Medium-Voltage Shielded Busbar Long-Term Ageing Te

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Medium-voltage shielded busbar long-term ageing test method

Article in CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal · October 2017

DOI: 10.1049/oap-cired.2017.0260


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4 authors, including:

Karim Helal Romain Maladen

Schneider Electric Schneider Electric


François Gentils
Schneider Electric


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24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED)
12-15 June 2017

Session 1: Network components

Medium-voltage shielded busbar long-

term ageing test method
ISSN 2515-0855
doi: 10.1049/oap-cired.2017.0260
Karim Helal ✉, Romain Maladen, François Gentils, Olga Kozlova

Schneider Electric, EPE Energy Products & Equipments, Grenoble, France

✉ E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Classical air insulated switchgear busbar consist in a simple metal component using the ambient air as dielectric
insulating medium: its sensibility to the external conditions is very high and dielectric failure is likely to occur. An
innovative modular MV busbar, similar in principle to the MV cable shielded accessories, has been designed to reduce
the internal arc probability and increase the reliability of medium-voltage (MV) switchgear. The live part is overmolded
by a first insulating rubber layer which is also overmolded by a second conductive rubber, connected to the earth. The
study proposes a validation method to assess the lifetime of this technology, by providing a complete review of the
ageing behaviour. The use of several ageing models (parametric and non-parametric) is discussed. Physical and
chemical ageing is followed up at various temperatures during more than 12,000 h both on material samples and on
real parts. The choice of an end-of-life criteria based on a dielectric test is discussed and compared with a more
classical criteria. In the end, this study review all the steps to perform a complete ageing study of a real industrialized

1 Introduction 2 Shielded solid insulation system (2SIS)

products and new busbar technology
New technologies and innovative design concepts are regularly
developed in order to satisfy customers and expand Eco-label 2.1 Shielded solid insulation system
ranges [1] while challenging to fulfill Rohs and Reach compliance,
providing a Product environmental profile and end-of-life For secondary distribution, 2SIS products are designed using a
instructions. simplified architecture, combining all the modularity advantages of
But how to assess the impact of innovation on the product/ air insulated switchgear and insensibility to the external
system reliability, considering that customers are more and environmental conditions of a gas insulated switchgear, while
more demanding? And how demonstrate in a couple of years being also SF6 free.
(the duration of the product/system innovation phase) a life time These compact products, based on a customer oriented offer
of several decades. Accelerated life testing (ALT) brings factual structure, are easy to install and fitted with fixed circuit breaker
elements to answer such difficult and strategic questions. Some and separate disconnection. Breaking and disconnection are
products must operate reliably for long periods, while others performed in a single operation, leading to a three position scheme
must operate properly after a long stand-by or storage period. In (closed, open and disconnected, earthed) (Fig. 1).
either case, it is difficult to estimate their long-term The main innovation is the entire shielded insulation of the
performance under the tight schedule and budget constraints switchgear and busbars. Internal arc probability is drastically
that exist during product development. Accelerated testing can reduced because insulating performance is not affected by
provide a solution to this problem by forcing products to fail or humidity, atmospheric condition, possible gas leakage or electrical
degrade more rapidly than they would under normal use field variation. The flat connection of the busbar is a simple
conditions. concept based on high-quality insulating materials and its design is
The primary focus in this article is the use of ALT to quantify and patented [3].
assess the reliability of a component under normal use conditions.
This information can be used to estimate the probability of failure
at a given time, the mean time to failure (MTTF), the projected
returns under warranty but also in risk assessments, design 2.2 New busbar technology
comparisons etc. Other methods to assess the reliability of such
components can be employed. By using computers and simulation, Busbars completing the 2SIS products are innovations that lead to
competences in system reliability analysis is now a very popular wholly different designs and structure. The long-service operation
analysis tool. The overall system reliability can be obtained by assured by those new busbars and flat connection is assured by
simulating system operation and empirically calculating the using the combination of different materials (Fig. 2).
reliability values for a certain lifetime. Statistical simulation is Connection between each 2SIS cubicle is made by screwing the
simple to apply and it can produce results that can be difficult to flat interface on the next component, such as the compression
solve analytically. Other drawbacks are that systems with static provided by the busbar ensure the insulation and shielding of the
components (i.e. components in which the reliability does not product (Fig. 3).
change with time) cannot be simulated, and that most of the As every new innovation, the 2SIS busbars have to pass through a
reliability optimisation and allocation techniques cannot be strong validation plan, including ageing tests, to ensure the long-term
applied [2]. quality for the customer.

