S.3 MTC Eot Final

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2hours 30minutes
INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt any five items

A certain member of your family re-wrote each digit of his 4-digit 𝐀𝐓𝐌 card pin
from number system ten (base ten) to another number system less than four. He did
this in fear of theft. Now he is sick in the hospital, he can neither talk nor write but
the money on his account is needed to finance hospital bills. Here is how he wrote
the pin: 12 20 22 10. Assuming that you have been able to encrypt the 𝐀𝐓𝐌 pin for
the family and funds are available to take care of him. The hospital has a nurse
who takes checks on him after every two hours and a medical doctor who checks
on him after every four and half hours. Both medical personnel last checked on
him together at 𝟗: 𝟑𝟎𝐚𝐦. He was treated well and discharged and advised as
follows. He was advised to spend three eights of the day resting, one sixth of the
day eating, two thirds of the remainder having a healthy diet and the rest of time of
the day visiting the hospital for further checkup.
(i) Which number system do you think he used to re-write the pin and why?

(ii) Use the identified number system to help your family members to regenerate
the original pin.
(i) At what time did will both the nurse and medical doctor check on him
again at the same time.
How many hours of the day in a week does he have spend on visiting the

(a) The school plans to hold a Parents meeting and it expects 1000 parents.
It plans to hire tents of capacity 50 sitters, they are to serve soda, a boiled egg and a
piece of chicken.


A tent is hired at sh. 100,000, a crate of soda has 24 bottles and costs sh.20,000, a tray
of eggs consists of 30 eggs, each tray is at sh. 10,000, a chicken consists of 6 pieces,
and each chicken costs sh.10,000.
As a senior four student, using a knowledge of number bases, help the school come up
with a budget flame work for the event.
(b) Alex feeds the expression below in his calculator that solves equations.

, but before the answer could be displayed, the calculator blacked out. Alex got stuck.
Guide Alex through the procedure and obtain the value of x that will be displayed on
the calculator’s screen.
(c) the calculator recovered but some parts of the screen were showing partial digits.
He used the same calculator and feed in the surd expression and
the result was given in the form in which 𝑎 and 𝑏 were partial digits and not clear
𝑎√2+ , what are the exact values of 𝑎 and 𝑏?

In Bukaaru village, Mr. Kyagulanyi had six children; Kintu, Mpindi, James,
Talemwa, Mohammed and Nakayi. He made his will and kept it with a friend. After his
death, children were fighting for the property as the elder son wanted to claim 50% as the
heir. The lawyer saved the situation by reading the will. Nakayi was given 10% of the
property. The remaining property was shared among the boys and the wife. Kintu was given
1/5, Mpindi was given 15%, James was given 20%, Talemwa was given 5% and
Mohammed was given 20%. The remainder was given to the wife.
a) Help the family administrator to know how much property will each take given that
Kyagulanyi had property worth UGx6,000,000.
b) What percentage of Mr. Kyagulanyi 's property was allocated to his wife?


In a Physics practical attempted by a senior four class, The force Y needed to move the load X by a
machine is determined by a law 𝑌=𝑎𝑋+𝑏, where a and b are constants. The table below shows results
which were obtained by one of the students.

LOAD (X) 1 2 3 4 5
FORCE (Y) 4 4.8 5.5 6.7 7.2

(a) Plot the scatter diagram from the table above i.e Force (y) against the Load (x)

(b) Draw the line of best fit and use it to find;


(i) The Force corresponding to a Load of 3.5

(ii) The load corresponding to a force of 6.2

(iii) The Force corresponding to the load of 0 (zero)

(c) Take any two points on the graph and use them to find the slope/gradient of the line of best fit.

(d) Compare your findings with the equation of the form 𝑦=𝑚𝑥+ , hence find the law connecting Y and X,
where 𝑎=𝑚 and 𝑏=𝑐 and state 𝑌=𝑎𝑋+𝑏.

