Creative Technology Q1 L W1 Jamisola
Creative Technology Q1 L W1 Jamisola
Creative Technology Q1 L W1 Jamisola
We can all agree that technology has significantly impacted our lives. It affects
all facets of it. We utilize technology in our work, personal, and educational life.
Technology has also played a significant part in written and verbal communication.
More advantages than some could have ever imagined have sprung from it.
Technology has developed steadily throughout time. We can communicate in a way
that people in the past could never have imagined because of its constant changes
and advancements. If you're a student, a company owner, a public speaker, a
speechwriter, or anybody, you probably appreciate how far technology has come.
L E S S O N 1
One of the most prevalent types of tasks in college courses is the oral presentation.
To share the new information they generate, academics, professionals, and students
from all areas frequently give oral presentations in front of audiences in classrooms,
conferences, public lectures, and business meetings. As a result, developing the
ability to provide compelling presentations is essential for success in college and
other activities.
1. Aid for visual learners: When you make a PowerPoint, you provide your
audience with a visual help or component to go along with your speech.
Making a PowerPoint fits the needs of those who learn best when presented
visually, since some individuals may find it easier to retain knowledge this
3. Point of reference: A PowerPoint gives you a visual aid to focus on during your
presentation. You can aim to maintain eye contact with your audience, but you can
easily refer back to the PowerPoint as needed for notes.
2. Have a strong opening. Why ought the audience to pay attention to you?
Whether or not you anticipate a response, asking a question is an excellent
method to get their attention.
3. Define terms early. Introduce any words that the audience might not be
familiar with early in the presentation. Regaining an audience's focus is quite
challenging after they become bogged down in foreign vocabulary.
4. Finish with a bang. Choose one or two phrases that best capture the
significance of your findings. How has what you done made the world a better
7. Create effective. Take personal notes. Make sure you have readable notes.
Use an outline or other quick reminders of what you want to say instead of
writing out your full speech. Ensure that the text is readable from a distance
by making it sufficiently big.
One of the best tools for making presentations is Microsoft PowerPoint. It's a tool
that's occasionally not utilized to its full potential. Use these pointers to improve your
PowerPoint presentation if you're using it:
1. Use a large font. As a general rule, avoid text smaller than 24 point.
2. Use a clean typeface. Sans serif typefaces, such as Arial, are generally
easier to read on a screen than serif typefaces, such as Times New Roman.
3. Use bullet points, not complete sentences. What you are expressing is
outlined in the text on your slide. The audience has no incentive to listen to
you if your presentation is contained entirely on your slides. Six bulleted items
and no more than seven words for each item is the 6/7 rule, which is a widely
accepted norm.
5. Use minimal colors and fonts. A PowerPoint that works well looks
consistent. To make the presentation appear more professional, limit the
number of typefaces and colors to no more than two or three.
6. Align your objects. Make sure that everything is positioned correctly to give
your PowerPoint a more professional and organized look. Although you may
accomplish this manually, employing the features in your software allows for
more precision. For instance, pick both items and press and hold the "Shift"
key to align them. Next, click "Arrange" and pick the desired alignment type.
7. Use the appropriate chart. If you have numerical data that works well in a
graphical style, make sure you select the appropriate type of chart. Here are
some charts to consider including in your presentation.
10. Use special effects sparingly. Using animations, cool transition effects,
sounds, and other special effects is an effective way to make sure the
audience notices your slides. Unfortunately, that means that they are not
listening to what you are saying. Use special effects only when they are
necessary to make a point.
2. Speak with confidence. When you talk, you are the expert on your subject
but don't claim to know everything. Admit when you don't know the answer to
a question. Consider postponing the question to your mentor or offering to
investigate more.
3. Make eye contact with the audience. Your goal is to communicate with your
audience, and people will pay greater attention if they believe you are
speaking directly to them. Allow your gaze to settle on one individual for many
seconds before moving on to another while you talk. You don't have to
establish eye contact with everyone, but make sure you connect with
everyone in the room.
4. Avoid reading from the screen. For starters, reading from a screen prevents
you from making eye contact with your audience. Second, you put it on your
slide because you want them to read it and not because you want them to
read it.
6. Use a pointer only when necessary. Remember to turn off your laser
pointer until you need to highlight something on the screen.
