April Rishimukh
April Rishimukh
April Rishimukh
Kitchen Ayurveda
Food as Medicine
21 -Existence has a mind of its own | 40 - The Weaver who wove Bhakti | 44 - On the Ramayana trail
Wisdom at your fingertips
Read Online
Dear Reader,
It’s time to get on with the new normal. Our ability to take the
challenges with a smile and stay determined to move ahead skilfully
will be a prized USP in the emerging paradigm of the new normal. The
Cover Story in this issue is an attempt to lay out a roadmap for you
to move ahead wisely and surely. We share Gurudev’s formulae for
staying confident and keeping the fire burning.
While learning the life lessons, let us remember that health must
remain a top priority. It is imperative to listen to our body while
making lifestyle choices. Read about how our new yoga therapy can help
in curing Type 2 diabetes and many other health disorders. Wellness is
not about knowing what pill to pop to stop the pain. It’s more about
making everything you eat work like medicine for you. Add to your
health quotient with Ayurvedic home remedies which are there right on
your kitchen shelves.
And explore the beauty of the trail of the Ramayana in the Beautiful
Places feature.
In Service,
Mamattha Kailkhura
14 | Q & A
18 | Didi Writes
Look Beyond the Apparent
21 | Mind matters
Existence has a mind of its own
23 | Yoga
Cure Type 2 Diabetes with New Yoga Therapy!
27 | Health
Kitchen Ayurveda Food as Medicine
55 | Healing Cuisine
Thanda Thanda Cool Cool
61 | Readers Space
The Call from Gurudev
69 | Bharath Gyan
An engineering marvel
Existence has a
mind of its own 72 | Uptodate
Trying to reason out everything puts
you in greater confusion which is 74 | Star Watch
unwarranted. Definitely, the reason is
77 | Courses & events
essential in life, but it has its limitations.
18 | Didi writes
Look Beyond the Apparent
Monthly Volume 22 Issue 4
Sita was the The Art of Living Monthly Magazine
daughter of a
Dedicated to
King, exceptionally Ancient Wisdom
intelligent and well- Universal Love
read. She spent a Human Values
Copy Editor:
Hema Rajaraman
Type 2
Diabetes is Printed and Published by
a lifestyle K. Narayanan for and on behalf of :
related Vyakti Vikas Kendra India, No.19,
39th ‘A’ Cross, 11th Main,
condition 4th ‘T’ Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560041
which is
caused due
to an imbalance in Subscribe to Rishimukh
handling a glucose at
load. Diabetes is not a disease; w w w. r i s h i m u k h . o r g
it is a disorder.
Entire contents Copyright © Rishimukh.
All rights reserved. Reproduction or
translation in any language in whole or in
part without written permission is strictly
34 | Making a Difference prohibited. Requests for permission should
be directed to Vyakti Vikas Kendra India.
“A heart which has no cravings, no
aversions, but embraces them as they are
is the large heart. Stop blaming yourself,
stop pitying yourself, stop complaining,
this is the nature of tiny heart. Unless
you let go of this, you will not be able
to touch the big Self.”
cover story
MOVE forward
Adversities are
t was in turbulent times that
the Bhagavad Gita came up.
temporary Thousands of years later, we
roadblocks are still benefiting from the supreme
wisdom it contains! It was in the war
field that Krishna started teaching
Arjuna. He didn’t teach him, when
everything was all right; nor was
Arjuna ready to listen, for he thought
Krishna was just his friend.
APRIl 2021
8 cover story
Readiness to learn
enhances your confidence
Many people today are lacking the soil, the situation, the environment
in self-confidence. How does one became such that the flowers did not
bring about that self-confidence? take root. But the simple villager, who
Through simplicity! I will narrate an was neither a gardener nor a specialist,
instance: A gentleman from England, could make those flowers blossom!
a horticulture specialist, came to Be ready to learn from simple
our ashram in Bangalore. He said, things, from simple people –
“Gurudev, I am going to make a flower even from a child. The readiness
garden!” He brought various different to learn can bring up creativity
seeds and saplings, many pots, and and self-confidence in you.
all the manure required. He spent a
lot of money, and he worked sincerely,
Being on the spiritual path will not
but even after 3-4 months, hardly
allow you to be shaken. Even if you
any plants came up. A villager from
Kanakapura took some of those seeds, appear to have been shaken it lasts for
just “threw” them on the ground, and a short while. As you grow in spiritual
wonderful flowers came up very soon! knowledge, turbulent times come but
leave you untouched. There is enough
In his anxiety, the specialist had put humanness in society to help and
more fertilizer and more water than support you. Have faith that you will
were actually needed. So the seeds, pull through your difficult situations.
april 2021
9 cover story
APRIl 2021
10 cover story
You cannot separate time from an vibrations of bliss and peace much
event, but you can separate the mind longer than negative emotions. That
from both, events and time, and the is because positivity is in the centre
way to do that is meditation. of our existence. So even if you lose
everything, never mind. If you have
Life is waiting for you to smile. Our confidence, then you can recreate
body has the capacity to sustain the everything again, and that is success .
april 2021
11 cover story
And most importantly, if you ever feel Often we sit and worry, ‘Oh, this is not
lonely and feel that no one loves you happening’, or, ‘That is not happening’.
and cares for you, remember me. Life is such, sometimes what you
wish won’t happen; sometimes what
Billions of years have come and gone. you don’t want happens. Never mind.
Countless events and innumerable Don’t sit and brood over it. Move
people have come and gone and you on; march ahead remembering that
who have come now, will also be you are fire. When you know you
are fire, nothing can burn you.
