History Taking
History Taking
History Taking
Sequential presentation
•Always relay story in days before admission e.g. 1 week
before the admission, the patient fell while gardening& cut
his foot with a stone.
•Narrate in details – By that evening, the foot became
swollen and patient was unable to walk. Next day patient
attended hospital and they gave him some oral antibiotics.
He doesn’t know the name. There is no effect on his
condition and two days prior to admission, the foot
continued to swell and started to discharge pus. There is
high fever and rigors with nausea and vomiting.
History of Presenting Complaint (HPC)
•Change of weight
•Night sweats
System Review
•Chest pain
•Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea
•Short Of Breath(SOB)
•Cough/sputum (pinkish/frank blood)
•Swelling of ankle(SOA)
System Review
•Appetite (anorexia/weight change)
•Regurgitation/heart burn/flatulence
•Difficulty in swallowing
•Abdominal pain/distension
•Change of bowel habit
•Haematemesis, melaena, haematochagia
System Review
Respiratory System
•Sputum (colour, amount, smell)
•Chest pain
System Review
Urinary System
•Terminal dribbling
•Back/loin pain
•Character of urine:color/ amount (polyuria) &
System Review
Nervous System
•Visual/Smell/Taste/Hearing/Speech problem
•Head ache
•Fits/Faints/Black outs/loss of consciousness(LOC)
•Muscle weakness/numbness/paralysis
•Abnormal sensation
•Change of behaviour or psyche.
System Review
Genital system
•Pain/ discomfort/ itching
•Unusual bleeding
•Sexual history
•Menstrual history – menarche/ LMP/ duration &
amount of cycle/ Contraception
•Obstetric history – Para/ gravida/abortion
System Review
Musculoskeletal System
•Pain – muscle, bone, joint
Subjective: how patient feels/thinks about him. How
does he look. Includes PC and general
appearance/condition of patient
Objective – relevant points of patient complaints/vital
sings, physical examination/daily weight,fluid
balance,diet/laboratory investigation and interpretation