A4 Booklet - Acids and Bases - 2024

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Acid and bases


It is important to remember your definitions!

Define Arrhenius theory acid as a substance that produces hydrogen

(H+) / hydronium (H3O+) ions when it dissolves in water.

Define Arrhenius theory base as a substance that produces

hydroxide ions (OH-) when it dissolves in water.

Define Bronsted-Lowry theory acid as a proton (H+ ion) donor.

Define Bronsted-Lowry theory base as a proton (H+ ion) acceptor.

Please make sure that the highlighted words

are in your answeres to get the full 2 marks.

Understanding Acids and Bases

Acids and bases are found everywhere!

To better understand the chemistry of acid-base reactions, it is

important to know the properties of acids and bases and the
scientific models which define what is an acid and a base.
Properties and Scientific models
of Acid and Bases
o Tastes sour
o It turns BLUE litmus paper RED
o Increases the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution
o Decreases the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) in a solution
o It has a pH values of LESS THAN 7
o Tastes bitter and has a soapy feel
o Turns RED litmus paper BLUE
o It has a pH value of MORE THAN 7
o Decreases the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution
o Increases the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) in a solution

Scientific Models
Arrhenius Theory – Only explains acids & bases when dissolved IN
Arrhenius noticed that water dissociates (splits up) into hydronium and
hydroxide ions according to the following reaction:

H2O (l) ⇌ H3O+(aq) + OH-(aq)

o Acid – a substance that produces H+/H3O+ ions in an aqueous solution

o Base - a substance that produces OH- ions in an aqueous solution

Bronsted-Lowry Theory – Explains acid & bases in both SOLID and

Bronsted and Lowry broadened the acid/base definition of Arrhenius to not
need water
o Acid is a proton (H+) DONOR
o Base is a proton (H+) ACCEPTOR
Proton transfer reaction – General equation during acid-base reaction:

HA + B BH+ + A– OR HA + B– BH + A–
acid base acid base
Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs
The Lowry-Bronsted Theory involves an acid-base protolytic reaction in which
a proton transfer takes place. This proton transfer is simultaneous!

Therefore a pair of substances will differ from one another by a proton within
an acid-base reaction. This pair is called a CONJUGATE ACID-BASE PAIR.

Conjugate comes from the Latin word coniugātiō which means to “yoke together”.

When an ACID donates a proton, a CONJUGATE BASE is produced.

When a BASE accepts a proton, a CONJUGATE ACID is produced.

When a BASE has accepted a proton, the formed product is called a CONJUGATE
ACID because it can donate a proton in the reverse reaction again
The conjugate acid of an base

Acid + Base ⇌ Conjugate Acid + Conjugate Base

The conjugate base of an acid

When an ACID has donated a proton, the remaining ion is called a
CONJUGATE BASE because it can accept a proton in the reverse reaction again

Remove a Proton from the acid Add a proton to the base

H2O OH- H2O H3O +
HCl Cl- NH3 NH4+
HSO4- SO42- HSO4- H2SO4
HPO42- PO43- SO42- HSO4-

AMPHIPROTIC substances (ampholyte) are able to react as either an acid or a base.

In presence of a STRONG acid, an amphiprotic substance reacts as a base.

In presence of a STRONG base, an amphiprotic substance reacts as a acid.

Understanding Acid-Base Strength
The strength is important in understanding acid-base chemistry.
The strength of an acid or base refers to extent of ionisation or dissociation that
takes place in a solution.
Acids are molecular structures (covalent), which will undergo ionisation.
Bases are ionic structures, which will undergo dissociation.
Ionisation – Chemical process where covalent molecules produce ions in solution.

Dissociation – Chemical process where ionic compounds produce ions in solution.

Strong acids ionise completely in Weak acids ionise incompletely in

solution to form a high concentration solution to form a low concentration
of H3O+ ions of H3O+ ions
Examples Examples
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) Ethanoic acid (CH3COOH)
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) Hydrofluoric acid (HF)
Nitric Acid (HNO3) Phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
Strong bases dissociate completely Weak bases dissociate
in solution to form a high incompletely in solution to form a
concentration of OH- ions low concentration of OH- ions
Examples: Examples:
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH)
Potassium hydroxide (KOH) Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2)
Lithium hydroxide (LiOH) Magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2)
Acid/Base strength must NOT be confused with concentration (c) which refer to
the amount of acid/base with certain volume of solution, defined as the number of
moles (n) per unit volume (V).
Volume = 2 L
Volume = 1 L H+ H+
H+ H+ Same
H+ H+ H+
H+ H+ amount of a
H+ H+ H+
acid added to
More concentrated Less concentrated
How concentrated or dilute an acid or base may be is a measure of the
amount of water present in the system.
Identifying Strong & Weak Acids/Bases
The strength of acids and bases can be identified by using the Equilibrium Constant.

Strong and Weak Acid

When acids are dissolved in water, they ionise according to their general equation:

HA + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + A-
The equilibrium constant is:
𝐇𝟑 𝐎+ 𝐀−
𝐊𝐜 = = 𝐊𝐚
As this equilibrium is focused only on acids, the Kc becomes Ka, which is the
ionisation constant of an acid.

For a strong acid, where acid ionises completely, the Ka value is high (>1).
This is because the denominator concentration [HA] is low and the numerator
concentration [H3O+][A-] is high.
For a weak acid, where acid ionises partially, the Ka value is low (<1).
This is because the denominator concentration [HA] is high and the numerator
concentration [H3O+][A-] is low.