Wake up! You have to remember that People say, ‘I am burned out.
you are “fire”. However, some ash Oh, I am so tired!’ What burned
gets accumulated in the mind. Once out? Come on! How can anything
you blow the ash away then the fire burn fire? Take life in its totality and
will rise up and shine brightly. move on, Let go of the past and move
happily into the future. Some pleasant,
If there are too many worries in your some unpleasant experiences – all
mind, then just say ‘Hmm’ (with these things happen and then they
slight force), and all that ash that go away. Knowing that ‘I have all the
has accumulated on the mind will be blessings, I have the Grace, the best
wiped off and you will feel fresh will happen to me’, you should move
and bright. ahead.
APRIl 2021
12 cover story
Spirituality is a dance
on the edge of a sword
between the opposites
of life. If you can
comprehend this space
where both yes and no
can simultaneously be
right, a new dimension
opens up within, a field
of infinite possibilities.
april 2021
13 cover story
APRIl 2021
14 Q&A
with Gurudev
What is the significance of the Kumbh Mela?
Gurudev: Once every 12 years, all rather when the head meets the
the seers, saints and aspirants of heart, Saraswati, symbolic of wisdom
spiritual knowledge congregate at and the fine arts emerges from the
the confluence (sangam), of the three union. Millions of people of all age
holy rivers- Ganga, Yamuna and groups and nationalities mingle
Saraswati. The duration is of 12 years effortlessly with only one purpose
because that’s the time Jupiter takes - to find the deep inner self. Kumbh
to complete one cycle around the is a confluence of people, idea and
Sun. While the Ganga is a symbol of spirituality.
knowledge and self-inquiry, the banks
of the Yamuna is where events of When a tiny atom explodes, the
love have been immortalised. When radiation lasts for a long time. The
knowledge and love come together, mind is even more subtle than one
april 2021
15 Q&A
millionth of an atom. When the mind merit when they take a dip in the
explodes, that is Enlightenment. And rivers.
it is meditation that changes people’s
mindset- perceiving things from a Space by itself cannot be bought and
closed perspective to bringing more a lump of clay has no value. However
clarity in perception and expression. when space is enveloped by clay, it
gains value. This is Kumbha (pot).
Over the centuries, thousands of
sages who have meditated, done Spirit is all over in Nature, but when
penance and have been enlightened it dawns in the human body as an
come to the Kumbha Mela and bathe elevated state of consciousness, then
in the rivers to relieve themselves it gains immense value. An embodied
of the burden of the merits gained and elevated spirit is usually referred
through sadhana. Water has the to as ‘Kumbha.’ This is why the
quality to absorb the energy, the enlightened age is also called the
sages radiate. The seekers, who come Aquarian age. Kumbha denotes a pot,
from all corners to be in the company which is symbolic of fullness
of the seers and saints, gain that and perfection.
APRIl 2021
16 Wisdom from the Master
- The Song of
ita t he
n e
s b ring anger.
s i re anger.
De behind
i re
d e s
c a n n o t ex i s t .
There is a ange
Without desire
Bring your senses inwards analogy. When there was chaos all
How to get to the centre? The five around, Lord Krishna was very coolly
senses draw you out into the world. giving one analogy after another
When you see anything nice, your to make Arjuna understand. Your
eyes get glued to it. They take your understanding can only flow from
attention, your mind to that object. what you already know. An analogy
You hear something good and you’re helps in such cases. Lord Krishna
lost. Sight, smell, taste, touch, and said, a tortoise moves slowly, but
sound- each of these take your when it encounters danger, it pulls
mind outward, and if your mind is its limbs and face inside. In the same
spread out thin in the outer world, it way, when you face misery in the
indicates your weakness. When you world, turn inward. There, you find
become weak, retrieve your senses, strength. Your consciousness is
bring them inwards. stabilised there, you are established.
You become free. Only when you are
Lord Krishna gives a beautiful free can you become happy. When
april 2021
17 Wisdom from the Master
you hear about something good, won’t be focused, you can never be
your mind wants to have it; you see happy. When you hear too many
something good, your mind wants to things, read too many books, you
have it. You have a desire to possess. will be scattered all over the place,
This wanting to possess things, you can never achieve anything. I
somewhere, somehow, makes you remember one person; he used to
miserable. Desires bring anger. There buy books on investment, like, ‘How
is a desire behind anger. Without to do a business’, but he never did
desire, anger cannot exist. And if you any business. He would read every
are angry at somebody, your anger business magazine and he would sit
brings delusion and attachment. You and dream about it. He would come
shout at somebody, you get angry up with all possibilities, dream all
with somebody, you cannot get over the time. He had suitcases full of
them. And if they do not react, it’s business magazines, and he didn’t do
worse. If they react - tit for tat, eye a thing. I told him finally, “If you really
for an eye, then at least there is a want to do business, stop reading all
chance to forget them. If they don’t these magazines. Take up any one
react, you can never forget them, and thing, at least start working.” It’s the
that lingers on in you. Then you get same with many scholars.
more attached to them and delusion
develops. They go on reading books, day and
night, spending time in the library,
dhyāyato viṣayānpuṃsaḥ but they never sit and contemplate,
saṅgasteṣūpajāyate saṅgāt saṅjāyate nor dive deep into even one principle
kāmaḥ kāmātkrodhoʼbhijāyate (2.62) that is written in the books. Reading
krodhādbhavati sammohaḥ is one thing, and experiencing it is a
sammohātsmṛtivibhramaḥ totally different thing. Many times,
smṛtibhraṃśād buddhināśo people read just to prove to others
buddhināśātpraṇaśyati (2.63) that they are well-read, just to show-
off to others. I know of a scholar who
Then delusion and attachment arise would just quote numbers and verses
and you lose the awareness of who of all that he read, even from other
you are. religious books, so that a layman who
listens to him will say, “Oh, this man
Buddhi Yoga
is so well-read, he knows it all.” But,
Buddhi Yoga means the yoga of the
look at his face. You can tell that he
intellect. Lord Krishna says, if your
has not developed, not experienced
mind is scattered all over the place,
you won’t find your centre, you even a bit of what he speaks.