CIRED, Open Access Proc. J., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 1, pp. 325–328
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material, which will lead to an underrated lifetime. A good
approach is to dissociate each ageing mechanism.
This will allow us to sort the ageing mechanisms by their effects
on the ageing and provide long-term behaviour based on the
dominant ones.
There are many ageing mechanisms according to the material and
the mission profile that will be encountered. In the study presented in
this article, main degradation mechanisms were oxidation (chemical
ageing) and stress relaxation (physical ageing). These degradation
mechanisms, highly dependent of the temperature, lead step by
step to the deterioration of the insulating material by reducing its
Fig. 1 Modular architecture: single compact three-position device with mechanical and dielectric properties.
shielded solid insulation switchgear (2SIS) Main important information when performing accelerated ageing
test is to know the temperature for which the product or
component is designed. For example, accelerated ageing test will
not be the same if you are testing a component that will work at
25 or 80°C.

4 How to assess the reliability of a 2SIS MV

4.1 Dissociate the problem
Fig. 2 Comparison of traditional busbar
(a) Made of one conductor material with simple design and 2SIS busbar, In order to estimate the lifetime of the component, the best method is
(b) Multi-material component with innovating design to split the problematic in two sub-studies.
First study should only concern the understanding of the
degradation mechanism impacting the materials properties
composing the busbar. This material characterisation includes
accelerated ageing test, analysed with statistical tools and used to
extrapolate a lifetime by using ageing models.
Second study concerns the ageing of the complete component.
The ageing parameters are determined thanks to the results
obtained in the first sub-study and according to the mission profile.

4.2 Accelerated degradation tests

ALT provide information regarding whether or not each test unit has
survived to a particular stress. Only the failure times for units that fail
and the running times for units that have not failed are observed. In
contrast, accelerated degradation tests (ADT) provide information on
the evolution of a measured variable that can be related to the loss in
the performance of the product. ADT are in general more informative
Fig. 3 2SIS flat interface design than ALT. However, in many cases it is complex to model the
(a) Shielding is assured thanks to the contact between the deformable conductive relationship between the measured variable and the performance of
material and the conductive coating of the plug, (b) Insulation is assured by the product. Also, in ADT the same unit must be measured several
compression between the deformable insulating material and the epoxy plug, times during the test, so special care is needed to ensure that the
(c) Electrical conductor can be composed of aluminum or copper
measurement does not interfere with the degradation process [4].

3 Ageing factors and profil mission 4.3 Ageing models

The failure of a product can be related to a deterioration of the It is common practice to assume that the time-to-failure follows a
properties of its constituent materials beyond the minimum lognormal or Weibull distribution in which the scale parameter is
performance required by its design and application. Therefore, the a function of the stress level, x, and the shape factor does not
first step in understanding the durability of a given design consists depend on x. If xN denotes the normal stress, the time-to-failure at
in the analysis of its application, product use profil or mission profile. the accelerated conditions is scaled by a factor AF(x):
This last consist of the following:
time-to-failure xN = time-to-failure( x) · AF( x)
† operational and environmental stresses, their magnitude and
The Arrhenius’ relationship is a widely used model to describe the
† the duration and number of sequence segments.
effect that temperature has on degradation mechanisms that depend
on a single chemical reaction, diffusion or migration process. The
The analysis of the mission profile should highlight the nature of Arrhenius’ relationship is given by
the stress factors, which can be external, like humidity, solar
radiation, temperature etc. or internal, like mechanical loading,
electrical current etc. It is obtained by choosing from one of the time-to-failure(T ) = Ce(Ea /kT )
following evaluation conditions: average use profile, aggressive
use profile, and a spectrum of use profile conditions. where T is the temperature (in K), k is either Boltzmann’s constant or
Accelerated tests should reproduce the same stresses as in the the universal gas constant, Ea is the activation energy and C is a
mission profile and not to add additional constraints to the model parameter to be determined (C > 0). In many cases, the