A private company was hired to administer an interview for World Food Program. 50
candidates sat for an aptitude test which was made up of Sections A, B and C. Two
candidates did not attempt any question from any of the three sections. Three
attempted questions from section A only, five from section B only four from section
A and C only while 5 attempted questions from all the three sections. Those who
attempted questions from A and B only were 3 less than those who attempted
questions from sections B and C only and three times those who attempted questions
from section C only.
As a senior Three student, help;
(a) Show the above information using an appropriate diagram
(b) Find how many candidates attempted questions
(i) from each section
(ii) from section C only.
(c) If a candidate is selected at random, what is the probability that he or she
attempted questions from at least two sections?
(d) Given that those who attempted at most one question, did not make it to oral
interviews, how many candidates were they?
(e) In your opinion, why do you think the World Food Program hired a private
company to carry out interviews?

Your guardian has a budget of Shs700,000 for your school expenses. To get to the
school where your guardian wishes to take you for A-level, your guardian drove 4 km
east from your home to the stage and then 8 km north to reach there. However, you
realized later that there was a direct route from home to school your guardian could
have used.
On reaching the school, you found out that, the school fees, admission fees and
uniform fees are Shs900,000, Shs100,000 and Shs350,000 respectively. The school
also offers a bursary of; 60% off school fees, free admission and eighty-seven


thousand five hundred shillings off uniform fees to those who got first grade and
according to your results, you qualify for this bursary.
It also has two payment plans on school fees that the guardians can choose from and
they are:
- Paying in two instalments that is to say; two thirds of the school fees at the
beginning of the term and the balance at either visitation day or end of term.

- Paying in three equal instalments; at the beginning of the term, on visitation day and
end of term respectively.

(a) How far is it from your home to school if you travel through the direct route?
(b) (i) Since you qualify for the bursary, how much will you pay?
(ii) Will your guardian afford the school expenses according to his budget?
(c) (i) How much will those who are to pay school fees of Shs900,000, pay per
instalment, according to each of the payment plans?
(ii) Which payment plan would you recommend for them and why?

You have friends who rear cows and goats. During the festive season, they want to sell at
most 10 of their cows and at least 8 of their goats. They also want to ensure that the
number of goats they sell are less than twice the number of cows. They also do not want to
sell more than 20 animals all together. They wish to maximise sales by selling each goat at
Shs200,000/= and each cow at Shs1.5 millions but they do not know the number of goats
and cows to sell to fulfil their wish.

(a) write mathematical statements that show the relation between the cows and goats.
(b) Show the feasible region of the relation on the Cartesian plane.
(c) Help your friends to determine the maximum amount of money they will possibly make
from the sale of cows and goats.

In order to improve on the livelihood among the community, the government of
Uganda embarked on distribution of improved seeds to boost the yield of
agricultural products in Kamuli district, Magogo sub county which has 4 wards.
The wards are A, B,C and D. basing on the size of land in each ward for every 100
packets of seed. Ward A gets 30 packets, ward B gets 20 packets, ward C gets 40
packets and ward D gets 10 packets. The government has procured 45,000
packets which are all to be shared equitably according to the community.
By using a statistical pie chart, help the local leaders to distribute these seeds to
the community in words.


Four members of Gayaza Market order for produce from Namisindwa Village and
the items are as given below.
Allan bought one bag of posho, 5 bags of millet, 2 bags of sorghum and 2 bags of
Bella bought 5 bags of posho, 3 bags of millet and 4 bags of rice.
Cate bought 4 bags of posho and 8 bags of rice.
Dorcus bought 3 bags of rice, 4 bags of sorghum, 3 bags of millet and 2 bags of
The cost per bag of the items bought was: Rice at , sorghum at , millet at , posho at
(a) Assist the market members to summarize the above in matrix form for the:
(b) Using your knowledge of matrix multiplication help the members to know how
each shall spend on their purchases, and hence find the total cost for all the four
(c) If the sales for the four market Venders was and agreed to share the money
amongst Allan, Cate, Bella and Dorcus in the ratio the ratio respectively. Help the
members to determine how each take and represent the information on a pie chart.



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