APRIl 2021
18 Didi Writes
april 2021
19 Didi Writes
girl recently asked me probing father. He lamented so much when
questions about Sita and Sita was abducted and this eventually
Yashodhara. She was of the led to the downfall of Ravana. Life was
view that what happened to them not a bed of roses for him. Neither was
was unjust and unfair. How does one it for Krishna. But Krishna considered
understand and accept the gender everything as leela. In a leela, there are
disparity and the trials and tribulations ups and downs and unexpected twists
they had to undergo? I was touched by but you take it all as if it is a play.
the sincerity of her questions. We say Krishna leela but Ram katha.
Rama moved through unpredictable
Sita was the daughter of a King, circumstances and complexities like a
exceptionally intelligent and well-read. normal human might have to do.
She spent a lot of time in the company
of saints even in her younger days. Sita took up the role of an ideal
As Rama’s wife, she was the queen of woman, the ideal wife. She was the
Ayodhya. Why did she have to face so embodiment of humility even though
much dishonour? she was so intelligent. Her faith in her
husband and respect for his words
We have to look at this issue from a were unshakeable. Rama recognized
bigger perspective. Many scriptural this strength in her. That was perhaps
stories of perceived unfair treatments why he accepted the Agni Pariksha
have profound underlying significance. for her. He knew she would not be
Be it about Sita, Yashodhara or touched by it - physically or in spirit.
Meera, what they seemingly went When he sent her to the forest a
through have left timeless lessons for second time at the behest of a dhobi
humanity. Any logical explanation will - clearly the washerman was much
neither suffice nor come close to the weaker. Sita is the manifestation of
truth. Goddess Lakshmi herself. She had all
the powers available to her yet she
We worship Rama as a God but chose not to use them. Her devotion
in his incarnation, he came with and love for the divine helped her
just 12 Kalas. He wanted to be a sail through. Irrespective of all the
simple human. In his teens, he was challenging circumstances in their life,
despondent not knowing the purpose Rama and Sita are worshipped and
of his life and his conversation with honoured as the ideal husband and
Sage Vashista gave birth to the most wife even seven thousand years later.
mind-blowing scripture. - the Yoga Their faith and love for each other
Vashista. He went through all the transcended the events in their life and
emotions of a son at the loss of his is exemplary.
APRIl 2021
20 Didi Writes
april 2021
21 mind matters
Existence has a
mind of its own
Wisdom from Gurudev on the Powers of your Mind
APRIl 2021
22 mind matters
ccommodate the opposites in limitations. It has its perfume; it has its
your life - health and sickness. dimension, its area.
When you are healthy you never
ask the question, “Why am I healthy?” It should be used only there and
When you fall sick, then you say, “Oh, not everywhere. Like if you want to
why am I sick?” There’s no point in measure the temperature in the body,
analysing it too much. Just see what a thermometer has to be kept only
you need to do. in certain, particular spots of the
body, not everywhere or anywhere.
Too much analysis gets you caught You cannot keep your thermometer
up in your head. Heart transcends on your hair and say okay I have a
reasons. Life transcends reasons. Truth temperature or I don’t. So, reason has
transcends reason. So, someone who a place, recognize its place and give it
is trying to reason out everything all its due place but don’t make it enter
the time can never find the truth. Do into all areas of your life. If you just
you see what I’m saying? Why this, understand this one point, you’ll be
why this, why this, why I’m not there, so free.
why I’m not here, why I should be this,
why I should be that, why that person This present moment has a mind of
is like this, why this person is like that. its own. The existence has a mind of
That is how things are. That is it! its own and it knows. And it is running
the show. Even now and then if you get
Trying to reason out everything puts reminded of this fact, you’ll experience
you in greater confusion which is deep peace. You’ll be at such ease
unwarranted. Definitely, the reason from your wanting, your craving, that
is essential in life, but it has its you long for.
april 2021
23 yoga
APRIl 2021
24 yoga
april 2021
25 yoga
APRIl 2021
26 yoga
april 2021
27 health
Kitchen Ayurveda
Food as Medicine
By Dr. Kalpita Vilas Thakre, Department of Shalya Tantra,
Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research Hospital
APRIl 2021
28 health
Most of us do know that Ayurveda is a way of life and not just a medical
science. Yet how many of us are able to practice it regularly? Ayurveda
advocates on how we must incorporate a set of practices like abhyanga
(body massage) nasya (nasal oil instillation) and others into our dinacharya,
maintain a healthy and disease- free life. However our fast paced lifestyle and
hectic schedules makes it difficult to adhere to a strict regimen. Reason, why
we are constantly in search of quick fix solutions to to get us going through
the day.
Our Indian kitchen is a great treasure trove of medicines that can keep you
in good spirit. Here are some remedies which can be easily stirred up in the
comfort of your kitchen to bring good health and positivity in your life.
april 2021
29 health
Daily regimen
to maintain
the health
DO’S :
• Abhyanga: Body massage with • Food habits: Having red rice (rakta
lukewarm oil before bath or exercise sali) and moong (green gram) along
helps improve immunity, complexion with ghee will enhance strength,
and attain a sturdy physique. increase digestive fire and aid in
weight loss. It is also important to
• Vyayama (exercise): As per eat while the food is hot and fresh
individual capacity, doing yoga, with a thankful mind and body.
cardio or any other form of exercise Regular practice of Sudarshan
everyday, helps increase digestive Kriya and meditation will keep your
capacity as well as provide strength system in equilibrium.
to the body.