CIRED, Open Access Proc. J., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 1, pp. 325–328
326 This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons
Attribution License (
degradation process consists of multiple steps, with each step having
its own activation energy.
Given T and TU the accelerated and normal use temperatures,
respectively, the Arrhenius acceleration factor can be written as

AFAr = e(Ea /k)((1/TU )−(1/T ))

Available methods for estimating the parameters of a model include

graphical methods, like the time–temperature superposition principle
(TTS) method. The TTS states that the effect of a change in
temperature is equivalent to applying a shift factor aT to the
timescale. It is then possible to obtain a master curve of the
evolution of the concerned properties at the use temperature. This
principle is often used to analyse the ageing of viscoelastic
properties (creep, relaxation etc.) of viscoelastic materials. The
Williams Landel and Ferry equation is used to fit values of the
shift factor aT versus temperature: Fig. 4 Example of TTS master curve at different temperatures

−C1 × (T − TR )
log aT =
C2 × (T − TR ) 5.2 Chemical ageing and Arrhenius model

Chemical ageing was monitored by using elongation at break data’s

where C1 and C2 are constants that are both material and reference from aged samples. The thin thickness of tensile strength samples
temperature TR dependant. In the absence of curve fitting software, promotes oxidation throughout the sample. As oxidation tends to
WLF equation can be written in straight line form and a linear break the chemical bonds, elongation at break tests is highly used
regression method used to find the coefficients: to characterise this ageing mechanism.
The samples were aged at the 8 same ageing temperatures than
1 1 for compression set tests. However, oxidation resistance of the
u=r·v+w⇔ =r× +w studied materials was so good that it was very long to obtain
log aT T − TR
end-of-life data, established at 50% of elongation at break initial
1 r value.
C1 = and C2 =
w w Ageing was performed according to the IEC 60216 standard. It is
important to highlight the fact that ageing tests should be done at
ageing temperatures close to the use temperature, even if
end-of-life values are long to obtain. To high-ageing temperatures
could results in completely different degradation mechanism, not
involved during normal use of the component.
5 Ageing tests on material Flynn and Wall method using thermogravimetric analysis [5] and
oxidation induction time (OIT) method using differential scanning
5.1 Physical ageing and TTS principle calorimeter were investigated to compare and insure about the
obtained value for EA. It has been demonstrated that activation
Physical ageing was monitored by using the compression set values energies obtained for these two last methods were close but
of the insulating material, which is one of the most relevant slightly higher than that obtained with the Arrhenius extrapolation
mechanical properties of elastomers for such application and (Fig. 5). This is normal and is caused by the high temperatures
solicitation. In fact, additional characterisation tests (oxidation involved during these tests. These two methods are very helpful to
induction time, compression set in neutral gas) have showed that assess the chemical ageing behaviour (oxidation resistance) of
this mechanical property is mainly impacted by stress relaxation materials, even if they cannot replace long duration accelerated
(and not oxidation). ageing tests.
Compression set values have been followed for more than Oxidation resistance of this material is great and does not
12,000 h, both on insulating and semi-conductive material, at eight influence as much as stress relaxation on compression performance.
different ageing temperatures, carefully selected according to the Electrical characterisation of aged samples reveals that resistivity,
mission profile, material behaviour and relevant normative permittivity and tan δ properties of the insulating and shielding
methods (IEC 60216). materials have not been significantly impacted and amply ensure
Each isothermal curve has been shifted in line with the TTS the SSIS performance.
principle in order to build the master curve representing the
evolution of the compression set at the use temperature of the
component and at other temperatures by using the calculated shift
factor (Fig. 4).
End-of-life criteria have been at first set at 50% of compression
set, classical value for this property, allowing to predict a critical
lifetime for the physical ageing of the material. In fact, tests on
actual busbar demonstrated that insulation is still guaranteed even
for compression set values over 60%, but ageing models have to
be built based on severe criteria to ensure a safety factor. Theses
curves also permitted to set up the ageing parameters of the
complete busbar, mainly the ageing temperature and the ageing
Insulating material has demonstrated high performance of
compression set behaviour and ageing resistance for various
temperatures included in customers’ needs. Fig. 5 Example of Arrhenius extrapolation of elongation at break data