8. Pause. Your presentation gains audible structure via pauses. They make
transitions clear, highlight crucial information, and provide the audience time
to go through new slides and catch up between ideas. Speakers usually
perceive pauses as considerably longer than listeners do. Practice carefully
and discreetly counting to three in between points.
9. Avoid filler words. Um, like, you know, and many others. To an audience,
these are indications that you do not know what to say; you sound
uncomfortable, so they start to feel uncomfortable as well. Speak slowly
enough that you can collect your thoughts before moving ahead. If you do not
know what to say, pause silently until you do.
10. Relax. It is hard to relax when you are nervous, but your audience will be
much more comfortable if you are too.
11. Breathe. It's acceptable to feel uneasy. All competent speakers experience
anxiety whenever they stand in front of an audience. Apart from practicing a
lot beforehand, the best strategy to manage your nervousness is to maintain
your breathing deep during your presentation.
12. Acknowledge the people who supported your research. Make sure to
express your gratitude to everyone who helped make your study feasible,
such as your research team, collaborators, mentor, and other funding and
support sources.
13. You may grow your network of contacts with people who are interested in the
same academic topics by sharing your work. Presenting may be a very
Activity 1. Directions: Make a symposium project (simple talk) that will present your
advocacy campaign. Create a slide presentation about your advocacy campaign,
and present it to your classmate for 5 minutes.
Rubrics of Presentation
ACTIVITY 2. Directions: Identify whether the statement is right or wrong. Write TRUE as
the statement; otherwise, write FALSE.
Directions: What significant learning have you gained from these lessons and
how will you apply it to your present situation?
2. Fox, P. (April, 2023). 12 PowerPoint Tips to Make Your Slides More Effective.
1. What is the title of our topic?
a. Fundamentals of dynamic computer application and interactive design
b. Fundamentals of basic parts of the computer
c. Fundamentals of Powerpoint application
d. Fundamentals of Networking and Services
2. How can we achieve an effective verbal communication which is also
sometimes called slides?
a. Verbal Presentation
b. Oral Presentation
c. Spoken Presentation
d. Impromptu Presentation
3. Which of the following benefits of a Powerpoint that can provide the audience
with visual help of component to go along with your sppech?
a. More impactful and attractive presentation
b. Point of reference
c. Aid for visual learners
d. All of the above
4. What benefit that can give visual aid to focus on during the presentation?
a. Point of reference
b. Aid for visual learners
c. More impactful and attractive presentation
5. What king of preparation when you want to create a solid transition between
each part by starting with an outline?
a. Have a strong opening
b. Define terms early’
c. Finish with a bang
d. Organize your thoughts
6. What preparation will you use when choose one or two phrases that best
capture the significance of your findings?
a. Define terms early
b. Finish with a bang
c. Have a strong opening
d. Create effectively
7. When you want to feel more at ease in front of an audience the more you
rehearse your presentation, what preparation is it?
a. Practice, practice, practice
b. Create effectively
c. Time yourself
d. Finish with a bang
8. What is the general rule in using large font?
a. Use small fonts to save more spaces
b. Use large fonts to make it readable
c. Avoid text smaller than 24
d. Use only 24 font size in all the text
9. When you want to make sure that everything is positioned correctly to give
your powerpoint a more professional and organize look belongs to?
a. Use high quality images and graphics
b. Use special effects sparingly
c. Align your objects
d. Chance the template design
10 | S D O M A S B A T E P R O V I N C E _ T L E / S T E _ G r a d e 7 _ Q 1 _ W 1
10. Which of the following Power point tips that improves the presentation and
may snap photos or utilize professional, copyright-free stock photography?
a. Use minimal colors and fonts
b. Use special effects sparingly
c. Use high-quality and graphics
d. Use clean typefaces
What are the benefits of an effective powerpoint? 3
Answer: Aid for visual learners, more impactful and attractive presentation, Point of
Give at least 4 things on preparing an effective presentation?
Answer:organize your thoughts, have a strong opening, define terms early, finish
with a bang, design powerpoint slides to introduce important information, time
yourself, create effectively, practice
Give at east 3 powerpoint tips.
Give at least 5 ways on how to present effectively.
11 | S D O M A S B A T E P R O V I N C E _ T L E / S T E _ G r a d e 7 _ Q 1 _ W 1