• Nasya (Nasal oil instillation): • Avoid curd at night.
Taking drops of anu taila (oil) • Avoid packed, refrigerated, and
everyday in the morning will improve preservative laden foods.
functioning of the eyes, nose, • Refrain from overusing gadgets,
improves memory power and help especially during early hours of the
induce good sleep. morning and before bedtime.
APRIl 2021
30 culture & traditions
The Bonhomie of
Nenmara Vallangi Vela
By Deepa Vaitheeswaran
round the time when spring 20th day on the Meenam month,
arrives and the searing heat which is the time after the paddy
of summer is a month away, harvest. Meenam Month is the 8th
several temples in South India month in the traditional Malayalam
organise their annual festival with calender followed in Kerala. In 2021,
great pomp and grandeur. One of the Meenam month starts on March
these celebrations is the Nenmara 15th and ends on April 13th. Vela,
Vallangi Vela, a popular annual or hoisting of the flag, is a common
festival of Kerala which coincides practice in the temples of the South
with the birthday of Nellikulangara marking the start of the celebrations.
Bhagavathy Amman, the presiding This is done on the 1st of the Meenam
deity of the village temple in month and the celebrations continue
Palakkad. It is held in accordance with for the next twenty days.
Malayalam calendar and falls on the
april 2021
31 culture & traditions
APRIl 2021
32 culture & traditions
the other while competing for noise firework and temple celebrations,
and beauty! The fireworks are so loud, truly coming across as the cynosure
that it is believed to be one of noisiest of all eyes.
celebrations in the whole world.
They light up the whole sky offering Timeless harmony
a spectacular view of brilliance. The best Panchavadyam (orchestra of
Enthused by the sight, every year, the five instruments) and Pandi Melam (a
villages find newer and innovative percussion ensemble) artistes form
ways to make this display more an integral part of the procession.
extravagant and unforgettable! They enchant the audience with
the harmony of their beats. So the
The pinnacle of splendour coming together of two villages to
Both the Nemara and Vallagi celebrate the occasion makes it very
embark on the procession to the special. Several traditional art forms
Nellikulangara Bhagavathy temple like Kummatti, Karivela and Andivela
led by tuskers who have been are also performed during this period.
beautifully decorated and gorgeously Which is why, this is a wonderful
adorned. The decorated elephants
time to visit Palakkad and enjoy the
are paraded in front of the crowd
traditional performances along with
amidst the symphony of drum beats
the birthday celebrations of the
and fireworks at the Trissur Pooram,
referred to as the mother of all
april 2021
march 2021
34 making a difference
Powerhouse of
iving and surviving in Mumbai’s experienced a sense of rejection and
famous Dharavi, is a sheer hopelessness while witnessing many
adventure by itself. Nobody incidences of crime and corruption
knows how and when you could unfold before her eyes. Days passed
lose your way in the maze of dusty and she continued with her routine
narrow lanes among teeming people, life until she chanced upon the Art of
open sewers and cramped huts. living program.
When young Reshma was growing
up, she was clueless about her The dawn of realisation
future prospects. Wondering if she A meditation workshop called
was destined to be a loser, Reshma Navchetna Shibir was organised in
april 2021
35 making a difference
our area for adults,” says Reshma. achievement to start with,” smiles
“However most of them being daily Reshma.
labourers opted out. Interestingly
children turned up and I attended Getting people to be a part of a
the workshop by chance. It was a positive change was an arduous
new and soothing experience for challenge for Reshma and her team.
me and I realised that it is possible Most of them resisted, shut doors
to find peace even amidst the dust and even drove them away. Instead
and din.” watching the daily soap was a better
option for the slum dwellers. Reshma
For the first time Reshma felt a worked harder but was soon struck
shift within herself. She wanted to with tuberculosis. The unhealthy
explore better ways of leading a environment and lack of awareness
happy, productive life. Inspired by of precautionary measures worsened
this new change, Reshma underwent her condition and Reshma was
the Youth Leadership Training almost battling for life.
Program. “It was simply magical.
It’s hard to describe in words. By The presence of a higher
the completion of the program, my power
mind was sharp, composed and It was then the Art of Living teachers
stable. My perception and outlook came forward and took her under
of life had completely changed.” their wing. “My condition started
improving once I regularly started
The big challenge doing the Sudarshan Kriya. The
Slowly Reshma joined a dynamic deep breathing techniques helped
team of dedicated volunteers and me a lot, much more than the
started working to bring change course of medicines, which I had
in people around her. Their barely started,” reveals Reshma.
earnest efforts bore fruit when If the ailment tested her resilience,
they successfully managed to spiritual practices brought her inner
start a free school for the lesser strength and reinforced her faith in a
privileged children. “We must have higher power. What’s more, for once,
approached around 400 homes her parents felt moved and humbled
and tried our best to convince by her one-pointed devotion towards
parents and make them see sense her Master.
about the importance of their
child’s education. Eventually, Remand Home Underworld
50 students got admitted in the and Rehabilitation
school. Nevertheless it was a big Soon Reshma was back on her feet
APRIl 2021
36 making a difference
april 2021
37 making a difference
to undergo the Art of living’s breath of food for people under Parel bridge
and meditation program. The and relatives of cancer patients
participants couldn’t thank enough outside Tata hospital, Rashmi
as they let out their angst, agony and ensured that no one really went
suppressed emotions. One of them begging. She also conducted online
cried out, “Nobody wanted anything stress relief workshops and people
from me except that they wanted from Dharavi simply lapped up the
me to be happy. I feel feather-light opportunity.
