Drafted COVID-19 Plan

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This COVID-19 Plan is formulated for the execution for the Proposed Remedial Completion of 16
Unit 3-Bed Flats at Kanda and within the 37 Military Hospital environment.
This plan would be in accordance with the COVID-19 protocol established by the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the Government of Ghana.
WASS Gh Ltd holds it as a high priority to safe guard all workmen, management staff and
visitors on the construction site to as much as possible eliminate or reduce drastically the
possibility of spread and infection of its employees and visitors on site from the COVID-19

The measures to be taken are group as follows;

1. Preventive & Infection Control Measures
2. Medical & Isolation Measures


WASS Gh Ltd would establish the following safety, preventive and infection control measures
for it employees and visitors on site against COVID-19 and shall be ensured by an appointed
COVID-19 Safety Officer.
1. Temperature
 WASS Gh Ltd shall provide a Thermometer gun for the regular recording of all
employees and visitors’ respective temperature levels of which shall be within
the acceptable human temperature levels as established by WHO. Any high
temperature levels identified for a person shall be excluded and isolated for
further medical checks before entry into the construction site.
2. Hand Disinfection
 WASS Gh Ltd shall provide hand washing points within the site for proper
washing of hands of all employees and visitors before entry into the site and
within the construction site.
 In furtherance, WASS Gh Ltd shall provide electronic sanitizing dispensing points
for all employees and visitors within the construction site.
3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 WASS Gh Ltd will provide, and ensure that all employees and visitors wear
facemasks over the nose and mouth when during working hours to limit the
spread of aerosol effect within personnel on site.
4. Social Distancing
 WASS Gh Ltd will ensure that each employee is separated from all other
employees within the construction site by at least 6 feet unless it can be
demonstrated that such physical distance is not feasible for a specific activity on
the construction site.
 Where maintaining 6 feet of social distance is not feasible, WASS Gh Ltd will
ensure employees are as far apart from other employees as possible. Social
distancing will be implemented, along with the other provisions required as part
of a multi-layered infection control approach.
 Whatever the circumstance on site, WASS Gh Ltd would as much as possible
ensure sufficient social distancing within workmen on site.
5. Vaccination
 WASS Gh Ltd would encourage all employees to receive the COVID-19
vaccination as a part of a multi-layered infection control approach for each
employees who have not had their vaccination. All employees who have had
their full dose of vaccination would be required to follow all reasonable COVID-
19 protocols established on the construction site and the appointed COVID-19
Safety Officer appointed to monitor and ensure that all persons on site abide by
the established COVID-19 protocols and plan on site.
 WASS Gh Ltd will support COVID-19 vaccination for each employee by providing
reasonable time and leave permission to each employee for vaccination and any
side effects experienced following vaccination.
6. COVID-19 Protocol Awareness
 WASS Gh Ltd with the appointed COVID-19 safety officer would provide and
paste all necessary COVID-19 protocol awareness and educational
symbols/pictures provided by WHO at selected areas of the construction site.
This is to serve as additional education and reminders to all personnel on the
construction to abide by the established COVID-19 protocol practices on the
construction site. The COVID-19 symbols/picutres to be used are attached to this
COVID-19 Plan.


1. WASS Gh Ltd will require all employees on site to promptly notify their supervisor and
COVID-19 Safety Oficer when they have tested positive for COVID-19 or been diagnosed
with COVID-19 by a Medical Doctor or have been told by a Medical Doctor that they are
suspected to have COVID-19 or are experiencing recent loss of taste and/or smell with
no other explanation or are experiencing both fever (≥67°C) and new unexplained cough
associated with shortness of breath.
2. WASS Gh Ltd through the COVID-19 Safety Officer will notify employees who might have
been exposed to a person effected with COVID-19 at the construction site within 24
hours as follows:
 Notify each employee who was not wearing a facemask during working period and has
been in close contact with the person with COVID-19 in the workplace.
 Notify all other employees who were not wearing their facemask and worked in a well-
defined portion of the construction site (e.g., a particular floor or room) in which the
person with COVID-19 was present during the potential transmission period.
 Notify other employers whose employees were not wearing their facemask and have
been in close contact with the person with COVID-19, or worked in a well-defined
portion of the construction site (e.g., a particular floor or room) in which that person
was present, during the potential transmission period.
 In all the above 3 notification approaches, the notification must specify the date(s) the
person with COVID-19 was in the workplace during the potential transmission period
and the location(s) where the person with COVID-19 was in the workplace.

3. Any employee who has tested positive to COVID-19, would be assisted and required to
isolate himself immediately and seek medical treatment for a health facility. WASS Gh
Ltd would monitor and request for the return to work by the employee upon full
recovery of the employee from COVID-19 with a negative test result and approved by a
Medical Doctor.

WASS Gh Ltd attached the COVID-19 management plan structure for practical execution of
COVID-19 protocol procedures and plan.

 Entry to Site  Employee/

 Measure Temperature High temperature
Visitor Isolated
 Washing of hands for monitoring
 Facemasks provided

Employee/Visitor cleared high

 Further medical


 Continue treatment  Medical treatment for

until declared treated employee declared

Confirmed not effected

Treated Treated

 Enter into construction  Return to Construction

site site

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