Strong and Weak Base

When acids are dissolved in water, they ionise according to their general equation:
B + H2O ⇌ BH+ + OH-
The equilibrium constant is:
𝐁𝐇 + 𝐎𝐇 −
𝐊𝐜 = = 𝐊𝐛
As this equilibrium is focused only on bases, the Kc becomes Kb, which is
the ionisation constant of a base.
For a strong base, where the base dissociates completely, the Kb value
is high (>1).
This is because the denominator concentration [B] is low and the numerator
concentration [BH+][OH-] is high.

For a weak base, where the base dissociates partially, the Kb value is low
This is because the denominator concentration [B] is high and the numerator
concentration [BH+][OH-] is low.
Equilibrium Constant for Water (Kw)
Water is an amphiprotic substance, which is able to act as both an acid and a

Two water molecules can undergo auto-protolysis or auto-ionisation where two

molecules react with one another and were one acts an acid (H+) and the other a base
(proton acceptor).
H2O (l) + H2O (l) ⇌ H3O+ (aq) + OH- (aq)

The equilibrium constant is:

𝐊 𝐜 = 𝐇𝟑 𝐎+ 𝐎𝐇 − = 𝐊 𝐰
As this equilibrium is focused only on auto-ionisation of water, the Kc becomes
Kw, which is the ionisation constant of water.

In pure water, [H3O+] = 1 x 10-7 mol.dm -7 and [OH−] = 1 x 10-7 mol.dm -7

Therefore Kw = [H3O+].[OH-] = 1 x 10-14 at room temperature

The auto-ionisation process of water is weak as evidenced by the extremely

low value of 1 x 10-14

The pH Scale

Due to the low concentrations of the hydroxide and

hydronium ions, it is simpler to refer to their negative
logarithm, which allows us to work with whole numbers.

This is the pH scale, ranging from 0 to 14, and

indicates the degree of acidity of a solution.

pH = - log [H3O+] pOH = - log [OH-]

pH + pOH = 14
Acidic Solution Neutral Solution Basic Solution
[H3O+] > [OH−] [H3O+] = [OH−] [H3O+] < [OH−]
[H3O+] > 1x10-7 [H3O+] = 1x10-7 [H3O+] < 1x10-7

The pH of a substance can only be determined

when it is in an aqueous solution.
Important Indicators
An indicator is substance that changes colour in the presence of an acid or base.
Indicator Colour in acid Colour in base Range ACID
Methyl orange Orange Yellow 3.1 – 4.4
Methyl red Red Yellow 4.4 – 6.2
Bromothymol blue Yellow Blue 6 – 7.6 BASE
Phenolphthalein Colourless Pink 8.3 – 10 BLUE
Litmus turns red/pink in an acidic solution and blue in a basic solution

pH Calculations
Titrations is an experimental technique used to determine the concentration of an
acid or a base using a standard solution.
Using volumetric analysis, the unknown concentration of a solution (acid or base)
may be determined.
What to Consider When Calculating the pH
Use the equations for pH
Use the equation
pH = – log [H3O+]
Other useful equations include
[H3O+] [OH-] = 1 x 10-14
pH = 14 – p[OH–]
pH = 14 – (–log[OH–])
Use the equations for concentration
Use the equation
n mol
c= =
V dm3
Remember moles (n) can be calculated using mass of a substance (m) and
its molar mass (M):
Use Mole Ratios
o Write down the full balanced reaction
o Identify the acid/base

7.1 The acid HF ionizes according to the following equation:

When a 0,10 mol.dm-3 solution of HF is prepared, it is found that the

concentration of the F- ions is 0,018 mol.dm-3 at 25 oC.

7.1.1 Define a strong acid . (2)

7.1.2 Is HF a strong acid? Choose from YES or NO.

Give a reason for the answer. . (2)

7.1.3 Calculate the [OH-] in this solution. . (3)

7.2 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) pellets of mass X g are added to sufficient

distilled water to prepare a solution of volume 25 cm3 in a flask.

12 cm3 of sulfuric acid, H2SO4, of concentration 0,10 mol.dm-3 is added

to the flask containing the sodium hydroxide. The total volume of the
mixture formed is 37 cm3 and its pH is 12,56.

7.2.1 Explain the term dilute acid. . (2)

7.2.2 How does the concentration of the hydronium ions compare to

the concentration of the hydroxide ions in the mixture? Choose

7.2.3 Calculate the value of X. (8)

EXAM QUESTION – Gauteng Sep 2023 – Q7

The balanced equations below represent the ionisation of sulphuric acid in


7.1 Is H2SO4 a STRONG or WEAK acid? Give a reason for the answer. (2)

7.2 Write down the FORMULAE of the conjugated acid-base pairs in step 2. (2)

7.3 H2SO4 is diprotic. Write down the meaning of the term diprotic. (2)

7.4 Write down the FORMULA of the ampholyte in the above reaction. (1)

7.5 An impure sample of potassium hydroxide pellets with a mass of 11,2 g

is added to 0,09 mole of sulphuric acid with a volume of 600 cm3. It
reacts according to the balanced chemical equation given below:

7.5.1 Calculate the initial pH of the sulphuric acid used in this reaction. (5)

7.5.2 The percentage purity of the potassium hydroxide pellets used is

80%. Calculate the number of moles of pure potassium hydroxide
that react with H2SO4. (4)

7.5.3 Determine which reactant is in excess and hence state whether

the final solution is ACIDIC, BASIC or NEUTRAL. (3)

To identify metal M in an unknown metal carbonate, MCO3, the following procedure

is carried out:

Assume that the volumes are additive.

The following reactions take place:

7.1 Define the term strong base. (2)

7.2 Calculate the:

7.2.1 Number of moles of Ba(OH)2(aq) that reacted with the excess

HNO3(aq) (3)

7.2.2 pH of the solution after Step 1 (5)

7.3 The percentage purity of the MCO3(s) in the sample is 85%. Identify
metal M. (8)

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