as if all tension, pain, and sorrow
have left my body.” And the journey continues…
By far, Reshma has reached over
Standing with humanity 15,000 people and has inspired
during lockdown change in their lives. “I have lot
Even during lockdown, Reshma did more to do. I will keep going and
not sit quiet. Along with her team of keep doing. It’s Gurudev’s grace
volunteers she was always leading that I could become his instrument
from the front and doing as much to serve humanity. After all, if you
as she could to bring respite to grief have faith in yourself and faith in
-stricken people. Whether it was the Divine, life itself becomes a
distributing grains and food packets miracle,” she smiles and signs off.
at Dharavi or taking large quantity
APRIl 2021
38 making a difference
ndia’s rich and diverse handloom This was the unique selling
heritage is known all over the proposition of the ‘House of
world. But ninety per cent of Heritage’ initiative: the elegant
weavers’ looms went quiet for six handloom sari you were buying
long months during COVID-19, was a particular weave-and-pattern
making it impossible for many of creation that could be treasured as
them to even buy vegetables for an heirloom because it had been
their children. Weavers had unsold personally selected by a member
stock. Fortunately, the festive season of Indian royalty with expertise in
was nearing, and Madhurya, The Art handlooms!. Weaver-clusters from
of Living boutique that showcases Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Madhya
traditional Indian handicrafts and Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal
handlooms at the International and Andhra Pradesh took part in this
Center in Bengaluru, felt something innovative and timely project.
could be immediately done to help
the weavers tide over the crisis. A novel multi-party platform, the
‘House of Heritage’ seamlessly
And so was born the ‘House of brought together distressed weavers
Heritage’ online project to assist from across the nation, India’s royal
discerning buyers with their festival families, the prospective buyers
shopping during Dussehra and and the experience and expertise
Deepavali, while helping weavers of Madhurya. The boutique’s
present their stocks online. Now committed teams, that had worked
the question facing Madhurya was day and night to transform this
how to convert the prospective idea into a replicable success story,
customers into buying customers, helped 64 families get back to the
who themselves were just emerging pride of their lives – their looms. This
out of the COVID situation,. That is story also illustrates the use of the
when Bharathy Harish, Coordinator, power of curating without fanfare
Madhurya, thought of inviting the and with a low-key sense of purpose
support of Queens from twenty-five - to achieve a social objective. Take a
Indian royal families to curate the bow, Madhurya!
collections that were in stock with (With inputs from Ravi Indoria, Sevak, Madhurya)
the weavers.
april 2021
39 making a difference
ibedita Mondal was working other!
as a menstrual hygiene
trainer. Day in and day out With a shared vision, they set out
she first hand witnessed the harm on their mission and Sakhi, an
that women were incurring upon ecofriendly sanitary pad was born.
themselves with the use of synthetic Both the women put in their personal
sanitary pads laced with Dioxine. savings and Sakhi started taking
Dioxine is not just an environment shape. The pads, made of cotton and
pollutant; it also leads to cancer, silicon are sewn on home sewing
PCOD, abnormal childbirth and a machines. Each pad can be washed
lot more. She was restless to do and used for 5 years. Now these
something about it. Arpita Das, a women go door to door to educate
home maker not far from where women on the hazards of synthetic
Nibedita lived, too one day learnt pads and market Sakhi. Nibedita and
about the hazards of synthetic Arpita now look forward to begin
sanitary pads. She also felt an urge selling through online platforms to
to do something concrete. reach more women.
Rishimukh www.rishimukh.org
Digital magazine
APRIl 2021
40 inspiring lives
The Weaver
who Wove
By Bhavesh Parekh
april 2021
41 inspiring lives
APRIl 2021
42 inspiring lives
april 2021
43 inspiring lives
APRIl 2021
44 beautiful places
he story of Ramayana
continues to be a source
of inspiration to millions of
On the
people around the globe through
music, literature, art, historic
lore, legend and other forms of
april 2021
45 beautiful places
APRIl 2021
46 beautiful places
april 2021
47 beautiful places
Devi temple has Adi Shakti (the beautiful Sri Dalada Maligawa temple
consort of Shiva) as the presiding which has preserved the tooth relic
deity in a standing position with of Lord Buddha. The city also attracts
four arms. However the temple has a lot of visitors when the annual holy
greater significance as this is the festival, Esala Pereshera is celebrated
first Shakti peeth mentioned by with great enthusiasm.
Adi Shankaracharya in his stotra,
describing the 18 shakti peethas in The Ramayana Connect: Close to
Indian subcontinent. Kandy is Sita Kothwa, the place where
Sita spent her few days of her exile
The Ramayana Connect: Ravana before moving on to Ashok Vatika.
performed severe penance to
convince Goddess Parvati to stay in Dambulla Cave Temple &
this place. The Goddess was pleased Sigriya Rock
and stayed back as Shankari Devi.
APRIl 2021
48 beautiful places
Nuwara Eliya
april 2021
49 beautiful places
APRIl 2021
50 beautiful places
of the temple is the site, where The Ramayana trail ends with your
Sita is said to have undergone the return to Sri Lanka airport but the
agnipariksha (trial by fire). enriching experiences during the
journey remain etched in your
Kelanya Temple, Colombo memory and continue to inspire for
Located 11kms north east of Colombo, generations to come…
is the Kelaniya temple. The murals
enshrined at this temple is a classic
example of the sculptor’s art that
beautifully depicts the story of this
april 2021
Donate Donate for the Art of Liv
avail tax benefits under
As the FY 2019-20 is coming
to an end, Dharma Sthambha
Yojana invites you to support
the Social Service initiatives
of the Art of Living by your
donations while availing tax
benefits* under section 80G of
Income Tax Act.