CIRED, Open Access Proc. J., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 1, pp. 325–328
This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons 327
Attribution License (
parameters (shape of the parts, the temperature variations, the
electrical fields, the moulding process influence etc.) and have to
be realised to assess a lifetime of the component.
The ageing process of the material is obtained during the high
temperature phase but most of the dielectric failures are revealed
during the cold phase of the cycle, or the transition, because of a
loss of elasticity and compression of the elastomer (Fig. 6). The
ageing voltage is defined by 2.5U0, and was determined in order
to get a strong partial discharge activity in defective parts, and
therefore, be able to quickly detect them.
In this study, the well-known inverse power law (Vn × t = C st) was
not used, because it was demonstrated that the root cause of busbar
failures was thermomechanical effects near the interfaces yielding to
a strong partial discharge activity, and not pure electrical field effects
in the solid insulation material (busbar is designed with low and
non-critical field value in the solid material).
Ageing results under voltage on real parts allow us to provide a
Fig. 6 Example of busbar ageing conditions comparison between the ageing behaviour determined on material
samples and on real industrial moulded parts. It is a strong double
validation for the lifetime prediction. This method allows us to
6 Ageing tests on complete busbar certify the lifetime of the busbar according to the terms of use
specified to customers.
The last stage of an ageing study to validate the reliability of a busbar
is to carry out ageing tests on actual parts. Two kinds of tests have
been realised:
Thermomechanical ageing test of the busbar and monitoring of 7 Conclusion
the compression set: Ageing parameters have been selected by
referring to the TTS model and enabled to realise the tests on The validation of new technologies is a long and difficult process. In
small parts and at less ageing temperatures. Compression set addition to qualification tests, long-term ageing tests, taking into
measurements on actual busbar was at least 1.8 times better than account all different ageing phenomena, must be done. This step is
compression measured on samples. These results highlight that mandatory to check the long-term behaviour of the product or
lifetime determined on sample is critical comparing to real busbar component, and then to verify that the expected life time suits
behaviour. It also allows us to redefine the end-of-life criteria used with customers’ needs.
for the concerned ageing model.
Moreover, dielectric performance of the busbar was also checked
with regular partial discharges, power frequency and lightning
impulse tests at room temperature and at −25°C, critical 8 References
temperature for which the rubber shrinkage increases. 1 Hugoo, B.: ‘Eric Bonneville’, Green Premium, 2016, Schneider Electric eco-label
Ageing test of the busbar under voltage: During the study, it was that goes beyond compliance, p. 1
demonstrated that the dielectric failure mode of the real parts were 2 Reliability HotWire: ‘Determining reliability for complex systems, Part 2 –
not due to the electrical field presence in the material (it is not the simulation’, 2001, p. 1
3 Bonfils, J.-M.: ‘Connecting bar with flat interface’. US 7594822 B2, 2009, p. 1
root cause of the ageing process), but by a thermomechanical 4 Elsayed, E.A.: ‘Reliability engineering’ (Wiley, 1996), vol. 368–370, p. 2
ageing of the material, leading to the loss of compression in the 5 Toop, D.J.: ‘Theory of life testing and use of thermogravimetric analysis to predict
critical interfaces. However, these tests take into account all the the thermal life of wire enamels’, IEEE Trans. Electr. Insul., 1971, EI-6, (1), p. 3

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328 This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons
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