to vj, and vj is
incident to ej.
More Terms
 Two vertices are adjacent if they share a common
edge. Two edges are adjacent if they share common
 A loop is an edge, the endpoints of which are the
same vertex.
More Terms
 A graph is simple if it has no loops and there is at
most one edge between any two vertices in the
More Terms
 A complete graph is a simple graph where every
pair of vertices is joined by an edge. It is denoted
as Kn
Complement of G
 For every graph G, there is a corresponding graph G’
called the complement of G in which the vertex pairs
not joined in G are those joined in G’ and vice versa.
 Another way of obtaining the G’ is by deleting in Kn all
the edges of G. The graph that remains in G’.
More illustration of G’

Take Note : if G and G’ is

combined it will form a
complete Graph.
Null Graph
 A Null graph is a graph whose vertices are not
connected. It is also called disconnected graph
Degree of A Vertex
 The degree of the vertex, d(v) denotes the number of
edges in incident to v in G.
Equivalent Graphs
 Are graphs whose edges form the same connection
of vertices.
Degree of A Vertex
 If the G is a directed graph, we talk about the
indegree of v (# of edges going into v) and the
outdegree of v(number of edges emanating from v) ,
denoted as id and od respectively.
 Clearly for a directed graph, 1d(v) + od(v) = d(v)

IMPORTANT : (complete graph)

• Even no . Of vertices have always odd degree.
• Odd no. of Vertices have always even degree.
Give the degree of the Vertices of
the given graph
How to make a graph?
The following table lists 5 students at college. An “x”
indicates that two students participate in the same
study group this semester.

Matt Amber Oscar Laura Kaye

Matt ______ X X

Amber X _________ X X

Oscar X _________ X

Laura X X _________

Kaye X ________
Question :
1. Which student is involved in the most study group
with the others?

2. Which student has only one study group in

common with the others?

3. How many study groups does Laura have in

common with the others?
 The table below lists five mobile phone companies and
indicates whether they have agreements to roam onto
each other’s networks. Draw a graph that represents this
information, where each vertex represents a phone
company and an edge connects two vertices if the
corresponding companies have a roaming agreement.
Then use the graph to answer the questions. Which
phone company has roaming agreements with the most
carriers? Which company can roam with only one other
 A path in a graph can be thought of as a movement from
one vertex to another by traversing edges. If a path ends
at the same vertex at which it started, it is considered a
Closed Path or Circuit.

 A Circuit that uses every edge, but never uses the same
edge twice is called an EULER CIRCUIT.

 If a path (not necessarily closed) uses every edge once

and only once then such path is called an EULER PATH.
 A path in a graph can be thought of as a movement
from one vertex to another by traversing edges. We
can refer to our movement by vertex letters.
 For example, in the figure below, one path would
A – B – A – C.

 If a path ends at the same vertex at which it started,
it is considered a closed path or circuit.
 For the graph below, the path A-D-F-G-E-B-A is a
circuit. The path A-D-F-G-E-H is not a circuit.
 A circuit that uses every edge, but never uses the
same edge twice, is called an Euler circuit. (The
path may cross through vertices more than once).

 Verify if each of the following paths is an Euler

 B-D-F-G-H-E-C-B-A-D-G-E-B
 A-B-C-E-H-G-E-B-D-A
 A-B-C-E-H-G-F-D-A-B-E-G-D-A
 Euler proved that a graph may not have an
Euler circuit by examining the number of
edges that meet at each vertex.

 The number of edges that meet at a vertex is

called the degree of a vertex.

 For an Euler circuit to exist, the degree of

every vertex would have to be an even
EULER Graph/Circuit Theorem
A connected graph is Eulerian if and only if every vertex of
the graph is of even degree.
Determine whether for the following graph is Eulerian. If
it is, find the Eulerian Circuit.
Application of Euler Circuit
 The subway map shows the tracks that subway
trains traverse as well as the junctions where
one can switch trains. Suppose an inspector
needs to travel the full length of each track. Is
it possible to plan a journey that traverses the
tracks and returns to the starting point
without travelling through any portion of a
track more than once?
Eulerian Path Theorem
A connected graph contains an EULER PATH if and
only if the graphs has two vertices of ODD
DEGREE with all other vertices of even degree.
Furthermore, Euler path must start at one of the
vertices of odd degree and end at the other
Eulerian Path Theorem
A connected graph contains an EULER PATH if and only if
the graphs has two vertices of ODD DEGREE with all
other vertices of even degree. Furthermore, Euler path
must start at one of the vertices of odd degree and end at
the other

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