"A portion
Founded by Gurudev SriofSriyour earnings
Ravi Shankar in 2002, Dharma
Sthambha Yojana (DSY) is
an initiative to bring together
the social service projects and
thousands of socially aware
“A portion of your earnings given individuals who wish to contribute
a small part of their earnings
in service, brings abundance” for the betterment of their
~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar communities.
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53 humoUr
APRIl 2021
54 humoUr
There were three friends who were ran after the train. Two managed to
highly intellectual. They would spend board the train. The third was too
hours discussing the meaning of life, fond of jalebis and rasgullas - he
death, the nature of reality, and other could not catch the train. He sat on
such esoteric subjects. the platform, looking at the train
speeding away and started weeping.
Once, they went to a railway
station. The train was late. They The station master was a kind man.
sat on the platform and soon got Having seen the entire incident, he
deeply engrossed in philosophical came to the weeping thinker, and
discussions. spoke, ‘Brother, don’t worry. Another
train is due in two hours. It’s off-
The train arrived and halted for a season and I will get you a berth. You
good ten minutes. The friends were can rejoin your friends within a few
oblivious to the train - being focused hours. Missing trains is part of life -
on solving the mystery of Life! happens sometimes.’
The train horn sounded and it The thinker looked crestfallen. ‘Sir,
started moving. At that moment, thank you. The problem is only I was
one of the thinkers noticed the train supposed to travel. My two friends
and alerted his friends. All three had come to see me off!’
april 2021
55 Healing Cuisine
1. Gently scoop out the avocado flesh.
2. In a blender, add the avocado, strawberries and water.
3. Mix in the brown sugar and refrigerate for a while.
4. Remove and serve chilled.
APRIl 2021
56 Healing Cuisine
250g water melon.
1 tbsp rose water.
Few scooped pieces of
watermelon for garnish.
1. Blend the water melon
and rose water.
2. Sieve the mixture and
pour it in a tall glass.
3. Garnish with the
scooped watermelon
pieces and serve chilled.
In a grinder, grind the yellow
pumpkin, lemon grass, lemon
juice and raw sugar.
Strain the mixture through a
muslin cloth.
Serve chilled.
april 2021
57 Healing Cuisine
2 passion fruits (whole)
2 glasses water
3 tbsp honey
½ tbsp. subja seeds
1. Soak the subja seedsin water for
15 minutes.
2. In a blender, add the passion
fruits, honey and water and blend
to a smooth mixture.
3. Place the sabja seeds in a glass
and pour the prepared mixture.
4. Serve chilled.
APRIl 2021
58 Films Through the Lens of Wisdom
april 2021
59 Films Through the Lens of Wisdom
ne year back, we were holed station, Guddu asks Saroo to sleep
up in our homes, trying to on the bench, and not move from
figure out the chaos that had there until his return. After a while
descended on mankind. Along Saroo gets curious, lonely and
came the anxiety, stress, sense of nervous without his brother and
loss and uncertainty. But on the goes looking for him in the train that
path, the Master became our GPS is standing at the station. Saroo is
helping us navigate these rather tired. He decides to take a nap in the
unchartered territories, finding a way train until his brother arrives, only
back to the source. Meditations and to wake up 1600 kms away in the
knowledge sessions with Him every unknown city of Kolkata.
day reassured us that everything was
going to be OKAY, eventually. The scenes here portray the
resilience of a 5-year-old boy
“Life moves in the direction of the best. in surviving amidst predators,
On the way you may find rough roads, sometimes even stealing Prasad
but it is towards the better.”- Gurudev. from a temple nearby and sleeping
on the station along with other street
A film that holds out a similar urchins. He is soon adopted by an
promise is the Oscar winning Garth Australian couple, Sue (played by
Davis-directed 2016 film - Lion, Nicole Kidman) and John Brierley.
based on the true life story of Saroo But the question of ‘Who am I?’
Brierley, who found his way back never leaves Saroo. One day, in
home after almost losing hope that a group meeting at his college
he will. in Melbourne, while people are
introducing themselves, Saroo says
The 5-year-old Saroo (originally he is from Kolkata but not really from
Sheru meaning ‘lion’), played there. The confusion about his own
impeccably by the very endearing roots gnaws at him, while externally
child actor Sunny Pawar, is shown Saroo seems to have a set of very
hailing from Khandwa in India, loving and doting parents, and a
from a poor but happy household. slightly troubled younger brother,
His mother Kamla is a laborer in a Mantosh who is also adopted
quarry nearby, with two sons and a from India.
daughter-Sheru, Guddu and Shekila.
Saroo is very close to his brother Saroo opens up to his partner about
Guddu who works at the railway how he feels that he may have
station at night. Saroo insists on left an entire life back in India. “I
going to work with Guddu. At the had another family. A mother. A
APRIl 2021
60 Films Through the Lens of Wisdom
brother. I can still see their faces,” desire has to be intense. The greater
he tells Lucy, his partner. He realizes the intensity of desire and the later it
what he does not remember was gets fulfilled, then greater will be the
comparatively pretty basic to who he
gratitude. Often people think that they
is as a person. Saroo soon becomes
obsessed with his goal of finding are unfortunate if their desires don’t
out his birth home and his roots. It get fulfilled quickly. Intense desire can
seems nearly impossible given that frustrate you or make you prayerful.
a human remembers so little from In prayerfulness, there is gratitude and
such an early childhood. Saroo only devotion. Any intense experience makes
has his muscle memory to count you whole.” - Gurudev
on. His obsession starts affecting
his relationships too, as his partner Saroo is ready for the next step.
starts feeling left out and eventually
she leaves, at least then. The film speaks flawlessly through
scenes with moments of discovery,
Saroo holes himself up in his when Saroo, played deftly by Dev
apartment trying to work his way Patel, looks at the water tank…
around Google Earth to find his exact again, enters his birth home, looks
birth place. All he remembers vividly overwhelmed trying to beat back his
is a water tank that he used to climb the tears when he confronts his birth
as a child. “Faith is giving the divine a mother, as they become one in an
chance to act” - Gurudev embrace that seems eternal, after an
eternity of separation.
After spending months on Google
Earth, researching and geo-tagging The scenes are raw, moving and
various locations, and trying show the finality of hope, victory
out different permutations and of faith, even though seemingly
combinations, having almost given insurmountable. After all, opposites
up, suddenly one night, Saroo ARE complementary-grief (of losing
stumbles upon an image of a blurry his elder brother Guddu) and joy (of
rustic structure. He knows he is on meeting his birth mother and sister),
to something. As he is closing in, the not knowing and knowing, coming
memories of Saroo happily running from nothing to having it all.
through the gullies of his home come
rushing. Saroo leaves a message for Sue and
John- “I’m safe and all the questions
Intensity and prayerfulness have been answered. There are no
“For your prayer to be answered, the more dead ends.”
april 2021
61 Readers space
had turned 59 and was doing Breath Workshops for adults and
my Guru Puja course at the children. Now I was all the more
Bengaluru ashram. As the confused. ‘How do we get people
program neared its end, many to meditate online?’ I muttered
thoughts crossed my mind. Travelling under my breath. I wasn’t good at
back and forth from Mumbai to connecting with people through
Bengaluru was getting cumbersome. digital mediums. Or at least I
I was growing weary and tired with thought so.
age and time. Yet deep down, I
nursed a strong desire to travel all It now seemed totally impossible to
over the country and teach Art of align with my Master’s vision. I wept
Living courses. Doing seva was my a lot. I really wanted to spend every
first prerogative. moment of my life in HIS service.
Unable to suppress my turmoil any
Few months later, lockdown was more, I shared my angst with my
announced and I was confined at daughter-in law. She offered to help
home. My heart sank. ‘What do I do me find a way to enroll people for
now’, I wondered. Whatever little meditation program. With a gnawing
I was doing, also stopped. I felt a feeling in my heart, I prayed to
sense of emptiness from within. Gurudev from every cell of my being.
Soon Gurudev, while addressing an
online teachers’ meeting proposed I declared an Online Happiness
on initiating Online Meditation and Program and along with my
APRIl 2021
62 Readers space
APRIl 2021
63 Teens & Kids
you o w
DI D k n
Rabbits and
parrots have the
ability to see completely
behind themselves without
even turning their heads. Their
eyes are located on the side of
their head and hence and can Brown Box
rotate 360 degrees. So now
you know how they can
spot all their predators!
have derived from the Mayan was the first ever home video
word ‘Chocol’, meaning a hot game console developed in
april 2021
64 Teens & Kids
Air Supply
to cornea
The cornea (transparent
part of the eye) is the
only part of the body with
no blood supply. You will
be amazed to know that
it gets its oxygen directly
from the air.
APRIl 2021
65 Teens & Kids
backwards Kangaroo
april 2021
66 Teens & Kids
m e ssage
v ’s to
e y
gsters on…
Technology is meant
to bring you comfort.
Meditation also is a
technology that brings you
inner comfort. Technology
is not anti-spiritual but it
is upto you how to use it.
If you are obsessed with it,
it takes a toll on health. So
the way out is use it but do
not let it use you. Mischief
Do not lose the spirit of
enthusiasm. You should be
mischievous all throughout
without hurting anyone.
Lord Krishna is known for
his mischief but he did not
Materialism vs cause hurt to anyone.
Being fashionable does not
make you less spiritual. Spirit
loves fashion; it will not stop
you from being spiritual. Have
a compassionate heart, and if
you do not do what people do
to you, you are spiritual.
APRIl 2021
67 Teens & Kids
Seeker wished to meet the The Seeker was walking
wisest man in the world. He absentmindedly on the banks of a
travelled far and wide. He river, pondering on all the wisdom he
attended lectures by a thousand self- had received. It’s perhaps not very
professed philosophers and was very wise to walk while looking at the sky,
impressed with them. But he could but none of these philosophers had
not decide who was the wisest. They told him to look at the ground while
all spoke wonderfully. They spoke walking. He stumbled over a stone
on the meaning of life, on life after and fell into the river.
death, on how by donating to them,
the Seeker would book a seat in The Seeker was so obsessed with
Heaven. the quest for wisdom that he had
forgotten to learn swimming. He
There was one exception. The struggled to stay afloat and started
Seeker came across a Saint. When
screaming for help. A large crowd
he asked the Saint, the Saint smiled
enigmatically, and spoke, ‘Go spend
time with children. They will reveal
A government official came forward.
the highest wisdom.’
He said, ‘Sir, do you have a valid
What a strange Saint! As though ID card? If not apply for one. It’s
children could give him wisdom! mandatory.’
april 2021
68 Teens & Kids
The drowning man screamed, ‘I need Then they started arguing with each
a life-jacket, not an ID card.’ The other as to the best way to repent,
government official shook his fist and forgot about the drowning
angrily and walked away. Seeker.
Then a group of people came with The man was now at the end of his
cameras. They told the drowning strength. The end was approaching.
man, ‘We will organize a live chat on ‘I am drowning. No one is helping.
social media.’ God, if You do exist, do something.’
The drowning man coughed out A little girl came forward. She was
water, and gasped, ‘I need a life- about five or six. ‘What are you
jacket, not social media!’ The group doing there? Are you catching fish?’
shook their heads and walked away,
cracking jokes on the drowning ‘I am drowning.’
The girl clapped her hands. ‘Sounds
Then a philosopher came and said, like fun.’ The Seeker groaned.
‘Your ego is dragging you down.
Drop your ego.’ ‘Before you drown, I need a small
favor from you. Can you get me that
The drowning man gasped and white flower on the branch above
screamed, ‘To hell with my ego. And you?’
to hell with you. I need a life-jacket.’
The philosopher shook his head
The Seeker looked up. There was
sadly and walked away.
a branch over his head, with a
A temple priest came forward.
beautiful flower. The Seeker cursed
‘Chant this mantra. Repeat after me.’
himself for his supreme stupidity.
Before the priest could begin, the
He reached up, caught hold of the
Seeker coughed out water, and
branch, and pulled himself to safety.
screamed.’ I need a life-jacket, not
He brought the flower to the girl.
your mantras!’ The priest muttered
to himself and stormed away.
With tears in his eyes, the Seeker did
And then a Mullah came, followed a full-length prostration before the
by a Church priest, and both spoke girl. He had found the wisest person
at the same time, ‘Repent your sins.’ in the world!
april 2021
69 Bharath Gyan
Ram Setu
An engineering marvel
By Dr. D.K.Hari & Dr. D.K.Hema Hari, Founders, Bharath Gyan
According to Ramayana, on
Aerial image of Rama Setu
Nala’s advice, after surveying
the sea and identifying a natural
and undulating outcrop (visible
exposures of bedrock) from the
sea bed, theVanara, leveraged the
outcrop and piled different varieties
of trees on it, some which were in
bloom during that period, to create a
wood cushion and then he put large
boulders followed by smaller stones
to create a causeway over the sea.
(Nala was a vanara of the Rama
army and had great technical
capabilities in designing and
constructing the bridge.)
dam’s Bridge, also known bridge seem to be no different from
as Rama Setu, is a chain of those employed by modern day
limestone shoals, between civil engineering and construction
Pamban Island, also known as companies.
Rameswaram Island, off the south-
eastern coast of Tamil Nadu, India, How was it possible to build a 35
and Mannar Island, off the north- kilometer bridge in just 5 days?
western coast of Sri Lanka. Rama Setu was built in five days, as
mentioned in the Ramayana. The
The question is whether this bridge execution was carried out with a 3-
is a natural formation or is it a point approach: Foundation, Linear
manmade construction? Let’s take Alignment and Use of Topography.
(Topography is the study of the
a closer look at Rama Setu, from
forms and features of land surfaces)
a rational, scientific and logical
The Linear Alignment of the bridge
APRIl 2021
70 Bharath gyan
was an important aspect of the BCE and 2000 CE, the bridge has
construction, of Nala Setu, and was gradually been covered by shoals /
a planned effort on the part of the sand bars, due to several millennia of
Vanara team. wave action and sedimentation.
The question now is, whether, under
Any civil engineer, when the layers of, centuries of, hardened
constructing a Bridge or a Dam, sands, do there exist, layers of this
uses the topography of the place. bridge, showing remnants of the
Similarly, the vanaras also used trees and rocks as placed there by
the topography of the place, while the Vanara, as described in the text?
building this bridge. They identified a The answer is shoveling the sand
linear chain of islands and connected away will reveal bridge structure
them with landfills, a literal ‘fill in the layers.
Dr. S. Badrinarayanan, Geologist
What is the proof for this? - former Director of Geological
A study on the Adam’s Bridge by Survey of India and Consultant at
the Space Application Centre, the National Institute of Oceanic
Ahmedabad speaks about the Technology (NIOT), has done
topography around the bridge as extensive geological research of the
being comprised of 103 small patch bridge and this is what he has to say:
reefs laying in a linear pattern “Geological and geophysical studies
with reef crest, sand cays and of Ram Setu reveal the presence of
intermittent deep channels. loose marine sand below the coral
layer, clearly indicating that the coral
The moot point layer in the form of boulders are not
For 7000 years between 5000 natural and formed there on their
april 2021
71 Bharath Gyan
APRIl 2021
72 uptodate
What’s new
With the blessings of Gurudev, the machine
Cytotron, a possible alternative to Chemotherapy
was inaugurated at the Sri Sri Ayurveda Hospital.
Cytotron is a new revolutionary technology that
facilitates holistic approach to cancer treatments
by enabling the integration of curative, palliative
& rehabilitative care aspects.
april 2021
73 uptodate
Gurudev inaugurated
Vedabhavam, a new hall at
Sri Sri Gurukul at the Art of
Living International Centre,
Bengaluru. Vedabhavanam
signifies the foundation and
source of all dharmas.
APRIl 2021
74 star watch
april 2021
75 star watch
APRIl 2021
76 star watch
april 2021
77 Courses & events
Weekly Programmes
Happiness Program Fri – Sun Register: aolic.org/whp
Part II Program Thu – Sun Register: aolic.org/wp2
Sahaj Samadhi Dhyan Yoga Fri – Sun Register: aolic.org/ssdy
APRIl 2021
78 Courses & events
Online Programs
Online Vedic Maths Register: aolic.org/VMaths
Register: online.vvmvp.org
Contact: 08067262822 / 9036005022
Note: Owing to the current scenario, participants arriving at The Art of
Living International Center, Bengaluru, from outside of the Karnataka state,
will have to compulsorily produce a negative RT-PCR (COVID-19 negative)
certificate that is not older than 72 hours from their date of arrival or check in.
Participants will be allowed to stay / attend the program in Bangalore ashram,
only upon producing the COVID-19 negative certificate.
april 2021